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Monitoring Interfaces and Transceivers with NVUE

NVUE enables you to check the status of an interface, and view and clear interface counters. Interface counters provide information about an interface, such as the number of packets dropped, the number of inbound and outbound packets not transmitted because of errors, and so on.

Show Interface Configuration and Statistics

To check the configuration and statistics for an interface, run the nv show interface <interface> command:

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1
                          operational        applied  pending
------------------------  -----------------  -------  -------
type                       swp                swp      
    uplink                                    off      
  enable                                      off      
    enable                                    off      
    enable                                    on       
    area                                      none     
    cost                                      auto     
    mtu-ignore                                off      
    network-type                              broadcast
    passive                                   on       
    priority                                  1        
      enable                                  off      
      enable                                  off      
      dead-interval                           40       
      hello-interval                          10       
      retransmit-interval                     5        
      transmit-delay                          1        
    enable                                    off      
    enable                                    off      
  enable                                      off      
    enable                                    off      
    forward                                   on       
    enable                                    on       
    forward                                   on       
    enable                                    on       
      enable                                  off      
      enable                                  on       
      fast-retransmit                         on       
      hop-limit                               64       
      interval                                600000   
      interval-option                         off      
      lifetime                                1800     
      managed-config                          off      
      other-config                            off      
      reachable-time                          0        
      retransmit-time                         0        
      router-preference                       medium   
    enable                                    off      
  vrf                                         default  
  auto-negotiate           off                on       
  duplex                   full               full     
  speed                    1G                 auto     
  fec                                         auto     
  mtu                      9216               9216     
  state                    up                 up       
    carrier-transitions    4                           
    in-bytes               300 Bytes                   
    in-drops               5                           
    in-errors              0                           
    in-pkts                5                           
    out-bytes              9.73 MB
    out-drops              0                           
    out-errors             0                           
    out-pkts               140188                      
  mac                      48:b0:2d:ef:52:b8           
ifindex                    3

Show Interface Counters

NVUE provides the following commands to show counters (statistics) for the interfaces on the switch.

NVUE Command
nv show interface --view counters Shows all statistics for all the interfaces configured on the switch, such as the total number of received and transmitted packets, and the number of received and transmitted dropped packets and error packets.
nv show interface <interface> counters Shows all statistics for a specific interface, such as the number of received and transmitted unicast, multicast and broadcast packets, the number of received and transmitted dropped packets and error packets, and the number of received and transmitted packets of a certain size.
nv show interface <interface> counters errors Shows the number of error packets for a specific interface, such as the number of received and transmitted packet alignment, oversize, undersize, and jabber errors.
nv show interface <interface> counters drops Shows the number of received and transmitted packet drops for a specific interface, such as ACL drops, buffer drops, queue drops, and non-queue drops.
nv show interface <interface> counters pktdist Shows the number of received and transmitted packets of a certain size for a specific interface.
nv show interface <interface> counters qos Shows QoS statistics for the specified interface. See Show Qos Counters.
nv show interface <interface> counters ptp Shows PTP statistics for a specific interface. See Show PTP Counters.

The following example shows all statistics for all the interfaces configured on the switch:

cumulus@switch$ nv show interface --view counters
Interface       MTU    RX_OK  RX_ERR  RX_DRP  RX_OVR  TX_OK  TX_ERR  TX_DRP  TX_OVR  Flg  
--------------  -----  -----  ------  ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------  -----
BLUE            65575  1      0       0       0       0      0       4       0       OmRU 
RED             65575  1      0       0       0       0      0       4       0       OmRU 
bond1           9000   718    0       0       0       1091   0       0       0       BMmRU
bond2           9000   727    0       0       0       1088   0       0       0       BMmRU
bond3           9000   722    0       0       0       1089   0       0       0       BMmRU
br_default      9216   360    0       10      0       475    0       0       0       BMRU 
eth0            1500   946    0       0       0       299    0       0       0       BMRU 
lo              65536  651    0       0       0       651    0       0       0       LRU  
mgmt            65575  283    0       0       0       0      0       4       0       OmRU 
peerlink        9216   4972   0       0       0       5028   0       0       0       BMmRU
peerlink.4094   9216   3263   0       0       0       3224   0       0       0       BMRU 
swp1            9000   721    0       0       0       1091   0       0       0       BMsRU
swp2            9000   730    0       0       0       1088   0       0       0       BMsRU
swp3            9000   725    0       0       0       1089   0       0       0       BMsRU
swp49           9216   2807   0       0       0       2691   0       0       0       BMsRU
swp50           9216   2165   0       0       0       2337   0       0       0       BMsRU
swp51           9216   685    0       0       0       690    0       0       0       BMRU 
swp52           9216   703    0       0       0       722    0       0       0       BMRU 
swp53           9216   738    0       0       0       710    0       0       0       BMRU 
swp54           9216   682    0       0       0       730    0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan10          9216   108    0       20      0       91     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan10-v0       9216   63     0       20      0       45     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan20          9216   104    0       20      0       88     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan20-v0       9216   58     0       20      0       44     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan30          9216   112    0       20      0       94     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan30-v0       9216   61     0       20      0       44     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan4024_l3     9216   1      0       0       0       82     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan4024_l3-v0  9216   0      0       0       0       36     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan4036_l3     9216   1      0       0       0       85     0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan4036_l3-v0  9216   0      0       0       0       37     0       0       0       BMRU 
vxlan48         9216   45     0       0       0       21     0       0       0       BMRU

