Action Commands
nv action
Resets counters for interfaces, BGP, QoS buffers and pools, removes conflicts from protodown MLAG bonds, and disconnects system users.
nv show action
Shows the action jobs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show action
detail: acl counters cleared.
http_status: 200
issue: []
percentage: ''
state: action_success
status: acl counters cleared.
timeout: 60
type: ''
detail: Local Time is now Wed 2024-05-29 09:47:30 UTC
http_status: 200
issue: []
percentage: ''
state: action_success
status: Local Time is now Wed 2024-05-29 09:47:30 UTC
timeout: 60
type: ''
nv show action <action-job-id>
Shows information about the specified action.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<action-job-id> |
The action ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show action 3
detail: acl counters cleared.
http_status: 200
issue: []
state: action_success
status: acl counters cleared.
timeout: 60
type: ''
nv action abort system ztp
Terminates ZTP if it is in the discovery process or is not currently running a script.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action abort system ztp
If you add the force
option (nv action abort system ztp force
), ZTP terminates without prompting you for confirmation.
nv action boot-next system image <partition> rollback
Rolls back the optimized image upgrade if the upgrade fails or you want to go back to the Cumulus Linux release from which you upgraded. The switch boots back to the previous release image and restores the switch configuration.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<partition-id> |
The name of the partition, such as other . |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action boot-next system image other rollback
nv action cancel system telemetry hft job <job-id> profile <profile-id>
Cancels a specific or all high frequency telemetry data collection jobs, or a specific or all jobs for a high frequency telemetry profile. You can specify a job ID or all
to cancel all jobs.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<job-id> |
The high frequency telemetry data collection job ID or all . To see the list of job IDs, run the nv show system telemetry hft job command. |
<profile-id> |
The name of the profile. High frequency telemetry uses profiles for data collection. A profile is a set of configurations. Cumulus Linux provides a default profile called standard . You can create a maximum of four new profiles (four profiles in addition to the default profile). |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action cancel system telemetry hft job 6 profile profile1
Action executing ...
Action succeeded
nv action change system date-time
Configures the Cumulus Linux software clock. The switch contains a battery backed hardware clock that maintains the time while the switch powers off and between reboots. When the switch is running, the Cumulus Linux operating system maintains its own software clock.
During boot up, the switch copies the time from the hardware clock to the operating system software clock. The software clock takes care of all the timekeeping. During system shutdown, the switch copies the software clock back to the battery backed hardware clock.
The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. The time format is HH:MM:SS.
In Cumulus Linux 5.7, 5.8, and 5.9, this command is nv action change system time
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action change system date-time 2023-12-04 2:33:30
System Date-time changed successfully
Local Time is now Mon 2023-12-04 02:33:30 UTC
Action succeeded
nv action clear acl counters
Clears all ACL counters.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear acl counters
acl counters cleared.
Action succeeded
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic
Clears all dynamic MAC addresses from the forwarding database.
This command clears static entries learned on ES bonds that are installed as static entries in EVPN multihoming including static VXLAN entries in the bridge driver.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic interface <interface-id>
Clears all dynamic MAC addresses for a specific interface from the forwarding database.
This command does not clear sticky entries, permanent entries, and EVPN MAC entries.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
<interface-id> |
The IP address or interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic interface swp1
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic interface <interface-id> vlan <vlan-id>
Clears all dynamic MAC addresses for a specific interface and VLAN from the forwarding database.
This command does not clear sticky entries, permanent entries, and EVPN MAC entries.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
<interface-id> |
The IP address or interface name. |
<vlan-id> |
The VLAN ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic interface swp1 vlan 10
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic mac <mac-address> interface <interface-id>
Clears a specific dynamic MAC address for an interface from the forwarding database.
This command does not clear sticky entries, permanent entries, and EVPN MAC entries.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
<mac-address> |
The MAC address. |
<interface-id> |
The IP address or interface name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic mac 00:00:0A:BB:28:FC interface swp1
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic mac <mac-address> vlan <vlan-id>
Clears a specific dynamic MAC addresses for a VLAN from the forwarding database.
This command does not clear sticky entries, permanent entries, and EVPN MAC entries.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
<mac-address> |
The MAC address. |
<vlan-id> |
The VLAN ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic mac 00:00:0A:BB:28:FC vlan 10
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic mac <mac-address> vlan <vlan-id> interface <interface-id>
Clears a specific dynamic MAC address for a VLAN and interface from the forwarding database.
This command does not clear sticky entries, permanent entries, and EVPN MAC entries.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
<mac-address> |
The MAC address. |
<VLAN-id> |
The VLAN ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic mac 00:00:0A:BB:28:FC vlan 10 interface swp1
nv action clear bridge domain <bridge-id> mac-table dynamic vlan <vlan-id>
Clears all dynamic MAC addresses for a specific VLAN from the forwarding database.
