This documentation is for the extended support release (ESR) version of Cumulus Linux. We will continue to keep this content up to date until 21 February, 2023, when ESR support ends. For more information about ESR, please read this knowledge base article.

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Resource Diagnostics Using cl-resource-query

You can use the cl-resource-query command to retrieve information about host entries, MAC entries, layer 2 and layer 3 routes, and ECMP routes that are in use. Because Cumulus Linux synchronizes routes between the kernel and the switching silicon, if the required resource pools in hardware fill up, new kernel routes can cause existing routes to move from being fully allocated to being partially allocated. To avoid this, monitor the routes in the hardware to keep them below the ASIC limits. For example, on a Broadcom Tomahawk switch, the limits are as follows:

routes: 8192 <<<< if all routes are IPv6, or 65536 if all routes are IPv4
route mask limit 64
host_routes: 73728
ecmp_nhs: 16327
ecmp_nhs_per_route: 52

This translates to approximately 314 routes with ECMP nexthops, if every route has the maximum ECMP nexthops.

To monitor the routes in Cumulus Linux hardware, use the cl-resource-query command. The results vary between switches running on different chipsets.

The example below shows cl-resource-query results for a Broadcom Tomahawk switch:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-resource-query
IPv4/IPv6 host entries:                 0,   0% of maximum value  40960
IPv4 neighbors:                         0
IPv6 neighbors:                         0
IPv4 route entries:                     4,   0% of maximum value  65536
IPv6 route entries:                     8,   0% of maximum value   8192
IPv4 Routes:                            4
IPv6 Routes:                            8
Total Routes:                          12,   0% of maximum value  65536
ECMP nexthops:                          0,   0% of maximum value  16327
MAC entries:                            1,   0% of maximum value  40960
Total Mcast Routes:                     0,   0% of maximum value  20480
Ingress ACL entries:                  195,  12% of maximum value   1536
Ingress ACL counters:                 195,  12% of maximum value   1536
Ingress ACL meters:                    21,   1% of maximum value   2048
Ingress ACL slices:                     6, 100% of maximum value      6
Egress ACL entries:                    58,  11% of maximum value    512
Egress ACL counters:                   58,   5% of maximum value   1024
Egress ACL meters:                     29,   5% of maximum value    512
Egress ACL slices:                      2, 100% of maximum value      2
Ingress ACL ipv4_mac filter table:     36,  14% of maximum value    256 (allocated: 256)
Ingress ACL ipv6 filter table:         29,  11% of maximum value    256 (allocated: 256)
Ingress ACL mirror table:               0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress ACL 8021x filter table:         0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress PBR ipv4_mac filter table:      0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress PBR ipv6 filter table:          0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress ACL ipv4_mac mangle table:      0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress ACL ipv6 mangle table:          0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Egress ACL ipv4_mac filter table:      29,  11% of maximum value    256 (allocated: 256)
Egress ACL ipv6 filter table:           0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
ACL L4 port range checkers:             2,   6% of maximum value     32

The example below shows cl-resource-query results for a Broadcom Trident II switch:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo cl-resource-query
IPv4/IPv6 host entries:                 0,   0% of maximum value  16384
IPv4 neighbors:                         0
IPv6 neighbors:                         0
IPv4 route entries:                     0,   0% of maximum value 131072
IPv6 route entries:                     1,   0% of maximum value  20480
IPv4 Routes:                            0
IPv6 Routes:                            1
Total Routes:                           1,   0% of maximum value 131072
ECMP nexthops:                          0,   0% of maximum value  16346
MAC entries:                            0,   0% of maximum value  32768
Total Mcast Routes:                     0,   0% of maximum value   8192
Ingress ACL entries:                  130,   6% of maximum value   2048
Ingress ACL counters:                  86,   4% of maximum value   2048
Ingress ACL meters:                    21,   0% of maximum value   4096
Ingress ACL slices:                     4,  66% of maximum value      6
Egress ACL entries:                    58,  11% of maximum value    512
Egress ACL counters:                   58,   5% of maximum value   1024
Egress ACL meters:                     29,   5% of maximum value    512
Egress ACL slices:                      2, 100% of maximum value      2
Ingress ACL ipv4_mac filter table:     36,   7% of maximum value    512 (allocated: 256)
Ingress ACL ipv6 filter table:         29,   3% of maximum value    768 (allocated: 512)
Ingress ACL mirror table:               0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress ACL 8021x filter table:         0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress PBR ipv4_mac filter table:      0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress PBR ipv6 filter table:          0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress ACL ipv4_mac mangle table:      0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Ingress ACL ipv6 mangle table:          0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
Egress ACL ipv4_mac filter table:      29,  11% of maximum value    256 (allocated: 256)
Egress ACL ipv6 filter table:           0,   0% of maximum value      0 (allocated: 0)
ACL L4 port range checkers:             2,   8% of maximum value     24

  • Ingress ACL and Egress ACL entries show the counts in single wide (not double-wide). For information about ACL entries, see Estimate the Number of ACL Rules.
  • On a Spectrum switch in Cumulus Linux 3.7.4, the cl-resource-query command shows the number of TCAM entries used by the different types of ACL resources.
  • Cumulus Linux 3.7.11 and later provides the net show system asic command, which is the NCLU command equivalent of cl-resource-query.

ECMP nexthops on Mellanox Spectrum Switches

On Mellanox Spectrum switches, the maximum value of ECMP nexthops shown in cl-resource-query results differ according to the Cumulus Linux release:

  • In Cumulus Linux 3.7.7 and earlier, the maximum value is 16384
  • In Cumulus Linux 3.7.8 through, the maximum value is 4101
  • In Cumulus Linux 3.7.15 and later, the maximum value is 262464

In Cumulus Linux 3.7.15, cl-resource-query results show the maximum value of ECMP nexthops as 262464. This is the theoretical maximum number of supported ECMP nexthops. However, the actual number of maximum ECMP nexthops depends on the number of nexthops in individual ECMP containers as allocated in the ASIC. The following calculation provides the maximum number of ECMP containers available on the switch:

  • Single path ECMP containers: 7808
  • 2-path ECMP containers: 3904
  • 3-4 path ECMP containers: 976 (double size containers are allocated)
  • 5-16 path ECMP containers: 488
  • 17-32 path ECMP containers: 244
  • 33-64 path ECMP containers: 122

In Cumulus Linux 3.7.x, the current value of ECMP nexthops counts only 2-path or more ECMP containers. For each programmed ECMP container, the ECMP nexthop value is incremented by a multiplication factor, which is retrieved from the /cumulus/switchd/run/route_info/ecmp_nh/max_per_route file and is derived internally as the minimum of the following two values:

  • The number of ports present on the switch.
  • The ecmp_max_paths parameter configured in the /etc/cumulus/datapath/traffic.conf file.

To retrieve all programmed ECMPs, you can issue the /usr/lib/cumulus/mlxcmd l3 ecmp_table command. The same information is populated in cl-support.