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Resource Diagnostics

Cumulus Linux synchronizes routes between the kernel and the switching silicon. If the required resource pools in hardware fill up, new kernel routes can cause existing routes to move from being fully allocated to being partially allocated. To avoid this issue, monitor the routes in the hardware to keep them below the ASIC limits.

You can retrieve information about host entries, MAC entries, layer 2 and layer 3 routes, and ECMP routes that are in use.

To monitor the routes in Cumulus Linux hardware, you can use NVUE commands or the Linux cl-resource-query command.

To show both global and ACL ASIC resources, run the nv show platform asic resource command.

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show platform asic resource
    Resource Name             Count         Max        Percentage 
    ------------------                      -----      ---------
    IPv4-host-entries             4         32768      0% 
    IPv6-host-entries             4         8192       0% 
    IPv4-neighbors                4                    0% 
    IPv6-neighbors                4                    0% 
    IPv4-route-entries            22        65536      0% 
    IPv6-route-entries            21        45056      0% 
        IPv4-Routes               22                   0% 
    IPv6-Routes                   13                   0% 
    MAC-entries                   36        40960      0% 
    Total-Mcast-Routes             0        1000       0% 
    Ingress-ACL-entries            0                   0% 
    Egress-ACL-entries             0                   0% 
      Total-Routes                 43       110592     0% 
    ACL-Regions                    2        400        0% 
    ACL-18B-Rules-Key              2        3792       0% 
    ACL-36B-Rules-Key              0        1536       0% 
    ACL-54B-Rules-Key              0        1024       0% 
    ECMP-entries                   5                   0% 
    ECMP-nexthops                  8        7808       0% 
    Flow-Counters                  10       16196      0% 
       RIF-Basic-Counters          36       1000       3% 
    RIF-Enhanced-Counters          0        964        0% 
    Downstream-VNI-FID-count       0                   0% 
    Total-FID-count                3        6143       0% 
    Vport-FID-count                3                   0%
    Resource Name                         18B Rule     36B Rule     54B Rule      Rule Count 
    ----------------------------          ----------   -----------  ----------     ------ 
    Egress-ACL-ipv4-filter-table           0           0               0            0 
    Egress-ACL-mac-filter-table            0           0               0            0 
    Ingress-ACL-mac-filter-table           0           0               0            0 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv4-filter-table          0           0               0            0 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv6-filter-table          0           0               0            0 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv4-mangle-table          1           0               0            1 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv6-mangle-table          0           0               0            0 
    Egress ACL-ipv4-mangle-table           1           0               0            1 
    Egress-ACL-ipv6-mangle-table           0           0               0            0 
    Ingress-PBR-ipv4-filter-table          0           0               0            0 
    Ingress-PBR-ipv6-filter-tabl           0           0               0            0  

To show global ASIC resources on the switch in tabular format, run the nv show platform asic resource global command.

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show platform asic resource global
Resource Name                     Count   Max      Percentage 
    ------------------            -----   ----      ---------- 
    IPv4-host-entries             4       32768     0%
    IPv6-host-entries             4       8192      0% 
    IPv4-neighbors                4                 0% 
    IPv6-neighbors                4                 0% 
    IPv4-route-entries            22      65536     0% 
    IPv6-route-entries            21      45056     0% 
    IPv4-Routes                   22                0% 
    IPv6-Routes                   13                0% 
    MAC-entries                   36      40960     0% 
    Total-Mcast-Routes            0       1000      0% 
    Ingress-ACL-entries           0                 0% 
    Egress-ACL-entries            0                 0% 
    Total-Routes                  43      110592    0% 
    ACL-Regions                   2       400       0% 
    ACL-18B-Rules-Key             2       3792      0% 
    ACL-36B-Rules-Key             0       1536      0% 
    ACL-54B-Rules-Key             0       1024      0% 
    ECMP-entries                  5                 0% 
    ECMP-nexthops                 8       7808      0% 
    Flow-Counters                 10      16196     0% 
    Ingress-ACL-entries           0                 0% 
    RIF-Basic-Counters            36      1000      3% 
    RIF-Enhanced-Counters         0       964       0% 
    Downstream-VNI-FID-count      0                 0% 
    Total-FID-count               3       6143      0% 
    Vport-FID-count               3                 0%
    Dynamic-Config-DNAT-entries   0       64        0.0% 
    Dynamic-Config -SNAT-entries  0       64        0.0% 
    Dynamic-DNAT-entries          0       1024      0.0% 
    Dynamic-SNAT-entries          0       1024      0.0% 