This command does not clear sticky entries, permanent entries, and EVPN MAC entries.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<bridge-id> |
The bridge name. |
<VLAN-id> |
The VLAN ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear bridge domain br_default mac-table dynamic vlan 10
nv action clear evpn vni
Clears duplicate addresses for all VNIs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear evpn vni
Action succeeded
nv action clear evpn vni <vni-id>
Clears duplicate addresses for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI ID. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear evpn vni 10
Action succeeded
nv action clear evpn vni <vni-id> host <host-id>
Clears the duplicate host address for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI ID. |
<host-id> |
The IP address of the host. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear evpn vni 10 host
Action succeeded
nv action clear evpn vni <vni> mac <mac-address>
Clears the duplicate MAC address for the specified VNI.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vni-id> |
The VNI ID. |
<mac-address> |
The MAC address you want to clear. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear evpn vni 10 mac 00:e0:ec:20:12:62
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface counters
Clears all interface-specific counters from all interfaces. Interface counters provide information about an interface, such as the number of packets intentionally or intentionally dropped, the number of inbound and outbound packets discarded (even if the switch detected no errors), the number of inbound and outbound packets not transmitted because of errors, and so on.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface counters
all interface counters cleared.
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface <interface> bond mlag lacp-conflict
Clears the MLAG LACP conflict on the specified interface bond. A conflict can be an LACP partner MAC address mismatch or a duplicate LACP partner MAC address.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface that has an LACP conflict. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 bond mlag lacp-conflict
nv action clear interface <interface-id> bridge domain <domain-id> stp bpduguardviolation
Clears the BPDU guard violation from the specified interface and recovers the interface from the protodown
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear the BPDU guard violation. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 bridge domain br_default stp bpduguardviolation
nv action clear interface <interface> counters
Clears all interface-specific counters from the specified interface. Interface counters provide information about an interface, such as the number of packets intentionally or intentionally dropped, the number of inbound and outbound packets discarded even though the switch detected no errors, the number of inbound and outbound packets not transmitted because of errors, and so on.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear counters. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 counters
swp1 counters cleared.
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface <interface-id> counters ptp
Clears PTP counters on the specified interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear PTP counters. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 counters ptp
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface <interface-id> counters synce
Clears SyncE counters on the specified interface.
In Cumulus Linux 5.6 and earlier, this command is nv action clear interface <interface-id> synce counters
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear SyncE counters. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 counters synce
nv action clear interface <interface-id> link flap-protection violation
Clears the protodown
state of the interface and brings the interface back up.
In Cumulus Linux 5.8 and earlier, this command is nv action clear interface <interface-id> link protodown link-flap
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear the protodown state. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.9.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 link flap-protection violation
link-flap state cleared on swp1.
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface <interface-id> qos buffer
Clears QoS buffer counters on the specified interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear the QoS buffer. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 qos buffer
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface <interface-id> qos pfc-watchdog deadlock-count
Clears the QoS PFC watchdog deadlock count on the specified interface. PFC watchdog detects and mitigates pause storms on ports where you enable PFC or link pause.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear the PFC watchdog deadlock count. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 qos pfc-watchdog deadlock-count
Action succeeded
nv action clear interface <interface-id> qos roce counters
Clears QoS RoCE counters on the specified interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear RoCE counters. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear interface swp1 qos roce counters
nv action clear mlag lacp-conflict
Clears the MLAG LACP conflict. A conflict can be an LACP partner MAC address mismatch or a duplicate LACP partner MAC address.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.0.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear mlag lacp-conflict
nv action clear qos buffer multicast-switch-priority
Clears the QoS multicast switch priority buffers.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear qos buffer multicast-switch-priority
nv action clear qos buffer pool
Clears the QoS pool buffers.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear qos buffer pool
nv action clear router bgp
Clears BGP sessions with all neighbors.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router bgp
Action succeeded
nv action clear router bgp in prefix-filter
Clears and refreshes inbound routes for all neighbors, address families, and VRFs and refreshes the outbound route filtering prefix list.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router bgp in prefix-filter
Action succeeded
nv action clear router bgp soft
Clears all routes with all neighbors, address families, and VRFs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router bgp soft
Action succeeded
nv action clear router bgp soft in
Clears and refreshes all inbound routes with all neighbors, address families, and VRFs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router bgp soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear router bgp soft out
Clears and resends all outbound routes with all neighbors, address families, and VRFs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router bgp soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear router bgp out
Clears and refreshes outbound routes for all neighbors, address families, and VRFs.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router bgp out
Action succeeded
nv action clear router igmp interfaces
Clears the IGMP interface state.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router igmp interfaces
Action succeeded
nv action clear router policy prefix-list
Clears all IP prefix list statistics.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router policy prefix-list
Action succeeded
nv action clear router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id>
Clears statistics for the specified prefix list.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<prefix-list-id> |
The name of the prefix list whose statistics you want to clear. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router policy prefix-list prefixlist1
Action succeeded
nv action clear router policy prefix-list <prefix-list-id> rule <rule-id> match <match-id>
Clears statistics for a specific prefix list rule number and match ID.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<prefix-list-id> |
The name of the prefix list whose statistics you want to clear. |
<rule-id> |
The prefix list rule number. |
<match-id> |
The prefix list match criteria. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router policy prefix-list prefixlist1 rule 10 match
Action succeeded
nv action clear router policy route-map
Clears all route map counters.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router policy route-map
Action succeeded
nv action clear router policy route-map <route-map-id>
Clears counters for the specified route map.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<route-map-id> |
The route map you want to clear. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear router policy route-map ROUTEMAP1
Action succeeded
nv action clear service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log max-offset
Clears the PTP monitor violation log maximum offset value.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> |
The PTP instance number used for management purposes. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear service ptp 1 monitor violations log max-offset
Action succeeded
nv action clear service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log min-offset
Clears the PTP monitor violation log minumum offset value.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> |
The PTP instance number used for management purposes. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear service ptp 1 monitor violations log min-offset
Action succeeded
nv action clear service ptp <instance-id> monitor violations log path-delay
Clears the PTP monitor violation log path delay value.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<instance-id> |
The PTP instance number used for management purposes. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear service ptp 1 monitor violations log path-delay
Action succeeded
nv action clear system api session user <user-id>
Clears an NVUE user session.
