Expose CPU and Memory Information via SNMP


How do I expose CPU and memory statistics via SNMP? What is the MIB/OID?


  • Cumulus Linux, all versions


The relevant OIDs are:

To configure SNMP to expose CPU and memory information:

  1. If you did not enable snmpd already, follow instructions in the technical documentation to enable and start snmpd.

  2. Allow access to the OIDs by editing /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. The following example adds the relevant MIBs to the systemonly view.

    # Cumulus specific
    view   systemonly  included   .
    view   systemonly  included   .
    # Memory utilization
    view   systemonly  included   . 
    # CPU utilization
    view   systemonly  included   .
  3. Restart snmpd to reload the configuration:

    cumulus@switch:~$ sudo service snmpd restart