netq del check-filter
Removes filter from netq check
command to reenable event notifications.
netq del check-filter check_filter_id <text-check-filter-id>
Required Arguments
Argument | Value | Description |
check_filter_id | <text-check-filter-id> | Delete the specified validation filter |
Related Commands
netq add check-filter
netq show check-filter
netq del events-config
Removes an events suppression configuration. Useful when you no longer want to suppress the specified events. Consider modifying the configuration to disable or temporarily suspend the configuration.
netq del events-config events_config_id <text-events-config-id-anchor>
Required Arguments
Argument | Value | Description |
events_config_id | <text-events-config-id-anchor> | Remove the event suppression configuration with this identifier |
Sample Usage
Obtain the configuration identifier, then remove it.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events-config events_config_id eventsconfig_1 Matching config_events records: Events Config ID Events Config Name Message Type Scope Active Suppress Until -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ -------------------- eventsconfig_1 job_cl_upgrade_2d89c agent {"db_state":"*","hostname":"spine02","severity":"*"} True Tue Jul 7 16:16:20 21b3effd79796e585c35 2020 096d5fc6cef32b463e37 cca88d8ee862ae104d5_ spine02 eventsconfig_1 job_cl_upgrade_2d89c bgp {"vrf":"*","peer":"*","hostname":"spine04","severity":"*"} True Tue Jul 7 16:16:20 21b3effd79796e585c35 2020 096d5fc6cef32b463e37 cca88d8ee862ae104d5_ spine04 ... cumulus@switch:~$ netq del events-config events_config_id eventsconfig_10 Successfully deleted Events Config eventsconfig_10
Related Commands
netq add events-config
netq show events-config
netq del notification
Removes a channel, filter, rule, or proxy component from an event notification configuration. This is commonly done when:
- You retire selected channels from a given notification application (Slack, PagerDuty,
, or email) and you no longer need the configuration in NetQ - A filter was temporary (for example, when debugging)
- A rule no longer applies
- A proxy is no longer required
Four forms of this command are available, one for each component of the configuration:
netq del notification channel <text-channel-name-anchor> netq del notification filter <text-filter-name-anchor> netq del notification proxy netq del notification rule <text-rule-name-anchor>
Required Arguments
Argument | Value | Description |
channel | <text-channel-name-anchor> | Remove this channel from event notification configurations |
filter | <text-filter-name-anchor> | Remove this filter from event notification configurations |
proxy | NA | Remove the notification proxy and send notification messages directly to the NetQ appliance or VM |
rule | <text-rule-name-anchor> | Remove this rule from event notification configurations |
Sample Usage
Remove notification channel:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del notification channel slk-netq-events cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel Matching config_notify records: Name Type Severity Channel Info --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------ pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: 1234567 890
Remove notification rule:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del notification rule swp52 cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule Matching config_notify records: Name Rule Key Rule Value --------------- ---------------- -------------------- bgpHostname hostname spine-01 evpnVni vni 42 overTemp new_s_crit 24 svcStatus new_status down switchLeaf04 hostname leaf04 sysconf configdiff updated
Related Commands
netq add notification
netq show notification
netq del tca
Removes a threshold-based event notification rule. Use netq show tca
to find the event name. If you prefer to disable the rule rather than remove it, refer to netq add tca
netq del tca tca_id <tca-rule-name>
Required Arguments
Argument | Value | Description |
tca_id | <tca-rule-name> | Remove the threshold-based rule with this event name |
Sample Usage
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del tca tca_id TCA_RXBYTES_UPPER_1 Successfully deleted TCA TCA_RXBYTES_UPPER_1
Related Commands
netq add tca
netq show tca
netq del trace
Removes a scheduled trace. Use netq show trace summary
to obtain the relevant trace name.
Both standard user and administrative roles can remove scheduled traces. The removal does not generate a notification. Be sure to communicate with other users before removing a scheduled trace to avoid confusion and support issues.
netq del trace <text-trace-name>
Required Arguments
Argument | Value | Description |
NA | <text-trace-name> | Remove the scheduled trace with this name |
Sample Usage
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show trace summary json [ { "job_end_time": 1605300327131, "job_req_time": 1604424893944, "job_start_time": 1605300318198, "jobid": "f8d6a2c5-54db-44a8-9a5d-9d31f4e4701d", "status": "Complete", "status_details": "1", "trace_name": "leaf01toborder01", "trace_params": { "alert_on_failure": "0", "dst": "", "src": "", "vlan": "-1", "vrf": "" } }, ... cumulus@switch:~$ netq del trace leaf01toborder01 Successfully deleted schedule trace leaf01toborder01
Related Commands
netq add trace name
netq show trace summary
netq del validation
Removes a scheduled validation. Useful when you have created a scheduled validation for troubleshooting and you no longer need it, or if you are reaching your maximum of 15 scheduled validations and you want to prioritize one validation over another. Use the related netq show validation settings
command to view the names of existing scheduled validations.
netq del validation <text-validation-name>
Required Arguments
Argument | Value | Description |
NA | <text-validation-name> | Remove the scheduled validation with this name |
Sample Usage
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del validation Bgp15m Successfully deleted validation Bgp15m
Related Commands
netq add validation
netq show validation settings