NVUE uses sessions to authenticate and authorize requests. After authenticating the user with the first request, NVUE stores the session in the nvued
cache. NVUE authenticates subsequent interactions within the session locally, eliminating the need to repeatedly check with external authentication servers. This process enhances system performance and efficiency, making it ideal for high-traffic environments.
If you make changes to a user group, password, RADIUS, TACACS, or LDAP server setting locally on the switch, NVUE clears the current session automatically.
If you make changes directly on the RADIUS, TACACS, or LDAP server, you must clear the user session with the
nv action clear system api session user <user>
command or clear all sessions with thenv action clear system api session
command.If you do not clear a user session after making changes directly on the RADIUS, TACACS, or LDAP server, NVUE uses the existing session for authentication and authorization until the session times out (up to 60 minutes).
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<user-id> |
The user account. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear system api session user admin
nv action clear system link flap-protection violation
Clears the protodown
links on the switch.
In Cumulus Linux 5.8 and earlier, this command is nv action clear system link protodown link-flap
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.9.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear system link flap-protection violation
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv4-unicast in
Clears BGP IPv4 inbound routes.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family ipv4-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv4-unicast soft in
Clears BGP IPv4 inbound routes for all BGP peers.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether you enable soft-reconfiguration inbound.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv4-unicast soft out
Clears BGP IPv4 outbound routes for all BGP peers.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv4-unicast out
Clears BGP IPv4 outbound routes.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family ipv4-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast in
Clears BGP IPv6 inbound routes.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast soft in
Clears BGP IPv6 inbound routes for all BGP peers.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast soft out
Clears BGP IPv6 outbound routes for all BGP peers.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast out
Clears BGP IPv6 outbound routes.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family ipv6-unicast out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn in
Clears BGP EVPN inbound routes.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn soft in
Clears BGP EVPN inbound routes for all BGP peers.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn soft out
Clears BGP EVPN outbound routes for all BGP peers.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn out
Clears BGP EVPN outbound routes.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp address-family l2vpn-evpn out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp in prefix-filter
Clears and refreshes inbound routes for all neighbors and address families in the specified VRF and refreshes the outbound route filtering prefix list.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp in prefix-filter
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv4-unicast in
Clears IPv4 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv4-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv4-unicast soft in
Clears IPv4 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv4-unicast soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv4-unicast soft out
Clears IPv4 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv4-unicast soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv4-unicast out
Clears IPv4 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv4-unicast out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv6-unicast in
Clears IPv6 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv6-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv6-unicast soft in
Clears IPv6 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv6-unicast soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv6-unicast soft out
Clears IPv6 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv6-unicast soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family ipv6-unicast out
Clears IPv6 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family ipv6-unicast out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn in
Clears EVPN inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn soft in
Clears EVPN inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn soft out
Clears EVPN outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn out
Clears EVPN outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 address-family l2vpn-evpn out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> in
Clears inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> soft in
Clears inbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> soft out
Clears outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF without resetting the peer session.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp neighbor <neighbor-id> out
Clears outbound routes for a specific BGP peer in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<neighbor-id> |
The IP address of the BGP peer or the interface if you are using unnumbered BGP. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp neighbor swp51 out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast in
Clears IPv4 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast soft in
Clears IPv4 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast soft out
Clears IPv4 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv4-unicast out
Clears IPv4 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv4-unicast out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast in
Clears IPv6 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast soft in
Clears IPv6 inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast soft out
Clears IPv6 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family ipv6-unicast out
Clears IPv6 outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family ipv6-unicast out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn in
Clears EVPN inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn soft in
Clears EVPN inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn soft out
Clears EVPN outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command:
- Does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware
- Does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Does not readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> address-family l2vpn-evpn out
Clears EVPN outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES address-family l2vpn-evpn out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> in
Clears inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> soft in
Clears inbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not clear counters in the kernel or hardware and does not reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- When the switch has a neighbor configured with
soft-reconfiguration inbound
enabled, this command clears the routes in the soft reconfiguration table for the address family. This results in reevaluating routes in the BGP table against any applied input policies. - When the switch has a neighbor configured without the
soft-reconfiguration inbound
option enabled, this command sends the peer a route refresh message. - If you do not specify the direction
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> soft out
Clears outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
If you do not specify the direction out
, the command affects both inbound and outbound routes depending on whether soft-reconfiguration inbound is enabled.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp peer-group <peer-group-id> out
Clears outbound routes for a specific BGP peer group in the specified VRF.
