NVIDIA® Cumulus® NetQ is a highly-scalable, modern network operations tool set that utilizes telemetry for deep troubleshooting, visibility, and automated workflows from a single GUI interface, reducing maintenance and network downtimes. It combines the ability to easily upgrade, configure and deploy network elements with a full suite of operations capabilities, such as visibility, troubleshooting, validation, trace and comparative look-back functionality.
This guide is intended for network administrators who are responsible for deploying, configuring, monitoring and troubleshooting the network in their data center or campus environment. NetQ 3.2 offers the ability to easily monitor and manage your network infrastructure and operational health. This guide provides instructions and information about monitoring individual components of the network, the network as a whole, and the NetQ software applications using the NetQ command line interface (NetQ CLI), NetQ (graphical) user interface (NetQ UI), and NetQ Admin UI.
What's New
NVIDIA NetQ 3.2 eases your customers deployment and maintenance activities for their data center networks with new configuration, performance, and security features and improvements.
What’s New in NetQ 3.2.1
NetQ 3.2.1 contains bug fixes.
What’s New in NetQ 3.2.0
NetQ 3.2.0 includes the following new features and improvements:
Profile-based switch configuration management for system parameters with one-click configuration push to multiple switches reduces errors and configuration time required by manual configuration
Simple and intuitive GUI to install and upgrade the NetQ Platform, Collector, and Agent software simplifies maintenance and reduces downtime
Login password security check and auto-expiration along with a user audit trail improve application compliance and security
Detection of congestion and latency issues in real-time with WJH increases visibility into switch performance
Detection of optical transceiver performance degradation (Digital Optical Monitoring) enables proactive avoidance of network downtime
Detection of Layer 1 link flapping expands real-time and historical interface validation
Intuitive textual descriptions of actions (creation, moves, deletion) on MAC addresses provide an easy to understand, precise history of MAC addresses in the network fabric
Upgrade paths for customers include:
NetQ 2.4.x to NetQ 3.2.1
NetQ 3.0.0 to NetQ 3.2.1
NetQ 3.1.x to NetQ 3.2.1
NetQ 3.2.0 to NetQ 3.2.1
Upgrades from NetQ 2.3.x and earlier require a fresh installation.
For information regarding bug fixes and known issues present in this release, refer to the release notes.
NetQ CLI Changes
A number of commands have changed in this release to accommodate the addition of new options or to simplify their syntax. Additionally, new commands have been added and others have been removed. A summary of those changes is provided here.
New Commands
The following table summarizes the new commands available with this release. They include history for IP address and neighbors, selecting a premise and MAC commentary.
netq [<hostname>] show address-history <text-prefix> [ifname <text-ifname>] [vrf <text-vrf>] [diff] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [listby <text-list-by>] [json]
Shows the history for a given IP address and prefix.
netq [<hostname>] show neighbor-history <text-ipaddress> [ifname <text-ifname>] [diff] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [listby <text-list-by>] [json]
Shows the neighbor history for a given IP address.
netq [<hostname>] show mac-commentary <mac> vlan <1-4096> [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Shows commentary information for a given MAC address.
Added the threshold_type option, to indicate user-configured or vendor-configured thresholds. Also switched the positions of the tca_id and scope options.
netq config show agent [kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|stats|sensors|frr-monitor|wjh|wjh-threshold|cpu-limit] [json]
netq config show agent [kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|stats|sensors|frr-monitor|wjh|cpu-limit] [json]
The command now shows Mellanox WJH latency and congestion thresholds.
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] [type clsupport | type ntp | type mtu | type configdiff | type vlan | type trace | type vxlan | type clag | type bgp | type interfaces | type interfaces-physical | type agents | type ospf | type evpn | type macs | type services | type lldp | type license | type os | type sensors | type btrfsinfo | type lcm] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] [type clsupport | type ntp | type mtu | type configdiff | type vlan | type trace | type vxlan | type clag | type bgp | type interfaces | type interfaces-physical | type agents | type ospf | type evpn | type macs | type services | type lldp | type license | type os | type sensors | type btrfsinfo] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Added the type lcm option for lifecycle management event information.
netq [<hostname>] show wjh-drop [ingress-port <text-ingress-port>] [severity <text-severity>] [details] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show wjh-drop [ingress-port <text-ingress-port>] [details] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Added the severity <text-severity> option.
Get Started
This topic provides overviews of NetQ components, architecture, and the CLI and UI interfaces. These provide the basis for understanding and following the instructions contained in the rest of the user guide.
Cumulus NetQ Overview
Cumulus® NetQ is a highly-scalable, modern network operations tool set
that provides visibility and troubleshooting of your overlay and
underlay networks in real-time. NetQ delivers actionable insights and
operational intelligence about the health of your data center - from the
container, virtual machine, or host, all the way to the switch and port.
NetQ correlates configuration and operational status, and instantly
identifies and tracks state changes while simplifying management for the
entire Linux-based data center. With NetQ, network operations change
from a manual, reactive, box-by-box approach to an automated, informed
and agile one.
Cumulus NetQ performs three primary
Data collection: real-time and historical telemetry and network
state information
Data analytics: deep processing of the data
Data visualization: rich graphical user interface (GUI) for
actionable insight
NetQ is available as an on-site or in-cloud deployment.
Unlike other network operations tools, NetQ delivers significant
operational improvements to your network
management and maintenance processes. It simplifies the data center
network by reducing the complexity through real-time visibility into
hardware and software status and eliminating the guesswork associated
with investigating issues through the analysis and presentation of
detailed, focused data.
Demystify Overlay Networks
While overlay networks provide significant advantages in network
management, it can be difficult to troubleshoot issues that occur in the
overlay one box at a time. You are unable to correlate what events
(configuration changes, power outages, etc.) may have caused problems in
the network and when they occurred. Only a sampling of data is available
to use for your analysis. By contrast, with Cumulus NetQ deployed, you
have a networkwide view of the overlay network, can correlate events
with what is happening now or in the past, and have real-time data to
fill out the complete picture of your network health and operation.
In summary:
Without NetQ
With NetQ
Difficult to debug overlay network
View networkwide status of overlay network
Hard to find out what happened in the past
View historical activity with time-machine view
Periodically sampled data
Real-time collection of telemetry data for a more complete data set
Protect Network Integrity with NetQ Validation
Network configuration changes can cause numerous trouble tickets because
you are not able to test a new configuration before deploying it. When
the tickets start pouring in, you are stuck with a large amount of data
that is collected and stored in multiple tools making correlation of the
events to the resolution required difficult at best. Isolating faults in
the past is challenging. By contract, with Cumulus NetQ deployed, you
can proactively verify a configuration change as inconsistencies and
misconfigurations can be caught prior to deployment. And historical data
is readily available to correlate past events with current issues.
In summary:
Without NetQ
With NetQ
Reactive to trouble tickets
Catch inconsistencies and misconfigurations prior to deployment with integrity checks/validation
Large amount of data and multiple tools to
correlate the logs/events with the issues
Correlate network status, all in one place
Periodically sampled data
Readily available historical data for viewing and correlating changes in the past with current issues
Troubleshoot Issues Across the Network
Troubleshooting networks is challenging in the best of times, but trying
to do so manually, one box at a time, and digging through a series of
long and ugly logs make the job harder than it needs to be. Cumulus NetQ
provides rolled up and correlated network status on a regular basis,
enabling you to get down to the root of the problem quickly, whether it
occurred recently or over a week ago. The graphical user interface makes
this possible visually to speed the analysis.
In summary:
Without NetQ
With NetQ
Large amount of data and multiple tools to
correlate the logs/events with the issues
Rolled up and correlated network status, view events and status together
Past events are lost
Historical data gathered and stored for comparison with current network state
Manual, box-by-box troubleshooting
View issues on all devices all at once, pointing to the source of the problem
Track Connectivity with NetQ Trace
Conventional trace only traverses the data path looking for problems,
and does so on a node to node basis. For paths with a small number of
hops that might be fine, but in larger networks, it can become extremely
time consuming. With Cumulus NetQ both the data and control paths are
verified providing additional information. It discovers
misconfigurations along all of the hops in one go, speeding the time to
In summary:
Without NetQ
With NetQ
Trace covers only data path; hard to check control path
Both data and control paths are verified
View portion of entire path
View all paths between devices all at once to find problem paths
Node-to-node check on misconfigurations
View any misconfigurations along all hops from source to destination
Cumulus NetQ Components
Cumulus NetQ contains the following applications and key components:
Telemetry data collection and aggregation
NetQ switch agents
NetQ host agents
Telemetry data aggregation
Data streaming
Network services
User interfaces
While these function apply to both the on-site and in-cloud solutions, where
the functions reside varies, as shown here.
NetQ interfaces with event notification applications, third-party
analytics tools.
Each of the NetQ components used to gather, store and process data about
the network state are described here.
NetQ Agents
NetQ Agents are software installed and running on every monitored node
in the network - including Cumulus® Linux® switches, Linux bare-metal
hosts, and virtual machines. The NetQ Agents push network data regularly
and event information immediately to the NetQ Platform.
Switch Agents
The NetQ Agents running on Cumulus Linux switches gather the following
network data via Netlink:
IP addresses (v4 and v6)
IP routes (v4 and v6)
Bridge FDB (MAC Address table)
ARP Entries/Neighbors (IPv4 and IPv6)
for the following protocols:
Bridging protocols: LLDP, STP, MLAG
Routing protocols: BGP, OSPF
Network virtualization: EVPN, VXLAN
The NetQ Agent is supported on Cumulus Linux 3.3.2 and later.
Host Agents
The NetQ Agents running on hosts gather the same information as that for
switches, plus the following network data:
Network IP and MAC addresses
Container IP and MAC addresses
The NetQ Agent obtains container
information by listening to the Kubernetes orchestration tool.
The NetQ Agent is supported on hosts running Ubuntu 16.04, Red Hat®
Enterprise Linux 7, and CentOS 7 Operating Systems.
NetQ Core
The NetQ core performs the data collection, storage, and processing
for delivery to various user interfaces. It is comprised of a collection
of scalable components running entirely within a single server. The NetQ
software queries this server, rather than individual devices enabling
greater scalability of the system. Each of these components is described
briefly here.
Data Aggregation
The data aggregation component collects data coming from all of the NetQ
Agents. It then filters, compresses, and forwards the data to the
streaming component. The server monitors for missing messages and also
monitors the NetQ Agents themselves, providing alarms when appropriate.
In addition to the telemetry data collected from the NetQ Agents, the
aggregation component collects information from the switches and hosts,
such as vendor, model, version, and basic operational state.
Data Stores
Two types of data stores are used in the NetQ product. The first stores
the raw data, data aggregations, and discrete events needed for quick
response to data requests. The second stores data based on correlations,
transformations and processing of the raw data.
Real-time Streaming
The streaming component processes the incoming raw data from the
aggregation server in real time. It reads the metrics and stores them as
a time series, and triggers alarms based on anomaly detection,
thresholds, and events.
Network Services
The network services component monitors protocols and services operation
individually and on a networkwide basis and stores status details.
User Interfaces
NetQ data is available through several
user interfaces:
NetQ CLI (command line interface)
NetQ UI (graphical user interface)
NetQ RESTful API (representational state transfer application programming interface)
The CLI and UI query the RESTful API for
the data to present. Standard integrations can be configured to
integrate with third-party notification tools.
Data Center Network Deployments
There are three deployment types that are commonly deployed for network management in the data center:
Out-of-Band Management (recommended)
In-band Management
High Availability
A summary of each type is provided here.
Cumulus NetQ operates over layer 3, and can be used in both layer 2 bridged and
layer 3 routed environments. Cumulus Networks always recommends layer 3
routed environments whenever possible.
Out-of-band Management Deployment
Cumulus Networks recommends deploying NetQ on an out-of-band (OOB)
management network to separate network management traffic from standard
network data traffic, but it is not required. This figure shows a sample
CLOS-based network fabric design for a data center using an OOB
management network overlaid on top, where NetQ is deployed.
The physical network hardware includes:
Spine switches: where data is aggregated and distributed ; also known as an aggregation switch, end-of-row (EOR) switch or distribution switch
Leaf switches: where servers connect to the network; also known as a Top of Rack (TOR) or access switch
Server hosts: where applications are hosted and data served to the user through the network
Exit switch: where connections to outside the data center occur; also known as Border Leaf or Service Leaf
Edge server (optional): where the firewall is the demarcation point, peering may occur through the exit switch layer to Internet (PE) devices
Internet device (PE): where provider edge (PE) equipment communicates at layer 3 with the network fabric
The diagram shows physical connections (in the form of grey lines)
between Spine 01 and four Leaf devices and two Exit devices, and Spine
02 and the same four Leaf devices and two Exit devices. Leaf 01 and Leaf
02 are connected to each other over a peerlink and act as an MLAG pair
for Server 01 and Server 02. Leaf 03 and Leaf 04 are connected to each
other over a peerlink and act as an MLAG pair for Server 03 and Server
04. The Edge is connected to both Exit devices, and the Internet node is
connected to Exit 01.
Data Center Network Example
The physical management hardware includes:
OOB Mgmt Switch: aggregation switch that connects to all of the network devices through communications with the NetQ Agent on each node
NetQ Platform: hosts the telemetry software, database and user interfaces (refer to description above)
These switches are connected to each of the physical network devices
through a virtual network overlay, shown with purple lines.
In-band Management Deployment
While not the preferred deployment method, you might choose to implement
NetQ within your data network. In this scenario, there is no overlay and
all traffic to and from the NetQ Agents and the NetQ Platform traverses
the data paths along with your regular network traffic. The roles of the
switches in the CLOS network are the same, except that the NetQ Platform
performs the aggregation function that the OOB management switch
performed. If your network goes down, you might not have access to the
NetQ Platform for troubleshooting.
High Availability Deployment
NetQ supports a high availability deployment for users who prefer a solution in which the collected data and processing provided by the NetQ Platform remains available through alternate equipment should the platform fail for any reason. In this configuration, three NetQ Platforms are deployed, with one as the master and two as workers (or replicas). Data from the NetQ Agents is sent to all three switches so that if the master NetQ Platform fails, one of the replicas automatically becomes the master and continues to store and provide the telemetry data. This example is based on an OOB management configuration, and modified to support high availability for NetQ.
Cumulus NetQ Operation
In either in-band or out-of-band deployments, NetQ offers networkwide configuration
and device management, proactive monitoring capabilities, and
performance diagnostics for complete management of your network. Each
component of the solution provides a critical element to make this
The NetQ Agent
From a software perspective, a network
switch has software associated with the hardware platform, the operating
system, and communications. For data centers, the software on a Cumulus
Linux network switch would be similar to the diagram shown here.
The NetQ Agent interacts with the various
components and software on switches and hosts and provides the gathered
information to the NetQ Platform. You can view the data using the NetQ
CLI or UI.
The NetQ Agent polls the user
space applications for information about the performance of the various
routing protocols and services that are running on the switch. Cumulus
Networks supports BGP and OSPF FRRouting (FRR) protocols as
well as static addressing. Cumulus Linux also supports LLDP and MSTP
among other protocols, and a variety of services such as systemd and
sensors . For hosts, the NetQ Agent also polls for performance of
containers managed with Kubernetes. All of this information is used to
provide the current health of the network and verify it is configured
and operating correctly.
For example, if the NetQ Agent learns that an interface has gone down, a
new BGP neighbor has been configured, or a container has moved, it
provides that information to the NetQ
Platform. That information can then be used to notify users of
the operational state change through various channels. By default, data
is logged in the database, but you can use the CLI (netq show events)
or configure the Event Service in NetQ to send the information to a
third-party notification application as well. NetQ supports PagerDuty
and Slack integrations.
The NetQ Agent interacts with the Netlink communications between the
Linux kernel and the user space, listening for changes to the network
state, configurations, routes and MAC addresses. NetQ uses this
information to enable notifications about these changes so that network
operators and administrators can respond quickly when changes are not
expected or favorable.
For example, if a new route is added or a MAC address removed, NetQ
Agent records these changes and sends that information to the
NetQ Platform. Based on the
configuration of the Event Service, these changes can be sent to a
variety of locations for end user response.
The NetQ Agent also interacts with the hardware platform to obtain
performance information about various physical components, such as fans
and power supplies, on the switch. Operational states and temperatures
are measured and reported, along with cabling information to enable
management of the hardware and cabling, and proactive maintenance.
For example, as thermal sensors in the switch indicate that it is
becoming very warm, various levels of alarms are generated. These are
then communicated through notifications according to the Event Service
The NetQ Platform
Once the collected data is sent to and stored in the NetQ database, you
Validate configurations, identifying misconfigurations in your
current network, in the past, or prior to deployment,
Monitor communication paths throughout the network,
Notify users of issues and management information,
Anticipate impact of connectivity changes,
and so forth.
Validate Configurations
The NetQ CLI enables validation of your network health through two sets
of commands: netq check and netq show. They extract the information
from the Network Service component and Event service. The Network
Service component is continually validating the connectivity and
configuration of the devices and protocols running on the network. Using
the netq check and netq show commands displays the status of the
various components and services on a networkwide and complete software
stack basis. For example, you can perform a networkwide check on all
sessions of BGP with a single netq check bgp command. The command
lists any devices that have misconfigurations or other operational
errors in seconds. When errors or misconfigurations are present, using
the netq show bgp command displays the BGP configuration on each
device so that you can compare and contrast each device, looking for
potential causes. netq check and netq show commands are available
for numerous components and services as shown in the following table.
Component or Service
Component or Service
Monitor Communication Paths
The trace engine is used to validate the available communication paths
between two network devices. The corresponding netq trace command
enables you to view all of the paths between the two devices and if
there are any breaks in the paths. This example shows two successful
paths between server12 and leaf11, all with an MTU of 9152. The first
command shows the output in path by path tabular mode. The second
command show the same output as a tree.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq trace from
Number of Paths: 2
Number of Paths with Errors: 0
Number of Paths with Warnings: 0
Path MTU: 9152
Id Hop Hostname InPort InTun, RtrIf OutRtrIf, Tun OutPort
--- --- ----------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
1 1 server12 bond1.1002
2 leaf12 swp8 vlan1002 peerlink-1
3 leaf11 swp6 vlan1002 vlan1002
--- --- ----------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
2 1 server12 bond1.1002
2 leaf11 swp8 vlan1002
--- --- ----------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
cumulus@switch:~$ netq trace from pretty
Number of Paths: 2
Number of Paths with Errors: 0
Number of Paths with Warnings: 0
Path MTU: 9152
hostd-12 bond1.1002 -- swp8 leaf12 <vlan1002> peerlink-1 -- swp6 <vlan1002> leaf11 vlan1002
bond1.1002 -- swp8 leaf11 vlan1002
This output is read as:
Path 1 traverses the network from server12 out bond1.1002 into
leaf12 interface swp8 out VLAN1002 peerlink-1 into VLAN1002
interface swp6 on leaf11
Path 2 traverses the network from server12 out bond1.1002 into
VLAN1002 interface swp8 on leaf11
If the MTU does not match across the network, or any of the paths or
parts of the paths have issues, that data is called out in the summary
at the top of the output and shown in red along the paths, giving you a
starting point for troubleshooting.
View Historical State and Configuration
All of the check, show and trace commands can be run for the current
status and for a prior point in time. For example, this is useful when
you receive messages from the night before, but are not seeing any
problems now. You can use the netq check command to look for
configuration or operational issues around the time that the messages
are timestamped. Then use the netq show commands to see information
about how the devices in question were configured at that time or if
there were any changes in a given timeframe. Optionally, you can use the
netq trace command to see what the connectivity looked like between
any problematic nodes at that time. This example shows problems occurred
on spine01, leaf04, and server03 last night. The network administrator
received notifications and wants to investigate. The diagram is followed
by the commands to run to determine the cause of a BGP error on spine01.
Note that the commands use the around option to see the results for
last night and that they can be run from any switch in the network.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp around 30m
Total Nodes: 25, Failed Nodes: 3, Total Sessions: 220 , Failed Sessions: 24,
Hostname VRF Peer Name Peer Hostname Reason Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------
exit-1 DataVrf1080 swp6.2 firewall-1 BGP session with peer firewall-1 swp6.2: AFI/ 1d:2h:6m:21s
SAFI evpn not activated on peer
exit-1 DataVrf1080 swp7.2 firewall-2 BGP session with peer firewall-2 (swp7.2 vrf 1d:1h:59m:43s
DataVrf1080) failed,
reason: Peer not configured
exit-1 DataVrf1081 swp6.3 firewall-1 BGP session with peer firewall-1 swp6.3: AFI/ 1d:2h:6m:21s
SAFI evpn not activated on peer
exit-1 DataVrf1081 swp7.3 firewall-2 BGP session with peer firewall-2 (swp7.3 vrf 1d:1h:59m:43s
DataVrf1081) failed,
reason: Peer not configured
exit-1 DataVrf1082 swp6.4 firewall-1 BGP session with peer firewall-1 swp6.4: AFI/ 1d:2h:6m:21s
SAFI evpn not activated on peer
exit-1 DataVrf1082 swp7.4 firewall-2 BGP session with peer firewall-2 (swp7.4 vrf 1d:1h:59m:43s
DataVrf1082) failed,
reason: Peer not configured
exit-1 default swp6 firewall-1 BGP session with peer firewall-1 swp6: AFI/SA 1d:2h:6m:21s
FI evpn not activated on peer
exit-1 default swp7 firewall-2 BGP session with peer firewall-2 (swp7 vrf de 1d:1h:59m:43s
cumulus@switch:~$ netq exit-1 show bgp
Matching bgp records:
Hostname Neighbor VRF ASN Peer ASN PfxRx Last Changed
----------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ -------------------------
exit-1 swp3(spine-1) default 655537 655435 27/24/412 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp3.2(spine-1) DataVrf1080 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp3.3(spine-1) DataVrf1081 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp3.4(spine-1) DataVrf1082 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp4(spine-2) default 655537 655435 27/24/412 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp4.2(spine-2) DataVrf1080 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp4.3(spine-2) DataVrf1081 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp4.4(spine-2) DataVrf1082 655537 655435 13/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp5(spine-3) default 655537 655435 28/24/412 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp5.2(spine-3) DataVrf1080 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp5.3(spine-3) DataVrf1081 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp5.4(spine-3) DataVrf1082 655537 655435 14/12/0 Fri Feb 15 17:20:00 2019
exit-1 swp6(firewall-1) default 655537 655539 73/69/- Fri Feb 15 17:22:10 2019
exit-1 swp6.2(firewall-1) DataVrf1080 655537 655539 73/69/- Fri Feb 15 17:22:10 2019
exit-1 swp6.3(firewall-1) DataVrf1081 655537 655539 73/69/- Fri Feb 15 17:22:10 2019
exit-1 swp6.4(firewall-1) DataVrf1082 655537 655539 73/69/- Fri Feb 15 17:22:10 2019
exit-1 swp7 default 655537 - NotEstd Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
exit-1 swp7.2 DataVrf1080 655537 - NotEstd Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
exit-1 swp7.3 DataVrf1081 655537 - NotEstd Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
exit-1 swp7.4 DataVrf1082 655537 - NotEstd Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
Manage Network Events
The NetQ notifier manages the events that occur for the devices and
components, protocols and services that it receives from the NetQ
Agents. The notifier enables you to capture and filter events that occur
to manage the behavior of your network. This is especially useful when
an interface or routing protocol goes down and you want to get them back
up and running as quickly as possible, preferably before anyone notices
or complains. You can improve resolution time significantly by creating
filters that focus on topics appropriate for a particular group of
users. You can easily create filters around events related to BGP and
MLAG session states, interfaces, links, NTP and other services,
fans, power supplies, and physical sensor measurements.
For example, for operators responsible for routing, you can create an
integration with a notification application that notifies them of
routing issues as they occur. This is an example of a Slack message
received on a netq-notifier channel indicating that the BGP session on
switch leaf04 interface swp2 has gone down.
Timestamps in NetQ
Every event or entry in the NetQ database is stored with a timestamp of
when the event was captured by the NetQ Agent on the switch or server.
This timestamp is based on the switch or server time where the NetQ
Agent is running, and is pushed in UTC format. It is important to ensure
that all devices are NTP synchronized to prevent events from being
displayed out of order or not displayed at all when looking for events
that occurred at a particular time or within a time window.
Interface state, IP addresses, routes, ARP/ND table (IP neighbor)
entries and MAC table entries carry a timestamp that represents the time
the event happened (such as when a route is deleted or an interface
comes up) - except the first time the NetQ agent is run. If the
network has been running and stable when a NetQ agent is brought up for
the first time, then this time reflects when the agent was started.
Subsequent changes to these objects are captured with an accurate time
of when the event happened.
Data that is captured and saved based on polling, and just about all
other data in the NetQ database, including control plane state (such as
BGP or MLAG), has a timestamp of when the information was captured
rather than when the event actually happened, though NetQ compensates
for this if the data extracted provides additional information to
compute a more precise time of the event. For example, BGP uptime can be
used to determine when the event actually happened in conjunction with
the timestamp.
When retrieving the timestamp, command outputs display the time in three
For non-JSON output when the timestamp represents the Last Changed
time, time is displayed in actual date and time when the time change occurred
For non-JSON output when the timestamp represents an Uptime, time is
displayed as days, hours, minutes, and seconds from the current time
For JSON output, time is displayed in microseconds that have passed since the Epoch time (January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT)
This example shows the difference between the timestamp displays.
If a NetQ Agent is restarted on a device, the timestamps for existing
objects are not updated to reflect this new restart time. Their
timestamps are preserved relative to the original start time of the
Agent. A rare exception is if the device is rebooted between the time it
takes the Agent being stopped and restarted; in this case, the time is
once again relative to the start time of the Agent.
Exporting NetQ Data
Data from the NetQ Platform can be exported in a couple of ways:
use the json option to output command results to JSON format for
parsing in other applications
use the UI to export data from the full screen cards
Example Using the CLI
You can check the state of BGP on your network with netq check bgp:
cumulus@leaf01:~$ netq check bgp
Total Nodes: 25, Failed Nodes: 3, Total Sessions: 220 , Failed Sessions: 24,
Hostname VRF Peer Name Peer Hostname Reason Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01 DataVrf1080 swp6.2 firewall01 BGP session with peer firewall01 swp6.2: AFI/ Tue Feb 12 18:11:16 2019
SAFI evpn not activated on peer
exit01 DataVrf1080 swp7.2 firewall02 BGP session with peer firewall02 (swp7.2 vrf Tue Feb 12 18:11:27 2019
DataVrf1080) failed,
reason: Peer not configured
exit01 DataVrf1081 swp6.3 firewall01 BGP session with peer firewall01 swp6.3: AFI/ Tue Feb 12 18:11:16 2019
SAFI evpn not activated on peer
exit01 DataVrf1081 swp7.3 firewall02 BGP session with peer firewall02 (swp7.3 vrf Tue Feb 12 18:11:27 2019
DataVrf1081) failed,
reason: Peer not configured
When you show the output in JSON format, this same command looks like
cumulus@leaf01:~$ netq check bgp json
"reason":"BGP session with peer firewall01 swp6.2: AFI/SAFI evpn not activated on peer",
"reason":"BGP session with peer firewall02 (swp7.2 vrf DataVrf1080) failed, reason: Peer not configured",
"reason":"BGP session with peer firewall01 swp6.3: AFI/SAFI evpn not activated on peer",
"reason":"BGP session with peer firewall02 (swp7.3 vrf DataVrf1081) failed, reason: Peer not configured",
"summary": {
"checkedNodeCount": 25,
"failedSessionCount": 24,
"failedNodeCount": 3,
"totalSessionCount": 220
Example Using the UI
Open the full screen Switch Inventory card, select the data to export,
and click Export.
Important File Locations
To aid in troubleshooting issues with NetQ, there are the following configuration and log files that can provide insight into the root cause of the issue:
The NetQ configuration file. This file appears only if you installed either the netq-apps package or the NetQ Agent on the system.
The NetQ daemon log file for the NetQ CLI. This log file appears only if you installed the netq-apps package on the system.
The NetQ Agent log file. This log file appears only if you installed the NetQ Agent on the system.
NetQ User Interface Overview
The NetQ 3.x graphical user interface (UI) enables you to access NetQ capabilities through a web browser as opposed to through a terminal window using the Command Line Interface (CLI). Visual representations of the health of the network, inventory, and system events make it easy to both find faults and misconfigurations, and to fix them.
The UI is accessible from both on-premises and cloud deployments. It is supported on Google Chrome. Other popular browsers may be used, but have not been tested and may have some presentation issues.
Before you get started, you should refer to the release notes for this version.
Access the NetQ UI
The NetQ UI is a web-based application. Logging in and logging out are simple and quick. Users working with a cloud deployment of NetQ can reset their password if it is forgotten.
Log In to NetQ
To log in to the UI:
Open a new Chrome browser window or tab.
Enter the following URL into the address bar:
NetQ On-premises Appliance or VM: https://<hostname-or-ipaddress>:443
NetQ Cloud: Use credentials provided by Cumulus Networks via email titled Welcome to Cumulus NetQ!
Enter your username.
Enter your password.
Enter a new password.
Enter the new password again to confirm it.
Click Update and Accept after reading the Terms of Use.
The default Cumulus Workbench opens, with your username shown in the upper right corner of the application.
Enter your username.
Enter your password.
The user-specified home workbench is displayed. If a home workbench is not specified, then the Cumulus Default workbench is displayed.
Any workbench can be set as the home workbench. Click (User Settings), click Profiles and Preferences, then on the Workbenches card click to the left of the workbench name you want to be your home workbench.
Reset a Forgotten Password
For cloud deployments, you can reset your password if it has been forgotten.
Enter an email address where you want instructions to be sent for resetting the password.
Click Send Reset Email, or click Cancel to return to login page.
Log in to the email account where you sent the reset message. Look for a message with a subject of NetQ Password Reset Link from netq-sre@cumulusnetworks.com.
Click on the link provided to open the Reset Password dialog.
Enter a new password.
Enter the new password again to confirm it.
Click Reset.
A confirmation message is shown on successful reset.
Click Login to access NetQ with your username and new password.
Log Out of NetQ
To log out of the NetQ UI:
Click at the top right of the application.
Select Log Out.
Application Layout
The NetQ UI contains two main areas:
Application Header (1): Contains the main menu, recent actions history, search capabilities, NetQ version, quick health status chart, local time zone, premises list, and user account information.
Workbench (2): Contains a task bar and content cards (with status and configuration information about your network and its various components).
Main Menu
Found in the application header, click to open the main menu which provides navigation to:
Favorites: contains link to the user-defined favorite workbenches; Home points to the Cumulus Workbench until reset by a user
NetQ: contains links to all workbenches
Network: contains links to tabular data about various network elements and the What Just Happened feature
Admin: contains links to application management and lifecycle management features (only visible to users with Admin access role)
Notifications: contains link to threshold-based event rules and notification channel specifications
Recent Actions
Found in the header, Recent Actions keeps track of every action you take on your workbench and then saves each action with a timestamp. This enables you to go back to a previous state or repeat an action.
To open Recent Actions, click . Click on any of the actions to perform that action again.
The Global Search field in the UI header enables you to search for devices and cards. It behaves like most searches and can help you quickly find device information. For more detail on creating and running searches, refer to Create and Run Searches.
Cumulus Networks Logo
Clicking on the Cumulus logo takes you to your favorite workbench. For details about specifying your favorite workbench, refer to Set User Preferences.
Quick Network Health View
Found in the header, the graph and performance rating provide a view into the health of your network at a glance.
On initial start up of the application, it may take up to an hour to reach an accurate health indication as some processes only run every 30 minutes.
A workbench is comprised of a given set of cards. A pre-configured default workbench, Cumulus Workbench, is available to get you started. It contains Device Inventory, Switch Inventory, Alarm and Info Events, and Network Health cards. On initial login, this workbench is opened. You can create your own workbenches and add or remove cards to meet your particular needs. For more detail about managing your data using workbenches, refer to Focus Your Monitoring Using Workbenches.
Cards present information about your network for monitoring and troubleshooting. This is where you can expect to spend most of your time. Each card describes a particular aspect of the network. Cards are available in multiple sizes, from small to full screen. The level of the content on a card varies in accordance with the size of the card, with the highest level of information on the smallest card to the most detailed information on the full-screen view. Cards are collected onto a workbench where you see all of the data relevant to a task or set of tasks. You can add and remove cards from a workbench, move between cards and card sizes, and make copies of cards to show different levels of data at the same time. For details about working with cards, refer to Access Data with Cards.
User Settings
Each user can customize the NetQ application display, change their account password, and manage their workbenches. This is all performed from User Settings > Profile & Preferences. For details, refer to Set User Preferences.
Format Cues
Color is used to indicate links, options, and status within the UI.
Hover on item
Clickable item
Selected item
Highlighted item
Good/Successful results
Result with critical severity event
Result with high severity event
Result with medium severity event
Result with low severity event
Create and Run Searches
The Global Search field in the UI header enables you to search for devices or cards. You can create new searches or run existing searches.
Create a Search
As with most search fields, simply begin entering the criteria in the search field. As you type, items that match the search criteria are shown in the search history dropdown along with the last time the search was viewed. Wildcards are not allowed, but this predictive matching eliminates the need for them. By default, the most recent searches are shown. If more have been performed, they can be accessed. This provides a quicker search by reducing entry specifics and suggesting recent searches. Selecting a suggested search from the list provides a preview of the search results to the right.
To create a new search:
Click in the Global Search field.
Enter your search criteria.
Click the device hostname or card workflow in the search list to open the associated information.
If you have more matches than fit in the window, click the See All \# Results link to view all found matches. The count represents the number of devices found. It does not include cards found.
Run a Recent Search
You can re-run a recent search, saving time if you are comparing data from two or more devices.
To re-run a recent search:
Click in the Global Search field.
When the desired search appears in the suggested searches list, select it.
You may need to click See All \# Results to find the desired search. If you do not find it in the list, you may still be able to find it in the Recent Actions list.
Focus Your Monitoring Using Workbenches
Workbenches are an integral structure of the Cumulus NetQ UI. They are where you collect and view the data that is important to you.
There are two types of workbenches:
Default: Provided by Cumulus Networks for use as they exist; changes made to these workbenches cannot be saved
Custom: Created by application users when default workbenches need some adjustments to better meet your needs or a completely different collection of cards is wanted; changes made to these workbenches are saved automatically
Both types of workbenches display a set of cards. Default workbenches are public (available for viewing by all users), whereas Custom workbenches are private (only viewable by the user who created them).
Default Workbenches
In this release, only one default workbench is available, the Cumulus Workbench, to get you started. It contains Device Inventory, Switch Inventory, Alarm and Info Events, and Network Health cards, giving you a high-level view of how your network is operating.
On initial login, the Cumulus Workbench is opened. On subsequent logins, the last workbench you had displayed is opened.
Custom Workbenches
Users with either administrative or user roles can create and save as many custom workbenches as suits their needs. For example, a user might create a workbench that:
Shows all of the selected cards for the past week and one that shows all of the selected cards for the past 24 hours
Only has data about your virtual overlays; EVPN plus events cards
Has selected switches that you are troubleshooting
Focused on application or user account management
And so forth.
Create a Workbench
To create a workbench:
Click in the workbench header.
Enter a name for the workbench.
Click Create to open a blank new workbench, or Cancel to discard the workbench.
Add cards to the workbench using or .
Refer to Access Data with Cards for information about interacting with cards on your workbenches.
Remove a Workbench
Once you have created a number of custom workbenches, you might find that you no longer need some of them. As an administrative user, you can remove any workbench, except for the default Cumulus Workbench. Users with a user role can only remove workbenches they have created.
To remove a workbench:
Click in the application header to open the User Settings options.
Click Profile & Preferences.
Locate the Workbenches card.
Hover over the workbench you want to remove, and click Delete.
Open an Existing Workbench
There are several options for opening workbenches:
Open through Workbench Header
Click next to the current workbench name and locate the workbench
Under My Home, click the name of your favorite workbench
Under My Most Recent, click the workbench if in list
Search by workbench name
Click All My WB to open all workbenches and select it from the list
Open through Main Menu
Click (Main Menu) and select the workbench from the Favorites or NetQ columns
Open through Cumulus logo
Click the logo in the header to open your favorite workbench
Manage Auto-refresh for Your Workbenches
With NetQ 2.3.1 and later, you can specify how often to update the data displayed on your workbenches. Three refresh rates are available:
Analyze: updates every 30 seconds
Debug: updates every minute
Monitor: updates every two (2) minutes
By default, auto-refresh is enabled and configured to update every 30 seconds.
Disable/Enable Auto-refresh
To disable or pause auto-refresh of your workbenches, simply click the Refresh icon. This toggles between the two states, Running and Paused, where indicates it is currently disabled and indicates it is currently enabled.
While having the workbenches update regularly is good most of the time, you may find that you want to pause the auto-refresh feature when you are troubleshooting and you do not want the data to change on a given set of cards temporarily. In this case, you can disable the auto-refresh and then enable it again when you are finished.
View Current Settings
To view the current auto-refresh rate and operational status, hover over the Refresh icon on a workbench header, to open the tool tip as follows:
Change Settings
To modify the auto-refresh setting:
Click on the Refresh icon.
Select the refresh rate you want. The refresh rate is applied immediately. A check mark is shown next to the current selection.
Manage Workbenches
To manage your workbenches as a group, either:
Click next to the current workbench name, then click Manage My WB.
Click , select Profiles & Preferences option.
Both of these open the Profiles & Preferences page. Look for the Workbenches card and refer to Manage Your Workbenches for more information.
Access Data with Cards
Cards present information about your network for monitoring and troubleshooting. This is where you can expect to spend most of your time. Each card describes a particular aspect of the network. Cards are available in multiple sizes, from small to full screen. The level of the content on a card varies in accordance with the size of the card, with the highest level of information on the smallest card to the most detailed information on the full-screen card. Cards are collected onto a workbench where you see all of the data relevant to a task or set of tasks. You can add and remove cards from a workbench, move between cards and card sizes, change the time period of the data shown on a card, and make copies of cards to show different levels of data at the same time.
Card Sizes
The various sizes of cards enables you to view your content at just the right level. For each aspect that you are monitoring there is typically a single card, that presents increasing amounts of data over its four sizes. For example, a snapshot of your total inventory may be sufficient, but to monitor the distribution of hardware vendors may requires a bit more space.
Small Cards
Small cards are most effective at providing a quick view of the performance or statistical value of a given aspect of your network. They are commonly comprised of an icon to identify the aspect being monitored, summary performance or statistics in the form of a graph and/or counts, and often an indication of any related events. Other content items may be present. Some examples include a Devices Inventory card, a Switch Inventory card, an Alarm Events card, an Info Events card, and a Network Health card, as shown here:
Medium Cards
Medium cards are most effective at providing the key measurements for a given aspect of your network. They are commonly comprised of an icon to identify the aspect being monitored, one or more key measurements that make up the overall performance. Often additional information is also included, such as related events or components. Some examples include a Devices Inventory card, a Switch Inventory card, an Alarm Events card, an Info Events card, and a Network Health card, as shown here. Compare these with their related small- and large-sized cards.
Large Cards
Large cards are most effective at providing the detailed information for monitoring specific components or functions of a given aspect of your network. These can aid in isolating and resolving existing issues or preventing potential issues. They are commonly comprised of detailed statistics and graphics. Some large cards also have tabs for additional detail about a given statistic or other related information. Some examples include a Devices Inventory card, an Alarm Events card, and a Network Health card, as shown here. Compare these with their related small- and medium-sized cards.
Full-Screen Cards
Full-screen cards are most effective for viewing all available data about an aspect of your network all in one place. When you cannot find what you need in the small, medium, or large cards, it is likely on the full-screen card. Most full-screen cards display data in a grid, or table; however, some contain visualizations. Some examples include All Events card and All Switches card, as shown here.
Card Size Summary
Card Size
Full Screen
Primary Purpose
Quick view of status, typically at the level of good or bad
Enable quick actions, run a validation or trace for example
View key performance parameters or statistics
Perform an action
Look for potential issues
View detailed performance and statistics
Perform actions
Compare and review related information
View all attributes for given network aspect
Free-form data analysis and visualization
Export data to third-party tools
Card Workflows
The UI provides a number of card workflows. Card workflows focus on a particular aspect of your network and are a linked set of each size card-a small card, a medium card, one or more large cards, and one or more full screen cards. The following card workflows are available:
Network Health: networkwide view of network health
Devices|Switches: health of a given switch
Inventory|Devices: information about all switches and hosts in the network
Inventory|Switches: information about the components on a given switch
Events|Alarms: information about all critical severity events in the system
Events|Info: information about all warning, info, and debug events in the system
Network Services: information about the network services and sessions
Validation Request (and Results): networkwide validation of network protocols and services
Trace Request (and Results): find available paths between two devices in the network fabric
Network Snapshot: view and compare the network state at various times
Access a Card Workflow
You can access a card workflow in multiple ways:
For workbenches available from the main menu, open the workbench that contains the card flow
Open a prior search
Add it to a workbench
Search for it
If you have multiple cards open on your workbench already, you might need to scroll down to see the card you have just added.
To open the card workflow through an existing workbench:
Click in the workbench task bar.
Select the relevant workbench.
The workbench opens, hiding your previous workbench.
To open the card workflow from Recent Actions:
Click in the application header.
Look for an “Add: <card name>” item.
If it is still available, click the item.
The card appears on the current workbench, at the bottom.
The card appears on the current workbench, at the bottom.
To access the card workflow by searching for the card:
Click in the Global Search field.
Begin typing the name of the card.
Select it from the list.
The card appears on a current workbench, at the bottom.
Card Interactions
Every card contains a standard set of interactions, including the ability to switch between card sizes, and change the time period of the presented data. Most cards also have additional actions that can be taken, in the form of links to other cards, scrolling, and so forth. The four sizes of cards for a particular aspect of the network are connected into a flow; however, you can have duplicate cards displayed at the different sizes. Cards with tabular data provide filtering, sorting, and export of data. The medium and large cards have descriptive text on the back of the cards.
To access the time period, card size, and additional actions, hover over the card. These options appear, covering the card header, enabling you to select the desired option.
Add Cards to Your Workbench
You can add one or more cards to a workbench at any time. To add Devices|Switches cards, refer to Add Switch Cards to Your Workbench. For all other cards, follow the steps in this section.
To add one or more cards:
Click to open the Cards modal.
Scroll down until you find the card you want to add, select the category of cards, or use Search to find the card you want to add.
This example uses the category tab to narrow the search for a card.
Click on each card you want to add.
As you select each card, it is grayed out and a appears on top of it. If you have selected one or more cards using the category option, you can selected another category without losing your current selection. Note that the total number of cards selected for addition to your workbench is noted at the bottom.
Also note that if you change your mind and do not want to add a particular card you have selected, simply click on it again to remove it from the cards to be added. Note the total number of cards selected decreases with each card you remove.
When you have selected all of the cards you want to add to your workbench, you can confirm which cards have been selected by clicking the Cards Selected link. Modify your selection as needed.
Click Open Cards to add the selected cards, or Cancel to return to your workbench without adding any cards.
The cards are placed at the end of the set of cards currently on the workbench. You might need to scroll down to see them. By default, the medium size of the card is added to your workbench for all except the Validation and Trace cards. These are added in the large size by default. You can rearrange the cards as described in Reposition a Card on Your Workbench.
Add Switch Cards to Your Workbench
You can add switch cards to a workbench at any time. For all other cards, follow the steps in Add Cards to Your Workbench. You can either add the card through the Switches icon on a workbench header or by searching for it through Global Search.
To add a switch card using the icon:
Click to open the Add Switch Card modal.
Begin entering the hostname of the switch you want to monitor.
Select the device from the suggestions that appear.
If you attempt to enter a hostname that is unknown to NetQ, a pink border appears around the entry field and you are unable to select Add. Try checking for spelling errors. If you feel your entry is valid, but not an available choice, consult with your network administrator.
Optionally select the small or large size to display instead of the medium size.
Click Add to add the switch card to your workbench, or Cancel to return to your workbench without adding the switch card.
To open the switch card by searching:
Click in Global Search.
Begin typing the name of a switch.
Select it from the options that appear.
Remove Cards from Your Workbench
Removing cards is handled one card at a time.
To remove a card:
Hover over the card you want to remove.
Click (More Actions menu).
Click Remove.
The card is removed from the workbench, but not from the application.
Change the Time Period for the Card Data
All cards have a default time period for the data shown on the card, typically the last 24 hours. You can change the time period to view the data during a different time range to aid analysis of previous or existing issues.
To change the time period for a card:
Hover over any card.
Click in the header.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
Changing the time period in this manner only changes the time period for the given card.
Switch to a Different Card Size
You can switch between the different card sizes at any time. Only one size is visible at a time. To view the same card in different sizes, open a second copy of the card.
To change the card size:
Hover over the card.
Hover over the Card Size Picker and move the cursor to the right or left until the desired size option is highlighted.
Single width opens a small card. Double width opens a medium card. Triple width opens large cards. Full width opens full-screen cards.
Click the Picker.
The card changes to the selected size, and may move its location on the workbench.
View a Description of the Card Content
When you hover over a medium or large card, the bottom right corner turns up and is highlighted. Clicking the corner turns the card over where a description of the card and any relevant tabs are described. Hover and click again to turn it back to the front side.
Reposition a Card on Your Workbench
You can also move cards around on the workbench, using a simple drag and drop method.
To move a card:
Simply click and drag the card to left or right of another card, next to where you want to place the card.
Release your hold on the card when the other card becomes highlighted with a dotted line. In this example, we are moving the medium Network Health card to the left of the medium Devices Inventory card.
Table Settings
You can manipulate the data in a data grid in a full-screen card in several ways. The available options are displayed above each table. The options vary depending on the card and what is selected in the table.
Select All
Selects all items in the list.
Clear All
Clears all existing selections in the list.
Add Item
Adds item to the list.
Edits the selected item.
Removes the selected items.
Filters the list using available parameters. Refer to Filter Table Data for more detail.
Generate/Delete AuthKeys
Creates or removes NetQ CLI authorization keys.
Open Cards
Opens the corresponding validation or trace card(s).
Assign role
Opens role assignment options for switches.
Exports selected data into either a .csv or JSON-formatted file. Refer to Export Data for more detail.
When there are numerous items in a table, NetQ loads the first 25 by default and provides the rest in additional table pages. In this case, pagination is shown under the table.
From there, you can:
View the total number of items in the list
Set NetQ to load 25, 50, or 100 items per page
Move forward or backward one page at a time (, )
Go to the first or last page in the list (, )
Change Order of Columns
You can rearrange the columns within a table. Click and hold on a column header, then drag it to the location where you want it.
Sort Table Data by Column
You can sort tables (with up to 10,000 rows) by a given column for tables on full-screen cards. The data is sorted in ascending or descending order; A to Z, Z to A, 1 to n, or n to 1.
To sort table data by column:
Open a full-screen card.
Hover over a column header.
Click the header to toggle between ascending and descending sort order.
For example, this IP Addresses table is sorted by hostname in a descending order. Click the Hostname header to sort the data in ascending order. Click the IfName header to sort the same table by interface name.
Sorted by descending hostname
Sorted by ascending hostname
Sorted by descending interface name
Filter Table Data
The filter option associated with tables on full-screen cards can be used to filter the data by any parameter (column name). The parameters available vary according to the table you are viewing. Some tables offer the ability to filter on more than one parameter.
Tables that Support a Single Filter
Tables that allow a single filter to be applied let you select the parameter and set the value. You can use partial values.
For example, to set the filter to show only BGP sessions using a particular VRF:
Open the full-screen Network Services | All BGP Sessions card.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Click above the table.
Select VRF from the Field dropdown.
Enter the name of the VRF of interest. In our example, we chose vrf1.
Click Apply.
The filter icon displays a red dot to indicate filters are applied.
To remove the filter, click (with the red dot).
Click Clear.
Close the Filters dialog by clicking .
Tables that Support Multiple Filters
For tables that offer filtering by multiple parameters, the Filter dialog is slightly different. For example, to filter the list of IP Addresses in your system by hostname and interface:
Click .
Select IP Addresses under Network.
Click above the table.
Enter a hostname and interface name in the respective fields.
Click Apply.
The filter icon displays a red dot to indicate filters are applied, and each filter is presented above the table.
To remove a filter, simply click on the filter, or to remove all filters at once, click Clear All Filters.
Export Data
You can export tabular data from a full-screen card to a CSV- or JSON-formatted file.
To export the all data:
Click above the table.
Select the export format.
Click Export to save the file to your downloads directory.
To export selected data:
Select the individual items from the list by clicking in the checkbox next to each item.
Click above the table.
Select the export format.
Click Export to save the file to your downloads directory.
Set User Preferences
Each user can customize the NetQ application display, change his account password, and manage his workbenches.
Configure Display Settings
The Display card contains the options for setting the application theme, language, time zone, and date formats. There are two themes available: a Light theme and a Dark theme (default). The screen captures in this document are all displayed with the Dark theme. English is the only language available for this release. You can choose to view data in the time zone where you or your data center resides. You can also select the date and time format, choosing words or number format and a 12- or 24-hour clock. All changes take effect immediately.
To configure the display settings:
Click in the application header to open the User Settings options.
Click Profile & Preferences.
Locate the Display card.
In the Theme field, click to select your choice of theme. This figure shows the light theme. Switch back and forth as desired.
In the Time Zone field, click to change the time zone from the default.
By default, the time zone is set to the user’s local time zone. If a time zone has not been selected, NetQ defaults to the current local time zone where NetQ is installed. All time values are based on this setting. This is displayed in the application header, and is based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Tip: You can also change the time zone from the header display.
If your deployment is not local to you (for example, you want to view the data from the perspective of a data center in another time zone) you can change the display to another time zone. The following table presents a sample of time zones:
Time Zone
GMT +12
New Zealand Standard Time
GMT +11
Solomon Standard Time
GMT +10
Australian Eastern Time
GMT +9:30
Australia Central Time
GMT +9
Japan Standard Time
GMT +8
China Taiwan Time
GMT +7
Vietnam Standard Time
GMT +6
Bangladesh Standard Time
GMT +5:30
India Standard Time
Pakistan Lahore Time
GMT +4
Near East Time
GMT +3:30
Middle East Time
GMT +3
Eastern African Time/Arab Standard Time
GMT +2
Eastern European Time
GMT +1
European Central Time
Greenwich Mean Time
GMT -1
Central African Time
GMT -2
Uruguay Summer Time
GMT -3
Argentina Standard/Brazil Eastern Time
GMT -4
Atlantic Standard Time/Puerto Rico Time
GMT -5
Eastern Standard Time
GMT -6
Central Standard Time
GMT -7
Mountain Standard Time
GMT -8
Pacific Standard Time
GMT -9
Alaskan Standard Time
GMT -10
Hawaiian Standard Time
GMT -11
Samoa Standard Time
GMT -12
New Zealand Standard Time
In the Date Format field, select the date and time format you want displayed on the cards.
The four options include the date displayed in words or abbreviated with numbers, and either a 12- or 24-hour time representation. The default is the third option.
Return to your workbench by clicking and selecting a workbench from the NetQ list.
Change Your Password
You can change your account password at any time should you suspect someone has hacked your account or your administrator requests you to do so.
To change your password:
Click in the application header to open the User Settings options.
Click Profile & Preferences.
Locate the Basic Account Info card.
Click Change Password.
Enter your current password.
Enter and confirm a new password.
Click Save to change to the new password, or click Cancel to
discard your changes.
Return to your workbench by clicking and selecting a workbench from the NetQ list.
Manage Your Workbenches
You can view all of your workbenches in a list form, making it possible to manage various aspects of them. There are public and private workbenches. Public workbenches are visible by all users. Private workbenches are visible only by the user who created the workbench. From the Workbenches card, you can:
Specify a home workbench: This tells NetQ to open with that workbench when you log in instead of the default Cumulus Workbench.
Search for a workbench: If you have a large number of workbenches, you can search for a particular workbench by name, or sort workbenches by their access type or cards that reside on them.
Delete a workbench: Perhaps there is one that you no longer use. You can remove workbenches that you have created (private workbenches). An administrative role is required to remove workbenches that are common to all users (public workbenches).
To manage your workbenches:
Click in the application header to open the User Settings options.
Click Profile & Preferences.
Locate the Workbenches card.
To specify a home workbench, click to the left of the desired workbench name. is placed there to indicate its status as your favorite workbench.
To search the workbench list by name, access type, and cards present on the workbench, click the relevant header and begin typing your search criteria.
To sort the workbench list, click the relevant header and click .
To delete a workbench, hover over the workbench name to view the Delete button. As an administrator, you can delete both private and public workbenches.
Return to your workbench by clicking and selecting a workbench from the NetQ list.
NetQ Command Line Overview
The NetQ CLI provides access to all of the network state and event information collected by the NetQ Agents. It behaves the same way most CLIs behave, with groups of commands used to display related information, the ability to use TAB completion when entering commands, and to get help for given commands and options. The commands are grouped into four categories: check, show, config, and trace.
The NetQ command line interface only runs on switches and server hosts implemented with Intel x86 or ARM-based architectures. If you are unsure what architecture your switch or server employs, check the Cumulus Hardware Compatibility List and verify the value in the Platforms tab > CPU column.
CLI Access
When NetQ is installed or upgraded, the CLI may also be installed and enabled on your NetQ server or appliance and hosts. Refer to the Install NetQ topic for details.
To access the CLI from a switch or server:
Log in to the device. This example uses the default username of cumulus and a hostname of switch.
<computer>:~<username>$ ssh cumulus@switch
Enter your password to reach the command prompt. The default password is CumulusLinux! For example:
Enter passphrase for key '/Users/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa': <enter CumulusLinux! here>
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-112-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com
* Management: https://landscape.canonical.com
* Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage
Last login: Tue Sep 15 09:28:12 2019 from
Run commands. For example:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp
Command Line Basics
This section describes the core structure and behavior of the NetQ CLI. It includes the following:
The Cumulus NetQ command line has a flat structure as opposed to a modal structure. This means that all commands can be run from the primary prompt instead of only in a specific mode. For example, some command lines require the administrator to switch between a configuration mode and an operation mode. Configuration commands can only be run in the configuration mode and operational commands can only be run in operation mode. This structure requires the administrator to switch between modes to run commands which can be tedious and time consuming. Cumulus NetQ command line enables the administrator to run all of its commands at the same level.
