This documentation is for the extended support release (ESR) version of Cumulus Linux. We will continue to keep this content up to date until 21 February, 2023, when ESR support ends. For more information about ESR, please read this knowledge base article.

If you are using the current version of Cumulus Linux, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

Cumulus Linux 3.7 Open Source Packages

3.7.12 Open Source Software Licenses

Package Version License(s)
acl 2.2.52-2 GPL; LGPL-2
acpi 1.7-1 GPL
acpi-support-base 0.142-6 GPL; GPL-2
acpid 1:2.0.23-2 GPL; GPL-2
adduser 3.113+nmu3 GPL; GPL-2
apt GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
apt-doc GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
apt-transport-https GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
apt-utils GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
arping 2.14-1 GPL
arptables GPL
atftp 0.7.git20120829-1+deb8u1 GPL
atftpd 0.7.git20120829-1+deb8u1 GPL
auditd 1:2.4-1+b1 GPL; LGPL-2
base-files 8+deb8u11 GPL
base-passwd 3.5.37 GPL; GPL-2; PD
bash 4.3-11+deb8u2 GPL; GPL-3
bash-completion 1:2.1-4 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
bcm-sdk 6.5.14-cl3u27 Apache-2.0; Cumulus Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
bind9-host 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
binutils 2.25-5+deb8u1 GFDL; GPL; LGPL
bridge-utils 1.5-9-cl3u2 GPL; GPL-2
bsdmainutils 9.0.6 BSD
bsdutils 1:2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
btrfs-tools 4.8.1-cl3u4 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
busybox 1:1.22.0-9+deb8u4 GPL; GPL-2
bzip2 1.0.6-7+deb8u2 GPL; GPL-2
bzr 2.6.0+bzr6595-6+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
ca-certificates 20141019+deb8u4 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; MPL-2.0
cgroup-bin 0.41-6+deb8u1 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1
cgroup-tools 0.41-6+deb8u1 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1
clag 1.3.0-cl3u26 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
console-setup-linux 1.123 GPL; GPL-2; public domain
coreutils 8.23-4 GPL; GPL-3
cpio 2.11+dfsg-4.1+deb8u2 GPL; GPL-3
cron 3.0pl1-cl3u1 Artistic; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; ISC; Paul-Vixie’s-license
cumulus-archive-keyring 4-cl3u5 Cumulus Networks Proprietary
cumulus-basefiles 3.7.12 GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-chassis 0.1-cl3u4 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-hyperconverged 0.1-cl3u6 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-image 3.0-cl3u12 GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-initramfs 3.1-cl3u6 GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-net-snmp-addons 1-cl3u10 GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-platform 3.0-cl3u31 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-poe 3.0.1-cl3u19 Cumulus Proprietary ; GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-snapshot 1.0-cl3u4 GPL; GPL-2
cumulus-tools 3.7.0-cl3u13 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; Elagin; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
curl 7.38.0-4+deb8u16 BSD; BSD-3-Clause; BSD-4-Clause; curl; ISC
dash 0.5.7-4+b1 GPL
dbus 1.8.22-0+deb8u2 AFL-2.1; BSD; BSD-3-clause; BSD-3-clause-generic; Expat; g10-permissive; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; Tcl-BSDish
debconf 1.5.56+deb8u1 BSD; BSD-2-clause
debconf-i18n 1.5.56+deb8u1 BSD; BSD-2-clause
debian-archive-keyring 2017.5~deb8u1 GPL
debianutils 4.4+b1 GPL; public domain
debsums 2.0.53 GPL; GPL-2
dh-python 1.20141111-2 Expat
dialog 1.2-20140911-1 LGPL-2
diffutils 1:3.3-1+b1 GFDL; GPL
discover 2.1.2-7 GPL
discover-data 2.2013.01.11 public domain
dmeventd 2:1.02.90-2.2+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
dmidecode 2.12-3 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
