Router Policy

nv show router policy

Shows route filtering and distribution configuration information. You can see configuration settings for prefix lists, community lists, AS path lists, and route maps.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy
                      applied  pending   
--------------------  -------  ----------
[as-path-list]                 mylist    
[community-list]               COMMUNITY1
[ext-community-list]           mylist

nv show router policy as-path-list <list-id>

Shows the specified AS path list policy configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The AS path list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy as-path-list mylist
        applied  pending
------  -------  -------
[rule]           10 

nv show router policy as-path-list <list-id> rule

Shows the specified AS path list policy rules.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The AS path list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy as-path-list mylist rule

nv show router policy as-path-list <list-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the specified AS path list policy rule configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The AS path list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy as-path-list mylist rule 10
            applied  pending
----------  -------  -------
action               permit 
aspath-exp           ^100_

nv show router policy community-list

Shows the configured community lists. You use a community list for matching BGP community policies.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy community-list

nv show router policy community-list <list-id>

Shows the specified community list configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The community list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy community-list COMMUNITY1
        applied  pending
------  -------  -------
[rule]           10

nv show router policy community-list <list-id> rule

Shows the specified community list rules.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The community list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy community-list COMMUNITY1 rule

nv show router policy community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the configuration for the specified community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy community-list COMMUNITY1 rule 10
             applied  pending
-----------  -------  -------
action                permit 
[community]           100:100

nv show router policy community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> community

Shows the community names for the specified community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy community-list COMMUNITY1 rule 10 community

nv show router policy community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> community <community-id>

Shows the configuration for a specific community name for the specified community-list.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<community-id> The community number in AA:NN format or well known name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy community-list COMMUNITY1 rule 10 community 64980:0

nv show router policy ext-community-list

Shows the extended community list configuration.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id>

Shows configuration for the specified extended community list used for matching BGP communities.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list EXTCOMMUNITY1

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule

Shows the specified extended community list rules.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list EXTCOMMUNITY1 rule

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the matching criteria for the specified extended community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.
<rule-id> The extended community list rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list EXTCOMMUNITY1 rule 10

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> ext-community

Shows the matching criteria for a specific extended community for the specified extended community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list MYEXTENDEDCOMMUNITYLIST rule 10 ext-community

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> ext-community rt

Shows the Route Target Extended Community configuration for the specified extended community rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list MYEXTENDEDCOMMUNITYLIST rule 10 ext-community rt

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> ext-community rt <ext-community-id>

Shows the Route Target Extended Community configuration for a specified extended community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<ext-community-id> The community number in AA:NN or IP:NN format.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list MYEXTENDEDCOMMUNITYLIST rule 10 ext-community rt 64510:1111

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> ext-community soo

Shows the site-of-origin (SoO) extended community rules.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list MYEXTENDEDCOMMUNITYLIST rule 10 ext-community soo

nv show router policy ext-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> ext-community soo <ext-community-id>

Shows the configuration for the specified site-of-origin (SoO) extended community rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The extended community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<ext-community-id> The community number in AA:NN or IP:NN format.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy ext-community-list MYEXTENDEDCOMMUNITYLIST rule 10 ext-community soo 45000:3soo

nv show router policy large-community-list

Shows the large community lists configured on the switch to match community based BGP policies.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy large-community-list

nv show router policy large-community-list <list-id>

Shows the specified large community list configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The large community list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy large-community-list MYLARGECOMMUNITY
------  -------
[rule]  10

nv show router policy large-community-list <list-id> rule

Shows the rules for the specified large community list.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The large community list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy large-community-list MYLARGECOMMUNITY rule

nv show router policy large-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the configuration for the specified large community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The large community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy large-community-list MYLARGECOMMUNITY rule 10
-----------------  ----------------
action             permit          
[large-community]  2914:65400:38016

nv show router policy large-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> large-community

Shows the community names for the specified large community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The large community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<large-community-id> The large community number in AA:BB:CC format.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy large-community-list MYLARGECOMMUNITY rule 10 large-community

nv show router policy large-community-list <list-id> rule <rule-id> large-community <large-community-id>

Shows configuration for a specific large community list rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<list-id> The large community list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<large-community-id> The large community number in AA:BB:CC format.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy large-community-list MYCOMMUNITYLIST rule 10 large-community 2914:65400:38016

nv show router policy prefix-list

Shows the configured prefix lists.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0



nv show router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id>

Shows the specified prefix list configuration. You use a prefix list for matching IPv4 and IPv6 address prefixes.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<prefix-list-id> The prefix list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy prefix-list MYPREFIXLIST
----  -------
type  ipv4

nv show router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id> rule

Shows the rules for the specified prefix list.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<prefix-list-id> The prefix list name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy prefix-list MYPREFIXLIST rule

nv show router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the specified prefix list rule configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<prefix-list-id> The prefix list name.
<rule-id> Prefix List rule number

