Validation Tests Reference

NetQ collects data that validates the health of your network fabric, devices, and interfaces. You can create and run validations with either the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI. The number of checks and the type of checks are tailored to the particular protocol or element being validated.

Use the value in the Test Number column in the tables below with the CLI when you want to include or exclude specific tests with the netq check command. You can get the test numbers by running the netq show unit-tests command.

Addresses Validation Tests

The duplicate address detection tests look for duplicate IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to interfaces across devices in the inventory. It also checks for duplicate /32 host routes in each VRF.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 IPv4 duplicate addresses Checks for duplicate IPv4 addresses
1 IPv6 duplicate addresses Checks for duplicate IPv6 addresses

Agent Validation Tests

NetQ Agent validation looks for an agent status of rotten for each node in the network. A fresh status indicates the agent is running as expected. The agent sends a ‘heartbeat’ every 30 seconds, and if it does not send three consecutive heartbeats, its status changes to rotten.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Agent health Checks for nodes that have failed or lost communication

BGP Validation Tests

The BGP validation tests look for status and configuration anomalies.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Session establishment Checks that BGP sessions are in an established state
1 Address families Checks if transmit and receive address family advertisement is consistent between peers of a BGP session
2 Router ID Checks for BGP router ID conflict in the network
3 Hold time Checks for mismatch of hold time between peers of a BGP session
4 Keep alive interval Checks for mismatch of keep alive interval between peers of a BGP session
5 IPv4 stale path time Checks for mismatch of IPv4 stale path timer between peers of a BGP session
6 IPv6 stale path time Checks for mismatch of IPv6 stale path timer between peers of a BGP session
7 Interface MTU Checks for consistency of interface MTU for BGP peers

Cumulus Linux Version Tests

The Cumulus Linux version test looks for version consistency.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Cumulus Linux Image Version Checks the following:
  • No version specified, checks that all switches in the network have consistent version
  • match-version specified, checks that a switch’s OS version is equals the specified version
  • min-version specified, checks that a switch’s OS version is equal to or greater than the specified version

EVPN Validation Tests

The EVPN validation tests look for status and configuration anomalies.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 EVPN BGP session Checks if:
  • BGP EVPN sessions are established
  • The EVPN address family advertisement is consistent
1 EVPN VNI type consistency Because a VNI can be of type L2 or L3, checks that for a given VNI, its type is consistent across the network
2 EVPN type 2 Checks for consistency of IP-MAC binding and the location of a given IP-MAC across all VTEPs
3 EVPN type 3 Checks for consistency of replication group across all VTEPs
4 EVPN session For each EVPN session, checks if:
  • adv_all_vni is enabled
  • FDB learning is disabled on tunnel interface
5 VLAN consistency Checks for consistency of VLAN to VNI mapping across the network
6 VRF consistency Checks for consistency of VRF to L3 VNI mapping across the network

Interface Validation Tests

The interface validation tests look for consistent configuration between two nodes.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Administrative state Checks for consistency of administrative state on two sides of a physical interface
1 Operational state Checks for consistency of operational state on two sides of a physical interface
2 Speed Checks for consistency of the speed setting on two sides of a physical interface
3 Auto-negotiation Checks for consistency of the auto-negotiation setting on two sides of a physical interface

The link MTU validation tests look for consistency across an interface and appropriate size MTU for VLAN and bridge interfaces.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Link MTU consistency Checks for consistency of MTU setting on two sides of a physical interface
1 VLAN interface Checks if the MTU of an SVI is no smaller than the parent interface, subtracting the VLAN tag size
2 Bridge interface Checks if the MTU on a bridge is not arbitrarily smaller than the smallest MTU among its members

MLAG Validation Tests

The MLAG validation tests look for misconfigurations, peering status, and bond error states.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Peering Checks if:
  • MLAG peerlink is up
  • MLAG peerlink bond slaves are down (not in full capacity and redundancy)
  • Peering is established between two nodes in an MLAG pair
1 Backup IP Checks if:
  • MLAG backup IP configuration is missing on an MLAG node
  • MLAG backup IP is correctly pointing to the MLAG peer and its connectivity is available
2 MLAG Sysmac Checks if:
  • MLAG Sysmac is consistently configured on both nodes in an MLAG pair
  • Any duplication of an MLAG sysmac exists within a bridge domain
3 VXLAN Anycast IP Checks if the VXLAN anycast IP address is consistently configured on both nodes in an MLAG pair
4 Bridge membership Checks if the MLAG peerlink is part of bridge
5 Spanning tree* Checks if:
  • STP is enabled and running on the MLAG nodes
  • MLAG peerlink role is correct from STP perspective
  • The bridge ID is consistent between two nodes of an MLAG pair
  • The VNI in the bridge has BPDU guard and BPDU filter enabled
*Not supported in per-VLAN rapid spanning tree (PVRST) mode
6 Dual home Checks for:
  • MLAG bonds that are not in dually connected state
  • Dually connected bonds have consistent VLAN and MTU configuration on both sides
  • STP has consistent view of bonds' dual connectedness
7 Single home Checks for:
  • Singly connected bonds
  • STP has consistent view of bond’s single connectedness
8 Conflicted bonds Checks for bonds in MLAG conflicted state and shows the reason
9 ProtoDown bonds Checks for bonds in protodown state and shows the reason
10 SVI Checks if:
  • Both sides of an MLAG pair have an SVI configured
  • SVI on both sides have consistent MTU setting
11 Package mismatch Checks for package mismatch on an MLAG pair

NTP Validation Tests

The NTP validation test looks for poor operational status of the NTP service.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 NTP sync Checks if the NTP service is running and in sync state

RoCE Validation Tests

The RoCE validation tests look for consistent RoCE and QoS configurations across nodes.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 RoCE mode Checks whether RoCE is configured for lossy or lossless mode
1 RoCE classification Checks for consistency of DSCP, service pool, port group, and traffic class settings
2 RoCE congestion control Checks for consistency of ECN and RED threshold settings
3 RoCE flow control Checks for consistency of PFC configuration for RoCE lossless mode
4 RoCE ETS mode Checks for consistency of Enhanced Transmission Selection settings
5 RoCE miscellaneous Checks for consistency across related services

Sensor Validation Tests

The sensor validation tests looks for chassis power supply, fan, and temperature sensors that are not operating as expected.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 PSU sensors Checks for power supply unit sensors that are not in ok state
1 Fan sensors Checks for fan sensors that are not in ok state
2 Temperature sensors Checks for temperature sensors that are not in ok state

Topology Validation Tests

The topology validation tests look for inconsistencies between a network’s topology (as derived from LLDP telemetry data) and the user-provided topology blueprint.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Topology blueprint Checks for differences between a network’s actual topology and the network’s blueprint file
1 LLDP service Checks that the LLDP service is running

VLAN Validation Tests

The VLAN validation tests look for configuration consistency between two nodes.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 Link neighbor VLAN consistency Checks for consistency of VLAN configuration on two sides of a port or a bond
1 MLAG bond VLAN consistency Checks for consistent VLAN membership of an MLAG bond on each side of the MLAG pair

VXLAN Validation Tests

The VXLAN validation tests look for configuration consistency across all VTEPs.

Test Number Test Name Description
0 VLAN consistency Checks for consistent VLAN to VXLAN mapping across all VTEPs
1 BUM replication Checks for consistent replication group membership across all VTEPs