dmsetup 2:1.02.90-2.2+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
dnsmasq 2.72-3+deb8u5 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3
dnsmasq-base 2.72-3+deb8u5 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3
dnsutils 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
dpkg 1.17.27 BSD; BSD-2-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; public domain; public-domain
dtach 0.8-2.1 GPL
e2fslibs 1.42.12-2+deb8u1 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2; MIT
e2fsprogs 1.42.12-2+deb8u1 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2; MIT
ebtables GPL; GPL-2
efibootmgr 0.11.0-3 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2.0+
eject 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2
etckeeper 1.15 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
ethtool 1:4.6-1-cl3u7 GPL; GPL-2
file 1:5.22+15-2+deb8u7 BSD; BSD-2-Clause-alike; BSD-2-Clause-netbsd; BSD-2-Clause-regents; MIT; MIT-Old-Style-with-legal-disclaimer-2; public domain; public-domain
findutils 4.4.2-9+b1 GFDL-1; GPL
firmware-linux-free 3.3 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3
fontconfig-config 2.11.0-6.3+deb8u1 BSD-like
fonts-dejavu-core 2.34-1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; public domain
frr 4.0+cl3u17 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
frr-doc 4.0+cl3u17 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
gcc-4.9-base 4.9.2-10+deb8u2 Artistic; GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; zlib
gdisk 0.8.10-2 LGPL-2; LGPL-2.0+
gettext-base 0.19.3-2 GFDL; GPL; LGPL
gnupg 1.4.18-7+deb8u5 GPL; GPL-3; GPL-3+ with OpenSSL exception; RFC-Reference
gpgv 1.4.18-7+deb8u5 GPL; GPL-3; GPL-3+ with OpenSSL exception; RFC-Reference
grep 2.20-4.1 GPL; GPL-3; GPL-3+
groff-base 1.22.2-8 BSD; GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-3; MIT; public domain
grub-common 2.02-cl3u3 CC-BY-SA-3.0; Expat; GPL; GPL-3+
grub-pc 2.02-cl3u3 CC-BY-SA-3.0; Expat; GPL; GPL-3+
grub-pc-bin 2.02-cl3u3 CC-BY-SA-3.0; Expat; GPL; GPL-3+
grub2-common 2.02-cl3u3 CC-BY-SA-3.0; Expat; GPL; GPL-3+
gunicorn 19.0-1+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-3; GPL-3+; MIT
gzip 1.6-4 GPL
hdparm 9.43-2 NO LICENSE FOUND
hostapd 1:2.8.0-cl3u11 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; public domain; public-domain
hostname 3.15 GPL; GPL-2
hsflowd 2.0.11-cl3u8 Adaptive
i2c-tools 3.1.1-1 GPL; GPL-2
ifupdown2 1.2.11-cl3u30 GPL; GPL-2
init 1.22 BSD; GPL; GPL-3+
init-system-helpers 1.22 BSD; GPL; GPL-3+
initramfs-tools 0.120+deb8u3 GPL; GPL-2
initscripts 2.88dsf-59 GPL; GPL-2
insserv 1.14.0-5 GPL; GPL-2
installation-report 2.58 GPL; GPL-2
iorw 3.0-cl3u4 Cumulus Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
ipmitool 1.8.14-4 BSD; BSD-3-clause
iproute 1:4.2.0-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2
iproute-doc 1:4.2.0-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2
iproute2 4.2.0-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2
iproute2-doc 4.2.0-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2
iptables 1.4.21-2-cl3u1 Artistic-2; GPL; GPL-2
iputils-ping 3:20121221-5+b2 BSD; GPL
irqbalance 1.0.6-3+deb8u1 GPL
isc-dhcp-client 4.3.1-6-cl3u14 ISC
isc-dhcp-common 4.3.1-6-cl3u14 ISC
isc-dhcp-relay 4.3.1-6-cl3u14 ISC
isc-dhcp-server 4.3.1-6-cl3u14 ISC
kbd 1.15.5-2 GPL; GPL-* ”; GPL-2”; GPL-2+; GPL-any
keyboard-configuration 1.123 GPL; GPL-2; public domain
klibc-utils 2.0.4-2 BSD; GPL; GPL-2
kmod 18-3 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
krb5-locales 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u5 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
laptop-detect 0.13.7 BSD
less 458-3 GPL; GPL-3
libacl1 2.2.52-2 GPL; LGPL-2
libapt-inst1.5 GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