This command does not:
- Clear counters in the kernel or hardware.
- Reset BGP neighbor adjacencies.
- Readvertise all routes to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<peer-group-id> |
The peer group name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp peer-group SPINES out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp soft
Clears all routes with all neighbors and address families in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp soft
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp soft in
Clears and refreshes all inbound routes with all neighbors and address families in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp soft in
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp soft out
Clears and resends all outbound routes with all neighbors and address families in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp soft out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router bgp out
Clears and refreshes outbound routes for all neighbors and address families in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router bgp out
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router ospf database
Clear the OSPF database, reestablishes neighborships, and reoriginates LSAs.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router ospf database
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router ospf interface
Clears all counters for the OSPF interfaces.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router ospf interface
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router ospf interface <interface-id>
Clears OSPF neighbor adjacency on the specified interface.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to clear OSPF neighbor adjacency. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router ospf interface swp2
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router pim interfaces
Clears PIM neighbors for all PIM interfaces in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router pim interfaces
Action succeeded
nv action clear vrf <vrf-id> router pim interface-traffic
Clears traffic statistics for all PIM interfaces in the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.6.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action clear vrf default router pim interface-traffic
Action succeeded
nv action deauthenticate interface <interface-id> dot1x authorized-sessions <mac-address>
Deauthenticates the 802.1X supplicant on the specified interface. If you do not want to notify the supplicant that they are being deauthenticated, you can add the silent
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<interface-id> |
The interface on which you want to deauthenticate the 802.1X supplicant. |
<mac-address> |
The MAC address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.8.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action deauthenticate interface swp1 dot1x authorized-sessions 00:55:00:00:00:09 silent
Action succeeded
nv action delete system log file <file-name>
Deletes the specified system log file.
Deleting log files enables you to manage storage space and ensure that only relevant logs remain. You typically delete log files after you upload or archive them, or when you no longer need the logs for troubleshooting or auditing. Log file deletion is a crucial step in log management to ensure that outdated or irrelevant data does not occupy system resources.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<file-name> |
The system log file you want to delete. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action delete system log file mstpd.log
nv action delete system log component <component-name> file <filename>
Deletes a log file from a specific system component.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<component-name> |
The system component from which you want to delete a log file. |
<filename> |
The name of the log file you want to delete. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action delete system log component nvue file nvued.log
nv action delete system packages key <key>
Deletes a package repository key.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<key-id> |
The repository key. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action delete system packages key debian-archive-bookworm-automatic.asc
nv action delete system security ca-certificate <cert-id>
Deletes the CA certificate you specify.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<cert-id> |
The CA certificate you want to delete. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action delete system security ca-certificate cert-1
nv action delete system security certificate <cert-id>
Deletes the entity certificate you specify.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<cert-id> |
The entity certificate you want to delete. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action delete system security certificate cert-1
nv action disable system maintenance mode
Disables maintenance mode and restores normal operation.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action disable system maintenance mode
System maintenance mode has been disabled successfully
Current System Mode: cold
frr : cold, up, up time: 12:57:48 (1 restart)
switchd : cold, up, up time: 13:12:13
System Services : cold, up, up time: 13:12:32
Action succeeded
nv action disable system maintenance ports
Restores the port admin state after maintenance.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action disable system maintenance ports
System maintenance ports has been disabled successfully
Current System Mode: cold
Ports shutdown for Maintenance
frr : cold, up, up time: 13:00:57 (1 restart)
switchd : cold, up, up time: 13:15:22
System Services : cold, up, up time: 13:15:41
Action succeeded
nv action disable system ztp
Disables ZTP and deactivates the provisioning process. If a ZTP script is currently running, ZTP is not disabled.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action disable system ztp
The operation will perform disable of the ZTP.
Type [y] to perform disable of the ZTP.
Type [N] to cancel an action.
