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switchd Log Message Reference

The following table lists the log messages generated by switchd, organized by severity, then message text. These messages appear in /var/log/switchd.log.

Severity Message Text Explanation Recommended Action
CRITICAL _port_group_config_values_get: hal_list_get failed on [str] List create failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL _range_limits_get: start linux interface name buffer is NULL Invalid parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL _range_limits_get: end linux interface name buffer is NULL Invalid parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL _range_limits_get: [str]-[str] not recognized Invalid port set configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
CRITICAL _range_limits_get: port range [str] not recognized Invalid port set configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
CRITICAL _port_group_ports_set: hal_list_get failed on [str] Port set list create failed. Check QoS configuration file.
CRITICAL _port_group_name_list_get: hal_list_get failed on [str] List create failed. Check QoS configuration file.
CRITICAL _port_group_range_translate: _get_range_limits failed on [str] Invalid port set configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
CRITICAL _priority_group_config_get: hal_list_get failed on [str] Configuration list create failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL hal_list_get: list string [str] contains more elements than the maximum allowed ([int]) List capacity exceeded. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL hal_sh_datapath_file_read: could not load config file [str] Could not load the back end QoS configuration file. Check backend QoS configuration file.
CRITICAL Unable to reallocate [int] bytes of memory Memory allocation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL No backends found. No back ends found. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL License: email is longer than [int] characters Email length exceeds maximum. Modify email address.
CRITICAL License: license data is longer than [int] License data exceeds maximum. Check license.
CRITICAL License: Invalid format Invalid license format. Check license.
CRITICAL No license file. No license file found. Check license file.
CRITICAL The Cumulus Linux license appears to be invalid.
This WILL NOT affect your system operations at the moment. Future versions will enforce fully valid licenses on the system.
Please contact licensing@cumulusnetworks.com at your convenience so we can validate and assist you with this licensing issue.
Invalid license. Check license.
CRITICAL No license file. No license file found. Check license file.
CRITICAL Incomplete license. Incomplete license. Check license.
CRITICAL License is expired! License is expired. Renew license.
CRITICAL unable to get tap_name for port [uint] Port config failed: no port name. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Voluntary restart by timestamp check requested Voluntary switchd restart. None.
CRITICAL Couldn’t write ready file [str] Could not mark switchd startup complete. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Could not open [str] to record error type Could not report restart reason. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Error setting signal handlers. Signal handler initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL No license to run switchd! No switchd license is installed. Install switchd license.
CRITICAL daemon call failed with rv [int] switchd could not be daemonized. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t write pid file [str] Could not write out the process ID. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Switchd fs init failed. Failed to initialize the switchd file system. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Switchd config failed. Could not load the switchd configuration file. Check switchd configuration file.
CRITICAL Netlink init failed. Netlink initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL HAL init failed. HAL initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL NIC init failed. NC initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Port init failed. Port initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Bridges init failed. Bridges initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Bonds init failed. Bonds initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Logical networks init failed. Logical networks initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Interface list init failed. Interface list initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Switchd fs mount failed. Could not mount switchd file system. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add route [str] Failure in VRF route leak feature. This message notifies that a route entry could not be properly added to one of the software tables. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL MAC address [str] couldn’t be added to or retrieved from hash Relates to merging MAC tables. The message notifies that an entry expected in a MAC address software table is not found therein. This should never be seen. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add route [str] Add MPLS transit LSP to a software table failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL [str]: hal port list malloc failed Memory exhausted. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to [str] “Failed to add to ”. Issue happens when addition of the port to a software table fails. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add hal mroute for [str] Failed to add multicast route to a software table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to [str] “Failed to add to ”. Issue happens when addition of the port to a software table fails. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add grp [str] to mroute A multicast route for a group could not be added to a software hash table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Maximum number of bonds exceeded, max is [int] Maximum number of bonds exceeded. Reduce the number of bonds on the switch.
CRITICAL Maximum number of slaves per bond exceeded, max is [int] Maximum number of bond members per bond exceeded. Reduce the number of bond members configured for a bond.
CRITICAL rtnl slave state get failed for bond:[int] port: [int] Could not get the bond member state from Netlink. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add route [str] Failed to add route to a software table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to bridge [int] Failed to add a port to the bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to grp [str] Failed to add a port to the MDB group. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to bridge [int] Failed to add an MDB group to the bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add bridge [int] to mdb Failed to add a given bridge to MDB. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add port [str] in grp [str], bridge [int] Failed to add a port to a group for the specific bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to bridge [int] Failed to add a port to the bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add port [str] in grp [str] Failed to add a port to the MDB group. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to bridge [int] Failed to add a port to the bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add bridge [str] to mdb Failed to add a given bridge to MDB. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str] to bridge [int] Failed to add a port to the bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL arptables: Memory allocation for rules failed,malloc: [str] ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to create kernel bridge L2: Bridge hash table add failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Open of /dev/net/tun failed: [str] Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL TUNSETIFF failed: [str] Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL SIOCGIFHWADDR failed: [str] Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL SIOCSIFHWADDR failed: [str] Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL TUNSETPERSIST failed: [str] Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL TUNSETOFFLOAD failed: [str] Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t create tuntap ioctl socket. Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t get netdev flags. Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t Set netdev flags. Failed to create a net device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL [str]: rtnl_link_alloc failed for family [int] Failed to create filters. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL [str]: rtnl_neigh_alloc failed for family [int] Failed to create filters. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to blacklist interface [int] Failed to block interfaces. Check block interfaces.
CRITICAL F ailed to blacklist interface [int] Failed to block interfaces. Check block interfaces.
CRITICAL Failed to add [str], ifindex [int] to sw_intfs Failed to create interfaces. Recreate the interface.
CRITICAL Failed to delete ifindex [int] from sw_intfs Failed to create interfaces. Recreate the interface.
CRITICAL [str]: could not load interface config Syncing database failed between kernel and switchd. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL bogus filesystem path: [str] Failed to add a file in SFS (simple file system). File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Need file spec Failed to add a file in SFS (simple file system). File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL can’t replace existing directory with file: [str] Failed to add a file in SFS (simple file system). File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL filesystem already initialized Failed to initialize in SFS (simple file system). File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL filesystem hash table alloc failed Failed to allocate hash table in SFS init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL filesystem mount failed Failed to mount SFS in swtichd init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL filesystem new failed Failed to mount SFS in swtichd init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL bogus filesystem path: [str] Failed to delete filesystem in SFS. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL pthread_create failed: [str] Failed to create a thread in NIC init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL pthread_detach failed: [str] Failed to detach a thread in NIC init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL TX Ring allocation failed: [str] Failed to alloc packt buffer in NIC init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t increase netlink rbuf size: [str] Failed to init buffer size in Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t increase netlink wbuf size: [str] Failed to init buffer size in Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t allocate netlink socket. Failed to create a Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t connect netlink socket: [str] Failed to create a Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL nl_resync_route failed for cache [int]: [str] Failied to create a resync router function in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t set bufsize for manager netlink socket. Failied to reinitialize buffer size in Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL invalid cache mngrinfo. Failied to create a resync in Netlink idle callback. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL [str]: failed to close socket: [str] Failed to configure FD in Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL [str]: nl_cache_mngr_data_ready failed: [str] Failed to configure FD in Netlink socket. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t allocate netlink socket. Failed to create a socket in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t allocate netlink socket. Failed to create a socket in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t allocate manager netlink socket. Failed to create a socket in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t create cache manager: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t set bufsize for manager netlink socket. Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add link cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add link cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add route cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add mdb cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc neigh cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add mroute cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc tcqdisc cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add tcqdisc cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc tcclass cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add tcclass cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc tccls cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add tccls cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc tcact cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add tcact cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc rule cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add rule cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t add neigh cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t alloc netconf cache: [str] Failed to allocate a cache in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Couldn’t initialize genl/port interface Failed to initialize port interface in Netlink init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to create kernel bridge Failed to allocate a hash entry in bridge sync. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Port msg [str] failure: err [int] Failed to configure PORT FEC parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Port msg [str] reply failure: err [int] Failed to configure PORT FEC parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed run recvmsg_default on port socket, err [int], [str] Failed to initialize PORT receiving messages. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL vlan stats send failure: err [int] Failed to configure status in VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL mroute hitbits send failure: err [int] Failed to configure hit bit status in MCAST router. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Port send stats failure: err [int] Failed to configure status in PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Port send settings failure: err [int] Failed to configure settings in PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Port send carrier failure: err [int] Failed to configure carrier in PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL ifindex [int] already registered for port ops Failed to register interface options in PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL ifindex [int] not registered for port ops Failed to unregister interface options in PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to allocate port hash table Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to allocate port socket Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to genl connect to port socket Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to allocate port sync socket Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to genl connect to port socket Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to set genl port sync socket to non-blocking Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to resolve port ops, err [int] Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to resolve port multicast group Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to register port ops, err [int] Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to add port group membership, err [int] Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL Failed to modify port socket notify cb, err [int] Failed to initialize PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
CRITICAL [str]:[int]: [str][str]Assertion [str] failed Failed to find the function name in switchd. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR priority group [int] headroom count [int] exceeds the maximum value [int] P ort headroom buffers exceed ASIC limit. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR shared buffer type [int] not recognized Invalid buffer type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR sx_api_cos_prio_to_ieeeprio_set failed: [str] IEEE priority map configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _hal_mlx_packet_2_switch: priority field [int] not supported Packet priority field not supported for source. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR priority field [int] not supported P acket priority field not supported for remark. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR cos list length [int] is longer than maximum value [int] ECN/RED configuration: list is too long. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR hash params get failed: [str] ASIC ECMP hash seed configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hash params set failed: [str] ASIC ECMP hash seed configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_sh_datapath_pfc_set: PFC configuration not supported on the CPU port CPU port does not support priority flow control. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_sh_datapath_init: datapath init failed: rv [int]: [str] Back end QoS initialization failed. Check for detailed log messages.