libapt-pkg-doc GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
libapt-pkg4.12 GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2+
libasprintf0c2 0.19.3-2 GFDL; GPL; LGPL
libatomic1 4.9.2-10+deb8u2 Artistic; GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; zlib
libattr1 1:2.4.47-2 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libaudit-common 1:2.4-1 GPL; LGPL-2
libaudit1 1:2.4-1+b1 GPL; LGPL-2
libauparse0 1:2.4-1+b1 GPL; LGPL-2
libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libblkid1 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
libboost-system1.55.0 1.55.0+dfsg-3 Boost
libboost-thread1.55.0 1.55.0+dfsg-3 Boost
libbsd0 0.7.0-2+deb8u1 BSD; public domain
libbz2-1.0 1.0.6-7+deb8u2 GPL; GPL-2
libc-ares2 1.10.0-2+deb8u2 GPL; MIT
libc-bin 2.19-18+deb8u10 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; LGPL-2
libc6 2.19-18+deb8u10 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; LGPL-2
libcap-ng0 0.7.4-2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; LGPL-2
libcap2 1:2.24-8 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libcap2-bin 1:2.24-8 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libcdt5 2.38.0-7 Common Public License; GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-3; MIT
libcgraph6 2.38.0-7 Common Public License; GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-3; MIT
libcgroup1 0.41-6+deb8u1 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1
libcli1.9 1.9.7-1 LGPL
libcomerr2 1.42.12-2+deb8u1 MIT
libcryptsetup4 2:1.6.6-5 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libcurl3 7.38.0-4+deb8u16 BSD; BSD-3-Clause; BSD-4-Clause; curl; ISC
libcurl3-gnutls 7.38.0-4+deb8u16 BSD; BSD-3-Clause; BSD-4-Clause; curl; ISC
libdb5.3 9999-cl3u2 GPL; GPL-2
libdbus-1-3 1.8.22-0+deb8u2 AFL-2.1; BSD; BSD-3-clause; BSD-3-clause-generic; Expat; g10-permissive; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; Tcl-BSDish
libdebconfclient0 0.192 public domain
libdevmapper-event1.02.1 2:1.02.90-2.2+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.90-2.2+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libdiscover2 2.1.2-7 GPL
libdns-export100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libdpkg-perl 1.17.27 BSD; BSD-2-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; public domain; public-domain
libedit2 3.1-20140620-2 BSD
libefivar0 0.15-3 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2.0+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.0+
libestr0 0.1.9-1.1 LGPL-2
libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-2+deb8u1 BSD
libexpat1 2.1.0-6+deb8u6 BSD
libffi6 3.1-2+deb8u1 GPL
libfile-copy-recursive-perl 0.38-1 Artistic; GPL; GPL-1+
libfile-fnmatch-perl 0.02-2+b1 Artistic; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+
libfontconfig1 2.11.0-6.3+deb8u1 BSD-like
libfreetype6 2.5.2-3+deb8u4 BSD; BSD-2-Clause; BSD-3-Clause; Catharon-OSL; FTL; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GZip; OpenGroup-BSD-like
libfuse2 2.9.3-15+deb8u3 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2
libgc1c2 1:7.2d-6.4 MIT-like
libgcc1 1:4.9.2-10+deb8u2 Artistic; GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; zlib
libgcrypt20 1.6.3-2+deb8u8 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; LGPL; MIT; public domain
libgd3 2.1.0-5+deb8u13 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GAP~configure;; GD; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-2+ with Autoconf exception; HPND; MIT; WEBP; XFIG
libgdbm3 1.8.3-13.1 GPL; GPL-2
libgeoip1 1.6.2-4 LGPL-2
libglib2.0-0 2.42.1-1+deb8u3 LGPL
libgmp10 2:6.0.0+dfsg-6 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; LGPL-3
libgnutls-deb0-28; GPLv3+; LGPL; LGPL2.1; LGPL-3; nonstandard see below; The main library is licensed under GNU Lesser
