If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

L through R Commands

This topic includes all commands that begin with netq l*, netq m*, netq n*, netq o*, netq p*, netq q*, and netq r*.

netq lcm add cl-image

Adds a Cumulus Linux image (.bin file) to the lifecycle management repository. Images must match the version, architecture, and ASIC vendor for the switches you want to upgrade.

Obtain the images from the Cumulus Downloads page or My Mellanox support page.


netq lcm add
    cl-image <text-image-path>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
cl-image <text-image-path> Add the Cumulus Linux .bin file from this location. You must specify the full path, including the file name.



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.1.0 Changed image keyword to cl-image
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add cl-image /path/to/download/cumulus-linux-4.2.0-mlnx-amd64.bin
  • netq lcm show cl-images
  • netq lcm upgrade cl-image
  • netq lcm del cl-image
  • netq lcm add netq-image

netq lcm add credentials

Configures the access credentials for all switches that you plan to manage with the NetQ lifecycle management feature. You can define set of credentials. Choose between basic SSH authentication using a username and password or SSH public/private key authentication. You must have sudoer permission to properly configure switches when using the SSH Key method.

The default credentials for Cumulus Linux have changed from cumulus/CumulusLinux! to cumulus/cumulus for releases 4.2 and later. For details, read Cumulus Linux User Accounts.


netq lcm add
    username <text-switch-username>
    (password <text-switch-password> | ssh-key <text-ssh-key>)

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
credentials NA Adds switch credentials for software installation and upgrade management
username <text-switch-username> Specifies the username for the user who can configure switches
password <text-switch-password> Specifies the password associated with the username so that user can configure switches
ssh-key <text-ssh-key> Specifies the private key required to configure switches. You must have already installed the public key on each switch.



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.1.0 Made username a required argument
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add credentials username cumulus password cumulus
  • netq lcm show credentials
  • netq lcm del credentials

netq lcm add default-version

Configures or changes the Cumulus Linux or NetQ version to use automatically during an upgrade. This value can be overridden during upgrade as needed, but eases the upgrade process for the majority of switches.


Two forms of this command are available; one for Cumulus Linux and the other for NetQ.

netq lcm add 
    cl-images <text-cumulus-linux-version>

netq lcm add
    netq-images <text-netq-version>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
default-version NA Specify the default Cumulus Linux or NetQ version for switch upgrades
cl-images <text-cumulus-linux-version> Configure the default Cumulus Linux upgrade image to be this version
netq-images <text-netq-version> Configure the default NetQ upgrade image to be this version



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add default-version cl-images 4.2.0

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add default-version netq-images 4.0.0
  • netq lcm show default-version

netq lcm add netq-image

Adds a NetQ image (.deb package) to the lifecycle management repository. Images must match the version, architecture, and operating system for the switches you want to upgrade. For each version of NetQ, you must add the netq-agent and netq-apps packages.

Obtain the images from the Cumulus Downloads page or My Mellanox support page.


netq lcm add
    netq-image <text-netq-image-path>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
netq-image <text-netq-image-path> Add the NetQ Debian package from this location. You need to specify the full path, including the file name.



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Changed value of netq-image keyword from <text-image-name> to <text-netq-image-name>
3.1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add netq-image /path/to/download/netq-agent_4.0.0-ub18.04u33~1614767175.886b337_amd64.deb
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add netq-image /path/to/download/netq-apps_4.0.0-ub18.04u33~1614767175.886b337_amd64.deb
  • netq lcm show netq-images
  • netq lcm upgrade netq-image
  • netq lcm del netq-image
  • netq lcm add cl-image

netq lcm add role

Assigns or changes a role for one or more switches that defines its placement in a Clos topology and influences the order in which you can upgrade switches.


netq lcm add
    role (superspine | spine | leaf | exit)
    switches <text-switch-hostnames>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
role superspine, spine, leaf, exit Assign this role to the specified switches
switches <text-switch-hostnames> Assign the specified role to the switches with these hostnames. Use a comma-separated list (no spaces) to assign the role to multiple switches at the same time.