ERROR _priority_field_list_get: Packet priority field [str] not supported Invalid packet priority field. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _sfs_init: could not load traffic config file [str] Traffic configuration file missing or is unreadable. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _sfs_port_init: could not load traffic config file [str] Traffic configuration file missing or is unreadable. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _add_port_group: port group [str] exceeds max port group count [int] Too many port groups configured. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _add_port_group: memory allocation failed for port group [str] Memory allocation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _switch_priority_config: [str] ASIC scheduler configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _priority_map_config map function, hal port [int]: [str] ASIC priority map configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _priority_map_config enable function: [str] ASIC priority map enable configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _port_group_range_translate: invalid port list: range length is 0, id list is 0 Invalid port set configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _port_group_range_translate: failed: port list not created from range [str] to [str] Invalid port set configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR hal_datapath_init: priority field initialization expects 3 three priority fields, got [int] Invalid inputs. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_datapath_init: priority map direction initialization expects two priority map directions, got [int] Invalid inputs. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_datapath_init: DOS config failed: [str] ASIC DoS config failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _cutthrough_config: Cutthrough config failed on HAL port [int]: [str] ASIC cut-through configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR _source_priority_map_init: packet priority map size [int] is larger than array length [int] Configured priority map list is too large. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _source_priority_map_populate: packet priority map entry index [int] is larger than array length [int] Configured priority map list is too large. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _remark_priority_map_init: packet priority map entry index [int] is larger than array length [int] Configured priority map list is too large. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _remark_priority_map_populate: packet priority map entry index [int] is larger than array length [int] Configured priority map list is too large. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _priority_map_get: field index [int] is out of bounds: [int] available field entries Invalid packet priority field. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _priority_map_get: cos ID [int] is out of bounds: [int] cos ID values Invalid priority value. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR _priority_map_get: old syntax flag [int] should be less than [int] Invalid configuration syntax. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_list_get: strdup returned NULL Memory allocation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_port_pause_set: RX pause not allowed on port [int] Invalid operation for the current port configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
ERROR vlan_range_confi: incorrect format, revert to default Invalid configuration. Correct configured VLAN range.
ERROR vlan_range_confi: incorrect format, revert to default Invalid configuration. Correct configured VLAN range.
ERROR vlan_range_confi: incorrect range, revert to default Invalid configuration. Correct configured VLAN range.
ERROR vlan_range_confi: minimum range is [int], revert to default Invalid configuration. Correct configured VLAN range.
ERROR backend_enum_info_key unsupported type [uint] Invalid backend type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_init [str] enum_fn [str]: dlerror [str] No back end enum function found. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_init failed to open [str]: [str] Could not open the back end DLL. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_init unsupported type [uint] Invalid back end type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_init: backend function at offset [int] non populated: [address] Back end function pointer is not set. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Unable to setup handling of SIGHUP for log rotation: [str] Signal handler initiailzation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Couldn’t delete pid file [str], [str] Could not delete process ID file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to update VRF [str] to table id [uint]
ERROR Failed to add VRF [str] with table id [uint]
ERROR Failed to get VRF table id for index [int] VRF table ID not found for the master link. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [int] hosts were ignored due to capacity. Kernel neighbors did not fit in the hardware table. Modify neighbor configuration.
ERROR [int] routes were ignored due to total capacity. Kernel routes did not fit in the hardware table. Modify route configuration.
ERROR [int] [str] routes were ignored due to capacity. Kernel routes did not fit in the hardware table. Modify route configuration.
ERROR Ignoring VRF [str]; table id 0 is reserved for default VRF Invalid table ID for the VRF. Modify VRF configuration.
ERROR Failed to update VRF [str] to table id [uint] Failed to update the VRF table ID. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to add VRF [str] with table id [uint] Failed to add the VRF. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set type to ‘vrf’ in link filter Failed to update the Netlink cache link type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Found [int] VRF entries after sync. cleaning up. VRF entries remaining after sync operation. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Ignoring attempts to delete default route for table 0 Failed to remove the default route. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Master interface not found in nl cache for index [int] Link object not found in Netlink cache. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Maximum number of VRFs already exist. Can not add VRF for table [uint] More VRFs have been configured than the maximum number supported by the platform. Reduce the number of configured VRFs.
ERROR Failed to delete REPL route from Hash Table Failure in VRF route leak feature. This message notifies that an entry could not be properly deleted from one of the software tables. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to add route [str] Failure in VRF route leak feature. This message notifies that a route entry could not be properly added to one of the software tables. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Route [str] in HW, but not in HAL cache. Adding. Happens when HAL resync is triggered. Route discovered in hardware but it is not in the software database. No action is required as software auto-corrects.
ERROR HW route [str] doesn’t match HAL route [str]. Updating. Happens when HAL resync is triggered. Route discovered in hardware but it is not matching the software database. No action is required as software auto-corrects.
ERROR Route [str] in HAL cache, but not in HW. Deleting. Happens when HAL resync is triggered. Route discovered in software but it is not seen in the hardware. No action is required as software auto-corrects.
ERROR No parent interface for [str] The parent interface of an interface could not be derived. This is a software issue. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: sfs backing pointer is NULL FUSE file pointer is NULL. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR port sample rate string not found Port sampling rate is not set. Correct the configuration.
ERROR [str]: hal port pointer is NULL for port sample string [str] Port pointer is incorrect when port sampling is set. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR port sample rate string [str] not recognized Port sampling rate is not configured properly. Correct the configuration.
ERROR port sample interface [str] in port sample string ‘[str]’ not recognized Port sampling port-name is not configured properly. Correct the configuration.
ERROR port sample rate value not recognized in string [str] Port sampling value is not configured properly. Correct the configuration.
ERROR port sample rate value [str] does not contain a valid integer Port sampling value is not configured properly using integer values. Correct the configuration.
ERROR [int] mroutes were ignored due to total capacity. Maximum number of multicast routes exceeded. Reduce the number of multicast routres in the switch/fabric.
ERROR local_ip format in fuse node is incorrect [str] Local_IP value formatting in FUSE file is incorrect. Correct the configuration.
ERROR local_ip fuse node read failed Local_IP value formatting in FUSE file is invalid. Correct the configuration.
ERROR vxlan encap dscp action invalid VXLAN encap DSCP action in FUSE file is invalid. Correct the configuration.
ERROR vxlan encap dscp action [[str]] invalid VXLAN encap DSCP action formatting in FUSE file is invalid. Correct the configuration.
ERROR vxlan decap dscp action invalid VXLAN decap DSCP action in FUSE file is invalid. Correct the configuration.
ERROR vxlan decap dscp action invalid VXLAN decap DSCP action formatting in FUSE file is invalid. Correct the configuration.
ERROR sx_api_lag_hash_flow_params_set failed: [str] Set hash flow parameters failed in the SDK.
ERROR bond IDs exhausted Maximum number of bonds exhausted. Reduce the numbert of configured bonds.
ERROR bond_id [uint] swid [uint] lag create failed: [str] Setting a LAG port group failed in the SDK.
ERROR bond_id [uint] lag_id 0x%x port state set failed: [str] Port state could not be set to ADMIN_UP in the SDK.
ERROR bond_id [uint] lag_id 0x%x ingr_filter set failed: [str] Ingress filter set failed for specified bond_id and lag_id in the SDK.
ERROR bond_id [uint] old lag_id 0x%x not cleaned up Could not find the mapping of the bond_id with the old lag_id, hence cleanup was not successful.
ERROR lag_id 0x%x swid [uint] failed: [str] Removal of the LAG port group for the specified lag_id failed.
ERROR cannot find bond slave port [uint] During addition of a bond slave port to a bond, the slave port entry in the software tables could not be found.
ERROR ifp not found for bond_id [uint] Software entry for a bond_id could not be found in the database.
ERROR [str] member [str] add failed: [str] Adding a member to a LAG group failed in the SDK.
ERROR [str] member [str] delete failed: [str] Deleting a member in a LAG group failed in the SDK.
ERROR invalid port_storm_ctrl_type [uint] Invalid Storm-Control-Type (invalid value) detected in the software. Internal error.
ERROR unexpected duplicate bond if_key [str] Existing duplicate bond key found in the software table.
ERROR lag_id 0x%x with no corresponding bond id bond_id could not be located for the given lag_id.
ERROR [str] collector set failed for [str]: [str] Adding the specified port to the collector set for the bond failed.
ERROR [str] distributor set failed for [str]: [str] Adding the specified port to the distributor set for the bond failed.
ERROR cannot find base bond slave [str] for bond_id [int] During update of a bond, the slave port entry in the software tables could not be found.
ERROR unexpected duplicate bond interface [str] Existing duplicate bond interface found in the software table.
ERROR unexpected duplicate lag_id 0x%x Existing duplicate lag_id found in the software table.
ERROR info not found for bond_id [uint] An expected entry could not be found for a given bond_id in a software table.
ERROR [str] unexpected duplicate member [str] Duplicate entry for the specified interface found for a bond in a software table.
ERROR info not found for bond_id [uint] An expected entry could not be found for a given bond_id in a software table.