libgnutls-openssl27; GPLv3+; LGPL; LGPL2.1; LGPL-3; nonstandard see below; The main library is licensed under GNU Lesser
libgpg-error0 1.17-3 GPL; GPL-2.1+; LGPL-2
libgpm2 1.20.4-6.1+b2 GPL; GPL-2
libgssapi-krb5-2 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u5 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
libhogweed2 2.7.1-5+deb8u2 GAP; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; other; public domain; public-domain
libicu52 52.1-8+deb8u7 BSD
libidn11 1.29-1+deb8u3 GAP; GFDL-1; GFDL-1.3+; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+
libirs-export91 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libisc-export95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libisccfg-export90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
libjansson4 2.7-1+deb8u1 Expat
libjbig0 2.1-3.1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libjpeg62-turbo 1:1.3.1-12+deb8u2 BSD; BSD-3; BSD-BY-LC-NE; Expat; MIT
libjs-jquery 1.7.2+dfsg-3.2+deb8u7 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
libjs-sphinxdoc 1.2.3+dfsg-1 MIT; Python
libjs-underscore 1.7.0~dfsg-1 BSD; BSD-3-clause; Expat; Expat~0-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; GPL-3+; MIT
libjson-c2 0.11-4 MIT
libk5crypto3 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u5 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
libkeyutils1 1.5.9-5+b1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+
libklibc 2.0.4-2 BSD; GPL; GPL-2
libkmod2 18-3 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libkrb5-3 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u5 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
libkrb5support0 1.12.1+dfsg-19+deb8u5 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; MIT
libldap-2.4-2 2.4.40+dfsg-1+deb8u5 ISC; MIT
liblocale-gettext-perl 1.05-8+b1 Artistic; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+
liblogging-stdlog0 1.0.4-1 BSD; BSD-2-Clause
liblognorm1 1.0.1-3 LGPL-2
libluajit-5.1-2 2.0.3+dfsg-3 MIT; MIT/X; PD; public domain
libluajit-5.1-common 2.0.3+dfsg-3 MIT; MIT/X; PD; public domain
liblvm2cmd2.02 2.02.111-2.2+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u18 ISC
liblzma5 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2+b3 Autoconf; config-h; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; noderivs; none; PD; PD-debian; permissive-fsf; permissive-nowarranty; probably-PD; public domain
liblzo2-2 2.08-1.2 GPL; GPL-2
libmagic1 1:5.22+15-2+deb8u7 BSD; BSD-2-Clause-alike; BSD-2-Clause-netbsd; BSD-2-Clause-regents; MIT; MIT-Old-Style-with-legal-disclaimer-2; public domain; public-domain
libmnl0 1.0.3-5-cl3u2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libmount1 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
libmpdec2 2.4.1-1 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libmxml1 2.6-2+deb8u1 LGPL-2
libmysqlclient18; BSD-like; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; ISC; LGPL; LGPL-2; public domain; public-domain; Python; SWsoft; zlib; zlib/libpng
libncurses5 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u3 MIT
libncursesw5 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u3 MIT
libnet1 1.1.6+dfsg-3 BSD; BSD-2; BSD-3; BSD-4; other
libnetfilter-conntrack3 1.0.4-1 GPL
libnettle4 2.7.1-5+deb8u2 GAP; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; other; public domain; public-domain
libnfnetlink0 1.0.1-3 GPL
libnftnl4 1.0.5-1-cl3u2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libnl-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnl-cli-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnl-genl-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnl-idiag-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnl-nf-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnl-route-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnl-utils 3.2.27-cl3u15 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libnuma1 2.0.10-1 GPL; LGPL
