If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

Install NetQ Quick Start

If you know how you would answer the key installation questions, you can go directly to the instructions for those choices using the table here.

Do not skip the normal installation flow until you have performed this process multiple times and are fully familiar with it.

Deployment Type Server Arrangement System Hypervisor Installation Instructions
On premises Single server NVIDIA Cumulus NetQ Appliance NA Start Install
On premises Single server Own Hardware plus VM KVM Start Install
On premises Single server Own Hardware plus VM VMware Start Install
On premises Server cluster NVIDIA Cumulus NetQ Appliance NA Start Install
On premises Server cluster Own Hardware plus VM KVM Start Install
On premises Server cluster Own Hardware plus VM VMware Start Install
Remote Single server NVIDIA Cumulus NetQ Cloud Appliance NA Start Install
Remote Single server Own Hardware plus VM KVM Start Install
Remote Single server Own Hardware plus VM VMware Start Install
Remote Server cluster NVIDIA Cumulus NetQ Cloud Appliance NA Start Install
Remote Server cluster Own Hardware plus VM KVM Start Install
Remote Server cluster Own Hardware plus VM VMware Start Install