Command Syntax
NetQ CLI commands all begin with netq. Cumulus NetQ commands fall into one of four syntax categories: validation (check), monitoring (show), configuration, and trace.
netq check <network-protocol-or-service> [options]
netq show <network-protocol-or-service> [options]
netq config <action> <object> [options]
netq trace <destination> from <source> [options]
Parentheses ( )
Grouping of required parameters. Choose one.
Square brackets [ ]
Single or group of optional parameters. If more than one object or keyword is available, choose one.
Angle brackets < >
Required variable. Value for a keyword or option; enter according to your deployment nomenclature.
Pipe |
Separates object and keyword options, also separates value options; enter one object or keyword and zero or one value.
For example, in the netq check command:
[<hostname>] is an optional parameter with a variable value named hostname
<network-protocol-or-service> represents a number of possible key words, such as agents, bgp, evpn, and so forth
<options> represents a number of possible conditions for the given object, such as around, vrf, or json
Thus some valid commands are:
netq leaf02 check agents json
netq show bgp
netq config restart cli
netq trace from
Command Output
The command output presents results in color for many commands. Results with errors are shown in red, and warnings are shown in yellow. Results without errors or warnings are shown in either black or green. VTEPs are shown in blue. A node in the pretty output is shown in bold, and a router interface is wrapped in angle brackets (< >). To view the output with only black text, run the netq config del color command. You can view output with colors again by running netq config add color.
All check and show commands are run with a default timeframe of now to one hour ago, unless you specify an approximate time using the around keyword. For example, running netq check bgp shows the status of BGP over the last hour. Running netq show bgp around 3h shows the status of BGP three hours ago.
Command Prompts
NetQ code examples use the following prompts:
cumulus@switch:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to a switch to run the example command
cumulus@host:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to a host to run the example command
cumulus@netq-appliance:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to either the NetQ Appliance or NetQ Cloud Appliance to run the command
cumulus@hostname:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to a switch, host or appliance to run the example command
To use the NetQ CLI, the switches must be running the Cumulus Linux operating system (OS), NetQ Platform or NetQ Collector software, the NetQ Agent, and the NetQ CLI. The hosts must be running CentOS, RHEL, or Ubuntu OS, the NetQ Agent, and the NetQ CLI. Refer to the Install NetQ topic for details.
Command Completion
As you enter commands, you can get help with the valid keywords or options using the Tab key. For example, using Tab completion with netq check displays the possible objects for the command, and returns you to the command prompt to complete the command.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check <<press Tab>>
agents : Netq agent
bgp : BGP info
cl-version : Cumulus Linux version
clag : Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG
evpn : EVPN
interfaces : network interface port
license : License information
mlag : Multi-chassis LAG (alias of clag)
mtu : Link MTU
ntp : NTP
ospf : OSPF info
sensors : Temperature/Fan/PSU sensors
vlan : VLAN
vxlan : VXLAN data path
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check
Command Help
As you enter commands, you can get help with command syntax by entering help at various points within a command entry. For example, to find out what options are available for a BGP check, enter help after entering a portion of the netq check command. In this example, you can see that there are no additional required parameters and three optional parameters, hostnames, vrf and around, that can be used with a BGP check.
To see a list of all NetQ commands and keyword help, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq help list
Command History
The CLI stores commands issued within a session, which enables you to review and rerun commands that have already been run. At the command prompt, press the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move back and forth through the list of commands previously entered. When you have found a given command, you can run the command by pressing Enter, just as you would if you had entered it manually. Optionally you can modify the command before you run it.
Command Categories
While the CLI has a flat structure, the commands can be conceptually grouped into four functional categories:
The netqcheck commands enable the network administrator to validate the current or historical state of the network by looking for errors and misconfigurations in the network. The commands run fabric-wide validations against various configured protocols and services to determine how well the network is operating. Validation checks can be performed for the following:
agents: NetQ Agents operation on all switches and hosts
bgp: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) operation across the network
clag: Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG (link aggregation) operation
mlag: Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG (link aggregation) operation
mtu: Link MTU (maximum transmission unit) consistency across paths
ntp: NTP (Network Time Protocol) operation
ospf: OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) operation
sensors: Temperature/Fan/PSU sensor operation
vlan: VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) operation
vxlan: VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN) data path operation
The commands take the form of netq check <network-protocol-or-service> [options], where the options vary according to the protocol or service.
This example shows the output for the netq check bgp command, followed by the same command using the json option. If there had been any failures, they would be have been listed below the summary results or in the failedNodes section, respectively.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp
bgp check result summary:
Checked nodes : 8
Total nodes : 8
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Total Sessions : 30
Failed Sessions : 0
Session Establishment Test : passed
Address Families Test : passed
Router ID Test : passed
The netq show commands enable the network administrator to view
details about the current or historical configuration and status of the
various protocols or services. The configuration and status can be shown
for the following:
address-history: Address history info for a IP address / prefix
agents: NetQ Agents status on switches and hosts
bgp: BGP status across the network fabric
cl-btrfs-info: BTRFS file system data for monitored Cumulus Linux switches
cl-manifest: Information about the versions of Cumulus Linux available on monitored switches
cl-pkg-info: Information about software packages installed on monitored switches
cl-resource: ACL and forwarding information
cl-ssd-util: SSD utilization information
clag: CLAG/MLAG status
dom: Digital Optical Monitoring
ethtool-stats: Interface statistics
events: Display changes over time
events-config: Events configured for suppression
evpn: EVPN status
interface-stats: Interface statistics
interface-utilization: Interface statistics plus utilization
interfaces: network interface port status
inventory: hardware component information
ip: IPv4 status
ipv6: IPv6 status
job-status: status of upgrade jobs running on the appliance or VM
kubernetes: Kubernetes cluster, daemon, pod, node, service and replication status
lldp: LLDP status
mac-commentary: MAC commentary info for a MAC address
mac-history: Historical information for a MAC address
macs: MAC table or address information
mlag: MLAG status (an alias for CLAG)
neighbor-history: Neighbor history info for an IP address
notification: Send notifications to Slack or PagerDuty
ntp: NTP status
opta-health: Display health of apps on the OPTA
opta-platform: NetQ Appliance version information and uptime
ospf: OSPF status
recommended-pkg-version: Current host information to be considered
resource-util: Display usage of memory, CPU and disk resources
sensors: Temperature/Fan/PSU sensor status
services: System services status
tca: Threshold crossing alerts
trace: Control plane trace path across fabric
unit-tests: Show list of unit tests for netq check
validation: Schedule a validation check
vlan: VLAN status
vxlan: VXLAN data path status
wjh-drop: dropped packet data from Mellanox What Just Happened
The commands take the form of netq [<hostname>] show <network-protocol-or-service> [options], where the options vary according to the protocol or service. The commands can be restricted from showing the information for all devices to showing information for a selected device using the hostname option.
This example shows the standard and restricted output for the netq show agents command.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show agents
Matching agents records:
Hostname Status NTP Sync Version Sys Uptime Agent Uptime Reinitialize Time Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 16:49:04 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:26:33 2020
Configuration Commands
The netq config and netq notification commands enable the network administrator to manage NetQ Agent and CLI server configuration, set up container monitoring, and event notification.
The agent configuration commands enable you to add and remove agents from switches and hosts, start and stop agent operations, debug the agent, specify default commands, and enable or disable a variety of monitoring features (including Kubernetes, sensors, FRR (FRRouting), CPU usage limit, and What Just Happened).
Commands apply to one agent at a time, and are run from the switch or host where the NetQ Agent resides.
This example shows how to view the NetQ Agent configuration.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent
netq-agent value default
--------------------- --------- ---------
enable-opta-discovery True True
vrf default default
agentport 8981 8981
port 31980 31980
After making configuration changes to your agents, you must restart the agent for the changes to take effect. Use the netq config restart agent command.
CLI Configuration
The CLI commands enable the network administrator to configure and manage the CLI component. These commands enable you to add or remove CLI (essentially enabling/disabling the service), start and restart it, and view the configuration of the service.
Commands apply to one device at a time, and are run from the switch or host where the CLI is run.
The CLI configuration commands include:
netq config add cli server
netq config del cli server
netq config show cli premises [json]
netq config show (cli|all) [json]
netq config (status|restart) cli
This example shows how to restart the CLI instance.
cumulus@switch~:$ netq config restart cli
This example shows how to enable the CLI on a NetQ On-premises Appliance or Virtual Machine (VM).
cumulus@switch~:$ netq config add cli server
This example shows how to enable the CLI on a NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM for the Chicago premises and the default port.
netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key <user-access-key> secret-key <user-secret-key> premises chicago port 443
Event Notification Commands
The notification configuration commands enable you to add, remove and show notification application integrations. These commands create the channels, filters, and rules needed to control event messaging. The commands include:
Refer to Configure Notifications for details about using these commands and additional examples.
Trace Commands
The trace commands enable the network administrator to view the available paths between two nodes on the network currently and at a time in the past. You can perform a layer 2 or layer 3 trace, and view the output in one of three formats (json, pretty, and detail). JSON output provides the output in a JSON file format for ease of importing to other applications or software. Pretty output lines up the paths in a pseudo-graphical manner to help visualize multiple paths. Detail output is useful for traces with higher hop counts where the pretty output wraps lines, making it harder to interpret the results. The detail output displays a table with a row for each path.
This topic is intended for network administrators who are responsible for installation, setup, and maintenance of Cumulus NetQ in their data center or campus environment. NetQ offers the ability to monitor and manage your network infrastructure and operational health with simple tools based on open source Linux. This topic provides instructions and information about installing, backing up, and upgrading NetQ. It also contains instructions for integrating with an LDAP server and Grafana.
Before you get started, you should review the release notes for this version.
Install NetQ
The Cumulus NetQ software contains several components that must be installed, including the NetQ applications, the database, and the NetQ Agents. NetQ can be deployed in two arrangements:
All software components installed locally (the applications and database are installed as a single entity, called the NetQ Platform) running on the NetQ On-premises Appliance or NetQ On-premises Virtual Machine (VM); known hereafter as the on-premises solution
Only the aggregation and forwarding application software installed locally (called the NetQ Collector) running on the NetQ Cloud Appliance or NetQ Cloud VM, with the database and all other applications installed in the cloud; known hereafter as the cloud solution
The NetQ Agents reside on the switches and hosts being monitored in your network.
For the on-premises solution, the NetQ Agents collect and transmit data from the switches and/or hosts back to the NetQ On-premises Appliance or Virtual Machine running the NetQ Platform, which in turn processes and stores the data in its database. This data is then provided for display through several user interfaces.
For the cloud solution, the NetQ Agent function is exactly the same, transmitting collected data, but instead sends it to the NetQ Collector containing only the aggregation and forwarding application. The NetQ Collector then transmits this data to Cumulus Networks cloud-based infrastructure for further processing and storage. This data is then provided for display through the same user interfaces as the on-premises solution. In this solution, the browser interface can be pointed to the local NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM, or directly to netq.cumulusnetworks.com.
Installation Choices
There are several choices that you must make to determine what steps you need to perform to install the NetQ solution. First and foremost, you must determine whether you intend to deploy the solution fully on your premises or if you intend to deploy the cloud solution. Secondly, you must decide whether you are going to deploy a Virtual Machine on your own hardware or use one of the Cumulus NetQ appliances. Thirdly, you also must determine whether you want to install the software on a single server or as a server cluster. Finally, if you have an existing on-premises solution and want to save your existing NetQ data, you must backup that data before installing the new software.
The documentation walks you through these choices and then provides the instructions specific to your selections.
Installation Workflow Summary
No matter how you answer the questions above, the installation workflow can be summarized as follows:
Prepare physical server or virtual machine.
Install the software (NetQ Platform or NetQ Collector).
Install and configure NetQ Agents on switches and hosts.
Install and configure NetQ CLI on switches and hosts (optional, but useful).
This topic walks you through the NetQ System installation decisions and then provides installation steps based on those choices. If you are already comfortable with your installation choices, you may use the matrix in Install NetQ Quick Start to go directly to the installation steps.
To install NetQ 3.2.x, you must first decide whether you want to install the NetQ System in an on-premises or cloud deployment. Both deployment options provide secure access to data and features useful for monitoring and troubleshooting your network, and each has its benefits.
It is common to select an on-premises deployment model if you want to host all required hardware and software at your location, and you have the in-house skill set to install, configure, and maintain it—including performing data backups, acquiring and maintaining hardware and software, and integration and license management. This model is also a good choice if you want very limited or no access to the Internet from switches and hosts in your network. Some companies simply want complete control of the their network, and no outside impact.
If, however, you find that you want to host only a small server on your premises and leave the details up to Cumulus Networks, then a cloud deployment might be the right choice for you. With a cloud deployment, a small local server connects to the NetQ Cloud service over selected ports or through a proxy server. Only data aggregation and forwarding is supported. The majority of the NetQ applications are hosted and data storage is provided in the cloud. Cumulus handles the backups and maintenance of the application and storage. This model is often chosen when it is untenable to support deployment in-house or if you need the flexibility to scale quickly, while also reducing capital expenses.
Click the deployment model you want to use to continue with installation:
On-premises deployments of NetQ can use a single server or a server cluster. In either case, you can use either the Cumulus NetQ Appliance or your own server running a KVM or VMware Virtual Machine (VM). This topic walks you through the installation for each of these on-premises options.
The next installation step is to decide whether you are deploying a single server or a server cluster. Both options provide the same services and features. The biggest difference is in the number of servers to be deployed and in the continued availability of services running on those servers should hardware failures occur.
A single server is easier to set up, configure and manage, but can limit your ability to scale your network monitoring quickly. Multiple servers is a bit more complicated, but you limit potential downtime and increase availability by having more than one server that can run the software and store the data.
Select the standalone single-server arrangements for smaller, simpler deployments. Be sure to consider the capabilities and resources needed on this server to support the size of your final deployment.
Select the server cluster arrangement to obtain scalability and high availability for your network. You can configure one master node and up to nine worker nodes.
Click the server arrangement you want to use to begin installation:
Cloud deployments of NetQ can use a single server or a server cluster on site. The NetQ database remains in the cloud either way. You can use either the Cumulus NetQ Cloud Appliance or your own server running a KVM or VMware Virtual Machine (VM). This topic walks you through the installation for each of these cloud options.
The next installation step is to decide whether you are deploying a single server or a server cluster. Both options provide the same services and features. The biggest difference is in the number of servers to be deployed and in the continued availability of services running on those servers should hardware failures occur.
A single server is easier to set up, configure and manage, but can limit your ability to scale your network monitoring quickly. Multiple servers is a bit more complicated, but you limit potential downtime and increase availability by having more than one server that can run the software and store the data.
Click the server arrangement you want to use to begin installation:
Set Up Your VMware Virtual Machine for a Single On-premises Server
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM on a single server in an on-premises deployment:
Verify that your system meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Eight (8) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
256 GB SSD with minimum disk IOPS of 1000 for a standard 4kb block size (Note: This must be an SSD; use of other storage options can lead to system instability and are not supported.)
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
VMware ESXi™ 6.5 or later (OVA image) for servers running Cumulus Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises server:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select VMware from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select VMware from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
VMware Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process using an OVA file with VMware ESXi.
Enter the address of the hardware in your browser.
Log in to VMware using credentials with root access.
Click Storage in the Navigator to verify you have an SSD installed.
Click Create/Register VM at the top of the right pane.
Select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, and click Next.
Provide a name for the VM, for example NetQ.
Tip: Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Drag and drop the NetQ Platform image file you downloaded in Step 1 above.
Click Next.
Select the storage type and data store for the image to use, then click Next. In this example, only one is available.
Accept the default deployment options or modify them according to your network needs. Click Next when you are finished.
Review the configuration summary. Click Back to change any of the settings, or click Finish to continue with the creation of the VM.
The progress of the request is shown in the Recent Tasks window at the bottom of the application. This may take some time, so continue with your other work until the upload finishes.
Once completed, view the full details of the VM and hardware.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the platform is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your VMware Virtual Machine for a Single Cloud Server
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM for a cloud deployment:
Verify that your system meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Four (4) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
64 GB
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
VMware ESXi™ 6.5 or later (OVA image) for servers running Cumulus Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises server:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select VMware (Cloud) from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select VMware (cloud) from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
VMware Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process using an OVA file with VMware ESXi.
Enter the address of the hardware in your browser.
Log in to VMware using credentials with root access.
Click Storage in the Navigator to verify you have an SSD installed.
Click Create/Register VM at the top of the right pane.
Select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, and click Next.
Provide a name for the VM, for example NetQ.
Tip: Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Drag and drop the NetQ Platform image file you downloaded in Step 1 above.
Click Next.
Select the storage type and data store for the image to use, then click Next. In this example, only one is available.
Accept the default deployment options or modify them according to your network needs. Click Next when you are finished.
Review the configuration summary. Click Back to change any of the settings, or click Finish to continue with the creation of the VM.
The progress of the request is shown in the Recent Tasks window at the bottom of the application. This may take some time, so continue with your other work until the upload finishes.
Once completed, view the full details of the VM and hardware.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the platform is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check-cloud
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ Cloud VM after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the VM.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your VMware Virtual Machine for an On-premises Server Cluster
First configure the VM on the master node, and then configure the VM on each worker node.
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM cluster for an on-premises deployment:
Verify that your master node meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Eight (8) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
256 GB SSD with minimum disk IOPS of 1000 for a standard 4kb block size (Note: This must be an SSD; use of other storage options can lead to system instability and are not supported.)
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
VMware ESXi™ 6.5 or later (OVA image) for servers running Cumulus Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises servers:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Additionally, for internal cluster communication, you must open these ports:
Component Access
Admin API
Docker registry
Kubernetes API server
kubelet health probe
Kafka JMX monitoring
Kafka client
Cassandra JMX monitoring
Cassandra cluster communication
Cassandra client
Zookeeper JMX monitoring
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper client
Kubernetes control plane
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select VMware from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select VMware from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
VMware Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process using an OVA file with VMware ESXi.
Enter the address of the hardware in your browser.
Log in to VMware using credentials with root access.
Click Storage in the Navigator to verify you have an SSD installed.
Click Create/Register VM at the top of the right pane.
Select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, and click Next.
Provide a name for the VM, for example NetQ.
Tip: Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Drag and drop the NetQ Platform image file you downloaded in Step 1 above.
Click Next.
Select the storage type and data store for the image to use, then click Next. In this example, only one is available.
Accept the default deployment options or modify them according to your network needs. Click Next when you are finished.
Review the configuration summary. Click Back to change any of the settings, or click Finish to continue with the creation of the VM.
The progress of the request is shown in the Recent Tasks window at the bottom of the application. This may take some time, so continue with your other work until the upload finishes.
Once completed, view the full details of the VM and hardware.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the master node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
Verify that your first worker node meets the VM requirements, as described in Step 1.
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications, as described in Step 2.
Open your hypervisor and setup the VM in the same manner as for the master node.
Make a note of the private IP address you assign to the worker node. It is needed for later installation steps.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the worker node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
Provide a password using the password option if required. Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset [purge-db|keep-db] on the new worker node and then try again.
Repeat Steps 9 through 14 for each additional worker node you want in your cluster.
Considerations for Container Environments
Flannel Virtual Networks
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your VMware Virtual Machine for a Cloud Server Cluster
First configure the VM on the master node, and then configure the VM on each worker node.
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM on a cluster of servers in a cloud deployment:
Verify that your master node meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Four (4) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
64 GB
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
VMware ESXi™ 6.5 or later (OVA image) for servers running Cumulus Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises servers:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Additionally, for internal cluster communication, you must open these ports:
Component Access
Admin API
Docker registry
Kubernetes API server
kubelet health probe
Kafka JMX monitoring
Kafka client
Cassandra JMX monitoring
Cassandra cluster communication
Cassandra client
Zookeeper JMX monitoring
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper client
Kubernetes control plane
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select VMware (Cloud) from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select VMware (cloud) from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
VMware Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process using an OVA file with VMware ESXi.
Enter the address of the hardware in your browser.
Log in to VMware using credentials with root access.
Click Storage in the Navigator to verify you have an SSD installed.
Click Create/Register VM at the top of the right pane.
Select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, and click Next.
Provide a name for the VM, for example NetQ.
Tip: Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Drag and drop the NetQ Platform image file you downloaded in Step 1 above.
Click Next.
Select the storage type and data store for the image to use, then click Next. In this example, only one is available.
Accept the default deployment options or modify them according to your network needs. Click Next when you are finished.
Review the configuration summary. Click Back to change any of the settings, or click Finish to continue with the creation of the VM.
The progress of the request is shown in the Recent Tasks window at the bottom of the application. This may take some time, so continue with your other work until the upload finishes.
Once completed, view the full details of the VM and hardware.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the master node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check-cloud
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ Cloud VM after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the VM.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
Verify that your first worker node meets the VM requirements, as described in Step 1.
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications, as described in Step 2.
Open your hypervisor and setup the VM in the same manner as for the master node.
Make a note of the private IP address you assign to the worker node. It is needed for later installation steps.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the worker node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
Provide a password using the password option if required. Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset on the new worker node and then try again.
Repeat Steps 9 through 14 for each additional worker node you want in your cluster.
Considerations for Container Environments
Flannel Virtual Networks
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your KVM Virtual Machine for a Single On-premises Server
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM on a single server in an on-premises deployment:
Verify that your system meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Eight (8) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
256 GB SSD with minimum disk IOPS of 1000 for a standard 4kb block size (Note: This must be an SSD; use of other storage options can lead to system instability and are not supported.)
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
KVM/QCOW (QEMU Copy on Write) image for servers running CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises server:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select KVM from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select KVM from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
KVM Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process for a system with Libvirt and KVM/QEMU installed.
Confirm that the SHA256 checksum matches the one posted on the NVIDIA Application Hub to ensure the image download has not been corrupted.
Copy the QCOW2 image to a directory where you want to run it.
Tip: Copy, instead of moving, the original QCOW2 image that was downloaded to avoid re-downloading it again later should you need to perform this process again.
Replace the disk path value with the location where the QCOW2 image is to reside. Replace network model value (eth0 in the above example) with the name of the interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Or, for a Bridged VM, where the VM attaches to a bridge which has already been setup to allow for external access:
Replace network bridge value (br0 in the above example) with the name of the (pre-existing) bridge interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Watch the boot process in another terminal window.
$ virsh console netq_ts
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the platform is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your KVM Virtual Machine for a Single Cloud Server
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM on a single server in a cloud deployment:
Verify that your system meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Four (4) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
64 GB
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
KVM/QCOW (QEMU Copy on Write) image for servers running CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises server:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select KVM (Cloud) from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select KVM (cloud) from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
KVM Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process for a system with Libvirt and KVM/QEMU installed.
Confirm that the SHA256 checksum matches the one posted on the NVIDIA Application Hub to ensure the image download has not been corrupted.
Copy the QCOW2 image to a directory where you want to run it.
Tip: Copy, instead of moving, the original QCOW2 image that was downloaded to avoid re-downloading it again later should you need to perform this process again.
Replace the disk path value with the location where the QCOW2 image is to reside. Replace network model value (eth0 in the above example) with the name of the interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Or, for a Bridged VM, where the VM attaches to a bridge which has already been setup to allow for external access:
Replace network bridge value (br0 in the above example) with the name of the (pre-existing) bridge interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Watch the boot process in another terminal window.
$ virsh console netq_ts
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the platform is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check-cloud
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ Cloud VM after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the VM.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your KVM Virtual Machine for an On-premises Server Cluster
First configure the VM on the master node, and then configure the VM on each worker node.
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM on a cluster of servers in an on-premises deployment:
Verify that your master node meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Eight (8) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
256 GB SSD with minimum disk IOPS of 1000 for a standard 4kb block size (Note: This must be an SSD; use of other storage options can lead to system instability and are not supported.)
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
KVM/QCOW (QEMU Copy on Write) image for servers running CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises servers:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Additionally, for internal cluster communication, you must open these ports:
Component Access
Admin API
Docker registry
Kubernetes API server
kubelet health probe
Kafka JMX monitoring
Kafka client
Cassandra JMX monitoring
Cassandra cluster communication
Cassandra client
Zookeeper JMX monitoring
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper client
Kubernetes control plane
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select KVM from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select KVM from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
KVM Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process for a system with Libvirt and KVM/QEMU installed.
Confirm that the SHA256 checksum matches the one posted on the NVIDIA Application Hub to ensure the image download has not been corrupted.
Copy the QCOW2 image to a directory where you want to run it.
Tip: Copy, instead of moving, the original QCOW2 image that was downloaded to avoid re-downloading it again later should you need to perform this process again.
Replace the disk path value with the location where the QCOW2 image is to reside. Replace network model value (eth0 in the above example) with the name of the interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Or, for a Bridged VM, where the VM attaches to a bridge which has already been setup to allow for external access:
Replace network bridge value (br0 in the above example) with the name of the (pre-existing) bridge interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Watch the boot process in another terminal window.
$ virsh console netq_ts
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the master node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Add the same NEW_HOSTNAME value to /etc/hosts on your VM for the localhost entry. Example: localhost NEW_HOSTNAME
Run the Bootstrap CLI on the master node. Be sure to replace the eth0 interface used in this example with the interface on the server used to listen for NetQ Agents.
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
Verify that your first worker node meets the VM requirements, as described in Step 1.
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications, as described in Step 2.
Open your hypervisor and setup the VM in the same manner as for the master node.
Make a note of the private IP address you assign to the worker node. It is needed for later installation steps.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the worker node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
Provide a password using the password option if required. Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset [purge-db|keep-db] on the new worker node and then try again.
Repeat Steps 9 through 14 for each additional worker node you want in your cluster.
Considerations for Container Environments
Flannel Virtual Networks
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Set Up Your KVM Virtual Machine for a Cloud Server Cluster
First configure the VM on the master node, and then configure the VM on each worker node.
Follow these steps to setup and configure your VM on a cluster of servers in a cloud deployment:
Verify that your master node meets the VM requirements.
Minimum Requirements
Four (4) virtual CPUs
Local disk storage
64 GB
Network interface speed
1 Gb NIC
KVM/QCOW (QEMU Copy on Write) image for servers running CentOS, Ubuntu, and RedHat operating systems
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications.
You must open the following ports on your NetQ on-premises servers:
Port or Protocol Number
Component Access
IP Protocol
Calico networking (IP-in-IP Protocol)
Calico networking (BGP)
etcd datastore
Calico networking (VxLAN)
Docker registry
DPU communication
NetQ Agent communication
NetQ Agent SSL communication
API Gateway
Additionally, for internal cluster communication, you must open these ports:
Component Access
Admin API
Docker registry
Kubernetes API server
kubelet health probe
Kafka JMX monitoring
Kafka client
Cassandra JMX monitoring
Cassandra cluster communication
Cassandra client
Zookeeper JMX monitoring
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper cluster communication
Zookeeper client
Kubernetes control plane
Download the NetQ Platform image.
Access to the software downloads depends on whether you are an existing customer before September 1, 2020 or whether you are a new customer. Please follow the instructions accordingly.
Existing customer who has downloaded Cumulus Networks software before September 1, 2020:
On the MyMellanox Downloads page, select NetQ from the Software -> Cumulus Software list.
Click 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select KVM (Cloud) from the HyperVisor/Platform list.
Scroll down to view the image, and click Download. This downloads the NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz installation package.
New customer downloading Cumulus Networks software on or after September 1, 2020:
On the My Mellanox support page, log in to your account. If needed create a new account and then log in.
Your username is based on your Email address. For example, user1@domain.com.mlnx.
Open the Downloads menu.
Click Software.
Open the Cumulus Software option.
Click All downloads next to Cumulus NetQ.
Select 3.2.1 from the NetQ Version dropdown.
Select KVM (cloud) from the Hypervisor dropdown.
Click Show Download.
Verify this is the correct image, then click Download.
Ignore the Firmware, Documentation, and More files options as these do not apply to NetQ.
Setup and configure your VM.
KVM Example Configuration
This example shows the VM setup process for a system with Libvirt and KVM/QEMU installed.
Confirm that the SHA256 checksum matches the one posted on the NVIDIA Application Hub to ensure the image download has not been corrupted.
Copy the QCOW2 image to a directory where you want to run it.
Tip: Copy, instead of moving, the original QCOW2 image that was downloaded to avoid re-downloading it again later should you need to perform this process again.
Replace the disk path value with the location where the QCOW2 image is to reside. Replace network model value (eth0 in the above example) with the name of the interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Or, for a Bridged VM, where the VM attaches to a bridge which has already been setup to allow for external access:
Replace network bridge value (br0 in the above example) with the name of the (pre-existing) bridge interface where the VM is connected to the external network.
Make note of the name used during install as this is needed in a later step.
Watch the boot process in another terminal window.
$ virsh console netq_ts
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the master node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check-cloud
Change the hostname for the VM from the default value.
The default hostname for the NetQ Virtual Machines is ubuntu. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ Cloud VM after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the VM.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI. This example uses interface eth0. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
Verify that your first worker node meets the VM requirements, as described in Step 1.
Confirm that the needed ports are open for communications, as described in Step 2.
Open your hypervisor and setup the VM in the same manner as for the master node.
Make a note of the private IP address you assign to the worker node. It is needed for later installation steps.
Log in to the VM and change the password.
Use the default credentials to log in the first time:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:42 UTC 2024
System load: 0.09 Processes: 120
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to <ipaddr> closed.
Log in again with your new password.
$ ssh cumulus@<ipaddr>
Warning: Permanently added '<ipaddr>' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
cumulus@<ipaddr>'s password:
System information as of Thu Dec 3 21:35:59 UTC 2024
System load: 0.07 Processes: 121
Usage of /: 8.1% of 61.86GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 5% IP address for eth0: <ipaddr>
Swap usage: 0%
Last login: Thu Dec 3 21:35:43 2024 from <local-ipaddr>
Verify the worker node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
Provide a password using the password option if required. Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset on the new worker node and then try again.
Repeat Steps 9 through 14 for each additional worker node you want in your cluster.
Considerations for Container Environments
Flannel Virtual Networks
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
This topic describes how to prepare your single, NetQ On-premises Appliance for installation of the NetQ Platform software.
Inside the box that was shipped to you, you’ll find:
Your Cumulus NetQ On-premises Appliance (a Supermicro 6019P-WTR server)
Hardware accessories, such as power cables and rack mounting gear (note that network cables and optics ship separately)
Information regarding your order
For more detail about hardware specifications (including LED layouts and FRUs like the power supply or fans, and accessories like included cables) or safety and environmental information, refer to the user manual and quick reference guide.
Install the Appliance
After you unbox the appliance:
Mount the appliance in the rack.
Connect it to power following the procedures described in your appliance's user manual.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the 1G management port (eno1).
Power on the appliance.
If your network runs DHCP, you can configure NetQ over the network. If DHCP is not enabled, then you configure the appliance using the console cable provided.
Configure the Password, Hostname and IP Address
Change the password and specify the hostname and IP address for the appliance before installing the NetQ software.
Log in to the appliance using the default login credentials:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
Change the password using the passwd command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ passwd
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
The default hostname for the NetQ On-premises Appliance is netq-appliance. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
The appliance contains two Ethernet ports. Port eno1, is dedicated for out-of-band management. This is where NetQ Agents should send the telemetry data collected from your monitored switches and hosts. By default, eno1 uses DHCPv4 to get its IP address. You can view the assigned IP address using the following command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ ip -4 -brief addr show eno1
eno1 UP
Alternately, you can configure the interface with a static IP address by editing the /etc/netplan/01-ethernet.yaml Ubuntu Netplan configuration file.
For example, to set your network interface eno1 to a static IP address of with gateway and DNS server as and
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
addresses: []
addresses: [,]
Apply the settings.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo netplan apply
Verify NetQ Software and Appliance Readiness
Now that the appliance is up and running, verify that the software is available and the appliance is ready for installation.
Verify that the needed packages are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1 and update 31.
cumulus@hostname:~$ dpkg -l | grep netq
ii netq-agent 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Telemetry Agent for Ubuntu
ii netq-apps 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Fabric Validation Application for Ubuntu
Verify the installation images are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1.
cumulus@hostname:~$ cd /mnt/installables/
cumulus@hostname:/mnt/installables$ ls
NetQ-3.2.1.tgz netq-bootstrap-3.2.1.tgz
Verify the appliance is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check
Run the Bootstrap CLI. Be sure to replace the eno1 interface used in this example with the interface or IP address on the appliance used to listen for NetQ Agents.
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset [purge-db|keep-db] and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ On-premises Appliance after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the appliance, indicating whether you want to purge any NetQ DB data or keep it.
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
This topic describes how to prepare your single, NetQ Cloud Appliance for installation of the NetQ Collector software.
Inside the box that was shipped to you, you’ll find:
Your Cumulus NetQ Cloud Appliance (a Supermicro SuperServer E300-9D)
Hardware accessories, such as power cables and rack mounting gear (note that network cables and optics ship separately)
Information regarding your order
If you’re looking for hardware specifications (including LED layouts and FRUs like the power supply or fans and accessories like included cables) or safety and environmental information, check out the appliance’s user manual.
Install the Appliance
After you unbox the appliance:
Mount the appliance in the rack.
Connect it to power following the procedures described in your appliance's user manual.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the 1G management port (eno1).
Power on the appliance.
If your network runs DHCP, you can configure NetQ over the network. If DHCP is not enabled, then you configure the appliance using the console cable provided.
Configure the Password, Hostname and IP Address
Log in to the appliance using the default login credentials:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
Change the password using the passwd command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ passwd
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
The default hostname for the NetQ Cloud Appliance is netq-appliance. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
The appliance contains two Ethernet ports. Port eno1, is dedicated for out-of-band management. This is where NetQ Agents should send the telemetry data collected from your monitored switches and hosts. By default, eno1 uses DHCPv4 to get its IP address. You can view the assigned IP address using the following command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ ip -4 -brief addr show eno1
eno1 UP
Alternately, you can configure the interface with a static IP address by editing the /etc/netplan/01-ethernet.yaml Ubuntu Netplan configuration file.
For example, to set your network interface eno1 to a static IP address of with gateway and DNS server as and
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
addresses: []
addresses: [,]
Apply the settings.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo netplan apply
Verify NetQ Software and Appliance Readiness
Now that the appliance is up and running, verify that the software is available and the appliance is ready for installation.
Verify that the needed packages are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1 and update 31.
cumulus@hostname:~$ dpkg -l | grep netq
ii netq-agent 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Telemetry Agent for Ubuntu
ii netq-apps 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Fabric Validation Application for Ubuntu
Verify the installation images are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1.
cumulus@hostname:~$ cd /mnt/installables/
cumulus@hostname:/mnt/installables$ ls
NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz netq-bootstrap-3.2.1.tgz
Verify the appliance is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check-cloud
Run the Bootstrap CLI. Be sure to replace the eno1 interface used in this example with the interface or IP address on the appliance used to listen for NetQ Agents.
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ Cloud Appliance after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the appliance.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
This topic describes how to prepare your cluster of NetQ On-premises Appliances for installation of the NetQ Platform software.
Inside each box that was shipped to you, you’ll find:
A Cumulus NetQ On-premises Appliance (a Supermicro 6019P-WTR server)
Hardware accessories, such as power cables and rack mounting gear (note that network cables and optics ship separately)
Information regarding your order
For more detail about hardware specifications (including LED layouts and FRUs like the power supply or fans, and accessories like included cables) or safety and environmental information, refer to the user manual and quick reference guide.
Install Each Appliance
After you unbox the appliance:
Mount the appliance in the rack.
Connect it to power following the procedures described in your appliance's user manual.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the 1G management port (eno1).
Power on the appliance.
If your network runs DHCP, you can configure NetQ over the network. If DHCP is not enabled, then you configure the appliance using the console cable provided.
Configure the Password, Hostname and IP Address
Change the password and specify the hostname and IP address for each appliance before installing the NetQ software.
Log in to the appliance using the default login credentials:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
Change the password using the passwd command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ passwd
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
The default hostname for the NetQ On-premises Appliance is netq-appliance. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
The appliance contains two Ethernet ports. Port eno1, is dedicated for out-of-band management. This is where NetQ Agents should send the telemetry data collected from your monitored switches and hosts. By default, eno1 uses DHCPv4 to get its IP address. You can view the assigned IP address using the following command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ ip -4 -brief addr show eno1
eno1 UP
Alternately, you can configure the interface with a static IP address by editing the /etc/netplan/01-ethernet.yaml Ubuntu Netplan configuration file.
For example, to set your network interface eno1 to a static IP address of with gateway and DNS server as and
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
addresses: []
addresses: [,]
Apply the settings.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo netplan apply
Repeat these steps for each of the worker node appliances.
Verify NetQ Software and Appliance Readiness
Now that the appliances are up and running, verify that the software is available and the appliance is ready for installation.
On the master node, verify that the needed packages are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1 and update 31 or later.
cumulus@hostname:~$ dpkg -l | grep netq
ii netq-agent 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Telemetry Agent for Ubuntu
ii netq-apps 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Fabric Validation Application for Ubuntu
Verify the installation images are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1.
cumulus@hostname:~$ cd /mnt/installables/
cumulus@hostname:/mnt/installables$ ls
NetQ-3.2.1.tgz netq-bootstrap-3.2.1.tgz
Verify the master node is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check
Run the Bootstrap CLI. Be sure to replace the eno1 interface used in this example with the interface or IP address on the appliance used to listen for NetQ Agents.
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset [purge-db|keep-db] and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ On-premises Appliance after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the appliance, indicating whether you want to purge any NetQ DB data or keep it.
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
Provide a password using the password option if required. Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
Repeat Steps 5-10 for each additional worker node (NetQ On-premises Appliance).
Considerations for Container Environments
Flannel Virtual Networks
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
The default Docker bridge interface is disabled in NetQ. If you need to reenable the interface, contact support.
Install and Activate the NetQ Software
The final step is to install and activate the Cumulus NetQ software on each appliance in your cluster. You can do this using the Admin UI or the NetQ CLI.
Click the installation and activation method you want to use to complete installation:
This topic describes how to prepare your cluster of NetQ Cloud Appliances for installation of the NetQ Collector software.
Inside each box that was shipped to you, you’ll find:
A Cumulus NetQ Cloud Appliance (a Supermicro SuperServer E300-9D)
Hardware accessories, such as power cables and rack mounting gear (note that network cables and optics ship separately)
Information regarding your order
For more detail about hardware specifications (including LED layouts and FRUs like the power supply or fans and accessories like included cables) or safety and environmental information, refer to the user manual.
Install Each Appliance
After you unbox the appliance:
Mount the appliance in the rack.
Connect it to power following the procedures described in your appliance's user manual.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the 1G management port (eno1).
Power on the appliance.
If your network runs DHCP, you can configure NetQ over the network. If DHCP is not enabled, then you configure the appliance using the console cable provided.
Configure the Password, Hostname and IP Address
Change the password and specify the hostname and IP address for each appliance before installing the NetQ software.
Log in to the appliance using the default login credentials:
Username: cumulus
Password: cumulus
Change the password using the passwd command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ passwd
Changing password for cumulus.
(current) UNIX password: cumulus
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
The default hostname for the NetQ Cloud Appliance is netq-appliance. Change the hostname to fit your naming conventions while meeting Internet and Kubernetes naming standards.
Kubernetes requires that hostnames are composed of a sequence of labels concatenated with dots. For example, “en.wikipedia.org” is a hostname. Each label must be from 1 to 63 characters long. The entire hostname, including the delimiting dots, has a maximum of 253 ASCII characters.
The Internet standards (RFCs) for protocols specify that labels may contain only the ASCII letters a through z (in lower case), the digits 0 through 9, and the hyphen-minus character ('-').
The appliance contains two Ethernet ports. Port eno1, is dedicated for out-of-band management. This is where NetQ Agents should send the telemetry data collected from your monitored switches and hosts. By default, eno1 uses DHCPv4 to get its IP address. You can view the assigned IP address using the following command:
cumulus@hostname:~$ ip -4 -brief addr show eno1
eno1 UP
Alternately, you can configure the interface with a static IP address by editing the /etc/netplan/01-ethernet.yaml Ubuntu Netplan configuration file.
For example, to set your network interface eno1 to a static IP address of with gateway and DNS server as and
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
addresses: []
addresses: [,]
Apply the settings.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo netplan apply
Repeat these steps for each of the worker node appliances.
Verify NetQ Software and Appliance Readiness
Now that the appliances are up and running, verify that the software is available and each appliance is ready for installation.
On the master NetQ Cloud Appliance, verify that the needed packages are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1 and update 31.
cumulus@hostname:~$ dpkg -l | grep netq
ii netq-agent 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Telemetry Agent for Ubuntu
ii netq-apps 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Fabric Validation Application for Ubuntu
Verify the installation images are present and of the correct release, version 3.2.1.
cumulus@hostname:~$ cd /mnt/installables/
cumulus@hostname:/mnt/installables$ ls
NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz netq-bootstrap-3.2.1.tgz
Verify the master NetQ Cloud Appliance is ready for installation. Fix any errors indicated before installing the NetQ software.
cumulus@hostname:~$ sudo opta-check-cloud
Run the Bootstrap CLI. Be sure to replace the eno1 interface used in this example with the interface or IP address on the appliance used to listen for NetQ Agents.
Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset and then try again.
If you have changed the IP address or hostname of the NetQ Cloud Appliance after this step, you need to re-register this address with NetQ as follows:
Reset the appliance.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq bootstrap reset
Re-run the Bootstrap CLI on the appliance. This example uses interface eno1. Replace this with your updated IP address, hostname or interface using the interface or ip-addr option.
Provide a password using the password option if required. Allow about five to ten minutes for this to complete, and only then continue to the next step.
If this step fails for any reason, you can run netq bootstrap reset on the new worker node and then try again.
Repeat Steps 5-10 for each additional worker NetQ Cloud Appliance.
Considerations for Container Environments
Flannel Virtual Networks
If you are using Flannel with a container environment on your network, you may need to change its default IP address ranges if they conflict with other addresses on your network. This can only be done one time during the first installation.
The address range is NetQ overrides the original Flannel default, which is
To change the default address range, use the CLI with the pod-ip-range option. For example:
Prepare Your Existing NetQ Appliances for a NetQ 3.2 Deployment
This topic describes how to prepare a NetQ 2.4.x or earlier NetQ Appliance before installing NetQ 3.x. The steps are the same for both the on-premises and cloud appliances. The only difference is the software you download for each platform. On completion of the steps included here, you will be ready to perform a fresh installation of NetQ 3.x.
The preparation workflow is summarized in this figure:
To prepare your appliance:
Verify that your appliance is a supported hardware model.
For on-premises solutions using the NetQ On-premises Appliance, optionally back up your NetQ data.
Run the backup script to create a backup file in /opt/<backup-directory>.
Be sure to replace the backup-directory option with the name of the directory you want to use for the backup file. This location must be somewhere that is off of the appliance to avoid it being overwritten during these preparation steps.
Ubuntu OS should be installed on the SSD disk. Select Micron SSD with ~900 GB at step#9 in the aforementioned instructions.
Set the default username to cumulus and password to CumulusLinux!.
When prompted, select Install SSH server.
Configure networking.
Ubuntu uses Netplan for network configuration. You can give your appliance an IP address using DHCP or a static address.
Create and/or edit the /etc/netplan/01-ethernet.yaml Netplan configuration file.
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: yes
Apply the settings.
$ sudo netplan apply
Create and/or edit the /etc/netplan/01-ethernet.yaml Netplan configuration file.
In this example the interface, eno1, is given a static IP address of with a gateway at and DNS server at and
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: no
addresses: []
addresses: [,]
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-bionic.list and add
the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-bionic.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb bionic netq-latest
The use of netq-latest in this example means that a get to the repository always retrieves the latest version of NetQ, even in the case where a major version update has been made. If you want to keep the repository on a specific version - such as netq-3.1 - use that instead.
Select 3.2 from the Version list, and then select 3.2.1 from the submenu.
Select Bootstrap from the Hypervisor/Platform list.
Note that the bootstrap file is the same for both appliances.
Scroll down and click Download.
Select Appliance for the NetQ On-premises Appliance or Appliance (Cloud) for the NetQ Cloud Appliance from the Hypervisor/Platform list.
Make sure you select the right install choice based on whether you are preparing the on-premises or cloud version of the appliance.
Scroll down and click Download.
Copy these two files, netq-bootstrap-3.2.1.tgz and either NetQ-3.2.1.tgz (on-premises) or NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz (cloud), to the /mnt/installables/ directory on the appliance.
Verify that the needed files are present and of the correct release. This example shows on-premises files. The only difference for cloud files is that it should list NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz instead of NetQ-3.2.1.tgz.
cumulus@<hostname>:~$ dpkg -l | grep netq
ii netq-agent 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Telemetry Agent for Ubuntu
ii netq-apps 3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad_amd64 Cumulus NetQ Fabric Validation Application for Ubuntu
cumulus@<hostname>:~$ cd /mnt/installables/
cumulus@<hostname>:/mnt/installables$ ls
NetQ-3.2.1.tgz netq-bootstrap-3.2.1.tgz
Run the bootstrap CLI on your appliance. Be sure to replace the eth0 interface used in this example with the interface or IP address on the appliance used to listen for NetQ Agents.
If you are creating a server cluster, you need to prepare each of those appliances as well. Repeat these steps if you are using a previously deployed appliance or refer to Install the NetQ System for a new appliance.
You can now install the NetQ software using the Admin UI using the default basic installation or an advanced installation.
This is the final set of steps for installing NetQ. If you have not already performed the installation preparation steps, go to Install the NetQ System before continuing here.
Install NetQ
To install NetQ:
Log in to your NetQ On-premises Appliance, NetQ Cloud Appliance, the master node of your cluster, or VM.
In your browser address field, enter https://<hostname-or-ipaddr>:8443.
Enter your NetQ credentials to enter the application.
The default username is admin and the default password in admin.
Click Begin Installation.
Choose an installation type: basic or advanced.
Read the descriptions carefully to be sure to select the correct type. Then follow these instructions based on your selection.
Select Basic Install, then click .
Select a deployment type.
Choose which type of deployment model you want to use. Both options provide secure access to data and features useful for monitoring and troubleshooting your network.
Install the NetQ software according to your deployment type.
Enter or upload the NetQ 3.2.1 tarball, then click .
Enter or upload the NetQ 3.2.1 tarball.
Enter your configuration key.
Click .
Installation Results
If the installation succeeds, you are directed to the Health page of the Admin UI. Refer to View NetQ System Health.
If the installation fails, a failure indication is given.
Click to view the reason.
Click to close the dialog or click to download an error file in JSON format.
Can the error can be resolved by moving to the advanced configuration flow:
No: close the Admin UI, resolve the error, then reopen the Admin UI to start installation again.
Yes: click to be taken to the advanced installation flow and retry the failed task. Refer to the Advanced tab for instructions.
Select Advanced Install, then click .
Select your deployment type.
Choose the deployment model you want to use. Both options provide secure access to data and features useful for monitoring and troubleshooting your network.
Monitor the initialization of the master node. When complete, click .
On-premises deployment
Cloud deployment
For on-premises deployments only, select your install method. For cloud deployments, skip to Step 5.
Choose between restoring data from a previous version of NetQ or performing a fresh installation.
If you are moving from a standalone to a server cluster arrangement, you can only restore your data one time. After the data has been converted to the cluster schema, it cannot be returned to the single server format.
Fresh Install: Continue with Step 5.
Maintain Existing Data (on-premises only): If you have created a backup of your NetQ data, choose this option. Enter the restoration filename in the field provided and click or upload it.
Select your server arrangement.
Select whether you want to deploy your infrastructure as a single stand-alone server or as a cluster of servers.
Monitor the master configuration. When complete click .
Use the private IP addresses that you assigned to the nodes being used as worker nodes to add the worker nodes to the server cluster.
Click Add Worker Node. Enter the private IP address for the first worker node. Click Add.
Monitor the progress. When complete click .
Repeat these steps for the second worker node.
Click Create Cluster. When complete click .
If either of the add worker jobs fail, an indication is given. For example, the IP address provided for the worker node was unreachable. You can see this by clicking to open the error file.
You install the NetQ software using the installation files (NetQ-3.2.1-tgz for on-premises deployments or NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz for cloud deployments) that you downloaded and stored previously.
For on-premises: Accept the path and filename suggested, or modify these to reflect where you stored your installation file, then click . Alternately, upload the file.
For cloud: Accept the path and filename suggested, or modify these to reflect where you stored your installation file. Enter your configuration key. Then click .
If the installation fails, a failure indication is given. For example:
Click to download an error file in JSON format, or click to return to the previous step.
Activate NetQ.
This final step activates the software and enables you to view the health of your NetQ system. For cloud deployments, you must enter your configuration key.
On-premises activation
Cloud activation
View NetQ System Health
When the installation and activation is complete, the NetQ System Health dashboard is visible for tracking the status of key components in the system. The cards displayed represent the deployment chosen:
Server Arrangement
Deployment Type
Node Card/s
Pod Card
Kafka Card
Zookeeper Card
Cassandra Card
Standalone server
Standalone server
Server cluster
Master, 2+ Workers
Server cluster
Master, 2+ Workers
This example shows a standalone server in an on-premises deployment.
If you have deployed an on-premises solution, you can add a custom signed certificate. Refer to Install a Certificate for instructions.
Click Open NetQ to enter the NetQ application.
Install NetQ Using the CLI
You can now install the NetQ software using the NetQ CLI.
This is the final set of steps for installing NetQ. If you have not already performed the installation preparation steps, go to Install the NetQ System before continuing here.
To install NetQ:
Log in to your NetQ platform server, NetQ Appliance, NetQ Cloud Appliance or the master node of your cluster.
Install the software.
Run the following command on your NetQ platform server or NetQ Appliance:
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq install standalone full interface eth0 bundle /mnt/installables/NetQ-3.2.1.tgz
You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface <ifname> above.
Run the netq show opta-health command to verify all applications are operating properly. Please allow 10-15 minutes for all applications to come up and report their status.
If any of the applications or services display Status as DOWN after 30 minutes, open a support ticket and attach the output of the opta-support command.
Run the following commands on your master node, using the IP addresses of your worker nodes:
You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface eth0 above.
Run the netq show opta-health command to verify all applications are operating properly. Please allow 10-15 minutes for all applications to come up and report their status.
If any of the applications or services display Status as DOWN after 30 minutes, open a support ticket and attach the output of the opta-support command.
Run the following command on your NetQ Cloud Appliance with the config-key sent by Cumulus Networks in an email titled “A new site has been added to your Cumulus NetQ account.”
You can specify the IP address instead of the interface name here: use ip-addr <IP address> in place of interface eth0 above.
Run the netq show opta-health command to verify all applications are operating properly.
cumulus@hostname:~$ netq show opta-health
OPTA is healthy
Run the following commands on your master NetQ Cloud Appliance with the config-key sent by Cumulus Networks in an email titled “A new site has been added to your Cumulus NetQ account.”
After installing your Cumulus NetQ Platform or Collector software, the next step is to install NetQ switch software for all switches and host servers that you want to monitor in your network. This includes the NetQ Agent, and optionally the NetQ CLI. While the CLI is optional, it can be very useful to be able to access a switch or host through the command line for troubleshooting or device management. The telemetry data is sent by the NetQ Agent on a switch or host to your NetQ Platform or Collector on your NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance or VM.
Cumulus NetQ Agents can be installed on switches or hosts running Cumulus Linux, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise, or CentOS operating systems (OSs). Install the NetQ Agent based on the OS:
Install and Configure the NetQ Agent on Cumulus Linux Switches
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you should install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agents on each switch you want to monitor. NetQ Agents can be installed on switches running:
Cumulus Linux version 3.3.2-3.7.x
Cumulus Linux version 4.0.0 and later
Prepare for NetQ Agent Installation on a Cumulus Linux Switch
For servers running Cumulus Linux, you need to:
Install and configure NTP, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify NTP is Installed and Configured
Verify that NTP is running on the switch. The switch must be in time synchronization with the NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance to enable useful statistical analysis.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo systemctl status ntp
[sudo] password for cumulus:
● ntp.service - LSB: Start NTP daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/ntp; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-06-01 13:49:11 EDT; 2 weeks 6 days ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
CGroup: /system.slice/ntp.service
└─2873 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g -c /var/lib/ntp/ntp.conf.dhcp -u 109:114
If NTP is not installed, install and configure it before continuing.
If NTP is not running:
Verify the IP address or hostname of the NTP server in the /etc/ntp.conf file, and then
Reenable and start the NTP service using the systemctl [enable|start] ntp commands
If you are running NTP in your out-of-band management network with VRF, specify the VRF (ntp@<vrf-name> versus just ntp) in the above commands.
Obtain NetQ Agent Software Package
To install the NetQ Agent you need to install netq-agent on each switch or host. This is available from the Cumulus Networks repository.
To obtain the NetQ Agent package:
Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to add the repository for Cumulus NetQ.
Note that NetQ has a separate repository from Cumulus Linux.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-3 netq-3.2
The repository deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-3 netq-latest can be used if you want to always retrieve the latest posted version of NetQ.
Add the repository:
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-3.2
The repository deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-latest can be used if you want to always retrieve the latest posted version of NetQ.
Add the apps3.cumulusnetworks.com authentication key to Cumulus Linux:
Continue with NetQ Agent configuration in the next section.
Configure the NetQ Agent on a Cumulus Linux Switch
After the NetQ Agent and CLI have been installed on the servers you want to monitor, the NetQ Agents must be configured to obtain useful and relevant data.
The NetQ Agent is aware of and communicates through the designated VRF. If you do not specify one, the default VRF (named default) is used. If you later change the VRF configured for the NetQ Agent (using a lifecycle management configuration profile, for example), you might cause the NetQ Agent to lose communication.