libopts25 1:5.18.4-3 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; GPL-3+.; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3+; Modified_BSD
libp11-kit0 0.20.7-1 BSD; ISC
libpam-modules 1.1.8-3.1+deb8u2+b1 BSD; GPL
libpam-modules-bin 1.1.8-3.1+deb8u2+b1 BSD; GPL
libpam-runtime 1.1.8-3.1+deb8u2 BSD; GPL
libpam-script 1.1.7-1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; GPL-3.0+
libpam0g 1.1.8-3.1+deb8u2+b1 BSD; GPL
libparted2 3.2-7 GPL; GPL-3
libpcap0.8 1.8.1-3~bpo8+1 BSD
libpci3 1:3.2.1-3 GPL
libpcre3 2:8.35-3.3+deb8u4 BSD
libperl4-corelibs-perl 0.003-1 Artistic; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+
libperl5.20 5.20.2-3+deb8u12 Artistic; Artistic-2; BSD; BSD-3-clause; BSD-3-clause-GENERIC; BSD-4-clause; BSD-4-clause-POWERDOG; BZIP; DONT-CHANGE-THE-GPL; Expat; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+; GPL-2+; GPL-3+-WITH-BISON-EXCEPTION; HSIEH-BSD; HSIEH-DERIVATIVE; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1; MIT; public domain; REGCOMP; S2P; SDBM-PUBLIC-DOMAIN; TEXT-TABS; Unicode; zlib; ZLIB
libpipeline1 1.4.0-1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+
libpng12-0 1.2.50-2+deb8u3 GPL; GPL-2
libpopt0 1.16-10 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; MIT; X-Consortium
libprocps3 2:3.3.9-9+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libprotobuf9 2.6.1-1 Apache-2; BSD; GPL; GPL-3
libpsl0 0.5.1-1 CC0; MIT; MPL-2.0
libpython-stdlib 2.7.9-1 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL; Python
libpython2.7-minimal 2.7.9-2+deb8u5 Apache-2; BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
libpython2.7-stdlib 2.7.9-2+deb8u5 Apache-2; BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
libpython3-stdlib 3.4.2-2 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL; Python
libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.2-1+deb8u7 BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.2-1+deb8u7 BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
libreadline5 5.2+dfsg-2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3
libreadline6 6.3-8+b3 GPL; GPL-3
librtmp1 2.4+20150115.gita107cef-1+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libruby2.1 2.1.5-2+deb8u8 2C-BSD; 3C-BSD; 3C-BSD-GENERIC; Artistic; BSD; Expat; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+; GPL-2; Ruby; SIL-1.1
libsasl2-2 2.1.26.dfsg1-13+deb8u2 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+
libsasl2-modules-db 2.1.26.dfsg1-13+deb8u2 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+
libselinux1 2.3-2 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2; public domain
libsemanage-common 2.3-1 GPL; LGPL
libsemanage1 2.3-1+b1 GPL; LGPL
libsensors4 1:3.3.5-2 GPL; GPL-2
libsepol1 2.3-2 GPL; LGPL
libslang2 2.3.0-2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
libsmartcols1 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
libsnapper4 0.5.0-cl3u4 GPL; GPL-2
libsnmp-base 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
libsnmp-perl 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
libsnmp35 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
libsqlite3-0 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; public domain; public-domain
libss2 1.42.12-2+deb8u1 MIT
libssh2-1 1.4.3-4.1+deb8u6 BSD
libssl1.0.0 1.0.1t-1+deb8u12 BSD; OpenSSL; SSLeay
libstdc++6 4.9.2-10+deb8u2 Artistic; GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; zlib
libsystemd0 215-17+deb8u13 Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; public domain; public-domain
libtai1 1.0.0-cl3u5 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
libtasn1-6 4.2-3+deb8u3 GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-3; LGPL; LGPL-2
libtext-charwidth-perl 0.04-7+b3 Artistic; GPL; GPL-2
libtext-iconv-perl 1.7-5+b2 Artistic; GPL; GPL-2