Do you want to continue? [y/N]
If you add the force
option (nv action disable system ztp force
), ZTP disables and deactivates the provisioning process without prompting you for confirmation.
nv action disconnect system aaa user <user-id>
Disconnects authenticated and authorized users.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<user-id> |
The user you want to disconnect. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action disconnect system aaa user admin2
nv action enable system maintenance mode
Enables maintenance mode. When maintenance mode is on, ISSU performs a graceful BGP shutdown, redirects traffic over the peerlink and brings down the MLAG port link. switchd
maintains full capability.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action enable system maintenance mode
System maintenance mode has been enabled successfully
Current System Mode: Maintenance, cold
Maintenance mode since Sat Nov 18 07:09:25 2023 (Duration: 00:00:00)
frr : Maintenance, cold, down, up time: 12:55:51 (1 restart)
switchd : Maintenance, cold, down, up time: 13:10:16
System Services : Maintenance, cold, down, up time: 13:10:35
Action succeeded
nv action enable system maintenance ports
Brings down the ports for maintenance.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action enable system maintenance ports
System maintenance ports has been enabled successfully
Current System Mode: Maintenance, cold
Maintenance mode since Sat Nov 18 07:09:25 2023 (Duration: 00:00:56)
frr : Maintenance, cold, down, up time: 12:56:47 (1 restart)
switchd : Maintenance, cold, down, up time: 13:11:12
System Services : Maintenance, cold, down, up time: 13:11:31
Action succeeded
nv action enable system ztp
Enables ZTP and activates the provisioning process. ZTP tries to run the next time the switch boots. However, if ZTP already ran on a previous boot up or if you made manual configuration changes, ZTP exits without trying to look for a script.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action enable system ztp
The operation will perform enable of the ZTP.
Type [y] to perform enable of the ZTP.
Type [N] to cancel an action.
Do you want to continue? [y/N]
If you add the force
option (nv action enable system ztp force
), ZTP enables and activates the provisioning process without prompting you for confirmation.
nv action fetch system image <remote-url>
Fetches a binary image from the specified URL.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<remote-url> |
The remote URL. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action fetch system image
nv action fetch system packages key <key>
Fetches a repository key and saves it globally in the /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<key> |
The repository key. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action fetch system packages key
nv action fetch system packages key <key> scope repository
Fetches and saves the repository key in the /etc/apt/keyrings/
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<key> |
The repository key. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action fetch system packages key scope repository
nv action generate file-hash md5
Calculates and generates a unique hash value (checksum) for a file using md5.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<filename> |
The technical support file name and location. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action generate file-hash md5 /var/log/text.txt
Action executing ...
Generated Hash Checksum
5073306b0629c047d090e2c96b5eec4b /var/log/text.txt
Action succeeded
nv action generate file-hash sha1
Calculates and generates a unique hash value (checksum) for a file using sha1.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<filename> |
The technical support file name and location. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action generate file-hash sha1 /var/log/text.txt
Action executing ...
Generated Hash Checksum
c0965ec47c1557d671e36abb5c55ec13b8378e44 /var/log/text.txt
Action succeeded
nv action generate file-hash sha224
Calculates and generates a unique hash value (checksum) for a file using sha224.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<filename> |
The technical support file name and location. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action generate file-hash sha224 /var/log/text.txt
Action executing ...
Generated Hash Checksum
c414b2b7eaa757162f41183c42a02cf329ab86719be9f8583195d9ab /var/log/text.txt
Action succeeded
nv action generate file-hash sha256
Calculates and generates a unique hash value (checksum) for a file using sha256.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<filename> |
The technical support file name and location. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action generate file-hash sha256 /var/log/text.txt
Action executing ...
Generated Hash Checksum
3fe4bf60ed8d1ce9ffca7f578a94cab88b907951c92e1f8605f59a2bb0a2ab8b /var/log/text.txt
Action succeeded
nv action generate file-hash sha512
Calculates and generates a unique hash value (checksum) for a file using sha512.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<filename> |
The technical support file name and location. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action generate file-hash sha512 /var/log/text.txt
Action executing ...
Generated Hash Checksum
9420cdea5577569d60c986f0da39dc31be9d08a8945e42a4445c518e105cf4c3d93bc587b770bee4719836b92a65c7cb6efef283e74592f7cf3a0fc2cccc18bf /var/log/text.txt
Action succeeded
nv action delete system tech-support files <file-id>
Deletes the specified technical support file (a compressed archive file of useful information for troubleshooting).
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<file-id> |
The technical support file name and location. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action delete system tech-support files /var/support/cl_support_leaf01_20240725_221237.txz
Action executing ...
File Delete Succeeded
Action succeeded
nv action generate system tech-support
Generates a technical support file (compressed archive file of useful information for troubleshooting).
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action generate system tech-support
Action executing ...
Generating system tech-support file, it might take a few minutes...
Action executing ...
Generated tech-support
Action succeeded
nv action import system security ca-certificate <cert-id>
Imports a CA certificate.
Cumulus Linux includes a self-signed certificate and private key to use on the server so that it works out of the box. The switch generates the self-signed certificate and private key when it boots for the first time. The X.509 certificate with the public key is in /etc/ssl/certs/cumulus.pem
and the corresponding private key is in /etc/ssl/private/cumulus.key
NVIDIA recommends you use your own certificates and keys.
- You can import a maximum of 50 CA certificates on the switch.
