nv show evpn
Shows global EVPN control plane information.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn
perational applied
--------------------- ------------ -------------
enable on
nexthop-setting system-ip-mac
svi-ip off off
default-gateway off off
enable on on
mac-move-threshold 5 5
move-window 180 180
duplicate-action warning-only warning-only
enable off
mac-holdtime 1080
neighbor-holdtime 1080
startup-delay 180
startup-delay-timer --:--:--
uplink-count 0
uplink-active 0
l2vni-count 3
l3vni-count 2
nv show evpn access-vlan-info
Shows access VLAN information.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn access-vlan-info
operational applied pending
------ ----------- ------- -------
[vlan] 10
[vlan] 20
[vlan] 30
[vlan] 220
[vlan] 297
[vlan] 1000
[vlan] 3000
nv show evpn access-vlan-info vlan
Shows all EVPN access VLANs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn access-vlan-info vlan
Vlan-id member-interface-count vni vni-count vxlan-interface Summary
------- ---------------------- ---- --------- --------------- -----------------------
10 1 10 1 vxlan48 member-interface: bond1
20 1 20 1 vxlan48 member-interface: bond2
30 1 30 1 vxlan48 member-interface: bond3
220 1 vxlan99
297 1 vxlan99
1000 1000 1 vxlan48
3000 3000 1 vxlan48
nv show evpn access-vlan-info vlan <vlan-id>
Shows EVPN access VLAN information for the specified VLAN.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vlan-id> |
The VLAN name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn access-vlan-info vlan 10
operational applied pending
---------------------- ----------- ------- -------
member-interface-count 1
vni 10
vni-count 1
vxlan-interface vxlan48
nv show evpn access-vlan-info vlan <vlan-id> member-interface
Shows EVPN access VLAN member interface information.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vlan-id> |
The VLAN name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn access-vlan-info vlan 10 member-interface
nv show evpn dad
Shows EVPN duplicate address detection information. The VTEP considers a host MAC or IP address to be duplicate if the address moves across the network more than a certain number of times within a certain number of seconds. In addition to legitimate host or VM mobility scenarios, address movement can occur when you configure IP addresses incorrectly on a host or when packet looping occurs in the network due to faulty configuration or behavior.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn dad
operational applied pending
------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
enable off on on
mac-move-threshold 5 5 5
move-window 180 180 180
duplicate-action warning-only warning-only warning-only
nv show evpn dad duplicate-action
Shows the action to take when there is a duplicate address detected.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn dad duplicate-action
operational applied pending
------------ ------------ ------------
warning-only warning-only warning-only
nv show evpn dad duplicate-action freeze
Shows all EVPN duplicate address freeze actions.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn dad duplicate-action freeze
operational applied
-------- ----------- -------
duration 1000 1000
nv show evpn l2-nhg
Shows EVPN next hop groups.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn l2-nhg
Vtepip es-ref-count nexthop-group
---------- ------------ ------------- 3 268435460 1 268435462 1 268435463
nv show evpn l2-nhg vtep-ip
Shows EVPN next hop group information for all VTEPs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn l2-nhg vtep-ip
Vtepip es-ref-count nexthop-group
---------- ------------ ------------- 3 268435460 1 268435462 1 268435463
nv show evpn l2-nhg vtep-ip <vtep-id>
Shows EVPN next hop group information for the specified VTEP.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vtep-id> |
The VTEP ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn l2-nhg vtep-ip
operational applied pending
------------- ----------- ------- -------
es-ref-count 3
nexthop-group 268435460
nv show evpn multihoming
Shows global EVPM multihoming configuration.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming
operational applied pending
------------------- ----------- ------- -------
enable on on
mac-holdtime 1080 1080 1080
neighbor-holdtime 1080 1080 1080
startup-delay 180 180 180
rx on on
tx on on
df-preference 32767 32767
startup-delay-timer --:--:--
uplink-active 2
uplink-count 2
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info
Shows EVPN multihoming BGP information.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info
operational applied pending
----- ----------------------------- ------- -------
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:03
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:01
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:02
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:03
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi
Shows EVPN multihoming BGP information for all ESIs.