libtext-wrapi18n-perl 0.06-7 Artistic; GPL
libtiff5 4.0.3-12.3+deb8u10 BSD-like
libtimedate-perl 2.3000-2 Artistic; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+
libtinfo5 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u3 MIT
libudev1 215-17+deb8u13 Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; public domain; public-domain
libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-25 LGPL
libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.19-1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
libustr-1.0-1 1.0.4-3+b2 BSD; BSD-2-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; MIT
libuuid1 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
libvpx1 1.3.0-3+deb8u2 Artistic; GPL; GPL-2; public domain
libwrap0 7.6.q-25 BSD
libx11-6 2:1.6.2-3+deb8u2 MIT
libx11-data 2:1.6.2-3+deb8u2 MIT
libxau6 1:1.0.8-1 BSD
libxcb1 1.10-3+b1 BSD
libxdmcp6 1:1.1.1-1+deb8u1 MIT
libxml2 2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u8 BSD
libxml2-utils 2.9.1+dfsg1-5+deb8u8 BSD
libxpm4 1:3.5.12-0+deb8u1 BSD
libxslt1.1 1.1.28-2+deb8u6 BSD
libxtables10 1.4.21-2-cl3u1 Artistic-2; GPL; GPL-2
libyaml-0-2 0.1.6-3 Expat; permissive
linux-base 4.5~deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2
linux-image-4.1.0-cl-7-amd64 4.1.33-1+cl3u26 GPL; GPL-2; Unicode-data; Xen-interface
linux-image-amd64 4.1+63+cl3u7 GPL; GPL-2
linuxptp 1.8-cl3u4 GPL; GPL-2
lldpd 1.0.4-0-cl3u14 APSL-2; BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-2+ with Autoconf exception; ISC; permissive
lm-sensors 1:3.3.5-2 GPL; GPL-2
locales 2.19-18+deb8u10 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; LGPL-2
login 1:4.2-3+deb8u4 BSD; GPL; GPL-2
logrotate 3.8.7-1+b1 GPL; GPL-2
lsb-base 4.1+Debian13+nmu1 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2
lsb-release 4.1+Debian13+nmu1 BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-2
lsof 4.86+dfsg-1 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; Purdue; sendmail
lvm2 2.02.111-2.2+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
lzma 9.22-2 public domain
make 4.0-8.1 GPL; GPL-2
makedev 2.3.1-93 GPL
man-db GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+
mawk 1.3.3-17 GPL; GPL-2
mcelog 153-cl3u1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
memtester 4.3.0-3 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
mgmt-vrf 1.0-cl3u12 GPL; GPL-2
mime-support 3.58 ad-hoc; Bellcore; public domain
module-init-tools 18-3 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
mount 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
mstpd 0.r37-cl3u9 GPL; GPL-2; GPLv2.
mtd-utils 1:1.5.1-1 GPL; GPL-2; MIT
multiarch-support 2.19-18+deb8u10 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; LGPL-2
mysql-common; BSD-like; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; ISC; LGPL; LGPL-2; public domain; public-domain; Python; SWsoft; zlib; zlib/libpng
mz 0.40-1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
nano 2.2.6-3 GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-3
nclu 1.0-cl3u32 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
ncurses-base 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u3 MIT
ncurses-bin 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u3 MIT
net-tools 1.60-26+b1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
netbase 5.3 GPL; GPL-2
netshow 1.1.7-cl3u11 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
nginx-common 1.6.2-5+deb8u6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; Expat
nginx-extras 1.6.2-5+deb8u6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; Expat
ntp 1:4.2.8p10-cl3u2 ISC
onie-tools 3.2-cl3u6 GPL; GPL-2
openssh-client 1:6.7p1-5+deb8u8 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; MIT; public domain
openssh-server 1:6.7p1-5+deb8u8 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; MIT; public domain