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add role spine switches spine01

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add role leaf switches leaf01,leaf02,leaf03,leaf04


netq lcm del cl-image

Removes a selected Cumulus Linux image (.bin) from the NetQ lifecycle management repository. Obtain the image identifier using the netq lcm show cl-image command with the json option.


netq lcm del
    cl-image <text-image-id>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
cl-image <text-image-id> Remove the Cumulus Linux image with this identifier



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Renamed image option to cl-image
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show cl-images json
        "id": "image_cc97be3955042ca41857c4d0fe95296bcea3e372b437a535a4ad23ca300d52c3",
        "name": "cumulus-linux-4.2.0-vx-amd64-1594775435.dirtyzc24426ca.bin",
        "clVersion": "4.2.0",
        "cpu": "x86_64",
        "asic": "VX",
        "lastChanged": 1609884659654.0
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm del cl-image image_cc97be3955042ca41857c4d0fe95296bcea3e372b437a535a4ad23ca300d52c3
  • netq lcm add cl-image
  • netq lcm show cl-images
  • netq lcm upgrade cl-image

netq lcm del credentials

Removes the access credentials required to upgrade Cumulus Linux or NetQ on switches using the lifecycle management feature. Alternately, use the netq lcm add credentials command to change the credentials.


netq lcm del

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
credentials <text-image-id> Remove the access credentials used to upgrade switches



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm del credentials
  • netq lcm add credentials
  • netq lcm show credentials

netq lcm del netq-image

Removes a selected NetQ image (.deb) from the NetQ lifecycle management repository. Obtain the image identifier using the netq lcm show netq-image command with the json option. Note to completely remove a version, you must delete both the netq-agent and netq-apps images.


netq lcm del
    netq-image <text-image-id>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
netq-image <text-image-id> Remove the NetQ image with this identifier



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Renamed image option to netq-image
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show netq-images json
        "id": "image_d23a9e006641c675ed9e152948a9d1589404e8b83958d53eb0ce7698512e7001",
        "name": "netq-agent_4.0.0-cl4u32_1609391187.7df4e1d2_amd64.deb",
        "netqVersion": "4.0.0",
        "clVersion": "cl4u32",
        "cpu": "x86_64",
        "imageType": "NETQ_AGENT",
        "lastChanged": 1609885430638.0

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm del netq-image image_d23a9e006641c675ed9e152948a9d1589404e8b83958d53eb0ce7698512e7001

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm del netq-image image_68db386683c796d86422f2172c103494fef7a820d003de71647315c5d774f834
  • netq lcm add netq-image
  • netq lcm show netq-images
  • netq lcm upgrade netq-image

netq lcm discover

Searches for switches that do not have NetQ installed based on IP addresses or from a file. After discovery, you can add them to the lifecycle management repository and upgrade Cumulus Linux. Use the netq lcm show discovery-job command to view the results of this command.


netq lcm discover
    (ip-range <text-ip-range> | csv-file <text-csv-file-path>)

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
ip-range <text-ip-range> Search for switches with this IP address or within this address range. Ranges can be contiguous, for example, or non-contiguous, for example,128-190,225, but they must reside within a single subnet. You can include a maximum of 50 addresses in an address range.
csv-file <text-csv-file-path> Search for switches in this CSV file containing the IP address, and optionally, the hostname and port for each switch on the network. If the port is blank, NetQ uses switch port 22 by default. They can be in any order you like, but the data must match that order.



Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm discover ip-range 
NetQ Discovery Started with job id: job_scan_4f3873b0-5526-11eb-97a2-5b3ed2e556db
  • netq lcm show discovery-job

netq lcm show cl-images

Displays all Cumulus Linux images in the lifecycle management repository.

The json option is useful when you are looking to capture the image identifier because it is not broken into pieces within a table column.


netq lcm show cl-images

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
cl-images NA Display all Cumulus Linux images in the lifecycle management repository