- The CA certificate you import contains sensitive private key information. NVIDIA recommends that you use a secure transport such as SFTP, SCP, or HTTPS.
- If the certificate is passphrase protected, you need to include the passphrase.
- You must provide a certificate ID (
) to uniquely identify the certificate you import.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action import system security ca-certificate tls-cert-1 passphrase mypassphrase data "<public-key>"
nv action import system security certificate <cert-id>
Imports an entity certificate or certificate bundle.
Cumulus Linux includes a self-signed certificate and private key to use on the server so that it works out of the box. The switch generates the self-signed certificate and private key when it boots for the first time. The X.509 certificate with the public key is in /etc/ssl/certs/cumulus.pem
and the corresponding private key is in /etc/ssl/private/cumulus.key
NVIDIA recommends you use your own certificates and keys.
- You can import a maximum of 25 entity certificates on the switch.
- The certificate you import contains sensitive private key information. NVIDIA recommends that you use a secure transport such as SFTP, SCP, or HTTPS.
- If the certificate is passphrase protected, you need to include the passphrase.
- A certificate bundle must be in .PFX or .P12 format.
- You must provide a certificate ID (
) to uniquely identify the certificate you import.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.7.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action import system security certificate tls-cert-1 passphrase mypassphrase uri-bundle scp://user@pass:
nv action install system image file <filename>
Installs the specified binary image on the second partition (optimized upgrade).
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<filename> |
The binary image filename. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action install system image files cumulus-linux-5.12.0-mlx-amd64.bin
nv action list system file-path <path>
Lists the contents of a directory, including files, subdirectories, and other file system objects. This NVUE command is equivalent to the Linux ls -la --full-time <path>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<path> |
The path to the directory you want to list. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action list system file-path /var/log
Action executing ...
"filename": "runit",
"flags": "drwxr-xr-x",
"links": 5,
"owner": "root",
"group": "root",
"size": 4096,
"date": "2024-10-05 15:02:22.395910058 +0000",
"epoch": 1728140542,
"epoch_utc": 1728140542
{ *-
"filename": "switchd.log",
"flags": "-rw-r-----",
"links": 1,
"owner": "root",
"group": "adm",
"size": 3886,
"date": "2025-02-20 16:48:23.865423228 +0000",
"epoch": 1740070103,
"epoch_utc": 1740070103
"filename": "syslog.4.gz",
"flags": "-rw-r-----",
"links": 1,
"owner": "root",
"group": "adm",
"size": 444948,
"date": "2025-02-21 23:14:43.321379607 +0000",
"epoch": 1740179683,
"epoch_utc": 1740179683
"filename": "wtmp",
"flags": "-rw-rw-r--",
"links": 1,
"owner": "root",
"group": "utmp",
"size": 14976,
"date": "2025-02-24 13:47:41.846513274 +0000",
"epoch": 1740404861,
"epoch_utc": 1740404861
Action succeeded
nv action lookup vrf <vrf-id> router fib <address-family> <ip-address>
Looks up the route in the routing table for a specific destination.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
<address-family> |
The address family; IPv4 or IPv6. |
<ip-address> |
The IP address. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action lookup vrf default router fib ipv4
Action executing ...
Action succeeded
nv action ping system <destination>
Sends Echo Request packets to a destination (IP address or a hostname) to check if it is reachable.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system
nv action ping system <destination> count
Configures the number of Echo Request packets to send. You can specify a value between 1 and 10. The default packet count is 3.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system count 5
nv action ping system <destination> do-not-fragment
Configures Do not fragment. If the packet is larger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of any network segment it traverses, drop the packet instead of fragmenting the packet.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system do-not-fragment
nv action ping system <destination> interval
Configures how often two send Echo Request packets. You can specify a value between 0.1 and 5 seconds. The default value is 4.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system interval 2
nv action ping system <destination> l3protocol
Configures the layer 3 protocol you want to use to send the Echo Request packets. You can specify IPv4 or IPv6.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system l3protocol ipv4
nv action ping system <destination> size
Configures the packet size in bytes. You can specify a value between 1 and 9216. The default value is 64.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system size 200
nv action ping system <destination> source
Configures the source IP address from which to send the Echo Request packets.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system source
nv action ping system <destination> source-interface
Configures the source interface for which you want to test the routing path for a link local address. IPv6 only.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system fe80::a00:27ff:fe00:0 source-interface eth0
nv action ping system <destination> wait
Configures the number of seconds to wait for an Echo Reply packet before the ping request times out. You can specify a value between 0.1 and 10. The default value is 10.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system wait 3
nv action ping system <destination> vrf
Configures the VRF for which you want to test the routing paths.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or hostname of the destination you want to ping. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action ping system vrf mgmt
nv action power-cycle system
Power cycles the switch remotely to recover from certain conditions, such as a thermal ASIC shutdown due to high temperatures.
When you run the nv action power-cycle system
command, the switch prompts you for confirmation before power cycling. To power cycle the switch without being prompted for confirmation, run the nv action power-cycle system force
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.13.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action power-cycle system
The operation will Power Cycle the switch.