openssh-sftp-server 1:6.7p1-5+deb8u8 BSD; GPL; GPL-2; ISC; MIT; public domain
openssl 1.0.1t-1+deb8u12 BSD; OpenSSL; SSLeay
openvswitch-common 2.8.90-1-cl3u6 LGPL-2.1
openvswitch-vtep 2.8.90-1-cl3u6 LGPL-2.1
ovsdbmonitor 2.8.90-1-cl3u6 LGPL-2.1
parted 3.2-7 GPL; GPL-3
passwd 1:4.2-3+deb8u4 BSD; GPL; GPL-2
patch 2.7.5-1+deb8u3 GPL
pciutils 1:3.2.1-3 GPL
perl 5.20.2-3+deb8u12 Artistic; Artistic-2; BSD; BSD-3-clause; BSD-3-clause-GENERIC; BSD-4-clause; BSD-4-clause-POWERDOG; BZIP; DONT-CHANGE-THE-GPL; Expat; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+; GPL-2+; GPL-3+-WITH-BISON-EXCEPTION; HSIEH-BSD; HSIEH-DERIVATIVE; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1; MIT; public domain; REGCOMP; S2P; SDBM-PUBLIC-DOMAIN; TEXT-TABS; Unicode; zlib; ZLIB
perl-base 5.20.2-3+deb8u12 Artistic; Artistic-2; BSD; BSD-3-clause; BSD-3-clause-GENERIC; BSD-4-clause; BSD-4-clause-POWERDOG; BZIP; DONT-CHANGE-THE-GPL; Expat; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+; GPL-2+; GPL-3+-WITH-BISON-EXCEPTION; HSIEH-BSD; HSIEH-DERIVATIVE; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1; MIT; public domain; REGCOMP; S2P; SDBM-PUBLIC-DOMAIN; TEXT-TABS; Unicode; zlib; ZLIB
perl-modules 5.20.2-3+deb8u12 Artistic; Artistic-2; BSD; BSD-3-clause; BSD-3-clause-GENERIC; BSD-4-clause; BSD-4-clause-POWERDOG; BZIP; DONT-CHANGE-THE-GPL; Expat; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+; GPL-2+; GPL-3+-WITH-BISON-EXCEPTION; HSIEH-BSD; HSIEH-DERIVATIVE; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1; MIT; public domain; REGCOMP; S2P; SDBM-PUBLIC-DOMAIN; TEXT-TABS; Unicode; zlib; ZLIB
phy-ucode-update 3.0-cl3u3 GPL; GPL-2
pkg-config 0.28-1 GPL
platform-modules-4.1.0-cl-7-amd64 1+cl3u25 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
portwd 1.2-cl3u26 GPL; GPL-2
procps 2:3.3.9-9+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; LGPL-2
psmisc 22.21-2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
ptmd 3.0-2-cl3u9 EPL-1; GPL; GPL-2
ptpd 2.3.0-dfsg-1 BSD
python 2.7.9-1 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL; Python
python-apt GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
python-apt-common GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
python-argcomplete 0.8.1-1 Apache-2; Apache-2.0
python-bzrlib 2.6.0+bzr6595-6+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
python-configobj 5.0.6-1 BSD; BSD-3-clause
python-cumulus-restapi 0.1-cl3u10 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL-2
python-daemon 1.5.5-1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; PSF-2; PSF-2+; Python
python-docopt 0.6.2-1 GPL; GPL-3; MIT; MIT/X11
python-dpkt 1.6+svn54-1 BSD; GPL
python-eventlet 0.13.0-2 Apache-2; Apache-2.0; ccp-bsd; Expat; generic-bsd; voidspace-bsd
python-falcon 3.1-cl3u2 Apache-2
python-greenlet 0.4.2-2 GPL; GPL-3; Python
python-gvgen 0.9-2 GPL; GPL2; GPL-2
python-ipaddr 2.1.11-2 Apache-2
python-lockfile 1:0.8-2 Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
python-mako 1.0.0+dfsg-0.1 BSD; MIT
python-markupsafe 0.23-1+b1 BSD
python-mimeparse 0.1.4-1+deb8u1 Expat
python-minimal 2.7.9-1 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL; Python
python-netsnmp 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
python-network-docopt 0.1.11-cl3u14 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
python-nlmanager 3.0-cl3u19 MIT-like
python-openvswitch 2.8.90-1-cl3u6 LGPL-2.1
python-oslo.config 1:1.3.0-2 Apache-2; Apache-2.0
python-pkg-resources 5.5.1-1 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL
python-protobuf 2.6.1-1 Apache-2; BSD; GPL; GPL-3
python-rdnbrd 3.0-cl3u10 GPL; GPL-2
python-serial 2.6-1.1 oldPython
python-setuptools 5.5.1-1 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL
python-six 1.8.0-1 Expat
python-smbus 3.1.1-1 GPL; GPL-2
