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NVLink Quick Start Guide

System Requirements and Installation

Follow the installation instructions for the NetQ on-premises deployment with a server cluster arrangement. This arrangement requires 3 worker nodes. Each node requires the following:

Resource Minimum Requirements
ProcessorSixteen (16) virtual CPUs
Memory64 GB RAM
Local disk storage500 GB SSD with minimum disk IOPS of 1000 for a standard 4kb block size
(Note: This must be an SSD; use of other storage options can lead to system instability and are not supported.)
Network interface speed 1 Gb NIC
HypervisorKVM/QCOW (QEMU Copy on Write) image for servers running CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems

After ensuring you have the minimum system resource requirements, follow the installation instructions for either a KVM hypervisor or VMware hypervisor.

After you complete the installation, log in to NetQ as described in the next section.

Log in to NetQ

  1. Open a new Chrome or Firefox browser window or tab.
  2. Enter the following URL into the address bar: https://<hostname-or-ipaddress>:443
NetQ login screen
  1. Log in.

    The default username and password for UI access is admin, admin

After creating a new password and accepting the Terms of Use, the default workbench opens with your username displayed in the upper-right corner.

Access NVLink4

NVLink4 features are hidden by default in the NetQ UI. To access these features, run netq features nvl4 enable on your NetQ server’s CLI. Return to the UI and refresh the page. The NVL4 icon should be visible in the header. Select this icon to display the NVLink management dashboard.

To verify that NVLink4 features are enabled, run netq show features nvl4. You can also hide the NVLink4 features in the UI with netq features nvl4 disable.

Intro to the NetQ UI

If you are unfamiliar with NetQ, the following sections provide an overview of the NetQ layout and functionality.