The following example shows all statistics for swp1:

cumulus@switch$ nv show interface swp1 counters
                     operational  applied
-------------------  -----------  -------
carrier-transitions  4                   

Detailed Counters
    Counter            Receive  Transmit
    -----------------  -------  --------
    Broadcast Packets  0        0       
    Multicast Packets  0        0       
    Total Octets       0        0       
    Total Packets      0        0       
    Unicast Packets    0        0       

Drop Counters
    Counter          Receive  Transmit
    ---------------  -------  --------
    ACL Drops        0        n/a     
    Buffer Drops     0        n/a     
    Non-Queue Drops  n/a      0       
    Queue Drops      n/a      0       
    Total Drops      0        0       

Error Counters
    Counter           Receive  Transmit
    ----------------  -------  --------
    Alignment Errors  0        n/a     
    FCS Errors        0        n/a     
    Jabber Errors     0        n/a     
    Length Errors     0        n/a     
    Oversize Errors   0        n/a     
    Symbol Errors     0        n/a     
    Total Errors      0        0       
    Undersize Errors  0        n/a     

Packet Size Statistics
    Counter     Receive  Transmit
    ----------  -------  --------
    64          0        0       
    65-127      0        0       
    128-255     0        0       
    256-511     0        0       
    512-1023    0        0       
    1024-1518   0        0       
    1519-2047   0        0       
    2048-4095   0        0       
    4096-16383  0        0

Ingress Buffer Statistics
    priority-group  rx-frames  rx-buffer-discards  rx-shared-buffer-discards
    --------------  ---------  ------------------  -------------------------
    0               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    1               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    2               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    3               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    4               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    5               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    6               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    7               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes 

The following example shows error counters for swp1:

cumulus@switch$ nv show interface swp1 counters errors
Counter           Receive  Transmit
----------------  -------  --------
Alignment Errors  0        n/a     
FCS Errors        0        n/a     
Jabber Errors     0        n/a     
Length Errors     0        n/a     
Oversize Errors   0        n/a     
Symbol Errors     0        n/a     
Total Errors      0        0       
Undersize Errors  0        n/a   

  • NVUE does not show detailed statistics for logical interfaces, such as bonds, VLAN interfaces or subinterfaces. To see basic statistics for logical interfaces, run the nv show interface <interface> link stats command.
  • On NVIDIA Spectrum switches, Cumulus Linux updates physical counters to the kernel every two seconds and virtual interfaces (such as VLAN interfaces) every ten seconds. You cannot change these values. Because the update process takes a lower priority than other switchd processes, the interval might be longer when the system is under a heavy load.

AmBER PHY Health Management

To show physical layer information, such as the error counters for each lane on a port, run the nv show interface <interface> link phy-detail command. This command highlights link integrity issues.

