
nv show interface

Shows information about all the interfaces on the switch, such as the name, type (swp, bond, vrf, and so on), state (up or down), speed, MTU, remote host and remote port, and IP address.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface
Interface   State  Speed  MTU    Type      Remote Host      Remote Port      Summary         
----------  -----  -----  -----  --------  ---------------  --------------…  ---------------…
BLUE        up            65575  vrf                                         IP Address:     
                                                                             IP Address:     
RED         up            65575  vrf                                         IP Address:     
                                                                             IP Address:     
bond1       up     1G     9000   bond                                                        
bond2       up     1G     9000   bond                                                        
bond3       up     1G     9000   bond                                                        
br_default  up            9216   bridge                                                      
br_l3vni    up            9216   bridge                                                      
eth0        up     1G     1500   eth       oob-mgmt-switch  swp10            IP Address:     
lo          up            65536  loopback                                    IP Address:     
                                                                             IP Address:     
                                                                             IP Address:     
mgmt        up            65575  vrf                                         IP Address:     
                                                                             IP Address:     
swp1        up     1G     9000   swp       server01         48:b0:2d:bc:2e…                  
swp2        up     1G     9000   swp       server02         48:b0:2d:36:9e…                  
swp3        up     1G     9000   swp       server03         48:b0:2d:09:b9…                  
swp4        down          1500   swp                                                         
swp5        down          1500   swp                                                         
swp6        up     1G     9216   swp                                                        

nv show interface <interface-id>

Shows the configuration information for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1
                           operational              applied
-------------------------  -----------------------  -------
type                       swp                      swp    
    enable                                          off    
    enable                                          off    
    enable                                          off    
    enable                                          off    
  dcbx-pfc-tlv             off                             
  dcbx-ets-config-tlv      off                             
  dcbx-ets-recomm-tlv      off                             
  state                    enabled                         
  [neighbor]               server01                        
    uplink                                          off    
  enable                   off                      off    
  enable                                            off    
  sample-rate              0                               
  state                    disabled                 enabled
parent                     bond1                           
    enable                                          off    
    enable                                          off    
    enable                                          on     
      enable                                        off    
      enable                                        off    
    forward                                         on     
    enable                                          on     
    forward                                         on     
  vrf                                               default
  auto-negotiate           off                      on     
  duplex                   full                     full   
  speed                    1G                       auto   
  mac-address              48:b0:2d:f0:b9:86               
  fec                                               auto   
  mtu                      9000                     9216   
  fast-linkup              off                             
  state                    up                       up     
    enable                                          on     
    in-bytes               8.19 MB                         
    in-pkts                67797                           
    in-drops               0                               
    in-errors              0                               
    out-bytes              9.96 MB                         
    out-pkts               102895                          
    out-drops              0                               
    out-errors             0                               
    carrier-transitions    4                               
    carrier-up-count       2                               
    carrier-down-count     2                               
  protodown                disabled                        
  oper-status              up                              
  admin-status             up                              
  oper-status-last-change  2024/10/22 18:36:00.469 

Cumulus Linux 5.11 and later shows the last time (date and time) the operational state of an interface changed.

nv show interface <interface-id> bond

Shows the bond member configuration for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 bond

nv show interface <interface-id> bond member

Shows the bond members for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 bond member

nv show interface <interface-id> bond member <member-id>

Shows specific bond member configuration for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<member-id> The bond name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 bond member bond1

nv show interface <interface> counters

Shows all counters for a specific interface, such as packet drop, error, and distribution counts.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 counters
                     operational  applied  pending
-------------------  -----------  -------  -------
carrier-transitions  6                            

Detailed Counters
    Counter            Receive  Transmit
    -----------------  -------  --------
    Broadcast Packets  0        0       
    Multicast Packets  0        0       
    Total Octets       0        0       
    Total Packets      0        0       
    Unicast Packets    0        0       

Drop Counters
    Counter          Receive  Transmit
    ---------------  -------  --------
    ACL Drops        0        n/a     
    Buffer Drops     0        n/a     
    Non-Queue Drops  n/a      0       
    Queue Drops      n/a      0       
    Total Drops      0        0       