ERROR initialization failed: [str] SDK API call for tunnel initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR logical network type [uint] key [uint] not found Logical network of given type and key was not found in the software tables. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR logical network type [uint] key [uint] not found Logical network of given type and key was not found in the software tables. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create keys tunnel type [uint] and key [uint] Failed to create logical network keys of given tunnel type and interface key in the software tables. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to update the decap key for gre entry tunnel_id: Failed to update the GRE decap keys for the given tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to find the decap key for tunnel_id : (0x%x) Failed to find the GRE decap keys for the given tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to update a decap entry tunnel_id : (0x%x) Failed to update the GRE decap keys for the given tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry in gre_tunnel_key_ht GRE tunnel key table has an existing duplicate entry. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry in gre_tunnel_id_ht GRE tunnel ID table has an existing duplicate entry. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry in gre_olay_ulay_ht GRE tunnel overlay/underlay table has an existing duplicate entry. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create the hw decap key for gre entry tunnel_id: Failed to create the GRE decap keys for the given tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create a decap entry tunnel_id : (0x%x) Failed to create a decap entry in the software table for the given tunnel_id. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry in gre_decap_ht tunnel_id GRE decap table has an existing duplicate entry for the given tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create Failed to set up a tunnel between the given local and remote IP addresses. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unable to find overlay overlay info from overlay ifindex: While removing a GRE tunnel, the overlay info could not be retrieved from the software tables for the given ifindex. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create key for type [uint] Failed to create the GRE keys for the given tunnel type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to find gre entry Failed to find a logical network entry for a tunnel in the software tables during tunnel removal. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to find gre entry Failed to find a GRE decap entry for a tunnel during tunnel removal. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to open SX-API, error: [str] SDK API open failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set SDK VERBOSITY level, error: [str] Failed to set SDK VERBOSITY level. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR num_devices [uint] is invalid SDK found zero (asic) devices. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to initialize SDK ([str]) Failed to initialize SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR *** failed to configure the requested setup *** The board configuration could not be enforced. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR more devices encountered than configured [uint] More devices encountered than configured. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR duplicate device ID [uint] Found an existing duplicate device when adding a new device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid unit [uint] num_devices [uint] Internal error: given unit number is out of range. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid port [uint] num_ports [uint] Internal error: given port number is out of range. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ERROR: Fail to extract data from XML file The topology map could not be extracted from the XML file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Device ID already added A device is already added to the topology database. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Device ID [uint] NOT found in the XML file A device could not be found in the databse. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to add device [uint] to the SDK (sx_api_topo_device_set) Failed to add a device to the topology database. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to allocate memory for tree tree_info array, Memory exhausted. Restart switchd, if possible. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ERROR: Fail to add topo tree Top tree could not be added. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set topo device ready for device [uint]: [str] Could not set DEVICE_READY in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Unable to load file [str] (file not exists or corrupted ) The specified XML configuration file could not be loaded as it either does not exist or is possibly corrupted. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Unable to parse file (error #[int]: [str]) The specified XML configuration file could not be parsed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Expat error #[int] (line [int] , column [int]): [str] A parsing error encountered when parsing the configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing number of devices Error parsing the number of child devices in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing device mac address Error parsing the device MAC address in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing device MAC address Error parsing the device MAC address in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error mac cannot be 00:00:00:00:00:00 Found a device MAC address of all zeores in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed running [str] Specified system command failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing dev_number Error parsing the device number in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing device mac address Error parsing the device MAC address in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing device MAC address Error parsing the device MAC address in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing number of physical ports value Error parsing the number of PHY ports in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Invalid number of physical ports [uint] Found zero or more than the allowed maximum port numbers in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing ports list section Error parsing the port list section in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing local port number Error parsing the local port number in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing mapping mode Error parsing the mapping mode in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing label port Error parsing the label port in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing width value Error parsing the port width in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing RX lanes value , local port: [[int]] Error parsing the RX lanes value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing lanes value , local port: [[int]] Error parsing the lanes value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing lanes value, local port: [[int]] Error parsing the lanes value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing lane to module value, local port: [[int]] Error parsing the lane to module mapping value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing lane to module value , local port: [[int]] Error parsing the lane to module mapping value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing port mode value Error parsing the in the port mode value XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing port speed value Error parsing the in the port speed value XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing swid value Error parsing the swid value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error parsing autoneg value Error parsing the autoneg value in the XML configuration file. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Conflict detected in lid 0x%0x port [uint] dev_id [uint] lid already detected in a software table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR port_device_set has failed for device [uint] ([str]) Could not set a port device to the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR topo_xml_device_add failed for device [uint] ([str]) A device could not be added to a topo_xml_device database. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR mode set dev [int] port 0x%x failed: [str] Port mode could not be set to STACKING mode in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR binding dev [int] port 0x%x to swid [int] failed: [str] Binding the device and port to the swid failed in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR port_init dev [int] port 0x%x failed: [str] Specified device/port could not be initialized in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR swid set failed: [str] swid set failed in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set port 0x%x mapping: [str] Port mapping failed for the specified port in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set port 0x%x mapping: [str] Port mapping failed for the specified port in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid bridge_vlan [uint] for bridge_id [int] The specified bridge_vlan is not valid for the given bridge_id. File a ticket with Cumulus Support
ERROR vfid not set for vlan [uint] VFID is not set for the specified VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR new group check failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] The specified MAC address and VLAN already exist in a group. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR old port list get failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] Could not find the existing port list for the given MAC address and VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR port delete failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] Could not delete the existing port list for the given MAC address and VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR create failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] Could not create a new multicast group for the given MAC address and VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR port add failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] Could not add a port to the port list for the given MAC address and VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid bridge_vlan [uint] for bridge_id [int] The specified bridge_vlan is not valid for the given bridge_id. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR vfid not set for vlan [uint] The specified MAC address and VLAN already exist in a group. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR group delete failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] Could not delete a multicast group for the given MAC address and VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid bridge_vlan [uint] for bridge_id [int] The specified bridge_vlan is not valid for the given bridge_id. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR vfid not set for vlan [uint] VFID is not set for the specified VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR flood_mode_get failed for swid [int] vfid [int] [str] Flood mode value could not be retrieved for the given swid/port/vfid. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unreg_mc_flood_ports fail for swid [int], vfid [int], [str] Unregistered multicast flood ports setting for given swid/port/vfid failed in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR mroute ports [int] exceeds [int] A multicast route has a larger number of ports than the RIFs on the switch. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR no container id retrieved for [str] Egress container could not be retrieved. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR route cmd [str] failed: [str] Setting multicast route in the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR router table_id [uint] vrid [int] set failed: [str] Setting a VRID for a router failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate key list size [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry found in next-hop list. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate key type [str] min_mtu [uint] fid [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry in container anchor. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate nh_list num_elems [uint] Unexpcted duplicate next-hop list in container. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for nh_list num_elems [uint]: [str] Could not create a new container for the next-hop list in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for type [str] container_id [uint] num_elems [uint]: [str] Could not free a container for the next-hop list in the SDK. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported chip type [uint] Chip type in table is not supported. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid parse depth VXLAN parsing depth setting is invalid. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ln_type [uint] ln_key [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry in logical VPN key table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ID 0x%x Unexpected duplicate entry in logical VPN ID table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported ln_type [int] or ln_key [int] Unsupported logical network type encountered. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ln_type [uint] ln_key [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry in logical network table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR lid 0x%x remote_ip [str] not found Local ID to remote_ip mapping retrieval failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate key [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry in the VPN map table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid VPN or vlan [uint] Invalid VPN/VLAN value provided for creating a VPM map entry. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry Unexpected duplicate entry in VPN decap table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid VPN Invalid VPN value provided for creating a VPN decap entry. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate key [str] type [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry in VPN next-hop table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel get failed: [str] Tunnel attribute retrieval from the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel update failed: [str] Tunnel attribute update in the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR creation failed: [str] VXLAN tunnel creation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel_id 0x%x hash set failed: [str] VXLAN UDP header src port control setting in SDK for enabling better entropy failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported type [uint] Unsupported tunnel type encountered. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate key for tunnel_id 0x%x Unexpected duplicate entry in logical VPN tunnel key table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ID for tunnel_id 0x%x Unexpected duplicate entry in logical VPN ID table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ln_type [uint] ln_key [uint] Unexpected duplicate entry in logical network table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR update failed: [str] VXLAN tunnel update failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported type [uint] Unsupported tunnel type encountered. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnnel_id 0x%x failed: [str] VXLAN tunnel destroy failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel_id 0x%x ttl [uint] failed: [str] VXLAN tunnel TTL set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed: [str] VXLAN tunnel map set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR vfid not available for vlan [uint] VFID is not set for the specified VLAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed: [str] VXLAN tunnel map set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed: [str] Tunnel decap entry could not be set. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed: [str] Tunnel decap entry could not be set. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] group_id [uint] vid [uint] failed: [str] FDB flood set for a group failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR group_id [uint] vid [uint] failed: [str] FDB flood set for a group failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR creation failed: [str] VPN device addition to the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry VPN port table has an existing duplicate entry. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR vpn_port 0x%x failed: [str] VPN device deletion from the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel encap dscp action PRESERVE is invalid PRESERVE is not a valid action. Check configuration.
ERROR tunnel_id 0x%x cos set failed: [str] COS set failed for a tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel decap dscp action SET is invalid SET is not a valid DSCP action. Check configuration.