Option Value Description
NA <text-image-id> Only display Cumulus Linux image with this identifier
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Renamed images argument to cl-images
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show cl-images
ID                        Name            CL Version  CPU      ASIC            Last Changed
------------------------- --------------- ----------- -------- --------------- -------------------------
image_cc97be3955042ca4185 cumulus-linux-4 4.2.0       x86_64   VX              Tue Jan  5 22:10:59 2021
7c4d0fe95296bcea3e372b437 .2.0-vx-amd64-1
a535a4ad23ca300d52c3      594775435.dirty
image_b80c410e165ea232cbe cumulus-linux-4 4.2.1       x86_64   VX              Wed Jan 20 16:46:29 2021
b67fd82fea79f05734cd0a32f .2.1-vx-amd64.b
81c148971214bd98b2e0      in
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show cl-images json
        "id": "image_cc97be3955042ca41857c4d0fe95296bcea3e372b437a535a4ad23ca300d52c3",
        "name": "cumulus-linux-4.2.0-vx-amd64-1594775435.dirtyzc24426ca.bin",
        "clVersion": "4.2.0",
        "cpu": "x86_64",
        "asic": "VX",
        "lastChanged": 1609884659654.0
        "id": "image_b80c410e165ea232cbeb67fd82fea79f05734cd0a32f81c148971214bd98b2e0",
        "name": "cumulus-linux-4.2.1-vx-amd64.bin",
        "clVersion": "4.2.1",
        "cpu": "x86_64",
        "asic": "VX",
        "lastChanged": 1611161189714.0
  • netq lcm add cl-images
  • netq lcm del cl-images

netq lcm show credentials

Displays the switch access credentials method and values currently configured.


netq lcm show credentials

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
credentials NA Display current switch access credentials configuration


Option Value Description
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show credentials 
Type             SSH Key        Username         Password         Last Changed
---------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
BASIC                           cumulus          **************   Wed Jan 27 19:24:03 2021
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show credentials
Type             SSH Key        Username         Password         Last Changed
---------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
SSH              <your-SSH-key>                                   Tue Apr 28 19:08:52 2020
  • netq lcm add credentials
  • netq lcm del credentials

netq lcm show default-version

Displays the default Cumulus Linux or NetQ version specified for upgrades.


Two forms of this command are available depending on whether you want to view the default version for Cumulus Linux or for NetQ.

netq lcm show default-version 

netq lcm show default-version

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
cl-images NA Display configuration of Cumulus Linux default upgrade version
netq-images NA Display configuration of NetQ default upgrade version


Option Value Description
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show default-version cl-images 
ID                        Name            CL Version  CPU      ASIC            Last Changed
------------------------- --------------- ----------- -------- --------------- -------------------------
image_b80c410e165ea232cbe cumulus-linux-4 4.2.1       x86_64   VX              Tue Jan 26 22:32:11 2021
b67fd82fea79f05734cd0a32f .2.1-vx-amd64.b
81c148971214bd98b2e0      in
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show default-version netq-images
ID                        Name            NetQ Version  CL Version  CPU      Image Type           Last Changed
------------------------- --------------- ------------- ----------- -------- -------------------- -------------------------
image_d23a9e006641c675ed9 netq-agent_4.0. 4.0.0         cl4u32      x86_64   NETQ_AGENT           Tue Jan  5 22:23:50 2021
e152948a9d1589404e8b83958 0-cl4u32_160939
d53eb0ce7698512e7001      1187.7df4e1d2_a
image_68db386683c796d8642 netq-apps_4.0.0 4.0.0         cl4u32      x86_64   NETQ_CLI             Tue Jan  5 22:23:54 2021
2f2172c103494fef7a820d003 -cl4u32_1609391
de71647315c5d774f834      187.7df4e1d2_am
  • netq lcm add default-version
  • netq lcm del default-version
  • netq lcm add cl-image
  • netq lcm add netq-image

netq lcm show discovery-job

Displays the results of a switch discovery job, including a summary of the job itself and information about any switches discovered, including hostname, IP address, MAC address, CPU, Cumulus Linux and NetQ versions, configuration profile, discovery status and upgrade status.


netq lcm show
    discovery-job <text-discovery-job-id>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
discovery-job <text-discovery-job-id> Display results of discovery job with this identifier


Option Value Description
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm discover ip-range
NetQ Discovery Started with job id: job_scan_c1d5e060-720e-11eb-9e30-f75bf78d6bf1

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show discovery-job job_scan_c1d5e060-720e-11eb-9e30-f75bf78d6bf1

