Common Options

All NVUE commands have -h and --help options that provide command description and usage.

The NVUE nv show commands have these common options.

Revision Options

--rev <revision> Shows a detached pending configuration. <revsion> is the ID. For example, nv show --rev 4.
--pending Shows configuration that is set and unset but not yet applied or saved. For example, nv show --pending interface bond1.
--applied Shows configuration applied with the nv config apply command. For example, nv show --applied interface bond1.
--startup Shows the saved configuration.
--operational Shows the running configuration (the actual system state). For example, nv show --operational interface bond1 shows the running configuration for bond1. The running and applied configuration should be the same. If different, inspect the logs.

View Options

--view <view>
-w <view>
Shows these different views: brief, lldp, mac, plugables, and small. For example, the nv show interface --view=small command shows a list of the interfaces on the switch and the nv show interface --view=brief command shows information about each interface on the switch, such as the interface type, speed, remote host and port.
--filter <filter> Filters on column output data. For example, the nv show interface --filter mtu=1500 shows only the interfaces with MTU set to 1500.
To filter on multiple column outputs, enclose the filter types in parentheses; for example, nv show interface --filter "type=bridge&mtu=9216" shows data for bridges with MTU 9216.
You can use wildcards; for example, nv show interface swp1 --filter "ip.address=1*" shows all IP addresses that start with 1 for swp1.
You can filter on all revisions (operational, applied, and pending); for example, nv show interface --filter "ip.address=1*" --rev=applied shows all IP addresses that start with 1 for swp1 in the applied revision.

Output Options

--output <format>
-o <format>
Shows command output in table (auto), json, yaml, or plain text (raw) format such as vtysh native output. For example:
nv show interface bond1 --output auto
nv show interface bond1 --output json
nv show interface bond1 --output yaml
nv show router bgp -output raw
--color (on, off, or auto) Turns colored output on or off. The default is auto. For example
nv show --color on interface bond1.
--paginate (on, off, or auto) Paginates the output. The default is off. For example
nv show --paginate on interface bond1.