Error Counters
    Counter           Receive  Transmit
    ----------------  -------  --------
    Alignment Errors  0        n/a     
    FCS Errors        0        n/a     
    Jabber Errors     0        n/a     
    Length Errors     0        n/a     
    Oversize Errors   0        n/a     
    Symbol Errors     0        n/a     
    Total Errors      0        0       
    Undersize Errors  0        n/a     

Packet Size Statistics
    Counter     Receive  Transmit
    ----------  -------  --------
    64          0        0       
    65-127      0        0       
    128-255     0        0       
    256-511     0        0       
    512-1023    0        0       
    1024-1518   0        0       
    1519-2047   0        0       
    2048-4095   0        0       
    4096-16383  0        0       

Ingress Buffer Statistics
    priority-group  rx-frames  rx-buffer-discards  rx-shared-buffer-discards
    --------------  ---------  ------------------  -------------------------
    0               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    1               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    2               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    3               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    4               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    5               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    6               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes                  
    7               0          0 Bytes             0 Bytes

nv show interface <interface> counters drops

Shows packet drop counters for a specific interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 counters drops
Counter          Receive  Transmit
---------------  -------  --------
ACL Drops        0        n/a     
Buffer Drops     0        n/a
Non-Queue Drops  n/a      0       
Queue Drops      n/a      0       
Total Drops      0        0

nv show interface <interface> counters errors

Shows error counters for a specific interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 counters errors
Counter           Receive  Transmit
----------------  -------  --------
Alignment Errors  0        n/a     
FCS Errors        0        n/a     
Jabber Errors     0        n/a     
Length Errors     0        n/a     
Oversize Errors   0        n/a     
Symbol Errors     0        n/a     
Total Errors      0        0       
Undersize Errors  0        n/a

nv show interface <interface> counters pktdist

Shows packet distribution counters for a specific interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 counters pktdist
Counter     Receive  Transmit
----------  -------  --------
64          0        0       
65-127      0        0       
128-255     0        0       
256-511     0        0       
512-1023    0        0       
1024-1518   0        0       
1519-2047   0        0       
2048-4095   0        0       
4096-16383  0        0

nv show interface <interface-id> ip

Shows the IP configuration for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ip
                        operational  applied  pending
----------------------  -----------  -------  -------
  enable                             off      off    
  forward                            on       on     
  enable                             on       on     
  forward                            on       on     
  enable                             on       on     
    enable                           off      off    
    enable                           off      off    
  enable                             off      off    
vrf                                  default  default

nv show interface <interface-id> ip address

Shows the IP addresses configured for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface lo ip address


nv show interface <interface-id> ip address <ip-prefix-id>

Shows details about a specific IP address for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<ip-prefix-id> The IPv4 or IPv6 address and route prefix in CIDR notation.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface lo ip address

nv show interface <interface-id> ip gateway

Shows the gateway IP address for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ip gateway

nv show interface <interface-id> ip gateway <ip-address-id>

Shows information about a specific gateway IP address for the specified interface

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<ip-address-id> The gateway IP address.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ip gateway

nv show interface <interface-id> ip ipv4

Shows IPv4 information for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ip ipv4
         operational  applied  pending
-------  -----------  -------  -------
forward               on       on

nv show interface <interface-id> ip ipv6

Shows IPv6 information for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 ip ipv6
        operational  applied  pending
-------  -----------  -------  -------
enable                on       on     
forward               on       on

nv show interface <interface-id> ip neighbor

Shows information about the IP neighbors configured for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 ip neighbor
        operational                applied  pending
------  -------------------------  -------  -------
[ipv6]  fe80::4ab0:2dff:fe08:9898

nv show interface <interface-id> ip neighbor ipv4

Shows the IPv4 neighbors for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 ip neighbor ipv4
             lladdr             state    
-----------  -----------------  ---------  48:b0:2d:08:98:98  permanent

nv show interface <interface-id> ip neighbor ipv4 <neighbor-id>

Shows information about a specific IPv4 neighbor for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<neighbor-id> The IPv4 address of the neighbor.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 ip neighbor ipv4
        operational        applied  pending
------  -----------------  -------  -------
lladdr  48:b0:2d:08:98:98                  
state   permanent

