Config Commands

nv config apply

In Cumulus Linux 5.8 and earlier, the nv config apply command applies the current pending configuration. This command does not save the configuration; the configuration does not persist after a reboot. To save the startup configuration automatically when you run nv config apply without having to run the nv config save command, run the nv set system config auto-save enable on command.

In Cumulus Linux 5.9 and later, auto save is on by default; the nv config apply command automatically saves the configuration and the configuration persists after a reboot.

You can specify the following options with the nv config apply command:

  • --y or --assume-yes automatically replies yes to all prompts.
  • --assume-no automatically replies no to all prompts.
  • --confirm applies the configuration change, but you must confirm the applied configuration. If you do not confirm within ten minutes, the configuration rolls back automatically. You can change the default time with the apply --confirm <time> command. For example, nv config apply --confirm 60 requires you to confirm within one hour.
  • --confirm-status shows the amount of time left before the automatic rollback.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config apply --y

nv config apply <revision>

Applies a specific configuration revision.

In Cumulus Linux 5.8 and earlier, the nv config apply <revision> command applies the configuration for the revision. This command does not save the configuration; the configuration does not persist after a reboot. To save the revision automatically when you run nv config apply <revision> without having to run the nv config save command, run the nv set system config auto-save enable on command.

In Cumulus Linux 5.9 and later, auto save is on by default; the nv config apply <revision> command automatically saves the configuration for the revision and the configuration persists after a reboot. You can specify the following options with this command:

  • --y or --assume-yes automatically replies yes to all prompts.
  • --assume-no automatically replies no to all prompts.
  • --confirm applies the configuration change, but you must confirm the applied configuration. If you do not confirm within ten minutes, the configuration rolls back automatically. You can change the default time with the apply --confirm <time> command. For example, nv config apply --confirm 60 requires you to confirm within one hour.
  • --confirm-status shows the amount of time left before the automatic rollback.

Command Syntax

<revision> The configuration revision you want to apply instead of the current pending configuration. You can specify applied, startup, empty, or a revision number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config apply 5 --y

nv config detach

Detaches the configuration from the current pending configuration. When you run this command, NVUE discards all configuration changes between the last nv config apply command and the nv config detach command.”

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config detach

nv config diff <revision-base> <revision-target>

Shows the differences between configurations, such as the startup configuration and the applied configuration, or the applied configuration and a specific configuration revision.

Command Syntax

<revision-base> The base configuration revision you want to compare against. You can specify applied, startup, or a specific configuration revision number.
<revision-target> The target configuration revision you want to compare against. You can specify applied, startup, or a specific configuration revision number.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config diff 1 2

nv config find

Finds a portion of the applied configuration according to the search string you provide.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config find stp
- set:
            mode: pvrst
                bridge-priority: 4096
                forward-delay: 4
                hello-time: 4
                max-age: 6
                bridge-priority: 61440
                forward-delay: 4
                hello-time: 4
                max-age: 6

nv config history

Shows the apply history for the current configuration revision.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config history

nv config history <revision>

Shows the apply history for a specific configuration revision.

Command Syntax

<revision> The revision whose apply history you want to show.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config history 5

nv config patch <nvue-file>

Updates the pending configuration with an NVUE configuration file in YAML format.

Command Syntax

<cue-file> The NVUE YAML file you want to use to update the pending configuration.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config patch myconfig.yaml

nv config replace <nvue-file>

Replaces the pending configuration with the specified YAML configuration file.

Command Syntax

<nvue-file> The NVUE YAML file you want to use to replace the pending configuration.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config replace myconfig.yaml

nv config revision

Shows the configuration revisions on the switch.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config revision
Rev ID                State              Apply ID                          Apply Date           Type      User     Reason         Message                        
--------------------  -----------------  --------------------------------  -------------------  --------  -------  -------------  -------------------------------
1                     applied_and_saved  rev_1_apply_1                     2024-04-26 11:24:50  CLI       root     Config update  Password sync for user: cumulus
2                     applied_and_saved  rev_2_apply_2                     2024-04-26 16:06:14  CLI       cumulus  Config update  Config update by cumulus       
3                     applied_and_saved  rev_3_apply_1                     2024-04-26 16:17:21  CLI       cumulus  Config update  Config update by cumulus       
4                     applied_and_saved  rev_4_apply_1                     2024-04-26 16:34:04  CLI       cumulus  Config update  Config update by cumulus

nv config save

Overwrites the startup configuration with the applied configuration by writing to the /etc/nvue.d/startup.yaml file. The configuration persists after a reboot.

In Cumulus Linux 5.9 and later, auto save is on by default; NVUE saves the configuration to the /etc/nvue.d/startup.yaml file automatically. Run this command to save the applied configuration if NVUE auto save if off.

In Cumulus Linux 5.8 and earlier, auto save is off by default.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config save

nv config show

Shows the currently applied configuration in YAML format.

  • To show the configuration on the switch in YAML format and include all default options, run the nv config show --all command.
  • To show the configuration for a specific revision, run the nv config show -r <rev-id> command.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config show
    model: VX
    nvue-api-version: nvue_v1
    rev-id: 1.0
    version: Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
- set:
                '10': {}
                '20': {}
                '30': {}
      enable: on
            swp1: {}
            id: 1
              access: 10
          lacp-bypass: on
            enable: on
          mtu: 9000
        type: bond

nv config translate revision

Translates an NVUE configuration revision into NVUE commands. The revision ID must be either an integer or a named revision (such as startup or applied).

If the revision is not readable, is in an invalid format, or includes invalid parameters, NVUE returns an error message and prompts you to correct the issue before proceeding.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config translate revision 10 

nv config translate filename <filename>

Translates an NVUE configuration yaml file into NVUE commands. The configuration file must be located on the switch and must include the full path to the file containing the configuration you want to translate. The file must be in YAML format and must be accessible with proper read permissions.

If the yaml file is not readable, is in an invalid format, or includes invalid parameters, NVUE returns an error message and prompts you to correct the issue before proceeding.

Version History

Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0


cumulus@switch:~$ nv config translate filename /home/cumulus/backup.yaml