Two methods are available for configuring a NetQ Agent:
Edit the configuration file on the switch, or
Use the NetQ CLI
Configure NetQ Agents Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ Agent in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-agent section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the agent as follows:
port: 31980 (default configuration)
server: IP address of the NetQ Appliance or VM where the agent should send its collected data
Configure Advanced NetQ Agent Settings on a Cumulus Linux Switch
A couple of additional options are available for configuring the NetQ Agent. If you are using VRF, you can configure the agent to communicate over a specific VRF. You can also configure the agent to use a particular port.
Configure the Agent to Use a VRF
While optional, Cumulus strongly recommends that you configure NetQ Agents to communicate with the NetQ Appliance or VM only via a VRF, including a management VRF. To do so, you need to specify the VRF name when configuring the NetQ Agent. For example, if the management VRF is configured and you want the agent to communicate with the NetQ Appliance or VM over it, configure the agent like this:
Configure the Agent to Communicate over a Specific Port
By default, NetQ uses port 31980 for communication between the NetQ Appliance or VM and NetQ Agents. If you want the NetQ Agent to communicate with the NetQ Appliance or VM via a different port, you need to specify the port number when configuring the NetQ Agent, like this:
cumulus@leaf01:~$ sudo netq config add agent server port 7379
cumulus@leaf01:~$ sudo netq config restart agent
Install and Configure the NetQ Agent on Ubuntu Servers
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you should install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agent on each server you want to monitor. NetQ Agents can be installed on servers running:
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04 (NetQ 2.2.2 and later)
Prepare for NetQ Agent Installation on an Ubuntu Server
For servers running Ubuntu OS, you need to:
Verify the minimum service packages versions are installed
Verify the server is running lldpd
Install and configure network time server, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the agent package on the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify Service Package Versions
Before you install the NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu server, make sure the
following packages are installed and running these minimum versions:
iproute 1:4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.1 all
iproute2 4.3.0-1ubuntu3 amd64
lldpd 0.7.19-1 amd64
ntp 1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.6 amd64
Verify the Server is Running lldpd
Make sure you are running lldpd, not lldpad. Ubuntu does not include lldpd by default, which is required for the installation.
To install this package, run the following commands:
If NTP is not already installed and configured, follow these steps:
Install NTP on the server, if not already installed. Servers must be in time synchronization with the NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance to enable useful statistical analysis.
root@ubuntu:~# sudo apt-get install ntp
Configure the network time server.
Open the /etc/ntp.conf file in your text editor of choice.
Under the Server section, specify the NTP server IP address or hostname.
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-xenial.list and add the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-xenial.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb xenial netq-latest
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-bionic.list and add the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-bionic.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb bionic netq-latest
The use of netq-latest in these examples means that a get to the repository always retrieves the latest version of NetQ, even in the case where a major version update has been made. If you want to keep the repository on a specific version - such as netq-3.1 - use that instead.
Install NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu Server
After completing the preparation steps, you can successfully install the agent software onto your server.
Continue with NetQ Agent Configuration in the next section.
Configure the NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu Server
After the NetQ Agent and CLI have been installed on the servers you want to monitor, the NetQ Agents must be configured to obtain useful and relevant data.
The NetQ Agent is aware of and communicates through the designated VRF. If you do not specify one, the default VRF (named default) is used. If you later change the VRF configured for the NetQ Agent (using a lifecycle management configuration profile, for example), you might cause the NetQ Agent to lose communication.
Two methods are available for configuring a NetQ Agent:
Edit the configuration file on the device, or
Use the NetQ CLI.
Configure the NetQ Agents Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ Agent in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
root@ubuntu:~# sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-agent section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the agent as follows:
port: 31980 (default) or one that you specify
server: IP address of the NetQ server or appliance where the agent should send its collected data
If the CLI is configured, you can use it to configure the NetQ Agent to send telemetry data to the NetQ Server or Appliance. If it is not configured, refer to Configure the NetQ CLI on an Ubuntu Server and then return here.
A couple of additional options are available for configuring the NetQ Agent. If you are using VRF, you can configure the agent to communicate over a specific VRF. You can also configure the agent to use a particular port.
Configure the NetQ Agent to Use a VRF
While optional, Cumulus strongly recommends that you configure NetQ Agents to communicate with the NetQ Platform only via a VRF, including a management VRF. To do so, you need to specify the VRF name when configuring the NetQ Agent. For example, if the management VRF is configured and you want the agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform over it, configure the agent like this:
Configure the NetQ Agent to Communicate over a Specific Port
By default, NetQ uses port 31980 for communication between the NetQ Platform and NetQ Agents. If you want the NetQ Agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform via a different port, you need to specify the port number when configuring the NetQ Agent like this:
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config add agent server port 7379
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config restart agent
Install and Configure the NetQ Agent on RHEL and CentOS Servers
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you should install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agents on each server you want to monitor. NetQ Agents can be installed on servers running:
Red Hat RHEL 7.1
CentOS 7
Prepare for NetQ Agent Installation on a RHEL or CentOS Server
For servers running RHEL or CentOS, you need to:
Verify the minimum package versions are installed
Verify the server is running lldpd
Install and configure NTP, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify Service Package Versions
Before you install the NetQ Agent on a Red Hat or CentOS server, make sure the following packages are installed and running these minimum versions:
Verify the Server is Running lldpd and wget
Make sure you are running lldpd, not lldpad. CentOS does not include lldpd by default, nor does it include wget, which is required for the installation.
To install this package, run the following commands:
Restart rsyslog so log files are sent to the correct destination.
root@rhel7:~# sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
Continue with NetQ Agent Configuration in the next section.
Configure the NetQ Agent on a RHEL or CentOS Server
After the NetQ Agent and CLI have been installed on the servers you want to monitor, the NetQ Agents must be configured to obtain useful and relevant data.
The NetQ Agent is aware of and communicates through the designated VRF. If you do not specify one, the default VRF (named default) is used. If you later change the VRF configured for the NetQ Agent (using a lifecycle management configuration profile, for example), you might cause the NetQ Agent to lose communication.
Two methods are available for configuring a NetQ Agent:
Edit the configuration file on the device, or
Use the NetQ CLI.
Configure the NetQ Agents Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ Agent in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
root@rhel7:~# sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-agent section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the agent as follows:
port: 31980 (default) or one that you specify
server: IP address of the NetQ server or appliance where the agent should send its collected data
If the CLI is configured, you can use it to configure the NetQ Agent to send telemetry data to the NetQ Server or Appliance. If it is not configured, refer to Configure the NetQ CLI on a RHEL or CentOS Server and then return here.
A couple of additional options are available for configuring the NetQ Agent. If you are using VRF, you can configure the agent to communicate over a specific VRF. You can also configure the agent to use a particular port.
Configure the NetQ Agent to Use a VRF
While optional, Cumulus strongly recommends that you configure NetQ Agents to communicate with the NetQ Platform only via a VRF, including a management VRF. To do so, you need to specify the VRF name when configuring the NetQ Agent. For example, if the management VRF is configured and you want the agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform over it, configure the agent like this:
Configure the NetQ Agent to Communicate over a Specific Port
By default, NetQ uses port 31980 for communication between the NetQ Platform and NetQ Agents. If you want the NetQ Agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform via a different port, you need to specify the port number when configuring the NetQ Agent like this:
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config add agent server port 7379
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config restart agent
Install NetQ CLI
When installing NetQ 3.2.x, it is not required that you install the NetQ CLI on your NetQ Appliances or VMs, or monitored switches and hosts, but it provides new features, important bug fixes, and the ability to manage your network from multiple points in the network.
Use the instructions in the following sections based on the OS installed on the switch or server:
Install and Configure the NetQ CLI on Cumulus Linux Switches
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software and the NetQ 3.2.1 Agent on each switch you want to monitor, you can also install the NetQ CLI on switches running:
Cumulus Linux version 3.3.2-3.7.x
Cumulus Linux version 4.0.0 and later
Install the NetQ CLI on a Cumulus Linux Switch
A simple process installs the NetQ CLI on a Cumulus Linux switch.
To install the NetQ CLI you need to install netq-apps on each switch. This is available from the Cumulus Networks repository.
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
To obtain the NetQ Agent package:
Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to add the repository for Cumulus NetQ.
Note that NetQ has a separate repository from Cumulus Linux.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-3 netq-3.2
The repository deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-latest can be used if you want to always retrieve the latest posted version of NetQ.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-3.2
The repository deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-latest can be used if you want to always retrieve the latest posted version of NetQ.
Update the local apt repository and install the software on the switch.
By default, the NetQ CLI is not configured during the NetQ installation. The configuration is stored in /etc/netq/netq.yml.
While the CLI is not configured, you can run only netq config commandsand netq help commands, and you must use sudo to run them.
At minimum, you need to configure the NetQ CLI and NetQ Agent to communicate with the telemetry server. To do so, configure the NetQ Agent and the NetQ CLI so that they are running in the VRF where the routing tables are set for connectivity to the telemetry server. Typically this is the management VRF.
To configure the NetQ CLI, run the following command, then restart the NetQ CLI. This example assumes the telemetry server is reachable via the IP address over port 32000 and the management VRF (mgmt).
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add cli server vrf mgmt port 32000
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting the CLI stops the current running instance of netqd and starts netqd in the specified VRF.
The steps to configure the CLI are different depending on whether the NetQ software has been installed for an on-premises or cloud deployment. Follow the instructions for your deployment type.
Use the following command to configure the CLI:
netq config add cli server <text-gateway-dest> [vrf <text-vrf-name>] [port <text-gateway-port>]
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses an IP address of and the default port and VRF.
If you have a server cluster deployed, use the IP address of the master server.
To access and configure the CLI on your NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM, you must have your username and password to access the NetQ UI to generate AuthKeys. These keys provide authorized access (access key) and user authentication (secret key). Your credentials and NetQ Cloud addresses were provided by Cumulus Networks via an email titled Welcome to Cumulus NetQ!
To generate AuthKeys:
In your Internet browser, enter netq.cumulusnetworks.com into the address field to open the NetQ UI login page.
Enter your username and password.
Click (Main Menu), select Management in the Admin column.
Click Manage on the User Accounts card.
Select your user and click above the table.
Copy these keys to a safe place.
The secret key is only shown once. If you do not copy these, you will need to regenerate them and reconfigure CLI access.
You can also save these keys to a YAML file for easy reference, and to avoid having to type or copy the key values. You can:
store the file wherever you like, for example in /home/cumulus/ or /etc/netq
name the file whatever you like, for example credentials.yml, creds.yml, or keys.yml
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses the individual access key, a premises of datacenterwest, and the default Cloud address, port and VRF. Be sure to replace the key values with your generated keys if you are using this example on your server.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key 123452d9bc2850a1726f55534279dd3c8b3ec55e8b25144d4739dfddabe8149e secret-key /vAGywae2E4xVZg8F+HtS6h6yHliZbBP6HXU3J98765= premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
This example uses an optional keys file. Be sure to replace the keys filename and path with the full path and name of your keys file, and the datacenterwest premises name with your premises name if you are using this example on your server.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com cli-keys-file /home/netq/nq-cld-creds.yml premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
If you have multiple premises and want to query data from a different premises than you originally configured, rerun the netq config add cli server command with the desired premises name. You can only view the data for one premises at a time with the CLI.
Configure NetQ CLI Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ CLI in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-cli section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the CLI.
Specify the following parameters:
netq-user: User who can access the CLI
server: IP address of the NetQ server or NetQ Appliance
port (default): 32708
Your YAML configuration file should be similar to this:
Install and Configure the NetQ CLI on Ubuntu Servers
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you should install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agents on each switch you want to monitor. NetQ Agents can be installed on servers running:
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04 (NetQ 2.2.2 and later)
Prepare for NetQ CLI Installation on an Ubuntu Server
For servers running Ubuntu OS, you need to:
Verify the minimum service packages versions are installed
Verify the server is running lldpd
Install and configure network time server, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify Service Package Versions
Before you install the NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu server, make sure the
following packages are installed and running these minimum versions:
iproute 1:4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.1 all
iproute2 4.3.0-1ubuntu3 amd64
lldpd 0.7.19-1 amd64
ntp 1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.6 amd64
Verify the Server is Running lldpd
Make sure you are running lldpd, not lldpad. Ubuntu does not include lldpd by default, which is required for the installation.
To install this package, run the following commands:
If NTP is not already installed and configured, follow these steps:
Install NTP on the server, if not already installed. Servers must be in time synchronization with the NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance to enable useful statistical analysis.
root@ubuntu:~# sudo apt-get install ntp
Configure the network time server.
Open the /etc/ntp.conf file in your text editor of choice.
Under the Server section, specify the NTP server IP address or hostname.
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-xenial.list and add the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-xenial.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb xenial netq-latest
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-bionic.list and add the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-bionic.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb bionic netq-latest
The use of netq-latest in these examples means that a get to the repository always retrieves the latest version of NetQ, even in the case where a major version update has been made. If you want to keep the repository on a specific version - such as netq-3.1 - use that instead.
Install NetQ CLI on an Ubuntu Server
A simple process installs the NetQ CLI on an Ubuntu server.
By default, the NetQ CLI is not configured during the NetQ installation. The configuration is stored in /etc/netq/netq.yml.
While the CLI is not configured, you can run only netq config commandsand netq help commands, and you must use sudo to run them.
At minimum, you need to configure the NetQ CLI and NetQ Agent to communicate with the telemetry server. To do so, configure the NetQ Agent and the NetQ CLI so that they are running in the VRF where the routing tables are set for connectivity to the telemetry server. Typically this is the management VRF.
To configure the NetQ CLI, run the following command, then restart the NetQ CLI. This example assumes the telemetry server is reachable via the IP address over port 32000 and the management VRF (mgmt).
root@host:~# sudo netq config add cli server vrf mgmt port 32000
root@host:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting the CLI stops the current running instance of netqd and starts netqd in the specified VRF.
The steps to configure the CLI are different depending on whether the NetQ software has been installed for an on-premises or cloud deployment. Follow the instruction for your deployment type.
Use the following command to configure the CLI:
netq config add cli server <text-gateway-dest> [vrf <text-vrf-name>] [port <text-gateway-port>]
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses an IP address of and the default port and VRF.
If you have a server cluster deployed, use the IP address of the master server.
To access and configure the CLI on your NetQ Platform or NetQ Cloud Appliance, you must have your username and password to access the NetQ UI to generate AuthKeys. These keys provide authorized access (access key) and user authentication (secret key). Your credentials and NetQ Cloud addresses were provided by Cumulus Networks via an email titled Welcome to Cumulus NetQ!
To generate AuthKeys:
In your Internet browser, enter netq.cumulusnetworks.com into the address field to open the NetQ UI login page.
Enter your username and password.
From the Main Menu, select Management in the Admin column.
Click Manage on the User Accounts card.
Select your user and click above the table.
Copy these keys to a safe place.
The secret key is only shown once. If you do not copy these, you will need to regenerate them and reconfigure CLI access.
You can also save these keys to a YAML file for easy reference, and to avoid having to type or copy the key values. You can:
store the file wherever you like, for example in /home/cumulus/ or /etc/netq
name the file whatever you like, for example credentials.yml, creds.yml, or keys.yml
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses the individual access key, a premises of datacenterwest, and the default Cloud address, port and VRF. Be sure to replace the key values with your generated keys if you are using this example on your server.
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key 123452d9bc2850a1726f55534279dd3c8b3ec55e8b25144d4739dfddabe8149e secret-key /vAGywae2E4xVZg8F+HtS6h6yHliZbBP6HXU3J98765= premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
This example uses an optional keys file. Be sure to replace the keys filename and path with the full path and name of your keys file, and the datacenterwest premises name with your premises name if you are using this example on your server.
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com cli-keys-file /home/netq/nq-cld-creds.yml premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
Rerun this command if you have multiple premises and want to query a different premises.
Configure NetQ CLI Using Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ CLI in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
root@ubuntu:~# sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-cli section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the CLI.
Specify the following parameters:
netq-user: User who can access the CLI
server: IP address of the NetQ server or NetQ Appliance
port (default): 32708
Your YAML configuration file should be similar to this:
Install and Configure the NetQ CLI on RHEL and CentOS Servers
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software and the NetQ 3.2.1 Agents on each switch you want to monitor, you can also install the NetQ CLI on servers running:
Red Hat RHEL 7.1
CentOS 7
Prepare for NetQ CLI Installation on a RHEL or CentOS Server
For servers running RHEL or CentOS, you need to:
Verify the minimum package versions are installed
Verify the server is running lldpd
Install and configure NTP, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify Service Package Versions
Before you install the NetQ CLI on a Red Hat or CentOS server, make sure the following packages are installed and running these minimum versions:
Verify the Server is Running lldpd and wget
Make sure you are running lldpd, not lldpad. CentOS does not include lldpd by default, nor does it include wget, which is required for the installation.
To install this package, run the following commands:
By default, the NetQ CLI is not configured during the NetQ installation. The configuration is stored in /etc/netq/netq.yml.
While the CLI is not configured, you can run only netq config commandsand netq help commands, and you must use sudo to run them.
At minimum, you need to configure the NetQ CLI and NetQ Agent to communicate with the telemetry server. To do so, configure the NetQ Agent and the NetQ CLI so that they are running in the VRF where the routing tables are set for connectivity to the telemetry server. Typically this is the management VRF.
To configure the NetQ CLI, run the following command, then restart the NetQ CLI. This example assumes the telemetry server is reachable via the IP address over port 32000 and the management VRF (mgmt).
root@host:~# sudo netq config add cli server vrf mgmt port 32000
root@host:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting the CLI stops the current running instance of netqd and starts netqd in the specified VRF.
The steps to configure the CLI are different depending on whether the NetQ software has been installed for an on-premises or cloud deployment. Follow the instructions for your deployment type.
Use the following command to configure the CLI:
netq config add cli server <text-gateway-dest> [vrf <text-vrf-name>] [port <text-gateway-port>]
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses an IP address of and the default port and VRF.
If you have a server cluster deployed, use the IP address of the master server.
To access and configure the CLI on your NetQ Platform or NetQ Cloud Appliance, you must have your username and password to access the NetQ UI to generate AuthKeys. These keys provide authorized access (access key) and user authentication (secret key). Your credentials and NetQ Cloud addresses were provided by Cumulus Networks via an email titled Welcome to Cumulus NetQ!
To generate AuthKeys:
In your Internet browser, enter netq.cumulusnetworks.com into the address field to open the NetQ UI login page.
Enter your username and password.
From the Main Menu, select Management in the Admin column.
Click Manage on the User Accounts card.
Select your user and click above the table.
Copy these keys to a safe place.
The secret key is only shown once. If you do not copy these, you will need to regenerate them and reconfigure CLI access.
You can also save these keys to a YAML file for easy reference, and to avoid having to type or copy the key values. You can:
store the file wherever you like, for example in /home/cumulus/ or /etc/netq
name the file whatever you like, for example credentials.yml, creds.yml, or keys.yml
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses the individual access key, a premises of datacenterwest, and the default Cloud address, port and VRF. Be sure to replace the key values with your generated keys if you are using this example on your server.
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key 123452d9bc2850a1726f55534279dd3c8b3ec55e8b25144d4739dfddabe8149e secret-key /vAGywae2E4xVZg8F+HtS6h6yHliZbBP6HXU3J98765= premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
This example uses an optional keys file. Be sure to replace the keys filename and path with the full path and name of your keys file, and the datacenterwest premises name with your premises name if you are using this example on your server.
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com cli-keys-file /home/netq/nq-cld-creds.yml premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
Rerun this command if you have multiple premises and want to query a different premises.
Configure NetQ CLI Using Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ CLI in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
root@rhel7:~# sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-cli section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the CLI.
Specify the following parameters:
netq-user: User who can access the CLI
server: IP address of the NetQ server or NetQ Appliance
port (default): 32708
Your YAML configuration file should be similar to this:
To collect network telemetry data, the NetQ Agents must be installed on the relevant switches and hosts. It is a time saving process to update the NetQ Agent and CLI at the same time, but is not required. It always recommended that the NetQ Agents be updated. The NetQ CLI is optional, but can be very useful.
Use the instructions in the following sections based on the OS installed on the switch or server to install both the NetQ Agent and the CLI at the same time.
Install and Configure the NetQ Agent and CLI on Cumulus Linux Switches
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you can install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agents and CLI on each switch you want to monitor. These can be installed on switches running:
Cumulus Linux version 3.3.2-3.7.x
Cumulus Linux version 4.0.0 and later
Prepare for NetQ Agent and CLI Installation on a Cumulus Linux Switch
For servers running Cumulus Linux, you need to:
Install and configure NTP, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify NTP is Installed and Configured
Verify that NTP is running on the switch. The switch must be in time synchronization with the NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance to enable useful statistical analysis.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo systemctl status ntp
[sudo] password for cumulus:
● ntp.service - LSB: Start NTP daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/ntp; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-06-01 13:49:11 EDT; 2 weeks 6 days ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
CGroup: /system.slice/ntp.service
└─2873 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g -c /var/lib/ntp/ntp.conf.dhcp -u 109:114
If NTP is not installed, install and configure it before continuing.
If NTP is not running:
Verify the IP address or hostname of the NTP server in the /etc/ntp.conf file, and then
Reenable and start the NTP service using the systemctl [enable|start] ntp commands
If you are running NTP in your out-of-band management network with VRF, specify the VRF (ntp@<vrf-name> versus just ntp) in the above commands.
Obtain NetQ Agent and CLI Software Packages
To install the NetQ Agent you need to install netq-agent on each switch or host. To install the NetQ CLI you need to install netq-apps on each switch. These are available from the Cumulus Networks repository.
To obtain the NetQ packages:
Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to add the repository for Cumulus NetQ.
Note that NetQ has a separate repository from Cumulus Linux.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-3 netq-3.2
The repository deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-3 netq-latest can be used if you want to always retrieve the latest posted version of NetQ.
Add the repository:
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-3.2
The repository deb http://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb CumulusLinux-4 netq-latest can be used if you want to always retrieve the latest posted version of NetQ.
Add the apps3.cumulusnetworks.com authentication key to Cumulus Linux:
Continue with NetQ Agent and CLI configuration in the next section.
Configure the NetQ Agent and CLI on a Cumulus Linux Switch
After the NetQ Agent and CLI have been installed on the servers you want to monitor, the NetQ Agents must be configured to obtain useful and relevant data.
The NetQ Agent is aware of and communicates through the designated VRF. If you do not specify one, the default VRF (named default) is used. If you later change the VRF configured for the NetQ Agent (using a lifecycle management configuration profile, for example), you might cause the NetQ Agent to lose communication.
Two methods are available for configuring a NetQ Agent:
Edit the configuration file on the switch, or
Use the NetQ CLI
Configure NetQ Agent and CLI Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ Agent and CLI in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-agent section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the agent as follows:
port: 31980 (default configuration)
server: IP address of the NetQ Appliance or VM where the agent should send its collected data
The steps to configure the CLI are different depending on whether the NetQ software has been installed for an on-premises or cloud deployment. Follow the instructions for your deployment type.
Use the following command to configure the CLI:
netq config add cli server <text-gateway-dest> [vrf <text-vrf-name>] [port <text-gateway-port>]
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses an IP address of and the default port and VRF.
If you have a server cluster deployed, use the IP address of the master server.
To access and configure the CLI on your NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM, you must have your username and password to access the NetQ UI to generate AuthKeys. These keys provide authorized access (access key) and user authentication (secret key). Your credentials and NetQ Cloud addresses were provided by Cumulus Networks via an email titled Welcome to Cumulus NetQ!
To generate AuthKeys:
In your Internet browser, enter netq.cumulusnetworks.com into the address field to open the NetQ UI login page.
Enter your username and password.
Click (Main Menu), select Management in the Admin column.
Click Manage on the User Accounts card.
Select your user and click above the table.
Copy these keys to a safe place.
The secret key is only shown once. If you do not copy these, you will need to regenerate them and reconfigure CLI access.
You can also save these keys to a YAML file for easy reference, and to avoid having to type or copy the key values. You can:
store the file wherever you like, for example in /home/cumulus/ or /etc/netq
name the file whatever you like, for example credentials.yml, creds.yml, or keys.yml
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses the individual access key, a premises of datacenterwest, and the default Cloud address, port and VRF. Be sure to replace the key values with your generated keys if you are using this example on your server.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key 123452d9bc2850a1726f55534279dd3c8b3ec55e8b25144d4739dfddabe8149e secret-key /vAGywae2E4xVZg8F+HtS6h6yHliZbBP6HXU3J98765= premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
This example uses an optional keys file. Be sure to replace the keys filename and path with the full path and name of your keys file, and the datacenterwest premises name with your premises name if you are using this example on your server.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com cli-keys-file /home/netq/nq-cld-creds.yml premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
If you have multiple premises and want to query data from a different premises than you originally configured, rerun the netq config add cli server command with the desired premises name. You can only view the data for one premises at a time with the CLI.
Configure Advanced NetQ Agent Settings on a Cumulus Linux Switch
A couple of additional options are available for configuring the NetQ Agent. If you are using VRF, you can configure the agent to communicate over a specific VRF. You can also configure the agent to use a particular port.
Configure the Agent to Use a VRF
While optional, Cumulus strongly recommends that you configure NetQ Agents to communicate with the NetQ Appliance or VM only via a VRF, including a management VRF. To do so, you need to specify the VRF name when configuring the NetQ Agent. For example, if the management VRF is configured and you want the agent to communicate with the NetQ Appliance or VM over it, configure the agent like this:
Configure the Agent to Communicate over a Specific Port
By default, NetQ uses port 31980 for communication between the NetQ Appliance or VM and NetQ Agents. If you want the NetQ Agent to communicate with the NetQ Appliance or VM via a different port, you need to specify the port number when configuring the NetQ Agent, like this:
cumulus@leaf01:~$ sudo netq config add agent server port 7379
cumulus@leaf01:~$ sudo netq config restart agent
Install and Configure the NetQ Agent and CLI on Ubuntu Servers
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you should install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agent on each server you want to monitor. NetQ Agents can be installed on servers running:
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04 (NetQ 2.2.2 and later)
Prepare for NetQ Agent Installation on an Ubuntu Server
For servers running Ubuntu OS, you need to:
Verify the minimum service packages versions are installed
Verify the server is running lldpd
Install and configure network time server, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the agent package on the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify Service Package Versions
Before you install the NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu server, make sure the
following packages are installed and running these minimum versions:
iproute 1:4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.1 all
iproute2 4.3.0-1ubuntu3 amd64
lldpd 0.7.19-1 amd64
ntp 1:4.2.8p4+dfsg-3ubuntu5.6 amd64
Verify the Server is Running lldpd
Make sure you are running lldpd, not lldpad. Ubuntu does not include lldpd by default, which is required for the installation.
To install this package, run the following commands:
If NTP is not already installed and configured, follow these steps:
Install NTP on the server, if not already installed. Servers must be in time synchronization with the NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance to enable useful statistical analysis.
root@ubuntu:~# sudo apt-get install ntp
Configure the network time server.
Open the /etc/ntp.conf file in your text editor of choice.
Under the Server section, specify the NTP server IP address or hostname.
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-xenial.list and add the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-xenial.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb xenial netq-latest
Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-host-ubuntu-bionic.list and add the following line:
root@ubuntu:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-apps-deb-bionic.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb bionic netq-latest
The use of netq-latest in these examples means that a get to the repository always retrieves the latest version of NetQ, even in the case where a major version update has been made. If you want to keep the repository on a specific version - such as netq-2.4 - use that instead.
Install NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu Server
After completing the preparation steps, you can successfully install the agent software onto your server.
Continue with NetQ Agent Configuration in the next section.
Configure the NetQ Agent on an Ubuntu Server
After the NetQ Agent and CLI have been installed on the servers you want to monitor, the NetQ Agents must be configured to obtain useful and relevant data.
The NetQ Agent is aware of and communicates through the designated VRF. If you do not specify one, the default VRF (named default) is used. If you later change the VRF configured for the NetQ Agent (using a lifecycle management configuration profile, for example), you might cause the NetQ Agent to lose communication.
Two methods are available for configuring a NetQ Agent:
Edit the configuration file on the device, or
Use the NetQ CLI.
Configure the NetQ Agents Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ Agent in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
root@ubuntu:~# sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-agent section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the agent as follows:
port: 31980 (default) or one that you specify
server: IP address of the NetQ server or appliance where the agent should send its collected data
If the CLI is configured, you can use it to configure the NetQ Agent to send telemetry data to the NetQ Server or Appliance. If it is not configured, refer to Configure the NetQ CLI on an Ubuntu Server and then return here.
A couple of additional options are available for configuring the NetQ Agent. If you are using VRF, you can configure the agent to communicate over a specific VRF. You can also configure the agent to use a particular port.
Configure the NetQ Agent to Use a VRF
While optional, Cumulus strongly recommends that you configure NetQ Agents to communicate with the NetQ Platform only via a VRF, including a management VRF. To do so, you need to specify the VRF name when configuring the NetQ Agent. For example, if the management VRF is configured and you want the agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform over it, configure the agent like this:
Configure the NetQ Agent to Communicate over a Specific Port
By default, NetQ uses port 31980 for communication between the NetQ Platform and NetQ Agents. If you want the NetQ Agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform via a different port, you need to specify the port number when configuring the NetQ Agent like this:
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config add agent server port 7379
root@ubuntu:~# sudo netq config restart agent
Install and Configure the NetQ Agent and CLI on RHEL and CentOS Servers
After installing your Cumulus NetQ software, you can install the NetQ 3.2.1 Agent and CLI on each server you want to monitor. These can be installed on servers running:
Red Hat RHEL 7.1
CentOS 7
Prepare for NetQ Agent and CLI Installation on a RHEL or CentOS Server
For servers running RHEL or CentOS, you need to:
Verify the minimum package versions are installed
Verify the server is running lldpd
Install and configure NTP, if needed
Obtain NetQ software packages
If your network uses a proxy server for external connections, you should first configure a global proxy so apt-get can access the software package in the Cumulus Networks repository.
Verify Service Package Versions
Before you install the NetQ Agent and CLI on a Red Hat or CentOS server, make sure the following packages are installed and running these minimum versions:
Verify the Server is Running lldpd and wget
Make sure you are running lldpd, not lldpad. CentOS does not include lldpd by default, nor does it include wget, which is required for the installation.
To install this package, run the following commands:
If you are running NTP in your out-of-band management network with VRF, specify the VRF (ntp@<vrf-name> versus just ntp) in the above commands.
Verify NTP is operating correctly. Look for an asterisk (*) or a plus sign (+) that indicates the clock is synchronized.
root@rhel7:~# ntpq -pn
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
+ 2 u 86 128 377 41.354 2.834 0.602
+ 3 u 103 128 377 13.395 -4.025 0.198
2a00:7600::41 .STEP. 16 u - 1024 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
\* 2 u 101 128 377 14.588 -0.299 0.243
Obtain NetQ Agent and CLI Package
To install the NetQ Agent you need to install netq-agent on each switch or host. To install the NetQ CLI you need to install netq-apps on each switch or host. These are available from the Cumulus Networks repository.
Restart rsyslog so log files are sent to the correct destination.
root@rhel7:~# sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
Continue with NetQ Agent and CLI Configuration in the next section.
Configure the NetQ Agent and CLI on a RHEL or CentOS Server
After the NetQ Agent and CLI have been installed on the servers you want to monitor, the NetQ Agents must be configured to obtain useful and relevant data.
The NetQ Agent is aware of and communicates through the designated VRF. If you do not specify one, the default VRF (named default) is used. If you later change the VRF configured for the NetQ Agent (using a lifecycle management configuration profile, for example), you might cause the NetQ Agent to lose communication.
Two methods are available for configuring a NetQ Agent:
Edit the configuration file on the device, or
Use the NetQ CLI.
Configure the NetQ Agents Using a Configuration File
You can configure the NetQ Agent and CLI in the netq.yml configuration file contained in the /etc/netq/ directory.
Open the netq.yml file using your text editor of choice. For example:
root@rhel7:~# sudo nano /etc/netq/netq.yml
Locate the netq-agent section, or add it.
Set the parameters for the agent as follows:
port: 31980 (default) or one that you specify
server: IP address of the NetQ server or appliance where the agent should send its collected data
The steps to configure the CLI are different depending on whether the NetQ software has been installed for an on-premises or cloud deployment. Follow the instructions for your deployment type.
Use the following command to configure the CLI:
netq config add cli server <text-gateway-dest> [vrf <text-vrf-name>] [port <text-gateway-port>]
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses an IP address of and the default port and VRF.
If you have a server cluster deployed, use the IP address of the master server.
To access and configure the CLI on your NetQ Platform or NetQ Cloud Appliance, you must have your username and password to access the NetQ UI to generate AuthKeys. These keys provide authorized access (access key) and user authentication (secret key). Your credentials and NetQ Cloud addresses were provided by Cumulus Networks via an email titled Welcome to Cumulus NetQ!
To generate AuthKeys:
In your Internet browser, enter netq.cumulusnetworks.com into the address field to open the NetQ UI login page.
Enter your username and password.
From the Main Menu, select Management in the Admin column.
Click Manage on the User Accounts card.
Select your user and click above the table.
Copy these keys to a safe place.
The secret key is only shown once. If you do not copy these, you will need to regenerate them and reconfigure CLI access.
You can also save these keys to a YAML file for easy reference, and to avoid having to type or copy the key values. You can:
store the file wherever you like, for example in /home/cumulus/ or /etc/netq
name the file whatever you like, for example credentials.yml, creds.yml, or keys.yml
Restart the CLI afterward to activate the configuration.
This example uses the individual access key, a premises of datacenterwest, and the default Cloud address, port and VRF. Be sure to replace the key values with your generated keys if you are using this example on your server.
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key 123452d9bc2850a1726f55534279dd3c8b3ec55e8b25144d4739dfddabe8149e secret-key /vAGywae2E4xVZg8F+HtS6h6yHliZbBP6HXU3J98765= premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
This example uses an optional keys file. Be sure to replace the keys filename and path with the full path and name of your keys file, and the datacenterwest premises name with your premises name if you are using this example on your server.
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com cli-keys-file /home/netq/nq-cld-creds.yml premises datacenterwest
Successfully logged into NetQ cloud at api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com:443
Updated cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com vrf default port 443. Please restart netqd (netq config restart cli)
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config restart cli
Restarting NetQ CLI... Success!
Rerun this command if you have multiple premises and want to query a different premises.
Configure Advanced NetQ Agent Settings
A couple of additional options are available for configuring the NetQ Agent. If you are using VRF, you can configure the agent to communicate over a specific VRF. You can also configure the agent to use a particular port.
Configure the NetQ Agent to Use a VRF
While optional, Cumulus strongly recommends that you configure NetQ Agents to communicate with the NetQ Platform only via a VRF, including a management VRF. To do so, you need to specify the VRF name when configuring the NetQ Agent. For example, if the management VRF is configured and you want the agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform over it, configure the agent like this:
Configure the NetQ Agent to Communicate over a Specific Port
By default, NetQ uses port 31980 for communication between the NetQ Platform and NetQ Agents. If you want the NetQ Agent to communicate with the NetQ Platform via a different port, you need to specify the port number when configuring the NetQ Agent like this:
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config add agent server port 7379
root@rhel7:~# sudo netq config restart agent
Upgrade NetQ
This topic describes how to upgrade from your current NetQ 2.4.1-3.2.0 installation to the NetQ 3.2.1 release to take advantage of new capabilities and bug fixes (refer to the release notes).
You must upgrade your NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance(s) or Virtual Machines (VMs). While NetQ 2.x Agents are compatible with NetQ 3.x, upgrading NetQ Agents is always recommended. If you want access to new and updated commands, you can upgrade the CLI on your physical servers or VMs, and monitored switches and hosts as well.
To complete the upgrade for either an on-premises or a cloud deployment:
The first step in upgrading your NetQ 2.4.1 - 3.2.0 installation to NetQ 3.2.1 is to upgrade your NetQ appliance(s) or VM(s). This topic describes how to upgrade this for both on-premises and cloud deployments.
Prepare for Upgrade
Three important steps are required to prepare for upgrade of your NetQ Platform:
Download the necessary software tarballs
Update the Debian packages on physical server and VMs
For Cloud VM deployments, increase the root volume disk image size
Optionally, you can choose to back up your NetQ Data before performing the upgrade.
To complete the preparation:
For on-premises deployments only, optionally back up your NetQ data. Refer to Back Up and Restore NetQ.
Select 3.2 from the Version list, and then click 3.2.1 in the submenu.
Select the relevant software from the HyperVisor/Platform list:
If you are upgrading NetQ Platform software for a NetQ On-premises Appliance or VM, select Appliance to download the NetQ-3.2.1.tgz file. If you are upgrading NetQ Collector software for a NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM, select Appliance (Cloud) to download the NetQ-3.2.1-opta.tgz file.
Scroll down and click Download on the on-premises or cloud NetQ Appliance image.
You can ignore the note on the image card because, unlike during installation, you do not need to download the bootstrap file for an upgrade.
Copy the file to the /mnt/installables/ directory on your appliance or VM.
Update /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-netq.list to netq-3.2 as follows:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cumulus-netq.list
deb [arch=amd64] https://apps3.cumulusnetworks.com/repos/deb bionic netq-3.2
cumulus@<hostname>:~$ sudo apt-get install -y netq-agent netq-apps
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
netq-agent netq-apps
Fetched 39.8 MB in 3s (13.5 MB/s)
Unpacking netq-agent (3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad) ...
Unpacking netq-apps (3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad) ...
Setting up netq-apps (3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad) ...
Setting up netq-agent (3.2.1-ub18.04u31~1603789872.6f62fad) ...
Processing triggers for rsyslog (8.32.0-1ubuntu4) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ...
If you are upgrading NetQ as a VM in the cloud from version 3.1.0 or earlier, you must increase the root volume disk image size for proper operation of the lifecycle management feature.
Check the size of the existing disk in the VM to confirm it is 32 GB. In this example, the number of 1 MB blocks is 31583, or 32 GB.
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ df -hm /
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 31583 4771 26797 16% /
Shutdown the VM.
Shutting down VMware VM using Shut down button in ESX
After the VM is shutdown (Shut down button is grayed out), click Edit.
In the Edit settings > Virtual Hardware > Hard disk field, change the 32 to 64 on the server hosting the VM.
Click Save.
Start the VM, log back in.
From step 1 we know the name of the root disk is /dev/sda1. Use that to run the following commands on the partition.
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ sudo growpart /dev/sda 1
CHANGED: partition=1 start=227328 old: size=66881503 end=67108831 new: size=133990367,end=134217695
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1
resize2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
Filesystem at /dev/sda1 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 4, new_desc_blocks = 8
The filesystem on /dev/sda1 is now 16748795 (4k) blocks long.
Verify the disk is now configured with 64 GB. In this example, the number of 1 MB blocks is now 63341, or 64 GB.
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ df -hm /
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 63341 4772 58554 8% /
Check the size of the existing hard disk in the VM to confirm it is 32 GB. In this example, the number of 1 MB blocks is 31583, or 32 GB.
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ df -hm /
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 31583 1192 30375 4% /
Shutdown the VM.
Check the size of the existing disk on the server hosting the VM to confirm it is 32 GB. In this example, the size is shown in the virtual size field.
root@server:/var/lib/libvirt/images# qemu-img info netq-3.1.0-ubuntu-18.04-tscloud-qemu.qcow2
image: netq-3.1.0-ubuntu-18.04-tscloud-qemu.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 32G (34359738368 bytes)
disk size: 1.3G
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 1.1
lazy refcounts: false
refcount bits: 16
corrupt: false
root@server:/var/lib/libvirt/images# qemu-img info netq-3.1.0-ubuntu-18.04-tscloud-qemu.qcow2
image: netq-3.1.0-ubuntu-18.04-tscloud-qemu.qcow2
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 64G (68719476736 bytes)
disk size: 1.3G
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
compat: 1.1
lazy refcounts: false
refcount bits: 16
corrupt: false
Start the VM and log back in.
From step 1 we know the name of the root disk is /dev/vda 1. Use that to run the following commands on the partition.
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ sudo growpart /dev/vda 1
CHANGED: partition=1 start=227328 old: size=66881503 end=67108831 new: size=133990367,end=134217695
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ sudo resize2fs /dev/vda1
resize2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
Filesystem at /dev/vda1 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 4, new_desc_blocks = 8
The filesystem on /dev/vda1 is now 16748795 (4k) blocks long.
Verify the disk is now configured with 64 GB. In this example, the number of 1 MB blocks is now 63341, or 64 GB.
cumulus@netq-310-cloud:~$ df -hm /
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 63341 1193 62132 2% /
You can now upgrade your appliance using the NetQ Admin UI, in the next section. Alternately, you can upgrade using the CLI here: Upgrade Your Platform Using the NetQ CLI.
Upgrade Your Platform Using the NetQ Admin UI
After completing the preparation steps, upgrading your NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance(s) or VMs is simple using the Admin UI.
To upgrade your NetQ software:
Run the bootstrap CLI to upgrade the Admin UI application.
Cumulus Networks strongly recommends that you upgrade your NetQ Agents when you install or upgrade to a new release. If you are using NetQ Agent 2.4.0 update 24 or earlier, you must upgrade to ensure proper operation.
Upgrade NetQ Agents on Cumulus Linux Switches
The following instructions are applicable to both Cumulus Linux 3.x and 4.x, and for both on-premises and cloud deployments.
The following instructions are applicable to both NetQ Platform and NetQ Appliances running Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 in on-premises and cloud deployments.
While it is not required to upgrade the NetQ CLI on your monitored switches and hosts when you upgrade to NetQ 3.2.1, doing so gives you access to new features and important bug fixes. Refer to the release notes for details.
The following instructions are applicable to both NetQ Platform and NetQ Appliances running Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 in on-premises and cloud deployments.
It is recommended that you back up your NetQ data according to your company policy. Typically this includes after key configuration changes and on a scheduled basis.
These topics describe how to backup and also restore your NetQ data for NetQ On-premises Appliance and VMs.
These procedures do not apply to your NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM. Data backup is handled automatically with the NetQ cloud service.
Back Up Your NetQ Data
NetQ data is stored in a Cassandra database. A backup is performed by running scripts provided with the software and located in the /usr/sbin directory. When a backup is performed, a single tar file is created. The file is stored on a local drive that you specify and is named netq_master_snapshot_<timestamp>.tar.gz. Currently, only one backup file is supported, and includes the entire set of data tables. It is replaced each time a new backup is created.
If the rollback option is selected during the lifecycle management upgrade process (the default behavior), a backup is created automatically.
To manually create a backup:
If you are backing up data from NetQ 2.4.0 or earlier, or you upgraded from NetQ 2.4.0 to 2.4.1, obtain an updated backuprestore script. If you installed NetQ 2.4.1 as a fresh install, you can skip this step. Replace <version> in these commands with 2.4.1 or later release version.
cumulus@switch:~$ tar -xvzf /mnt/installables/NetQ-<version>.tgz -C /tmp/ ./netq-deploy-<version>.tgz
cumulus@switch:~$ tar -xvzf /tmp/netq-deploy-<version>.tgz -C /usr/sbin/ --strip-components 1 --wildcards backuprestore/*.sh
Run the backup script to create a backup file in /opt/<backup-directory> being sure to replace the backup-directory option with the name of the directory you want to use for the backup file.
You can abbreviate the backup and localdir options of this command to -b and -l to reduce typing. If the backup directory identified does not already exist, the script creates the directory during the backup process.
This is a sample of what you see as the script is running:
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:35 PM UTC] - Received Inputs for backup ...
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:36 PM UTC] - Able to find cassandra pod: cassandra-0
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:36 PM UTC] - Continuing with the procedure ...
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:36 PM UTC] - Removing the stale backup directory from cassandra pod...
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:36 PM UTC] - Able to successfully cleanup up /opt/backuprestore from cassandra pod ...
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:36 PM UTC] - Copying the backup script to cassandra pod ....
/opt/backuprestore/createbackup.sh: line 1: cript: command not found
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:48 PM UTC] - Able to exeute /opt/backuprestore/createbackup.sh script on cassandra pod
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:48 PM UTC] - Creating local directory:/tmp/backuprestore/ ...
Directory /tmp/backuprestore/ already exists..cleaning up
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:48 PM UTC] - Able to copy backup from cassandra pod to local directory:/tmp/backuprestore/ ...
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:48 PM UTC] - Validate the presence of backup file in directory:/tmp/backuprestore/
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:48 PM UTC] - Able to find backup file:netq_master_snapshot_2019-07-26_14_35_37_UTC.tar.gz
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:35:48 PM UTC] - Backup finished successfully!
Verify the backup file has been created.
cumulus@switch:~$ cd /opt/<backup-directory>
cumulus@switch:~/opt/<backup-directory># ls
To create a scheduled backup, add ./backuprestore.sh --backup --localdir /opt/<backup-directory> to an existing cron job, or create a new one.
Restore Your NetQ Data
You can restore NetQ data using the backup file you created above in Back Up and Restore NetQ. You can restore your instance to the same NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance or to a new platform or appliance. You do not need to stop the server where the backup file resides to perform the restoration, but logins to the NetQ UI will fail during the restoration process.The restore option of the backup script, copies the data from the backup file to the database, decompresses it, verifies the restoration, and starts all necessary services. You should not see any data loss as a result of a restore operation.
To restore NetQ on the same hardware where the backup file resides:
If you are restoring data from NetQ 2.4.0 or earlier, or you upgraded from NetQ 2.4.0 to 2.4.1, obtain an updated backuprestore script. If you installed NetQ 2.4.1 as a fresh install, you can skip this step. Replace <version> in these commands with 2.4.1 or later release version.
cumulus@switch:~$ tar -xvzf /mnt/installables/NetQ-<version>.tgz -C /tmp/ ./netq-deploy-<version>.tgz
cumulus@switch:~$ tar -xvzf /tmp/netq-deploy-<version>.tgz -C /usr/sbin/ --strip-components 1 --wildcards backuprestore/*.sh
Run the restore script being sure to replace the backup-directory option with the name of the directory where the backup file resides.
You can abbreviate the restore and localdir options of this command to -r and -l to reduce typing.
This is a sample of what you see while the script is running:
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:49 PM UTC] - Received Inputs for restore ...
WARNING: Restore procedure wipes out the existing contents of Database.
Once the Database is restored you loose the old data and cannot be recovered.
"Do you like to continue with Database restore:[Y(yes)/N(no)]. (Default:N)"
You must answer the above question to continue the restoration. After entering Y or yes, the output continues as follows:
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:50 PM UTC] - Able to find cassandra pod: cassandra-0
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:50 PM UTC] - Continuing with the procedure ...
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:50 PM UTC] - Backup local directory:/tmp/backuprestore/ exists....
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:50 PM UTC] - Removing any stale restore directories ...
Copying the file for restore to cassandra pod ....
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:50 PM UTC] - Able to copy the local directory contents to cassandra pod in /tmp/backuprestore/.
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:37:50 PM UTC] - copying the script to cassandra pod in dir:/tmp/backuprestore/....
Executing the Script for restoring the backup ...
/tmp/backuprestore//createbackup.sh: line 1: cript: command not found
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:40:12 PM UTC] - Able to exeute /tmp/backuprestore//createbackup.sh script on cassandra pod
[Fri 26 Jul 2019 02:40:12 PM UTC] - Restore finished successfully!
To restore NetQ on new hardware:
Copy the backup file from /opt/<backup-directory> on the older hardware to the backup directory on the new hardware.
Run the restore script on the new hardware, being sure to replace the backup-directory option with the name of the directory where the backup file resides.
After you have completed the installation of Cumulus NetQ,
you may want to configure some of the additional capabilities that NetQ
offers or integrate it with third-party software or hardware.
This topic describes how to:
Integrate with your LDAP server to use existing user accounts in NetQ
Integrate with Grafana to view interface statistics graphically
Integrate NetQ with Your LDAP Server
With this release and an administrator role, you are able to integrate the NetQ role-based access control (RBAC) with your lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) server in on-premises deployments. NetQ maintains control over role-based permissions for the NetQ application. Currently there are two roles, admin and user. With the integration, user authentication is handled through LDAP and your directory service, such as Microsoft Active Directory, Kerberos, OpenLDAP, and Red Hat Directory Service. A copy of each user from LDAP is stored in the local NetQ database.
Integrating with an LDAP server does not prevent you from configuring local users (stored and managed in the NetQ database) as well.
Read Get Started to become familiar with LDAP configuration parameters, or skip to Create an LDAP Configuration if you are already an LDAP expert.
Get Started
LDAP integration requires information about how to connect to your LDAP server, the type of authentication you plan to use, bind credentials, and, optionally, search attributes.
Provide Your LDAP Server Information
To connect to your LDAP server, you need the URI and bind credentials. The URI identifies the location of the LDAP server. It is comprised of a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) or IP address, and the port of the LDAP server where the LDAP client can connect. For example: myldap.mycompany.com or Typically port 389 is used for connection over TCP or UDP. In production environments, a secure connection with SSL can be deployed. In this case, the port used is typically 636. Setting the Enable SSL toggle automatically sets the server port to 636.
Specify Your Authentication Method
Two methods of user authentication are available: anonymous and basic.
Anonymous: LDAP client does not require any authentication. The user can access all resources anonymously. This is not commonly used for production environments.
Basic: (Also called Simple) LDAP client must provide a bind DN and password to authenticate the connection. When selected, the Admin credentials appear: Bind DN and Bind Password. The distinguished name (DN) is defined using a string of variables. Some common variables include:
Description or Usage
Common name
Organizational unit or group
Domain name
Domain extension
Bind DN: DN of user with administrator access to query the LDAP server; used for binding with the server. For example, uid =admin,ou=ntwkops,dc=mycompany,dc=com.
Bind Password: Password associated with Bind DN.
The Bind DN and password are sent as clear text. Only users with these credentials are allowed to perform LDAP operations.
If you are unfamiliar with the configuration of your LDAP server, contact your administrator to ensure you select the appropriate authentication method and credentials.
Define User Attributes
Two attributes are required to define a user entry in a directory:
Base DN: Location in directory structure where search begins. For example, dc=mycompany,dc=com.
User ID: Type of identifier used to specify an LDAP user. This can vary depending on the authentication service you are using. For example, user ID (UID) or email address can be used with OpenLDAP, whereas sAMAccountName might be used with Active Directory.
Optionally, you can specify the first name, last name, and email address of the user.
Set Search Attributes
While optional, specifying search scope indicates where to start and how deep a given user can search within the directory. The data to search for is specified in the search query.
Search scope options include:
Subtree: Search for users from base, subordinates at any depth (default)
Base: Search for users at the base level only; no subordinates
One Level: Search for immediate children of user; not at base or for any descendants
Subordinate: Search for subordinates at any depth of user; but not at base
A typical search query for users would be {userIdAttribute}={userId}.
Now that you are familiar with the various LDAP configuration parameters, you can configure the integration of your LDAP server with NetQ using the instructions in the next section.
Create an LDAP Configuration
One LDAP server can be configured per bind DN (distinguished name). Once LDAP is configured, you can validate the connectivity (and configuration) and save the configuration.
To create an LDAP configuration:
Click , then select Management under Admin.
Locate the LDAP Server Info card, and click Configure LDAP.
Fill out the LDAP Server Configuration form according to your particular configuration. Refer to Overview for details about the various parameters.
Note: Items with an asterisk (*) are required. All others are optional.
Click Save to complete the configuration, or click Cancel to discard the configuration.
LDAP config cannot be changed once configured. If you need to change the configuration, you must delete the current LDAP configuration and create a new one. Note that if you change the LDAP server configuration, all users created against that LDAP server remain in the NetQ database and continue to be visible, but are no longer viable. You must manually delete those users if you do not want to see them.
Example LDAP Configurations
A variety of example configurations are provided here. Scenarios 1-3 are based on using an OpenLDAP or similar authentication service. Scenario 4 is based on using the Active Directory service for authentication.
Scenario 1: Base Configuration
In this scenario, we are configuring the LDAP server with anonymous authentication, a User ID based on an email address, and a search scope of base.
Host Server URL
Host Server Port
Base DN
User ID
Search Scope
Search Query
Scenario 2: Basic Authentication and Subset of Users
In this scenario, we are configuring the LDAP server with basic authentication, for access only by the persons in the network operators group, and a limited search scope.
Host Server URL
Host Server Port
Admin Bind DN
uid =admin,ou=netops,dc=mycompany,dc=com
Admin Bind Password
Base DN
User ID
Search Scope
One Level
Search Query
Scenario 3: Scenario 2 with Widest Search Capability
In this scenario, we are configuring the LDAP server with basic authentication, for access only by the persons in the network administrators group, and an unlimited search scope.
Host Server URL
Host Server Port
Admin Bind DN
uid =admin,ou=netadmin,dc=mycompany,dc=com
Admin Bind Password
Base DN
dc=mycompany, dc=net
User ID
Search Scope
Search Query
Scenario 4: Scenario 3 with Active Directory Service
In this scenario, we are configuring the LDAP server with basic authentication, for access only by the persons in the given Active Directory group, and an unlimited search scope.
Host Server URL
Host Server Port
Admin Bind DN
Admin Bind Password
Base DN
dc=mycompany, dc=net
User ID
Search Scope
Search Query
Add LDAP Users to NetQ
Click , then select Management under Admin.
Locate the User Accounts card, and click Manage.
On the User Accounts tab, click Add User.
Select LDAP User.
Enter the user’s ID.
Enter your administrator password.
Click Search.
If the user is found, the email address, first and last name fields are automatically filled in on the Add New User form. If searching is not enabled on the LDAP server, you must enter the information manually.
If the fields are not automatically filled in, and searching is enabled on the LDAP server, you might require changes to the mapping file.
Select the NetQ user role for this user, admin or user, in the User Type dropdown.
Enter your admin password, and click Save, or click Cancel to discard the user account.
LDAP user passwords are not stored in the NetQ database and are always authenticated against LDAP.
Repeat these steps to add additional LDAP users.
Remove LDAP Users from NetQ
You can remove LDAP users in the same manner as local users.
Click , then select Management under Admin.
Locate the User Accounts card, and click Manage.
Select the user or users you want to remove.
Click in the Edit menu.