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy prefix-list MYPREFIXLIST rule 10
-------  -----------
action   permit     

nv show router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id> rule <rule-id> match

Shows the specified prefix list rule match configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<prefix-list-id> The prefix list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy prefix-list MYPREFIXLIST rule 10 match

nv show router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id> rule <rule-id> match <match-id>

Shows configuration for the specified prefix list rule match.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<prefix-list-id> The prefix list name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<match-id> The IPv4 or IPv6 prefix.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy prefix-list MYPREFIXLIST rule 10 match 2001:100::1/64
--------------  -------
max-prefix-len  30     
min-prefix-len  30

nv show router policy route-map

Shows the route maps configured on the switch. You use a route map for policy configuration.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id>

Shows the specified route map configuration. You use a route map for policy configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP
------  -------
[rule]  10

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the specified route map rule configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10
-----------------  -------
  evpn-route-type  macip  
  evpn-vni         10

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> match

Shows the specified route map rule match configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MAP2 rule 10 match
------  -------
origin  igp

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set

Shows the specified route map rule set configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MAP1 rule 10 set
------  -------
metric  50

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set as-path-prepend

Shows the set AS path prepend configuration for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set as-path-prepend

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set community

Shows the set BGP communities for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set community

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set community <community-id>

Shows the set configuration for a specific BGP community for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<community-id> The BGP community ID.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set community 64980:0

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set large-community

Shows the set large BGP communities for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set large-community

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set large-community <large-community-id>

Shows the set configuration for a specific large BGP community for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<large-community-id> The BGP large community ID.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set large-community 2914:65400:38016

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set aggregator-as

Shows the set aggregator ASNs for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set aggregator-as

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set aggregator-as <asn-id>

Shows the set configuration for a specific aggregator ASN for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<asn-id> The autonomous number (ASN).

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set aggregator-as 65101

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set aggregator-as <asn-id> address

Shows the set ASN IPv4 addresses for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<asn-id> The autonomous number (ASN).

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set aggregator-as 65101 address

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> set aggregator-as <asn-id> address <ipv4-address-id>

Shows the configuration for a specific ASN and IPv4 address for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.
<asn-id> The autonomous number (ASN).
<ipv4-address-id> The IPv4 address.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 set aggregator-as 65101 address

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> action

Shows the route map rule action.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 action

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> action deny

Shows the deny action for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 action deny

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> action permit

Shows the permit action for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 action permit

nv show router policy route-map <route-map-id> rule <rule-id> action permit exit-policy

Shows the permit action exit policy for the specified route map rule.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<route-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router policy route-map MYROUTEMAP rule 10 action permit exit-policy

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> ebgp-policy

Shows the eBGP policy configuration on the switch.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 ebgp-policy

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family

Shows the IPv4, IPv6, and EVPN configuration settings for the specified BGP neighbor.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family address-family

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv4-unicast policy inbound

Shows the IPv4 inbound policy configuration for the specified BGP neighbor.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv4-unicast policy inbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv4-unicast policy outbound

Shows the IPv4 outbound policy configuration for a specific BGP neighbor.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv4-unicast policy outbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn policy

Shows the EVPN policy configuration for a specific BGP neighbor.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn policy

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn policy inbound

Shows the EVPN inbound policy configuration for a specific BGP neighbor.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn policy inbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn policy outbound

Shows the EVPN outbound policy configuration for a specific BGP neighbor.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<neighbor-id> The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn policy outbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast policy

Shows the IPv4 policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast policy

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast policy inbound

Shows the IPv4 inbound policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast policy inbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast policy outbound

Shows the IPv4 outbound policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast policy outbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast policy

Shows the IPv6 policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast policy

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast policy inbound

Shows the IPv6 inbound policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast policy inbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast policy outbound

Shows the IPv6 outbound policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast policy outbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn policy

Shows the EVPN policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn policy

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn policy inbound

Shows the EVPN inbound policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn policy inbound

nv show vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn policy outbound

Shows the EVPN outbound policy configuration for a specific BGP peer group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<peer-group-id> The BGP peer group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn policy outbound