Add -o json
at the end of the command to see the output in a more readable format.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi -o json
"03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01": {
"es-df-preference": 50000,
"flags": {
"advertise-evi": "on",
"up": "on"
"fragments": {
"": {
"evi-count": 1
"inconsistent-vni-count": 0,
"macip-global-path-count": 8,
"macip-path-count": 4,
"originator-ip": "",
"rd": "",
"remote-vtep": {
"": {
"df-algorithm": "preference",
"df-preference": 50000,
"flags": {
"active": "on",
"esr": "on"
"type": {
"local": "on",
"remote": "on"
"vni-count": 1,
"vrf-count": 1
"03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02": {
"es-df-preference": 50000,
"flags": {
"advertise-evi": "on",
"up": "on"
"fragments": {
"": {
"evi-count": 1
"inconsistent-vni-count": 0,
"macip-global-path-count": 4,
"macip-path-count": 2,
"originator-ip": "",
"rd": "",
"remote-vtep": {
"": {
"df-algorithm": "preference",
"df-preference": 50000,
"flags": {
"active": "on",
"esr": "on"
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id>
Shows EVPN multihoming BGP information for the specified ESI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02
operational applied pending
----------------------- ------------ ------- -------
es-df-preference 50000
inconsistent-vni-count 0
macip-global-path-count 4
macip-path-count 2
vni-count 1
vrf-count 1
advertise-evi on
up on
local on
remote on
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id> remote-vtep
Shows EVPN multihoming BGP information for the specified ESI for all VTEPs.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 remote-vtep
df-algorithm df-preference flags.active flags.esr
---------- ------------ ------------- ------------ --------- preference 50000 on on
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id> remote-vtep <ipv4-address-id>
Shows EVPN multihoming BGP information for the specified ESI for a specific VTEP.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
<ipv4-address-id> |
The IPv4 address of the VTEP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 remote-vtep
operational applied pending
------------- ----------- ------- -------
df-algorithm preference
df-preference 50000
active on
esr on
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id> fragments
Shows EVPN multihoming BGP remote VTEP fragment information for a specific ESI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 fragments
------------ --------- 1
nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id> fragments <fragment-id>
Shows specific EVPN multihoming BGP remote VTEP fragment information for a specific ESI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
<fragment-id> |
The route-distinguisher. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 fragments
operational applied pending
--------- ----------- ------- -------
evi-count 1
nv show evpn multihoming ead-evi-route
Shows EVPN multihoming Ethernet Auto-discovery per EVPN instance route information.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming ead-evi-route
operational applied pending
-- ----------- ------- -------
rx on on
tx on on
nv show evpn multihoming esi
Shows EVPN multihoming Ethernet segment ID information.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming esi -o json
"03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01": {
"df-preference": 50000,
"flags": {
"bridge-port": "on",
"local": "on",
"nexthop-group-active": "on",
"oper-up": "on",
"ready-for-bgp": "on",
"remote": "on"
"local-interface": "bond1",
"mac-count": 2,
"nexthop-group-id": 536870913,
"remote-vtep": {
"": {
"df-algorithm": "preference",
"df-preference": 50000,
"nexthop-group-id": 268435460
"vni-count": 1
"03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02": {
"df-preference": 50000,
"flags": {
"bridge-port": "on",
"local": "on",
"nexthop-group-active": "on",
"oper-up": "on",
"ready-for-bgp": "on",
"remote": "on"
"local-interface": "bond2",
"mac-count": 2,
"nexthop-group-id": 536870914,
"remote-vtep": {
"": {
"df-algorithm": "preference",
"df-preference": 50000,
"nexthop-group-id": 268435460
"vni-count": 1
nv show evpn multihoming esi <esi-id>
Shows information about the specified EVPN multihoming Ethernet segment ID.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02
operational applied pending
---------------------- ----------- ------- -------
df-preference 50000
local-interface bond2
mac-count 2
nexthop-group-id 536870914
vni-count 1
bridge-port on
local on
nexthop-group-active on
oper-up on
ready-for-bgp on
remote on
nv show evpn multihoming esi <esi-id> remote-vtep
Shows information about the specified EVPN multihoming Ethernet segment ID for remote VTEPs.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 remote-vtep
df-algorithm df-preference nexthop-group-id
---------- ------------ ------------- ---------------- preference 50000 268435460
nv show evpn multihoming esi <esi-id> remote-vtep <ipv4-address-id>
Shows information about a specific EVPN multihoming Ethernet segment ID for the specified remote VTEP.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<esi-id> |
The ESI identifier. |
<ipv4-address-id> |
The IPv4 address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 remote-vtep
operational applied pending
---------------- ----------- ------- -------
df-algorithm preference
df-preference 50000
nexthop-group-id 268435460
nv show evpn multihoming segment
Shows EVPN multihoming segment information.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn multihoming segment
operational applied pending
------------- ----------- ------- -------
df-preference 32767 32767
nv show evpn route-advertise
Shows EVPN route advertise information.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn route-advertise
operational applied pending
--------------- ----------- ------------- -------------
default-gateway off off off
nexthop-setting system-ip-mac system-ip-mac
svi-ip off off off
nv show evpn vni
Shows information about the EVPN VNIs on the switch.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni
NumMacs - Number of MACs (local and remote) known for this VNI, NumArps - Number