If an LDAP user is deleted in LDAP it is not automatically deleted from NetQ; however, the login credentials for these LDAP users stop working immediately.
Integrate NetQ with Grafana
Switches collect statistics about the performance of their interfaces. The NetQ Agent on each switch collects these statistics every 15 seconds and then sends them to your NetQ Appliance or Virtual Machine.
NetQ collects statistics for physical interfaces; it does not collect statistics for virtual interfaces, such as bonds, bridges, and VXLANs. NetQ collects these statistics from two data sources: Net-Q and Net-Q-Ethtool.
Net-Q displays:
Transmit with tx_ prefix: bytes, carrier, colls, drop, errs, packets
Receive with rx_ prefix: bytes, drop, errs, frame, multicast, packets
Software Transmit with soft_out_ prefix: errors, drops, tx_fifo_full
Software Receive with soft_in_ prefix: errors, frame_errors, drops
You can use Grafana version 6.x, an open source analytics and monitoring tool, to view these statistics. The fastest way to achieve this is by installing Grafana on an application server or locally per user, and then installing the NetQ plugin containing the prepared NetQ dashboard.
If you do not have Grafana installed already, refer to grafana.com for instructions on installing and configuring the Grafana tool.
Install NetQ Plugin for Grafana
Use the Grafana CLI to install the NetQ plugin. For more detail about this command, refer to the Grafana CLI documentation.
The quickest way to view the interface statistics for your Cumulus Linux network is to make use of the pre-configured dashboard installed with the plugin. Once you are familiar with that dashboard, you can create new dashboards or add new panels to the NetQ dashboard.
Open the Grafana user interface.
Log in using your application credentials.
The Home Dashboard appears.
Click Add data source or > Data Sources.
Enter Net-Q or Net-Q-Ethtool in the search box. Alternately, scroll down to the Other category, and select one of these sources from there.
You can create a dashboard with only the statistics of interest to you.
To create your own dashboard:
Click to open a blank dashboard.
Click (Dashboard Settings) at the top of the dashboard.
Click Variables.
Enter hostname into the Name field.
Enter Hostname into the Label field.
Select Net-Q or Net-Q-Ethtool from the Data source list.
Enter hostname into the Query field.
Click Add.
You should see a preview at the bottom of the hostname values.
Click to return to the new dashboard.
Click Add Query.
Select Net-Q or Net-Q-Ethtool from the Query source list.
Select the interface statistic you want to view from the Metric list.
Click the General icon.
Select hostname from the Repeat list.
Set any other parameters around how to display the data.
Return to the dashboard.
Add additional panels with other metrics to complete your dashboard.
Analyze the Data
Once you have your dashboard configured, you can start analyzing the data:
Select the hostname from the variable list at the top left of the charts to see the statistics for that switch or host.
Review the statistics, looking for peaks and valleys, unusual patterns, and so forth.
Explore the data more by modifying the data view in one of several ways using the dashboard tool set:
Select a different time period for the data by clicking the forward or back arrows. The default time range is dependent on the width of your browser window.
Zoom in on the dashboard by clicking the magnifying glass.
Manually refresh the dashboard data, or set an automatic refresh rate for the dashboard from the down arrow.
Add a new variable by clicking the cog wheel, then selecting Variables
Add additional panels
Click any chart title to edit or remove it from the dashboard
Rename the dashboard by clicking the cog wheel and entering the new name
Uninstall NetQ
You can remove the NetQ software from your system server and switches when necessary.
Remove the NetQ Agent and CLI from a Cumulus Linux Switch or Ubuntu Host
Use the apt-get purge command to remove the NetQ agent or CLI package from a Cumulus Linux switch or an Ubuntu host.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo apt-get update
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo apt-get purge netq-agent netq-apps
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
netq-agent* netq-apps*
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 310 MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
Creating pre-apt snapshot... 2 done.
(Reading database ... 42026 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing netq-agent (3.0.0-cl3u27~1587646213.c5bc079) ...
/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d returned 101, not running 'stop netq-agent.service'
Purging configuration files for netq-agent (3.0.0-cl3u27~1587646213.c5bc079) ...
dpkg: warning: while removing netq-agent, directory '/etc/netq/config.d' not empty so not removed
Removing netq-apps (3.0.0-cl3u27~1587646213.c5bc079) ...
/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d returned 101, not running 'stop netqd.service'
Purging configuration files for netq-apps (3.0.0-cl3u27~1587646213.c5bc079) ...
dpkg: warning: while removing netq-apps, directory '/etc/netq' not empty so not removed
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
grep: extra.services.enabled: No such file or directory
Creating post-apt snapshot... 3 done.
If you only want to remove the agent or the CLI, but not both, specify just the relevant package in the apt-get purge command.
To verify the packages have been removed from the switch, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ dpkg-query -l netq-agent
dpkg-query: no packages found matching netq-agent
cumulus@switch:~$ dpkg-query -l netq-apps
dpkg-query: no packages found matching netq-apps
Remove the NetQ Agent and CLI from a RHEL7 or CentOS Host
Use the yum remove command to remove the NetQ agent or CLI package from a RHEL7 or CentOS host.
Verify the packages have been removed from the switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ dpkg-query -l netq-agent
dpkg-query: no packages found matching netq-agent
cumulus@switch:~$ dpkg-query -l netq-apps
dpkg-query: no packages found matching netq-apps
Delete the Virtual Machine according to the usual VMware or KVM practice.
Delete a virtual machine from the host computer using one of the following methods:
Right-click the name of the virtual machine in the Favorites list, then select Delete from Disk
Select the virtual machine and choose VM > Delete from disk
Delete a virtual machine from the host computer using one of the following methods:
Run virsch undefine <vm-domain> --remove-all-storage
Run virsh undefine <vm-domain> --wipe-storage
Manage Configurations
The network has a numerous configurations that must be managed. From initial configuration and provisioning of devices to events and notifications, administrators and operators are responsible for setting up and managing the configuration of the network. The topics in this section provide instructions for managing the NetQ UI, physical and software inventory, events and notifications, and for provisioning your devices and network.
As an administrator, you can manage access to and various application-wide settings for the Cumulus NetQ UI from a single location.
Individual users have the ability to set preferences specific to their workspaces. This information is covered separately. Refer to Set User Preferences.
NetQ Management Workbench
The NetQ Management workbench is accessed from the main menu. For the user(s) responsible for maintaining the application, this is a good place to start each day.
To open the workbench, click , and select Management under the Admin column.
From the NetQ Management workbench, you can view the number of users with accounts in the system. As an administrator, you can also add, modify, and delete user accounts using the User Accounts card.
Add New User Account
For each user that monitors at least one aspect of your data center
network, a user account is needed. Adding a local user is described here. Refer to Integrate NetQ with Your LDAP server for instructions for adding LDAP users.
To add a new user account:
Click Manage on the User Accounts card to open the User Accounts tab.
Click Add User.
Enter the user’s email address, along with their first and last name.
Be especially careful entering the email address as you cannot change it once you save the account. If you save a mistyped email address, you must delete the account and create a new one.
Select the user type: Admin or User.
Enter your password in the Admin Password field (only users with administrative permissions can add users).
Create a password for the user.
Enter a password for the user.
Re-enter the user password. If you do not enter a matching password, it will be underlined in red.
Click Save to create the user account, or Cancel to discard the user account.
By default the User Accounts table is sorted by Role.
Repeat these steps to add all of your users.
Edit a User Name
If a user’s first or last name was incorrectly entered, you can fix them easily.
To change a user name:
Click Manage on the User Accounts card to open the User Accounts tab.
Click the checkbox next to the account you want to edit.
Click above the account list.
Modify the first and/or last name as needed.
Enter your admin password.
Click Save to commit the changes or Cancel to discard them.
Change a User’s Password
Should a user forget his password or for security reasons, you can change a password for a particular user account.
To change a password:
Click Manage on the User Accounts card to open the User Accounts tab.
Click the checkbox next to the account you want to edit.
Click above the account list.
Click Reset Password.
Enter your admin password.
Enter a new password for the user.
Re-enter the user password. Tip: If the password you enter does not match, Save is gray (not activated).
Click Save to commit the change, or Cancel to discard the change.
Change a User’s Access Permissions
If a particular user has only standard user permissions and they need administrator permissions to perform their job (or the opposite, they have administrator permissions, but only need user permissions), you can modify their access rights.
To change access permissions:
Click Manage on the User Accounts card to open the User Accounts tab.
Click the checkbox next to the account you want to edit.
Click above the account list.
Select the appropriate user type from the dropdown list.
Enter your admin password.
Click Save to commit the change, or Cancel to discard the change.
Correct a Mistyped User ID (Email Address)
You cannot edit a user’s email address, because this is the identifier the system uses for authentication. If you need to change an email address, you must create a new one for this user. Refer to Add New User Account. You should delete the incorrect user account. Select the user account, and click .
Export a List of User Accounts
You can export user account information at any time using the User Accounts tab.
To export information for one or more user accounts:
Click Manage on the User Accounts card to open the User Accounts tab.
Select one or more accounts that you want to export by clicking the checkbox next to them. Alternately select all accounts by clicking .
Click to export the selected user accounts.
Delete a User Account
NetQ application administrators should remove user accounts associated with users that are no longer using the application.
To delete one or more user accounts:
Click Manage on the User Accounts card to open the User Accounts tab.
Select one or more accounts that you want to remove by clicking the checkbox next to them.
Click to remove the accounts.
Manage User Login Policies
NetQ application administrators can configure a session expiration time and the number of times users can refresh before requiring users to re-login to the NetQ application.
To configure these login policies:
Click (main menu), and select Management under the Admin column.
Locate the Login Management card.
Click Manage.
Select how long a user may be logged in before logging in again; 30 minutes, 1, 3, 5, or 8 hours.
Default for on-premises deployments is 6 hours. Default for cloud deployments is 30 minutes.
Indicate the number of times (between 1 and 100) the application can be refreshed before the user must log in again. Default is unspecified.
Enter your admin password.
Click Update to save the changes, or click Cancel to discard them.
The Login Management card shows the configuration.
Monitor User Activity
NetQ application administrators can audit user activity in the NetQ UI using the Activity Log or in the CLI by checking syslog.
To view the log, click (main menu), then click Activity Log under the Admin column.
Click to filter the log by username, action, resource, and time period.
Click to export the log a page at a time.
NetQ maintains an audit trail of user activity in syslog. Information logged includes when a user logs in or out of NetQ as well as when the user changes a configuration and what that change is.
cumulus@switch:~$ sudo tail /var/log/syslog
2020-10-16T11:43:04.976557-07:00 switch sshd[14568]: Accepted password for cumulus from port 56930 ssh2
2020-10-16T11:43:04.977569-07:00 switch sshd[14568]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user cumulus by (uid=0)
Manage Scheduled Traces
From the NetQ Management workbench, you can view the number of traces scheduled to run in the system. A set of default traces are provided with the NetQ GUI. As an administrator, you can run one or more scheduled traces, add new scheduled traces, and edit or delete existing traces.
Add a Scheduled Trace
You can create a scheduled trace to provide regular status about a particularly important connection between a pair of devices in your network or for temporary troubleshooting.
To add a trace:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Traces card to open the Scheduled Traces tab.
Click Add Trace to open the large New Trace Request card.
Enter source and destination addresses.
For layer 2 traces, the source must be a hostname and the destination must be a MAC address. For layer 3 traces, the source can be a hostname or IP address, and the destination must be an IP address.
Specify a VLAN for a layer 2 trace or (optionally) a VRF for a layer 3 trace.
Set the schedule for the trace, by selecting how often to run the trace and when to start it the first time.
Click Save As New to add the trace. You are prompted to enter a name for the trace in the Name field.
If you want to run the new trace right away for a baseline, select the trace you just added from the dropdown list, and click Run Now.
Delete a Scheduled Trace
If you do not want to run a given scheduled trace any longer, you can remove it.
To delete a scheduled trace:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Trace card to open the Scheduled Traces tab.
Select at least one trace by clicking on the checkbox next to the trace.
Click .
Export a Scheduled Trace
You can export a scheduled trace configuration at any time using the Scheduled Traces tab.
To export one or more scheduled trace configurations:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Trace card to open the Scheduled Traces tab.
Select one or more traces by clicking on the checkbox next to the trace. Alternately, click to select all traces.
Click to export the selected traces.
Manage Scheduled Validations
From the NetQ Management workbench, you can view the total number of validations scheduled to run in the system. A set of default scheduled validations are provided and pre-configured with the NetQ UI. These are not included in the total count. As an administrator, you can view and export the configurations for all scheduled validations, or add a new validation.
View Scheduled Validation Configurations
You can view the configuration of a scheduled validation at any time. This can be useful when you are trying to determine if the validation request needs to be modified to produce a slightly different set of results (editing or cloning) or if it would be best to create a new one.
To view the configurations:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Validations card to open the Scheduled Validations tab.
Click in the top right to return to your NetQ Management cards.
Add a Scheduled Validation
You can add a scheduled validation at any time using the Scheduled Validations tab.
To add a scheduled validation:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Validations card to open the Scheduled Validations tab.
Click Add Validation to open the large Validation Request card.
You can remove a scheduled validation that you created (one of the 15 allowed) at any time. You cannot remove the default scheduled validations included with NetQ.
To remove a scheduled validation:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Validations card to open the Scheduled Validations tab.
Select one or more validations that you want to delete.
Click above the validations list.
Export Scheduled Validation Configurations
You can export one or more scheduled validation configurations at any time using the Scheduled Validations tab.
To export a scheduled validation:
Click Manage on the Scheduled Validations card to open the Scheduled Validations tab.
Select one or more validations by clicking the checkbox next to the validation. Alternately, click to select all validations.
Click to export selected validations.
Manage Threshold Crossing Rules
NetQ supports a set of events that are triggered by crossing a user-defined threshold. These events allow detection and prevention of network failures for selected interface, utilization, sensor, forwarding, and ACL events.
A notification configuration must contain one rule. Each rule must contain a scope and a threshold.
Supported Events
The following events are supported:
Event ID
Interface Statistics
rx_broadcast bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Interface Statistics
rx_bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Interface Statistics
rx_multicast per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Interface Statistics
tx_broadcast bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Interface Statistics
tx_bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Interface Statistics
tx_multicast bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Resource Utilization
CPU utilization (%) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Resource Utilization
Disk utilization (%) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Resource Utilization
Memory utilization (%) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported fan speed on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported power (Watts) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported temperature (°C) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported voltage (Volts) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of routes on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of multicast routes on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of MAC addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of IPv4 routes on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of IPv4 hosts on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of IPv6 hosts on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of IPv6 hosts on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Forwarding Resources
Number of equal cost multi-path (ECMP) next hop entries on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress ACL filters for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of egress ACL filters for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress ACL mangles for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of egress ACL mangles for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress ACL filters for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of egress ACL filters for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress ACL mangles for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of egress ACL mangles for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress ACL 802.1 filters on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ACL port range checkers on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ACL regions on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress ACL mirrors on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ACL 18B rules on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ACL 32B rules on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ACL 54B rules on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress policy-based routing (PBR) filters for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
ACL Resources
Number of ingress policy-based routing (PBR) filters for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Define a Scope
A scope is used to filter the events generated by a given rule. Scope values are set on a per TCA rule basis. All rules can be filtered on Hostname. Some rules can also be filtered by other parameters, as shown in this table:
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Interface Statistics
Hostname, Interface
Interface Statistics
Hostname, Interface
Interface Statistics
Hostname, Interface
Interface Statistics
Hostname, Interface
Interface Statistics
Hostname, Interface
Interface Statistics
Hostname, Interface
Resource Utilization
Resource Utilization
Resource Utilization
Hostname, Sensor Name
Hostname, Sensor Name
Hostname, Sensor Name
Hostname, Sensor Name
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
Forwarding Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
ACL Resources
Scopes are displayed as regular expressions in the rule card.
Display in Card
All devices
hostname = *
Show events for all devices
All interfaces
ifname = *
Show events for all devices and all interfaces
All sensors
s_name = *
Show events for all devices and all sensors
Particular device
hostname = leaf01
Show events for leaf01 switch
Particular interfaces
ifname = swp14
Show events for swp14 interface
Particular sensors
s_name = fan2
Show events for the fan2 fan
Set of devices
hostname ^ leaf
Show events for switches having names starting with leaf
Set of interfaces
ifname ^ swp
Show events for interfaces having names starting with swp
Set of sensors
s_name ^ fan
Show events for sensors having names starting with fan
When a rule is filtered by more than one parameter, each is displayed on the card. Leaving a value blank for a parameter defaults to all; all hostnames, interfaces, sensors, forwarding and ACL resources.
Specify Notification Channels
The notification channel specified by a TCA rule tells NetQ where to send the notification message. Refer to Create a Channel.
Create a TCA Rule
Now that you know which events are supported and how to set the scope, you can create a basic rule to deliver one of the TCA events to a notification channel.
To create a TCA rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Click to add a rule.
The Create TCA Rule dialog opens. Four steps create the rule.
You can move forward and backward until you are satisfied with your rule definition.
On the Enter Details step, enter a name for your rule, choose your TCA event type, and assign a severity.
The rule name has a maximum of 20 characters (including spaces).
Click Next.
On the Choose Event step, select the attribute to measure against.
The attributes presented depend on the event type chosen in the Enter Details step. This example shows the attributes available when Resource Utilization was selected.
Click Next.
On the Set Threshold step, enter a threshold value.
Define the scope of the rule.
If you want to restrict the rule to a particular device, and enter values for one or more of the available parameters.
If you want the rule to apply to all devices, click the scope toggle.
Click Next.
Optionally, select a notification channel where you want the events to be sent. If no channel is select, the notifications are only available from the database. You can add a channel at a later time. Refer to Modify TCA Rules.
Click Finish.
This example shows two rules. The rule on the left triggers an informational event when switch leaf01 exceeds the maximum CPU utilization of 87%. The rule on the right triggers a critical event when any device exceeds the maximum CPU utilization of 93%. Note that the cards indicate both rules are currently Active.
View All TCA Rules
You can view all of the threshold-crossing event rules you have created by clicking and then selecting Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Modify TCA Rules
You can modify the threshold value and scope of any existing rules.
To edit a rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to modify and hover over the card.
Click .
Modify the rule, changing the threshold, scope or associated channel.
If you want to modify the rule name or severity after creating the rule, you must delete the rule and recreate it.
Click Update Rule.
Manage TCA Rules
Once you have created a bunch of rules, you might have the need to manage them; suppress a rule, disable a rule, or delete a rule.
Rule States
The TCA rules have three possible states:
Active: Rule is operating, delivering events. This would be the normal operating state.
Suppressed: Rule is disabled until a designated date and time. When that time occurs, the rule is automatically reenabled. This state is useful during troubleshooting or maintenance of a switch when you do not want erroneous events being generated.
Disabled: Rule is disabled until a user manually reenables it. This state is useful when you are unclear when you want the rule to be reenabled. This is not the same as deleting the rule.
Suppress a Rule
To suppress a rule for a designated amount of time, you must change the state of the rule.
To suppress a rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to suppress.
Click Disable.
Click in the Date/Time field to set when you want the rule to be automatically reenabled.
Click Disable.
Note the changes in the card:
The state is now marked as Inactive, but remains green
The date and time that the rule will be enabled is noted in the Suppressed field
The Disable option has changed to Disable Forever. Refer to Disable a Rule for information about this change.
Disable a Rule
To disable a rule until you want to manually reenable it, you must change the state of the rule.
To disable a rule that is currently active:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to disable.
Click Disable.
Leave the Date/Time field blank.
Click Disable.
Note the changes in the card:
The state is now marked as Inactive and is red
The rule definition is grayed out
The Disable option has changed to Enable to reactivate the rule when you are ready
To disable a rule that is currently suppressed:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to disable.
Click Disable Forever.
Note the changes in the card:
The state is now marked as Inactive and is red
The rule definition is grayed out
The Disable option has changed to Enable to reactivate the rule when you are ready
Delete a Rule
You might find that you no longer want to received event notifications for a particular TCA event. In that case, you can either disable the event if you think you may want to receive them again or delete the rule altogether. Refer to Disable a Rule in the first case. Follow the instructions here to remove the rule. The rule can be in any of the three states.
To delete a rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to remove and hover over the card.
Click .
Resolve Scope Conflicts
There may be occasions where the scope defined by multiple rules for a given TCA event may overlap each other. In such cases, the TCA rule with the most specific scope that is still true is used to generate the event.
To clarify this, consider this example. Three events have occurred:
First event on switch leaf01, interface swp1
Second event on switch leaf01, interface swp3
Third event on switch spine01, interface swp1
NetQ attempts to match the TCA event against hostname and interface name with three TCA rules with different scopes:
Scope 1 send events for the swp1 interface on switch leaf01 (very specific)
Scope 2 send events for all interfaces on switches that start with leaf (moderately specific)
Scope 3 send events for all switches and interfaces (very broad)
The result is:
For the first event, NetQ applies the scope from rule 1 because it matches scope 1 exactly
For the second event, NetQ applies the scope from rule 2 because it does not match scope 1, but does match scope 2
For the third event, NetQ applies the scope from rule 3 because it does not match either scope 1 or scope 2
In summary:
Input Event
Scope Parameters
Rule 1, Scope 1
Rule 2, Scope 2
Rule 3, Scope 3
Scope Applied
leaf01, swp1
Hostname, Interface
hostname=leaf01, ifname=swp1
hostname ^ leaf, ifname=*
hostname=*, ifname=*
Scope 1
leaf01, swp3
Hostname, Interface
hostname=leaf01, ifname=swp1
hostname ^ leaf, ifname=*
hostname=*, ifname=*
Scope 2
spine01, swp1
Hostname, Interface
hostname=leaf01, ifname=swp1
hostname ^ leaf, ifname=*
hostname=*, ifname=*
Scope 3
Manage Notification Channels
NetQ supports Slack, PagerDuty, and syslog notification channels for reporting system and threshold-based events. You can access channel configuration in one of two ways:
Click Manage on the Channels card
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column
In either case, the Channels view is opened.
Determine the type of channel you want to add and follow the instructions for the selected type.
Specify Slack Channels
To specify Slack channels:
Create one or more channels using Slack.
In NetQ, click Slack in the Channels view.
When no channels have been specified, click on the note. When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Copy and paste the incoming webhook URL for a channel you created in Step 1 (or earlier).
Click Add.
Repeat to add additional Slack channels as needed.
Specify PagerDuty Channels
To specify PagerDuty channels:
Create one or more channels using PagerDuty.
In NetQ, click PagerDuty in the Channels view.
When no channels have been specified, click on the note. When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Copy and paste the integration key for a PagerDuty channel you created in Step 1 (or earlier).
Click Add.
Repeat to add additional PagerDuty channels as needed.
Specify a Syslog Channel
To specify a Syslog channel:
Click Syslog in the Channels view.
When no channels have been specified, click on the note. When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Enter the IP address and port of the Syslog server.
Click Add.
Repeat to add additional Syslog channels as needed.
Remove Notification Channels
You can view your notification channels at any time. If you create new channels or retire selected channels, you might need to add or remove them from NetQ as well. To add channels refer to Specify Notification Channels.
To remove channels:
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column.
This opens the Channels view.
Click the tab for the type of channel you want to remove (Slack, PagerDuty, or Syslog).
Select one or more channels.
Click .
Configure Multiple Premises
The NetQ Management dashboard provides the ability to configure a single NetQ UI and CLI for monitoring data from multiple external premises in addition to your local premises.
A complete NetQ deployment is required at each premises. The NetQ appliance or VM of one of the deployments acts as the primary (similar to a proxy) for the premises in the other deployments. A list of these external premises is stored with the primary deployment. After the multiple premises are configured, you can view this list of external premises, change the name of premises on the list, and delete premises from the list.
To configure monitoring of external premises:
Sign in to primary NetQ Appliance or VM.
In the NetQ UI, click .
Select Management from the Admin column.
Locate the External Premises card.
Click Manage.
Click to open the Add Premises dialog.
Specify an external premises.
Enter an IP address for the API gateway on the external NetQ Appliance or VM in the Hostname field (required)
Enter the access credentials
Click Next.
Select from the available premises associated with this deployment by clicking on their names.
Click Finish.
Add more external premises by repeating Steps 6-10.
System Server Information
You can easily view the configuration of the physical server or VM from the NetQ Management dashboard.
To view the server information:
Click .
Select Management from the Admin column.
Locate the System Server Info card.
If no data is present on this card, it is likely that the NetQ Agent on your server or VM is not running properly or the underlying streaming services are impaired.
Integrate with Your LDAP Server
For on-premises deployments you can integrate your LDAP server with NetQ to provide access to NetQ using LDAP user accounts instead of ,or in addition to, the NetQ user accounts. Refer to Integrate NetQ with Your LDAP Server for more detail.
Provision Your Devices and Network
NetQ enables you to provision your switches using the lifecycle management feature in the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI. Also included here are management procedures for NetQ Agents and optional post-installation configurations.
Manage Switches through Their Lifecycle
Only administrative users can perform the tasks described in this topic.
As an administrator, you want to manage the deployment of Cumulus Networks product software onto your network devices (servers, appliances, and switches) in the most efficient way and with the most information about the process as possible. With this release, NetQ expands its lifecycle management (LCM) capabilities to support configuration management for Cumulus Linux switches.
Using the NetQ UI or CLI, lifecycle management enables you to:
Manage Cumulus Linux and Cumulus NetQ images in a local repository
Configure switch access credentials (required for installations and upgrades)
Manage Cumulus Linux switches
Create snapshots of the network state at various times
Create Cumulus Linux switch configurations, with or without network templates
Create Cumulus NetQ configuration profiles
Upgrade Cumulus NetQ (Agents and CLI) on Cumulus Linux switches with Cumulus NetQ Agents version 2.4.x or later
Install or upgrade Cumulus NetQ (Agents and CLI) on Cumulus Linux switches with or without Cumulus NetQ Agents; all in a single job
Upgrade Cumulus Linux on switches with Cumulus NetQ Agents version 2.4.x or later (includes upgrade of NetQ to 3.x)
View a result history of upgrade attempts
This feature is fully enabled for on-premises deployments and fully disabled for cloud deployments. Contact your local Cumulus Networks sales representative or submit a support ticket to activate LCM on cloud deployments.
Access Lifecycle Management Features in the NetQ UI
To manage the various lifecycle management features from any workbench, click (Switches) in the workbench header, then select Manage switches.
The first time you open the Manage Switch Assets view, it provides a summary card for switch inventory, uploaded Cumulus Linux images, uploaded NetQ images, NetQ configuration profiles, and switch access settings. Additional cards appear after that based on your activity.
You can also access this view by clicking (Main Menu) and selecting Manage Switches from the Admin section.
NetQ CLI Lifecycle Management Commands Summary
The NetQ CLI provides a number of netq lcm commands to perform the various LCM capabilities. The syntax of these commands is:
netq lcm upgrade name <text-job-name> cl-version <text-cumulus-linux-version> netq-version <text-netq-version> hostnames <text-switch-hostnames> [run-restore-on-failure] [run-before-after]
netq lcm add credentials username <text-switch-username> (password <text-switch-password> | ssh-key <text-ssh-key>)
netq lcm add role (superspine | spine | leaf | exit) switches <text-switch-hostnames>
netq lcm del credentials
netq lcm show credentials [json]
netq lcm show switches [version <text-cumulus-linux-version>] [json]
netq lcm show status <text-lcm-job-id> [json]
netq lcm add cl-image <text-image-path>
netq lcm add netq-image <text-image-path>
netq lcm del image <text-image-id>
netq lcm show images [<text-image-id>] [json]
netq lcm show upgrade-jobs [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type lcm [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Manage Cumulus Linux and NetQ Images
You can manage both Cumulus Linux and Cumulus NetQ images with LCM. They are managed in a similar manner.
Cumulus Linux binary images can be uploaded to a local LCM repository for upgrade of your switches. Cumulus NetQ debian packages can be uploaded to the local LCM repository for installation or upgrade. You can upload images from an external drive.
The Linux and NetQ images are available in several variants based on the software version (x.y.z), the CPU architecture (ARM, x86), platform (based on ASIC vendor, Broadcom or Mellanox), SHA Checksum, and so forth. When LCM discovers Cumulus Linux switches running NetQ 2.x or later in your network, it extracts the meta data needed to select the appropriate image for a given switch. Similarly, LCM discovers and extracts the meta data from NetQ images.
The Cumulus Linux Images and NetQ Images cards in the NetQ UI provide a summary of image status in LCM. They show the total number of images in the repository, a count of missing images, and the starting points for adding and managing your images.
The netq lcm show images command also displays a summary of the images uploaded to the LCM repo on the NetQ appliance or VM.
Default Cumulus Linux or Cumulus NetQ Version Assignment
In the NetQ UI, you can assign a specific Cumulus Linux or Cumulus NetQ version as the default version to use during installation or upgrade of switches. It is recommended that you choose the newest version that you intend to install or upgrade on all, or the majority, of your switches. The default selection can be overridden during individual installation and upgrade job creation if an alternate version is needed for a given set of switches.
Missing Images
You should upload images for each variant of Cumulus Linux and Cumulus NetQ currently installed on the switches in your inventory if you want to support rolling back to a known good version should an installation or upgrade fail. The NetQ UI prompts you to upload any missing images to the repository.
For example, if you have both Cumulus Linux 3.7.3 and 3.7.11 versions, some running on ARM and some on x86 architectures, then LCM verifies the presence of each of these images. If only the 3.7.3 x86, 3.7.3 ARM, and 3.7.11 x86 images are in the repository, the NetQ UI would list the 3.7.11 ARM image as missing. For Cumulus NetQ, you need both the netq-apps and netq-agent packages for each release variant.
If you have specified a default Cumulus Linux and/or Cumulus NetQ version, the NetQ UI also verifies that the necessary versions of the default image are available based on the known switch inventory, and if not, lists those that are missing.
While it is not required that you upload images that NetQ determines to be missing, not doing so may cause failures when you attempt to upgrade your switches.
Upload Images
For fresh installations of NetQ 3.2, no images have yet been uploaded to the LCM repository. If you are upgrading from NetQ 3.0.0 or 3.1.0, the Cumulus Linux images you have previously added are still present.
In preparation for Cumulus Linux upgrades, the recommended image upload flow is:
In a fresh NetQ install, add images that match your current inventory: Upload Missing Images
Use the following instructions to upload missing Cumulus Linux and NetQ images:
For Cumulus Linux images:
On the Cumulus Linux Images card, click the View # missing CL images link to see what images you need. This opens the list of missing images.
If you have already specified a default image, you must click Manage and then Missing to see the missing images.
Select one or more of the missing images and make note of the version, ASIC Vendor, and CPU architecture for each.
Note the Disk Space Utilized information in the header to verify that you have enough space to upload the Cumulus Linux images.
Download the Cumulus Linux disk images (.bin files) needed for upgrade from the MyMellanox downloads page, selecting the appropriate version, CPU, and ASIC. Place them in an accessible part of your local network.
Back in the UI, click (Add Image) above the table.
Provide the .bin file from an external drive that matches the criteria for the selected image(s), either by dragging and dropping onto the dialog or by selecting from a directory.
Click Import.
On successful completion, you receive confirmation of the upload and the Disk Space Utilization is updated.
If the upload was not successful, an Image Import Failed message is shown. Close the Import Image dialog and try uploading the file again.
Click Done.
Click Uploaded to verify the image is in the repository.
Click to return to the LCM dashboard.
The Cumulus Linux Images card now shows the number of images you uploaded.
Download the Cumulus Linux disk images (.bin files) needed for upgrade from the MyMellanox downloads page, selecting the appropriate version, CPU, and ASIC. Place them in an accessible part of your local network.
Upload the images to the LCM repository. This example uses a Cumulus Linux 4.1.0 disk image.
Repeat Step 2 for each image you need to upload to the LCM repository.
For Cumulus NetQ images:
On the NetQ Images card, click the View # missing NetQ images link to see what images you need. This opens the list of missing images.
If you have already specified a default image, you must click Manage and then Missing to see the missing images.
Select one or all of the missing images and make note of the OS version, CPU architecture, and image type. Remember that you need both image types for NetQ to perform the installation or upgrade.
Download the Cumulus NetQ debian packages needed for upgrade from the MyMellanox downloads page, selecting the appropriate version and hypervisor/platform. Place them in an accessible part of your local network.
Back in the UI, click (Add Image) above the table.
Provide the .deb file(s) from an external drive that matches the criteria for the selected image, either by dragging and dropping it onto the dialog or by selecting it from a directory.
Click Import.
On successful completion, you receive confirmation of the upload.
If the upload was not successful, an Image Import Failed message is shown. Close the Import Image dialog and try uploading the file again.
Click Done.
Click Uploaded to verify the images are in the repository.
When all of the missing images have been uploaded, the Missing list will be empty.
Click to return to the LCM dashboard.
The NetQ Images card now shows the number of images you uploaded.
Download the Cumulus NetQ debian packages needed for upgrade from the MyMellanox downloads page, selecting the appropriate version and hypervisor/platform. Place them in an accessible part of your local network.
Upload the images to the LCM repository. This example uploads the two packages (netq-agent and netq-apps) needed for NetQ version 3.2.0 for a NetQ appliance or VM running Ubuntu 18.04 with an x86 architecture.
To upload the Cumulus Linux or Cumulus NetQ images that you want to use for upgrade:
First download the Cumulus Linux disk images (.bin files) and Cumulus NetQ debian packages needed for upgrade from the MyMellanox downloads. Place them in an accessible part of your local network.
If you are upgrading Cumulus Linux on switches with different ASIC vendors or CPU architectures, you will need more than one image. For NetQ, you need both the netq-apps and netq-agent packages for each variant.
Then continue with the instructions here based on whether you want to use the NetQ UI or CLI.
Click Add Image on the Cumulus Linux Images or NetQ Images card.
Provide one or more images from an external drive, either by dragging and dropping onto the dialog or by selecting from a directory.
Click Import.
Monitor the progress until it completes. Click Done.
Click to return to the LCM dashboard.
The NetQ Images card is updated to show the number of additional images you uploaded.
Use the netq lcm add cl-image <text-image-path> and netq lcm add netq-image <text-image-path> commands to upload the images. Run the relevant command for each image that needs to be uploaded.
Lifecycle management does not have a default Cumulus Linux or Cumulus NetQ upgrade version specified automatically. With the NetQ UI, you can specify the version that is appropriate for your network to ease the upgrade process.
To specify a default Cumulus Linux or Cumulus NetQ version in the NetQ UI:
Click the Click here to set the default CL version link in the middle of the Cumulus Linux Images card, or click the Click here to set the default NetQ version link in the middle of the NetQ Images card.
Select the version you want to use as the default for switch upgrades.
Click Save. The default version is now displayed on the relevant Images card.
After you have specified a default version, you have the option to change it.
To change the default Cumulus Linux or Cumulus NetQ version:
Click change next to the currently identified default image on the Cumulus Linux Images or NetQ Images card.
Select the image you want to use as the default version for upgrades.
Click Save.
Export Images
You can export a listing of the Cumulus Linux and NetQ images stored in the LCM repository for reference.
To export image listings:
Open the LCM dashboard.
Click Manage on the Cumulus Linux Images or NetQ Images card.
Optionally, use the filter option above the table on the Uploaded tab to narrow down a large listing of images.
Click above the table.
Choose the export file type and click Export.
Use the json option with the netq lcm show images command to output a list of the Cumulus Linux image files stored in the LCM repository.
Once you have upgraded all of your switches beyond a particular release of Cumulus Linux or NetQ, you may want to remove those images from the LCM repository to save space on the server.
To remove images:
Open the LCM dashboard.
Click Manage on the Cumulus Linux Images or NetQ Images card.
On Uploaded, select the images you want to remove. Use the filter option above the table to narrow down a large listing of images.
Click .
To remove Cumulus Linux images, run:
netq lcm show images [json]
netq lcm del image <text-image-id>
Switch access credentials are needed for performing installations and upgrades of software. You can choose between basic authentication (SSH username/password) and SSH (Public/Private key) authentication. These credentials apply to all switches. If some of your switches have alternate access credentials, you must change them or modify the credential information before attempting installations or upgrades with the lifecycle management feature.
Specify Switch Credentials
Switch access credentials are not specified by default. You must add these.
To specify access credentials:
Open the LCM dashboard.
Click the Click here to add Switch access link on the Access card.
Select the authentication method you want to use; SSH or Basic Authentication. Basic authentication is selected by default.
Be sure to use credentials for a user account that has permission to configure switches.
The default credentials for Cumulus Linux have changed from cumulus/CumulusLinux! to cumulus/cumulus for releases 4.2 and later. For details, read Cumulus Linux User Accounts.
Enter a username.
Enter a password.
Click Save.
The Access card now indicates your credential configuration.
You must have sudoer permission to properly configure switches when using the SSH Key method.
Create a pair of SSH private and public keys.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<USER>"
Copy the SSH public key to each switch that you want to upgrade using one of the following methods:
Manually copy the the SSH public key to the /home/<USER>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on each switch, or
Run ssh-copy-id USER@<switch_ip> on the server where the SSH key pair was generated for each switch
Copy the SSH private key into the text box in the Create Switch Access card.
For security, your private key is stored in an encrypted format, and only provided to internal processes while encrypted.
The Access card now indicates your credential configuration.
The default credentials for Cumulus Linux have changed from cumulus/CumulusLinux! to cumulus/cumulus for releases 4.2 and later. For details, read Cumulus Linux User Accounts.
To configure SSH authentication using a public/private key:
You must have sudoer permission to properly configure switches when using the SSH Key method.
If the keys do not yet exist, create a pair of SSH private and public keys.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<USER>"
Copy the SSH public key to each switch that you want to upgrade using one of the following methods:
Manually copy the the SSH public key to the /home/<USER>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on each switch, or
Run ssh-copy-id USER@<switch_ip> on the server where the SSH key pair was generated for each switch
You can view the type of credentials being used to access your switches in the NetQ UI. You can view the details of the credentials using the NetQ CLI.
Open the LCM dashboard.
On the Access card, either Basic or SSH is indicated.
To see the credentials, run netq lcm show credentials.
If an SSH key is used for the credentials, the public key is displayed in the command output:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show credentials
Type SSH Key Username Password Last Changed
---------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
SSH MY-SSH-KEY Tue Apr 28 19:08:52 2020
If a username and password is used for the credentials, the username is displayed in the command output but the password is masked:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show credentials
Type SSH Key Username Password Last Changed
---------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
BASIC cumulus ************** Tue Apr 28 19:10:27 2020
Modify Switch Credentials
You can modify your switch access credentials at any time. You can change between authentication methods or change values for either method.
To change your access credentials:
Open the LCM dashboard.
On the Access card, click the Click here to change access mode link in the center of the card.
Select the authentication method you want to use; SSH or Basic Authentication. Basic authentication is selected by default.
To change the basic authentication credentials, run the add credentials command with the new username and/or password. This example changes the password for the cumulus account created above:
You can remove the access credentials for switches using the NetQ CLI. Note that without valid credentials, you will not be able to upgrade your switches.
To remove the credentials, run netq lcm del credentials. Verify they are removed by running netq lcm show credentials.
Manage Switch Inventory and Roles
On initial installation, the lifecycle management feature provides an inventory of switches that have been automatically discovered by NetQ 3.x and are available for software installation or upgrade through NetQ. This includes all switches running Cumulus Linux 3.6 or later and Cumulus NetQ Agent 2.4 or later in your network. You assign network roles to switches and select switches for software installation and upgrade from this inventory listing.
View the LCM Switch Inventory
The switch inventory can be viewed from the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
A count of the switches NetQ was able to discover and the Cumulus Linux versions that are running on those switches is available from the LCM dashboard.
To view a list of all switches known to lifecycle management, click Manage on the Switches card.
Review the list:
Sort the list by any column; hover over column title and click to toggle between ascending and descending order
Filter the list: click and enter parameter value of interest
If you have more than one Cumulus Linux version running on your switches, you can click a version segment on the Switches card graph to open a list of switches pre-filtered by that version.
To view a list of all switches known to lifecycle management, run:
netq lcm show switches [version <text-cumulus-linux-version>] [json]
Use the version option to only show switches with a given Cumulus Linux version, X.Y.Z.
This example shows all switches known by lifecycle management.
This listing is the starting point for Cumulus Linux upgrades or Cumulus NetQ installations and upgrades. If the switches you want to upgrade are not present in the list, you can:
Work with the list you have and add them later
Verify the missing switches are reachable using ping
Verify the NetQ Agent is fresh and version 2.4.0 or later for switches that already have the agent installed (click , then click Agents or run netq show agents)
Install NetQ on the switch (refer to Install NetQ)
Upgrade any NetQ Agents if needed. Refer to Upgrade NetQ Agents for instructions.
Role Management
Four pre-defined switch roles are available based on the Clos architecture: Superspine, Spine, Leaf, and Exit. With this release, you cannot create your own roles.
Switch roles are used to:
Identify switch dependencies and determine the order in which switches are upgraded
Determine when to stop the process if a failure is encountered
When roles are assigned, the upgrade process begins with switches having the superspine role, then continues with the spine switches, leaf switches, exit switches, and finally switches with no role assigned. All switches with a given role must be successfully upgraded before the switches with the closest dependent role can be upgraded.
For example, a group of seven switches are selected for upgrade. Three are spine switches and four are leaf switches. After all of the spine switches are successfully upgraded, then the leaf switches are upgraded. If one of the spine switches were to fail the upgrade, the other two spine switches are upgraded, but the upgrade process stops after that, leaving the leaf switches untouched, and the upgrade job fails.
When only some of the selected switches have roles assigned in an upgrade job, the switches with roles are upgraded first and then all the switches with no roles assigned are upgraded.
While role assignment is optional, using roles can prevent switches from becoming unreachable due to dependencies between switches or single attachments. And when MLAG pairs are deployed, switch roles avoid upgrade conflicts. For these reasons, Cumulus Networks highly recommends assigning roles to all of your switches.
Assign Switch Roles
Roles can be assigned to one or more switches using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the LCM dashboard.
On the Switches card, click Manage.
Select one switch or multiple switches that should be assigned to the same role.
Click .
Select the role that applies to the selected switch(es).
Click Assign.
Note that the Role column is updated with the role assigned to the selected switch(es).
Continue selecting switches and assigning roles until most or all switches have roles assigned.
A bonus of assigning roles to switches is that you can then filter the list of switches by their roles by clicking the appropriate tab.
For multiple switches to be assigned the same role, separate the hostnames with commas (no spaces). This example configures leaf01 through leaf04 switches with the leaf role:
netq lcm add role leaf switches leaf01,leaf02,leaf03,leaf04
View Switch Roles
You can view the roles assigned to the switches in the LCM inventory at any time.
Open the LCM dashboard.
On the Switches card, click Manage.
The assigned role is displayed in the Role column of the listing.
To view all switch roles, run:
netq lcm show switches [version <text-cumulus-linux-version>] [json]
Use the version option to only show switches with a given Cumulus Linux version, X.Y.Z.
This example shows the role of all switches in the Role column of the listing.
If you accidentally assign an incorrect role to a switch, it can easily be changed to the correct role.
To change a switch role:
Open the LCM dashboard.
On the Switches card, click Manage.
Select the switches with the incorrect role from the list.
Click .
Select the correct role. (Note that you can select No Role here as well to remove the role from the switches.)
Click Assign.
You use the same command to assign a role as you use to change the role.
For a single switch, run:
netq lcm add role exit switches border01
For multiple switches to be assigned the same role, separate the hostnames with commas (no spaces). For example:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm add role exit switches border01,border02
Export List of Switches
Using the Switch Management feature you can export a listing of all or a selected set of switches.
To export the switch listing:
Open the LCM dashboard.
On the Switches card, click Manage.
Select one or more switches, filtering as needed, or select all switches (click ).
Click .
Choose the export file type and click Export.
Use the json option with the netq lcm show switches command to output a list of all switches in the LCM repository. Alternately, output only switches running a particular version of Cumulus Linux by including the version option.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show switches json
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show switches version 3.7.11 json
Manage Switch Configurations
You can use the NetQ UI to configure switches using one or more switch configurations. To enable consistent application of configurations, switch configurations can contain network templates for SNMP, NTP, and user accounts, and configuration profiles for Cumulus NetQ Agents.
If you intend to use network templates or configuration profiles, the recommended workflow is as follows:
Manage Network Templates
Network templates provide administrators the option to create switch configuration profiles that can be applied to multiple switches. They can help reduce inconsistencies with switch configuration and speed the process of initial configuration and upgrades. No default templates are provided.
View Network Templates
You can view existing templates using the Network Templates card.
Open the lifecycle management (Manage Switch Assets) dashboard.
Locate the Network Templates card.
Click Manage to view the list of existing switch templates.
Create Network Templates
No default templates are provided on installation of NetQ. This enables you to create configurations that match your specifications.
To create a network template:
Open the lifecycle management (Manage Switch Assets) dashboard.
Click Add on the Network Templates card.
Click Create New.
Decide which aspects of configuration you want included in this template: SNMP, NTP, and/or User accounts.
You can specify your template in any order, but to complete the configuration, you must open the User form to click Save and Finish.
Configure the template using the following instructions.
SNMP provides a way to query, monitor, and manage your devices in addition to NetQ.
To create a network template with SNMP parameters included:
Provide a name for the template. This field is required and can be a maximum of 22 characters, including spaces.
All other parameters are optional. Configure those as desired, and described here.
Enter a comma-separated list of IP addresses of the SNMP Agents on the switches and hosts in your network.
Accept the management VRF or change to the default VRF.
Enter contact information for the SNMP system administrator, including an email address or phone number, their location, and name.
Restrict the hosts that should accept SNMP packets:
Click .
Enter the name of an IPv4 or IPv6 community string.
Indicate which hosts should accept messages:
Accept any to indicate all hosts are to accept messages (default), or enter the hostnames or IP addresses of the specific hosts that should accept messages.
Click to add additional community strings.
Specify traps to be included:
Click .
Specify the traps as follows:
Load(1 min)
Threshold CPU load must cross within a minute to trigger a trap
Trap link down frequency
Toggle on to set the frequency at which to collect link down trap information. Default value is 60 seconds.
Trap link up frequency
Toggle on to set the frequency at which to collect link up trap information. Default value is 60 seconds.
IQuery Secname
Security name for SNMP query
Trap Destination IP
IPv4 or IPv6 address where the trap information is to be sent. This can be a local host or other valid location.
Community Password
Authorization password. Any valid string, where an exclamation mark (!) is the only allowed special character.
SNMP version to use
If you are using SNMP version 3, specify relevant V3 support parameters:
Enter the user name of someone who has full access to the SNMP server.
Enter the user name of someone who has only read access to the SNMP server.
Toggle Authtrap to enable authentication for users accessing the SNMP server.
Select an authorization type.
For either MDS or SHA, enter an authorization key and optionally specify AES or DES encryption.
Click Save and Continue.
Switches and hosts must be kept in time synchronization with the NetQ appliance or VM to ensure accurate data reporting. NTP is one protocol that can be used to synchronize the clocks of these devices. None of the parameters are required. Specify those which apply to your configuration.
To create a network template with NTP parameters included:
Click NTP.
Enter the address of one or more of your NTP servers. Toggle to choose between Burst and IBurst to specify whether the server should send a burst of packets when the server is reachable or unreachable, respectively.
Specify either the Default or Management VRF for communication with the NTP server.
Enter the interfaces that the NTP server should listen to for synchronization. This can be a IP, broadcast, manycastclient, or reference clock address.
Enter the timezone of the NTP server.
Specify advanced parameters:
Click Advanced.
Specify the location of a Drift file containing the frequency offset between the NTP server clock and the UTC clock. It is used to adjust the system clock frequency on every system or service start. Be sure that the location you enter can be written by the NTP daemon.
Enter an interface for the NTP server to ignore. Click to add more interfaces to be ignored.
Enter one or more interfaces that xxx. Click to add more interfaces to be dropped.
Restrict query/configuration access to the NTP server.
Enter restrict <values>. Common values include:
Block all queries except as explicitly indicated
kod (kiss-o-death)
block all, but time and statistics queries
block changes to NTP configuration
block control message protocol traps
block the creation of a peer
block NTP daemon queries, but allow time queries
Click to add more access control restrictions.
Restrict administrative control (host) access to the NTP server.
Enter the IP address for a host or set of hosts, with or without a mask, followed by a restriction value (as described in step 5.) If no mask is provided, is used. If default is specified for query/configuration access, entering the IP address and mask for a host or set of hosts in this field allows query access for these hosts (explicit indication).
Click to add more administrative control restrictions.
Click Save and Continue.
Creating a User template controls who or what accounts can access the switch and what permissions they have with respect to the data found (read/write/execute). You can also control access using groups of users. No parameters are required. Specify parameters which apply to your specific configuration need.
To create a network template with user parameters included:
Click User.
For individual users or accounts:
Enter a username and password for the individual or account.
Provide a description of the user.
Toggle Should Expire to require changes to the password to expire on a given date.
The current date and time are automatically provided to show the correct entry format. Modify this to the appropriate expiration date.
Specify advanced parameters:
Click .
If you do not want a home folder created for this user or account, toggle Create home folder.
Generate an SSH key pair for this user or account. Toggle Generate SSH key. When generation is selected, the key pair are stored in the /home/<user>/.ssh directory.
If you are looking to remove access for the user or account, toggle Delete user if present. If you do not want to remove the directories associated with this user or account at the same time, toggle Delete user directory.
Identify this account as a system account. Toggle Is system account.
To specify a group this user or account belongs to, enter the group name in the Groups field.
Click to add additional groups.
Click Save and Finish.
Once you have finished the template configuration, you are returned to the network templates library.
This shows the new template you created and which forms have been included in the template. You may only have one or two of the forms in a given template.
Modify Network Templates
For each template that you have created, you can edit, clone, or discard it altogether.
Edit a Network Template
You can change a switch configuration template at any time. The process is similar to creating the template.
To edit a network template:
Enter template edit mode in one of two ways:
Hover over the template , then click (edit).
Click , then select Edit.
Modify the parameters of the SNMP, NTP, or User forms in the same manner as when you created the template.
Click User, then Save and Finish.
Clone a Network Template
You can take advantage of a template that is significantly similar to another template that you want to create by cloning an existing template. This can save significant time and reduce errors.
To clone a network template:
Enter template clone mode in one of two ways:
Hover over the template , then click (clone).
Click , then select Clone.
Modify the parameters of the SNMP, NTP, or User forms in the same manner as when you created the template to create the new template.
Click User, then Save and Finish.
The newly cloned template is now visible on the template library.
Delete a Network Template
You can remove a template when it is no longer needed.
To delete a network template, do one of the following:
Hover over the template , then click (delete).
Click , then select Delete.
The template is no longer visible in the network templates library.
Manage NetQ Configuration Profiles
You can set up a configuration profile to indicate how you want NetQ configured when it is installed or upgraded on your Cumulus Linux switches.
The default configuration profile, NetQ default config, is set up to run in the management VRF and provide info level logging. Both WJH and CPU Limiting are disabled.
You can view, add, and remove NetQ configuration profiles at any time.
View Cumulus NetQ Configuration Profiles
To view existing profiles:
Click (Switches) in the workbench header, then click Manage switches, or click (Main Menu) and select Manage Switches.
Click Manage on the NetQ Configurations card.
Note that the initial value on first installation of NetQ shows one profile. This is the default profile provided with NetQ.
Review the profiles.
Create Cumulus NetQ Configuration Profiles
You can specify four options when creating NetQ configuration profiles:
Basic: VRF assignment and Logging level
Advanced: CPU limit and what just happened (WJH)
To create a profile:
Click (Switches) in the workbench header, then click Manage switches, or click (Main Menu) and select Manage Switches.
Click Manage on the NetQ Configurations card.
Click (Add Config) above the listing.
Enter a name for the profile. This is required.
If you do not want NetQ Agent to run in the management VRF, select either Default or Custom. The Custom option lets you enter the name of a user-defined VRF.
Optionally enable WJH.
Refer to WJH for information about this feature. WJH is only available on Mellanox switches.
To set a logging level, click Advanced, then choose the desired level.
Optionally set a CPU usage limit for the NetQ Agent. Click Enable and drag the dot to the desired limit. Refer to this Knowledge Base article for information about this feature.
Click Add to complete the configuration or Close to discard the configuration.
This example shows the addition of a profile with the CPU limit set to 75 percent.
Remove Cumulus NetQ Configuration Profiles
To remove a NetQ configuration profile:
Click (Switches) in the workbench header, then click Manage switches, or click (Main Menu) and select Manage Switches.
Click Manage on the NetQ Configurations card.
Select the profile(s) you want to remove and click (Delete).
Manage Switch Configuration
To ease the consistent configuration of your switches, NetQ enables you to create and manage multiple switch configuration profiles. Each configuration can contain Cumulus Linux- and NetQ Agent-related settings. These can then be applied to a group of switches at once.
You can view, create, and modify switch configuration profiles and their assignments at any time using the Switch Configurations card.
View Switch Configuration Profiles
You can view existing switch configuration profiles using the Switch Configurations card.
Open the lifecycle management (Manage Switch Assets) dashboard.
Locate the Switch Configurations card.
Click Manage to view the list of existing switch templates.
Create Switch Configuration Profiles
No default configurations are provided on installation of NetQ. This enables you to create configurations that match your specifications.
To create a switch configuration profile:
Open the lifecycle management (Manage Switch Assets) dashboard.
Click Add on the Switch Configurations card.
Enter a name for the configuration. This is required and must be a maximum of 22 characters, including spaces.
Decide which aspects of configuration you want included in this template: CL configuration and/or NetQ Agent configuration profiles.
Specify the settings for each using the following instructions.
Three configuration options are available for the Cumulus Linux configuration portion of the switch configuration profile. Note that two of those are required.
Select either the Default or Management interface to be used for communications with the switches with this profile assigned. Typically the default interface is xxx and the management interface is either eth0 or eth1.
Select the type of switch that will have this configuration assigned from the Choose Switch type dropdown. Currently this includes Mellanox SN series of switches.
If you want to include network settings in this configuration, click Add.
