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Troubleshooting Log Files

The only real unique entity for logging on Cumulus Linux compared to any other Linux distribution is switchd.log, which logs the HAL (hardware abstraction layer) from hardware like the Broadcom or Mellanox Spectrum ASIC.

Read this guide on NixCraft to understand how /var/log works.

Log Description
/var/log/alternatives.log Information from update-alternatives.
/var/log/apt Information from the apt utility. For example, from apt-get install and apt-get remove.
/var/log/audit/* Information stored by the Linux audit daemon, auditd.
/var/log/autoprovision Output generated by running the zero touch provisioning script (ZTP).
/var/log/boot.log Information that is logged when the system boots.
/var/log/btmp Information about failed login attempts. Use the last command to view the btmp file. For example:
cumulus@switch:~$ last -f /var/log/btmp | more
/var/log/clagd.log Status of the clagd service.
/var/log/dpkg.log Information logged when a package is installed or removed using the dpkg command.
/var/log/frr/* FRRouting - Used to troubleshoots routing, such as an MD5 or MTU mismatch with OSPF.
/var/log/gunicorn Error and access events in Gunicorn.
/var/log/installer/* Directory containing files related to the installation of Cumulus Linux.
/var/log/lastlog Formats and prints the contents of the last login log file.
/var/log/netd.log Log file for NCLU.
/var/log/netd-history.log Log file for NCLU configuration commits.
/var/log/nginx Errors and processed requests in NGINX.
/var/log/ntpstats Logs for network configuration protocol.
/var/log/openvswitch/* ovsdb-server logs.
/var/log/ptmd Prescriptive Topology Manager (PTM) errors and information.
/var/log/switchd.log The HAL log for Cumulus Linux.
This is specific to Cumulus Linux. Any switchd crashes are logged here.
/var/log/syslog The main system log, which logs everything except auth-related messages.
The primary log; grep this file to see what problem occurred.
/var/log/wtmp Login records file.