To show only ACL ASIC resources in tabular format, run the nv show platform asic resource acl command.

cumulus@switch:~$ nv show platform asic resource acl
Resource Name                        18B Rule     36B Rule     54B Rule    Rule Count 
    ----------------------------     ----------   ----------   ----------  -------- 
    Egress-ACL-ipv4-filter-table       0          0             0          0 
    Egress-ACL-mac-filter-table        0          0             0          0 
    Ingress-ACL-mac-filter-table       0          0             0          0 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv4-filter-table      0          0             0          0 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv6-filter-table      0          0             0          0 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv4-mangle-table      1          0             0          1 
    Ingress-ACL-ipv6-mangle-table      0          0             0          0 
    Egress ACL-ipv4-mangle-table      1           0             0          1 
    Egress-ACL-ipv6-mangle-table      0           0             0          0 
    Ingress-PBR-ipv4-filter-table     0           0             0          0 
    Ingress-PBR-ipv6-filter-tabl      0           0             0          0 
    Egress-ACL-ipv6-filter-table      0           0             0          0 

The example below shows cl-resource-query results for an NVIDIA Spectrum-2 switch:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-resource-query
IPv4 host entries:                      0,   0% of maximum value  41360
IPv6 host entries:                      0,   0% of maximum value  20680
IPv4 neighbors:                         0
IPv6 neighbors:                         0
IPv4 route entries:                     0,   0% of maximum value  82720
IPv6 route entries:                    22,   0% of maximum value  74446
IPv4 Routes:                            0
IPv6 Routes:                           12
Total Routes:                          22,   0% of maximum value 157166
Unicast Adjacency entries:              0,   0% of maximum value  33087
ECMP entries:                           0,   0% of maximum value   8571
MAC entries:                           38,   0% of maximum value  57903
Total Mcast Routes:                     0,   0% of maximum value   1000
Ingress ACL entries:                    0
Egress ACL entries:                     0
ACL Regions:                            4,   1% of maximum value    400
ACL 18B Rules Key:                      1,   0% of maximum value  57476
ACL 36B Rules Key:                      0,   0% of maximum value  57475
ACL 54B Rules Key:                      0,   0% of maximum value  34485
Ingress ACL mac filter table:           0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Ingress ACL ipv4 filter table:          0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Ingress ACL ipv6 filter table:          0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Egress ACL mac filter table:            0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Egress ACL ipv4 filter table:           0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Egress ACL ipv6 filter table:           0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Ingress ACL ipv4 mangle table:          0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Ingress ACL ipv6 mangle table:          0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Ingress PBR ipv4 filter table:          0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Ingress PBR ipv6 filter table:          0    18B : 0 36B : 0 54B : 0 
Flow Counters:                          2,   0% of maximum value  39430
RIF Basic Counters:                     0,   0% of maximum value   7885
RIF Enhanced Counters:                 38,   1% of maximum value   2666
Dynamic SNAT entries:                   0,   0% of maximum value   1024
Dynamic DNAT entries:                   0,   0% of maximum value   1024
Dynamic Config SNAT entries:            0,   0% of maximum value     64
Dynamic Config DNAT entries:            0,   0% of maximum value     64

Ingress ACL and Egress ACL entries show the counts in single wide (not double-wide). For information about ACL entries, see Estimate the Number of ACL Rules.