This opens the Network Template forms. You can select an existing network template to pre-populate the parameters already specified in that template, or you can start from scratch to create a different set of network settings.
To use an existing network template as a starting point:
Select the template from the dropdown.
If you have selected a network template that has any SNMP parameters specified, you must specify the additional required parameters, then click Continue or click NTP.
If the selected network template has any NTP parameters specified, you must specify the additional required parameters, then click Continue or click User.
If the selected network template has any User parameters specified, you must specify the additional required parameters, then click Done.
If you think this Cumulus Linux configuration is one that you will use regularly, you can make it a template. Enter a name for the configuration and click Yes.
To create a new set of network settings:
Select the SNMP, NTP, or User forms to specify parameters for this configuration. Note that selected parameters are required on each form, noted by red asterisks (*). Refer to Create Network Templates for a description of the fields.
When you have completed the network settings, click Done.
If you are not on the User form, you need to go to that tab for the Done option to appear.
In either case, if you change your mind about including network settings, click to exit the form.
Click NetQ Agent Configuration.
Select an existing NetQ Configuration profile or create a custom one.
To use an existing network template as a starting point:
Select the configuration profile from the dropdown.
Modify any of the parameters as needed or click Continue.
The final step is to assign the switch configuration that you have just created to one or more switches.
To assign the configuration:
Click Switches.
A few items to note on this tab:
Above the switches (left), the number of switches that can be assigned and the number of switches that have already been assigned
Above the switches (right), management tools to help find the switches you want to assign with this configuration, including select all, clear, filter, and search.
Select the switches to be assigned this configuration.
In this example, we searched for all leaf switches, then clicked select all.
Click Save and Finish.
To run the job to apply the configuration, you first have the option to change the hostnames of the selected switches.
Either change the hostnames and then click Continue or just click Continue without changing the hostnames.
Enter a name for the job (maximum of 22 characters including spaces), then click Continue.
This opens the monitoring page for the assignment jobs, similar to the upgrade jobs. The job title bar indicates the name of the switch configuration being applied and the number of switches that to be assigned with the configuration. (After you have mulitple switch configurations created, you might have more than one configuration being applied in a single job.) Each switch element indicates its hostname, IP address, installed Cumulus Linux and NetQ versions, a note indicating this is a new assignment, the switch configuration being applied, and a menu that provides the detailed steps being executed. The last is useful when the assignment fails as any errors are included in this popup.
Click to return to the switch configuration page where you can either create another configuration and apply it. If you are finished assigning switch configurations to switches, click to return to the lifecycle management dashboard.
When you return the dashboard, your Switch Configurations card shows the new configurations and the Config Assignment History card appears that shows a summary status of all configuration assignment jobs attempted.
Click View on the Config Assignment History card to open the details of all assignment jobs. Refer to Manage Switch Configurations for more detail about this card.
Edit a Switch Configuration
You can edit a switch configuration at any time. After you have made changes to the configuration, you can apply it to the same set of switches or modify the switches using the configuration as part of the editing process.
To edit a switch configuration:
Locate the Switch Configurations card on the lifecycle management dashboard.
Click Manage.
Locate the configuration you want to edit. Scroll down or filter the listing to help find the configuration when there are multiple configurations.
You can remove a switch configuration at any time; however if there are switches with the given configuration assigned, you must first assign an alternate configuration to those switches.
To remove a switch configuration:
Locate the Switch Configurations card on the lifecycle management dashboard.
Click Manage.
Locate the configuration you want to remove. Scroll down or filter the listing to help find the configuration when there are multiple configurations.
Click , then select Delete.
If any switches are assigned to this configuration, an error message appears. Assign a different switch configuration to the relevant switches and repeat the removal steps.
Otherwise, confirm the removal by clicking Yes.
Assign Existing Switch Configuration Profiles
You can assign existing switch configurations to one or more switches at any time. You can also change the switch configuration already assigned to a switch.
As new switches are added to your network, you might want to use a switch configuration to speed the process and make sure it matches the configuration of similarly designated switches.
To assign an existing switch configuration to switches:
Locate the Switch Configurations card on the lifecycle management dashboard.
Click Manage.
Locate the configuration you want to assign.
Scroll down or filter the listing by:
Time Range: Enter a range of time in which the switch configuration was created, then click Done.
All switches: Search for or select individual switches from the list, then click Done.
All switch types: Search for or select individual switch series, then click Done.
All users: Search for or select individual users who created a switch configuration, then click Done.
All filters: Display all filters at once to apply multiple filters at once. Additional filter options are included here. Click Done when satisfied with your filter criteria.
By default, filters show all of that items of the given filter type until it is restricted by these settings.
Click Select switches in the switch configuration summary.
Select the switches that you want to assign to the switch configuration.
Scroll down or use the select all, clear, filter , and Search options to help find the switches of interest. You can filter by role, Cumulus Linux version, or NetQ version. The badge on the filter icon indicates the number of filters applied. Colors on filter options are only used to distinguish between options. No other indication is intended.
In this example, we have one role defined, and we have selected that role.
The result is two switches. Note that only the switches that meet the criteria and have no switch configuration assigned are shown. In this example, there are two additional switches with the spine role, but they already have a switch configuration assigned to them. Click on the link above the list to view those switches.
Continue narrowing the list of switches until all or most of the switches are visible.
Hover over the switches and click or click select all.
Click Done.
To run the job to apply the configuration, you first have the option to change the hostnames of the selected switches.
Either change the hostnames and then click Continue or just click Continue without changing the hostnames.
If you have additional switches that you want to assign a different switch configuration, follow Steps 3-7 for each switch configuration.
If you do this, multiple assignment configurations are listed in the bottom area of the page. They all become part of a single assignment job.
When you have all the assignments configured, click Start Assignment to start the job.
Enter a name for the job (maximum of 22 characters including spaces), then click Continue.
Watch the progress or click to return to the switch configuration page where you can either create another configuration and apply it. If you are finished assigning switch configurations to switches, click to return to the lifecycle management dashboard.
The Config Assignment History card is updated to include the status of the job you just ran.
Change the Configuration Assignment on a Switch
You can change the switch configuration assignment at any time. For example you might have a switch that is starting to experience reduced performance, so you want to run What Just Happened on it to see if there is a particular problem area. You can reassign this switch to a new configuration with WJH enabled on the NetQ Agent while you test it. Then you can change it back to its original assignment.
To change the configuration assignment on a switch:
Locate the Switch Configurations card on the lifecycle management dashboard.
Click Manage.
Locate the configuration you want to assign. Scroll down or filter the listing to help find the configuration when there are multiple configurations.
Click Select switches in the switch configuration summary.
Select the switches that you want to assign to the switch configuration.
Scroll down or use the select all, clear, filter , and Search options to help find the switch(es) of interest.
Hover over the switches and click or click select all.
Click Done.
Click Start Assignment.
Watch the progress.
On completion, each switch shows the previous assignment and the newly applied configuration assignment.
Click to return to the switch configuration page where you can either create another configuration and apply it. If you are finished assigning switch configurations to switches, click to return to the lifecycle management dashboard.
The Config Assignment History card is updated to include the status of the job you just ran.
View Switch Configuration History
You can view a history of switch configuration assignments using the Config Assignment History card.
To view a summary, locate the Config Assignment History card on the lifecycle management dashboard.
To view details of the assignment jobs, click View.
Above the jobs, a number of filters are provided to help you find a particular job. To the right of those is a status summary of all jobs. Click in the job listing to see the details of that job. Click to return to the lifecycle management dashboard.
Upgrade Cumulus NetQ Agent Using LCM
The lifecycle management (LCM) feature enables you to upgrade to Cumulus NetQ 3.2.0 on switches with an existing NetQ Agent 2.4.x, 3.0.0, or 3.1.0 release using the NetQ UI. You can upgrade only the NetQ Agent or upgrade both the NetQ Agent and the NetQ CLI at the same time. Up to five jobs can be run simultaneously; however, a given switch can only be contained in one running job at a time.
The upgrade workflow includes the following steps:
Upgrades can be performed from NetQ Agents of 2.4.x, 3.0.0, and 3.1.0 releases to the NetQ 3.2.0 release. Lifecycle management does not support upgrades from NetQ 2.3.1 or earlier releases; you must perform a new installation in these cases. Refer to Install NetQ Agents.
Prepare for a Cumulus NetQ Agent Upgrade
Prepare for NetQ Agent upgrade on switches as follows:
Click (Switches) in the workbench header, then click Manage switches, or click (Main Menu) and select Manage Switches.
You can upgrade Cumulus NetQ Agents on switches as follows:
Click Manage on the Switches card.
Select the individual switches (or click to select all switches) with older NetQ releases that you want to upgrade. If needed, use the filter to narrow the listing and find the relevant switches.
Click (Upgrade NetQ) above the table.
From this point forward, the software walks you through the upgrade process, beginning with a review of the switches that you selected for upgrade.
Verify that the number of switches selected for upgrade matches your expectation.
Enter a name for the upgrade job. The name can contain a maximum of 22 characters (including spaces).
Review each switch:
Is the NetQ Agent version between 2.4.0 and 3.1.1? If not, this switch can only be upgraded through the switch discovery process.
Is the configuration profile the one you want to apply? If not, click Change config, then select an alternate profile to apply to all selected switches.
You can apply different profiles to switches in a single upgrade job by selecting a subset of switches (click checkbox for each switch) and then choosing a different profile. You can also change the profile on a per switch basis by clicking the current profile link and selecting an alternate one.
Scroll down to view all selected switches or use Search to find a particular switch of interest.
After you are satisfied with the included switches, click Next.
Review the summary indicating the number of switches and the configuration profile to be used. If either is incorrect, click Back and review your selections.
Select the version of NetQ Agent for upgrade. If you have designated a default version, keep the Default selection. Otherwise, select an alternate version by clicking Custom and selecting it from the list.
By default, the NetQ Agent and CLI are upgraded on the selected switches. If you do not want to upgrade the NetQ CLI, click Advanced and change the selection to No.
Click Next.
Several checks are performed to eliminate preventable problems during the upgrade process.
These checks verify the following when applicable:
Selected switches are not currently scheduled for, or in the middle of, a Cumulus Linux or NetQ Agent upgrade
Selected version of NetQ Agent is a valid upgrade path
All mandatory parameters have valid values, including MLAG configurations
All switches are reachable
The order to upgrade the switches, based on roles and configurations
If any of the pre-checks fail, review the error messages and take appropriate action.
If all of the pre-checks pass, click Upgrade to initiate the upgrade job.
Watch the progress of the upgrade job.
You can watch the detailed progress for a given switch by clicking .
Click to return to Switches listing.
For the switches you upgraded, you can verify the version is correctly listed in the NetQ_Version column. Click to return to the lifecycle management dashboard.
The NetQ Install and Upgrade History card is now visible and shows the status of this upgrade job.
To upgrade the NetQ Agent on one or more switches, run:
Including the run-restore-on-failure option restores the switch(es) with their earlier version of NetQ Agent should the upgrade fail. The run-before-after option generates a network snapshot before upgrade begins and another when it is completed. The snapshots are visible in the NetQ UI.
Analyze the NetQ Agent Upgrade Results
After starting the upgrade you can monitor the progress in the NetQ UI. Progress can be monitored from the preview page or the Upgrade History page.
From the preview page, a green circle with rotating arrows is shown on each switch as it is working. Alternately, you can close the detail of the job and see a summary of all current and past upgrade jobs on the NetQ Install and Upgrade History page. The job started most recently is shown at the top, and the data is refreshed periodically.
If you are disconnected while the job is in progress, it may appear as if nothing is happening. Try closing (click ) and reopening your view (click ), or refreshing the page.
Monitor the NetQ Agent Upgrade Job
Several viewing options are available for monitoring the upgrade job.
Monitor the job with full details open:
Monitor the job with only summary information in the NetQ Install and Upgrade History page. Open this view by clicking in the full details view; useful when you have multiple jobs running simultaneously.
When multiple jobs are running, scroll down or use the filters above the jobs to find the jobs of interest:
Time Range: Enter a range of time in which the upgrade job was created, then click Done.
All switches: Search for or select individual switches from the list, then click Done.
All switch types: Search for or select individual switch series, then click Done.
All users: Search for or select individual users who created an upgrade job, then click Done.
All filters: Display all filters at once to apply multiple filters at once. Additional filter options are included here. Click Done when satisfied with your filter criteria.
By default, filters show all of that items of the given filter type until it is restricted by these settings.
Monitor the job through the NetQ Install and Upgrade History card on the LCM dashboard. Click twice to return to the LCM dashboard.
Sample Successful NetQ Agent Upgrade
This example shows that all four of the selected switches were upgraded successfully. You can see the results in the Switches list as well.
Sample Failed NetQ Agent Upgrade
This example shows that an error has occurred trying to upgrade two of the four switches in a job. The error indicates that the access permissions for the switches are invalid. In this case, you need to modify the switch access credentials and then create a new upgrade job.
If you were watching this job from the LCM dashboard view, click View on the NetQ Install and Upgrade History card to return to the detailed view to resolve any issues that occurred.
Reasons for NetQ Agent Upgrade Failure
Upgrades can fail at any of the stages of the process, including when backing up data, upgrading the Cumulus NetQ software, and restoring the data. Failures can also occur when attempting to connect to a switch or perform a particular task on the switch.
Some of the common reasons for upgrade failures and the errors they present:
Error Message
Switch is not reachable via SSH
Data could not be sent to remote host “”. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
Switch is reachable, but user-provided credentials are invalid
Invalid/incorrect username/password. Skipping remaining 2 retries to prevent account lockout: Warning: Permanently added ‘<hostname-ipaddr>’ to the list of known hosts. Permission denied, please try again.
Switch is reachable, but a valid Cumulus Linux license is not installed
1587866683.880463 2020-04-26 02:04:43 license.c:336 CRIT No license file. No license installed!
Upgrade task could not be run
Failure message depends on the why the task could not be run. For example: /etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory
Upgrade task failed
Failed at- <task that failed>. For example: Failed at- MLAG check for the peerLink interface status
Retry failed after five attempts
FAILED In all retries to process the LCM Job
Upgrade Cumulus Linux Using LCM
LCM provides the ability to upgrade Cumulus Linux on one or more switches in your network through the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI. Up to five upgrade jobs can be run simultaneously; however, a given switch can only be contained in one running job at a time.
Upgrades can be performed between Cumulus Linux 3.x releases, and between Cumulus Linux 4.x releases. Lifecycle management does not support upgrades from Cumulus Linux 3.x to 4.x releases.
Workflows for Cumulus Linux Upgrades Using LCM
There are three methods available through LCM for upgrading Cumulus Linux on your switches based on whether the NetQ Agent is already installed on the switch or not, and whether you want to use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI:
Use NetQ UI or NetQ CLI for switches with NetQ 2.4.x or later Agent already installed
Use NetQ UI for switches without NetQ Agent installed
The workflows vary slightly with each approach:
Using the NetQ UI for switches with NetQ Agent installed, the workflow is:
Using the NetQ CLI for switches with NetQ Agent installed, the workflow is:
Using the NetQ UI for switches without NetQ Agent installed, the workflow is:
Upgrade Cumulus Linux on Switches with NetQ Agent Installed
You can upgrade Cumulus Linux on switches that already have a NetQ Agent (version 2.4.x or later) installed using either the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
Prepare for Upgrade
Click (Switches) in any workbench header, then click Manage switches.
Assign a role to each switch (optional, but recommended).
Perform a Cumulus Linux Upgrade
Upgrade Cumulus Linux on switches through either the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI:
Click (Switches) in any workbench header, then select Manage switches.
Click Manage on the Switches card.
Select the individual switches (or click to select all switches) that you want to upgrade. If needed, use the filter to the narrow the listing and find the relevant switches.
Click (Upgrade CL) above the table.
From this point forward, the software walks you through the upgrade process, beginning with a review of the switches that you selected for upgrade.
Give the upgrade job a name. This is required, but can be no more than 22 characters, including spaces and special characters.
Verify that the switches you selected are included, and that they have the correct IP address and roles assigned.
If you accidentally included a switch that you do NOT want to upgrade, hover over the switch information card and click to remove it from the upgrade job.
If the role is incorrect or missing, click , then select a role for that switch from the dropdown. Click to discard a role change.
When you are satisfied that the list of switches is accurate for the job, click Next.
Verify that you want to use the default Cumulus Linux or NetQ version for this upgrade job. If not, click Custom and select an alternate image from the list.
Default CL Version Selected
Custom CL Version Selected
Note that the switch access authentication method, Using global access credentials, indicates you have chosen either basic authentication with a username and password or SSH key-based authentication for all of your switches. Authentication on a per switch basis is not currently available.
Click Next.
Verify the upgrade job options.
By default, NetQ takes a network snapshot before the upgrade and then one after the upgrade is complete. It also performs a roll back to the original Cumulus Linux version on any server which fails to upgrade.
You can exclude selected services and protocols from the snapshots. By default, node and services are included, but you can deselect any of the other items. Click on one to remove it; click again to include it. This is helpful when you are not running a particular protocol or you have concerns about the amount of time it will take to run the snapshot. Note that removing services or protocols from the job may produce non-equivalent results compared with prior snapshots.
While these options provide a smoother upgrade process and are highly recommended, you have the option to disable these options by clicking No next to one or both options.
Click Next.
After the pre-checks have completed successfully, click Preview. If there are failures, refer to Precheck Failures.
These checks verify the following:
Selected switches are not currently scheduled for, or in the middle of, a Cumulus Linux or NetQ Agent upgrade
Selected versions of Cumulus Linux and NetQ Agent are valid upgrade paths
All mandatory parameters have valid values, including MLAG configurations
All switches are reachable
The order to upgrade the switches, based on roles and configurations
Review the job preview.
When all of your switches have roles assigned, this view displays the chosen job options (top center), the pre-checks status (top right and left in Pre-Upgrade Tasks), the order in which the switches are planned for upgrade (center; upgrade starts from the left), and the post-upgrade tasks status (right).
Roles assigned
When none of your switches have roles assigned or they are all of the same role, this view displays the chosen job options (top center), the pre-checks status (top right and left in Pre-Upgrade Tasks), a list of switches planned for upgrade (center), and the post-upgrade tasks status (right).
All roles the same
When some of your switches have roles assigned, any switches without roles are upgraded last and are grouped under the label *Stage1*.
Some roles assigned
When you are happy with the job specifications, click Start Upgrade.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to continue with the upgrade, or click Cancel to discard the upgrade job.
Perform the upgrade using the netq lcm upgrade command, providing a name for the upgrade job, the Cumulus Linux and NetQ version, and the hostname(s) to be upgraded:
Optionally, you can apply some job options, including creation of network snapshots and previous version restoration if a failure occurs.
Network Snapshot Creation
You can also generate a Network Snapshot before and after the upgrade by adding the run-before-after option to the command:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm upgrade name upgrade-3712 cl-version 3.7.12 netq-version 3.1.0 hostnames spine01,spine02,leaf01,leaf02 order spine,leaf run-before-after
Restore on an Upgrade Failure
You can have LCM restore the previous version of Cumulus Linux if the upgrade job fails by adding the run-restore-on-failure option to the command. This is highly recommended.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm upgrade name upgrade-3712 cl-version 3.7.12 netq-version 3.1.0 hostnames spine01,spine02,leaf01,leaf02 order spine,leaf run-restore-on-failure
Precheck Failures
If one or more of the pre-checks fail, resolve the related issue and start the upgrade again. In the NetQ UI these failures appear on the Upgrade Preview page. In the NetQ CLI, it appears in the form of error messages in the netq lcm show upgrade-jobs command output.
Expand the following dropdown to view common failures, their causes and corrective actions.
Precheck Failure Messages
Corrective Action
(1) Switch Order
<hostname1> switch cannot be upgraded without isolating <hostname2>, <hostname3> which are connected neighbors. Unable to upgrade
Hostname2 and hostname3 switches will be isolated during upgrade, making them unreachable. These switches are skipped if you continue with the upgrade.
Reconfigure hostname2 and hostname 3 switches to have redundant connections, or continue with upgrade knowing that you will lose connectivity with these switches during the upgrade process.
(2) Version Compatibility
Unable to upgrade <hostname> with CL version <3.y.z> to <4.y.z>
LCM only supports CL 3.x to 3.x and CL 4.x to 4.x upgrades
Perform a fresh install of CL 4.x
Image not uploaded for the combination: CL Version - <x.y.z>, Asic Vendor - <Mellanox | Broadcom>, CPU Arch - <x86 | ARM >
The specified Cumulus Linux image is not available in the LCM repository
Restoration image not uploaded for the combination: CL Version - <x.y.z>, Asic Vendor - <Mellanox | Broadcom>, CPU Arch - <x86 | ARM >
The specified Cumulus Linux image needed to restore the switch back to its original version if the upgrade fails is not available in the LCM repository. This applies only when the "Roll back on upgrade failure" job option is selected.
LCM cannot upgrade a switch that is not in its inventory.
Verify you have the correct hostname or IP address for the switch.
Verify the switch has NetQ Agent 2.4.0 or later installed: click , then click Agents in the Network section, view Version column. Upgrade NetQ Agents if needed. Refer to Upgrade NetQ Agents.
Switch <hostname> is rotten. Cannot select for upgrade.
LCM must be able to communicate with the switch to upgrade it.
Troubleshoot the connectivity issue and retry upgrade when the switch is fresh.
Total number of jobs <running jobs count> exceeded Max jobs supported 50
LCM can support a total of 50 upgrade jobs running simultaneously.
Wait for the total number of simultaneous upgrade jobs to drop below 50.
Switch <hostname> is already being upgraded. Cannot initiate another upgrade.
Switch is already a part of another running upgrade job.
Remove switch from current job or wait until the competing job has completed.
Backup failed in previous upgrade attempt for switch <hostname>.
LCM was unable to back up switch during a previously failed upgrade attempt.
You may want to back up switch manually prior to upgrade if you want to restore the switch after upgrade. Refer to [add link here].
Restore failed in previous upgrade attempt for switch <hostname>.
LCM was unable to restore switch after a previously failed upgrade attempt.
You may need to restore switch manually after upgrade. Refer to [add link here].
Upgrade failed in previous attempt for switch <hostname>.
LCM was unable to upgrade switch during last attempt.
(4) MLAG Configuration
hostname:<hostname>,reason:<MLAG error message>
An error in an MLAG configuration has been detected. For example: Backup IP does not belong to peer.
Review the MLAG configuration on the identified switch. Refer to the MLAG documentation for more information. Make any needed changes.
MLAG configuration checks timed out
One or more switches stopped responding to the MLAG checks.
MLAG configuration checks failed
One or more switches failed the MLAG checks.
For switch <hostname>, the MLAG switch with Role: secondary and ClagSysmac: <MAC address> does not exist.
Identified switch is the primary in an MLAG pair, but the defined secondary switch is not in NetQ inventory.
Verify the switch has NetQ Agent 2.4.0 or later installed: click , then click Agents in the Network section, view Version column. Upgrade NetQ Agent if needed. Refer to Upgrade NetQ Agents. Add the missing peer switch to NetQ inventory.
Analyze Results
After starting the upgrade you can monitor the progress of your upgrade job and the final results. While the views are different, essentially the same information is available from either the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
You can track the progress of your upgrade job from the Preview page or the Upgrade History page of the NetQ UI.
From the preview page, a green circle with rotating arrows is shown above each step as it is working. Alternately, you can close the detail of the job and see a summary of all current and past upgrade jobs on the Upgrade History page. The job started most recently is shown at the bottom, and the data is refreshed every minute.
If you are disconnected while the job is in progress, it may appear as if nothing is happening. Try closing (click ) and reopening your view (click ), or refreshing the page.
Several viewing options are available for monitoring the upgrade job.
Monitor the job with full details open on the Preview page:
Single role
Multiple roles and some without roles
Each switch goes through a number of steps. To view these steps, click Details and scroll down as needed. Click collapse the step detail. Click to close the detail popup.
Monitor the job with summary information only in the CL Upgrade History page. Open this view by clicking in the full details view:
This view is refreshed automatically. Click to view what stage the job is in.
Click to view the detailed view.
Monitor the job through the CL Upgrade History card on the LCM dashboard. Click twice to return to the LCM dashboard. As you perform more upgrades the graph displays the success and failure of each job.
Click View to return to the Upgrade History page as needed.
Sample Successful Upgrade
On successful completion, you can:
Compare the network snapshots taken before and after the upgrade.
Download details about the upgrade in the form of a JSON-formatted file, by clicking Download Report.
View the changes on the Switches card of the LCM dashboard.
Click , then Upgrade Switches.
In our example, all switches have been upgraded to Cumulus Linux 3.7.12.
Sample Failed Upgrade
If an upgrade job fails for any reason, you can view the associated error(s):
From the CL Upgrade History dashboard, find the job of interest.
Click .
Click .
Note in this example, all of the pre-upgrade tasks were successful, but backup failed on the spine switches.
To view what step in the upgrade process failed, click and scroll down. Click to close the step list.
To view details about the errors, either double-click the failed step or click Details and scroll down as needed. Click collapse the step detail. Click to close the detail popup.
To see the progress of current upgrade jobs and the history of previous upgrade jobs, run netq lcm show upgrade-jobs:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show upgrade-jobs
Job ID Name CL Version Pre-Check Status Warnings Errors Start Time
------------ --------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ --------------------
job_cl_upgra Leafs upgr to C 4.2.0 COMPLETED Fri Sep 25 17:16:10
de_ff9c35bc4 L410 2020
job_cl_upgra Spines to 4.2.0 4.2.0 COMPLETED Fri Sep 25 16:37:08
de_9b60d3a1f 2020
job_upgrade_ 3.7.12 Upgrade 3.7.12 WARNING Fri Apr 24 20:27:47
fda24660-866 2020
job_upgrade_ DataCenter 3.7.12 WARNING Mon Apr 27 17:44:36
81749650-88a 2020
job_upgrade_ Upgrade to CL3. 3.7.12 COMPLETED Fri Apr 24 17:56:59
4564c160-865 7.12 2020
To see details of a particular upgrade job, run netq lcm show status job-ID:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq lcm show status job_upgrade_fda24660-8669-11ea-bda5-ad48ae2cfafb
Hostname CL Version Backup Status Backup Start Time Restore Status Restore Start Time Upgrade Status Upgrade Start Time
---------- ------------ --------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------
spine02 4.1.0 FAILED Fri Sep 25 16:37:40 2020 SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A
spine03 4.1.0 FAILED Fri Sep 25 16:37:40 2020 SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A
spine04 4.1.0 FAILED Fri Sep 25 16:37:40 2020 SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A
spine01 4.1.0 FAILED Fri Sep 25 16:40:26 2020 SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A SKIPPED_ON_FAILURE N/A
Postcheck Failures
Upgrades can be considered successful and still have post-check warnings. For example, the OS has been updated, but not all services are fully up and running after the upgrade. If one or more of the post-checks fail, warning messages are provided in the Post-Upgrade Tasks section of the preview. Click on the warning category to view the detailed messages.
Expand the following dropdown to view common failures, their causes and corrective actions.
Post-check Failure Messages
Corrective Action
Health of Services
Service <service-name> is missing on Host <hostname> for <VRF default|VRF mgmt>.
A given service is not yet running on the upgraded host. For example: Service ntp is missing on Host Leaf01 for VRF default.
Wait for up to x more minutes to see if the specified services come up.
Switch Connectivity
Service <service-name> is missing on Host <hostname> for <VRF default|VRF mgmt>.
A given service is not yet running on the upgraded host. For example: Service ntp is missing on Host Leaf01 for VRF default.
Wait for up to x more minutes to see if the specified services come up.
Reasons for Upgrade Job Failure
Upgrades can fail at any of the stages of the process, including when backing up data, upgrading the Cumulus Linux software, and restoring the data. Failures can occur when attempting to connect to a switch or perform a particular task on the switch.
Some of the common reasons for upgrade failures and the errors they present:
Error Message
Switch is not reachable via SSH
Data could not be sent to remote host “”. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
Switch is reachable, but user-provided credentials are invalid
Invalid/incorrect username/password. Skipping remaining 2 retries to prevent account lockout: Warning: Permanently added ‘<hostname-ipaddr>’ to the list of known hosts. Permission denied, please try again.
Switch is reachable, but a valid Cumulus Linux license is not installed
1587866683.880463 2020-04-26 02:04:43 license.c:336 CRIT No license file. No license installed!
Upgrade task could not be run
Failure message depends on the why the task could not be run. For example: /etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory
Upgrade task failed
Failed at- <task that failed>. For example: Failed at- MLAG check for the peerLink interface status
Retry failed after five attempts
FAILED In all retries to process the LCM Job
Upgrade Cumulus Linux on Switches Without NetQ Agent Installed
When you want to update Cumulus Linux on switches without NetQ installed, NetQ provides the LCM switch discovery feature. The feature browses your network to find all Cumulus Linux Switches, with and without NetQ currently installed and determines the versions of Cumulus Linux and NetQ installed. The results of switch discovery are then used to install or upgrade Cumulus Linux and Cumulus NetQ on all discovered switches in a single procedure rather than in two steps. Up to five jobs can be run simultaneously; however, a given switch can only be contained in one running job at a time.
If all of your Cumulus Linux switches already have NetQ 2.4.x or later installed, you can upgrade them directly. Refer to Upgrade Cumulus Linux.
To discover switches running Cumulus Linux and upgrade Cumulus Linux and NetQ on them:
Click (Main Menu) and select Upgrade Switches, or click (Switches) in the workbench header, then click Manage switches.
On the Switches card, click Discover.
Enter a name for the scan.
Choose whether you want to look for switches by entering IP address ranges OR import switches using a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
If you do not have a switch listing, then you can manually add the address ranges where your switches are located in the network. This has the advantage of catching switches that may have been missed in a file.
A maximum of 50 addresses can be included in an address range. If necessary, break the range into smaller ranges.
To discover switches using address ranges:
Enter an IP address range in the IP Range field.
Ranges can be contiguous, for example, or non-contiguous, for example,128-190,235, but they must be contained within a single subnet.
Optionally, enter another IP address range (in a different subnet) by clicking .
For example, or,190,200-253.
Add additional ranges as needed. Click to remove a range if needed.
If you decide to use a CSV file instead, the ranges you entered will remain if you return to using IP ranges again.
If you have a file of switches that you want to import, then it can be easier to use that, than to enter the IP address ranges manually.
To import switches through a CSV file:
Click Browse.
Select the CSV file containing the list of switches.
The CSV file must include a header containing hostname, ip, and port. They can be in any order you like, but the data must match that order. For example, a CSV file that represents the Cumulus reference topology could look like this:
or this:
You must have an IP address in your file, but the hostname is optional and if the port is blank, NetQ uses switch port 22 by default.
Click Remove if you decide to use a different file or want to use IP address ranges instead. If you had entered ranges prior to selecting the CSV file option, they will have remained.
Note that the switch access credentials defined in Manage Switch Credentials are used to access these switches. If you have issues accessing the switches, you may need to update your credentials.
Click Next.
When the network discovery is complete, NetQ presents the number of Cumulus Linux switches it has found. They are displayed in categories:
Discovered without NetQ: Switches found without NetQ installed
Discovered with NetQ: Switches found with some version of NetQ installed
Discovered but Rotten: Switches found that are unreachable
Incorrect Credentials: Switches found that cannot be reached because the provided access credentials do not match those for the switches
OS not Supported: Switches found that are running Cumulus Linux version not supported by the LCM upgrade feature
Not Discovered: IP addresses which did not have an associated Cumulus Linux switch
If no switches are found for a particular category, that category is not displayed.
Select which switches you want to upgrade from each category by clicking the checkbox on each switch card.
Click Next.
Verify the number of switches identified for upgrade and the configuration profile to be applied is correct.
Accept the default NetQ version or click Custom and select an alternate version.
By default, the NetQ Agent and CLI are upgraded on the selected switches. If you do not want to upgrade the NetQ CLI, click Advanced and change the selection to No.
Click Next.
Several checks are performed to eliminate preventable problems during the install process.
These checks verify the following:
Selected switches are not currently scheduled for, or in the middle of, a Cumulus Linux or NetQ Agent upgrade
Selected versions of Cumulus Linux and NetQ Agent are valid upgrade paths
All mandatory parameters have valid values, including MLAG configurations
All switches are reachable
The order to upgrade the switches, based on roles and configurations
If any of the pre-checks fail, review the error messages and take appropriate action.
If all of the pre-checks pass, click Install to initiate the job.
Monitor the job progress.
After starting the upgrade you can monitor the progress from the preview page or the Upgrade History page.
From the preview page, a green circle with rotating arrows is shown on each switch as it is working. Alternately, you can close the detail of the job and see a summary of all current and past upgrade jobs on the NetQ Install and Upgrade History page. The job started most recently is shown at the top, and the data is refreshed periodically.
If you are disconnected while the job is in progress, it may appear as if nothing is happening. Try closing (click ) and reopening your view (click ), or refreshing the page.
Several viewing options are available for monitoring the upgrade job.
Monitor the job with full details open:
Monitor the job with only summary information in the NetQ Install and Upgrade History page. Open this view by clicking in the full details view; useful when you have multiple jobs running simultaneously
Monitor the job through the NetQ Install and Upgrade History card on the LCM dashboard. Click twice to return to the LCM dashboard.
Investigate any failures and create new jobs to reattempt the upgrade.
Manage Network Snapshots
Creating and comparing network snapshots can be useful to validate that the network state has not changed. Snapshots are typically created when you upgrade or change the configuration of your switches in some way. This section describes the Snapshot card and content, as well as how to create and compare network snapshots at any time. Snapshots can be automatically created during the upgrade process for Cumulus Linux. Refer to Perform a Cumulus Linux Upgrade.
Create a Network Snapshot
It is simple to capture the state of your network currently or for a time in the past using the snapshot feature.
To create a snapshot:
From any workbench in the NetQ UI, click in the workbench header.
Click Create Snapshot.
Enter a name for the snapshot.
Choose the time for the snapshot:
For the current network state, click Now.
For the network state at a previous date and time, click Past, then click in Start Time field to use the calendar to step through selection of the date and time. You may need to scroll down to see the entire calendar.
Choose the services to include in the snapshot.
In the Choose options field, click any service name to remove that service from the snapshot. This would be appropriate if you do not support a particular service, or you are concerned that including that service might cause the snapshot to take an excessive amount of time to complete if included. The checkmark next to the service and the service itself is grayed out when the service is removed. Click any service again to re-include the service in the snapshot. The checkmark is highlighted in green next to the service name and is no longer grayed out.
The Node and Services options are mandatory, and cannot be selected or unselected.
If you remove services, be aware that snapshots taken in the past or future may not be equivalent when performing a network state comparison.
This example removes the OSPF and Route services from the snapshot being created.
Optionally, scroll down and click in the Notes field to add descriptive text for the snapshot to remind you of its purpose. For example: “This was taken before adding MLAG pairs,” or “Taken after removing the leaf36 switch.”
Click Finish.
A medium Snapshot card appears on your desktop. Spinning arrows are visible while it works. When it finishes you can see the number of items that have been captured, and if any failed. This example shows a successful result.
If you have already created other snapshots, Compare is active. Otherwise it is inactive (grayed-out).
When you are finished viewing the snapshot, click Dismiss to close the snapshot. The snapshot is not deleted, merely removed from the workbench.
Compare Network Snapshots
You can compare the state of your network before and after an upgrade or other configuration change to validate that the changes have not created an unwanted change in your network state.
To compare network snapshots:
Create a snapshot (as described in previous section) before you make any changes.
Make your changes.
Create a second snapshot.
Compare the results of the two snapshots.
Depending on what, if any, cards are open on your workbench:
Put the cards next to each other to view a high-level comparison. Scroll down to see all of the items.
To view a more detailed comparison, click Compare on one of the cards. Select the other snapshot from the list.
Click Compare on the open card.
Select the other snapshot to compare.
Click .
Click Compare Snapshots.
Click on the two snapshots you want to compare.
Click Finish. Note that two snapshots must be selected before Finish is active.
In the latter two cases, the large Snapshot card opens. The only difference is in the card title. If you opened the comparison card from a snapshot on your workbench, the title includes the name of that card. If you open the comparison card through the Snapshot menu, the title is generic, indicating a comparison only. Functionally, you have reached the same point.
Scroll down to view all element comparisons.
Interpreting the Comparison Data
For each network element that is compared, count values and changes are shown:
In this example, a change was made to the VLAN. The snapshot taken before the change (17Apr2020) had a total count of 765 neighbors. The snapshot taken after the change (20Apr2020) had a total count of 771 neighbors. Between the two totals you can see the number of neighbors added and removed from one time to the next, resulting in six new neighbors after the change.
The red and green coloring indicates only that items were removed (red) or added (green). The coloring does not indicate whether the removal or addition of these items is bad or good.
From this card, you can also change which snapshots to compare. Select an alternate snapshot from one of the two snapshot dropdowns and then click Compare.
View Change Details
You can view additional details about the changes that have occurred between the two snapshots by clicking View Details. This opens the full screen Detailed Snapshot Comparison card.
From this card you can:
View changes for each of the elements that had added and/or removed items, and various information about each; only elements with changes are presented
Filter the added and removed items by clicking
Export all differences in JSON file format by clicking
The following table describes the information provided for each element type when changes are present:
Data Descriptions
Hostname: Name of the host running the BGP session
VRF: Virtual route forwarding interface if used
BGP Session: Session that was removed or added
ASN: Autonomous system number
Hostname: Name of the host running the CLAG session
CLAG Sysmac: MAC address for a bond interface pair that was removed or added
Hostname: Name of the host where the interface resides
IF Name: Name of the interface that was removed or added
IP Address
Hostname: Name of the host where address was removed or added
Prefix: IP address prefix
Mask: IP address mask
IF Name: Name of the interface that owns the address
Hostname: Name of the host where the link was removed or added
At various points in time, you might want to change which network nodes are being monitored by NetQ or look more closely at a network node for troubleshooting purposes. Adding the NetQ Agent to a switch or host is described in Install NetQ. Viewing the status of an Agent, disabling an Agent, managing NetQ Agent logging, and configuring the events the agent collects are presented here.
View NetQ Agent Status
To view the health of your NetQ Agents, run:
netq [<hostname>] show agents [fresh | dead | rotten | opta] [around <text-time>] [json]
You can view the status for a given switch, host or NetQ Appliance or Virtual Machine. You can also filter by the status and view the status at a time in the past.
To view NetQ Agents that are not communicating, run:
cumulus@switch~:$ netq show agents rotten
No matching agents records found
To view NetQ Agent status on the NetQ appliance or VM, run:
cumulus@switch~:$ netq show agents opta
Matching agents records:
Hostname Status NTP Sync Version Sys Uptime Agent Uptime Reinitialize Time Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
netq-ts Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 16:46:53 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:29:51 2020
View NetQ Agent Configuration
You can view the current configuration of a NetQ Agent to determine what data is being collected and where it is being sent. To view this configuration, run:
netq config show agent [kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|stats|sensors|frr-monitor|wjh|wjh-threshold|cpu-limit] [json]
This example shows a NetQ Agent in an on-premises deployment, talking to an appliance or VM at using the default ports and VRF. No special configuration is included to monitor kubernetes, FRR, interface statistics, sensors, WJH. No limit has been set on the CPU usage or alter the default logging level.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent
netq-agent value default
--------------------- --------- ---------
cpu-limit 100 100
enable-opta-discovery True True
agentport 8981 8981
port 31980 31980
vrf default default
To view the configuration of a particular aspect of a NetQ Agent, use the various options.
This example show a NetQ Agent that has been configured with a CPU limit of 60%.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent cpu-limit
CPU Quota
Modify the Configuration of the NetQ Agent on a Node
The agent configuration commands enable you to do the following:
Add, Disable, and Remove a NetQ Agent
Start and Stop a NetQ Agent
Configure a NetQ Agent to Collect Selected Data (CPU usage limit, FRR, Kubernetes, sensors, WJH)
Configure a NetQ Agent to Send Data to a Server Cluster
Troubleshoot the NetQ Agent
Commands apply to one agent at a time, and are run from the switch or host where the NetQ Agent resides.
Add and Remove a NetQ Agent
Adding or removing a NetQ Agent is to add or remove the IP address (and port and VRF when specified) from NetQ configuration file (at /etc/netq/netq.yml). This adds or removes the information about the appliance or VM where the agent sends the data it collects.
To use the NetQ CLI to add or remove a NetQ Agent on a switch or host, run:
netq config add agent server <text-opta-ip> [port <text-opta-port>] [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
netq config del agent server
If you want to use a specific port on the appliance or VM, use the port option. If you want the data sent over a particular virtual route interface, use the vrf option.
This example shows how to add a NetQ Agent and tell it to send the data it collects to the NetQ Appliance or VM at the IPv4 address of using the default port (on-premises = 31980; cloud = 443) and vrf (default).
You can temporarily disable NetQ Agent on a node. Disabling the NetQ Agent maintains the data already collected in the NetQ database, but stops the NetQ Agent from collecting new data until it is reenabled.
To disable a NetQ Agent, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config stop agent
To reenable a NetQ Agent, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
Configure a NetQ Agent to Limit Switch CPU Usage
While not typically an issue, you can restrict the NetQ Agent from using more than a configurable amount of the CPU resources. This setting requires Cumulus Linux versions 3.6 or later or 4.1.0 or later to be running on the switch.
Configure a NetQ Agent to Send Data to a Server Cluster
If you have a server cluster arrangement for NetQ, you will want to configure the NetQ Agent to send the data it collects to all of the servers in the cluster.
To configure the agent to send data to the servers in your cluster, run:
The list of IP addresses must be separated by commas, but no spaces. You can optionally specify a port or VRF.
This example configures the NetQ Agent on a switch to send the data to three servers located at,, and using the rocket VRF.
To stop a NetQ Agent from sending data to a server cluster, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config del agent cluster-servers
Configure Logging to Troubleshoot a NetQ Agent
The logging level used for a NetQ Agent determines what types of events
are logged about the NetQ Agent on the switch or host.
First, you need to decide what level of logging you want to configure. You can configure the logging level to be the same for every NetQ Agent, or selectively increase or decrease the logging level for a NetQ Agent on a problematic node.
Logging Level
Sends notifications for all debugging-related, informational, warning, and error messages.
Sends notifications for informational, warning, and error messages (default).
Sends notifications for warning and error messages.
Sends notifications for errors messages.
You can view the NetQ Agent log directly. Messages have the following structure:
If you have set the logging level to debug for troubleshooting, it is recommended that you either change the logging level to a less heavy mode or completely disable agent logging altogether when you are finished troubleshooting.
To change the logging level from debug to another level, run:
The NetQ Agent contains a pre-configured set of modular commands that run periodically and send event and resource data to the NetQ appliance or VM. You can fine tune which events the agent can poll and vary frequency of polling using the NetQ CLI.
For example, if your network is not running OSPF, you can disable the command that polls for OSPF events. Or you can decrease the polling interval for LLDP from the default of 60 seconds to 120 seconds. By not polling for selected data or polling less frequently, you can reduce switch CPU usage by the NetQ Agent.
Depending on the switch platform, some supported protocol commands may not be executed by the NetQ Agent. For example, if a switch has no VXLAN capability, then all VXLAN-related commands get skipped by agent.
You cannot create new commands in this release.
Supported Commands
To see the list of supported modular commands, run:
The NetQ predefined commands are described as follows:
agent_stats: Collects statistics about the NetQ Agent every five (5) minutes.
agent_util_stats: Collects switch CPU and memory utilization by the NetQ Agent every 30 seconds.
cl-support-json: Polls the switch every three (3) minutes to determine if a cl-support file was generated.
config-mon-json: Polls the /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/frr/frr.conf, /etc/lldpd.d/README.conf and /etc/ptm.d/topology.dot files every two (2) minutes to determine if the contents of any of these files has changed. If a change has occurred, the contents of the file and its modification time are transmitted to the NetQ appliance or VM.
ports: Polls for optics plugged into the switch every hour.
proc-net-dev: Polls for network statistics on the switch every 30 seconds.
running-config-mon-json: Polls the clagctl parameters every 30 seconds and sends a diff of any changes to the NetQ appliance or VM.
Modify the Polling Frequency
You can change the polling frequency of a modular command. The frequency is specified in seconds. For example, to change the polling frequency of the lldp-json command to 60 seconds from its default of 120 seconds, run:
You can disable any of these commands if they are not needed on your network. This can help reduce the compute resources the NetQ Agent consumes on the switch. For example, if your network does not run OSPF, you can disable the two OSPF commands:
This topic describes how to configure deployment options that can only be performed after installation or upgrade of NetQ is complete.
Install a Custom Signed Certificate
The NetQ UI version 3.0.x and later ships with a self-signed certificate which is sufficient for non-production environments or cloud deployments. For on-premises deployments, however, you receive a warning from your browser that this default certificate is not trusted when you first log in to the NetQ UI. You can avoid this by installing your own signed certificate.
The following items are needed to perform the certificate installation:
A valid X509 certificate
A private key file for the certificate
A DNS record name configured to access the NetQ UI
The FQDN should match the common name of the certificate. If you use a wild card in the common name — for example, if the common name of the certificate is *.example.com — then the NetQ telemetry server should reside on a subdomain of that domain, accessible via a URL like netq.example.com.
Cumulus NetQ must be installed and running
You can verify this by running the netq show opta-health command.
You can install a certificate using the Admin UI or the NetQ CLI.
Enter https://<hostname-or-ipaddr-of-netq-appliance-or-vm>:8443 in your broswer address bar to open the Admin UI.
From the Health page, click Settings.
Click Edit.
Enter the hostname, certificate and certificate key in the relevant fields.
Click Lock.
Log in to the NetQ On-premises Appliance or VM via SSH and copy your certificate and key file there.
Generate a Kubernetes secret called netq-gui-ingress-tls.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ kubectl create secret tls netq-gui-ingress-tls \
--namespace default \
--key <name of your key file>.key \
--cert <name of your cert file>.crt
Verify that the secret is created.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ kubectl get secret
netq-gui-ingress-tls kubernetes.io/tls 2 5s
Update the ingress rule file to install self-signed certificates.
A message like the one here is shown if your ingress rule is successfully configured.
Your custom certificate should now be working. Verify this by opening the NetQ UI at https://<your-hostname-or-ipaddr> in your browser.
Update Your Cloud Activation Key
The cloud activation key is the one used to access the Cloud services, not the authorization keys used for configuring the CLI. It is provided by Cumulus Networks when your premises is set up. It is called the config-key.
There are occasions where you might want to update your cloud service activation key. For example, if you mistyped the key during installation and now your existing key does not work, or you received a new key for your premises from Cumulus Networks.
Update the activation key using the Admin UI or NetQ CLI:
Open the Admin UI by entering https://<master-hostname-or-ipaddress>:8443 in your browser address field.
Click Settings.
Click Activation.
Click Edit.
Enter your new configuration key in the designated text box.
Click Apply.
Run the following command on your standalone or master NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM replacing text-opta-key with your new key.
Installation of NetQ with a server cluster sets up the master and two worker nodes. To expand your cluster to include up to a total of nine worker nodes, use the Admin UI.
Adding additional worker nodes increases availability, but does not increase scalability at this time. A maximum of 1000 nodes is supported regardless of the number of worker nodes in your cluster.
To add more worker nodes:
Prepare the nodes. Refer to the relevant server cluster instructions in Install the NetQ System.
Open the Admin UI by entering https://<master-hostname-or-ipaddress>:8443 in your browser address field.
This opens the Health dashboard for NetQ.
Click Cluster to view your current configuration.
On-premises deployment
This opens the Cluster dashboard, with the details about each node in the cluster.
Click Add Worker Node.
Enter the private IP address of the node you want to add.
Click Add.
Monitor the progress of the three jobs by clicking next to the jobs.
On completion, a card for the new node is added to the Cluster dashboard.
If the addition fails for any reason, download the log file by clicking , run netq bootstrap reset on this new worker node, and then try again.
Repeat this process to add more worker nodes as needed.
Manage Inventory
This topic describes how to use the Cumulus NetQ UI and CLI to monitor your inventory from networkwide and device-specific perspectives.
You can monitor all of the hardware and software components installed and running on the switches and hosts across the entire network. This is extremely useful for understanding the dependence on various vendors and versions, when planning upgrades or the scope of any other required changes.
From a networkwide view, you can monitor all of the switches and hosts at once, or you can monitor all of the switches at once. You cannot currently monitor all hosts at once separate from switches.
Monitor Networkwide Inventory
With the NetQ UI and CLI, a user can monitor the inventory on a networkwide basis for all switches and hosts, or all switches. Inventory includes such items as the number of each device and what operating systems are installed. Additional details are available about the hardware and software components on individual switches, such as the motherboard, ASIC, microprocessor, disk, memory, fan and power supply information. This is extremely useful for understanding the dependence on various vendors and versions when planning upgrades or evaluating the scope of any other required changes.
The commands and cards available to obtain this type of information help you to answer questions such as:
What switches are being monitored in the network?
What is the distribution of ASICs, CPUs, Agents, and so forth across my network?
The Cumulus NetQ UI provides the Inventory|Devices card for monitoring networkwide inventory information for all switches and hosts. The Inventory|Switches card provides a more detailed view of inventory information for all switches (no hosts) on a networkwide basis.
Access these card from the Cumulus Workbench, or add them to your own workbench by clicking (Add card) > Inventory > Inventory|Devices card or Inventory|Switches card > Open Cards.
The NetQ CLI provides detailed network inventory information through its netq show inventory command.
View Networkwide Inventory Summary
All of the devices in your network can be viewed from either the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
View the Number of Each Device Type in Your Network
You can view the number of switches and hosts deployed in your network. As you grow your network this can be useful for validating that devices have been added as scheduled.
To view the quantity of devices in your network, locate or open the small or medium Inventory|Devices card. The medium-sized card provide operating system distribution across the network in addition to the device count.
View All Switches
You can view all stored attributes for all switches in your network from either inventory card:
Open the full-screen Inventory|Devices card and click All Switches
Open the full-screen Inventory|Switches card and click Show All
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
View All Hosts
You can view all stored attributes for all hosts in your network. To view all host details, open the full screen Inventory|Devices card and click All Hosts.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view a list of devices in your network, run:
netq show inventory brief [json]
This example shows that we have four spine switches, three leaf switches, two border switches, two firewall switches, seven hosts (servers), and an out-of-band management server in this network. For each of these we see the type of switch, operating system, CPU and ASIC.
You can view hardware components deployed on all switches and hosts, or on all of the switches in your network.
View Components Summary
It can be useful to know the quantity and ratio of many components deployed in your network to determine the scope of upgrade tasks, balance vendor reliance, or for detailed troubleshooting. Hardware and software component summary information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Devices card: view ASIC, license, NetQ Agent version, OS, and platform information on all devices
Inventory|Switches card: view ASIC, CPU, disk, license, NetQ Agent version, OS, and platform information on all switches
netq show inventory command: view ASIC, CPU, disk, OS, and ports on all devices
Locate the Inventory|Devices card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the large size card using the size picker.
By default the Switches tab is shown displaying the total number of switches, ASIC vendors, OS versions, license status, NetQ Agent versions, and specific platforms deployed across all of your switches.
You can hover over any of the segments in a component distribution chart to highlight a specific type of the given component. When you *hover*, a tooltip appears displaying:
Name or value of the component type, such as the version number or status
Total number of switches with that type of component deployed compared to the total number of switches
Percentage of this type with respect to all component types
Additionally, sympathetic highlighting is used to show the related component types relevant to the highlighted segment and the number of unique component types associated with this type (shown in blue here).
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over any of the segments in the distribution chart to highlight a specific component.
When you hover, a tooltip appears displaying:
Name or value of the component type, such as the version number or status
Total number of switches with that type of component deployed compared to the total number of switches
Percentage of this type with respect to all component types
Change to the large size card. The same information is shown separated by hardware and software, and sympathetic highlighting is used to show the related component types relevant to the highlighted segment and the number of unique component types associated with this type (shown in blue here).
To view switch components, run:
netq show inventory brief [json]
This example shows the operating systems (Cumulus Linux and Ubuntu), CPU architecture (all x86_64), ASIC (virtual), and ports (none, since virtual) for each device in the network. You can manually count the number of each of these, or export to a spreadsheet tool to sort and filter the list.
ASIC information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Devices card
Large: view ASIC distribution across all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view ASIC vendor, model, model ID, ports, core bandwidth across all devices (table)
Inventory|Switches card
Medium/Large: view ASIC distribution across all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view ASIC vendor, model, model ID, ports, core bandwidth and data across all switches (table)
netq show inventory asic command
View ASIC vendor, model, model ID, core bandwidth, and ports on all devices
Locate the medium Inventory|Devices card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the large size card using the size picker.
Click a segment of the ASIC graph in the component distribution charts.
Select the first option from the popup, Filter ASIC. The card data is filtered to show only the components associated with selected component type. A filter tag appears next to the total number of switches indicating the filter criteria.
Hover over the segments to view the related components.
To return to the full complement of components, click the in the filter tag.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Scroll to the right to view the above ASIC information.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over a segment of the ASIC graph in the distribution chart.
The same information is available on the summary tab of the large size card.
Hover over the card header and click to view the ASIC vendor and model distribution.
Hover over charts to view the name of the ASIC vendors or models, how many switches have that vendor or model deployed, and the percentage of this number compared to the total number of switches.
Change to the full-screen card to view all of the available ASIC information. Note that if you are running CumulusVX switches, no detailed ASIC information is available.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view information about the ASIC installed on your devices, run:
netq show inventory asic [vendor <asic-vendor>|model <asic-model>|model-id <asic-model-id>] [json]
If you are running NetQ on a CumulusVX setup, there is no physical hardware to query and thus no ASIC information to display.
