
netq upgrade

Upgrades NetQ on NetQ on-premises appliances or VMs. For detailed instructions, see Upgrade NetQ Virtual Machines


netq upgrade bundle <text-bundle-url>
    [s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key>]
    [cluster-vip <text-cluster-vip>]

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
bundle <text-bundle-url> Upgrade this appliance or VM with the NetQ-x.y.z.tgz package at this location. You must specify the full path


Option Value Description
s3-access-key <text-s3-access-key> AWS S3 access key ID
s3-secret-key <text-s3-secret-key> AWS S3 secret key ID
cluster-vip <text-cluster-vip> Upgrade cluster deployments, specifying the virtual IP address from the same subnet used for your master and worker nodes.

Sample Usage

cumulus@<hostname>:~$ netq upgrade bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-4.13.0.tgz