nv show interface <interface-id> ip neighbor ipv6

Shows the IPv6 neighbors for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 ip neighbor ipv6
                           lladdr             state    
-------------------------  -----------------  ---------
fe80::4ab0:2dff:fe08:9898  48:b0:2d:08:98:98  reachable

nv show interface <interface-id> ip neighbor ipv6 <neighbor-id>

Shows information about a specific IPv6 neighbor for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<neighbor-id> The IPv4 address of the neighbor.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp51 ip neighbor ipv6 fe80::4ab0:2dff:fe08:9898
        operational        applied  pending
------  -----------------  -------  -------
lladdr  48:b0:2d:08:98:98                  
state   reachable

nv show interface <interface-id> link

Shows configuration and statistics for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$  nv show interface swp1 link
                         operational              applied
-----------------------  -----------------------  -------
admin-status             up                              
oper-status              up                              
oper-status-last-change  2024/10/22 18:36:00.469         
protodown                disabled                        
auto-negotiate           off                      on     
duplex                   full                     full   
speed                    1G                       auto   
mac-address              48:b0:2d:f0:b9:86               
fec                                               auto   
mtu                      9000                     9216   
fast-linkup              off                             
state                    up                       up     
  enable                                          on     
  in-bytes               8.21 MB                         
  in-pkts                67938                           
  in-drops               0                               
  in-errors              0                               
  out-bytes              9.98 MB                         
  out-pkts               103107                          
  out-drops              0                               
  out-errors             0                               
  carrier-transitions    4                               
  carrier-up-count       2                               
  carrier-down-count     2

Cumulus Linux 5.11 and later shows the last time (date and time) the operational state of an interface changed and the number of carrier transitions.

Shows the port breakouts for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link breakout

Shows information about a specific port breakout for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.
<mode-id> The breakout mode identifier: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, disabled, or loopback.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link breakout 2x

Shows link flags for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link flag

Shows physical layer information, such the error counters for each lane on a port.

Switches with the Spectrum 1 ASIC do not support the nv show interface <interface> link phy-detail command.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface you want to configure.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link phy-detail 
-------------------------  -----------------
time-since-last-clear-min  324
phy-received-bits          15561574400000000
symbol-errors              0
effective-errors           0
phy-raw-errors-lane0       747567424
phy-raw-errors-lane1       215603747
phy-raw-errors-lane2       158456437
phy-raw-errors-lane3       30578923
phy-raw-errors-lane4       121708834
phy-raw-errors-lane5       29244642
phy-raw-errors-lane6       79102523
phy-raw-errors-lane7       96656135
raw-ber                    1E-7
symbol-ber                 15E-255
effective-ber              15E-255
raw-ber-lane0              3E-6
raw-ber-lane1              9E-7
raw-ber-lane2              6E-7
raw-ber-lane3              1E-7
raw-ber-lane4              5E-7
raw-ber-lane5              1E-7
raw-ber-lane6              3E-7
raw-ber-lane7              4E-7
rs-num-corr-err-bin0       757956054591
rs-num-corr-err-bin1       598244758
rs-num-corr-err-bin2       807002
rs-num-corr-err-bin3       3371
rs-num-corr-err-bin4       180
rs-num-corr-err-bin5       1
rs-num-corr-err-bin6       0
rs-num-corr-err-bin7       0
rs-num-corr-err-bin8       1
rs-num-corr-err-bin9       0
rs-num-corr-err-bin10      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin11      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin12      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin13      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin14      0
rs-num-corr-err-bin15      0

Shows physical layer diagnostic information for a port.

Switches with the Spectrum 1 ASIC do not support the nv show interface <interface> link phy-diag command.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface you want to configure.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0