of ARPs (IPv4 and IPv6, local and remote) known for this VNI
, NumRemVteps - Number of Remote Vteps
VNI NumMacs NumArps NumRemVteps TenantVrf
---- ------- ------- ----------- ---------
10 8 4 3 RED
20 6 1 3 RED
30 6 1 3 BLUE
1000 0 0 0 default
3000 0 0 0 default
nv show evpn vni <vni-id>
Shows configuration information about the specified VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10
operational applied pending
----------------- ----------- ------- -------
default-gateway off
svi-ip off
bridge-domain br_default
host-count 4
mac-count 8
remote-vtep-count 3
tenant-vrf RED
vlan 10
vxlan-interface vxlan48
---------- ----- HER HER HER
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> bgp-info
Shows BGP configuration information for the specific VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 bgp-info
operational applied pending
------------------------- ------------ ------- -------
advertise-default-gateway off
advertise-svi-ip off
in-kernel on
type L2
[export-route-target] 65101:10
[import-route-target] 65101:10
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> host
Shows the ARP and ND table for the specific VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 host
LocMobSeq - local mobility sequence, RemMobSeq - remote mobility sequence, Esi -
Remote Esi
IP address Type State LocMobSeq RemMobSeq Mac Esi
------------------------- ------ ------ --------- --------- ----------------- -------------------------… local active 0 0 48:b0:2d:bc:2e:e7 remote active 0 0 48:b0:2d:d0:1e:4a 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:0…
fe80::4ab0:2dff:febc:2ee7 local active 0 0 48:b0:2d:bc:2e:e7
fe80::4ab0:2dff:fed0:1e4a remote active 0 0 48:b0:2d:d0:1e:4a 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:0…
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> host <ip-address-id>
Shows a specific ARP and ND table for the specific VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<ip-address-id> |
The IP address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 host
operational applied pending
------------------- ----------------- ------- -------
detection-count 0
duplicate off
local-mobility-seq 0
remote-mobility-seq 0
type local
mac 48:b0:2d:bc:2e:e7
state active
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> mac
Shows the MAC address for the specified EVPN VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 mac
LocMobSeq - local mobility sequence, RemMobSeq - remote mobility sequence,
RemoteVtep - Remote Vtep address, Esi - Remote Esi
MAC address Type State LocMobSeq RemMobSeq Interface RemoteVtep Esi
----------------- ------ ----- --------- --------- --------- ---------- -----------------------------
44:38:39:22:01:7a local 0 0 vlan10
44:38:39:22:01:8a remote 0 0
44:38:39:22:01:78 remote 0 0
44:38:39:22:01:84 remote 0 0
48:b0:2d:1b:21:0e remote 0 0 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:01
48:b0:2d:91:ee:88 local 0 0 bond1
48:b0:2d:bc:2e:e7 local 0 0 bond1
48:b0:2d:d0:1e:4a remote 0 0 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:01
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> mac <mac-address-id>
Shows configuration information about a specific VNI MAC address.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<mac-address-id> |
The MAC address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 mac 44:38:39:22:01:78
operational applied pending
------------------- ----------- ------- -------
detection-count 0
duplicate off
local-mobility-seq 0
remote-mobility-seq 0
type remote
neigh-sync-count 0
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming
Shows multihoming Ethernet configuration for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming
operational applied pending
-------- ----------------------------- ------- -------
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:01
[esi] 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming bgp-info esi
Shows BGP information for the multihoming Ethernet segments for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming bgp-info esi
type.local type.remote Summary
----------------------------- ---------- ----------- -----------------------
03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01 on on remote-vtep:
03:44:38:39:be:ef:bb:00:00:01 on remote-vtep:
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming bgp-info esi <es-id>
Shows BGP information for a specific multihoming Ethernet segment for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<es-id> |
The Ethernet segment ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02
operational applied pending
------------- ----------- ------- -------
local on
remote on
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id> remote-vtep
Shows BGP information for a specific multihoming Ethernet segment for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<es-id> |
The Ethernet segment ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02 remote-vtep
flags.ead-per-es flags.ead-per-evi
---------- ---------------- ----------------- on on
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming bgp-info esi <esi-id> remote-vtep <ipv4-address-id>
Shows BGP information for a specific multihoming Ethernet segment for the specified VNI on a specific remote VTEP.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<es-id> |
The Ethernet segment ID. |
<ipv4-address-id> |
The IPv4 address of the remote VTEP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming bgp-info esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01 remote-vtep
operational applied pending
------------- ----------- ------- -------
ead-per-es on
ead-per-evi on
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming esi
Shows the EVPN multihoming ESIs for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming esi
type.local type.remote
----------------------------- ---------- -----------
03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:01 on
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> multihoming esi <es-id>
Shows information for a specific multihoming Ethernet segment for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<es-id> |