The effective-ber in the command output represents the uncorrectable bit error rate, which is the same as uncorrected FEC errors.

cumulus@switch$ nv show interface swp1 link phy-detail 
-------------------------  -----------------
time-since-last-clear-min  324
phy-received-bits          15561574400000000
symbol-errors              0
effective-errors           0
phy-raw-errors-lane0       747567424
phy-raw-errors-lane1       215603747
phy-raw-errors-lane2       158456437
phy-raw-errors-lane3       30578923
phy-raw-errors-lane4       121708834
phy-raw-errors-lane5       29244642
phy-raw-errors-lane6       79102523
phy-raw-errors-lane7       96656135
raw-ber                    1E-7
symbol-ber                 15E-255
effective-ber              15E-255
raw-ber-lane0              3E-6
raw-ber-lane1              9E-7
raw-ber-lane2              6E-7
raw-ber-lane3              1E-7
raw-ber-lane4              5E-7
raw-ber-lane5              1E-7
raw-ber-lane6              3E-7
raw-ber-lane7              4E-7
rs-num-corr-err-bin0       757956054591
rs-num-corr-err-bin1       598244758
rs-num-corr-err-bin2       807002
rs-num-corr-err-bin3       3371
rs-num-corr-err-bin4       180
rs-num-corr-err-bin5       1
rs-num-corr-err-bin6       0
rs-num-corr-err-bin7       0
rs-num-corr-err-bin8       1
rs-num-corr-err-bin9       0
rs-num-corr-err-bin10      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin11      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin12      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin13      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin14      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin15      0

To show physical layer diagnostic information for a port, run the nv show interface <interface> link phy-diag command:

cumulus@switch$ nv show interface swp20 link phy-diag 
--------------------------------  -----------
pd-fsm-state                      0x7
eth-an-fsm-state                  0x6
phy-hst-fsm-state                 0x8
psi-fsm-state                     0x0
phy-manager-link-enabled          0x9bff0
core-to-phy-link-enabled          0x9b800
cable-proto-cap-ext               0x0
loopback-mode                     0x0
retran-mode-request               0x0
retran-mode-active                0x0
fec-mode-request                  0x1
profile-fec-in-use                0x4
pd-link-enabled                   0x80000
phy-hst-link-enabled              0x80000
eth-an-link-enabled               0x0
phy-manager-state                 0x3
eth-proto-admin                   0x0
ext-eth-proto-admin               0x0
eth-proto-capability              0x0
ext-eth-proto-capability          0x0
data-rate-oper                    0x0
an-status                         0x0
an-disable-admin                  0x0
proto-mask                        0x2
module-info-ext                   0x0
ethernet-compliance-code          0x1c
ext-ethernet-compliance-code      0x32
memory-map-rev                    0x40
linear-direct-drive               0x0
cable-breakout                    0x0
cable-rx-amp                      0x1
cable-rx-pre-emphasis             0x0
cable-rx-post-emphasis            0x0
cable-tx-equalization             0x0
cable-attenuation-53g             0x0
cable-attenuation-25g             0x0
cable-attenuation-12g             0x0
cable-attenuation-7g              0x0
cable-attenuation-5g              0x0
tx-input-freq-sync                0x0
tx-cdr-state                      0xff
rx-cdr-state                      0xff
module-fw-version                 0x2e820043
module-st                         0x3
dp-st-lane0                       0x4
dp-st-lane1                       0x4
dp-st-lane2                       0x4
dp-st-lane3                       0x4
dp-st-lane4                       0x4
dp-st-lane5                       0x4
dp-st-lane6                       0x4
dp-st-lane7                       0x4
rx-output-valid                   0x0
rx-power-type                     0x1
active-set-host-compliance-code   0x52
active-set-media-compliance-code  0x1c
error-code-response               0x0
temp-flags                        0x0
vcc-flags                         0x0
mod-fw-fault                      0x0
dp-fw-fault                       0x0
rx-los-cap                        0x0
tx-fault                          0x0
tx-los                            0x0
tx-cdr-lol                        0x0
tx-ad-eq-fault                    0x0
rx-los                            0x0
rx-cdr-lol                        0x0
rx-output-valid-change            0x0
flag-in-use                       0x0

Switches with the Spectrum 1 ASIC do not support the nv show interface <interface> link phy-detail command or the nv show interface <interface> link phy-diag command.

Clear Interface Counters

To clear counters (statistics) for all interfaces, run the nv action clear interface counters command.

cumulus@switch$ nv action clear interface counters
all interface counters cleared
Action succeeded

To clear the counters for an interface, run the nv action clear interface <interface> counters command:

cumulus@switch$ nv action clear interface swp1 counters
swp1 counters cleared
Action succeeded

The nv action clear interface <interface> counters command does not clear counters in the hardware.