ERROR tunnel_id 0x%x cos set failed: [str] COS set failed for a tunnel. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tunnel id not found: ln_type [uint] ln_key [uint] Specified tunnel ID was not found in the VPN table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error opening socket for grat arp [str], ifi [int]: [str] Gratuitous ARP socket could not be opened. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Error sending grat arp [str], ifi [int]: [str] Gratuitous ARP socket could not be sent. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to update table id for port [int], interface [str]/[int] table_id could not be updated for a port. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR interface not found at index [int] Interface information for a given ifindex could not be found. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to open IPv4 socket [str] IPv4 socket open failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set SO_RCVBUF [str] Socket option SO_RCVBUF set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR No source MAC address ifindex [int], [str] No source MAC address found for given ifiindex. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to open IPv6 socket [str] IPv6 socket open failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to set SO_RCVBUF [str] Socket option SO_RCVBUF set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR No source MAC address ifindex [int], [str] No source MAC address found for given ifiindex. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Adding ctx to hash table failed Adding ctx to hash table failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Getting pktinj failed Getting pktinj failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ERSPAN target is supported with the following field(s): –src-ip –dst-ip . ACL unsupported ERSPAN target. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for UDP ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Specified Match [str] not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Specified Target [str] not supported ACL unsupported target. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for ARP ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for IP ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for IPv6 ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Traffic class [hex] not supported for IP ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Range for ICMP Types i.e [hex]-[hex] not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Range for ICMP codes i.e [hex]-[hex] not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Invert flags not supported for mark_m ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR OR bitmask [hex] not supported for mark_m match ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for VLAN ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for ICMP ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR vlanid match not supported for VLAN ACL vlanid usupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR vlan prio match not supported for VLAN ACL vlan prio unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR IP, IPv6, ARP options are not supported for LOG ACL unsupported match for LOG action. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Interface [str] not supported for SPAN ACL unsupported target. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR SPAN target is supported with the following ACL unsupported SPAN target. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR ERSPAN target is supported with the following ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for ICMPv6 ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR target bitmask [hex] not supported for mark ACL unsupported verdicts continue/return/etc. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Specified Match [str] not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Specified watcher [str] not supported ACL unsupported watcher action. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Specified target [str] not supported ACL unsupported target action. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for Multiport ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for TOS ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for DSCP ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags or Limit Interface or Source not supported for addrtype ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Dest addrtypes other than IPROUTER/LOCAL not supported ACL unsupported match for addrtype. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR IP6 Fragment IDs not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR IP6 Length/Reserved or Last or More fragment Fields not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Greater/Lesser/Not equal to mode not supported for TTL field ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Greater/Lesser/Not equal mode not supported for HL field ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags not supported for match mark ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR TCP SEQ, TCP Options or IP options, UID are not supported for LOG ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR TCP SEQ, TCP Options or IP options, UID are not supported for LOG ACL unsupported match. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Inverse flags or options not supported for TCP ACL inverse match not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Interface [str] not supported for SPAN ACL unsupported target interface in SPAN rule. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR SPAN target is supported with the following " field(s): –dport swp." ACL unsupported SPAN target. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Interface [str] not supported for SPAN ACL unsupported target interface. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR SPAN target is supported with the following field(s): –dport swp. ACL unsupported SPAN target. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR resource region [uint] destroy failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for region destroy failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR resource region [uint] size [uint] create failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for TCAM region create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR unexpected duplicate key [str] ACL: Internal interface cache has duplicate. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate user: [str] key_idx [val] offset [val] ACL: Duplicate entry in interface rule hash. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR expected trap_id [uint](actual [uint]) type [uint] (actual [val]) ACL: INPUT chain trap counter get ID invalid. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for TCAM region create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] acl_id creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ACL ID create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] rules del @offset [val] num_rules [val] failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for setting region to ACL ID failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] acl_id destroy failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for unsetting region from ACL ID failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] destroy failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for region destroy failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] rules add @offset [val] num_rules [val] failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for setting rule in a region failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] failed to allocate Mark value [val] ACL: Mark value alloc failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] Mark values must be less than [val] when partial mask is in use ACL: Masked mark use limitation. Change mask match rules.
ERROR PBR: Unsupported route type ecmp PBR: Invalid ECMP route. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR PBR: Unsupported route type singe hop PBR: Invalid non-ECMP route. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] action [str] is not supported ACL: Unsupported action. Remove rule with the action.
ERROR PBR: couldn’t set default forward action for rule PBR: Default action accept couldn’t be set for PBR rules. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] offset [uint] or key_idx [uint] exceeds rule list size [uint] or descriptor size [val] ACL: Too may rules in a region. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] offset [uint] key_idx [uint] invalid key_id [uint] ACL: Invalid src/dst port/intf in rule. Remove the rule.
ERROR acl group [str] creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ACL group create failed. Check for too many ACL tables
ERROR table [str] chain [str] key handle create failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API to create a key list handle failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] key attr query failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API to get key attributes failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] key handle delete failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for key handle delete failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] offset too large ACL: Rule offset in region larger than region size. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR region set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for TCAM region create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR anv set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ACL ID create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR rules set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for rule set failed. Check if there are too many rules.
ERROR [str] malloc failed ACL: Memory resource allocation error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] too many keys in rule ACL: Too many keys used in a rule. Delete the rule.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] too many actions in rule" ACL: Too many actions in rule. Modify the rule.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] rule can match on a single output interface only ACL: Rule match limitation. Delete the rule.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] number of input interfaces ([uint]) cannot be less than number of output interfaces ([val]) ACL: Rule replication limitation. Remove the rule.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] key classification missing for [val] input bridge interface(s) ACL: Ingress/egress intf missing. Check ACL rules.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] key classification missing for [val] input interface(s) ACL: Ingress/egress port/bond missing. Check ACL rules.
ERROR analyzer set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for setting ERSPAN analyzer port failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR session [uint] [str] failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for en/dis of SPAN session failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR session [uint] edit failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ERSPAN session modify failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR session [uint] [str] lid 0x%x add failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API to set SPAN mirror source failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR session [uint] [str] lid 0x%x delete failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API to unset SPAN mirror sources failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR span init failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for SPAN engine initialization failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Unexpected duplicate session key ACL: Duplicate SPAN session key. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR session create failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for session create failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR out of SPAN/ERSPAN sessions ACL: Too many SPAN/ERSPAN session targets. Check and reduce SPAN sesions.
ERROR session [uint] analyzer delete failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for session delete failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR session [uint] destroy failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for for session destroy failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Non flow-based SPAN does not support router interface ACL: Non-flow based cannot SPAN from routed interface. Remove these SPAN rules.
ERROR Non flow-based SPAN does not support sub-interface ACL: Non-flow based cannot SPAN from routed sub-interface. Remove these SPAN rules.
ERROR unsupported session_type [uint] ACL: Mirror session has to be SPAN or ERSPAN. Remove these rules.
ERROR router interface ([str]) is not supported as SPAN dport ACL: SPAN destination cannot be router interface. Remove these rules.
ERROR unsupported chip type [uint] ACL: Wrong plaform/chip type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR policer creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API to allocate a policer resource failed. Check number of ACL rules using policers.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ID [val] ACL: Duplicate policer ID allocated. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR policer [val] delete failed [str] ACL: Mellnox internal API to delete policer resource failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tricolor conversion failed pir [uint] cir [uint] cbs [val] ebs [val] ACL: Converting tricolor policer rates to kbps failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR conversion failed mode [uint] rate [uint] burst [uint] ACL: Converting color bind policer rates to kpbs failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR counter creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for allocating a counter failed. Check number of ACL rules.
ERROR counter [uint] delete failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for counter delete failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR counter [uint] failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for counter read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR policer [val] counter failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for for policer counter read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid interface [str] ACL: Invalid interface specified in ACL rule. Check ACL rule set.
ERROR bond id [uint] not fully established ACL: Bond interface not fully up. Check bond interface configuration on local/remote ends.
ERROR unsupported interface type: [str] ACL: An ACL rule has an unsupported type of interface specified in match. Check ACL rule set for interfaces specified.
ERROR mixing PBS ports in different swids [uint] and [uint] is not allowed ACL: SPAN using policy-based switching doesn’t support target ports in different units. Change SPAN rule configuration.
ERROR unexpected duplicate PBS key with [uint] port(s) ACL: Duplicate PBS key used for SPAN. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR create failed for PBS record with [uint] port(s): [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for PBS set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR pbs_id [uint] delete failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for PBS ID delete failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] failed for pbs_id [uint]: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API for PBS ID delete failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR group [str] set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that binds an ACL group to a hardware resource like port/VLAN failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR user tokens exhausted ACL: Mellanox internal API for user token alloc failed. Check number of ACL rules.
ERROR hardware platform does not support user tokens ACL: Mellanox plaform doesn’t support user tokens. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate mark key [uint] ACL: User token duplicate allocated. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR bind [str] set failed on port 0x%x: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that binds an ACL group to a port failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR bind [str] unset failed on port 0x%x: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that unbinds an ACL group from a port failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR bind [str] cmd [uint] failed on bond 0x%x: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that un/binds an ACL group with a bond interface failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR bind [str] set failed on port 0x%x: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that binds an ACL group to a bond member failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR bind [str] cmd [uint] failed on RIF 0x[uint]: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that binds an ACL group to an L3 ingress interface failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR group set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API that sets the group of an ACL failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR range creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API to allocate an L4 port range resource failed. Check number of ranges being used in ACLs.
ERROR range delete failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox internal API to free an L4 port range resource failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for TCAM region create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] acl_id creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ACL ID create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR table [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] rules del @offset [val] num_rules [val] failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for setting region to ACL ID failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] rules del @offset [val] num_rules [val] failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for setting region to ACL ID failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] acl_id destroy failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for unsetting region from ACL ID failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR table [str] [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] destroy failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for region destroy failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR acl group [str] creation failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ACL group create failed. Check for too many ACL tables.
ERROR table [str] [str] chain [str] region [str] [str] size [uint] offset too large ACL: Rule offset in region larger than region size. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR region set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for TCAM region create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR anv set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for ACL ID create failed. Check if there are too many rules/tables.
ERROR rules set failed: [str] ACL: Mellanox API for rule set failed. Check if there are too many rules.
ERROR iACL action cannot be satisfied with eACL key ACL: Invalid dependency between ingress and egress ACLs. Check ACL rules.
ERROR eACL action cannot be satisfied with iACL key ACL: Invalid dependency between ingress and egress ACLs. Check ACL rules.
ERROR ACL can match one single output interface only ACL: Don’t support multiple out interface match. Check ACL rules.
ERROR expected trap_id [uint] (actual [uint]) type [uint] (actual [val]) ACL: INPUT chain trap counter get ID invalid. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] [str] API [str]: dlerror [str] nftables unsupported. Ignore this error message.
ERROR Memory allocation failed ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Rule with LOG must be followed by same rule with DROP An ACL rule with a LOG action must be followed by same rule with a DROP action. See ACL user documentation for more info.
ERROR Rule with LOG must be followed by same rule with DROP An ACL rule with a LOG action must be followed by same rule with a DROP action. See ACL user documentation for more info.