The Ethernet segment ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 multihoming esi 03:44:38:39:be:ef:aa:00:00:02
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-advertise
Shows route advertisement information for the specified VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-advertise
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-advertise
operational applied pending
--------------- ----------- ------- -------
default-gateway off
svi-ip off
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target
Shows route target information for the specified VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target both
Shows both import and export route target information for the specified EVPN VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target both
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target both
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target both <rt-id>
Shows information about both the specified import and export route target for the specified EVPN VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target both <rt-id>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<rt-id> |
The route target ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target both 65101:10
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target export
Shows export route target information for the specified EVPN VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target export
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target export
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target export <rt-id>
Shows configuration information about a specific export route target for the specified EVPN VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target export <rt-id>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<rt-id> |
The route target ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target export 65101:10
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target import
Shows import route target configuration for the specified EVPN VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target import
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target import
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> route-target import <rt-id>
Shows configuration information about a specific import route target for the specified EVPN VNI.
In Cumulus Linux 5.3 and earlier, this command is nv show evpn evi <vni-id> route-target import <rt-id>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
<rt-id> |
The route target ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 route-target import 65102:10
nv show evpn vni <vni-id> remote-vtep
Shows the remote VTEPs that connect to the switch.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show evpn vni 10 remote-vtep
--------- ----- HER
nv show interface <interface-id> evpn
Shows EVPN control plane configuration for the specified interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface bond1 evpn
applied pending
----------------- ----------------- -----------------
uplink off off
enable on on
df-preference 50000 50000
local-id 1 1
mac-address 44:38:39:BE:EF:AA 44:38:39:BE:EF:AA
nv show interface <interface-id> evpn multihoming
Shows the EVPN multihoming interface configuration parameters.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface bond1 evpn multihoming
operational applied pending
--------------- ----------- ----------------- -----------------
uplink off off
enable on on
df-preference 50000 50000
local-id 1 1
mac-address 44:38:39:BE:EF:AA 44:38:39:BE:EF:AA
nv show interface <interface-id> evpn multihoming segment
Shows EVPN multihoming interface segment configuration.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show interface bond1 evpn multihoming segment
operational applied pending
------------- ----------- ----------------- -----------------
enable on on
df-preference 50000 50000
local-id 1 1
mac-address 44:38:39:BE:EF:AA 44:38:39:BE:EF:AA
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn
Shows EVPN control plane configuration for the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn
operational applied pending
------------------ ----------------- ------- -------
enable on on
vlan 220 auto auto
[vni] 4001 4001 4001
router-mac 44:38:39:22:01:7a
state Up
svi vlan220_l3
system-mac 44:38:39:22:01:7a
vxlan-interface vxlan99
prefix-routes-only off off off
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn bgp-info
Shows layer 3 VNI information from BGP.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn bgp-info
operational applied pending
--------------------- ----------------- ------- -------
router-mac 44:38:39:22:01:7a
system-mac 44:38:39:22:01:7a
[export-route-target] 65101:4001
[import-route-target] 65101:4001
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn nexthop-vtep
Shows the EVPN next hop VTEP for the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn nexthop-vtep
Nexthop router-mac
---------- ----------------- 44:38:39:22:01:78 44:38:39:22:01:84 44:38:39:22:01:8a
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn nexthop-vtep <nexthop-vtep-id>
Shows information about a specific EVPN next hop VTEP in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<nexthop-vtep-id> |
The IP address of the nexthop VTEP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn nexthop-vtep
operational applied pending
---------- ----------------- ------- -------
router-mac 44:38:39:22:01:78
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn remote-router-mac
Shows the EVPN remote router MAC addresses in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn remote-router-mac
MAC address remote-vtep
----------------- -----------
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn remote-router-mac <mac-address-id>
Shows information about a specific EVPN remote router MAC address in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<mac-address-id> |
The MAC address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn remote-router-mac 44:38:39:22:01:8a
operational applied pending
----------- ----------- ------- -------
nv show vrf <vrf-id> evpn vni
Shows all EVPN VNIs in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show vrf RED evpn vni