Sharing Large Files with NVIDIA Support

NVIDIA provides two methods for sharing files with the support team:

  • Uploading files directly to the case inside the Web tool
  • Using FTP to upload files directly to NVIDIA

This article discusses when and how to use FTP to upload files to NVIDIA.


Sending large files (100MB+) to NVIDIA for analysis can require an additional time-consuming transfer to an intermediate device for posting the file to the support case via the web tool.

Uploading the output from the cl-support utility or other large files directly from your network infrastructure to NVIDIA for analysis is sometimes the only method available due to file size or time sensitivity. This option saves you from making an extra transfer to another device and simplifies the process of moving and analyzing large files.


To support this process, NVIDIA offers an FTP upload option described below.

After uploading, you must inform your support case owner that you have uploaded a file using the FTP upload option.

  1. In a terminal, FTP to, authenticating with user anonymous and providing your email address as the password:

    user@host:~$ ftp
    Connected to
    220 ProFTPD 1.3.4a Server ( [::ffff:]
    Name ( anonymous
    331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password
    230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply
    Remote system type is UNIX.
    Using binary mode to transfer files.
  2. Set the transfer mode to binary:

    ftp> binary
    200 Type set to I
  3. Use the put command to upload the file. large_file.tar.gz is the filename in the following example:

    ftp> put large_file.tar.gz
    200 PORT command successful
    150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for large_file.tar.gz
    226 Transfer complete
    ftp: 104527608 bytes sent in 142.53Seconds 733.36Kbytes/sec.

    It is not possible to view the uploaded file due to folder permissions in the upload directory. This is intentional for the sake of privacy and security.