Show Transceiver Information

To show the identifier, vendor name, part number, serial number, and revision for all modules, run the nv show platform transceiver command:

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show platform transceiver 
Transceiver  Identifier  Vendor name  Vendor PN         Vendor SN      Vendor revision
-----------  ----------  -----------  ----------------  -------------  --------------- 
swp1         QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1600-C001E30N  MT2039VB01185  A3 
swp10        QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1600-C001E30N  MT2211VS01792  A3 
swp11        QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1600-C001E30N  MT2211VS01792  A3 
swp12        QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1650-V00AE30   MT2122VB02220  A2 
swp13        QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1650-V00AE30   MT2122VB02220  A2 
swp14        QSFP-DD     Mellanox     MCP1660-W00AE30   MT2121VS01645  A3 
swp15        QSFP-DD     Mellanox     MCP1660-W00AE30   MT2121VS01645  A3 
swp18        QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1600-C001E30N  MT2211VS01967  A3 
swp20        QSFP28      Mellanox     MFA1A00-C003      MT2108FT02204  B2 
swp21        QSFP28      Mellanox     MFA1A00-C003      MT2108FT02204  B2 
swp22        QSFP28      Mellanox     MFA1A00-C003      MT2108FT02194  B2 
swp23        QSFP28      Mellanox     MFA1A00-C003      MT2108FT02194  B2 
swp31        QSFP28      Mellanox     MCP1600-C001E30N  MT2039VB01191  A3 

To show a detailed view of module information for all ports that includes cable length, type, and diagnostics, current status and error status, run the nv show platform transceiver details command.

To show hardware capabilities and measurement information on the module in a particular port, run the nv show platform transceiver <interface> command:

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show platform transceiver swp2
cable-type             : Active cable 
cable-length           : 3m 
supported-cable-length : 0m om1, 0m om2, 0m om3, 3m om4, 0m om5 
diagnostics-status     : Diagnostic Data Available 
status                 : plugged_enabled 
error-status           : N/A 
vendor-date-code       : 210215__ 
identifier             : QSFP28 
vendor-rev             : B2 
vendor-name            : Mellanox 
vendor-pn              : MFA1A00-C003 
vendor-sn              : MT2108FT02204 
  temperature           : 42.56 C 
  high-alarm-threshold  : 80.00 C 
  low-alarm-threshold   : -10.00 C 
  high-warning-threshold: 70.00 C 
  low-warning-threshold : 0.00 C 
  alarm                 : Off 
  voltage               : 3.2862 V 
  high-alarm-threshold  : 3.5000 V 
  low-alarm-threshold   : 3.1000 V 
  high-warning-threshold: 3.4650 V 
  low-warning-threshold : 3.1350 V 
  alarm                 : Off 
        power                 : 0.8625 mW / -0.64 dBm 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 5.40 dBm 
        low-alarm-threshold   : -13.31 dBm 
        high-warning-threshold: 2.40 dBm 
        low-warning-threshold : -10.30 dBm 
        alarm                 : Off 
        power                 : 0.8988 mW / -0.46 dBm 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 5.40 dBm 
        low-alarm-threshold   : -11.40 dBm 
        high-warning-threshold: 2.40 dBm 
        low-warning-threshold : -8.40 dBm 
        alarm                 : Off 
        current               : 6.750 mA 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 8.500 mA 
        low-alarm-threshold   : 5.492 mA 
        high-warning-threshold: 8.000 mA 
        low-warning-threshold : 6.000 mA 
        alarm                 : Off

  • The nv show platform transceiver commands show information for front panel physical ports only (for example swp1). The commands do not show information for logical ports, such as SVIs, bonds, or eth0.
  • To show information for subinterfaces; run the nv show interface <subinterface> transceiver commands.

