nv show interface <interface-id> router pbr

Shows PBR configuration settings for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 router pbr
       operational  applied
-----  -----------  -------
[map]  MAP1         MAP1

nv show interface <interface-id> router pbr map

Shows the PBR route maps configured for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.1.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 router pbr map
----  -----
MAP1  on

nv show interface <interface-id> router pbr map <pbr-map-id>

Shows configuration settings for a specific PBR route map on the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<pbr-map-id> The route map name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.1.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 router pbr map map1
       operational  applied
-----  -----------  -------
valid  on

nv show router pbr

Shows global PBR configuration settings.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr
       operational  applied
------  -----------  -------
enable               on     
[map]   map1         map1

nv show router pbr map

Shows settings for PBR route maps. If you do not provide a specific route map name, this command shows configuration settings for all configured PBR route maps.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map
        operational  applied
------  -----------  -------
enable               on     
[map]   map1         map1

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id>

Shows the configuration settings for a PBR route map used for policy configuration.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The name of the route map.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1
        operational  applied
------  -----------  -------
[rule]  1            1      
[rule]  10           10

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id> rule

Shows the rules for the specified PBR route map.

Add -o json at the end of the command to see the output in a more readable format.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The name of the route map.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1 rule -o json
  "1": {
    "action": {
      "nexthop-group": {
        "group1": {
          "installed": "off",
          "table-id": 10000
    "installed": "off",
    "installed-reason": "Invalid NH-group",
    "ip-rule-id": 300,
    "match": {
      "source-ip": ""

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id> rule <rule-id>

Shows the match and set criteria, and the rule action for a PBR route map.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The name of the route map.
<rule-id> The PBR rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1 rule 1
                   operational       applied  
-----------------  ----------------  ---------
  [nexthop-group]  group1            group1   
installed          off                        
installed-reason   Invalid NH-group           
ip-rule-id         300

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id> rule <rule-id> action

Shows the rule action for a PBR route map.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The PBR rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1 rule 1 action
                operational  applied
---------------  -----------  -------
[nexthop-group]  group1       group1

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id> rule <rule-id> action nexthop-group

Shows the next hop groups in the PBR route map rule action.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The PBR rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.1.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1 rule 1 action nexthop-group
       installed  table-id
------  ---------  --------
group1  off        5000

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id> rule <rule-id> action nexthop-group <nexthop-group-id>

Shows configuration settings for the specified next hop group including the IP route table number of the default route.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The PBR rule number.
<nexthop-group-id> The next hop group name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.1.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1 rule 1 action nexthop-group group1
           operational  applied
---------  -----------  -------
installed  off                 
table-id   5000

nv show router pbr map <pbr-map-id> rule <rule-id> match

Shows the rule match criteria for a PBR route map.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<pbr-map-id> The route map name.
<rule-id> The PBR rule number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr map map1 rule 1 match
           operational  applied  
---------  -----------  ---------

nv show router pbr nexthop-group

Shows the PBR next hop groups configured on the switch.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr nexthop-group
Nexthop-groups  installed  valid    Summary         
--------------  ---------  -----    ----------------
group1          yes         yes     Nexthop-index: 1
                                    Nexthop-index: 2

nv show router pbr nexthop-group <nexthop-group-id>

Shows information about a specific PBR next hop group.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<nexthop-group-id> The next hop group ID.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show router pbr nexthop-group group1
           operational  applied
---------  -----------  -------
installed  no                  
valid      no                  

    Nexthop-index  label  nexthop       target-vrf  valid  vrf   weight
    -------------  -----  ------------  ----------  -----  ----  ------
    1                         no                 
    2                         no     swp1 

nv show system global reserved routing-table pbr

Shows the PBR reserved routing table ranges.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show system global reserved routing-table pbr
       operational  applied   
-----  -----------  ----------
begin  10000        10000     
end    4294966272   4294966272