cumulus@switch$ nv show interface swp20 link phy-diag 
--------------------------------  -----------
pd-fsm-state                      0x7
eth-an-fsm-state                  0x6
phy-hst-fsm-state                 0x8
psi-fsm-state                     0x0
phy-manager-link-enabled          0x9bff0
core-to-phy-link-enabled          0x9b800
cable-proto-cap-ext               0x0
loopback-mode                     0x0
retran-mode-request               0x0
retran-mode-active                0x0
fec-mode-request                  0x1
profile-fec-in-use                0x4
pd-link-enabled                   0x80000
phy-hst-link-enabled              0x80000
eth-an-link-enabled               0x0
phy-manager-state                 0x3
eth-proto-admin                   0x0
ext-eth-proto-admin               0x0
eth-proto-capability              0x0
ext-eth-proto-capability          0x0
data-rate-oper                    0x0
an-status                         0x0
an-disable-admin                  0x0
proto-mask                        0x2
module-info-ext                   0x0
ethernet-compliance-code          0x1c
ext-ethernet-compliance-code      0x32
memory-map-rev                    0x40
linear-direct-drive               0x0
cable-breakout                    0x0
cable-rx-amp                      0x1
cable-rx-pre-emphasis             0x0
cable-rx-post-emphasis            0x0
cable-tx-equalization             0x0
cable-attenuation-53g             0x0
cable-attenuation-25g             0x0
cable-attenuation-12g             0x0
cable-attenuation-7g              0x0
cable-attenuation-5g              0x0
tx-input-freq-sync                0x0
tx-cdr-state                      0xff
rx-cdr-state                      0xff
module-fw-version                 0x2e820043
module-st                         0x3
dp-st-lane0                       0x4
dp-st-lane1                       0x4
dp-st-lane2                       0x4
dp-st-lane3                       0x4
dp-st-lane4                       0x4
dp-st-lane5                       0x4
dp-st-lane6                       0x4
dp-st-lane7                       0x4
rx-output-valid                   0x0
rx-power-type                     0x1
active-set-host-compliance-code   0x52
active-set-media-compliance-code  0x1c
error-code-response               0x0
temp-flags                        0x0
vcc-flags                         0x0
mod-fw-fault                      0x0
dp-fw-fault                       0x0
rx-los-cap                        0x0
tx-fault                          0x0
tx-los                            0x0
tx-cdr-lol                        0x0
tx-ad-eq-fault                    0x0
rx-los                            0x0
rx-cdr-lol                        0x0
rx-output-valid-change            0x0
flag-in-use                       0x0

Shows the link protodown reason details for an interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.9.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link protodown-reason

Shows the state of the specified interface; if the link is up or down.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link state
operational  applied  pending
  -----------  -------  -------
  up           up       up

Shows statistics for the specified interface, such as packet size, packet drops, and packet errors.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link stats
                     operational  applied  pending
-------------------  -----------  -------  -------
carrier-transitions  6                            
in-bytes             39.22 MB                     
in-drops             0                            
in-errors            0                            
in-pkts              324557                       
out-bytes            48.51 MB                     
out-drops            0                            
out-errors           0                            
out-pkts             501951

Shows traffic engineering statistics for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 link traffic-engineering

nv show interface <interface-id> pluggable

Shows the SFP module information for the specified interface.

Cumulus Linux 5.11 and later no longer provides this command. Use the nv show platform transceiver <interface> command instead.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.3.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 pluggable

nv show interface <interface-id> rates

Shows the traffic rate and PPS for a specific interface.

Monitoring the traffic rate and PPS for an interface ensures optimal network performance and reliability. You can use the data provided to allocate and utilize network resources efficiently, ensuring quality of service and preventing network bottlenecks. The data helps you to obtain a comprehensive view of network health, detect any DDoS attacks, and see if the current network can handle peak loads or if you need future network capacity expansion and upgrades.

By monitoring both the traffic rate and PPS, you can identify peak usage times and adjust bandwidth allocation or optimize packet paths to ensure low latency and high throughput.

  • You can monitor the traffic rate and PPS of physical ports only.
  • The command outputs provide approximate values.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 rates
---------------  -----------
load-interval    10        
in-bits-rate     10.00 Gbps
in-utilization   100.0%    
in-pkts-rate     822.41 kpps
out-bits-rate    10.00 Gbps
out-utilization  100.0%    
out-pkts-rate    822.40 kpps

nv show interface <interface-id> storm-control

Shows storm control configuration settings for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.3.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 storm-control
---------------  -------
broadcast        400    
multicast        3000   
unknown-unicast  2000

nv show interface <interface-id> tunnel

Shows tunnel information for the specified interface.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<interface-id> The interface name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.1.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface swp1 tunnel

