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With NetQ, you can monitor the performance of your NVLink devices, manage NVOS upgrades, create NVLink domains, and troubleshoot issues. This section describes the NetQ integration with NVLink4.

  • NVLink quick start guide: log in to NetQ and access NVLink features in the UI
  • Domain management: create and manage multiple NVLink4 domains. After you create and configure a domain, run Global Fabric Manager and start collecting telemetry data which can be visualized in the UI.
  • NVLink events: monitor your NVLink devices and GFM status for errors or downtime
  • NVLink inventory: manage your inventory of NVLink L1 and L2 switches, and view statistics and data for each device
  • NVOS management: upload NVOS images to NetQ, then upgrade NVLink4 switches to the latest NVOS version
  • Debugging files: download system dumps and GFM logs for troubleshooting
  • Edit GFM variables: customize your Global Fabric Manager configuration with variables unavailable in the NetQ UI
  • Fluentd message reference: view NVLink4 example messages in JSON format for Fluentd collectors
  • API reference: access a Swagger instance to view NVLink4 API options

Each NVSwitch has a designated telemetry agent embedded in NVOS. This agent fetches telemetry data and streams it to a Fluentd data collector that integrates with NetQ or a third-party client.

NetQ maintains GFM processes with high availability. If the GFM process stops unexpectedly, NetQ quickly and automatically remediates issues.