If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.


You can install NetQ with a single command or you can perform the individual steps using multiple commands. Generally, using the single command option is strongly recommended. However, the individual commands can be useful for troubleshooting the installation process when it fails.

You can use these commands only after bootstrapping the physical server or VM. Refer to netq bootstrap.

netq install cluster activate-job

Activates a NetQ instance after an initial server cluster (master and two worker nodes) is configured and installed. Activation requires a configuration key that can be obtained from support.

Alternately, use netq install cluster full to perform this and all other steps of a NetQ installation with a single command.


netq install cluster activate-job
    config-key <text-opta-key>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
activate-job NA Activate NetQ instance
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to activate NetQ



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq install cluster activate-job config-key ju8Kl4IhZ3cucHJvZDEubmV0cPk3vW11bHVzbmV0d29ya3MuY29cB3ag
  • netq install cluster join-workers
  • netq install cluster full

netq install cluster add-worker

Add additional nodes to your server cluster in an on-premises deployment.


netq install cluster 
    add-worker <text-worker-01>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
add-worker <text-worker-01> Install the worker nodes with these IP addresses



  • netq install opta cluster add-worker

netq install cluster full

Installs the NetQ Platform software on the servers in an on-premises, server cluster deployment. You must have the hostname or IP address of the master node and two worker nodes, and the NetQ software bundle to run the command.

Obtain the software release bundle from the NVIDIA Application Hub and refer to the installation instructions for a step-by-step guide.


netq install cluster full
    (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr> [<text-ipv6-addr>])
    bundle <text-bundle-url>
    [config-key <text-opta-key>]
    [pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range>]
    workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02>
    [workers-ipv6 <text-worker-ipv6-01> <text-worker-ipv6-02>] 
    [cluster-vip <text-cluster-vip>] 
    [s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key>]

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
full NA Install a server cluster, running all initialization and configuration commands automatically
interface <text-opta-ifname> Install a server cluster with a master node using this interface to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the worker nodes
ip-addr <text-ip-addr> Install a server cluster with a master node with this IPv4 address to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the worker nodes
bundle <text-bundle-url> Install the NetQ software bundle at this location; you must specify a full path
workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02> Install the worker nodes with these IPv4 addresses


Option Value Description
NA <text-ipv6-addr> Install a server cluster with a master node with this IPv6 address to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the worker nodes
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to install the server cluster
pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range> Specify a range of IP addresses for the pod
workers-ipv6 <text-worker-ipv6-01> <text-worker-ipv6-02> Install the worker nodes with these IPv6 addresses
ipv6 NA Include this option for IPv6 installations
cluster-vip <text-vip> Specify a virtual IP address from the same subnet used for your master and worker nodes.
s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> AWS S3 access key ID
s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key> AWS S3 secret key ID

Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install cluster full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.8.0.tgz workers
  • netq install cluster activate-job
  • netq install cluster join-workers

netq install cluster join-workers

After initiating a NetQ installation, this command configures the first two worker nodes (NetQ on-premises appliances or VMs) in a server cluster deployment.

Alternately, use netq install cluster full to perform this and all other steps of a NetQ installation with a single command.


netq install cluster join-workers

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
join-workers NA Identify at least one worker node for the server cluster
NA <text-worker-node-01> IP address of server to configure as the first worker node in this server cluster


Option Value Description
NA <text-worker-node-02> IP address of server to configure as the second worker node in this server cluster

Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install cluster join-workers
  • netq install cluster activate-job
  • netq install cluster full

netq install cluster master-init

After adding worker nodes to your cluster, run this command on your master node to initialize the cluster.


netq install cluster master-init

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
master-init NA Initialize the cluster master node



Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install cluster master-init
    Please run the following command on all worker nodes:
  • netq install cluster worker-init

netq install cluster worker-init

After initializing the cluster on the master node, run this command on each worker node.


netq install cluster worker-init 

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
worker-init NA Initialize cluster worker node
NA <text-ssh-key> Public SSH key



  • netq install cluster master-init

netq install opta activate-job

Activates the NetQ Collector software after you configure and install an initial server or server cluster (master and two worker nodes). Activation requires a configuration key that you can obtain from an email titled A new site has been added to your NVIDIA NetQ account (sent to your NetQ administrator).


netq install opta activate-job
    config-key <text-opta-key>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
activate-job NA Activate NetQ collector software
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to activate NetQ



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq install opta activate-job config-key ju8Kl4IhZ3cucHJvZDEubmV0cPk3vW11bHV9f3lk0d29ya3MuY29cB3ag
  • netq install opta cluster
  • netq install opta standalone

netq install opta cluster

Installs the NetQ Collector software on a master node and two worker nodes. For cloud deployments, it installs the software on the VM. For a multi-site on-premises deployment, it installs the software on one or two secondary servers at the external premises. You must have the hostname, IP address, or interface of the servers, the NetQ software bundle, and configuration key to run the command. You can also configure a proxy.

Obtain the software release bundle from the NVIDIA Application Hub.