This example shows the ASIC information for all devices in your network:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory asic
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Vendor Model Model ID Core BW Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
dell-z9100-05 Broadcom Tomahawk BCM56960 2.0T 32 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2100-05 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 16 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2410a1-05 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 48 x 25G-SFP28 & 8 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2700-11 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix1-08 Broadcom Tomahawk BCM56960 2.0T 32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix7-04 Broadcom Trident3 BCM56870 N/A 32 x 100G-QSFP28
st1-l1 Broadcom Trident2 BCM56854 720G 48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-l2 Broadcom Trident2 BCM56854 720G 48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-l3 Broadcom Trident2 BCM56854 720G 48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-s1 Broadcom Trident2 BCM56850 960G 32 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-s2 Broadcom Trident2 BCM56850 960G 32 x 40G-QSFP+
You can filter the results of the command to view devices with a particular vendor, model, or modelID. This example shows ASIC information for all devices with a vendor of Mellanox.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory asic vendor Mellanox
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Vendor Model Model ID Core BW Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
mlx-2100-05 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 16 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2410a1-05 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 48 x 25G-SFP28 & 8 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2700-11 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 32 x 100G-QSFP28
View Motherboard/Platform Information
Motherboard and platform information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Devices card
Full-screen: view platform vendor, model, manufacturing date, revision, serial number, MAC address, series across all devices (table)
Inventory|Switches card
Medium/Large: view platform distribution across on all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view platform vendor, model, manufacturing date, revision, serial number, MAC address, series across all switches (table)
netq show inventory board command
View motherboard vendor, model, base MAC address, serial number, part number, revision, and manufacturing date on all devices
Locate the Inventory|Devices card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
The All Switches tab is selected by default. Scroll to the right to view the various Platform parameters for your switches. Optionally drag and drop the relevant columns next to each other.
Click All Hosts.
Scroll to the right to view the various Platform parameters for your hosts. Optionally drag and drop the relevant columns next to each other.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the size picker.
Hover over the header and click .
Hover over a segment in the Vendor or Platform graphic to view how many switches deploy the specified vendor or platform.
Context sensitive highlighting is also employed here, such that when you select a vendor, the corresponding platforms are also highlighted; and vice versa. Note that you can also see the status of the Cumulus Linux license for each switch.
Click either Show All link to open the full-screen card.
Click Platform.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view a list of motherboards installed in your switches and hosts, run:
netq show inventory board [vendor <board-vendor>|model <board-model>] [json]
This example shows all of the motherboard data for all devices.
You can filter the results of the command to capture only those devices with a particular motherboard vendor or model. This example shows only the devices with a Celestica motherboard.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory board vendor celestica
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Vendor Model Base MAC Serial No Part No Rev Mfg Date
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------
st1-l1 CELESTICA Arctica 4806xp 00:E0:EC:27:71:37 D2060B2F044919GD000011 R0854-F1004-01 Redsto 09/20/2014
st1-l2 CELESTICA Arctica 4806xp 00:E0:EC:27:6B:3A D2060B2F044919GD000060 R0854-F1004-01 Redsto 09/20/2014
View CPU Information
CPU information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Devices card
Full-screen: view CPU architecture, model, maximum operating frequency, and the number of cores on all devices (table)
Inventory|Switches card
Medium/Large: view CPU distribution across on all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view CPU architecture, model, maximum operating frequency, the number of cores, and data on all switches (table)
netq show inventory cpu command
View CPU architecture, model, maximum operating frequency, and the number of cores on all devices
Locate the Inventory|Devices card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
The All Switches tab is selected by default. Scroll to the right to view the various CPU parameters. Optionally drag and drop relevant columns next to each other.
Click All Hosts to view the CPU information for your host servers.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over a segment of the CPU graph in the distribution chart.
The same information is available on the summary tab of the large size card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click CPU.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view CPU information for all devices in your network, run:
netq show inventory cpu [arch <cpu-arch>] [json]
This example shows the CPU information for all devices.
You can filter the results of the command to view which switches employ a particular CPU architecture using the arch keyword. This example shows how to determine which architectures are deployed in your network, and then shows all devices with an x86_64 architecture.
You can filter the results of the command to view devices with a particular memory type or vendor. This example shows all of the devices with memory from QEMU .
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory memory vendor QEMU
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Type Size Speed Vendor Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 DIMM 0 RAM 1024 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
leaf02 DIMM 0 RAM 1024 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
leaf03 DIMM 0 RAM 1024 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
leaf04 DIMM 0 RAM 1024 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
oob-mgmt-server DIMM 0 RAM 4096 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
server01 DIMM 0 RAM 512 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
server02 DIMM 0 RAM 512 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
server03 DIMM 0 RAM 512 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
server04 DIMM 0 RAM 512 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
spine01 DIMM 0 RAM 1024 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
spine02 DIMM 0 RAM 1024 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
View Sensor Information
Fan, power supply unit (PSU), and temperature sensors are available to provide additional data about the NetQ system operation.
Sensor information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
PSU Sensor card: view sensor name, current/previous state, input/output power, and input/output voltage on all devices (table)
Fan Sensor card: view sensor name, description, current/maximum/minimum speed, and current/previous state on all devices (table)
Temperature Sensor card: view sensor name, description, minimum/maximum threshold, current/critical(maximum)/lower critical (minimum) threshold, and current/previous state on all devices (table)
netq show sensors: view sensor name, description, current state, and time when data was last changed on all devices for all or one sensor type
Power Supply Unit Information
Click (main menu), then click Sensors in the Network heading.
The PSU tab is displayed by default.
PSU Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the power supply is installed
Date and time the data was captured
Message Type
Type of sensor message; always PSU in this table
Input power (Watts) for the PSU on the switch or host
Output power (Watts) for the PSU on the switch or host
Sensor Name
User-defined name for the PSU
Previous State
State of the PSU when data was captured in previous window
State of the PSU when data was last captured
Input voltage (Volts) for the PSU on the switch or host
Output voltage (Volts) for the PSU on the switch or host
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Fan Information
Click (main menu), then click Sensors in the Network heading.
Click Fan.
Fan Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the fan is installed
Date and time the data was captured
Message Type
Type of sensor message; always Fan in this table
User specified description of the fan
Speed (RPM)
Revolution rate of the fan (revolutions per minute)
Maximum speed (RPM)
Minimum speed (RPM)
Sensor Name
User-defined name for the fan
Previous State
State of the fan when data was captured in previous window
State of the fan when data was last captured
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Temperature Information
Click (main menu), then click Sensors in the Network heading.
Click Temperature.
Temperature Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the temperature sensor is installed
Date and time the data was captured
Message Type
Type of sensor message; always Temp in this table
Current critical maximum temperature (°C) threshold setting
User specified description of the temperature sensor
Lower Critical
Current critical minimum temperature (°C) threshold setting
Maximum temperature threshold setting
Minimum temperature threshold setting
Sensor Name
User-defined name for the temperature sensor
Previous State
State of the fan when data was captured in previous window
State of the fan when data was last captured
Current temperature (°C) measured by sensor
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
View All Sensor Information
To view information for power supplies, fans, and temperature sensors on all switches and host servers, run:
netq show sensors all [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
This example shows all of the sensors on all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors all
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border01 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
fw1 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok Thu Aug 20 19:16:12 2020
fw2 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok Thu Aug 20 19:14:47 2020
leaf01 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:22 2020
leaf02 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:14 2020
leaf03 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok Fri Aug 21 09:37:45 2020
leaf04 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok Fri Aug 21 09:17:02 2020
spine01 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:14 2020
spine02 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:39 2020
spine03 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok Fri Aug 21 06:00:52 2020
spine04 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:09 2020
border01 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border01 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border01 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border02 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok Fri Aug 21 18:46:05 2020
fw1 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok Thu Aug 20 19:16:12 2020
fw2 temp5 board sensor near fan ok Thu Aug 20 19:14:47 2020
leaf01 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:22 2020
leaf02 temp5 board sensor near fan ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:14 2020
leaf03 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok Fri Aug 21 09:37:45 2020
leaf04 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok Fri Aug 21 09:17:02 2020
spine01 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:14 2020
spine02 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:39 2020
spine03 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok Fri Aug 21 06:00:52 2020
spine04 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:09 2020
border01 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border01 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 18:51:11 2020
border02 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 18:46:05 2020
border02 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 18:46:05 2020
fw1 psu1 N/A ok Thu Aug 20 19:16:12 2020
fw1 psu2 N/A ok Thu Aug 20 19:16:12 2020
fw2 psu1 N/A ok Thu Aug 20 19:14:47 2020
fw2 psu2 N/A ok Thu Aug 20 19:14:47 2020
leaf01 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:22 2020
leaf01 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:22 2020
leaf02 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:14 2020
leaf02 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 16:14:14 2020
leaf03 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 09:37:45 2020
leaf03 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 09:37:45 2020
leaf04 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 09:17:02 2020
leaf04 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 09:17:02 2020
spine01 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:14 2020
spine01 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:14 2020
spine02 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:39 2020
spine02 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:39 2020
spine03 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 06:00:52 2020
spine03 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 06:00:52 2020
spine04 psu1 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:09 2020
spine04 psu2 N/A ok Fri Aug 21 05:54:09 2020
View Only Power Supply Sensors
To view information from all PSU sensors or PSU sensors with a given name on your switches and host servers, run:
netq show sensors psu [<psu-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the psu-name option to view all PSU sensors with a particular name. Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
Use Tab completion to determine the names of the PSUs in your switches.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors psu <press tab>
around : Go back in time to around ...
json : Provide output in JSON
psu1 : Power Supply
psu2 : Power Supply
This example shows information from all PSU sensors on all switches and hosts.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensor psu
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name State Pin(W) Pout(W) Vin(V) Vout(V) Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- ------------ -------------- ------------ -------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 psu1 ok Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 psu2 ok Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border02 psu1 ok Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 psu2 ok Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
fw1 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw2 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
leaf01 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf02 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 16:14:08 2020
leaf02 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 16:14:08 2020
leaf03 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 14:41:57 2020
leaf03 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 14:41:57 2020
leaf04 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 14:20:22 2020
leaf04 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 14:20:22 2020
spine01 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 10:53:17 2020
spine01 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 10:53:17 2020
spine02 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 10:54:07 2020
spine02 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 10:54:07 2020
spine03 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 11:00:44 2020
spine03 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 11:00:44 2020
spine04 psu1 ok Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
spine04 psu2 ok Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
This example shows all PSUs with the name psu2.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors psu psu2
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name State Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:17 2019
exit02 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:33 2019
leaf01 psu2 ok Sun Apr 21 20:07:12 2019
leaf02 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf03 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:44 2019
leaf04 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:36 2019
spine01 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:52 2019
spine02 psu2 ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:08 2019
View Only Fan Sensors
To view information from all fan sensors or fan sensors with a given name on your switches and host servers, run:
netq show sensors fan [<fan-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
Use tab completion to determine the names of the fans in your switches:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors fan <<press tab>>
around : Go back in time to around ...
fan1 : Fan Name
fan2 : Fan Name
fan3 : Fan Name
fan4 : Fan Name
fan5 : Fan Name
fan6 : Fan Name
json : Provide output in JSON
psu1fan1 : Fan Name
psu2fan1 : Fan Name
This example shows the state of all fans.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensor fan
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Speed Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border02 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
fw1 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw2 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
leaf01 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf02 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:08 2020
spine04 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
spine04 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
This example shows the state of all fans with the name fan1.
cumulus@switch~$ netq show sensors fan fan1
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Speed Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border02 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
fw1 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw2 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
leaf01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 18:30:07 2020
leaf02 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 18:08:38 2020
leaf03 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Tue Aug 25 21:20:34 2020
leaf04 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 14:20:22 2020
spine01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 10:53:17 2020
spine02 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 10:54:07 2020
spine03 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 11:00:44 2020
spine04 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
View Only Temperature Sensors
To view information from all temperature sensors or temperature sensors with a given name on your switches and host servers, run:
netq show sensors temp [<temp-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
Use tab completion to determine the names of the temperature sensors on your devices:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors temp <press tab>
around : Go back in time to around ...
json : Provide output in JSON
psu1temp1 : Temp Name
psu2temp1 : Temp Name
temp1 : Temp Name
temp2 : Temp Name
temp3 : Temp Name
temp4 : Temp Name
temp5 : Temp Name
This example shows the state of all temperature sensors.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensor temp
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Temp Critical Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border02 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
border02 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
fw1 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw1 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw2 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
fw2 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
leaf01 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf02 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:08 2020
spine04 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
spine04 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
This example shows the state of all temperature sensors with the name psu2temp1.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors temp psu2temp1
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Temp Critical Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border02 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:39:36 2020
fw1 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:08:01 2020
fw2 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 00:02:13 2020
leaf01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 18:30:07 2020
leaf02 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 18:08:38 2020
leaf03 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Tue Aug 25 21:20:34 2020
leaf04 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 14:20:22 2020
spine01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 10:53:17 2020
spine02 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 10:54:07 2020
spine03 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 11:00:44 2020
spine04 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 10:52:00 2020
View Digital Optics Information
Digital optics information is available from any digital optics modules in the system using the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Digital Optics card: view laser bias current, laser output power, received signal average optical power, and module temperature/voltage (table)
netq show dom type command: view laser bias current, laser output power, received signal average optical power, and module temperature/voltage
Use the filter option to view laser power and bias current for a given interface and channel on a switch, and temperature and voltage for a given module. Select the relevant tab to view the data.
Click (main menu), then click Digital Optics in the Network heading.
The Laser Rx Power tab is displayed by default.
Laser Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the digital optics module resides
Date and time the data was captured
If Name
Name of interface where the digital optics module is installed
Measurement unit for the power (mW) or current (mA)
Channel 1–8
Value of the power or current on each channel where the digital optics module is transmitting
Module Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the digital optics module resides
Date and time the data was captured
If Name
Name of interface where the digital optics module is installed
Degree C
Current module temperature, measured in degrees Celsius
Degree F
Current module temperature, measured in degrees Fahrenheit
Measurement unit for module voltage; Volts
Current module voltage
Click each of the other Laser or Module tabs to view that information for all devices.
To view digital optics information for your switches and host servers, run one of the following:
netq show dom type (laser_rx_power|laser_output_power|laser_bias_current) [interface <text-dom-port-anchor>] [channel_id <text-channel-id>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq show dom type (module_temperature|module_voltage) [interface <text-dom-port-anchor>] [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows module temperature information for all devices.
You can view software components deployed on all switches and hosts, or on all of the switches in your network.
View the Operating Systems Information
Knowing what operating systems (OSs) you have deployed across your network is useful for upgrade planning and understanding your relative dependence on a given OS in your network.
OS information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Devices card
Medium: view the distribution of OSs and versions across all devices
Large: view the distribution of OSs and versions across all switches
Full-screen: view OS vendor, version, and version ID on all devices (table)
Inventory|Switches card
Medium/Large: view the distribution of OSs and versions across all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view OS vendor, version, and version ID on all on all switches (table)
netq show inventory os
View OS name and version on all devices
Locate the medium Inventory|Devices card on your workbench.
Hover over the pie charts to view the total number of devices with a given operating system installed.
Change to the large card using the size picker.
Hover over a segment in the OS distribution chart to view the total number of devices with a given operating system installed.
Note that sympathetic highlighting (in blue) is employed to show which versions of the other switch components are associated with this OS.
Click on a segment in OS distribution chart.
Click Filter OS at the top of the popup.
The card updates to show only the components associated with switches running the selected OS. To return to all OSs, click X in the OS tag to remove the filter.
Change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
The All Switches tab is selected by default. Scroll to the right to locate all of the OS parameter data.
Click All Hosts to view the OS parameters for all host servers.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over a segment of the OS graph in the distribution chart.
The same information is available on the summary tab of the large size card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click OS.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view OS information for your switches and host servers, run:
netq show inventory os [version <os-version>|name <os-name>] [json]
This example shows the OS information for all devices.
You can filter the results of the command to view only devices with a particular operating system or version. This can be especially helpful when you suspect that a particular device has not been upgraded as expected.
This example shows all devices with the Cumulus Linux version 3.7.12 installed.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory os version 3.7.12
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Version Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------
spine01 CL 3.7.12 Mon Aug 10 19:55:06 2020
spine02 CL 3.7.12 Mon Aug 10 19:55:07 2020
spine03 CL 3.7.12 Mon Aug 10 19:55:09 2020
spine04 CL 3.7.12 Mon Aug 10 19:55:08 2020
View Cumulus Linux License Information
The state of a Cumulus Linux license can impact the function of your switches. If the license status is Bad or Missing, the license must be updated or applied for a switch to operate properly. Hosts do not require a Cumulus Linux or NetQ license.
Cumulus Linux license information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Devices card
Large: view the distribution of license state across all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view license state across all switches (table)
Inventory|Switches card
Medium/Large: view the distribution of license state across all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view license state across all switches (table)
netq show inventory license
View license name and state across all devices
Locate the Inventory|Devices card on your workbench.
Change to the large card using the size picker.
Hover over the distribution chart for license to view the total number of devices with a given license installed.
Alternately, change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Scroll to the right to locate the License State and License Name columns. Based on these values:
OK: no action is required
Bad: validate the correct license is installed and has not expired
Missing: install a valid Cumulus Linux license
N/A: This device does not require a license; typically a host.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Locate the medium Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over a segment of the license graph in the distribution chart.
The same information is available on the summary tab of the large size card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
The Show All tab is displayed by default. Scroll to the right to locate the License State and License Name columns. Based on the state values:
OK: no action is required
Bad: validate the correct license is installed and has not expired
Missing: install a valid Cumulus Linux license
N/A: This device does not require a license; typically a host.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view license information for your switches, run:
netq show inventory license [cumulus] [status ok | status missing] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the cumulus option to list only Cumulus Linux licenses. Use the status option to list only the switches with that status.
This example shows the license information for all switches.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory license
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name State Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- -------------------------
border01 Cumulus Linux missing Tue Jul 28 18:49:46 2020
border02 Cumulus Linux missing Tue Jul 28 18:44:42 2020
fw1 Cumulus Linux missing Tue Jul 28 19:14:27 2020
fw2 Cumulus Linux missing Tue Jul 28 19:12:50 2020
leaf01 Cumulus Linux missing Wed Jul 29 16:12:20 2020
leaf02 Cumulus Linux missing Wed Jul 29 16:12:21 2020
leaf03 Cumulus Linux missing Tue Jul 14 21:18:21 2020
leaf04 Cumulus Linux missing Tue Jul 14 20:58:47 2020
oob-mgmt-server Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 21:01:35 2020
server01 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:18 2020
server02 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:18 2020
server03 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:20 2020
server04 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:20 2020
server05 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:20 2020
server06 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:21 2020
server07 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:21 2020
server08 Cumulus Linux N/A Mon Jul 13 22:09:22 2020
spine01 Cumulus Linux missing Mon Aug 10 19:55:06 2020
spine02 Cumulus Linux missing Mon Aug 10 19:55:07 2020
spine03 Cumulus Linux missing Mon Aug 10 19:55:09 2020
spine04 Cumulus Linux missing Mon Aug 10 19:55:08 2020
Based on the state value:
OK: no action is required
Bad: validate the correct license is installed and has not expired
Missing: install a valid Cumulus Linux license
N/A: This device does not require a license; typically a host.
You can view the historical state of licenses using the around keyword. This example shows the license state for all devices about 7 days ago. Remember to use measurement units on the time values.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory license around 7d
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name State Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- -------------------------
edge01 Cumulus Linux N/A Tue Apr 2 14:01:18 2019
exit01 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:13 2019
exit02 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:38 2019
leaf01 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 20:07:09 2019
leaf02 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:46 2019
leaf03 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:41 2019
leaf04 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:32 2019
server01 Cumulus Linux N/A Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
server02 Cumulus Linux N/A Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
server03 Cumulus Linux N/A Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
server04 Cumulus Linux N/A Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
spine01 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:49 2019
spine02 Cumulus Linux ok Tue Apr 2 14:01:05 2019
View the Supported Cumulus Linux Packages
When you are troubleshooting an issue with a switch, you might want to know what versions of the Cumulus Linux operating system are supported on that switch and on a switch that is not having the same issue.
To view package information for your switches, run:
netq show cl-manifest [json]
This example shows the OS packages supported for all switches.
If you are having an issue with several switches, you may want to verify what software packages are installed on them and compare that to the recommended packages for a given Cumulus Linux release.
To view installed package information for your switches, run:
netq show cl-pkg-info [<text-package-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the text-package-name option to narrow the results to a particular package or the around option to narrow the output to a particular time range.
This example shows all installed software packages for all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show cl-pkg-info
Matching package_info records:
Hostname Package Name Version CL Version Package Status Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
border01 libcryptsetup4 2:1.6.6-5 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:53:50 2020
border01 libedit2 3.1-20140620-2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:53:50 2020
border01 libffi6 3.1-2+deb8u1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:53:50 2020
border02 libdb5.3 9999-cl3u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:48:53 2020
border02 libnl-cli-3-200 3.2.27-cl3u15+1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:48:53 2020
border02 pkg-config 0.28-1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:48:53 2020
border02 libjs-sphinxdoc 1.2.3+dfsg-1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 18:48:53 2020
fw1 libpcap0.8 1.8.1-3~bpo8+1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 19:18:57 2020
fw1 python-eventlet 0.13.0-2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 19:18:57 2020
fw1 libapt-pkg4.12 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 19:18:57 2020
fw1 libopts25 1:5.18.4-3 Cumulus Linux 3.7.13 installed Mon Aug 17 19:18:57 2020
This example shows the installed switchd package version.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show cl-pkg-info switchd
Matching package_info records:
Hostname Package Name Version CL Version Package Status Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
spine01 switchd 1.0-cl3u40 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Thu Aug 27 01:58:47 2020
View Recommended Software Packages
You can determine whether any of your switches are using a software package other than the default package associated with the Cumulus Linux release that is running on the switches. Use this list to determine which packages to install/upgrade on all devices. Additionally, you can determine if a software package is missing.
To view recommended package information for your switches, run:
netq show recommended-pkg-version [release-id <text-release-id>] [package-name <text-package-name>] [json]
The output may be rather lengthy if this command is run for all releases and packages. If desired, run the command using the release-id and/or package-name options to shorten the output.
This example looks for switches running Cumulus Linux 3.7.1 and switchd. The result is a single switch, leaf12, that has older software and is recommended for update.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf12 3.7.1 vx x86_64 switchd 1.0-cl3u30 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
This example looks for switches running Cumulus Linux 3.7.1 and ptmd. The result is a single switch, server01, that has older software and is recommended for update.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name ptmd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
server01 3.7.1 vx x86_64 ptmd 3.0-2-cl3u8 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
This example looks for switches running Cumulus Linux 3.7.1 and lldpd. The result is a single switch, server01, that has older software and is recommended for update.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name lldpd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
server01 3.7.1 vx x86_64 lldpd 0.9.8-0-cl3u11 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
This example looks for switches running Cumulus Linux 3.6.2 and switchd. The result is a single switch, leaf04, that has older software and is recommended for update.
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.6.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf04 3.6.2 vx x86_64 switchd 1.0-cl3u27 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
View ACL Resources
Using the NetQ CLI, you can monitor the incoming and outgoing access control lists (ACLs) configured on all switches, currently or at a time in the past.
To view ACL resources for all of your switches, run:
netq show cl-resource acl [ingress | egress] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the egress or ingress options to show only the outgoing or incoming ACLs. Use the around option to show this information for a time in the past.
This example shows the ACL resources for all configured switches:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show cl-resource acl
Matching cl_resource records:
Hostname In IPv4 filter In IPv4 Mangle In IPv6 filter In IPv6 Mangle In 8021x filter In Mirror In PBR IPv4 filter In PBR IPv6 filter Eg IPv4 filter Eg IPv4 Mangle Eg IPv6 filter Eg IPv6 Mangle ACL Regions 18B Rules Key 32B Rules Key 54B Rules Key L4 Port range Checke Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
act-5712-09 40,512(7%) 0,0(0%) 30,768(3%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 32,256(12%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 2,24(8%) Tue Aug 18 20:20:39 2020
mlx-2700-04 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 0,0(0%) 4,400(1%) 2,2256(0%) 0,1024(0%) 2,1024(0%) 0,0(0%) Tue Aug 18 20:19:08 2020
The same information can be output to JSON format:
NetQ Agent information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Agents list
Full-screen: view NetQ Agent version across all devices (table)
Inventory|Switches card
Medium: view the number of unique versions of the NetQ Agent running on all devices
Large: view the number of unique versions of the NetQ Agent running on all devices and the associated OS
Full-screen: view NetQ Agent status and version across all devices
netq show agents
View NetQ Agent status, uptime, and version across all devices
To view the NetQ Agents on all switches and hosts:
Click to open the Main menu.
Select Agents from the Network column.
View the Version column to determine which release of the NetQ Agent is running on your devices. Ideally, this version should be the same as the NetQ release you are running, and is the same across all of your devices.
Name of the switch or host
Date and time the data was captured
Last Reinit
Date and time that the switch or host was reinitialized
Last Update Time
Date and time that the switch or host was updated
Date and time that the switch or host was last booted up
NTP State
Status of NTP synchronization on the switch or host; yes = in synchronization, no = out of synchronization
Sys Uptime
Amount of time the switch or host has been continuously up and running
NetQ version running on the switch or host
It is recommended that when you upgrade NetQ that you also upgrade the NetQ Agents. You can determine if you have covered all of your agents using the medium or large Switch Inventory card. To view the NetQ Agent distribution by version:
Open the medium Switch Inventory card.
View the number in the Unique column next to Agent.
If the number is greater than one, you have multiple NetQ Agent versions deployed.
If you have multiple versions, hover over the Agent chart to view the count of switches using each version.
For more detail, switch to the large Switch Inventory card.
Hover over the card and click to open the Software tab.
Hover over the chart on the right to view the number of switches using the various versions of the NetQ Agent.
Hover over the Operating System chart to see which NetQ Agent versions are being run on each OS.
Click either chart to focus on a particular OS or agent version.
To return to the full view, click in the filter tag.
Filter the data on the card by switches that are having trouble communicating, by selecting Rotten Switches from the dropdown above the charts.
Open the full screen Inventory|Switches card. The Show All tab is displayed by default, and shows the NetQ Agent status and version for all devices.
To view the NetQ Agents on all switches and hosts, run:
netq show agents [fresh | rotten ] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the fresh keyword to view only the NetQ Agents that are in current communication with the NetQ Platform or NetQ Collector. Use the rotten keyword to view those that are not. Use the around keyword to view the state of NetQ Agents at an earlier time.
This example shows the current NetQ Agent state on all devices. View the Status column which indicates whether the agent is up and current, labelled Fresh, or down and stale, labelled Rotten. Additional information is provided about the agent status, including whether it is time synchronized, how long it has been up, and the last time its state changed. You can also see the version running. Ideally, this version should be the same as the NetQ release you are running, and is the same across all of your devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents
Matching agents records:
Hostname Status NTP Sync Version Sys Uptime Agent Uptime Reinitialize Time Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
border01 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 28 18:48:31 2020 Tue Jul 28 18:49:46 2020 Tue Jul 28 18:49:46 2020 Sun Aug 23 18:56:56 2020
border02 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 28 18:43:29 2020 Tue Jul 28 18:44:42 2020 Tue Jul 28 18:44:42 2020 Sun Aug 23 18:49:57 2020
fw1 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 28 19:13:26 2020 Tue Jul 28 19:14:28 2020 Tue Jul 28 19:14:28 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:24:01 2020
fw2 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 28 19:11:27 2020 Tue Jul 28 19:12:51 2020 Tue Jul 28 19:12:51 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:21:13 2020
leaf01 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 14 21:04:03 2020 Wed Jul 29 16:12:22 2020 Wed Jul 29 16:12:22 2020 Sun Aug 23 16:16:09 2020
leaf02 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 14 20:59:10 2020 Wed Jul 29 16:12:23 2020 Wed Jul 29 16:12:23 2020 Sun Aug 23 16:16:48 2020
leaf03 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 14 21:04:03 2020 Tue Jul 14 21:18:23 2020 Tue Jul 14 21:18:23 2020 Sun Aug 23 21:25:16 2020
leaf04 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Tue Jul 14 20:57:30 2020 Tue Jul 14 20:58:48 2020 Tue Jul 14 20:58:48 2020 Sun Aug 23 21:09:06 2020
oob-mgmt-server Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:07:59 2020 Mon Jul 13 21:01:35 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:19 2020 Sun Aug 23 15:45:05 2020
server01 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 18:30:46 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:19 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:22 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:43:34 2020
server02 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 18:30:46 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:19 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:35:59 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:48:07 2020
server03 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 18:30:46 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:20 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:22 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:47:47 2020
server04 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 18:30:46 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:20 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:35:59 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:47:52 2020
server05 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 18:30:46 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:20 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:02 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:46:27 2020
server06 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 18:30:46 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:21 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:37 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:47:37 2020
server07 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:58:02 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:21 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:01 2020 Sun Aug 23 18:01:08 2020
server08 Fresh yes 3.1.0-ub18.04u28~1594095612.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:58:18 2020 Mon Jul 13 22:09:23 2020 Tue Jul 14 19:36:03 2020 Mon Aug 24 09:10:38 2020
spine01 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:48:43 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:07 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:07 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:57:05 2020
spine02 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:47:39 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:09 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:09 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:56:39 2020
spine03 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:47:40 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:12 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:12 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:57:29 2020
spine04 Fresh yes 3.1.0-cl3u28~1594095615.8f00ba1 Mon Jul 13 17:47:56 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:11 2020 Mon Aug 10 19:55:11 2020 Sun Aug 23 19:58:23 2020
Monitor Switch Inventory
With the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI, you can monitor your inventory of switches across the network or individually. A user can monitor such items as operating system, motherboard, ASIC, microprocessor, disk, memory, fan and power supply information. Being able to monitor this inventory aids in upgrades, compliance, and other planning tasks.
The commands and cards available to obtain this type of information help you to answer questions such as:
What hardware is installed on my switch?
How many transmit and receive packets have been dropped?
The Cumulus NetQ UI provides the Inventory | Switches card for monitoring the hardware and software component inventory on switches running NetQ in your network. Access this card from the Cumulus Workbench, or add it to your own workbench by clicking (Add card) > Inventory > Inventory|Switches card > Open Cards.
The CLI provides detailed switch inventory information through its netq <hostname> show inventory command.
View Switch Inventory Summary
Component information for all of the switches in your network can be viewed from both the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card:
Small: view count of switches and distribution of switch status
Medium: view count of OS, license, ASIC, platform, CPU model, Disk, and memory types or versions across all switches
netq show inventory command:
-View ASIC, CPU, disk, OS, and ports on all switches
View the Number of Types of Any Component Deployed
For each of the components monitored on a switch, NetQ displays the variety of those component by way of a count. For example, if you have three operating systems running on your switches, say Cumulus Linux, Ubuntu and RHEL, NetQ indicates a total unique count of three OSs. If you only use Cumulus Linux, then the count shows as one.
To view this count for all of the components on the switch:
Open the medium Switch Inventory card.
Note the number in the Unique column for each component.
In the above example, there are four different disk sizes deployed, four different OSs running, four different ASIC vendors and models deployed, and so forth.
Scroll down to see additional components.
By default, the data is shown for switches with a fresh communication status. You can choose to look at the data for switches in the rotten state instead. For example, if you wanted to see if there was any correlation to a version of OS to the switch having a rotten status, you could select Rotten Switches from the dropdown at the top of the card and see if they all use the same OS (count would be 1). It may not be the cause of the lack of communication, but you get the idea.
View the Distribution of Any Component Deployed
NetQ monitors a number of switch components. For each component you can view the distribution of versions or models or vendors deployed across your network for that component.
To view the distribution:
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
From the medium or large card, view the distribution of hardware and software components across the network.
Hover over any of the segments in the distribution chart to highlight a specific component. Scroll down to view additional components.
When you hover, a tooltip appears displaying:
Name or value of the component type, such as the version number or status
Total number of switches with that type of component deployed compared to the total number of switches
Percentage of this type with respect to all component types
On the large Switch Inventory card, hovering also highlights the related components for the selected component. This is shown in blue here.
Choose Rotten Switches from the dropdown to see which, if any, switches are currently not communicating with NetQ.
Return to your fresh switches, then hover over the card header and change to the small size card using the size picker.
Here you can see the total switch count and the distribution of those that are communicating well with the NetQ appliance or VM and those that are not. In this example, there are a total of 13 switches and they are all fresh (communicating well).
To view the hardware and software components for a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show inventory brief
This example shows the type of switch (Cumulus VX), operating system (Cumulus Linux), CPU (x86_62), and ASIC (virtual) for the spine01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show inventory brief
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Switch OS CPU ASIC Ports
----------------- -------------------- --------------- -------- --------------- -----------------------------------
spine01 VX CL x86_64 VX N/A
This example show the components on the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory brief opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Switch OS CPU ASIC Ports
----------------- -------------------- --------------- -------- --------------- -----------------------------------
netq-ts N/A Ubuntu x86_64 N/A N/A
View Switch Hardware Inventory
You can view hardware components deployed on each switch in your network.
View ASIC Information for a Switch
ASIC information for a switch can be viewed from either the NetQ CLI or NetQ UI.
Locate the medium Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Change to the full-screen card and click ASIC.
Note that if you are running CumulusVX switches, no detailed ASIC information is available because the hardware is virtualized.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Select hostname from the Field dropdown.
Enter the hostname of the switch you want to view, and click Apply.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view information about the ASIC on a switch, run:
netq [<hostname>] show inventory asic [opta] [json]
This example shows the ASIC information for the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show inventory asic
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Vendor Model Model ID Core BW Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
leaf02 Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 32 x 100G-QSFP28
This example shows the ASIC information for the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory asic opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Vendor Model Model ID Core BW Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
netq-ts Mellanox Spectrum MT52132 N/A 32 x 100G-QSFP28
View Motherboard Information for a Switch
Motherboard/platform information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card
Medium/Large: view platform distribution across on all switches (graphic)
Full-screen: view platform vendor, model, manufacturing date, revision, serial number, MAC address, series for a switch (table)
netq show inventory board command
View motherboard vendor, model, base MAC address, serial number, part number, revision, and manufacturing date on a switch
Locate the medium Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click Platform.
Note that if you are running CumulusVX switches, no detailed platform information is available because the hardware is virtualized.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Select hostname from the Field dropdown.
Enter the hostname of the switch you want to view, and click Apply.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view a list of motherboards installed in a switch, run:
netq [<hostname>] show inventory board [opta] [json]
This example shows all of the motherboard data for the spine01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show inventory board
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Vendor Model Base MAC Serial No Part No Rev Mfg Date
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------
spine01 Dell S6000-ON 44:38:39:00:80:00 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Use the opta option without the hostname option to view the motherboard data for the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance. No motherboard data is available for NetQ On-premises or Cloud VMs.
View CPU Information for a Switch
CPU information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card: view CPU architecture, model, maximum operating frequency, the number of cores, and data on a switch (table)
netq show inventory cpu command: view CPU architecture, model, maximum operating frequency, and the number of cores on a switch
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click CPU.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Select hostname from the Field dropdown. Then enter the hostname of the switch you want to view.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view CPU information for a switch in your network, run:
netq [<hostname>] show inventory cpu [arch <cpu-arch>] [opta] [json]
This example shows CPU information for the server02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq server02 show inventory cpu
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Arch Model Freq Cores
----------------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----
server02 x86_64 Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A 1
ss Core i7)
This example shows the CPU information for the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory cpu opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Arch Model Freq Cores
----------------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----
netq-ts x86_64 Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, N/A 8
View Disk Information for a Switch
Disk information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card: view disk vendor, size, revision, model, name, transport, and type on a switch (table)
netq show inventory disk command: view disk name, type, transport, size, vendor, and model on all devices
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click Disk.
Note that if you are running CumulusVX switches, no detailed disk information is available because the hardware is virtualized.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Select hostname from the Field dropdown. Then enter the hostname of the switch you want to view.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view disk information for a switch in your network, run:
netq [<hostname>] show inventory disk [opta] [json]
This example shows the disk information for the leaf03 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show inventory disk
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Type Transport Size Vendor Model
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
leaf03 vda disk N/A 6G 0x1af4 N/A
This example show the disk information for the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory disk opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Type Transport Size Vendor Model
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
netq-ts vda disk N/A 265G 0x1af4 N/A
View Memory Information for a Switch
Memory information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card: view memory chip vendor, name, serial number, size, speed, and type on a switch (table)
netq show inventory memory: view memory chip name, type, size, speed, vendor, and serial number on all devices
Locate the medium Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click Memory.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Select hostname from the Field dropdown. Then enter the hostname of the switch you want to view.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view memory information for your switches and host servers, run:
netq [<hostname>] show inventory memory [opta] [json]
This example shows all of the memory characteristics for the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show inventory memory
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Type Size Speed Vendor Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 DIMM 0 RAM 768 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
This example shows the memory information for the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory memory opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Type Size Speed Vendor Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
netq-ts DIMM 0 RAM 16384 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
netq-ts DIMM 1 RAM 16384 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
netq-ts DIMM 2 RAM 16384 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
netq-ts DIMM 3 RAM 16384 MB Unknown QEMU Not Specified
View Switch Software Inventory
You can view software components deployed on a given switch in your network.
View Operating System Information for a Switch
OS information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card: view OS vendor, version, and version ID on a switch (table)
netq show inventory os: view OS name and version on a switch
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click OS.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Enter a hostname, then click Apply.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view OS information for a switch, run:
netq [<hostname>] show inventory os [opta] [json]
This example shows the OS information for the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show inventory os
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Version Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------
leaf02 CL 3.7.5 Fri Apr 19 16:01:46 2019
This example shows the OS information for the NetQ On-premises or Cloud Appliance.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory os opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name Version Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------
netq-ts Ubuntu 18.04 Tue Jul 14 19:27:39 2020
View Cumulus Linux License Information for a Switch
It is important to know when you have switches that have invalid or missing Cumulus Linux licenses, as not all of the features are operational without a valid license. If the license status is Bad or Missing, the license must be updated or applied for a switch to operate properly. Hosts do not require a Cumulus Linux or NetQ license.
Cumulus Linux license information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Inventory|Switches card: view license state on a switch (table)
netq show inventory license: view license name and state on a switch
Locate the Inventory|Switches card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
The Show All tab is displayed by default.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Select hostname from the Field dropdown. Then enter the hostname of the switch you want to view.
Scroll to the right to locate the License State and License Name columns. Based on the state value:
OK: no action is required
Bad: validate the correct license is installed and has not expired
Missing: install a valid Cumulus Linux license
N/A: This device does not require a license; typically a host.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view license information for a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show inventory license [opta] [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows the license status for the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show inventory license
Matching inventory records:
Hostname Name State Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- -------------------------
leaf02 Cumulus Linux ok Fri Apr 19 16:01:46 2020
View the Cumulus Linux Packages on a Switch
When you are troubleshooting an issue with a switch, you might want to know what versions of the Cumulus Linux operating system are supported on that switch and on a switch that is not having the same issue.
To view package information for your switches, run:
netq <hostname> show cl-manifest [json]
This example shows the Cumulus Linux OS versions supported for the leaf01 switch, using the vx ASIC vendor (virtual, so simulated) and x86_64 CPU architecture.
If you are having an issue with a particular switch, you may want to verify what software is installed and whether it needs updating.
To view package information for a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show cl-pkg-info [<text-package-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the text-package-name option to narrow the results to a particular package or the around option to narrow the output to a particular time range.
This example shows all installed software packages for spine01.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show cl-pkg-info
Matching package_info records:
Hostname Package Name Version CL Version Package Status Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
spine01 libfile-fnmatch-perl 0.02-2+b1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 screen 4.2.1-3+deb8u1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libudev1 215-17+deb8u13 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libjson-c2 0.11-4 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 atftp 0.7.git20120829-1+de Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 isc-dhcp-relay 4.3.1-6-cl3u14 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 iputils-ping 3:20121221-5+b2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 base-files 8+deb8u11 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libx11-data 2:1.6.2-3+deb8u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 onie-tools 3.2-cl3u6 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 python-cumulus-restapi 0.1-cl3u10 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 tasksel 3.31+deb8u1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 ncurses-base 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libmnl0 1.0.3-5-cl3u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614- Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
This example shows the ntp package on the spine01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show cl-pkg-info ntp
Matching package_info records:
Hostname Package Name Version CL Version Package Status Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
spine01 ntp 1:4.2.8p10-cl3u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
View Recommended Software Packages
If you have a software manifest, you can determine what software packages and versions are recommended based on the Cumulus Linux release. You can then compare that to what is installed on your switch(es) to determine if it differs from the manifest. Such a difference might occur if one or more packages have been upgraded separately from the Cumulus Linux software itself.
To view recommended package information for a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show recommended-pkg-version [release-id <text-release-id>] [package-name <text-package-name>] [json]
This example shows packages that are recommended for upgrade on the leaf12 switch, namely switchd.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf12 show recommended-pkg-version
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf12 3.7.1 vx x86_64 switchd 1.0-cl3u30 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
This example shows packages that are recommended for upgrade on the server01 switch, namely lldpd.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq server01 show recommended-pkg-version
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
server01 3.7.1 vx x86_64 lldpd 0.9.8-0-cl3u11 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
This example shows the version of the switchd package that is recommended for use with Cumulus Linux 3.7.2.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09 3.7.2 bcm x86_64 switchd 1.0-cl3u31 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
This example shows the version of the switchd package that is recommended for use with Cumulus Linux 3.1.0. Note the version difference from the example for Cumulus Linux 3.7.2.
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.1.0 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname Release ID ASIC Vendor CPU Arch Package Name Version Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09 3.1.0 bcm x86_64 switchd 1.0-cl3u4 Wed Feb 5 04:36:30 2020
Validate NetQ Agents are Running
You can confirm that NetQ Agents are running on switches and hosts (if installed) using the netq show agents command. Viewing the Status column of the output indicates whether the agent is up and current, labelled Fresh, or down and stale, labelled Rotten. Additional information is provided about the agent status, including whether it is time synchronized, how long it has been up, and the last time its state changed.
This example shows NetQ Agent state on all devices.
View the state of the NetQ Agent on a given device using the
hostname keyword.
View only the NetQ Agents that are fresh or rotten using the fresh or rotten keyword.
View the state of NetQ Agents at an earlier time using the around
Monitor Software Services
Cumulus Linux and NetQ run a number of services to deliver the various features of these products. You can monitor their status using the netq show services command. The services related to system-level operation are described here. Monitoring of other services, such as those related to routing, are described with those topics. NetQ automatically monitors the following services:
bgpd: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) daemon
clagd: MLAG (Multi-chassis Link Aggregation) daemon
mstpd: MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) daemon
neighmgrd: Neighbor Manager daemon for BGP and OSPF
netq-agent: NetQ Agent service
netqd: NetQ application daemon
ntp: NTP service
ntpd: NTP daemon
ptmd: PTM (Prescriptive Topology Manager) daemon
pwmd: PWM (Password Manager)
rsyslog: Rocket-fast system event logging processing service
smond: System monitor daemon
ssh: Secure Shell service for switches and servers
status: License validation service
syslog: System event logging service
vrf: VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding) service
zebra: GNU Zebra routing daemon
The CLI syntax for viewing the status of services is:
netq [<hostname>] show services [<service-name>] [vrf <vrf>] [active|monitored] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show services [<service-name>] [vrf <vrf>] status (ok|warning|error|fail) [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type services [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
View All Services on All Devices
This example shows all of the available services on each device and whether each is enabled, active, and monitored, along with how long the service has been running and the last time it was changed.
It is useful to have colored output for this show command. To configure colored output, run the netq config add color command.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services
Hostname Service PID VRF Enabled Active Monitored Status Uptime Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- ----- --------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 bgpd 2872 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 clagd n/a default yes no yes n/a 1d:6h:43m:35s Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
leaf01 ledmgrd 1850 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 lldpd 2651 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:27s Fri Feb 15 17:28:56 2019
leaf01 mstpd 1746 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:35s Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
leaf01 neighmgrd 1986 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 netq-agent 8654 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:29s Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
leaf01 netqd 8848 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:29s Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
leaf01 ntp 8478 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:29s Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
leaf01 ptmd 2743 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 pwmd 1852 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 smond 1826 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:27s Fri Feb 15 17:28:56 2019
leaf01 ssh 2106 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 syslog 8254 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01 zebra 2856 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:59s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf02 bgpd 2867 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:55s Fri Feb 15 17:28:28 2019
leaf02 clagd n/a default yes no yes n/a 1d:6h:43m:31s Fri Feb 15 17:28:53 2019
leaf02 ledmgrd 1856 default yes yes no ok 1d:6h:43m:55s Fri Feb 15 17:28:28 2019
leaf02 lldpd 2646 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:43m:30s Fri Feb 15 17:28:53 2019
You can also view services information in JSON format:
If you want to view the service information for a given device, simply use the hostname option when running the command.
View Information about a Given Service on All Devices
You can view the status of a given service at the current time, at a prior point in time, or view the changes that have occurred for the service during a specified timeframe.
This example shows how to view the status of the NTP service across the network. In this case, VRF is configured so the NTP service runs on both the default and management interface. You can perform the same command with the other services, such as bgpd, lldpd, and clagd.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services ntp
Matching services records:
Hostname Service PID VRF Enabled Active Monitored Status Uptime Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- ----- --------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
exit01 ntp 8478 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:41s Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
exit02 ntp 8497 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:36s Fri Feb 15 17:28:59 2019
firewall01 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:53m:4s Fri Feb 15 17:28:31 2019
hostd-11 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:46s Fri Feb 15 17:28:49 2019
hostd-21 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:37s Fri Feb 15 17:28:58 2019
hosts-11 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:28s Fri Feb 15 17:29:07 2019
hosts-13 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:19s Fri Feb 15 17:29:16 2019
hosts-21 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:14s Fri Feb 15 17:29:21 2019
hosts-23 ntp n/a default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:4s Fri Feb 15 17:29:31 2019
noc-pr ntp 2148 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:53m:43s Fri Feb 15 17:27:52 2019
noc-se ntp 2148 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:53m:38s Fri Feb 15 17:27:57 2019
spine01 ntp 8414 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:53m:30s Fri Feb 15 17:28:05 2019
spine02 ntp 8419 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:53m:27s Fri Feb 15 17:28:08 2019
spine03 ntp 8443 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:53m:22s Fri Feb 15 17:28:13 2019
leaf01 ntp 8765 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:52s Fri Feb 15 17:28:43 2019
leaf02 ntp 8737 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:46s Fri Feb 15 17:28:49 2019
leaf11 ntp 9305 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:49m:22s Fri Feb 15 17:32:13 2019
leaf12 ntp 9339 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:49m:9s Fri Feb 15 17:32:26 2019
leaf21 ntp 9367 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:49m:5s Fri Feb 15 17:32:30 2019
leaf22 ntp 9403 mgmt yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:52m:57s Fri Feb 15 17:28:38 2019
This example shows the status of the BGP daemon.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services bgpd
Matching services records:
Hostname Service PID VRF Enabled Active Monitored Status Uptime Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- ----- --------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
exit01 bgpd 2872 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:54m:37s Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
exit02 bgpd 2867 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:54m:33s Fri Feb 15 17:28:28 2019
firewall01 bgpd 21766 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:54m:54s Fri Feb 15 17:28:07 2019
spine01 bgpd 2953 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:55m:27s Fri Feb 15 17:27:34 2019
spine02 bgpd 2948 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:55m:23s Fri Feb 15 17:27:38 2019
spine03 bgpd 2953 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:55m:18s Fri Feb 15 17:27:43 2019
leaf01 bgpd 3221 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:54m:48s Fri Feb 15 17:28:13 2019
leaf02 bgpd 3177 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:54m:42s Fri Feb 15 17:28:19 2019
leaf11 bgpd 3521 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:51m:18s Fri Feb 15 17:31:43 2019
leaf12 bgpd 3527 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:51m:6s Fri Feb 15 17:31:55 2019
leaf21 bgpd 3512 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:51m:1s Fri Feb 15 17:32:00 2019
leaf22 bgpd 3536 default yes yes yes ok 1d:6h:54m:54s Fri Feb 15 17:28:07 2019
View Events Related to a Given Service
To view changes over a given time period, use the netq show events command. For more detailed information about events, refer to Manage Events and Notifications.
In this example, we want to view changes to the bgpd service in the last 48 hours.
cumulus@switch:/$ netq show events type bgp between now and 48h
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------ -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-1 swp3. 1d:6h:55m:37s
3 vrf DataVrf1081 state changed fro
m failed to Established
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-2 swp4. 1d:6h:55m:37s
3 vrf DataVrf1081 state changed fro
m failed to Established
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-3 swp5. 1d:6h:55m:37s
3 vrf DataVrf1081 state changed fro
m failed to Established
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-1 swp3. 1d:6h:55m:37s
2 vrf DataVrf1080 state changed fro
m failed to Established
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-3 swp5. 1d:6h:55m:37s
2 vrf DataVrf1080 state changed fro
m failed to Established
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-2 swp4. 1d:6h:55m:37s
2 vrf DataVrf1080 state changed fro
m failed to Established
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine-3 swp5. 1d:6h:55m:37s
4 vrf DataVrf1082 state changed fro
m failed to Established
Monitor System Inventory
In addition to network and switch inventory, the Cumulus NetQ UI provides a view into the current status and configuration of the software network constructs in a tabular, networkwide view. These are helpful when you want to see all data for all of a particular element in your network for troubleshooting, or you want to export a list view.
Some of these views provide data that is also available through the card workflows, but these views are not treated like cards. They only provide the current status; you cannot change the time period of the views, or graph the data within the UI.
Access these tables through the Main Menu (), under the Network heading.
Tables can be manipulated using the settings above the tables, shown here and described in Table Settings.
Pagination options are shown when there are more than 25 results.
View All NetQ Agents
The Agents view provides all available parameter data about all NetQ Agents in the system.
Name of the switch or host
Date and time the data was captured
Last Reinit
Date and time that the switch or host was reinitialized
Last Update Time
Date and time that the switch or host was updated
Date and time that the switch or host was last booted up
NTP State
Status of NTP synchronization on the switch or host; yes = in synchronization, no = out of synchronization
Sys Uptime
Amount of time the switch or host has been continuously up and running
NetQ version running on the switch or host
View All Events
The Events view provides all available parameter data about all events in the system.
Name of the switch or host that experienced the event
Date and time the event was captured
Description of the event
Message Type
Network service or protocol that generated the event
Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
View All MACs
The MACs (media access control addresses) view provides all available parameter data about all MAC addresses in the system.
Name of the switch or host where the MAC address resides
Date and time the data was captured
Egress Port
Port where traffic exits the switch or host
Is Remote
Indicates if the address is
Is Static
Indicates if the address is a static (true) or dynamic assignment (false)
MAC Address
MAC address
Next hop for traffic hitting this MAC address on this switch or host
Indicates if address is owned by this switch or host (true) or by a peer (false)
VLAN associated with the MAC address, if any
View All VLANs
The VLANs (virtual local area networks) view provides all available parameter data about all VLANs in the system.
Name of the switch or host where the VLAN(s) reside(s)
Date and time the data was captured
If Name
Name of interface used by the VLAN(s)
Last Changed
Date and time when this information was last updated
Ports on the switch or host associated with the VLAN(s)
Switch virtual interface associated with a bridge interface
VLANs associated with the switch or host
View IP Routes
The IP Routes view provides all available parameter data about all IP routes. The list of routes can be filtered to view only the IPv4 or IPv6 routes by selecting the relevant tab.
Name of the switch or host where the VLAN(s) reside(s)
Date and time the data was captured
Is IPv6
Indicates if the address is an IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false) address
Message Type
Network service or protocol; always Route in this table
Possible ports/interfaces where traffic can be routed to next
Indicates if this switch or host is the source of this route (true) or not (false)
IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix
Rank of this route to be used before another, where the lower the number, less likely is to be used; value determined by routing protocol
Protocol responsible for this route
Route Type
Type of route
Rt Table ID
The routing table identifier where the route resides
Prefix of the address where the route is coming from (the previous hop)
Associated virtual route interface associated with this route
View IP Neighbors
The IP Neighbors view provides all available parameter data about all IP neighbors. The list of neighbors can be filtered to view only the IPv4 or IPv6 neighbors by selecting the relevant tab.
Name of the neighboring switch or host
Date and time the data was captured
IF Index
Index of interface used to communicate with this neighbor
If Name
Name of interface used to communicate with this neighbor
IP Address
IPv4 or IPv6 address of the neighbor switch or host
Is IPv6
Indicates if the address is an IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false) address
Is Remote
Indicates if the address is
MAC Address
MAC address of the neighbor switch or host
Message Type
Network service or protocol; always Neighbor in this table
Associated virtual route interface associated with this neighbor
View IP Addresses
The IP Addresses view provides all available parameter data about all IP addresses. The list of addresses can be filtered to view only the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses by selecting the relevant tab.
Name of the neighboring switch or host
Date and time the data was captured
If Name
Name of interface used to communicate with this neighbor
Is IPv6
Indicates if the address is an IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false) address
Host portion of the address
Network portion of the address
Virtual route interface associated with this address prefix and interface on this switch or host
Monitor Container Environments Using Kubernetes API Server
The NetQ Agent monitors many aspects of containers on your network by integrating with the Kubernetes API server. In particular, the NetQ Agent tracks:
Identity: Every container’s IP and MAC address, name, image, and more. NetQ can locate containers across the fabric based on a container’s name, image, IP or MAC address, and protocol and port pair.
Port mapping on a network: Protocol and ports exposed by a container. NetQ can identify containers exposing a specific protocol and port pair on a network.
Connectivity: Information about network connectivity for a container, including adjacency, and can identify containers that can be affected by a top of rack switch.
This topic assumes a reasonable familiarity with Kubernetes terminology and architecture.
Use NetQ with Kubernetes Clusters
The NetQ Agent interfaces with the Kubernetes API server and listens to Kubernetes events. The NetQ Agent monitors network identity and physical network connectivity of Kubernetes resources like Pods, Daemon sets, Service, and so forth. NetQ works with any container network interface (CNI), such as Calico or Flannel.
The NetQ Kubernetes integration enables network administrators to:
Identify and locate pods, deployment, replica-set and services deployed within the network using IP, name, label, and so forth.
Track network connectivity of all pods of a service, deployment and replica set.
Locate what pods have been deployed adjacent to a top of rack (ToR) switch.
Check what pod, services, replica set or deployment can be impacted by a specific ToR switch.