Type [y] to power cycle.
Type [N] to abort.
Do you want to continue? [y/N] y
Action executing ...
Power cycling the switch ...
Action executing ...
Action succeeded
nv action reboot system
Reboots the switch.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.5.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action reboot system
Rebooting System in cold mode
Action succeeded
nv action reset platform transceiver <port-id>
Resets a specific transceiver to its initial, stable state without having to be present physically in the data center to pull the transceiver. You can specify a single port, a range of ports (such as swp1-4) or comma-separated ports (such as swp1,swp4,swp5).
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<port-id> |
The port in which the transceiver you want to reset is attached. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action reset platform transceiver swp1
Action executing ...
Resetting module swp1 ... OK
Action succeeded
nv action reset system factory-default
Resets the switch to the factory defaults and removes all configuration, system files, and log files. When you perform a factory reset, the currently installed image remains on the switch.
- To run factory reset with NVUE commands, the
service must be running. - When you run the NVUE factory reset commands, the switch prompts you to confirm that you want to continue. To run the commands without the prompts to continue, add the
option at the end of the command. - The switch always reboots in cold mode after a factory reset even if the switch is in warm boot mode when you run factory reset commands.
- If ZTP fails (the ZTP configuration file is not present, there is no USB drive, or there are DHCP errors), factory reset continues successfully; ZTP is a separate task and does not affect the factory reset status.
- If there is an issue when running factory reset, the switch reverts to the previous configuration and logs the exceptions and errors.
- The factory reset command is similar to the onie-select -k command; however, onie-select -k also removes the installed image.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action reset system factory-default
This operation will reset the system configuration, delete the log files and reboot the switch.
Type [y] continue.
Type [n] to abort.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] y
nv action reset system factory-default keep basic
Resets the switch to the factory defaults but keeps password policy rules, management interface configuration (such as eth0), local user accounts and roles, and SSH configuration.
- To run factory reset with NVUE commands, the
service must be running. - When you run the NVUE factory reset commands, the switch prompts you to confirm that you want to continue. To run the commands without the prompts to continue, add the
option at the end of the command. - The switch always reboots in cold mode after a factory reset even if the switch is in warm boot mode when you run factory reset commands.
- If ZTP fails (the ZTP configuration file is not present, there is no USB drive, or there are DHCP errors), factory reset continues successfully; ZTP is a separate task and does not affect the factory reset status.
- If there is an issue when running factory reset, the switch reverts to the previous configuration and logs the exceptions and errors.
- The factory reset command is similar to the onie-select -k command; however, onie-select -k also removes the installed image.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action reset system factory-default keep basic
This operation will keep only the basic system configuration, delete the log files and reboot the switch.
Type [y] to continue.
Type [n] to abort.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] y
nv action reset system factory-default keep all-config
Resets the switch to the factory defaults but keeps all configuration.
- To run factory reset with NVUE commands, the
service must be running. - When you run the NVUE factory reset commands, the switch prompts you to confirm that you want to continue. To run the commands without the prompts to continue, add the
option at the end of the command. - The switch always reboots in cold mode after a factory reset even if the switch is in warm boot mode when you run factory reset commands.
- If ZTP fails (the ZTP configuration file is not present, there is no USB drive, or there are DHCP errors), factory reset continues successfully; ZTP is a separate task and does not affect the factory reset status.
- If there is an issue when running factory reset, the switch reverts to the previous configuration and logs the exceptions and errors.
- The factory reset command is similar to the onie-select -k command; however, onie-select -k also removes the installed image.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action reset system factory-default keep all-config
This operation will not reset the system configuration, only delete the log files and reboot the switch.
Type [y] to continue.
Type [n] to abort.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] y
nv action reset system factory-default keep only-files
Resets the switch to the factory defaults but keeps all system files and log files
- To run factory reset with NVUE commands, the
service must be running. - When you run the NVUE factory reset commands, the switch prompts you to confirm that you want to continue. To run the commands without the prompts to continue, add the
option at the end of the command. - The switch always reboots in cold mode after a factory reset even if the switch is in warm boot mode when you run factory reset commands.
- If ZTP fails (the ZTP configuration file is not present, there is no USB drive, or there are DHCP errors), factory reset continues successfully; ZTP is a separate task and does not affect the factory reset status.
- If there is an issue when running factory reset, the switch reverts to the previous configuration and logs the exceptions and errors.
- The factory reset command is similar to the onie-select -k command; however, onie-select -k also removes the installed image.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action reset system factory-default keep only-files
This operation will reset the system configuration, not delete the log files and reboot the switch.
Type [y] to continue.
Type [n] to abort.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] y
nv action rotate system log
Rotates the system log files. Cumulus Linux automatically manages log file size, preventing the logs from filling the storage space and slowing down the system.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action rotate system log
Action executing ...
Log rotation successful
Action succeeded
nv action run system ztp
Manually runs ZTP from the beginning. If you made manual configuration changes, ZTP considers the switch as already provisioned and exits.
