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What's New

NVIDIA NetQ 3.3 eases your customers deployment and maintenance activities for their data center networks with new configuration, performance, and security features and improvements.

What’s New in NetQ 3.3.1

NetQ 3.3.1 is a maintenance release that contains bug fixes. A new NetQ CLI Reference manual has also been published.

What’s New in NetQ 3.3.0

NetQ 3.3.0 includes the following new features and improvements:

  • Multi-site for the on-premises deployment: On-prem customer can now manage multiple sites from a single console, same as cloud
  • Authentication and authorization with SAML and OAuth for the NetQ cloud administrator
  • Redesigned NetQ UI topology view enables repositioning of switches and provides more detail about each switch and its performance
  • Monitor MAC address movement over time for security and visibility
  • Sort and export very large tables in NetQ UI
  • User-defined threshold support for WJH (What Just Happened) events
  • WJH filtering based on type, drop reason, or event severity
  • Network snapshot comparison detail view now shows updated items in addition to the added and removed items
  • Grafana 7.x support
  • Configuration file restore during upgrade from Cumulus Linux 3.x to 4.x
  • LLDP parameter specification in network templates

As an early access feature, NetQ 3.3.0 also expanded life cycle management (LCM) template-based switch configuration to include:

  • VLANs
  • MLAG
  • IP address assignment
  • Bond, subinterface, SVI, and port interface profiles
  • Bond, subinterface, SVI, and port interfaces

Upgrade Paths

You can upgrade NetQ versions 2.4.x through 3.3.0 directly to version 3.3.1:

  • NetQ 2.4.x to NetQ 3.3.1
  • NetQ 3.0.0 to NetQ 3.3.1
  • NetQ 3.1.x to NetQ 3.3.1
  • NetQ 3.2.x to NetQ 3.3.1
  • NetQ 3.3.0 to NetQ 3.3.1

Upgrades from NetQ 2.3.x and earlier require a fresh installation.

Additional Information

For information regarding bug fixes and known issues present in this release, refer to the release notes.