nv show interface bonds

Shows information about the bonds on the switch, such as the admin and operational status, the LACP mode and rate, if LACP bypass is enabled, and the up delay and down delay settings.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface bonds
Interface  Admin Status  Oper Status  Mode  Mlag ID  Lacp-rate  Lacp-bypass  Up-delay  Down-delay
---------  ------------  -----------  ----  -------  ---------  -----------  --------  ----------
bond1      up            down         lacp           fast       off          0         0 

nv show interface bond-members

Shows information about the bond members on the switch, such as which interfaces are part of the bond, the admin and operational status, and the speed and MTU of each bond member.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface bond-members
Interface  Parent  Admin Status  Oper Status  Speed  MTU 
---------  ------  ------------  -----------  -----  ----
swp1       bond1   up            up           1G     9216
swp2       bond1   up            up           1G     9216
swp3       bond1   up            up           1G     9216
swp4       bond1   up            up           1G     9216

nv show interface carrier-stats

Shows information about the interfaces on the switch, such as the operational status, the number of state changes, and the date and time of the last state change.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface carrier-stats
Interface  Oper Status  Up Count  Down Count  Total State Changes  Last State Change      
---------  -----------  --------  ----------  -------------------  -----------------------
bond1      down         0         0           0                    Never                  
eth0       up           1         1           2                    2024/11/04 19:42:24.613
lo         up           1         0           1                    2024/11/04 19:42:24.613                  
mgmt       up           0         0           0                    Never                  
swp1       up           1         1           2                    2024/11/04 22:32:37.918
swp2       up           1         1           2                    2024/11/04 22:32:37.940
swp3       up           1         1           2                    2024/11/04 22:32:37.963
swp4       up           1         1           2                    2024/11/04 22:32:37.980
swp5       down         1         1           2                    2024/11/04 19:41:56.512
swp6       down         1         1           2                    2024/11/04 19:41:56.512
swp7       down         1         1           2                    2024/11/04 19:41:56.512
swp8       down         1         1           2                    2024/11/04 19:41:56.512

nv show interface rates

Shows the traffic rate and PPS for all interfaces.

Monitoring the traffic rate and PPS for your interfaces ensures optimal network performance and reliability. You can use the data provided to allocate and utilize network resources efficiently, ensuring quality of service and preventing network bottlenecks. The data helps you to obtain a comprehensive view of network health, detect any DDoS attacks, and see if the current network can handle peak loads or if you need future network capacity expansion and upgrades.

By monitoring both the traffic rate and PPS, you can identify peak usage times and adjust bandwidth allocation or optimize packet paths to ensure low latency and high throughput.

  • You can monitor the traffic rate and PPS of physical ports only.
  • The command outputs provide approximate values.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface rates
Interface  Intvl  In-Bits Rate  In-Util  In-Pkts Rate  Out-Bits Rate  Out-Util  Out-Pkts Rate
---------  -----  ------------  -------  ------------  -------------  --------  -------------
swp1       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp2       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp3       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp4       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp5       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp6       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp7       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp8       60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp9       60     10.00 Gbps    100.0%   822.41 kpps   10.00 Gbps     100.0%    822.42 kpps
swp10      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp11      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp12      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp13      60     7.34 Gbps     73.4%    603.21 kpps   5.00 Gbps      50.0%     411.19 kpps
swp14      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp15      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp16      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp17      60     8.42 Gbps     84.2%    692.80 kpps   6.73 Gbps      67.3%     553.59 kpps
swp18      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp19      60     204 bps       0.0%     0 pps         539 bps        0.0%      1 pps
swp20      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp21      60     6.73 Gbps     67.3%    553.59 kpps   8.42 Gbps      84.2%     692.81 kpps
swp22      60     10.00 Gbps    100.0%   14.88 Mpps    10.00 Gbps     100.0%    14.88 Mpps
swp23      60     10.00 Gbps    100.0%   14.88 Mpps    10.00 Gbps     100.0%    14.88 Mpps
swp24      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp25      60     5.00 Gbps     50.0%    411.19 kpps   7.34 Gbps      73.4%     603.21 kpps
swp26      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp27      60     10.00 Gbps    100.0%   822.42 kpps   10.00 Gbps     100.0%    822.41 kpps
swp28      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp29      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp30      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp31      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps
swp32      60     0 bps         0.0%     0 pps         0 bps          0.0%      0 pps