NetQ also helps network administrators identify changes within a Kubernetes cluster and determine if such changes had an adverse effect on the network performance (caused by a noisy neighbor for example). Additionally, NetQ helps the infrastructure administrator determine how Kubernetes workloads are distributed within a network.
The NetQ Agent supports Kubernetes version 1.9.2 or later.
Command Summary
There is a large set of commands available to monitor Kubernetes configurations, including the ability to monitor clusters, nodes, daemon-set, deployment, pods, replication, and services. Run netq show kubernetes help to see all the possible commands.
After waiting for a minute, run the show command to view the cluster.
cumulus@host:~$netq show kubernetes cluster
Next, you must enable the NetQ Agent on all of the worker nodes for complete insight into your container network. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on each worker node.
View Status of Kubernetes Clusters
Run the netq show kubernetes cluster command to view the status of all Kubernetes clusters in the fabric. In this example, we see there are two clusters; one with server11 as the master server and the other with server12 as the master server. Both are healthy and their associated worker nodes are listed.
cumulus@host:~$ netq show kubernetes cluster
Matching kube_cluster records:
Master Cluster Name Controller Status Scheduler Status Nodes
------------------------ ---------------- -------------------- ---------------- --------------------
server11: default Healthy Healthy server11 server13 se
rver22 server11 serv
er12 server23 server
server12: default Healthy Healthy server12 server21 se
rver23 server13 serv
er14 server21 server
For deployments with multiple clusters, you can use the hostname option to filter the output. This example shows filtering of the list by server11:
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes cluster
Matching kube_cluster records:
Master Cluster Name Controller Status Scheduler Status Nodes
------------------------ ---------------- -------------------- ---------------- --------------------
server11: default Healthy Healthy server11 server13 se
rver22 server11 serv
er12 server23 server
Optionally, use the json option to present the results in JSON format.
If data collection from the NetQ Agents is not occurring as it once was, you can verify that no changes have been made to the Kubernetes cluster configuration using the around option. Be sure to include the unit of measure with the around value. Valid units include:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
This example shows changes that have been made to the cluster in the last hour. In this example we see the addition of the two master nodes and the various worker nodes for each cluster.
cumulus@host:~$ netq show kubernetes cluster around 1h
Matching kube_cluster records:
Master Cluster Name Controller Status Scheduler Status Nodes DBState Last changed
------------------------ ---------------- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------
server11: default Healthy Healthy server11 server13 server22 server11 serv Add Fri Feb 8 01:50:50 2019
er12 server23 server24
server12: default Healthy Healthy server12 server21 server23 server13 serv Add Fri Feb 8 01:50:50 2019
er14 server21 server22
server12: default Healthy Healthy server12 server21 server23 server13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:50:50 2019
server11: default Healthy Healthy server11 Add Fri Feb 8 01:50:50 2019
server12: default Healthy Healthy server12 Add Fri Feb 8 01:50:50 2019
View Kubernetes Pod Information
You can show configuration and status of the pods in a cluster, including the names, labels, addresses, associated cluster and containers, and whether the pod is running. This example shows pods for FRR, nginx, Calico, and various Kubernetes components sorted by master node.
You can view detailed information about a node, including their role in the cluster, pod CIDR and kubelet status. This example shows all of the nodes in the cluster with server11 as the master. Note that server11 acts as a worker node along with the other nodes in the cluster, server12, server13, server22, server23, and server24.
To display the kubelet or Docker version, use the components option with the show command. This example lists the kublet version, a proxy address if used, and the status of the container for server11 master and worker nodes.
To view only the details for a selected node, the name option with the hostname of that node following the components option:
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes node components name server13
Matching kube_cluster records:
Master Cluster Name Node Name Kubelet KubeProxy Container Runt
------------------------ ---------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------------- --------------
server11: default server13 v1.9.2 v1.9.2 docker://17.3.2 KubeletReady
View Kubernetes Replica Set on a Node
You can view information about the replica set, including the name, labels, and number of replicas present for each application. This example shows the number of replicas for each application in the server11 cluster:
You can view information about the daemon set running on the node. This example shows that six copies of the cumulus-frr daemon are running on the server11 node:
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes daemon-set namespace default
Matching kube_daemonset records:
Master Cluster Name Namespace Daemon Set Name Labels Desired Count Ready Count Last Changed
------------------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------
server11: default default cumulus-frr k8s-app:cumulus-frr 6 6 14h:25m:37s
View Pods on a Node
You can view information about the pods on the node. The first example shows all pods running nginx in the default namespace for the server11 cluster. The second example shows all pods running any application in the default namespace for the server11 cluster.
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes pod namespace default label nginx
Matching kube_pod records:
Master Namespace Name IP Node Labels Status Containers Last Changed
------------------------ ------------ -------------------- ---------------- ------------ -------------------- -------- ------------------------ ----------------
server11: default nginx-8586cf59-26pj5 server24 run:nginx Running nginx:6e2b65070c86 14h:25m:24s
server11: default nginx-8586cf59-c82ns server12 run:nginx Running nginx:01b017c26725 14h:25m:24s
server11: default nginx-8586cf59-wjwgp server22 run:nginx Running nginx:ed2b4254e328 14h:25m:24s
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes pod namespace default label app
Matching kube_pod records:
Master Namespace Name IP Node Labels Status Containers Last Changed
------------------------ ------------ -------------------- ---------------- ------------ -------------------- -------- ------------------------ ----------------
server11: default httpd-5456469bfd-bq9 server22 app:httpd Running httpd:79b7f532be2d 14h:20m:34s
server11: default influxdb-6cdb566dd-8 server13 app:influx Running influxdb:15dce703cdec 14h:20m:34s
View Status of the Replication Controller on a Node
When replicas have been created, you are then able to view information about the replication controller:
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes replication-controller
No matching kube_replica records found
View Kubernetes Deployment Information
For each depolyment, you can view the number of replicas associated with an application. This example shows information for a deployment of the nginx application:
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show kubernetes deployment name nginx
Matching kube_deployment records:
Master Namespace Name Replicas Ready Replicas Labels Last Changed
------------------------ --------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------ ----------------
server11: default nginx 3 3 run:nginx 14h:27m:20s
Search Using Labels
You can search for information about your Kubernetes clusters using labels. A label search is similar to a “contains” regular expression search. In the following example, we are looking for all nodes that contain kube in the replication set name or label:
You can view the connectivity graph of a Kubernetes pod, seeing its replica set, deployment or service level. The connectivity graph starts with the server where the pod is deployed, and shows the peer for each server interface. This data is displayed in a similar manner as the netq trace command, showing the interface name, the outbound port on that interface, and the inbound port on the peer.
In this example shows connectivity at the deployment level, where the nginx-8586cf59-wjwgp replica is in a pod on the server22 node. It has four possible commumication paths, through interfaces swp1-4 out varying ports to peer interfaces swp7 and swp20 on torc-21, torc-22, edge01 and edge02 nodes. Similarly, the connections are shown for two additional nginx replicas.
You can show details about the Kubernetes services in a cluster, including service name, labels associated with the service, type of service, associated IP address, an external address if a public service, and ports used. This example show the services available in the Kubernetes cluster:
You can filter the list to view details about a particular Kubernetes service using the name option, as shown here:
cumulus@host:~$ netq show kubernetes service name calico-etcd
Matching kube_service records:
Master Namespace Service Name Labels Type Cluster IP External IP Ports Last Changed
------------------------ ---------------- -------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------
server11: kube-system calico-etcd k8s-app:cali ClusterIP TCP:6666 2d:13h:48m:10s
server12: kube-system calico-etcd k8s-app:cali ClusterIP TCP:6666 2d:13h:49m:3s
View Kubernetes Service Connectivity
To see the connectivity of a given Kubernetes service, include the connectivity option. This example shows the connectivity of the calico-etcd service:
View the Impact of Connectivity Loss for a Service
You can preview the impact on the service availabilty based on the loss of particular node using the impact option. The output is color coded (not shown in the example below) so you can clearly see the impact: green shows no impact, yellow shows partial impact, and red shows full impact.
cumulus@host:~$ netq server11 show impact kubernetes service name calico-etcd
calico-etcd -- calico-etcd-pfg9r -- server11:swp1:torbond1 -- swp6:hostbond2:torc-11
-- server11:swp2:torbond1 -- swp6:hostbond2:torc-12
-- server11:swp3:NetQBond-2 -- swp16:NetQBond-16:edge01
-- server11:swp4:NetQBond-2 -- swp16:NetQBond-16:edge02
View Kubernetes Cluster Configuration in the Past
You can use the around option to go back in time to check the network status and identify any changes that occurred on the network.
This example shows the current state of the network. Notice there is a node named server23. server23 is there because the node server22 went down and Kubernetes spun up a third replica on a different host to satisfy the deployment requirement.
View the Impact of Connectivity Loss for a Deployment
You can determine the impact on the Kubernetes deployment in the event a host or switch goes down. The output is color coded (not shown in the example below) so you can clearly see the impact: green shows no impact, yellow shows partial impact, and red shows full impact.
Events provide information about how the network and its devices are operating. NetQ allows you to view current events and compare that with events at an earlier time. Event notifications are available through Slack, PagerDuty, syslog, and Email channels and aid troubleshooting and resolution of problems in the network before they become critical.
Three types of events are available in NetQ:
System: wide range of events generated by the system about network protocols and services operation, hardware and software status, and system services
Threshold-based (TCA): selected set of system-related events generated based on user-configured threshold values
What Just Happened (WJH): network hardware events generated when WJH feature is enabled on Mellanox switches
The NetQ UI provides two event workflows and and two summary tables:
Alarms card workflow: tracks critical severity system and TCA events for a given timeframe
Info card workflow: tracks all warning, info, and debug severity system and TCA events for a given timeframe
All Events table: lists all system events in the last 24 hours
What Just Happened table: lists the 1000 most recent WJH events in the last 24 hours
The NetQ CLI provides the netq show events command to view system and TCA events for a given timeframe. The netq show wjh-drop command lists all WJH events or those with a selected drop type.
To take advantage of these events, use the instructions contained in this topic to configure one or more notification channels for system and threshold-based events and setup WJH for selected switches.
Configure Notifications
To take advantage of the numerous event messages generated and processed by NetQ, you must integrate with third-party event notification applications. You can integrate NetQ with Syslog, PagerDuty, Slack, and Email. You may integrate with one or more of these applications simultaneously.
In an on-premises deployment, the NetQ On-premises Appliance or VM receives the raw data stream from the NetQ Agents, processes the data, stores, and delivers events to the Notification function. Notification then filters and sends messages to any configured notification applications. In a cloud deployment, the NetQ Cloud Appliance or VM passes the raw data stream on to the NetQ Cloud service for processing and delivery.
You may choose to implement a proxy server (that sits between the NetQ Appliance or VM and the integration channels) that receives, processes and distributes the notifications rather than having them sent directly to the integration channel. If you use such a proxy, you must configure NetQ with the proxy information.
Notifications are generated for the following types of events:
Network Protocol Validations
BGP status and session state
MLAG (CLAG) status and session state
EVPN status and session state
LLDP status
OSPF status and session state
VLAN status and session state *
VXLAN status and session state *
Link status
Ports and cables status
MTU status
NetQ Agent status
NTP status*
On-demand trace status
Scheduled trace status
Fan status
PSU (power supply unit) status
Temperature status
System Software
Configuration File changes
Running Configuration File changes
Cumulus Linux License status
Cumulus Linux Support status
Software Package status
Operating System version
Lifecycle Management status
System Hardware
Physical resources status
BTRFS status
SSD utilization status
* This type of event can only be viewed in the CLI with this release.
Event filters are based on rules you create. You must have at least one rule per filter. A select set of events can be triggered by a user-configured threshold.
Identifier of the service or process that generated the event
Hostname of network device where event occurred
Severity level in which the given event is classified; debug, error, info, warning, or critical
Text description of event
For example:
You can integrate notification channels using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Channels card: specify channels
Threshold Crossing Rules card: specify rules and filters, assign existing channels
-netq notification (channel|rule|filter) command: specify channels, rules, and filters
To set up the integrations, you must configure NetQ with at least one channel, one rule, and one filter. To refine what messages you want to view and where to send them, you can add additional rules and filters and set thresholds on supported event types. You can also configure a proxy server to receive, process, and forward the messages. This is accomplished using the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI in the following order:
Configure Basic NetQ Event Notifications
The simplest configuration you can create is one that sends all events generated by all interfaces to a single notification application. This is described here. For more granular configurations and examples, refer to Configure Advanced NetQ Event Notifications.
A notification configuration must contain one channel, one rule, and one filter. Creation of the configuration follows this same path:
Add a channel.
Add a rule that accepts a selected set events.
Add a filter that associates this rule with the newly created channel.
Create a Channel
The first step is to create a PagerDuty, Slack, syslog, or Email channel to receive the notifications.
You can use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI to create a Slack channel.
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column.
The Slack tab is displayed by default.
Add a channel.
When no channels have been specified, click Add Slack Channel.
When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Create an incoming webhook as described in the documentation for your version of Slack. Then copy and paste it here.
Click Add.
To verify the channel configuration, click Test.
Otherwise, click Close.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To create and verify the specification of a Slack channel, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------
slk-netq-events slack info webhook:https://hooks.s
You can use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI to create a PagerDuty channel.
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column.
Click PagerDuty.
Add a channel.
When no channels have been specified, click Add PagerDuty Channel.
When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Obtain and enter an integration key (also called a service key or routing key).
Click Add.
Verify it is correctly configured.
Otherwise, click Close.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To create and verify the specification of a PagerDuty channel, run:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: c6d666e
You can use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI to create a Slack channel.
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column.
Click Syslog.
Add a channel.
When no channels have been specified, click Add Syslog Channel.
When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Enter the IP address and port of the Syslog server.
Click Add.
To verify the channel configuration, click Test.
Otherwise, click Close.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To create and verify the specification of a syslog channel, run:
netq add notification channel syslog <text-channel-name> hostname <text-syslog-hostname> port <text-syslog-port> [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug]
netq show notification channel [json]
This example shows the creation of a syslog-netq-events channel and verifies the configuration.
Obtain the syslog server hostname (or IP address) and port.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------
syslog-netq-eve syslog info host:syslog-server
nts port: 514
You can use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI to create an Email channel.
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column.
Click Email.
Add a channel.
When no channels have been specified, click Add Email Channel.
When at least one channel has been specified, click above the table.
Provide a unique name for the channel. Note that spaces are not allowed. Use dashes or camelCase instead.
Enter a list of emails for the persons who you want to receive the notifications from this channel.
Enter the emails separated by commas, and no spaces. For example: user1@domain.com,user2@domain.com,user3@domain.com.
The first time you configure an Email channel, you must also specify the SMTP server information:
Host: hostname or IP address of the SMTP server
Port: port of the SMTP server; typically 587
User ID/Password: your administrative credentials
From: email address that indicates who sent the event messages
After the first time, any additional email channels you create can use this configuration, by clicking Existing.
Click Add.
To verify the channel configuration, click Test.
Otherwise, click Close.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To create and verify the specification of an Email channel, run:
netq add notification channel email <text-channel-name> to <text-email-toids> [smtpserver <text-email-hostname>] [smtpport <text-email-port>] [login <text-email-id>] [password <text-email-password>] [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug]
netq add notification channel email <text-channel-name> to <text-email-toids>
netq show notification channel [json]
The configuration is different depending on whether you are using the on-premises or cloud version of NetQ. No SMTP configuration is required for cloud deployments as the NetQ cloud service uses the NetQ SMTP server to push email notifications.
For an on-premises deployment:
Set up an SMTP server. The server can be internal or public.
Create a user account (login and password) on the SMTP server. Notifications are sent to this address.
Create the notification channel using this form of the CLI command:
This example creates a rule named all-interfaces, using the key ifname and the value ALL to indicate that all events from all interfaces should be sent to any channel with this rule.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule all-interfaces key ifname value ALL
Successfully added/updated rule all-ifs
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
all-interfaces ifname ALL
If you want to create more granular notifications based on such items as selected devices, characteristics of devices, or protocols, or you want to use a proxy server, you need more than the basic notification configuration. Details for creating these more complex notification configurations are included here.
Configure a Proxy Server
To send notification messages through a proxy server instead of directly to a notification channel, you configure NetQ with the hostname and optionally a port of a proxy server. If no port is specified, NetQ defaults to port 80. Only one proxy server is currently supported. To simplify deployment, configure your proxy server before configuring channels, rules, or filters.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: c6d666e
NetQ Notifier sends notifications to Slack as incoming webhooks for a
Slack channel you configure.
For example:
To create and verify the specification of a Slack channel, run:
WebHook URL for the desired channel. For example: https://hooks.slack.com/services/text/moretext/evenmoretext
severity <level>
The log level to set, which can be one of error, warning, info, or debug. The severity defaults to info.
tag <text-slack-tag>
Optional tag appended to the Slack notification to highlight particular channels or people. The tag value must be preceded by the @ sign. For example, @netq-info.
This example shows the creation of a slk-netq-events channel and verifies the configuration.
Create an incoming webhook as described in the documentation for your version of Slack.
This example creates an email channel named onprem-email that uses the smtpserver on port 587 to send messages to those persons with access to the smtphostlogin account.
Set up an SMTP server. The server can be internal or public.
Create a user account (login and password) on the SMTP server. Notifications are sent to this address.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
onprem-email email warning password: MyPassword123,
port: 587,
isEncrypted: True,
host: smtp.domain.com,
from: smtphostlogin@doma
id: smtphostlogin@domain
to: netq-notifications@d
In cloud deployments as the NetQ cloud service uses the NetQ SMTP server to push email notifications.
To create an Email notification channel for a cloud deployment, run:
netq add notification channel email <text-channel-name> to <text-email-toids> [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug]
netq show notification channel [json]
This example creates an email channel named cloud-email that uses the NetQ SMTP server to send messages to those persons with access to the netq-cloud-notifications account.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
cloud-email email error password: TEiO98BOwlekUP
TrFev2/Q==, port: 587,
isEncrypted: True,
host: netqsmtp.domain.com,
from: netqsmtphostlogin@doma
id: smtphostlogin@domain
to: netq-notifications@d
Create Rules
Each rule is comprised of a single key-value pair. The key-value pair indicates what messages to include or drop from event information sent to a notification channel. You can create more than one rule for a single filter. Creating multiple rules for a given filter can provide a very defined filter. For example, you can specify rules around hostnames or interface names, enabling you to filter messages specific to those hosts or interfaces. You should have already defined channels (as described earlier).
There is a fixed set of valid rule keys. Values are entered as regular expressions and vary according to your deployment.
Rule Keys and Values
Rule Key
Example Rule Values
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf11, exit01, spine-4
User-defined, text-based name for a peer switch or host
server4, leaf-3, exit02, spine06
Text description
Name of VRF interface
mgmt, default
Previous state of the BGP service
Established, Failed
Current state of the BGP service
Established, Failed
Previous time that BGP service was reset
Apr3, 2019, 4:17 pm
Most recent time that BGP service was reset
Apr8, 2019, 11:38 am
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf11, exit01, spine-4
Virtual Network Instance identifier
12, 23
Previous state of the configuration file
created, modified
Current state of the configuration file
created, modified
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf-9, exit01, spine04
Virtual Network Instance identifier
12, 23
Previous VNI state, in kernel or not
true, false
Current VNI state, in kernel or not
true, false
Previous VNI advertising state, advertising all or not
true, false
Current VNI advertising state, advertising all or not
true, false
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf-9, exit01, spine04
Previous pair of interfaces in a conflicted bond
swp7 swp8, swp3 swp4
Current pair of interfaces in a conflicted bond
swp11 swp12, swp23 swp24
Previous state of the bond
protodown, up
Current state of the bond
protodown, up
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf-6, exit01, spine7
Software interface name
eth0, swp53
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf41, exit01, spine-5, tor-36
Software interface name
eth1, swp12
Previous software interface name
eth1, swp12, swp27
Current software interface name
eth1, swp12, swp27
Previous user-defined, text-based name for a peer switch or host
server02, leaf41, exit01, spine-5, tor-36
Current user-defined, text-based name for a peer switch or host
server02, leaf41, exit01, spine-5, tor-36
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf-9, exit01, spine04
Previous pair of interfaces in a conflicted bond
swp7 swp8, swp3 swp4
Current pair of interfaces in a conflicted bond
swp11 swp12, swp23 swp24
Previous state of the bond
protodown, up
Current state of the bond
protodown, up
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf41, exit01, spine-5, tor-36
Current state of NTP service
in sync, not sync
Current state of DB
Add, Update, Del, Dead
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf-9, exit01, spine04
Previous state of service
in sync, not sync
Current state of service
in sync, not sync
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf13, exit01, spine-8, tor-36
Interface name
eth0, swp14
Previous speed rating of port
10 G, 25 G, 40 G, unknown
Previous transceiver
40G Base-CR4, 25G Base-CR
Previous vendor name of installed port module
Amphenol, OEM, Mellanox, Fiberstore, Finisar
Previous serial number of installed port module
MT1507VS05177, AVE1823402U, PTN1VH2
Previous forward error correction (FEC) support status
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf-26, exit01, spine2-4
Previous state of a fan, power supply unit, or thermal sensor
Fan: ok, absent, bad
PSU: ok, absent, bad
Temp: ok, busted, bad, critical
Current state of a fan, power supply unit, or thermal sensor
Fan: ok, absent, bad
PSU: ok, absent, bad
Temp: ok, busted, bad, critical
Previous state of a fan or power supply unit.
Fan: up, down
PSU: up, down
Current state of a fan or power supply unit.
Fan: up, down
PSU: up, down
Current maximum temperature threshold value
Temp: 110
Current critical high temperature threshold value
Temp: 85
Current critical low temperature threshold value
Temp: -25
Current minimum temperature threshold value
Temp: -50
Network protocol or service identifier
User-defined, text-based name for a switch or host
server02, leaf03, exit01, spine-8
Name of service
clagd, lldpd, ssh, ntp, netqd, netq-agent
Previous process or service identifier
12323, 52941
Current process or service identifier
12323, 52941
Previous status of service
up, down
Current status of service
up, down
Rule names are case sensitive, and no wildcards are permitted. Rule names may contain spaces, but must be enclosed with single quotes in commands. It is easier to use dashes in place of spaces or mixed case for better readability. For example, use bgpSessionChanges or BGP-session-changes or BGPsessions, instead of 'BGP Session Changes'. Use Tab completion to view the command options syntax.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule swp52 key port value swp52
Successfully added/updated rule swp52
View the Rule Configurations
Use the netq show notification command to view the rules on your
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
fecSupport new_supported_fe supported
overTemp new_s_crit 24
svcStatus new_status down
swp52 port swp52
sysconf configdiff updated
Create Filters
You can limit or direct event messages using filters. Filters are created based on rules you define; like those in the previous section. Each filter contains one or more rules. When a message matches the rule, it is sent to the indicated destination. Before you can create filters, you need to have already defined the rules and configured channels (as described earlier).
As filters are created, they are added to the bottom of a filter list. By default, filters are processed in the order they appear in this list (from top to bottom) until a match is found. This means that each event message is first evaluated by the first filter listed, and if it matches then it is processed, ignoring all other filters, and the system moves on to the next event message received. If the event does not match the first filter, it is tested against the second filter, and if it matches then it is processed and the system moves on to the next event received. And so forth. Events that do not match any filter are ignored.
You may need to change the order of filters in the list to ensure you capture the events you want and drop the events you do not want. This is possible using the before or after keywords to ensure one rule is processed before or after another.
This diagram shows an example with four defined filters with sample output results.
Filter names may contain spaces, but must be enclosed with single quotes in commands. It is easier to use dashes in place of spaces or mixed case for better readability. For example, use bgpSessionChanges or BGP-session-changes or BGPsessions, instead of 'BGP Session Changes'. Filter names are also case sensitive.
Example Filters
Create a filter for BGP Events on a Particular Device:
Create a Filter to Drop Messages from a Given Interface, and match
against this filter before any other filters. To create a drop style
filter, do not specify a channel. To put the filter first, use the
before option.
Use the netq show notification command to view the filters on your
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
swp52Drop 1 error NetqDefaultChann swp52
bgpSpine 2 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 3 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 4 info slk-netq-events sysconf
newFEC 5 info slk-netq-events fecSupport
svcDown 6 critical slk-netq-events svcStatus
critTemp 7 critical onprem-email overTemp
Reorder Filters
When you look at the results of the netq show notification filter command above, you might notice that although you have the drop-based filter first (no point in looking at something you are going to drop anyway, so that is good), but the critical severity events are processed last, per the current definitions. If you wanted to process those before
lesser severity events, you can reorder the list using the before and after options.
For example, to put the two critical severity event filters just below the drop filter:
You do not need to reenter all the severity, channel, and rule information for existing rules if you only want to change their processing order.
Run the netq show notification command again to verify the changes:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
swp52Drop 1 error NetqDefaultChann swp52
critTemp 2 critical onprem-email overTemp
svcDown 3 critical slk-netq-events svcStatus
bgpSpine 4 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 5 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 6 info slk-netq-events sysconf
newFEC 7 info slk-netq-events fecSupport
Suppress Events
Cumulus NetQ can generate many network events. You can configure whether to suppress any events from appearing in NetQ output. By default, all events are delivered.
You can suppress an event until a certain period of time; otherwise, the event is suppressed for 2 years. Providing an end time eliminates the generation of messages for a short period of time, which is useful when you are testing a new network configuration and the switch may be generating many messages.
You can suppress events for the following types of messages:
agent: NetQ Agent messages
bgp: BGP-related messages
btrfsinfo: Messages related to the BTRFS file system in Cumulus Linux
clag: MLAG-related messages
clsupport: Messages generated when creating the cl-support script
configdiff: Messages related to the difference between two configurations
evpn: EVPN-related messages
link: Messages related to links, including state and interface name
ntp: NTP-related messages
ospf: OSPF-related messages
sensor: Messages related to various sensors
services: Service-related information, including whether a service is active or inactive
ssdutil: Messages related to the storage on the switch
Add an Event Suppression Configuration
When you add a new configuration, you can specify a scope, which limits the suppression in the following order:
Message type-specific filters. For example, the target VNI for EVPN messages, or the interface name for a link message.
NetQ has a predefined set of filter conditions. To see these conditions, run netq show events-config show-filter-conditions:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events-config show-filter-conditions
Matching config_events records:
Message Name Filter Condition Name Filter Condition Hierarchy Filter Condition Description
------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
evpn vni 3 Target VNI
evpn severity 2 Severity critical/info
evpn hostname 1 Target Hostname
clsupport fileAbsName 3 Target File Absolute Name
clsupport severity 2 Severity critical/info
clsupport hostname 1 Target Hostname
link new_state 4 up / down
link ifname 3 Target Ifname
link severity 2 Severity critical/info
link hostname 1 Target Hostname
ospf ifname 3 Target Ifname
ospf severity 2 Severity critical/info
ospf hostname 1 Target Hostname
sensor new_s_state 4 New Sensor State Eg. ok
sensor sensor 3 Target Sensor Name Eg. Fan, Temp
sensor severity 2 Severity critical/info
sensor hostname 1 Target Hostname
configdiff old_state 5 Old State
configdiff new_state 4 New State
configdiff type 3 File Name
configdiff severity 2 Severity critical/info
configdiff hostname 1 Target Hostname
ssdutil info 3 low health / significant health drop
ssdutil severity 2 Severity critical/info
ssdutil hostname 1 Target Hostname
agent db_state 3 Database State
agent severity 2 Severity critical/info
agent hostname 1 Target Hostname
ntp new_state 3 yes / no
ntp severity 2 Severity critical/info
ntp hostname 1 Target Hostname
bgp vrf 4 Target VRF
bgp peer 3 Target Peer
bgp severity 2 Severity critical/info
bgp hostname 1 Target Hostname
services new_status 4 active / inactive
services name 3 Target Service Name Eg.netqd, mstpd, zebra
services severity 2 Severity critical/info
services hostname 1 Target Hostname
btrfsinfo info 3 high btrfs allocation space / data storage efficiency
btrfsinfo severity 2 Severity critical/info
btrfsinfo hostname 1 Target Hostname
clag severity 2 Severity critical/info
clag hostname 1 Target Hostname
For example, to create a configuration called mybtrfs that suppresses OSPF-related events on leaf01 for the next 10 minutes, run:
If you are filtering for a message type, you must include the show-filter-conditions keyword to show the conditions associated with that message type and the hierarchy in which they’re processed.
Putting all of these channel, rule, and filter definitions together you
create a complete notification configuration. The following are example
notification configurations are created using the three-step process
outlined above.
Create a Notification for BGP Events from a Selected Switch
In this example, we created a notification integration with a PagerDuty
channel called pd-netq-events. We then created a rule bgpHostname
and a filter called 4bgpSpine for any notifications from spine-01.
The result is that any info severity event messages from Spine-01 are
filtered to the pd-netq-events channel.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel pagerduty pd-netq-events integration-key 1234567890
Successfully added/updated channel pd-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule bgpHostname key node value spine-01
Successfully added/updated rule bgpHostname
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter bgpSpine rule bgpHostname channel pd-netq-events
Successfully added/updated filter bgpSpine
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: 1234567
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
bgpSpine 1 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
Create a Notification for Warnings on a Given EVPN VNI
In this example, we created a notification integration with a PagerDuty
channel called pd-netq-events. We then created a rule evpnVni and a
filter called 3vni42 for any warnings messages from VNI 42 on the EVPN
overlay network. The result is that any warning severity event messages
from VNI 42 are filtered to the pd-netq-events channel.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel pagerduty pd-netq-events integration-key 1234567890
Successfully added/updated channel pd-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule evpnVni key vni value 42
Successfully added/updated rule evpnVni
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter vni42 rule evpnVni channel pd-netq-events
Successfully added/updated filter vni42
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: 1234567
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
bgpSpine 1 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 2 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
Create a Notification for Configuration File Changes
In this example, we created a notification integration with a Slack
channel called slk-netq-events. We then created a rule sysconf and a
filter called configChange for any configuration file update messages.
The result is that any configuration update messages are filtered to the
slk-netq-events channel.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel slack slk-netq-events webhook https://hooks.slack.com/services/text/moretext/evenmoretext
Successfully added/updated channel slk-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule sysconf key configdiff value updated
Successfully added/updated rule sysconf
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter configChange severity info rule sysconf channel slk-netq-events
Successfully added/updated filter configChange
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------
slk-netq-events slack info webhook:https://hooks.s
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
sysconf configdiff updated
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
bgpSpine 1 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 2 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 3 info slk-netq-events sysconf
Create a Notification for When a Service Goes Down
In this example, we created a notification integration with a Slack
channel called slk-netq-events. We then created a rule svcStatus and
a filter called svcDown for any services state messages indicating a
service is no longer operational. The result is that any service down
messages are filtered to the slk-netq-events channel.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel slack slk-netq-events webhook https://hooks.slack.com/services/text/moretext/evenmoretext
Successfully added/updated channel slk-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule svcStatus key new_status value down
Successfully added/updated rule svcStatus
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter svcDown severity error rule svcStatus channel slk-netq-events
Successfully added/updated filter svcDown
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------
slk-netq-events slack info webhook:https://hooks.s
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
svcStatus new_status down
sysconf configdiff updated
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
bgpSpine 1 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 2 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 3 info slk-netq-events sysconf
svcDown 4 critical slk-netq-events svcStatus
Create a Filter to Drop Notifications from a Given Interface
In this example, we created a notification integration with a Slack
channel called slk-netq-events. We then created a rule swp52 and a
filter called swp52Drop that drops all notifications for events from
interface swp52.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel slack slk-netq-events webhook https://hooks.slack.com/services/text/moretext/evenmoretext
Successfully added/updated channel slk-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule swp52 key port value swp52
Successfully added/updated rule swp52
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter swp52Drop severity error rule swp52 before bgpSpine
Successfully added/updated filter swp52Drop
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------
slk-netq-events slack info webhook:https://hooks.s
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
svcStatus new_status down
swp52 port swp52
sysconf configdiff updated
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
swp52Drop 1 error NetqDefaultChann swp52
bgpSpine 2 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 3 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 4 info slk-netq-events sysconf
svcDown 5 critical slk-netq-events svcStatus
Create a Notification for a Given Device that has a Tendency to Overheat (using multiple rules)
In this example, we created a notification when switch leaf04 has
passed over the high temperature threshold. Two rules were needed to
create this notification, one to identify the specific device and one to
identify the temperature trigger. We sent the message to the
pd-netq-events channel.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel pagerduty pd-netq-events integration-key 1234567890
Successfully added/updated channel pd-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule switchLeaf04 key hostname value leaf04
Successfully added/updated rule switchLeaf04
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification rule overTemp key new_s_crit value 24
Successfully added/updated rule overTemp
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter critTemp rule switchLeaf04 channel pd-netq-events
Successfully added/updated filter critTemp
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification filter critTemp severity critical rule overTemp channel pd-netq-events
Successfully added/updated filter critTemp
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: 1234567
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
overTemp new_s_crit 24
svcStatus new_status down
switchLeaf04 hostname leaf04
swp52 port swp52
sysconf configdiff updated
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
swp52Drop 1 error NetqDefaultChann swp52
bgpSpine 2 info pd-netq-events bgpHostnam
vni42 3 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 4 info slk-netq-events sysconf
svcDown 5 critical slk-netq-events svcStatus
critTemp 6 critical pd-netq-events switchLeaf
View Notification Configurations in JSON Format
You can view configured integrations using the netq show notification commands. To view the channels, filters, and rules, run the three flavors of the command. Include the json option to display JSON-formatted output.
You might need to modify event notification configurations at some point in the lifecycle of your deployment. You can add and remove channels, rules, filters, and a proxy at any time.
For integrations with threshold-based event notifications, refer to Configure Notifications.
Remove an Event Notification Channel
If you retire selected channels from a given notification appliacation, you might want to remove them from NetQ as well. You can remove channels using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To remove notification channels:
Click , and then click Channels in the Notifications column.
This opens the Channels view.
Click the tab for the type of channel you want to remove (Slack, PagerDuty, Syslog, Email).
Select one or more channels.
Click .
To remove notification channels, run:
netq config del notification channel <text-channel-name-anchor>
This example removes a Slack integration and verifies it is no longer in
the configuration:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del notification channel slk-netq-events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification channel
Matching config_notify records:
Name Type Severity Channel Info
--------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
pd-netq-events pagerduty info integration-key: 1234567
Delete an Event Notification Rule
You may find after some experience with a given rule that you want to edit or remove the rule to better meet your needs. You can remove rules using the NetQ CLI.
To remove notification rules, run:
netq config del notification rule <text-rule-name-anchor>
This example removes a rule named swp52 and verifies it is no longer in
the configuration:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del notification rule swp52
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification rule
Matching config_notify records:
Name Rule Key Rule Value
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
bgpHostname hostname spine-01
evpnVni vni 42
overTemp new_s_crit 24
svcStatus new_status down
switchLeaf04 hostname leaf04
sysconf configdiff updated
Delete an Event Notification Filter
You may find after some experience with a given filter that you want to edit or remove the filter to better meet your current needs. You can remove filters using the NetQ CLI.
To remove notification filters, run:
netq del notification filter <text-filter-name-anchor>
This example removes a filter named bgpSpine and verifies it is no longer in
the configuration:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del notification filter bgpSpine
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show notification filter
Matching config_notify records:
Name Order Severity Channels Rules
--------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
swp52Drop 1 error NetqDefaultChann swp52
vni42 2 warning pd-netq-events evpnVni
configChange 3 info slk-netq-events sysconf
svcDown 4 critical slk-netq-events svcStatus
critTemp 5 critical pd-netq-events switchLeaf
Delete an Event Notification Proxy
You can remove the proxy server by running the netq del notification proxy command. This changes the NetQ behavior to send events directly to the notification channels.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del notification proxy
Successfully overwrote notifier proxy to null
Configure Threshold-based Event Notifications
NetQ supports a set of events that are triggered by crossing a user-defined threshold, called TCA events. These events allow detection and prevention of network failures for selected interface, utilization, sensor, forwarding, ACL and digital optics events.
A notification configuration must contain one rule. Each rule must contain a scope and a threshold. Optionally, you can specify an associated channel. Note: If a rule is not associated with a channel, the event information is only reachable from the database. If you want to deliver events to one or more notification channels (Email, syslog, Slack, or PagerDuty), create them by following the instructions in Create a Channel, and then return here to define your rule.
Supported Events
The following events are supported:
Event ID
Number of ingress ACL filters for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of egress ACL filters for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress ACL mangles for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of egress ACL mangles for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress ACL filters for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of egress ACL filters for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress ACL mangles for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of egress ACL mangles for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress ACL 802.1 filters on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ACL port range checkers on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ACL regions on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress ACL mirrors on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ACL 18B rules on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ACL 32B rules on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ACL 54B rules on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress policy-based routing (PBR) filters for IPv4 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of ingress policy-based routing (PBR) filters for IPv6 addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Some of the event IDs have changed. If you have TCA rules configured for digital optics for a previous release, verify that they are using the correct event IDs. You might need to remove and recreate some of the events.
Event ID
Transceiver Input power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host interface is greater than the maximum alarm threshold
Transceiver Input power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is less than minimum alarm threshold
Transceiver Input power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is greater than specified warning threshold
Transceiver Input power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is less than minimum warning threshold
Laser bias current (mA) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is greater than maximum alarm threshold
Laser bias current (mA) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is less than minimum alarm threshold
Laser bias current (mA) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is greater than maximum warning threshold
Laser bias current (mA) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is less than minimum warning threshold
Laser output power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is greater than maximum alarm threshold
Laser output power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is less than minimum alarm threshold
Laser output power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is greater than maximum warning threshold
Laser output power (mW) for the digital optical module on a given switch or host is less than minimum warning threshold
Digital optical module temperature (°C) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum alarm threshold
Digital optical module temperature (°C) on a given switch or host is less than minimum alarm threshold
Digital optical module temperature (°C) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum warning threshold
Digital optical module temperature (°C) on a given switch or host is less than minimum warning threshold
Transceiver voltage (V) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum alarm threshold
Transceiver voltage (V) on a given switch or host is less than minimum alarm threshold
Transceiver voltage (V) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum warning threshold
Transceiver voltage (V) on a given switch or host is less than minimum warning threshold
Event ID
Number of routes on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of multicast routes on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of MAC addresses on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of IPv4 routes on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of IPv4 hosts on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of IPv6 hosts on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of IPv6 hosts on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Number of equal cost multi-path (ECMP) next hop entries on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Event ID
Number of times a frame is longer than maximum size (1518 Bytes)
Number of times a frame is shorter than minimum size (64 Bytes)
Number of times a frame has an uneven byte count and a CRC error
Number of times a frame is longer than maximum size (1518 bytes) and has a CRC error
Number of times undefined or invalid symbols have been detected
Event ID
rx_broadcast bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
rx_bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
rx_multicast per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
tx_broadcast bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
tx_bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
tx_multicast bytes per second on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Event ID
Number of link flaps is greater than the maximum threshold
Event ID
CPU utilization (%) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Disk utilization (%) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Memory utilization (%) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Event ID
Switch sensor reported fan speed on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported power (Watts) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported temperature (°C) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Switch sensor reported voltage (Volts) on a given switch or host is greater than maximum threshold
Define a Scope
A scope is used to filter the events generated by a given rule. Scope values are set on a per TCA rule basis. All rules can be filtered on Hostname. Some rules can also be filtered by other parameters.
Select Filter Parameters
You can filter rules based on the following filter parameters.
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Event ID
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Hostname, Interface
Event ID
Hostname, Interface
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Event ID
Scope Parameters
Hostname, Sensor Name
Hostname, Sensor Name
Hostname, Sensor Name
Hostname, Sensor Name
Specify the Scope
Scopes are defined and displayed as regular expressions. The definition and display is slightly different between the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI, but the results are the same.
Scopes are displayed in TCA rule cards using the following format.
Display in Card
All devices
hostname = *
Show events for all devices
All interfaces
ifname = *
Show events for all devices and all interfaces
All sensors
s_name = *
Show events for all devices and all sensors
Particular device
hostname = leaf01
Show events for leaf01 switch
Particular interface
ifname = swp14
Show events for swp14 interface
Particular sensor
s_name = fan2
Show events for the fan2 fan
Set of devices
hostname ^ leaf
Show events for switches having names starting with leaf
Set of interfaces
ifname ^ swp
Show events for interfaces having names starting with swp
Set of sensors
s_name ^ fan
Show events for sensors having names starting with fan
When a rule is filtered by more than one parameter, each is displayed on the card. Leaving a value blank for a parameter defaults to all; all hostnames, interfaces, sensors, forwarding resources, ACL resources, and so forth.
Scopes are defined with regular expressions, as follows. When two paramaters are used, they are separated by a comma, but no space. When as asterisk (*) is used alone, it must be entered inside either single or double quotes. Single quotes are used here.
Scope Value
Deliver events for the specified device
Deliver events for devices with hostnames starting with specified text (leaf)
Deliver events for all devices
Scope Value
Deliver events for the specified interface (swp9) on the specified device (leaf01)
Deliver events for all interfaces on the specified device (leaf01)
Deliver events for the specified interface (swp9) on all devices
Deliver events for all devices and all interfaces
Deliver events for the specified interface (swp9) on all devices with hostnames starting with the specified text (leaf)
Deliver events for all interface with names starting with the specified text (swp) on the specified device (leaf01)
Scope Value
Deliver events for the specified sensor (fan1) on the specified device (leaf01)
Deliver events for the specified sensor (fan1) for all devices
Deliver events for all sensors on the specified device (leaf01)
Deliver events for the specified sensor (fan1) on all devices with hostnames starting with the specified text (leaf)
Deliver events for all sensors with names starting with the specified text (fan) on the specified device (leaf01)
Deliver events for all sensors on all devices
Create a TCA Rule
Now that you know which events are supported and how to set the scope, you can create a basic rule to deliver one of the TCA events to a notification channel. This can be done using either the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To create a TCA rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Click to add a rule.
The Create TCA Rule dialog opens. Four steps create the rule.
You can move forward and backward until you are satisfied with your rule definition.
On the Enter Details step, enter a name for your rule, choose your TCA event type, and assign a severity.
The rule name has a maximum of 20 characters (including spaces).
Click Next.
On the Choose Attribute step, select the attribute to measure against.
The attributes presented depend on the event type chosen in the Enter Details step. This example shows the attributes available when Resource Utilization was selected.
Click Next.
On the Set Threshold step, enter a threshold value.
For Digital Optics, you can choose to use the thresholds defined by the optics vendor (default) or specify your own.
Define the scope of the rule.
If you want to restrict the rule to a particular device, and enter values for one or more of the available parameters.
If you want the rule to apply to all devices, click the scope toggle.
Click Next.
Optionally, select a notification channel where you want the events to be sent.
Only previously created channels are available for selection. If no channel is available or selected, the notifications can only be retrieved from the database. You can add a channel at a later time and then add it to the rule. Refer to Create a Channel and Modify TCA Rules.
Click Finish.
This example shows four rules. The rule on the left triggers an alarm event when the laser bias current exceeds the upper threshold set by the vendor on all interfaces of all leaf switches. The rule second to the left triggers an alarm event when the temperature on the temp1 sensor exceeds 32 °C on the all leaf switch. The rule second to the right triggers an alarm event when any device exceeds the maximum CPU utilization of 93%. The rule on the right triggers an informational event when switch leaf01 exceeds the maximum CPU utilization of 87%. Note that the cards indicate all rules are currently Active.
The simplest configuration you can create is one that sends a TCA event generated by all devices and all interfaces to a single notification application. Use the netq add tca command to configure the event. Its syntax is:
Note that the event ID is case sensitive and must be in all uppercase.
For example, this rule tells NetQ to deliver an event notification to the tca_slack_ifstats pre-configured Slack channel when the CPU utilization exceeds 95% of its capacity on any monitored switch:
This rule tells NetQ to deliver an event notification to the tca_pd_ifstats PagerDuty channel when the number of transmit bytes per second (Bps) on the leaf12 switch exceeds 20,000 Bps on any interface:
This rule tells NetQ to deliver an event notification to the syslog-netq syslog channel when the temperature on sensor temp1 on the leaf12 switch exceeds 32 degrees Celcius:
For a Slack channel, the event messages should be similar to this:
Set the Severity of a Threshold-based Event
In addition to defining a scope for TCA rule, you can also set a severity of either info or critical. To add a severity to a rule, use the severity option.
For example, if you want to add a critical severity to the CPU utilization rule you created earlier:
Digital optics have the additional option of applying user- or vendor-defined thresholds, using the threshold_type and threshold options.
This example shows how to send an alarm event on channel ch1 when the upper threshold for module voltage exceeds the vendor-defined thresholds for interface swp31 on the mlx-2700-04 switch.
This example shows how to send an alarm event on channel ch1 when the upper threshold for module voltage exceeds the user-defined threshold of 3V for interface swp31 on the mlx-2700-04 switch.
Now you have four rules created (the original one, plus these three new ones) all based on the TCA_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_UPPER event. To identify the various rules, NetQ automatically generates a TCA name for each rule. As each rule is created, an _# is added to the event name. The TCA Name for the first rule created is then TCA_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_UPPER_1, the second rule created for this event is TCA_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_UPPER_2, and so forth.
Manage Threshold-based Event Notifications
Once you have created a bunch of rules, you might want to modify them; view a list of the rules, disable a rule, delete a rule, and so forth.
View TCA Rules
You can view all of the threshold-crossing event rules you have created in the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Click .
Select Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
A card is displayed for every rule.
To view TCA rules, run:
netq show tca [tca_id <text-tca-id-anchor>] [json]
This example displays all TCA rules:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show tca
Matching config_tca records:
TCA Name Event Name Scope Severity Channel/s Active Threshold Unit Threshold Type Suppress Until
---------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- -------- ------------------ ------ ------------------ -------- -------------- ----------------------------
TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_UPPER_1 TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_ {"hostname":"leaf01"} info pd-netq-events,slk True 87 % user_set Fri Oct 9 15:39:35 2020
UPPER -netq-events
TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_UPPER_2 TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_ {"hostname":"*"} critical slk-netq-events True 93 % user_set Fri Oct 9 15:39:56 2020
TCA_DOM_BIAS_CURRENT_ALARM_U TCA_DOM_BIAS_CURRENT {"hostname":"leaf*","ifnam critical slk-netq-events True 0 mA vendor_set Fri Oct 9 16:02:37 2020
TCA_DOM_RX_POWER_ALARM_UPPER TCA_DOM_RX_POWER_ALA {"hostname":"*","ifname":" info slk-netq-events True 0 mW vendor_set Fri Oct 9 15:25:26 2020
_1 RM_UPPER *"}
TCA_SENSOR_TEMPERATURE_UPPER TCA_SENSOR_TEMPERATU {"hostname":"leaf","s_name critical slk-netq-events True 32 degreeC user_set Fri Oct 9 15:40:18 2020
_1 RE_UPPER ":"temp1"}
TCA_TCAM_IPV4_ROUTE_UPPER_1 TCA_TCAM_IPV4_ROUTE_ {"hostname":"*"} critical pd-netq-events True 20000 % user_set Fri Oct 9 16:13:39 2020
This example display a specific TCA rule:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show tca tca_id TCA_TXMULTICAST_UPPER_1
Matching config_tca records:
TCA Name Event Name Scope Severity Channel/s Active Threshold Suppress Until
---------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------ ------------------ ----------------------------
TCA_TXMULTICAST_UPPER_1 TCA_TXMULTICAST_UPPE {"ifname":"swp3","hostname info tca-tx-bytes-slack True 0 Sun Dec 8 16:40:14 2269
R ":"leaf01"}
Change the Threshold on a TCA Rule
To modify the threshold:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to modify and hover over the card.
This example changes the scope for the rule TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_UPPER to apply only to switches beginning with a hostname of leaf. You must also provide a threshold value. In this case we have used a value of 95 percent. Note that this overwrites the existing scope and threshold values.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add tca event_id TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_UPPER scope hostname^leaf threshold 95
Successfully added/updated tca
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show tca
Matching config_tca records:
TCA Name Event Name Scope Severity Channel/s Active Threshold Suppress Until
---------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------ ------------------ ----------------------------
TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_UPPER_1 TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_ {"hostname":"*"} critical onprem-email True 93 Mon Aug 31 20:59:57 2020
TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_UPPER_2 TCA_CPU_UTILIZATION_ {"hostname":"hostname^leaf info True 95 Tue Sep 1 18:47:24 2020
Change, Add, or Remove the Channels on a TCA Rule
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to modify and hover over the card.
Click .
Click Channels.
Select one or more channels.
Click a channel to select it. Click again to unselect a channel.
You cannot change the name of a TCA rule using the NetQ CLI because the rules are not named. They are given identifiers (tca_id) automatically. In the NetQ UI, to change a rule name, you must delete the rule and re-create it with the new name. Refer to Delete a TCA Rule and then Create a TCA Rule.
Change the Severity of a TCA Rule
TCA rules have either an informational or critical severity.
In the NetQ UI, the severity cannot be changed by itself, the rule must be deleted and re-created using the new severity. Refer to Delete a TCA Rule and then Create a TCA Rule.
In the NetQ CLI, to change the severity, run:
netq add tca tca_id <text-tca-id-anchor> (severity info | severity critical)
This example changes the severity of the maximum CPU utilization 1 rule from critical to info:
During troubleshooting or maintenance of switches you may want to suppress a rule to prevent erroneous event messages. This can be accomplished using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
The TCA rules have three possible states iin the NetQ UI:
Active: Rule is operating, delivering events. This would be the normal operating state.
Suppressed: Rule is disabled until a designated date and time. When that time occurs, the rule is automatically reenabled. This state is useful during troubleshooting or maintenance of a switch when you do not want erroneous events being generated.
Disabled: Rule is disabled until a user manually reenables it. This state is useful when you are unclear when you want the rule to be reenabled. This is not the same as deleting the rule.
To suppress a rule for a designated amount of time, you must change the state of the rule.
To suppress a rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to suppress.
Click Disable.
Click in the Date/Time field to set when you want the rule to be automatically reenabled.
Click Disable.
Note the changes in the card:
The state is now marked as Inactive, but remains green
The date and time that the rule will be enabled is noted in the Suppressed field
The Disable option has changed to Disable Forever. Refer to Disable a TCA Rule for information about this change.
Using the suppress_until option allows you to prevent the rule from being applied for a designated amout of time (in seconds). When this time has passed, the rule is automatically reenabled.
Whereas suppression temporarily disables a rule, you can deactivate a rule to disable it indefinitely. You can disable a rule using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
The TCA rules have three possible states in the NetQ UI:
Active: Rule is operating, delivering events. This would be the normal operating state.
Suppressed: Rule is disabled until a designated date and time. When that time occurs, the rule is automatically reenabled. This state is useful during troubleshooting or maintenance of a switch when you do not want erroneous events being generated.
Disabled: Rule is disabled until a user manually reenables it. This state is useful when you are unclear when you want the rule to be reenabled. This is not the same as deleting the rule.
To disable a rule that is currently active:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to disable.
Click Disable.
Leave the Date/Time field blank.
Click Disable.
Note the changes in the card:
The state is now marked as Inactive and is red
The rule definition is grayed out
The Disable option has changed to Enable to reactivate the rule when you are ready
To disable a rule that is currently suppressed:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to disable.
Click Disable Forever.
Note the changes in the card:
The state is now marked as Inactive and is red
The rule definition is grayed out
The Disable option has changed to Enable to reactivate the rule when you are ready
To reenable the rule, set the is_active option to true.
Delete a TCA Rule
You might find that you no longer want to receive event notifications for a particular TCA event. In that case, you can either disable the event if you think you may want to receive them again or delete the rule altogether. Refer to Disable a Rule for the first case. Follow the instructions here to remove the rule using either the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
The rule can be in any of the three states, active, suppressed, or disabled.
To delete a rule:
Click to open the Main Menu.
Click Threshold Crossing Rules under Notifications.
Locate the rule you want to remove and hover over the card.
Click .
To remove a rule altogether, run:
netq del tca tca_id <text-tca-id-anchor>
This example deletes the maximum receive bytes rule:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del tca tca_id TCA_RXBYTES_UPPER_1
Successfully deleted TCA TCA_RXBYTES_UPPER_1
Resolve Scope Conflicts
There may be occasions where the scope defined by the multiple rules for a given TCA event may overlap each other. In such cases, the TCA rule with the most specific scope that is still true is used to generate the event.
To clarify this, consider this example. Three events have occurred:
First event on switch leaf01, interface swp1
Second event on switch leaf01, interface swp3
Third event on switch spine01, interface swp1
NetQ attempts to match the TCA event against hostname and interface name with three TCA rules with different scopes:
Scope 1 send events for the swp1 interface on switch leaf01 (very specific)
Scope 2 send events for all interfaces on switches that start with leaf (moderately specific)
Scope 3 send events for all switches and interfaces (very broad)
The result is:
For the first event, NetQ applies the scope from rule 1 because it matches scope 1 exactly
For the second event, NetQ applies the scope from rule 2 because it does not match scope 1, but does match scope 2
For the third event, NetQ applies the scope from rule 3 because it does not match either scope 1 or scope 2
In summary:
Input Event
Scope Parameters
TCA Scope 1
TCA Scope 2
TCA Scope 3
Scope Applied
Hostname, Interface
Scope 3
Hostname, Interface
Scope 2
Hostname, Interface
Scope 1
Modify your TCA rules to remove the conflict.
Monitor System and TCA Events
NetQ offers multiple ways to view your event status. The NetQ UI provides a graphical and tabular view and the NetQ CLI provides a tabular view of system and threshold-based (TCA) events. System events include events associated with network protocols and services operation, hardware and software status, and system services. TCA events include events associated with digital optics, ACL and forwarding resources, interface statistics, resource utilization, and sensors. You can view all events across the entire network or all events on a device. For each of these, you can filter your view of events based on event type, severity, and timeframe.
Refer to Configure Notifications for information about configuring and managing these events.
Refer to the NetQ UI Card Reference for details of the cards used with the following procedures.