python-support 1.0.15 LGPL-2
python-tabulate 0.7.5-2-cl3u1 Expat
python-vxfld 2.2-cl3u8 GPL; GPL-2
python2.7 2.7.9-2+deb8u5 Apache-2; BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
python2.7-minimal 2.7.9-2+deb8u5 Apache-2; BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
python3 3.4.2-2 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL; Python
python3-minimal 3.4.2-2 BEOPEN; CNRI; GPL; Python
python3-tabulate 0.7.5-2-cl3u1 Expat
python3.4 3.4.2-1+deb8u7 BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
python3.4-minimal 3.4.2-1+deb8u7 BEOPEN; BSD; CNRI; GPL; GPL-2; OpenSSL; Python; SSLeay; zlib
readline-common 6.3-8 GPL; GPL-3
reboot-notifier 0.5-cl3u3 GPL; GPL-3; GPL-3.0+
rlwrap 0.41-1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+
rsyslog 8.4.2-1-cl3u5 Apache-2; Apache-2.0; BSD; BSD-3-clause; GPL; GPL-3; GPL-3.0+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3.0+
ruby 1:2.1.5+deb8u2 GPL; Ruby
ruby2.1 2.1.5-2+deb8u8 2C-BSD; 3C-BSD; 3C-BSD-GENERIC; Artistic; BSD; Expat; GPL; GPL-1; GPL-1+; GPL-2; Ruby; SIL-1.1
rubygems-integration 1.8 Expat
screen 4.2.1-3+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-3
sed 4.2.2-4+deb8u1 GPL
sensible-utils 0.0.9+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2
smartmontools 6.3+svn4002-2+b2 GPL; GPL-2
snapper 0.5.0-cl3u4 GPL; GPL-2
snmp 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
snmpd 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
snmptrapd 5.8.1-cl3u13 BSD
socat GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; MIT
startpar 0.59-3 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+
strace 4.9-2 BSD
sudo 1.8.10p4-cl3u6 ISC
switchd 1.0-cl3u40 Cumulus Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
switchd-halbcm 1.0-cl3u40 Cumulus Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
systemd 215-17+deb8u13 Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; public domain; public-domain
systemd-sysv 215-17+deb8u13 Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; public domain; public-domain
sysv-rc 2.88dsf-59 GPL; GPL-2
sysvinit-utils 2.88dsf-59 GPL; GPL-2; public domain
taihost 1.0.0-cl3u5 Cumulus Networks Proprietary; GPL; GPL-2
tar 1.27.1-2+deb8u2 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-3; public domain
tasksel 3.31+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2
tasksel-data 3.31+deb8u1 GPL; GPL-2
tcpdump 4.9.3-1~deb8u1 BSD
telnet 0.17-36 BSD
tmux 1.9-6 BSD; BSD-2 ; BSD-3
traceroute 1:2.0.20-2+b1 GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+
tree 1.7.0-3 GPL; GPL-2
tzdata 2019c-0+deb8u1 public domain
ucf 3.0030 GPL; GPL-2
udev 215-17+deb8u13 Expat; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; public domain; public-domain
update-inetd 4.43 GPL; GPL-2
usbutils 1:007-2 GPL; GPL-2
util-linux 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
uuid-runtime 2.25.2-6 BSD; BSD-2-clause; BSD-3-clause; BSD-4-clause; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; GPL-3+; LGPL; LGPL-2; LGPL-2+; LGPL-2.1+; LGPL-3; LGPL-3+; MIT; public domain; public-domain
vim 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u4 GPL; GPL-2
vim-common 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u4 GPL; GPL-2
vim-runtime 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u4 GPL; GPL-2
vim-tiny 2:7.4.488-7+deb8u4 GPL; GPL-2
virt-what 1.14-1 GPL; GPL-2
vlan 1.9-3.2 GPL; GPL-2+; GPL-compatible
vrf 1.0-cl3u12 GPL; GPL-2
watchdog 5.14-cl3u4 GPL
wget 1.16-1+deb8u7 GFDL-1; GPL; GPL-3
xkb-data 2.12-1 MIT
xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2+b3 Autoconf; config-h; GPL; GPL-2; GPL-2+; GPL-3; LGPL-2; LGPL-2.1+; noderivs; none; PD; PD-debian; permissive-fsf; permissive-nowarranty; probably-PD; public domain
zile 2.4.11-1 GPL; GPL-3; MIT
zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-2+deb8u1 zlib