ERROR Rule with log watcher must be have DROP action An ACL rule with a watcher action must be followed by same rule with a DROP action. See ACL user documentation for more info.
ERROR Rule with LOG must be followed by same rule with DROP An ACL rule with a LOG action must be followed by same rule with a DROP action. See ACL user documentation for more info.
ERROR [str] not found in hal_bonds ACL: Bond interface in rule not present. Check bond configuration.
ERROR Inverse flags for SRC/DST IP, IN/OUT interface, TOS, Protocol not supported ACL inverse match flags are not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Target Verdict :[str] not supported ACL rule target verdict queue/stop/return/etc not supported. See ACL user documentation for supported targets.
ERROR Fall through target not supported ACL fall through action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Jump, target:[val] not supported ACL jump action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Module, target:[str] not supported Specified ACL action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR iptables: Invalid argument iptables rules likely empty. Check iptables rules list.
ERROR iptables:Could not open raw IPv4,socket. Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR iptables:Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_INFO: Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR iptables: Memory allocation for counters failed for size ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR iptables: Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_ENTRIES: Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR iptables: Memory allocation for rules failed for size ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Inverse flags for SRC/DST IP, IN/OUT interface, TOS, Protocol not supported ACL inverse match flags are not supported. See ACL user documentation.
ERROR Target Verdict :[str] not supported ACL rule target verdict queue/stop/return/etc not supported. See ACL user documentation for supported targets.
ERROR Fall through target not supported ACL fall through action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Jump, target:[val] not supported ACL jump action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Module, target:[str] not supported Specified ACL action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR iptables: Invalid argument iptables rules likely empty. Check iptables rules list.
ERROR ip6tables:Could not open raw IPv6,socket. Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ip6tables:Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_INFO: Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ip6tables: Memory allocation for rules failed for size ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ip6tables: Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_ENTRIES: Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR iptables: Memory allocation for rules failed for size ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR arptables:Could not open raw IPv6 socket. Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR arptables:Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_INFO: [str] Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR arptables: Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_ENTRIES: [str] Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Inverse flags for SRC/DST MAC, IN/OUT/logical interface, Protocol not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL documentation for supported matches.
ERROR logical interface in:[str] out:[str] not supported ACL unsupported match. See ACL documentation for supported matches.
ERROR Protocol field: LENGTH not supported ACL unsupported LENGTH field match for Ethernet packets. See ACL documentation for supported matches.
ERROR Policy not supported ACL unsupported ebtables action continue/return/etc. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Target verdict: [str] not supported ACL unsupported ebtables verdict. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Fall through or Jump target not supported ACL fall through/jump action not supported. See ACL documentation for supported actions.
ERROR Target verdict: [str] not supported ACL target verdict queue/stop/return/etc not supported. See ACL user documentation for supported targets.
ERROR ebtables: Invalid argument iptables rules likely empty or read from kernel failed. Check ebtables rules list or file a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ebtables:Could not open raw IPv4,socket. Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ebtables:Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_INFO: Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ebtables: Memory allocation for rules failed for size ACL out of memory resource. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ebtables: Error retrieving getsockopt SO_GET_ENTRIES: Internal socket error. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR sfs_add: [str] failed ACL: FUSE file system node creation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR MAX retries reached, stats sync acl failed - %d ACL: Kernel updation of stats failed after retries. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR sync_acl hardware installation failed Hardware offload of ACL rule set failed, typically due to TCAM resource exhaustion and/or unsupported rules. Check the ACL rule set/number of rules/user documentation.
ERROR ACL: Restore of current table failed: sync_acl hardware installation failed Hardware restore of previously installed ACL rule set failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR kernel tunnel not found for if_key [str] L2: Failed to lookup a tunnel interface. Check configuration.
ERROR [str] duplicate member [str] for bridge [int] L2: Duplicate bridge in hash table. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR tc: u32 ip: unknown match: handle: [hex] index:[int] off:[int] offmask:[hex] val:[hex] mask: [hex] TC rule harware offload unsupported. Remove TC rules.
ERROR tc: u32 ip: match parse failed: handle: [hex], index:[int], rv: [int] TC rule harware offload unsupported. Remove TC rule.
ERROR TC: [str] TC rule harware offload unsupported. Remove TC rule.
ERROR TC: sync_clss hardware installation failed TC rule harware offload unsupported. Remove TC rule.
ERROR IPRULE: sync to h/w failed in non atomic mode. IPRULE rules deleted. Please retry Failed to install ACL rules. Remove ACL rules and reinstall ACL rules.
ERROR IPRULE: event handler failed Failed to install ACL rules. Remove ACL rules and reinstall ACL rules.
ERROR TC: sync to h/w failed in non atomic mode. TC rules deleted. Please retry Failed to install ACL rules. Remove ACL rules and reinstall ACL rules.
ERROR TC: event handler failed Syncing database failed between kernel and switchd. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR sigaction failed for signal [int], [str] Failed to initialize signal handler. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Ignoring VRF [str]; table id 0 is reserved for default VRF Failed to add a new entry in the ARP table.
ERROR Unable to setup handling of SIGHUP for log rotation: [str] Failed to create a polling thread in NIC init. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR read error on fd errno [int] Failed to attach a port in NIC. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] duplicate member [str] for bridge [int] Failed to allocate a member in the kernel bridge. Please check there are no duplicate bridge members.
ERROR [str]: no context Failed to append the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: Could not append key Failed to append CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: Could not append val Failed to append CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: Could not allocate csv Failed to initialize the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: Could not allocate record Failed to initialize the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: Could not allocate context Failed to initialize the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: no context Failed to complete the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: cannot serialize Failed to complete the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR fatal recv error([str]), closing connection, rc [int] Failed to complete the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR Cannot allocate csv for msg Failed to read the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str]: Could not allocate context Failed to decode the CSV command in Prescriptive Topology Manager. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR STP mode_set failed for port [int]: [str] Failed to set spanning tree mode in port [uint], error msg [str]. Forwarding behavior would be impacted by this failure. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to set port [int] vlan_ingress_filter enable Failed to set VLAN ingress filter for port [uint], error msg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to set FDB polling interval swid [uint]: [str] Failed to set FDB polling interval for Mellanox SDK switchd id [int], error msg [str]. Failure to do this impacts MAC address learning behavior. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to set FDB notify_params swid [uint]: [str] Failed to set FDB MAC address learning notification in Mellanox SDK for switch id [uint], error msg [str]. This error impacts the capability of the switch to learn MAC address. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create trap group [uint] trap id [uint] swid [uint] group_attr.prio : [int] error: [str] Failed to create the TRAP groups in the Mellanox SDK. Traps groups are used for policing trap IDs, which are used to punt control packets to OS stack. This failure impacts packet forwarding. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to open host ifc group [uint] trap id [uint] swid [uint] error [str] Failed to retrieve the file descriptor of the current open channel to the Mellanox SDK, for ifc group [uint] trap ID [uit] swid [uint], error msg [str]. The error is not recoverable. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to obtain group [uint] FD for polling Failed to retrieve the FD for a trap group [id]. The error is not recoverable. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to define trap [uint] group [uint] swid [uint] error: [str] Failed to set trap ID [uint], trap group [uint], switch ID [uint], for user defined trap, error msg [str] . File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to set trap [uint] group [uint] swid [uint] error: [str] Failed to set trap ID [uint], trap group [uint], switch ID [uint], for user defined trap, error msg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to register trap [uint] swid [uint] error: [str] Failed to register trap ID [uint] in switch ID [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR trap_id [uint] was not installed Trap ID [uint] was not installed in the Mellanox SDK. This would impact packet forwarding from the switch ASIC to the control plane. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR trap_id [uint] was not installed Trap ID [uint] was not installed in the Mellanox SDK. This would impact packet forwarding from the switch ASIC to the control plane. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR dflt_trap_parsing_depth get failed: [str] Failed to retrieve the Mellanox Spectrum chip parsing depth from Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. Possibly the parsing depth has not been set correctly. This would impact hardware packet forwarding. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR new_depth [uint] failed: [str] Failed to set the packet parsing depth [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. This failure impacts hadrware packet forwarding. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to set trap [uint] group [uint] swid [uint] action [uint] error: [str] Failed to set trap ID [uint], trap group [uint], switch ID [uint], trap action. Failure would lead to the respective control packet not reaching the CPU. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] failed to convert trap policer attributes Failed to get the policer unit for policer group name [str]. Policer unit can be metered with unit of packets for bytes. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] failed to create policer: [str] Failed to create policer for policer group [str], error msg [str]. Failure to set policer would impact packet forwarding from hadrware data path to CPU. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] sw_rate_limiter set failed: [str] Failed to set the software rate limiter for policy group [str] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. This failure could impact rate limiting for packets forwarded to CPU. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR group [str] failed to edit policer: [str] Failed to modify policer for policer group [str], error msg [str]. Failure to set policer would impact packet forwarding from hadrware data path to CPU. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unknown trap group [uint] A trap group ID [uint] unknown to the Mellanox SDK is being used to configure the Mellanox SDK policer. This is an internal configuration error. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR group [str] failed to bind policer %" PRIu64 “: [str] Policer group [str] with policer ID [uint64] failed to bind in the Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. This error would impact policing of packets being forwarded from hardware to CPU. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR group [str] failed to unbind policer %” PRIu64 “: [str] Policer group [str] with policer ID [uint64] failed to unbind in the Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. This error would impact policing of packets being forwarded from hardware to CPU. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported type [uint] Failed to create a trap counter type as the trap counter type [uint] does not match one of the well-defined ones in the Mellanox SDK. This is an internal configuration error. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported type [uint] Failed to create a trap counter type as the trap counter type [uint] does not match one of the well-defined ones in Mellanox SDK. This is an internal configuration error. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR type [uint] failed: [str] Failed to retrieve the host IFC counter for the counter type [int] from the Mellanox SDK, error msg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unknown meter_type [uint] Incorrect policer unit [uint] used to find out the policer group meter unit. Policer unit can be metered with unit of packets for bytes. This is an internal error. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unrecognized lid [hex] Failed to retrieve the interface key from logical port id [uint]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] unexpected duplicate key [uint] Failed to add an interface [str] vport with internal VLAN ID [uint] in external VLAN vport hash table because of duplicate entry [uint]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] int_vid [uint] ext_vid [uint]: [str] Failed to create a virtual port from logical port, interface [str], internal vlan id [uint] and external vlan id[uint], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Unexpected duplicate vport_lid [hex] for [str] Failed to add vport logical interface id [uint], interface [str], in vlan vport hash table because of duplicate entry [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR delete failed for [str] int_vid [uint] ext_vid [uint]: [str] Failed to delete a virtual port from logical port, interface [str], internal vlan id [uint] and external vlan id [uint], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] vrid not found for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR delete failed for int_vid [uint] ext_vid [uint] vport_lid [hex] : [str] Failed to delete a virtual port from logical port, internal vlan id [uint], virtual port logical if [uint] and external vlan id [uint], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] vrid not found for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR port [int] ext_vlan [int] already exists port [uint] and external vlan [uint] already exists in the e2i table File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] int_vlan [int] already assigned to [str] interface [str] with internal vlan [uint] is already assigned to interface [str] in the e2i table. This is an internal configration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to get base bond for [str] Failed to get the bond interface for interface [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to add to interface ht s[str] Failed to add interface [str] to the ifp hash table because an entry already exists File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] old_int_vlan [int] inconsistent interface [str] with vlan [uint] is inconsistent in the e2i table File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] new_int_vlan [int] already assigned to [str] interface [str] with internal vlan [uint] is already assigned to interface [str] in the e2i table. This is an internal configration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR UC flood block [uint] failed for [str] vlan [uint]: [str] unicast flood block [uint] failed for interface [str] for vlan id [uint], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR learn mode [uint] failed for [str] vlan [uint]: [str] learn mode [uint] failed for interface [str] and internal vlan [uint], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR error processing bridge vlan information error processing bridge vlan information File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR bond_mbrs_vlan_port_set failed for bond: [int] failed to set vlan for bond members for bond id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported interface type: [uint] unsupported interface type [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find STG for bridge_vlan [uint] vid [uint] cannot find the spanning tree group for bridge vlan [uint] and vlan id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR flood_mode_set failed for swid [int] vid [int] Flood mode could not be set for unregistered multicast in swid [uint] vlan id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR vlans set failed for [str]: [str] setting of vlan failed for interface [str], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR qinq mode set failed for [str]: [str] failed to set qinq mode for interface [str], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR qinq mode set failed for [str]: [str] failed to set qinq mode for bond for interface [str], error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported interface type: [uint] unsupported interface type [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR bond id [uint] not fully created bond id [uint] creation is not complete File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find bridge vlan for bridge: [int] unable to find bridge vlan for the bridge id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find bond vlan for bond cannot find bond vlan for the bond File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot allocate vlan for bond interface Failed to allocate vlan for bond interface File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot allocate vlan for sub-interface Failed to allocate vlan for sub interface File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel decap entry creation failed : [str] Failed to create decapsulation entry in Mellanox SDK. Decapsulation of GRE packet woould not be operational, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel decap destroy failed : [str] Failed to delete the GRE decapsulation entry in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel curr decap entry delete failed : [str] Failed to delete the GRE decapsulation entry in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel new decap entry update failed : [str] Failed to create decapsulation entry in Mellanox SDK. Decapsulation of GRE packet woould not be operational, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to make logical gre key Failed to form the logical GRE key from the interface information provided File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to make gre decap key Failed to form the logical decap GRE key from the information provided File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to make overlay key from underlay key Failed to create overlay gre key from underlay information File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unable to find gre entry for tunnel id ([hex] Failed to find gre entry from tunnel id in the gre tunnel key hash table, using tunnel id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR duplicate entry in overlay ht : ifindex ([int] Unable to add a duplicate gre entry with ifindex [uint] in the gre overlay hash table. A duplicate config is being attempted File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to create overlay rif : ifindex : [int] tunnel type [uint] key [uint] Unable to create an overlay router interface with ifindex [uint] , tunnel type [uint] and tunel key [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel creation failed: [str] : Failed to create tunnel id for GRE in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid argument GRE update is being called with an invalid GRE information, no operation would be performed File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel ([hex]) update failed: [str] : Failed to update tunnel id [hex] for GRE in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR gre tunnel destroy failed: [str] Failed to delete tunnel id for GRE in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR loopback rif for ifindex ([int]) : [str] Failed to add the loopback router interface, interface ifindex [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ifindex ([int]) overlay rif ([int]) : [str] Failed to delete the loopback router interface, interface ifindex [uint], overlay router interface [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot allocate bridge vlan for bridge id [int] Failed to allocate bridge vlan for bridge id [uint] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR flood_mode_set failed for swid [int] vid [int] Flood mode could not be set for unregistered multicast in swid [uint] vlan id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot allocate ln_vlan [uint] for bridge_id [int] Failed to allocate vlan [uint] for bridge id [uint] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR flood_mode_set failed for swid [int] vid [int] Flood mode could not be set for unregistered multicast in swid [uint] vlan id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR vlan [uint] not yet allocated vlan [uint] does not exists for the bridge and is not allocated Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [str] bridge_id [uint] vlan [uint] port [hex] failed: [str] failed to add a unicast mac address [str] on bridge id [uint] vlan [uint] port [uint]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] bridge_id [uint] vlan [uint] port [hex] failed: [str] failed to delete a unicast mac address [str] on bridge id [uint] vlan [uint] port [uint]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR num_macs [uint] num_failed_macs [uint] delete failed: [str] failed to delete a number [uint] of unicast mac address, error msg [str]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR num_macs [uint] learn set failed: [str] failed to add [uint] unicast mac addressess, error msg [str]. This could be because of resource exhaustion File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR num_macs [uint] delete failed: [str] failed to delete a number [uint] of unicast mac address, error message [str]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR age_time set failed [str] on swid [uint] Failed to set fdb ageing time. This would cause the mac addresses in FDB not to age mac address File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find vlan for brmac [str] vfid [uint] vlan [uint] does not exists for the bridge and so could not find the vlan for bridge mac address Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR vfid not set for vlan [uint] failed to return a translated vlan id for vlan [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR num_macs [uint] delete failed: [str] failed to delete a number [uint] of unicast mac address, error msg [str]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR bridge_vlan [uint] expected swid [uint] but found [uint] bridge vlan id [uint] expected switchd id [uint] for the vlan is [uint] switch id Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR num_macs [uint] delete failed: [str] failed to delete a number [uint] of unicast mac address, error msg [str]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR bridge_vlan [uint] expected swid [uint] but found [uint] bridge vlan id [uint] expected switchd id [uint] for the vlan is [uint] switch id Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR get failed: [str] Failed to get fdb unicast mac address from Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR num_macs [uint] delete failed: [str] failed to delete a unicast mac address [str] on bridge id [uint] vlan [uint] port [uint]. This could be an internal error or could be because of configuration error File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR internal vlans exhausted total number of internal vlan has exhausted. No morevlans could be addded Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR identity map failed for vlan [uint]: [str] Failed to map the forwarding id to the vlan id [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR learn mode_failed for vlan [uint]: [str] failed to set the learning mode for vlan id [uint], error message [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to get members for vlan [uint]: [str] Failed to get member port for vlan [uint], error message [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR vlan [uint] is not an L3 vlan vlan [uint] entry is not representing a l3 interface Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR unsupported interface type: [uint] unsupported interface type [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [hex] int_vlan [uint] failed: [str] failed to set the internal vlan [uint] for the logical port id [uint], error msg [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [hex] pvid [uint] failed: [str] failed to set the logical interface [uint] to van id [uint], error msg [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [hex] int_vlan [uint] failed: [str] failed to unset the internal vlan [uint] for the logical port id [uint], error msg [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [hex] revert pvid: [str] failed to delete the logical interface [uint] to vlan id [uint], error msg [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR unsupported interface type: [uint] unsupported interface type [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported interface type: [uint] unsupported interface type [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for lid [hex] int_vlan [uint] STG [uint]: [str] Failed to set the spanning tree group for logical interface [uint], internal vlan [uint] spanning tree group [uint], error msg [%s] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unsupported if_type [uint] unsupported interface type [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR port [str] not established port interface [str] has not been established yet File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for [str] lid [hex]: [str] Failed to set the port, logical id [uint], interface [str], to accept the frame type, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR list allocation failed failed to allocate memory for the ports File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR STGs exhausted Total number of spanning tree group has exhausetd. please consult configuration manual Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR MSTP instance set failed for STG [int]: [str] Failed to set the MSTP instance for the spanning tree group [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR failed to delete STG [uint]: [str] Failed to delete the MSTP instance for the spanning tree group [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR failed to add vlan [int] to STG [int]: [str] Failed to add vlan [uint] to spanning tree group [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to remove vlan [int] from STG [int]: [str] Failed to delete vlan [uint] to spanning tree group [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR vlan [uint] not yet created vlan [uint] does not exist and is not allocated Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR STG [int] not yet created spanning tree group id [uint] is not created File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Duplicate vfid [uint] Failed to add virtual forwarding id [uint] in hash table because of a duplicate entry File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR fdb_uc_mac_addr_get failed: [str] Failed to get fdb unicast mac address from Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to allocate mac_list Failed to allocate mac address list Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR init set failed: [str] Initilizition of router module in Mellanox SDK failed. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR hash params set failed: [str] Initilizition of router ecmp hash module in Mellanox SDK failed. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR router #[uint] set failed: [str] Initilizition of virtual router id [uint] failed, because of error [str] in Mellanox SDK. Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [str] failed cmd [str] vlan [uint] mac [str] fwd_state [str]: [str] Routed interface description [str] failed to add/update/delete [str] with vlan [uint] mac [str] forwarding state [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [str] cmd [str] failed for vlan [uint] mac [str]: [str] Routed interface description [str] failed to add/update/delete [str] with vlan [uint] mac [str] error [str] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR failed for intf [uint]: [str] Failed to get retrieve router interface id [uint], errorstr [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for vlan [uint] intf [uint]: [str] Failed to delete interface for vlan [uint] interface id [uint] error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR neigh delete all failed for intf [uint]: [str] Deletion of all the neighbor entries for the interface id [uint] error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR interface state set failed for l3_intf_id [uint]: [str] Failed to set state for l3 interface id [uint] error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid router mac [str] check for a unicast mac address [str] failed Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR failed for l3_intf_id [int] mac [str] vlan [uint]: [str] Failed to add mac address [str] for interface id [uint] vlan [uint] error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for l3_intf_id [int] mac [str] vlan [uint]: [str] Failed to delete mac address [str] for interface id [uint] vlan [uint] error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Invalid table id: must be between [int] and [int] An Invalid vrf id is being tried to program, vrf id should be in range of vrf id [uint] - [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR calloc failed to allocate a new ECMP entry Failed to allocate a new entry for ECMP File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate SDK ecmp id [uint] (HAL ECMP id [int] Failed to add an ECMP entry id [uint] in hash table because of duplicate ECMP ID [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unable to reconstruct original route [str] Failed to construct a route [str] from a hardware entry to a hardware abstraction layer entry entry, for the purpose of updating the existing entry File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unable to obtain HW info for original route [str] Failed to retrieve a route [str] from the hardware, for the purpose of updating the existing entry File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR activity get failed: [str] Failed to check the neighbor activity information, error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR route [str] not found in hal_routes Failed to find the route [str] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate l3_intf_id [uint] Found duplicate l3 interface id [uint] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate RIF param [uint] Found duplicate l3 interface id [uint] parameters in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate l3_intf_id [uint] vlan [uint] Found duplicate l3 interface id [uint] having vlan [uint] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed for vlan [uint] l3_intf_id [uint]: [str] Failed to delete the router interface, vlan [uint] interface if [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate entry Failed to add the router interface because of duplicate entry File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR vlan not found for l3_intf_id [uint] Failed retrieve l3 interface [uint] param File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] vlan [uint] does not exist for bridge_id [int] vlan [uint] does not exists for the bridge id [uint] Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [str] no bridge exists for bridge_id [int] bridge id [uint] does not exists in the software database Check The Cumulus Linux Configuration guide
ERROR [str] cannot allocate vlan [uint] for bridge_id [int] failed to allocate bridge id [uint] for vlan id [uint] in mellaox SDK. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR interface [str] not an svi Interface [str] type is expected to be SVI, but it is not SVI File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] vrid not found for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid interface: [str] An interface check has found that the . File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR [str] vrid not found for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR neighbor set failed for netdev_rif [uint]: [str] Setting up of a neighbor failed on the netdev router interface [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR neighbor delete failed: [str] Deletion of the neighbor entry failed, error [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate: Addition of the interface to the software table failed because of an already existing interface File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to get vrid for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to get vrid for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR route_op [uint] neighbor route must have a valid netdev: route operation to add/del [uint] failed as the route does not have a valid next hop net device File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find vlan_if for next hop [str] vlan interface [str] could not be found for the next hop, as the next hop programming is being done on a vlan interface File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find parent bond info Failed to retrieve the master bond interface descriptor for port id [uint] and vlan id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR no RIF found for [str] Router interface [str] not found for neighbor File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected rif type [str] A router interface type [str] found and it is an invalid type of router interface File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR neigh_get vrid [uint] failed: [str] Failed to retrieve the neighbor from the virtual router id [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to allocate neigh_entry_list Failed to allocate memory for a list of neighbors File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR route cmd [str] failed for vrid [int]: [str] Failed operation [str] on a unicast route on vrid [uint] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR for [str] Failed to set a unicast route [str] in Mellanox SDK. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR route delete failed for [str]: [str] Failed to delete route in route [str] in the Mellanox SDK, error msg [str] File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate: Found duplicate route in software File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unknown route type [uint] Route inspected is an unknown route type [uint], unsupported by Mellanox SDK. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ECMP SDK id [uint] not found ECMP id [uint] for the route not found in the Mellanox SDK. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to get vrid for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR too many next hops [int] for hal_route [str] number of next hop [uint] exceeded the max limit for the route [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Cannot allocate an ECMP key Failed to allocate an ECMP key to program a new route. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to get vrid for table [uint] virtual router id not found in virtual id table [id] in software. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unknown route type [uint] Route inspected is an unknown route type [uint], unsupported by Mellanox SDK. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR route get failed for prefix_type [uint]: [str] Failed to retrieve a unicast route from Mellanox SDK, error reason [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR Failed to get table_id for vrid [uint] Failed to retrieve vritual router table id for virtual router id [uint]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR sx_api_router_uc_route_get_all failed: [str] Failed to retrieve a unicast route from Mellanox SDK, error reason [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR failed to allocate uc_route_entry_list Failed to allocate a list for unicast route entries. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ECMP hal_route_to_hw_ecmp_key failed Failed to retrieve a ecmp key for a route from Mellanox SDK. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unable to find gre entry for tunnel Failed to find a GRE tunnel entry. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unable to make logical gre key from if_key Failed to create a logical GRE key from the interface key. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ECMP route contains one or more unresolvable nexthops ECMP route has one or more unresolved next hop. So programming for the route is not performed. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ecmp: can’t hold the ECMP entry ECMP container NULL or invalid, so route entry programming would not be performed. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR onlink host route key setup failed Failed to create onlink host route key. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR onlink host route creation failed Failed to create onlink host route. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR sx_api_router_ecmp_clone_set failed on parent SDK ECMP ID [int]: [str] Failed to clone ecmp route to the parent ecmp File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ecmp: empty ECMP container add failed: [str] Failed to create a new and empty ecmp container with attriuts in Mellanox SDK, status msg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ecmp: ECMP [str] failed: [str] num_next_hops is [int]. Failed to (create/update) operation [str], an ecmp container, status msg [str], with number of nexthops [uint]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ECMP key Failed to add an ECMP key in ecmp key hash table, as a duplicate entry already exists. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ECMP SDK id [uint] Failed to add an ECMP id in ecmp id hash table, as a duplicate entry already exists. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ecmp_id [uint] delete failed: [str] Failed to delete a ecmp entry, ecmp id [uint], status msg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR onlink host route key setup failed. Failed to create onlink host route key File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ecmp pbr refcount: can’t hold the ECMP sdkid: [int] entry. ecmp entry not found in the software while programming entries for PBR. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR ecmp pbr refcount: can’t put the ECMP sdkid: [int] entry. ecmp entry not found in the software while programming entries for PBR. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR SDK ecmp_id [uint] failed: [str] Failed to set ecmp attributes with ecmp id [uint] in Mellanox SDK, error mesg [str]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate ECMP clone ID key Failed to add an ECMP clone id in, clone id hash table, as a duplicate entry already exists. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR onlink host route not suppported on non-Spectrum backend Onlink host route not supported on non-spectrum backend. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR onlink host route not suppported on non-Spectrum backend Onlink host route not supported on non-spectrum backend. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR unexpected duplicate: Failed to add an ECMP entry in hash table because a duplicate entry already exists. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR cannot find vlan_if for next hop [str] vlan interface [str] could not be found for the next hop, as the next hop programming is being done on a vlan interface. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR invalid rif for [str] An interface check found that routed interface [str] is invalid. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_clag_set_port_egress_mask failed in backend[[int]] for Failed to install egress mask on MLAG port. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR hal_clag_set_ln_egress_mask failed in backend[[int]] for Failed to install egress mask on VXLAN device. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
ERROR ln_key [int] anycast_ip not set MLAG anycast IP is not set. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_tc_prio_map_get hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC egress queue map configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_tc_prio_map_set logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC egress queue map configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_mlx_priority_source_trust_get HAL port [int] logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC priority source trust configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_mlx_priority_source_trust_set HAL port [int] logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC priority source trust configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_mlx_rewrite_enable_get HAL port [int] logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC priority rewrite enable configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_mlx_rewrite_enable_set HAL port [int] logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC priority rewrite enable configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_tc_mcaware_get hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC MC buffer configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_tc_mcaware_set hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC MC buffer configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_tc_prio_map_set hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC egress queue map configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING buffer pool [int] size 0 is invalid: this pool was not created Invalid buffer pool size. Check back end QoS configuration file.
WARNING Pool configuration mode [int] not recognized: defaulting to buffer units Invalid parameter. Check back end QoS configuration file.