Start Time: 2021-02-18 17:29:18.640000
End Time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000
Total IPs: 1
Completed IPs: 1
Discovered without NetQ: 0
Discovered with NetQ: 1
Incorrect Credentials: 0
OS Not Supported: 0
Not Discovered: 0

Hostname          IP Address                MAC Address        CPU      CL Version  NetQ Version  Config Profile               Discovery Status Upgrade Status
----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ -------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- --------------
fw2                 44:38:39:00:01:8E  x86_64   4.2.0       4.0.0         []                           WITH_NETQ        NOT_UPGRADING
  • netq lcm discover

netq lcm show netq-config

Displays the configuration of all NetQ configuration profiles created in the NetQ UI, including the name and identifier, which is the default profile, VRF used, whether you enabled What Just Happened or CPU usage limiting, and logging level.


netq lcm show netq-config

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
netq-config NA Display results of discovery job with this identifier


Option Value Description
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show netq-config 
ID                        Name            Default Profile                VRF             WJH       CPU Limit Log Level Last Changed
------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ --------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------------------
config_profile_3289efda36 NetQ default co Yes                            mgmt            Disable   Disable   info      Tue Jan  5 05:25:31 2021
db4065d56f91ebbd34a523b45 nfig
config_profile_233c151302 CPU limit 75%   No                             mgmt            Disable   75%       info      Mon Jan 11 19:11:35 2021


netq lcm show netq-images

Displays all NetQ images in the lifecycle management repository.

The json option is useful when you are looking to capture the image identifier because it is not broken into pieces within a table column.


netq lcm show netq-images

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
netq-images NA Display all NetQ images in the lifecycle management repository


Option Value Description
NA <text-netq-image-id> Only display the NetQ image with this identifier
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Renamed images argument to netq-images
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show netq-images 
ID                        Name            NetQ Version  CL Version  CPU      Image Type           Last Changed
------------------------- --------------- ------------- ----------- -------- -------------------- -------------------------
image_d23a9e006641c675ed9 netq-agent_4.0. 4.0.0         cl4u32      x86_64   NETQ_AGENT           Tue Jan  5 22:23:50 2021
e152948a9d1589404e8b83958 0-cl4u32_160939
d53eb0ce7698512e7001      1187.7df4e1d2_a
image_68db386683c796d8642 netq-apps_4.0.0 4.0.0         cl4u32      x86_64   NETQ_CLI             Tue Jan  5 22:23:54 2021
2f2172c103494fef7a820d003 -cl4u32_1609391
de71647315c5d774f834      187.7df4e1d2_am
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show netq-images json
        "id": "image_d23a9e006641c675ed9e152948a9d1589404e8b83958d53eb0ce7698512e7001",
        "name": "netq-agent_4.0.0-cl4u32_1609391187.7df4e1d2_amd64.deb",
        "netqVersion": "4.0.0",
        "clVersion": "cl4u32",
        "cpu": "x86_64",
        "imageType": "NETQ_AGENT",
        "lastChanged": 1609885430638.0
        "id": "image_68db386683c796d86422f2172c103494fef7a820d003de71647315c5d774f834",
        "name": "netq-apps_4.0.0-cl4u32_1609391187.7df4e1d2_amd64.deb",
        "netqVersion": "4.0.0",
        "clVersion": "cl4u32",
        "cpu": "x86_64",
        "imageType": "NETQ_CLI",
        "lastChanged": 1609885434704.0
  • netq lcm add netq-images
  • netq lcm del netq-images

netq lcm show status

Displays status of Cumulus Linux or NetQ image upgrade jobs.


Two forms of this command are available; one to display Cumulus Linux job status and one to display NetQ job status. Use the netq lcm show upgrade-jobs to obtain the job identifier.

netq lcm show status
    cl-image <text-lcm-job-id>

netq lcm show status
    netq-image <text-netq-upgrade-job-id>

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
cl-image <text-lcm-job-id> Display the status of the Cumulus Linux upgrade job with this identifier
netq-image <text-netq-upgrade-job-id> Display the status of the NetQ upgrade job with this identifier