nv show interface down

Shows information about interfaces that are down.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface down
Interface  Admin Status  Oper Status  Speed  MTU    Type      Summary                
---------  ------------  -----------  -----  -----  --------  -----------------------
bond1      up            down                9216   bond                             
lo         up            unknown             65536  loopback  IP Address:
                                                              IP Address:     ::1/128
swp5       down          down                1500   swp                              
swp6       down          down                1500   swp                              
swp7       down          down                1500   swp                              
swp8       down          down                1500   swp                              
swp9       down          down                1500   swp                              
swp10      down          down                1500   swp                              
swp11      down          down                1500   swp                              
swp12      down          down                1500   swp

nv show interface svi

Shows SVI information on the switch.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface svi

nv show interface vrf

Shows VRF information on the switch.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface vrf
Interface  Summary                
---------  -----------------------
mgmt       IP Address:
           IP Address:
           IP Address:     ::1/128

nv show interface –view=counters

Shows all statistics for all the interfaces configured on the switch.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface --view=counters
Interface   MTU    RX_OK   RX_ERR  RX_DRP  RX_OVR  TX_OK   TX_ERR  TX_DRP  TX_OVR  Flg  
----------  -----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----
BLUE        65575  0       0       0       0       0       0       1197    0       OmRU 
RED         65575  0       0       0       0       0       0       1197    0       OmRU 
bond1       9000   324612  0       0       0       502040  0       0       0       BMmRU
bond2       9000   330788  0       0       0       499929  0       0       0       BMmRU
bond3       9000   324604  0       0       0       499590  0       0       0       BMmRU
br_default  9216   44391   0       0       0       40362   0       0       0       BMRU 
br_l3vni    9216   0       0       0       0       7253    0       0       0       BMRU 
eth0        1500   214911  0       0       0       29286   0       0       0       BMRU 
lo          65536  227368  0       0       0       227368  0       0       0       LRU  
mgmt        65575  31690   0       0       0       0       0       1197    0       OmRU 
swp1        9000   324616  0       0       0       502040  0       0       0       BMsRU
swp2        9000   330792  0       0       0       499929  0       0       0       BMsRU
swp3        9000   324608  0       0       0       499590  0       0       0       BMsRU
swp6        9216   0       0       0       0       97832   0       0       0       BMRU 
swp7        9216   0       0       0       0       97832   0       0       0       BMRU 
swp51       9216   273647  0       10793   0       274422  0       0       0       BMRU 
swp52       9216   249220  0       10793   0       262843  0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan10      9216   13482   0       80      0       14416   0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan10-v0   9216   300     0       80      0       7090    0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan20      9216   20409   0       50      0       11355   0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan20-v0   9216   275     0       50      0       5894    0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan30      9216   11700   0       50      0       12033   0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan30-v0   9216   226     0       50      0       5894    0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan220_l3  9216   0       0       0       0       2420    0       0       0       BMRU 
vlan297_l3  9216   0       0       0       0       2420    0       0       0       BMRU 
vxlan48     9216   27342   0       0       0       25891   40829   51      0       BMRU 
vxlan99     9216   0       0       0       0       0       0       4800    0       BMRU

nv show system link

Show global link configuration.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show system link
---------------  -------
  threshold      5      
  interval       10

Shows the link flap protection threshold and interval configuration settings.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show system link flap-protection
---------  -------
threshold  8      
interval   30

nv show vrf <vrf-id> loopback

Shows the loopback interfaces associated with this VRF.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default loopback
             operational    applied      pending    
-----------  -------------  -----------  -----------
  [address]  ::1/128        ::1/128      ::1/128

nv show vrf <vrf-id> loopback ip

Shows the IP addresses associated with the loopback interface for the specified VRF.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default loopback ip
           operational    applied      pending    
---------  -------------  -----------  -----------
[address]  ::1/128        ::1/128      ::1/128

nv show vrf <vrf-id> loopback ip address <ip-prefix-id>

Shows details about the specified loopback IP address for the specified VRF.

Command Syntax

Syntax Description
<vrf-id> The VRF name.
<ip-prefix-id> The IPv4 or IPv6 address and route prefix in CIDR notation.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf default loopback ip address