WARNING sx_api_cos_shared_buff_pool_set for sw pool id [int] to size [int] (mode [int]) failed: [str], ASIC buffer pool configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Hardware buffer pool index [int] too large (max is [int]) Too many buffer pools for ASIC limit. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_prio_buff_map_get failed for MLX port [int]: [str] Priority group buffer map read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING switch priority [int] greater than max value [int] Invalid switch priority. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_prio_buff_map_set failed for MLX port [int]: [str] ASIC packet buffer configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING reserved buffer type [int] not recognized Invalid buffer type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING cos ID [int] larger than maximum switch priority value [int] Invalid internal switch priority value. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING profile element index [int] too large for array size [int]: [int] map entries, priority field [int] Priority profle index is too large for the array. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str] failed for MLX port 0x%x, buffer count [int]: [str] ASIC packet buffer configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_shared_buff_pool_get failed, cannot get pool size or mode : [str] ASIC buffer pool configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING pool [int] mode [int] not recognized Invalid buffer pool mode. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING MLX logical port 0x%x: cos ID [int] larger than maximum switch priority value [int] Invalid switch priority value. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING unlimited egress buffer for flow controlled switch priority [int]: unicast config may not match multicast config on some ports Possible buffer configuration conflict. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_shared_buff_pool_get failed, cannot report pool configurations: [str] ASIC buffer pool configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_pools_list_get, pool count == 0, failed: [str] Buffer pool configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_pools_list_get, pool count == [uint] failed: [str] Buffer pool configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _pool_buffer_list_get failed: [str] Buffer pool configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_shared_buff_pool_get failed, cannot report pool configurations: [str] ASIC packet buffer configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_pcpdei_to_prio_get port [int] (0x%x) returned [str] ASIC L2 priority source map get operation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_buff_type_set failed for HAL port [int]/MLX port [int]: [str] ASIC packet buffer configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_shared_buff_type_set failed for HAL port [int]/MLX port [int]: [str] ASIC packet buffer configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_pcpdei_to_prio_set port [int] logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC L2 priority source map set operation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_dscp_to_prio_get port [int] (0x%x) returned [str] ASIC L3 priority source map get operation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_dscp_to_prio_set port [int] returned [str] ASIC L3 priority source map set operation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_prio_to_pcpdei_rewrite_set hal port [int] element count [int]: returned [str] ASIC L2 priority remark map set operation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING switch priority [int] color [int] pcp [int] deci [int] failed L2 priority remark map. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_prio_to_dscp_rewrite_set hal port [int] logical_port [int] element count [int]: returned [str] ASIC L3 priority remark map set operation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING switch priority [int] color [int] dscp [int] failed L3 priority remark map. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_get logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_set (destroy) logical port 0x%x returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_get hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_set logical port 0x%x level [int] index [int] returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_get hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration read failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_set (destroy) hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_port_ets_element_set hal port [int] level [int] index [int] returned [str] ASIC scheduler configuration write failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_port_pfc_enable_set hal port [int] returned [str] ASIC priority flow control configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING switch priority [int] is not supported for MLX unit Internal switch priority not supported. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING sx_api_cos_redecn_general_param_get returned [str] ASIC ECN configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_mlx_ecn_red_set HAL port [int] min_threshold_bytes [int] is less than minimum size, using [int] bytes invalid parameter. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING hal_mlx_ecn_red_set HAL port [int] max_threshold_bytes [int] is greater than maximum size, using [int] bytes invalid parameter. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING sx_api_cos_redecn_profile_set returned [str] ASIC ECN configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_redecn_tc_enable_set returned [str] ASIC ECN configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING sx_api_cos_redecn_profle_tc_bind_set for hal port [int] flow type [int] returned [str] ASIC ECN configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_sh_datapath_file_read: egress port MC buffer percent [perc] reduced to 100.0 Invalid egress port MC buffer value. Check back end QoS configuration file.
WARNING priority group PG ID [int] is larger than the PG ID mask size [int] Invalid priority group ID value configured. Check back end QoS configuration file.
WARNING No priority group ID found for lossless traffic No priority group ID found for lossless traffic. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _queue_info_set: port_q_count_get failed for hal port [int] Could not find port queue limits. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_sh_datapath_packet_buffer_set: [str] Back end packet buffer config failed. Check for detailed log messages.
WARNING unable to set FEC parameters while autoneg is enabled Invalid operation for the current port configuration. Disable auto-negotiation on the port.
WARNING ethtool settings nwords too large: [int] Invalid parameter: using default. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _port_group_priority_map_get: arg is NULL Invalid parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _port_group_config_values_get: _port_group_find failed on [str] [str] Port group not found or created. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _port_group_set_get: [str] port set not found Port group port set not found. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING _port_pause_config: config_port_pause failed: [str] ASIC port pause configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _priority_flow_control_config: hal_port_pfc_set failed on hal port [int]: [str] ASIC priority flow control configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _config_port_packet_buffers: [str] ASIC packet buffer config failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _switch_priority_config: hal port [int]: [str] _switch_priority_config: hal port [int]: [str] File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _config_port_packet_buffers: [str] ASIC packet buffer config failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _priority_map_config: priority map direction [int] is larger then max value HAL_DATAPATH_PRIORITY_DIRECTION_MAX Invalid parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _priority_map_config: packet priority field [int] not supported Invalid packet priority field(s). Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING _hash_config: route_ecmp_max_paths_set failed: [str] ASIC ECMP configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _hash_config: hash config failed: [str] ASIC symmetric hash configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _hash_config: ecmp hash seed config faild: [str] ASIC ECMP hash configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _hash_config: hash config failed: [str] ASIC resilient hash configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _mpls_config: mpls enable config failed: [str] ASIC MPLS configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _ecn_red_config: hal_datapath_ecn_red_set failed on hal port [int]: [str] ASIC ECN/RED configuration failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _port_attribute_mark: flow control configuration conflict on hal port [int]: Flow control configuration conflict. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING hal_datapath_forwarding_profile_get: forwarding table profile path was NULL Memory allocation failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING hal_datapath_forwarding_profile_get: sfs_config_get failed for [str] Missing forwarding table profile configuration. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING hal_datapath_init: packet priority source mapping configuration failed Packet priority source map configuration failed. Check for detailed log messages.
WARNING hal_datapath_init: packet priority remark configuration failed Packet priority remark map configuration failed. Check for detailed log messages.
WARNING _config_value_read: sfs path is null Invalid parameter. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _config_value_read: sfs_config_get [str] failed Configuration parameter not found. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _config_value_read: sfs_config_get [str] returned NULL configuration Configuration value not found. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _cos_show_node_create: sfs_add failed for CoS node switchd fuse node create failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _priority_map_get: remark list has more than one packet priority value: configuring the first value Ignoring surplus remark values. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING _priority_map_list_get: [str] ASIC priority profile create failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING _switch_priority_config_values_get: scheduling algorithm [str] not recognized Invalid scheduling algorithm. Check QoS configuration file.
WARNING hal_list_get: list type [int] is not supported Invalid list type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Couldn’t read a random number [int] setting seed to [uint] No ECMP hash seed found in file. Check file or accept default random seed.
WARNING Couldn’t read a random number [int] setting seed1 to [uint] No ECMP hash seed1 found in file. Check file or accept default random seed.
WARNING Neighbor entry is not IPv4 or v6: [int]! Netlink neighbor object has invalid family. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Neighbor entry had unexpected flags [int] Netlink neighbor object has unsupported flags. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str]: route table mode [int] not supported Invalid route table ASIC mode. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str]: host table mode [int] not supported Invalid neighbor table ASIC mode. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Route [[str]] is not IPv4 or v6 or MPLS, family: [int] Netlink route object has invalid family. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Route [[str]] has unexpected flags: [int] Netlink route object has unsupported flags. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Route [[str]] has unexpected type: [int] Netlink route object has unsupported type. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Route [[str]] has unexpected tos: [int] Netlink route object has unsupported TOS value. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Route [[str]] has non-NULL src. Netlink route object has non-NULL source. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Route [[str]] has non-zero iif: [int] Netlink route object has non-NULL interface. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [int] routes exceeded [int] ecmp NHs, and were truncated. Routes exceeded per-route nexthop limit. Modify route next-hop configuration.
WARNING [int] routes reverted to non-ECMP due to NH table Total number of nexthops did not fit in hardware table. Modify route next-hop configuration.
WARNING [str]: route table mode [int] not supported Hardware route table is set to an incorrect mode. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str]: host table mode [int] not supported Hardware host table is set to an incorrect mode. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING vpn_id 0x%x for ln_type [uint] ln_key [uint] tunnel_id 0x%x invalid local_ip [str] Local IP for a tunnel is invalid. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Error removing isolated port [int] from [int]. Error: [str] Removing isolated VPN port from the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Error adding isolated port [int] to [int]. Error: [str] Adding isolated VPN port to the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Error removing isolated port [int] from [int]. Moving isolated VPN port from the SDK failed. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str]: failed to push port settings to hal. err = [int] table_id could not be set for a port. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str] not found in grp [str], bridge [int] A port not found in the given group for the specific bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING grp [str] not found in bridge [int] During deletion, an MDB group was not found for a specific bridge. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING lid 0x%x cannot be both SPAN source ACL: SPAN source and target cannot be the same. Remove the rule.
WARNING CPU not supported as mirror port ACL: Mirror target port cannot be CPU. Remove these SPAN rules.
WARNING table [str] [str] chain [str] L2 header field match not supported with IPv6 key ACL: Specified match unsupported. Remove the rule.
WARNING table [str] [str] chain [str] IP TTL not supported with MAC+IPv4 key ACL: Unsupported match. Remove the rule.
WARNING table [str] [str] chain [str] requires hardware IPv6 rule format but platform does not support MAC+IPv6 key combination ACL: Unsupported match. Remove the rule.
WARNING table [str] [str] chain [str] requires hardware IPv4 rule but platform does not support IPv4 key with ACL: Unsupported match. Remove the rule.
WARNING logical network type not supported ACL: Unsupported interface type in internal VXLAN rules. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Detected excessive moves of mac address [str] on bridge [str], last seen on [str] and [str]. L2: Too many MAC moves seen. Check network topology for loops or intrusion.
WARNING Memory allocation failed Memory exhausted. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Can’t open configuration file [str]: [int] Failed to read configuration file in SFS. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING tx failed with count [int], start %p Failed to transfer packets in NIC. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING Detected excessive moves of mac address [str] on bridge [str], Moved MAC addresses over threshold.
WARNING Unsupported command [str] Wrong FEC command. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING genl_talk returned error for ifindex [int] ([str]) Failed to read cached settings in PORT. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING new tag_state [str] mismatches with [str] for [str] int_vlan [uint] The new configured tag state [str] mismatches with the old tag state [str] for the internal VLAN [id]. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
WARNING verbosity level for SDK module [uint] not present incorrect verbosity level for the Mellanox SDK module is being configured. This is an internal error. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
WARNING legacy SX2 nexthop route type [uint] not handled. for Legacy Mellanox SX2 chip, next hop of route type [uint] not handled. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
WARNING hash_table_delete of clone parent from id_ht %p failed. Failed to delete an ECMP clone id in, clone id hash table, as a entry does not exists. File a ticket and contact Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str]: no parent for [str] Missing parent interface. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.
WARNING [str]: no parent for [str] Missing parent interface. File a ticket with Cumulus Support.