Option Value Description
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Added ability to view NetQ job status with the change of the images argument to cl-images and netq-images
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs cl-image json
        "jobId": "job_cl_upgrade_a96e0beb59a16b085a7d2b3b5ffd6e5971870aa2903c6df86f26fa908ded2e21",
        "name": "test",
        "clVersion": "4.2.1",
        "pre-checkStatus": "COMPLETED",
        "warnings": "",
        "errors": "",
        "startTime": 1611170981846.0
        "jobId": "job_cl_upgrade_9c5e3b4b76f490e6531c34faf52907bda46648701b3f7c0289b96c5d76af53eb",
        "name": "UpgradeJustOne",
        "clVersion": "4.2.1",
        "pre-checkStatus": "COMPLETED",
        "warnings": "",
        "errors": "",
        "startTime": 1613595515152.0
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show status cl-image job_cl_upgrade_a96e0beb59a16b085a7d2b3b5ffd6e5971870aa2903c6df86f26fa908ded2e21
Hostname    CL Version    Backup Status    Backup Start Time         Restore Status      Restore Start Time    Upgrade Status      Upgrade Start Time
----------  ------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------  --------------------  ------------------  --------------------
leaf01      4.2.0         FAILED           Wed Jan 20 19:30:12 2021  SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE  N/A                   SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE  N/A
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs netq-image json
        "jobId": "job_netq_install_7152a03a8c63c906631c3fb340d8f51e70c3ab508d69f3fdf5032eebad118cc7",
        "name": "Leaf01-02 to NetQ330",
        "netqVersion": "4.0.0",
        "overallStatus": "FAILED",
        "pre-checkStatus": "COMPLETED",
        "warnings": [],
        "errors": [],
        "startTime": 1611863290557.0

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show status netq-image job_netq_install_7152a03a8c63c906631c3fb340d8f51e70c3ab508d69f3fdf5032eebad118cc7
NetQ Upgrade FAILED

Upgrade Summary
Start Time: 2021-01-28 19:48:10.557000
End Time: 2021-01-28 19:48:17.972000
Upgrade CLI: True
NetQ Version: 4.0.0
Pre Check Status COMPLETED
Precheck Task switch_precheck COMPLETED
	Warnings: []
	Errors: []
Precheck Task version_precheck COMPLETED
	Warnings: []
	Errors: []
Precheck Task config_precheck COMPLETED
	Warnings: []
	Errors: []

Hostname          CL Version  NetQ Version  Prev NetQ Ver Config Profile               Status           Warnings         Errors       Start Time
----------------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ --------------------------
leaf01            4.2.1       4.0.0         3.2.1         ['NetQ default config']      FAILED           []               ["Unreachabl Thu Jan 28 19:48:10 2021
                                                                                                                         e at Invalid
                                                                                                                         /incorrect u
                                                                                                                         word. Skippi
                                                                                                                         ng remaining
                                                                                                                         10 retries t
                                                                                                                         o prevent ac
                                                                                                                         count lockou
                                                                                                                         t: Warning:
                                                                                                                         added '192.1
                                                                                                                         68.200.11' (
                                                                                                                         ECDSA) to th
                                                                                                                         e list of kn
                                                                                                                         own hosts.\r
                                                                                                                         please try a
leaf02            4.2.1       4.0.0         3.2.1         ['NetQ default config']      FAILED           []               ["Unreachabl Thu Jan 28 19:48:10 2021
                                                                                                                         e at Invalid
                                                                                                                         /incorrect u
                                                                                                                         word. Skippi
                                                                                                                         ng remaining
                                                                                                                         10 retries t
                                                                                                                         o prevent ac
                                                                                                                         count lockou
                                                                                                                         t: Warning:
                                                                                                                         added '192.1
                                                                                                                         68.200.12' (
                                                                                                                         ECDSA) to th
                                                                                                                         e list of kn
                                                                                                                         own hosts.\r
                                                                                                                         please try a
  • netq lcm show upgrade-jobs

netq lcm show switches

Displays information about switches monitored by NetQ and contained in the lifecycle management repository, including their hostnames, any assigned role, IP and MAC addresses, CPU architecture, Cumulus Linux and NetQ versions, and NetQ configuration profiles. Filter the output by Cumulus Linux or NetQ version running on the switch.


netq lcm show switches
    [cl-version <text-cumulus-linux-version>]
    [netq-version <text-netq-version>]

