Verify Software and Hardware Version Information

Cumulus Linux users familiar with Cisco IOS might look for the same level of information from commands they learned and used over time. One of the most common commands used in Cisco IOS is show version, which displays the currently loaded software along with hardware and device information. You can find this level of information in Cumulus Linux using the following commands:

  • cat /etc/lsb-release
  • cl-img-select
  • decode-syseeprom

Use cat /etc/lsb-release to Verify the Running System Image

The following command displays the version of Cumulus Linux running in the current slot, and is updated to reflect version changes with apt-get:

cumulus@switch:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release
DISTRIB_ID="Cumulus Linux"
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Cumulus Linux 4.2.0"

Use decode-syseeprom to Verify Hardware Model, Version and Other Vendor-specific Details

Similar to how Cisco offers the show idprom command for IOS and show sprom for NX-OS, NVIDIA created the decode-syseeprom command to provide a universal EEPROM format that delivers a consistent way to display hardware platform-specific information.

For example:

cumulus@switch:~$ sudo decode-syseeprom   
TLV Name             Code Len Value  
-------------------- ---- --- -----  
Magic Number         0xFF   1 0xE0  
Product Name         0x01   3 LB9  
Part Number          0x02  11 1LB9BZZ0STQ  
Serial Number        0x03  13 QTFCA63280046  
Base MAC Address     0x04   6 08:9E:01:CE:C5:AA  
Manufacture Date     0x05   4 2013/7/4  
Card Type            0x06   4 0x00000001  
Hardware Version     0x07   4 1.0  
Label Revision       0x08   1 1  
Model Name           0x09  10 QUANTA LB9  
Software Version     0x0A   4  
QUANTA-CRC           0x00   2 0x3B99  
(checksum valid)

Determine the Version of the Installed ONIE Software

Determining the ONIE version depends on the hardware architecture. The following command determines the hardware platform:

cumulus@switch$ uname -m
uname -m output Architecture
ppc PowerPC
armv7l ARM
x86_64 x86


Reading the ONIE version on an x86 switch requires temporarily mounting the ONIE partition as follows.

  1. Temporarily mount the ONIE partition read-only to read the ONIE version:

    cumulus@switch$ sudo mkdir /mnt/onie
    cumulus@switch$ sudo mount -o ro -L ONIE-BOOT /mnt/onie
  2. Read the ONIE version:

    cumulus@sw5$ grep ^onie_version /mnt/onie/grub/grub.cfg
  3. Unmount the ONIE partition:

    cumulus@switch$ sudo umount /mnt/onie

PowerPC and ARM

The fw_printenv command is a U-Boot tool inherited from the standard Debian distribution. You can use it to query the onie_version, the version of ONIE installed with U-Boot.

For example:

cumulus@switch:~$ fw_printenv onie_version  