Obtain the config-key as follows:

  • Cloud: Locate and retrieve key from email titled A new site has been added to your NVIDIA NetQ account (sent to your NetQ administrator)
  • Remote: Follow the instructions in Configure Multiple Premises


netq install opta cluster full
    (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>)
    bundle <text-bundle-url>
    config-key <text-opta-key>
    [pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range>]
    workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02>
    [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>]

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
full NA Install a server with NetQ Collector software, running all initialization and configuration commands automatically
interface <text-opta-ifname> Install a server cluster with a master node using this interface to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the worker nodes
ip-addr <text-ip-addr> Install a server cluster with a master node with this IP address to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the worker nodes
bundle <text-bundle-url> Install the NetQ software bundle at this location; you must specify a full path
workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02> Install the worker nodes with these IP addresses
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to activate the software


Option Value Description
proxy-host <text-proxy-host> Use the proxy server with this hostname or IP address instead of directly connecting to the VM; you must also specify a port
proxy-port <text-proxy-port> Use this port on the proxy server instead of directly connecting to the VM; you must also specify a proxy host
pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range> Specify a range of IP addresses for the pod

Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install opta cluster full interface en01 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.0.0.tgz config-key CI39fo5CZ3cucHJvZDEubmV0cS5jdW11bHVzbmVp6z8ma3MuY29tGLsD workers
  • netq install opta activate-job

install opta cluster add-worker

Add additional nodes to your server cluster in a cloud deployment.


 netq install opta cluster 
    add-worker <text-worker-01>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
add-worker <text-worker-01> Install the worker nodes with these IP addresses



  • netq install cluster add-worker

netq install opta standalone

Installs the NetQ Collector software on a single cloud server (VM) with a single command. You must have the hostname, IP address, or interface of the server, the NetQ software bundle, and configuration key to run the command. You can also configure a proxy.

Obtain the software release bundle from the NVIDIA Application Hub.

Obtain the config-key from the email sent to your NetQ administrator titled A new site has been added to your NVIDIA NetQ account.


netq install opta standalone full
    (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>)
    bundle <text-bundle-url>
    config-key <text-opta-key>
    [pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range>]
    [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port<text-proxy-port>]
    [s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key>]

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
full NA Install a server with NetQ Collector software, running all initialization and configuration commands automatically
interface <text-opta-ifname> Install NetQ on the server with this interface as the communication interface for the NetQ Agents on the monitored switches and hosts
ip-addr <text-ip-addr> Install NetQ on the server with this IP address to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the monitored switches and hosts
bundle <text-bundle-url> Install the NetQ software bundle at this location; you must specify a full path
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to activate the software


Option Value Description
proxy-host <text-proxy-host> Use the proxy server with this hostname or IP address instead of directly connecting to the VM; you must also specify a port
proxy-port <text-proxy-port> Use this port on the proxy server instead of directly connecting to the VM; you must also specify a proxy host
pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range> Specify a range of IP addresses for the pod
s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> AWS S3 access key ID
s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key> AWS S3 secret key ID

Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install opta standalone full interface en01 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.0.0.tgz config-key CI39fo5CZ3cucHJvZDEubmV0cS5jdW11bHVzbmVp6z8ma3MuY29tGLsD
  • netq install opta activate-job

netq install patch

Installs a focused software fix using a compressed file package (rather than a full installation or upgrade). Run this command on the NetQ appliance or VM as appropriate.


netq install patch

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
NA <text-tarball-name> Install the software patch contained in the tarball at this location; you must specify a full path



Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install patch /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.0.0-patch.tgz
  • netq upgrade

netq install standalone activate-job

Activates a NetQ instance after you install the software. Activation requires a configuration key that you can obtain from support.

Alternately, use netq install standalone full to perform this and all other steps of a NetQ installation with a single command.


netq install standalone activate-job
    config-key <text-opta-key>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
activate-job NA Activate NetQ instance
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to activate NetQ



Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq install standalone activate-job config-key ju8Kl4IhZ3cucHJvZDEubmV0cPk3vW11bHVzbmV0d29ya3MuY29cB3ag
  • netq install standalone full

netq install standalone full

Installs the NetQ Platform software on the NetQ On-premises Appliance or VM in an on-premises, single server deployment, all with a single command. You must have the hostname or IP address of the server, and the NetQ software bundle to run the command. A configuration key is optional.

Obtain the software release bundle from the NVIDIA Application Hub.


netq install standalone full 
    (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr> [<text-ipv6-addr>]) 
    bundle <text-bundle-url> 
    [config-key <text-opta-key>]
    [pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range>]
    [s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key>]

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
full NA Install a server with NetQ software, running all initialization and configuration commands automatically
interface <text-opta-ifname> Install NetQ on the server with this interface as the communication interface for the NetQ Agents on the monitored switches and hosts
ip-addr <text-ip-addr>,<text-ipv6-addr> Install NetQ on the server with this IPv4 or IPv6 address to communicate with the NetQ Agents on the monitored switches and hosts
bundle <text-bundle-url> Install the NetQ software bundle at this location; you must specify a full path


Option Value Description
ipv6 NA Install NetQ using an IPv6 address
config-key <text-opta-key> Use this unique key to activate the software
pod-ip-range <text-pod-ip-range> Specify a range of IP addresses for the pod
s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> AWS S3 access key ID
s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key> AWS S3 secret key ID

Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.8.0.tgz
  • netq install standalone activate-job

netq install update-opta-ssl-setting

Replace or update the TSL/SSL settings on OPTA for agent-OPTA connection.


netq install update-opta-ssl-setting 
    ssl-cert <text-ssl-cert-file> 
    ssl-key <text-ssl-key-file>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
update-opta-ssl-setting NA Update the TLS/SSL settings on OPTA for agent-opta connection
ssl-cert <text-ssl-cert-filel> TLS/SSL certificate file absolute path
ssl-key <text-ssl-key-filel> TLS/SSL private key file absolute path




netq install update-settings

Overrides system variables after encountering issues during installation. File a support ticket with the NVIDIA Enterprise Support team before using this command. They can provide the key/value pair needed to resolve your issue.


netq install update-settings

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
NA <text-key> Update the environment variable with this name
NA <text-value> Update the specified environment variable with this value



Sample Usage

Change timeout for tasks

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq install update-settings DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS 3000000