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
switches NA Display information about switches known to the lifecycle management feature


Option Value Description
cl-version <text-cumulus-linux-version> Only display switches running this version of the Cumulus Linux OS
netq-version <text-netq-version> Only display switches running this version of NetQ
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Renamed the version option to cl-version and added netq-version option to enable filtering by NetQ version
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show switches
Hostname          Role       IP Address                MAC Address        CPU      CL Version  NetQ Version  Config Profile               Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ------------------------- ------------------ -------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------
fw2                            44:38:39:00:01:8E  x86_64   4.2.0       4.0.0-cl4u32~ []                           Thu Jan 21 16:56:01 2021
border02                       44:38:39:00:01:7C  x86_64   4.2.0       4.0.0-cl4u32~ []                           Thu Feb 18 16:42:52 2021
leaf03                         44:38:39:00:01:84  x86_64   4.2.0       4.0.0-cl4u32~ []                           Thu Feb 18 16:42:28 2021
spine03                        44:38:39:00:01:70  x86_64   4.2.0       4.0.0-cl4u32~ []                           Wed Jan 20 16:41:50 2021
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show switches cl-version 4.2.1
Hostname          Role       IP Address                MAC Address        CPU      CL Version  NetQ Version  Config Profile               Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ------------------------- ------------------ -------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------
leaf02                         44:38:39:00:01:78  x86_64   4.2.1       4.0.0-cl4u32~ []                           Thu Feb 18 21:33:37 2021


netq lcm show upgrade-jobs

Displays a history of all Cumulus Linux or NetQ upgrade jobs, including the job identifier and name, Cumulus Linux or NetQ version, pre-check status, warnings and errors, and start the job started. The NetQ upgrade jobs also show the overall status.


Two forms of this command are available; one for Cumulus Linux and one for NetQ.

netq lcm show upgrade-jobs

netq lcm show upgrade-jobs

Required Arguments

Argument Value Description
upgrade-jobs NA Display upgrade job history
cl-image NA Display upgrade job history for Cumulus Linux
netq-image NA Display upgrade job history for NetQ


Option Value Description
json NA Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format

Command History

A release appears here if there were changes to the command; otherwise it is not listed.

Release Description
3.3.0 Added the cl-image and netq-image options to enable display of Cumulus Linux or NetQ upgrade job history
3.0.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs cl-image 
Job ID       Name            CL Version  Pre-Check Status Warnings         Errors       Start Time
------------ --------------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ --------------------------
job_cl_upgra test            4.2.1       COMPLETED                                      Wed Jan 20 19:29:41 2021
job_cl_upgra UpgradeJustOne  4.2.1       COMPLETED                                      Wed Feb 17 20:58:35 2021

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs cl-image json
        "jobId": "job_cl_upgrade_a96e0beb59a16b085a7d2b3b5ffd6e5971870aa2903c6df86f26fa908ded2e21",
        "name": "test",
        "clVersion": "4.2.1",
        "pre-checkStatus": "COMPLETED",
        "warnings": "",
        "errors": "",
        "startTime": 1611170981846.0
        "jobId": "job_cl_upgrade_9c5e3b4b76f490e6531c34faf52907bda46648701b3f7c0289b96c5d76af53eb",
        "name": "UpgradeJustOne",
        "clVersion": "4.2.1",
        "pre-checkStatus": "COMPLETED",
        "warnings": "",
        "errors": "",
        "startTime": 1613595515152.0
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs netq-image 
Job ID       Name            NetQ Version  Overall Status   Pre-Check Status Warnings         Errors       Start Time
------------ --------------- ------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ --------------------------
job_netq_ins Leaf01-02 to Ne 4.0.0         FAILED           COMPLETED        []               []           Thu Jan 28 19:48:10 2021
tall_7152a03 tQ330

cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs netq-image json
        "jobId": "job_netq_install_7152a03a8c63c906631c3fb340d8f51e70c3ab508d69f3fdf5032eebad118cc7",
        "name": "Leaf01-02 to NetQ330",
        "netqVersion": "4.0.0",
        "overallStatus": "FAILED",
        "pre-checkStatus": "COMPLETED",
        "warnings": [],
        "errors": [],
        "startTime": 1611863290557.0
  • netq lcm show status