You can also show transceiver data in a more condensed format with the nv show interface <interface> transceiver command:

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 transceiver
cable-type             : Active cable 
cable-length           : 3m 
supported-cable-length : 0m om1, 0m om2, 0m om3, 3m om4, 0m om5 
diagnostics-status     : Diagnostic Data Available 
status                 : plugged_enabled 
error-status           : N/A 
revision-compliance    : SFF-8636 Rev 2.5/2.6/2.7 
vendor-date-code       : 210215__ 
identifier             : QSFP28 
vendor-rev             : B2 
vendor-oui             : 00:02:c9 
vendor-name            : Mellanox 
vendor-pn              : MFA1A00-C003 
vendor-sn              : MT2108FT02204 
temperature            : 42.56 degrees C / 108.61 degrees F 
voltage                : 3.2888 V 
ch-1-rx-power          : 0.8625 mW / -0.64 dBm 
ch-1-tx-power          : 0.8988 mW / -0.46 dBm 
ch-1-tx-bias-current   : 6.750 mA 
ch-2-rx-power          : 0.8385 mW / -0.76 dBm 
ch-2-tx-power          : 0.9154 mW / -0.38 dBm 
ch-2-tx-bias-current   : 6.750 mA 
ch-3-rx-power          : 0.8556 mW / -0.68 dBm 
ch-3-tx-power          : 0.9537 mW / -0.21 dBm 
ch-3-tx-bias-current   : 6.750 mA 
ch-4-rx-power          : 0.8576 mW / -0.67 dBm 
ch-4-tx-power          : 0.9695 mW / -0.13 dBm 
ch-4-tx-bias-current   : 6.750 mA 

To show channel information for the module in a particular port, run the nv show platform transceiver <interface> channel command. To show specific channel information for the module in a particular port, run the nv show platform transceiver <interface> channel <channel> command.

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show platform transceiver swp25 channel 
        power                 : 0.8625 mW / -0.64 dBm 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 5.40 dBm 
        low-alarm-threshold   : -13.31 dBm 
        high-warning-threshold: 2.40 dBm 
        low-warning-threshold : -10.30 dBm 
        alarm                 : Off 
        power                 : 0.8988 mW / -0.46 dBm 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 5.40 dBm 
        low-alarm-threshold   : -11.40 dBm 
        high-warning-threshold: 2.40 dBm 
        low-warning-threshold : -8.40 dBm 
        alarm                 : Off 
        current               : 6.750 mA 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 8.500 mA 
        low-alarm-threshold   : 5.492 mA 
        high-warning-threshold: 8.000 mA 
        low-warning-threshold : 6.000 mA 
        alarm                 : Off 
        power                 : 0.8385 mW / -0.76 dBm 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 5.40 dBm 
        low-alarm-threshold   : -13.31 dBm 
        high-warning-threshold: 2.40 dBm 
        low-warning-threshold : -10.30 dBm 
        alarm                 : Off 
        power                 : 0.9154 mW / -0.38 dBm 
        high-alarm-threshold  : 5.40 dBm 
        low-alarm-threshold   : -11.40 dBm 
        high-warning-threshold: 2.40 dBm 
        low-warning-threshold : -8.40 dBm 
        alarm                 : Off

To show the thresholds for the module for a specific interface, run the nv show interface <interface> transceiver thresholds command:

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp3 transceiver thresholds
                     Ch    Value          High Alarm       High Warn        Low Warn       Low Alarm       Alt Value 
                                          Threshold        Threshold       Threshold       Threshold 
temperature          -     42.74 C         80.00 C         70.00 C         0.00 C          -10.00 C        108.94F 
voltage              -     3.2862 V        3.5000 V        3.4650 V        3.1350 V        3.1000 V 
rx-power             1     -0.64 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -10.30 dBm      -13.31 dBm      0.8625 mW 
                     2     -0.70 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -10.30 dBm      -13.31 dBm      0.8514 mW 
                     3     -0.68 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -10.30 dBm      -13.31 dBm      0.8556 mW 
                     4     -0.60 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -10.30 dBm      -13.31 dBm      0.8704 mW 
tx-power             1     -0.48 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -8.40 dBm       -11.40 dBm      0.8963 mW 
                     2     -0.38 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -8.40 dBm       -11.40 dBm      0.9154 mW 
                     3     -0.19 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -8.40 dBm       -11.40 dBm      0.9562 mW 
                     4     -0.13 dBm       5.40 dBm        2.40 dBm        -8.40 dBm       -11.40 dBm      0.9695 mW 
tx-bias-current      1     6.750 mA        8.500 mA        8.000 mA        6.000 mA        5.492 mA 
                     2     6.750 mA        8.500 mA        8.000 mA        6.000 mA        5.492 mA 
                     3     6.750 mA        8.500 mA        8.000 mA        6.000 mA        5.492 mA 
                     4     6.750 mA        8.500 mA        8.000 mA        6.000 mA        5.492 mA