You can also specify a custom URL (nv action run system ztp url <url-and-filename
) or directory (nv action run system ztp url <directory-and-filename
) on the switch for the ZTP script.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.11.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action run system ztp
The operation will perform rerun of the ZTP.
Type [y] to perform rerun of the ZTP.
Type [N] to cancel an action.
Do you want to continue? [y/N]
If you add the force option (nv action run system ztp force
), ZTP runs without prompting you for confirmation.
nv action schedule system telemetry hft job <date-time> duration <duration> profile <profile> ports <port-id> description <text>
Configures the schedule for a high frequency telemetry data collection.
- You can schedule a maximum of 10 sessions (jobs). The switch can retain data for 10 jobs (completed, cancelled, or failed) in addition to the active jobs.
- You must configure data export (the target) before you can configure the schedule.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<date-time> |
The start date and time for high frequency telemetry data collection in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. |
duration |
The session duration in seconds. The default value is 20 seconds. |
profile-id |
The high frequency telemetry data collection profile name. |
port-id |
The ports on which you want to collect the data. You can specify a range of ports, multiple comma separated ports, or all for all the ports. The default value is all . |
<text> |
A short reason why you are collecting the data. If the description contains more than one word, you must enclose the description in quotes. A description is optional. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action schedule system telemetry hft job 2024-07-17 10:00:00 duration 30 profile profile1 ports swp1-swp9 description "bandwidth profiling"
Action executing ...
Job schedule successfull.
Action succeeded
nv action traceroute system <destination>
Sends traceroute packets to a destination so you can validate the route. You can specify either an IP address or a domain name.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system
nv action traceroute system <destination> do-not-fragment
Drops the traceroute packet instead of fragmenting it if the packet is larger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of any network segment it traverses.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system do-not-fragment
nv action traceroute system <destination> initial-ttl
Sends traceroute packets to the destination with the minimum number of hops specified. You can specify a value between 1 and 30. The default value is 1.
The minimum number of hops must be less than or equal to the maximum number of hops.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system initial-ttl 3
nv action traceroute system <destination> l3protocol
Sends layer 3 traceroute packets to the destination specified. You can specify ipv4
or ipv6
. The default is ipv4
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system fe80::a00:27ff:fe00:0 l3protocol ipv6
nv action traceroute system <destination> l4protocol
Sends the specified layer 4 traceroute packets to the destination. You can specify icmp
, tcp
, or udp
. The default is icmp
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system l4protocol udp
nv action traceroute system <destination> max-ttl
Sends traceroute packets to the destination with the minimum number of hops specified. You can specify a value between 1 and 30.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system max-ttl 10
nv action traceroute system <destination> source-address
Sends traceroute packets to the destination from the specified source IP address.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system source-address
nv action traceroute system <destination> vrf
Sends traceroute packets to the destination using the specified VRF.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system vrf RED
nv action traceroute system <destination> wait
Sends traceroute packets to the destination and waits for the specified maximum number of nanoseconds for a response from each hop. You can specify a value between 0.1 and 10.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<destination> |
The IP address or a domain name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.12.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action traceroute system wait 2
nv action upgrade system packages to latest use-vrf <vrf-id>
Upgrades all the packages to the latest distribution.
By default, the NVUE nv action upgrade system packages
command runs in the management VRF. To run the command in a non-management VRF such as default
, you must use the use-vrf <vrf-id>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.9.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action upgrade system packages to latest use-vrf default
nv action upgrade system packages to latest use-vrf <vrf> dry-run
Fetches the latest update metadata from the repository so you can review potential upgrade issues (in some cases, upgrading new packages might also upgrade additional existing packages due to dependencies).
By default, the NVUE nv action upgrade system packages
command runs in the management VRF. To run the command in a non-management VRF such as default
, you must use the use-vrf <vrf-id>
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<vrf-id> |
The VRF name. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.9.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action upgrade system packages to latest use-vrf default dry-run
nv action upload tech-support files <file-id> <remote-url>
Uploads a technical support file (cl-support
) off the switch to an external location.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<file-id> |
The technical support file you want to upload. |
<remote-url> |
The URL to where you want to upload the technical support file. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action upload tech-support files cl_support_leaf01_20240725_225811.txz scp://root@host1:/home/tech-support/
nv action upload system telemetry hft job <hft-job-id> <remote-url>
Uploads high frequency telemetry data for a specific session (job) off the switch to an external location.
Command Syntax
Syntax | Description |
<hft-job-id> |
The job ID. You can see the list of jobs with the nv show system telemetry hft job command. |
<remote-url> |
The URL to where you want to upload the data. |
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.10.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv action upload system telemetry hft job 1 scp://root@host1:/home/telemetry/
nv show action
Shows actions, such as cleared interface counters and routes, removed protodown MLAG bond conflicts, and disconnected system users.
Version History
Introduced in Cumulus Linux 5.4.0
cumulus@switch:~$ nv show action
id state
-- --------------
1 action_success
2 action_error
3 action_success
4 action_success
5 action_success
6 action_success