Monitor All System and TCA Events Networkwide
You can monitor all system and TCA events across the network with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
You can filter the list by any column data (click ) and export a page of events at a time (click ).
All system and TCA events across the network
To view all system and all TCA events, run:
netq show events [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all system and TCA events between now and an hour ago.
netq show events
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 20:04:30 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:55:26 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:34:29 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:25:24 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
This example shows all events between now and 24 hours ago.
netq show events between now and 24hr
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events between now and 24hr
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 20:04:30 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:55:26 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:34:29 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:25:24 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:04:22 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:55:17 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:34:21 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:25:16 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:04:19 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 17:55:15 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 17:34:18 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
Monitor All System and TCA Events on a Device
You can monitor all system and TCA events on a given device with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Enter a hostname or IP address in the Hostname field.
You can enter additional filters for message type, severity, and time range to further narrow the output.
Click Apply.
All system and TCA events on spine01 switch
To view all system and TCA events on a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show events [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all system and TCA events that have occurred on the leaf01 switch between now and an hour ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show events
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 20:34:31 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 20:04:30 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
This example shows that no events have occurred on the spine01 switch in the last hour.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show events
No matching event records found
Monitor System and TCA Events Networkwide by Type
You can view all system and TCA events of a given type on a networkwide basis using the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Enter the name of network protocol or service (agent, bgp, link, tca_dom, and so on) in the Message Type field.
You can enter additional filters for severity and time range to further narrow the output.
Click Apply.
All LLDP events
To view all system events for a given network protocol or service, run:
netq show events (type clsupport | type ntp | type mtu | type configdiff | type vlan | type trace | type vxlan | type clag | type bgp | type interfaces | type interfaces-physical | type agents | type ospf | type evpn | type macs | type services | type lldp | type license | type os | type sensors | type btrfsinfo) [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all services events between now and 30 days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type services between now and 30d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
spine03 services critical Service netqd status changed from a Mon Aug 10 19:55:52 2020
ctive to inactive
spine04 services critical Service netqd status changed from a Mon Aug 10 19:55:51 2020
ctive to inactive
spine02 services critical Service netqd status changed from a Mon Aug 10 19:55:50 2020
ctive to inactive
spine03 services info Service netqd status changed from i Mon Aug 10 19:55:38 2020
nactive to active
spine04 services info Service netqd status changed from i Mon Aug 10 19:55:37 2020
nactive to active
spine02 services info Service netqd status changed from i Mon Aug 10 19:55:35 2020
You can enter a severity using the level option to further narrow the output.
Monitor System and TCA Events on a Device by Type
You can view all system and TCA events of a given type on a given device using the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Enter the hostname of the device for which you want to see events in the Hostname field.
Enter the name of a network protocol or service in the Message Type field.
You can enter additional filters for severity and time range to further narrow the output.
Click Apply.
All agent events on the spine01 switch
To view all system events for a given network protocol or service, run:
netq <hostname> show events (type clsupport | type ntp | type mtu | type configdiff | type vlan | type trace | type vxlan | type clag | type bgp | type interfaces | type interfaces-physical | type agents | type ospf | type evpn | type macs | type services | type lldp | type license | type os | type sensors | type btrfsinfo) [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all services events on the spine03 switch between now and 30 days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine03 show events type services between now and 30d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
spine03 services critical Service netqd status changed from a Mon Aug 10 19:55:52 2020
ctive to inactive
spine03 services info Service netqd status changed from i Mon Aug 10 19:55:38 2020
nactive to active
You can enter a severity using the level option to further narrow the output.
Monitor System and TCA Events Networkwide by Severity
You can view system and TCA events by their severity on a networkwide basis with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI using the:
Events list: with events of all severities at once or filter by severity
Events|Alarms card: view events with critical severity
Events|Info card: view events with info, error, and warning severities
netq show events level command
System events may be of info, error, warning, critical or debug severity. TCA events may be of info or critical severity.
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Enter a severity in the Severity field. Default is Info.
You can enter additional filters for message type and time range to further narrow the output.
Click Apply.
All system and TCA events with info severity
View Alarm Status Summary
A summary of the critical alarms in the network includes the number of alarms, a trend indicator, a performance indicator, and a distribution of those alarms.
To view the summary, open the small Alarms card.
In this example, there are a small number of alarms (2), the number of alarms is decreasing (down arrow), and there are fewer alarms right now than the average number of alarms during this time period. This would indicate no further investigation is needed. Note that with such a small number of alarms, the rating may be a bit skewed.
View the Distribution of Alarms
It is helpful to know where and when alarms are occurring in your network. The Alarms card workflow enables you to see the distribution of alarms based on its source: network services, interfaces, system services, and threshold-based events.
To view the alarm distribution, open the medium Alarms card. Scroll down to view all of the charts.
Monitor Alarm Details
The Alarms card workflow enables users to easily view and track critical severity alarms occurring anywhere in your network. You can sort alarms based on their occurrence or view devices with the most network services alarms.
To view critical alarms, open the large Alarms card.
From this card, you can view the distribution of alarms for each of the categories over time. The charts are sorted by total alarm count, with the highest number of alarms in a category listed at the top. Scroll down to view any hidden charts. A list of the associated alarms is also displayed. By default, the list of the most recent alarms is displayed when viewing the large card.
View Devices with the Most Alarms
You can filter instead for the devices that have the most alarms.
To view devices with the most alarms, open the large Alarms card, and then select Devices by event count from the dropdown.
You can open the switch card for any of the listed devices by clicking on the device name.
Filter Alarms by Category
You can focus your view to include alarms for one or more selected alarm categories.
To filter for selected categories:
Click the checkbox to the left of one or more charts to remove that set of alarms from the table on the right.
Select the Devices by event count to view the devices with the most alarms for the selected categories.
Switch back to most recent events by selecting Events by most recent.
Click the checkbox again to return a category’s data to the table.
In this example, we removed the Services from the event listing.
Compare Alarms with a Prior Time
You can change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same devices are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those devices using the Switches card workflow.
To compare two time periods:
Open a second Alarm Events card. Remember it goes to the bottom of the workbench.
Switch to the large size card.
Move the card to be next to the original Alarm Events card. Note that moving large cards can take a few extra seconds since they contain a large amount of data.
Hover over the card and click .
Select a different time period.
Compare the two cards with the Devices by event count filter applied.
In this example, the total alarm count and the devices with the most alarms in each time period have changed for the better overall. You could go back further in time or investigate the current status of the largest offenders.
View All Alarm Events
You can view all events in the network either by clicking the Show All Events link under the table on the large Alarm Events card, or by opening the full screen Alarm Events card.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
View Info Status Summary
A summary of the informational events occurring in the network can be found on the small, medium, and large Info cards. Additional details are available as you increase the size of the card.
To view the summary with the small Info card, simply open the card. This card gives you a high-level view in a condensed visual, including the number and distribution of the info events along with the alarms that have occurred during the same time period.
To view the summary with the medium Info card, simply open the card. This card gives you the same count and distribution of info and alarm events, but it also provides information about the sources of the info events and enables you to view a small slice of time using the distribution charts.
Use the chart at the top of the card to view the various sources of info events. The four or so types with the most info events are called out separately, with all others collected together into an Other category. Hover over segment of chart to view the count for each type.
To view the summary with the large Info card, open the card. The left side of the card provides the same capabilities as the medium Info card.
Compare Timing of Info and Alarm Events
While you can see the relative relationship between info and alarm events on the small Info card, the medium and large cards provide considerably more information. Open either of these to view individual line charts for the events. Generally, alarms have some corollary info events. For example, when a network service becomes unavailable, a critical alarm is often issued, and when the service becomes available again, an info event of severity warning is generated. For this reason, you might see some level of tracking between the info and alarm counts and distributions. Some other possible scenarios:
When a critical alarm is resolved, you may see a temporary increase in info events as a result.
When you get a burst of info events, you may see a follow-on increase in critical alarms, as the info events may have been warning you of something beginning to go wrong.
You set logging to debug, and a large number of info events of severity debug are seen. You would not expect to see an increase in critical alarms.
View All Info Events Sorted by Time of Occurrence
You can view all info events using the large Info card. Open the large card and confirm the Events By Most Recent option is selected in the filter above the table on the right. When this option is selected, all of the info events are listed with the most recently occurring event at the top. Scrolling down shows you the info events that have occurred at an earlier time within the selected time period for the card.
View Devices with the Most Info Events
You can filter instead for the devices that have the most info events by selecting the Devices by Event Count option from the filter above the table.
You can open the switch card for any of the listed devices by clicking on the device name.
View All Info Events
You can view all events in the network either by clicking the Show All Events link under the table on the large Info Events card, or by opening the full screen Info Events card.
System events
System and TCA events
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view all system events of a given severity, run:
netq show events (level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug) [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all events with critical severity between now and 24 hours ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events level critical
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Tue Sep 8 21:32:32 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Tue Sep 8 21:13:28 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Tue Sep 8 21:02:31 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Tue Sep 8 20:43:27 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
You can use the type and between options to further narrow the output.
Monitor System and TCA Events on a Device by Severity
You can view system and TCA events by their severity on a given device with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI using the:
Events list: view events of all severities at once or by one severity filtered by device
Events|Alarms card: view events with critical severity filtered by device
Events|Info card: view events with info, error, and warning severities filtered by device
Switch card: view all events with critical severity on the given device
netq <hostname> show events level command
System events may be of info, error, warning, critical or debug severity. TCA events may be of info or critical severity.
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Enter the hostname for the device of interest in the Hostname field.
Enter a severity in the Severity field. Default is Info.
You can enter additional filters for message type and time range to further narrow the output.
Click Apply.
All critical severity events on the spine01 switch
The Events|Alarms card shows critical severity events. You can view the devices that have the most alarms or you can view all alarms on a device.
To view devices with the most alarms:
Locate or open the Events|Alarms card on your workbench.
Change to the large size card using the size picker.
Select Devices by event count from the dropdown above the table.
You can open the switch card for any of the listed devices by clicking on the device name.
To view all alarms on a given device:
Click the Show All Events link under the table on the large Events|Alarms card, or open the full screen Events|Alarms card.
Click and enter a hostname for the device of interest.
Click Apply.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
The Events|Info card shows all non-critical severity events. You can view the devices that have the most info events or you can view all non-critical events on a device.
To view devices with the most non-critical events:
Locate or open the Events|Info card on your workbench.
Change to the large size card using the size picker.
Select Devices by event count from the dropdown above the table.
You can open the switch card for any of the listed devices by clicking on the device name.
To view all info events on a given device:
Click the Show All Events link under the table on the large Events|Info card, or open the full screen Events|Info card.
Click and enter a hostname for the device of interest.
Click Apply.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
The Switch card displays the alarms (events of critical severity) for the switch.
Open the Switch card for the switch of interest.
Click .
Click Open a switch card.
Enter the switch hostname.
Click Add.
Change to the full screen card using the size picker.
Enter a severity in the Severity field. Default is Info.
You can enter additional filters for message type and time range to further narrow the output.
Click Apply.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view all system events for a given severity on a device, run:
netq <hostname> show events (level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug) [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all critical severity events on the leaf01 switch between now and 24 hours ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show events level critical
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 18:44:49 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 18:14:48 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
You can use the type or between options to further narrow the output.
Monitor System and TCA Events Networkwide by Time
You can monitor all system and TCA events across the network currently or for a time in the past with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Events list: view events for a time range in the past 24 hours
Events|Alarms card: view critical events for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, a week, a month, or a quarter in the past
Events|Info card: view non-critical events for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, a week, a month, or a quarter in the past
netq show events between command: view events for a time range in the past
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Click in the Timestamp fields to enter a start and end date for a time range in the past 24 hours.
This allows you to view only the most recent events or events within a particular hour or few hours over the last day.
Click Apply.
All system and TCA events across the network between midnight and 11:30am
All cards have a default time period for the data shown on the card, typically the last 24 hours. You can change the time period to view the data during a different time range to aid analysis of previous or existing issues. You can also compare the current events with a prior time. If the same devices are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those devices using the Switches card workflow.
To view critical events for a time in the past using the small, medium, or large Events|Alarms card:
Locate or open the Events|Alarms card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and click in the header.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
Small, medium, and large card
To view critical events for a time in the past using the full-screen Events|Alarms card:
Locate or open the Events|Alarms card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
Full-screen card
Changing the time period in this manner only changes the time period for this card. No other cards are impacted.
To compare the event data for two time periods:
Open a second Events|Alarms card. Remember the card is placed at the bottom of the workbench.
Change to the medium or large size card.
Move the card to be next to the original Alarm Events card. Note that moving large cards can take a few extra seconds since they contain a large amount of data.
Hover over the card and click .
Select a different time period.
Compare the two cards with the Devices by event count filter applied.
In this example, the total alarm count and the devices with the most alarms in each time period have changed for the better overall. You could go back further in time or investigate the current status of the largest offenders.
All cards have a default time period for the data shown on the card, typically the last 24 hours. You can change the time period to view the data during a different time range to aid analysis of previous or existing issues. You can also compare the current events with a prior time. If the same devices are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those devices using the Switches card workflow.
To view informational events for a time in the past using the small, medium, or large Events|Info card:
Locate or open the Events|Info card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and click in the header.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
To view informational events for a time in the past using the full-screen Events|Info card:
Locate or open the Events|Info card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
Full-screen card
Changing the time period in this manner only changes the time period for this card. No other cards are impacted.
To compare the event data for two time periods:
Open a second Events|Alarms card. Remember the card is placed at the bottom of the workbench.
Change to the medium or large size card.
Move the card to be next to the original Alarm Events card. Note that moving large cards can take a few extra seconds since they contain a large amount of data.
Hover over the card and click .
Select a different time period.
Compare the two cards.
In this example, the total info event count has reduced dramatically. Optionally change to the large size of each card to compare which devices have been experiencing the most events, using the Devices by event count filter.
The NetQ CLI uses a default of one hour unless otherwise specified. To view all system and all TCA events for a time beyond an hour in the past, run:
netq show events [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all system and TCA events between now and 24 hours ago.
netq show events between now and 24hr
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events between now and 24hr
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 20:04:30 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:55:26 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:34:29 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:25:24 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:04:22 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:55:17 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:34:21 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:25:16 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:04:19 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 17:55:15 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 17:34:18 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
This example shows all system and TCA events between one and three days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events between 1d and 3d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 16:14:37 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 16:03:31 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 15:44:36 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 15:33:30 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 15:14:35 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 15:03:28 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 14:44:34 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 14:33:21 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
Monitor System and TCA Events on a Device by Time
You can monitor all system and TCA events on a device currently or for a time in the past with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Events list: view events for a device at a time range in the past 24 hours
Events|Alarms card: view critical events for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, a week, a month, or a quarter in the past
Events|Info card: view non-critical events for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, a week, a month, or a quarter in the past
Switch card: view critical events on a switch for a time range in the past
netq <hostname> show events between command: view events for a time range in the past
Click (main menu).
Click Events under the Network column.
Click .
Enter a hostname into the Hostname field.
Click in the Timestamp fields to enter a start and end date for a time range in the past 24 hours.
This allows you to view only the most recent events or events within a particular hour or few hours over the last day.
Click Apply.
All system and TCA events on the leaf02 switch between midnight and 11:30am
Return to your workbench. Click in the top right corner of the card.
All cards have a default time period for the data shown on the card, typically the last 24 hours. You can change the time period to view the data during a different time range to aid analysis of previous or existing issues.
To view critical events for a device at a time in the past:
Locate or open the Events|Alarms card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
Full-screen card
Changing the time period in this manner only changes the time period for this card. No other cards are impacted.
Click .
Enter a hostname into the Hostname field, and click Apply.
All system and TCA events on the leaf02 switch in the past week
Return to your workbench. Click in the top right corner of the card.
All cards have a default time period for the data shown on the card, typically the last 24 hours. You can change the time period to view the data during a different time range to aid analysis of previous or existing issues.
To view informational events for a time in the past:
Locate or open the Events|Info card on your workbench.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
Full-screen card
Changing the time period in this manner only changes the time period for this card. No other cards are impacted.
Click .
Enter a hostname into the Hostname field, and click Apply.
All system and TCA events on the spine02 switch in the past quarter
Return to your workbench. Click in the top right corner of the card.
The Switch card displays the alarms (events of critical severity) for the switch.
Open the Switch card for the switch of interest.
Click .
Click Open a switch card.
Enter the switch hostname.
Click Add.
Change to the full screen card using the size picker.
Enter start and end dates in the Timestamp fields.
Click Apply.
All system and TCA events on the leaf02 switch between September 7 at midnight and September 10 and 3:15 pm
Return to your workbench. Click in the top right corner of the card.
The NetQ CLI uses a displays data collected within the last hour unless otherwise specified. To view all system and all TCA events on a given device for a time beyond an hour in the past, run:
netq <hostname> show events [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows all system and TCA events on the leaf02 switch between now and 24 hours ago.
netq leaf02 show events between now and 24hr
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events between now and 24hr
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:55:26 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 19:25:24 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:55:17 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 18:25:16 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf02 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 2 17:55:15 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
This example shows all system and TCA events on the leaf01 switch between one and three days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show events between 1d and 3d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 16:14:37 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 15:44:36 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 15:14:35 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
leaf01 btrfsinfo critical data storage efficiency : space lef Wed Sep 9 14:44:34 2020
t after allocation greater than chu
nk size 0.57 GB
Configure and Monitor What Just Happened Metrics
The What Just Happened (WJH) feature, available on Mellanox switches, streams detailed and contextual telemetry data for analysis. This provides real-time visibility into problems in the network, such as hardware packet drops due to buffer congestion, incorrect routing, and ACL or layer 1 problems. You must have Cumulus Linux 4.0.0 or later and NetQ 2.4.0 or later to take advantage of this feature.
If your switches are sourced from a vendor other than Mellanox, this view is blank as no data is collected.
When WJH capabilities are combined with Cumulus NetQ, you have the ability to hone in on losses, anywhere in the fabric, from a single management console. You can:
View any current or historic drop information, including the reason for the drop
Identify problematic flows or endpoints, and pin-point exactly where communication is failing in the network
By default, Cumulus Linux 4.0.0 provides the NetQ 2.3.1 Agent and CLI. If you installed Cumulus Linux 4.0.0 on your Mellanox switch, you need to upgrade the NetQ Agent and optionally the CLI to release 2.4.0 or later (preferably the latest release).
WJH is enabled by default on Mellanox switches and no configuration is required in Cumulus Linux 4.0.0; however, you must enable the NetQ Agent to collect the data in NetQ 2.4.0 or later.
To enable WJH in NetQ:
Configure the NetQ Agent on the Mellanox switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent wjh
Restart the NetQ Agent to start collecting the WJH data.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq config restart agent
When you are finished viewing the WJH metrics, you might want to stop the NetQ Agent from collecting WJH data to reduce network traffic. Use netq config del agent wjh followed by netq config restart agent to disable the WJH feature on the given switch.
Using wjh_dump.py on a Mellanox platform that is running Cumulus Linux 4.0 and the NetQ 2.4.0 agent causes the NetQ WJH client to stop receiving packet drop call backs. To prevent this issue, run wjh_dump.py on a different system than the one where the NetQ Agent has WJH enabled, or disable wjh_dump.py and restart the NetQ Agent (run netq config restart agent).
Configure Latency and Congestion Thresholds
WJH latency and congestion metrics depend on threshold settings to trigger the events. Packet latency is measured as the time spent inside a single system (switch). Congestion is measured as a percentage of buffer occupancy on the switch. When WJH triggers events when the high and low thresholds are crossed.
You can view the WJH metrics from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click What Just Happened under the Network column.
This view displays events based on conditions detected in the data plane. The most recent 1000 events from the last 24 hours are presented for each drop category.
By default the layer 1 drops are shown. Click one of the other drop categories to view those drops for all devices.
Use the various options to restrict the output accordingly.
This example uses the first form of the command to show drops on switch leaf03 for the past week.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show wjh-drop between now and 7d
Matching wjh records:
Drop type Aggregate Count
------------------ ------------------------------
L1 560
Buffer 224
Router 144
L2 0
Tunnel 0
This example uses the second form of the command to show drops on switch leaf03 for the past week including the drop reasons.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show wjh-drop details between now and 7d
Matching wjh records:
Drop type Aggregate Count Reason
------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
L1 556 None
Buffer 196 WRED
Router 144 Blackhole route
Buffer 14 Packet Latency Threshold Crossed
Buffer 14 Port TC Congestion Threshold
L1 4 Oper down
This example shows the drops seen at layer 2 across the network.
cumulus@mlx-2700-03:mgmt:~$ netq show wjh-drop l2
Matching wjh records:
Hostname Ingress Port Reason Agg Count Src Ip Dst Ip Proto Src Port Dst Port Src Mac Dst Mac First Timestamp Last Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------
mlx-2700-03 swp1s2 Port loopback filter 10 0 0 0 00:02:00:00:00:73 0c:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Mon Dec 16 11:54:15 2019 Mon Dec 16 11:54:15 2019
mlx-2700-03 swp1s2 Source MAC equals destination MAC 10 0 0 0 00:02:00:00:00:73 00:02:00:00:00:73 Mon Dec 16 11:53:17 2019 Mon Dec 16 11:53:17 2019
mlx-2700-03 swp1s2 Source MAC equals destination MAC 10 0 0 0 00:02:00:00:00:73 00:02:00:00:00:73 Mon Dec 16 11:40:44 2019 Mon Dec 16 11:40:44 2019
The following two examples include the severity of a drop event (error, warning or notice) for ACLs and routers.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show wjh-drop acl
Matching wjh records:
Hostname Ingress Port Reason Severity Agg Count Src Ip Dst Ip Proto Src Port Dst Port Src Mac Dst Mac Acl Rule Id Acl Bind Point Acl Name Acl Rule First Timestamp Last Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
leaf01 swp2 Ingress router ACL Error 49 17 8492 21423 00:32:10:45:76:89 00:ab:05:d4:1b:13 0x0 0 Tue Oct 6 15:29:13 2020 Tue Oct 6 15:29:39 2020
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show wjh-drop router
Matching wjh records:
Hostname Ingress Port Reason Severity Agg Count Src Ip Dst Ip Proto Src Port Dst Port Src Mac Dst Mac First Timestamp Last Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------
leaf01 swp1 Blackhole route Notice 36 6 1235 43523 00:01:02:03:04:05 00:06:07:08:09:0a Tue Oct 6 15:29:13 2020 Tue Oct 6 15:29:47 2020
This table lists all of the supported metrics and provides a brief description of each.
What Just Happened.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
L1 Drops tab
Displays the reason why a port is in the down state. By default, the listing is sorted by Last Timestamp. The tab provides the following additional data about each drop event:
Hostname: Name of the Mellanox server.
Port Down Reason: Reason why the port is down.
Port admin down: Port has been purposely set down by user.
Auto-negotiation failure: Negotiation of port speed with peer has failed.
Logical mismatch with peer link: Logical mismatch with peer link.
Link training failure: Link is not able to go operational up due to link training failure.
Peer is sending remote faults: Peer node is not operating correctly.
Bad signal integrity: Integrity of the signal on port is not sufficient for good communication.
Cable/transceiver is not supported: The attached cable or transceiver is not supported by this port.
Cable/transceiver is unplugged: A cable or transceiver is missing or not fully plugged into the port.
Calibration failure: Calibration failure.
Port state changes counter: Cumulative number of state changes.
Symbol error counter: Cumulative number of symbol errors.
CRC error counter: Cumulative number of CRC errors.
Corrective Action: Provides recommend action(s) to take to resolve the port down state.
First Timestamp: Date and time this port was marked as down for the first time.
Ingress Port: Port accepting incoming traffic.
CRC Error Count: Number of CRC errors generated by this port.
Symbol Error Count: Number of Symbol errors generated by this port.
State Change Count: Number of state changes that have occurred on this port.
OPID: Operation identifier; used for internal purposes.
Is Port Up: Indicates whether the port is in an Up (true) or Down (false) state.
L2 Drops tab
Displays the reason for a link to be down. By default, the listing is sorted by Last Timestamp. The tab provides the following additional data about each drop event:
Hostname: Name of the Mellanox server.
Source Port: Port ID where the link originates.
Source IP: Port IP address where the link originates.
Source MAC: Port MAC address where the link originates.
Destination Port: Port ID where the link terminates.
Destination IP: Port IP address where the link terminates.
Destination MAC: Port MAC address where the link terminates.
Reason: Reason why the link is down.
MLAG port isolation: Not supported for port isolation implemented with system ACL.
Destination MAC is reserved (DMAC=01-80-C2-00-00-0x): The address cannot be used by this link.
VLAN tagging mismatch: VLAN tags on the source and destination do not match.
Ingress VLAN filtering: Frames whose port is not a member of the VLAN are discarded.
Ingress spanning tree filter: Port is in Spanning Tree blocking state.
Unicast MAC table action discard: Currently not supported.
Multicast egress port list is empty: No ports are defined for multicast egress.
Port loopback filter: Port is operating in loopback mode; packets are being sent to itself (source MAC address is the same as the destination MAC address.
Source MAC is multicast: Packets have multicast source MAC address.
Source MAC equals destination MAC: Source MAC address is the same as the destination MAC address.
First Timestamp: Date and time this link was marked as down for the first time.
Aggregate Count : Total number of dropped packets.
Protocol: ID of the communication protocol running on this link.
Ingress Port: Port accepting incoming traffic.
OPID: Operation identifier; used for internal purposes.
Router Drops tab
Displays the reason why the server is unable to route a packet. By default, the listing is sorted by Last Timestamp. The tab provides the following additional data about each drop event:
Hostname: Name of the Mellanox server.
Reason: Reason why the server is unable to route a packet.
Non-routable packet: Packet has no route in routing table.
Blackhole route: Packet received with action equal to discard.
Unresolved next-hop: The next hop in the route is unknown.
Blackhole ARP/neighbor: Packet received with blackhole adjacency.
IPv6 destination in multicast scope FFx0:/16: Packet received with multicast destination address in FFx0:/16 address range.
IPv6 destination in multicast scope FFx1:/16: Packet received with multicast destination address in FFx1:/16 address range.
Non-IP packet: Cannot read packet header because it is not an IP packet.
Unicast destination IP but non-unicast destination MAC: Cannot read packet with IP unicast address when destination MAC address is not unicast (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).
Destination IP is loopback address: Cannot read packet as destination IP address is a loopback address (dip=>
Source IP is multicast: Cannot read packet as source IP address is a multicast address (ipv4 SIP =>
Source IP is in class E: Cannot read packet as source IP address is a Class E address.
Source IP is loopback address: Cannot read packet as source IP address is a loopback address ( ipv4 => for ipv6 => ::1/128).
Source IP is unspecified: Cannot read packet as source IP address is unspecified (ipv4 =; for ipv6 = ::0).
Checksum or IP ver or IPv4 IHL too short: Cannot read packet due to header checksum error, IP version mismatch, or IPv4 header length is too short.
Multicast MAC mismatch: For IPv4, destination MAC address is not equal to {0x01-00-5E-0 (25 bits), DIP[22:0]} and DIP is multicast. For IPv6, destination MAC address is not equal to {0x3333, DIP[31:0]} and DIP is multicast.
Source IP equals destination IP: Packet has a source IP address equal to the destination IP address.
IPv4 source IP is limited broadcast: Packet has broadcast source IP address.
IPv4 destination IP is local network (destination = Packet has IPv4 destination address that is a local network (destination=
IPv4 destination IP is link local: Packet has IPv4 destination address that is a local link.
Ingress router interface is disabled: Packet destined to a different subnet cannot be routed because ingress router interface is disabled.
Egress router interface is disabled: Packet destined to a different subnet cannot be routed because egress router interface is disabled.
IPv4 routing table (LPM) unicast miss: No route available in routing table for packet.
IPv6 routing table (LPM) unicast miss: No route available in routing table for packet.
Router interface loopback: Packet has destination IP address that is local. For example, SIP =, DIP =
Packet size is larger than MTU: Packet has larger MTU configured than the VLAN.
TTL value is too small: Packet has TTL value of 1.
Tunnel Drops tab
Displays the reason for a tunnel to be down. By default, the listing is sorted by Last Timestamp. The tab provides the following additional data about each drop event:
Hostname: Name of the Mellanox server.
Reason: Reason why the tunnel is down.
Overlay switch - source MAC is multicast: Overlay packet's source MAC address is multicast.
Overlay switch - source MAC equals destination MAC: Overlay packet's source MAC address is the same as the destination MAC address.
Decapsulation error: Decapsulation produced incorrect format of packet. For example, encapsulation of packet with many VLANs or IP options on the underlay can cause decapsulation to result in a short packet.
Buffer Drops tab
Displays the reason for the server buffer to be drop packets. By default, the listing is sorted by Last Timestamp. The tab provides the following additional data about each drop event:
Hostname: Name of the Mellanox server.
Reason: Reason why the buffer dropped packet.
Tail drop: Tail drop is enabled, and buffer queue is filled to maximum capacity.
WRED: Weighted Random Early Detection is enabled, and buffer queue is filled to maximum capacity or the RED engine dropped the packet as of random congestion prevention.
Port TC Congestion Threshold Crossed: Percentage of the occupancy buffer exceeded or dropped below the specified high or low threshold
Packet Latency Threshold Crossed: Time a packet spent within the switch exceeded or dropped below the specified high or low threshold
ACL Drops tab
Displays the reason for an ACL to drop packets. By default, the listing is sorted by Last Timestamp. The tab provides the following additional data about each drop event:
Hostname: Name of the Mellanox server.
Reason: Reason why ACL dropped packets.
Ingress port ACL: ACL action set to deny on the physical ingress port or bond.
Ingress router ACL: ACL action set to deny on the ingress switch virtual interfaces (SVIs).
Egress port ACL: ACL action set to deny on the physical egress port or bond.
Egress router ACL: ACL action set to deny on the egress SVIs.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
System Event Messages Reference
The following table lists all system (including threshold-based) event messages organized by type. These messages can be viewed through third-party notification applications. For details about configuring notifications, refer to Configure Notifications.
For a list of What Just Happened events supported, refer to WJH Supported Events.
Agent Events
Message Format
NetQ Agent state changed to Rotten (not heard from within two minutes)
Agent state changed to rotten
Agent state changed to rotten
NetQ Agent state changed to Dead (user has decomissioned the agent using NetQ CLI)
Agent state changed to rotten
Agent state changed to rotten
NetQ Agent rebooted
Netq-agent rebooted at (@last_boot)
Netq-agent rebooted at 1573166417
Node running NetQ Agent rebooted
Switch rebooted at (@sys_uptime)
Switch rebooted at 1573166131
NetQ Agent state changed to Fresh
Agent state changed to fresh
Agent state changed to fresh
NetQ Agent state was reset
Agent state was paused and resumed at (@last_reinit)
Agent state was paused and resumed at 1573166125
Version of NetQ Agent has changed
Agent version has been changed old_version:@old_version and new_version:@new_version. Agent reset at @sys_uptime
Agent version has been changed old_version:2.1.2 and new_version:2.3.1. Agent reset at 1573079725
BGP Events
Message Format
BGP Session state changed
BGP session with peer @peer @neighbor vrf @vrf state changed from @old_state to @new_state
BGP session with peer leaf03 leaf04 vrf mgmt state changed from Established to Failed
BGP Session state changed from Failed to Established
BGP session with peer @peer @peerhost @neighbor vrf @vrf session state changed from Failed to Established
BGP session with peer swp5 spine02 spine03 vrf default session state changed from Failed to Established
BGP Session state changed from Established to Failed
BGP session with peer @peer @neighbor vrf @vrf state changed from established to failed
BGP session with peer leaf03 leaf04 vrf mgmt state changed from down to up
The reset time for a BGP session changed
BGP session with peer @peer @neighbor vrf @vrf reset time changed from @old_last_reset_time to @new_last_reset_time
BGP session with peer spine03 swp9 vrf vrf2 reset time changed from 1559427694 to 1559837484
BTRFS Events
Message Format
Disk space available after BTRFS allocation is less than 80% of partition size or only 2 GB remain.
@info : @details
high btrfs allocation space : greater than 80% of partition size, 61708420
Indicates if space would be freed by a rebalance operation on the disk
@info : @details
data storage efficiency : space left after allocation greater than chunk size 6170849.2","
Cable Events
Message Format
Link speed is not the same on both ends of the link
@ifname speed @speed, mismatched with peer @peer @peer_if speed @peer_speed
swp2 speed 10, mismatched with peer server02 swp8 speed 40
The speed setting for a given port changed
@ifname speed changed from @old_speed to @new_speed
swp9 speed changed from 10 to 40
The transceiver status for a given port changed
@ifname transceiver changed from @old_transceiver to @new_transceiver
swp4 transceiver changed from disabled to enabled
The vendor of a given transceiver changed
@ifname vendor name changed from @old_vendor_name to @new_vendor_name
swp23 vendor name changed from Broadcom to Mellanox
The part number of a given transceiver changed
@ifname part number changed from @old_part_number to @new_part_number
swp7 part number changed from FP1ZZ5654002A to MSN2700-CS2F0
The serial number of a given transceiver changed
@ifname serial number changed from @old_serial_number to @new_serial_number
swp4 serial number changed from 571254X1507020 to MT1552X12041
The status of forward error correction (FEC) support for a given port changed
@ifname supported fec changed from @old_supported_fec to @new_supported_fec
swp12 supported fec changed from supported to unsupported
swp12 supported fec changed from unsupported to supported
The advertised support for FEC for a given port changed
@ifname supported fec changed from @old_advertised_fec to @new_advertised_fec
swp24 supported FEC changed from advertised to not advertised
The FEC status for a given port changed
@ifname fec changed from @old_fec to @new_fec
swp15 fec changed from disabled to enabled
Message Format
CLAG remote peer state changed from up to down
Peer state changed to down
Peer state changed to down
Local CLAG host MTU does not match its remote peer MTU
SVI @svi1 on vlan @vlan mtu @mtu1 mismatched with peer mtu @mtu2
SVI svi7 on vlan 4 mtu 1592 mistmatched with peer mtu 1680
CLAG SVI on VLAN is missing from remote peer state
SVI on vlan @vlan is missing from peer
SVI on vlan vlan4 is missing from peer
CLAG peerlink is not opperating at full capacity. At least one link is down.
Clag peerlink not at full redundancy, member link @slave is down
Clag peerlink not at full redundancy, member link swp40 is down
CLAG remote peer state changed from down to up
Peer state changed to up
Peer state changed to up
Local CLAG host state changed from down to up
Clag state changed from down to up
Clag state changed from down to up
CLAG bond in Conflicted state was updated with new bonds
Clag conflicted bond changed from @old_conflicted_bonds to @new_conflicted_bonds
Clag conflicted bond changed from swp7 swp8 to @swp9 swp10
CLAG bond changed state from protodown to up state
Clag conflicted bond changed from @old_state_protodownbond to @new_state_protodownbond
Clag conflicted bond changed from protodown to up
CL Support Evemts
Message Format
A new CL Support file has been created for the given node
HostName @hostname has new CL SUPPORT file
HostName leaf01 has new CL SUPPORT file
Config Diff Events
Message Format
Configuration file deleted on a device
@hostname config file @type was deleted
spine03 config file /etc/frr/frr.conf was deleted
Configuration file has been created
@hostname config file @type was created
leaf12 config file /etc/lldp.d/README.conf was created
Configuration file has been modified
@hostname config file @type was modified
spine03 config file /etc/frr/frr.conf was modified
EVPN Events
Message Format
A VNI was configured and moved from the up state to the down state
VNI @vni state changed from up to down
VNI 36 state changed from up to down
A VNI was configured and moved from the down state to the up state
VNI @vni state changed from down to up
VNI 36 state changed from down to up
The kernel state changed on a VNI
VNI @vni kernel state changed from @old_in_kernel_state to @new_in_kernel_state
VNI 3 kernel state changed from down to up
A VNI state changed from not advertising all VNIs to advertising all VNIs
VNI @vni vni state changed from @old_adv_all_vni_state to @new_adv_all_vni_state
VNI 11 vni state changed from false to true
Lifecycle Management Events
Message Format
Cumulus Linux backup started for a switch or host
CL configuration backup started for hostname @hostname
CL configuration backup started for hostname spine01
Cumulus Linux backup completed for a switch or host
CL configuration backup completed for hostname @hostname
CL configuration backup completed for hostname spine01
Cumulus Linux backup failed for a switch or host
CL configuration backup failed for hostname @hostname
CL configuration backup failed for hostname spine01
Cumulus Linux upgrade from one version to a newer version has started for a switch or host
CL Image upgrade from version @old_cl_version to version @new_cl_version started for hostname @hostname
CL Image upgrade from version 4.1.0 to version 4.2.1 started for hostname server01
Cumulus Linux upgrade from one version to a newer version has completed successfully for a switch or host
CL Image upgrade from version @old_cl_version to version @new_cl_version completed for hostname @hostname
CL Image upgrade from version 4.1.0 to version 4.2.1 completed for hostname server01
Cumulus Linux upgrade from one version to a newer version has failed for a switch or host
CL Image upgrade from version @old_cl_version to version @new_cl_version failed for hostname @hostname
CL Image upgrade from version 4.1.0 to version 4.2.1 failed for hostname server01
Restoration of a Cumulus Linux configuration started for a switch or host
CL configuration restore started for hostname @hostname
CL configuration restore started for hostname leaf01
Restoration of a Cumulus Linux configuration completed successfully for a switch or host
CL configuration restore completed for hostname @hostname
CL configuration restore completed for hostname leaf01
Restoration of a Cumulus Linux configuration failed for a switch or host
CL configuration restore failed for hostname @hostname
CL configuration restore failed for hostname leaf01
Rollback of a Cumulus Linux image has started for a switch or host
CL Image rollback from version @old_cl_version to version @new_cl_version started for hostname @hostname
CL Image rollback from version 4.2.1 to version 4.1.0 started for hostname leaf01
Rollback of a Cumulus Linux image has completed successfully for a switch or host
CL Image rollback from version @old_cl_version to version @new_cl_version completed for hostname @hostname
CL Image rollback from version 4.2.1 to version 4.1.0 completed for hostname leaf01
Rollback of a Cumulus Linux image has failed for a switch or host
CL Image rollback from version @old_cl_version to version @new_cl_version failed for hostname @hostname
CL Image rollback from version 4.2.1 to version 4.1.0 failed for hostname leaf01
Installation of a Cumulus NetQ image has started for a switch or host
NetQ Image version @netq_version installation started for hostname @hostname
NetQ Image version 3.2.0 installation started for hostname spine02
Installation of a Cumulus NetQ image has completed successfully for a switch or host
NetQ Image version @netq_version installation completed for hostname @hostname
NetQ Image version 3.2.0 installation completed for hostname spine02
Installation of a Cumulus NetQ image has failed for a switch or host
NetQ Image version @netq_version installation failed for hostname @hostname
NetQ Image version 3.2.0 installation failed for hostname spine02
Upgrade of a Cumulus NetQ image has started for a switch or host
NetQ Image upgrade from version @old_netq_version to version @netq_version started for hostname @hostname
NetQ Image upgrade from version 3.1.0 to version 3.2.0 started for hostname spine02
Upgrade of a Cumulus NetQ image has completed successfully for a switch or host
NetQ Image upgrade from version @old_netq_version to version @netq_version completed for hostname @hostname
NetQ Image upgrade from version 3.1.0 to version 3.2.0 completed for hostname spine02
Upgrade of a Cumulus NetQ image has failed for a switch or host
NetQ Image upgrade from version @old_netq_version to version @netq_version failed for hostname @hostname
NetQ Image upgrade from version 3.1.0 to version 3.2.0 failed for hostname spine02
Cumulus Linux License Events
Message Format
License state is missing or invalid
License check failed, name @lic_name state @state
License check failed, name agent.lic state invalid
License state is missing or invalid on a particular device
License check failed on @hostname
License check failed on leaf03
Link Events
Message Format
Link operational state changed from up to down
HostName @hostname changed state from @old_state to @new_state Interface:@ifname
HostName leaf01 changed state from up to down Interface:swp34
Link operational state changed from down to up
HostName @hostname changed state from @old_state to @new_state Interface:@ifname
HostName leaf04 changed state from down to up Interface:swp11
LLDP Events
Message Format
Local LLDP host has new neighbor information
LLDP Session with host @hostname and @ifname modified fields @changed_fields
LLDP Session with host leaf02 swp6 modified fields leaf06 swp21
Local LLDP host has new peer interface name
LLDP Session with host @hostname and @ifname @old_peer_ifname changed to @new_peer_ifname
LLDP Session with host spine01 and swp5 swp12 changed to port12
Local LLDP host has new peer hostname
LLDP Session with host @hostname and @ifname @old_peer_hostname changed to @new_peer_hostname
LLDP Session with host leaf03 and swp2 leaf07 changed to exit01
MTU Events
Message Format
VLAN interface link MTU is smaller than that of its parent MTU
vlan interface @link mtu @mtu is smaller than parent @parent mtu @parent_mtu
vlan interface swp3 mtu 1500 is smaller than parent peerlink-1 mtu 1690
Bridge interface MTU is smaller than the member interface with the smallest MTU
bridge @link mtu @mtu is smaller than least of member interface mtu @min
bridge swp0 mtu 1280 is smaller than least of member interface mtu 1500
NTP Events
Message Format
NTP sync state changed from in sync to not in sync
Sync state changed from @old_state to @new_state for @hostname
Sync state changed from in sync to not sync for leaf06
NTP sync state changed from not in sync to in sync
Sync state changed from @old_state to @new_state for @hostname
Sync state changed from not sync to in sync for leaf06
OSPF Events
Message Format
OSPF session state on a given interface changed from Full to a down state
OSPF session @ifname with @peer_address changed from Full to @down_state
OSPF session swp7 with state changed from Full to Fail
OSPF session swp7 with state changed from Full to ExStart
OSPF session state on a given interface changed from a down state to full
OSPF session @ifname with @peer_address changed from @down_state to Full
OSPF session swp7 with state changed from Down to Full
OSPF session swp7 with state changed from Init to Full
OSPF session swp7 with state changed from Fail to Full
Package Information Events
Message Format
Package version on device does not match the version identified in the existing manifest
@package_name manifest version mismatch
netq-apps manifest version mismatch
PTM Events
Message Format
Physical interface cabling does not match configuration specified in topology.dot file
PTM cable status failed
PTM cable status failed
Physical interface cabling matches configuration specified in topology.dot file
PTM cable status passed
PTM cable status passed
Resource Events
Message Format
A physical resource has been deleted from a device
Resource Utils deleted for @hostname
Resource Utils deleted for spine02
Root file system access on a device has changed from Read/Write to Read Only
@hostname root file system access mode set to Read Only
server03 root file system access mode set to Read Only
Root file system access on a device has changed from Read Only to Read/Write
@hostname root file system access mode set to Read/Write
leaf11 root file system access mode set to Read/Write
A physical resource has been added to a device
Resource Utils added for @hostname
Resource Utils added for spine04
Running Config Diff Events
Message Format
Running configuration file has been modified
@commandname config result was modified
@commandname config result was modified
Sensor Events
Message Format
A fan or power supply unit sensor has changed state
Sensor @sensor state changed from @old_s_state to @new_s_state
Sensor fan state changed from up to down
A temperature sensor has crossed the maximum threshold for that sensor
Sensor @sensor max value @new_s_max exceeds threshold @new_s_crit
Sensor temp max value 110 exceeds the threshold 95
A temperature sensor has crossed the minimum threshold for that sensor
Sensor @sensor min value @new_s_lcrit fall behind threshold @new_s_min
Sensor psu min value 10 fell below threshold 25
A temperature, fan, or power supply sensor state changed
Sensor @sensor state changed from @old_state to @new_state
Sensor temperature state changed from critical to ok
Sensor fan state changed from absent to ok
Sensor psu state changed from bad to ok
A fan or power supply sensor state changed
Sensor @sensor state changed from @old_s_state to @new_s_state
Sensor fan state changed from down to up
Sensor psu state changed from down to up
A fan or power supply unit sensor is in a new state
Sensor @sensor state is @new_s_state
Sensor psu state is bad
Services Events
Message Format
A service status changed from down to up
Service @name status changed from @old_status to @new_status
Service bgp status changed from down to up
A service status changed from up to down
Service @name status changed from @old_status to @new_status
Service lldp status changed from up to down
A service changed state from inactive to active
Service @name changed state from inactive to active
Service bgp changed state from inactive to active
Service lldp changed state from inactive to active
SSD Utilization Events
Message Format
3ME3 disk health has dropped below 10%
@info: @details
low health : 5.0%
A dip in 3ME3 disk health of more than 2% has occurred within the last 24 hours
@info: @details
significant health drop : 3.0%
Threshold-based Events
Message Format
Percentage of CPU utilization exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
CPU Utilization for host @hostname exceed configured mark @cpu_utilization
CPU Utilization for host leaf11 exceed configured mark 85
Percentage of disk utilization exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
Disk Utilization for host @hostname exceed configured mark @disk_utilization
Disk Utilization for host leaf11 exceed configured mark 90
Percentage of memory utilization exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
Memory Utilization for host @hostname exceed configured mark @mem_utilization
Memory Utilization for host leaf11 exceed configured mark 95
Number of transmit bytes exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch interface
Fan speed exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
Sensor for @hostname exceeded threshold fan speed @s_input for sensor @s_name
Sensor for spine03 exceeded threshold fan speed 700 for sensor fan2
Power supply output exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
Sensor for @hostname exceeded threshold power @s_input watts for sensor @s_name
Sensor for leaf14 exceeded threshold power 120 watts for sensor psu1
Temperature (° C) exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
Sensor for @hostname exceeded threshold temperature @s_input for sensor @s_name
Sensor for leaf14 exceeded threshold temperature 90 for sensor temp1
Power supply voltage exceeded user-defined maximum threshold on a switch
Sensor for @hostname exceeded threshold voltage @s_input volts for sensor @s_name
Sensor for leaf14 exceeded threshold voltage 12 volts for sensor psu2
Version Events
Message Format
An unknown version of the operating system was detected
unexpected os version @my_ver
unexpected os version cl3.2
Desired version of the operating system is not available
os version @ver
os version cl3.7.9
An unknown version of a software package was detected
expected release version @ver
expected release version cl3.6.2
Desired version of a software package is not available
different from version @ver
different from version cl4.0
VXLAN Events
Message Format
Replication list is contains an inconsistent set of nodes<>
VNI @vni replication list inconsistent with @conflicts diff:@diff<>
VNI 14 replication list inconsistent with ["leaf03","leaf04"] diff:+:["leaf03","leaf04"] -:["leaf07","leaf08"]
Monitor Operations
After the network has been deployed, the day-to-day tasks of monitoring the devices, protocols and services begin. The topics in this section provide instructions for monitoring:
Switches and hosts
Physical, data link, network, and application layer protocols and services
Overlay network protocols
Additionally, this section provides instructions for monitoring devices and the network using a topology view.
With the NetQ UI and CLI, a user can monitor the network inventory of switches and hosts, including such items as the number of each and what operating systems are installed. Additional details are available about the hardware and software components on individual switches, such as the motherboard, ASIC, microprocessor, disk, memory, fan and power supply information. The commands and cards available to obtain this type of information help you to answer questions such as:
What switches do I have in the network?
Do all switches have valid licenses?
Are NetQ agents running on all of my switches?
How many transmit and receive packets have been dropped?
How healthy are the fans and power supply?
What software is installed on my switches?
What is the ACL and forwarding resources usage?
Monitor Switch Performance
With the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI, you can monitor the health of individual switches, including interface performance and resource utilization.
Three categories of performance metrics are available for switches:
System configuration: alarms, interfaces, IP and MAC addresses, VLANs, IP routes, IP neighbors, and installed software packages
Utilization statistics: CPU, memory, disk, ACL and forwarding resources, SSD, and BTRFS
Physical sensing: digital optics and chassis sensors
For information about the health of network services and protocols (BGP, EVPN, NTP, and so forth) running on switches, refer to the relevant layer monitoring topic.
For switch inventory information for all switches (ASIC, platform, CPU, memory, disk, and OS), refer to Monitor Switch Inventory.
View Overall Health
The NetQ UI provides several views that enable users to easily track the overall health of switch, some high-level metrics, and attributes of the switch.
View Overall Health of a Switch
When you want to view an overview of the current or past health of a particular switch, open the NetQ UI small Switch card. It is unlikely that you would have this card open for every switch in your network at the same time, but it is useful for tracking selected switches that may have been problematic in the recent past or that you have recently installed. The card shows you alarm status, a summary health score, and health trend.
To view the summary:
Click (Switches), then click Open a switch card.
Begin typing the hostname of the switch you are interested in. Select it from the suggested matches when it appears.
Select Small from the card size dropdown.
Click Add.
This example shows the leaf01 switch has had very few alarms overall, but the number is trending upward, with a total count of 24 alarms currently.
View High-Level Health Metrics
When you are monitoring switches that have been problematic or are newly installed, you might want to view more than a summary. Instead, seeing key performance metrics can help you determine where issues might be occurring or how new devices are functioning in the network.
To view the key metrics, use the NetQ UI to open the medium Switch card. The card shows you the overall switch health score and the scores for the key metrics that comprise that score. The key metric scores are based on the number of alarms attributed to the following activities on the switch:
Network services, such as BGP, EVPN, MLAG, NTP, and so forth
Interface performance
System performance
Locate or open the relevant Switch card:
Click (Switches), then click Open a switch card.
Begin typing the hostname of the device you are interested in. Select it from the suggested matches when it appears.
Click Add.
Also included on the card is the total alarm count for all of these metrics. You can view the key performance metrics as numerical scores or as line charts over time, by clicking Alarms or Charts at the top of the card.
View Switch Attributes
For a quick look at the key attributes of a particular switch, open the large Switch card.
Locate or open the relevant Switch card:
Hover over the card, then change to the large card using the card size picker.
Click (Switches), then click Open a switch card.
Begin typing the hostname of the device you are interested in. Select it from the suggested matches when it appears.
Select Large from the card size dropdown.
Click Add.
Attributes are displayed as the default tab on the large Switch card. You can view the static information about the switch, including its hostname, addresses, server and ASIC vendors and models, OS and NetQ software information. You can also view the state of the interfaces, NetQ Agent, and license on the switch.
From a performance perspective, this example shows that five interfaces are down, the NetQ Agent is communicating with the NetQ appliance or VM, and it is missing the Cumulus Linux license. It is important the license is valid, so you would want to fix this first (refer to Install the Cumulus Linux License. Secondly, you would want to look more closely at the interfaces (refer to interface statistics).
System Configuration
At some point in the lifecycle of a switch, you are likely to want more detail about how the switch is configured and what software is running on it. The NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI can provide this information.
View All Switch Alarms
You can focus on all critical alarms for a given switch using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view all alarms:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click Alarms.
Use the filter to sort by message type.
Use the filter to look at alarms during a different time range.
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
To view all critical alarms on the switch, run:
netq <hostname> show events level critical [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
This example shows the critical alarms on spine01 in the last two months.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show events level critical between now and 60d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
spine01 agent critical Netq-agent rebooted at (Mon Aug 10 Mon Aug 10 19:55:19 2020
19:55:07 UTC 2020)
View Status of All Interfaces
You can view all of the configured interfaces on a switch in one place making it easier to see inconsistencies in the configuration, quickly see when changes were made, and the operational status.
To view all interfaces:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click All Interfaces.
Look for interfaces that are down, shown in the State column.
Look for recent changes to the interfaces, shown in the Last Changed column.
View details about each interface, shown in the Details column.
Verify they are of the correct kind for their intended function, shown in the Type column.
Verify the correct VRF interface is assigned to an interface, shown in the VRF column.
To return to the workbench, click in the top right corner.
You can view all interfaces or filter by the interface type.
You can view all MAC address currently used by a switch using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the full-screen switch card for the switch of interest.
Review the addresses.
Optionally, click to filter by MAC address, VLAN, origin, or alternate time range.
You can view all MAC addresses on a switch, or filter the list to view a particular address, only the addresses on the egress port, a particular VLAN, or those that are owned by the switch. You can also view the number addresses.
Use the following commands to obtain this MAC address information:
This example shows all of the MAC addresses on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show macs
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 30 leaf01 vni30030:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:46 20 leaf01 vni30020:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 20 leaf01 vni30020:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 30 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 4001 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 4002 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:36 30 leaf01 {bond3}:{server03} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 20 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:aa 4001 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:48 30 leaf01 vni30030:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:aa 4002 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf01 {bond1}:{server01} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:36 30 leaf01 {bond3}:{server03} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:34 20 leaf01 {bond2}:{server02} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 30 leaf01 vni30030:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:42 30 leaf01 vni30030:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:34 20 leaf01 {bond2}:{server02} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3c 30 leaf01 {bond3}:{server03} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 20 leaf01 vni30020:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1b 20 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
This example shows all MAC addresses on VLAN 10 on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show macs
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf01 bridge no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf01 {bond1}:{server01} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf01 {bond1}:{server01} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf01 vni30010:leaf03 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf01 {bond1}:{server01} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5a 10 leaf01 {peerlink}:{leaf02} no Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:62 10 leaf01 vni30010:border01 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:61 10 leaf01 vni30010:border01 yes Wed Sep 16 16:16:09 2020
This example shows the total number of MAC address on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show macs count
Count of matching mac records: 55
This example show the addresses on the bridge egress port on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show macs egress-port bridge
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 4001 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 30 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 20 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 4002 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:aa 4001 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:aa 4002 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1b 20 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1c 30 leaf01 bridge no Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
View All VLANs on a Switch
You can view all VLANs running on a given switch using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view all VLANs on a switch:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click VLANs.
<!-- capture new image -->
Review the VLANs.
Optionally, click to filter by interface name or type.
To view all VLANs on a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show interfaces type vlan [state <remote-interface-state>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
Filter the output for VLANs with state option to view VLANs that are up or down, the around option to view VLAN information for a time in the past, or the count option to view the total number of VLANs on the device.
This example show all VLANs on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces type vlan
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 vlan20 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
leaf01 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
leaf01 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
leaf01 vlan30 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
leaf01 vlan10 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
leaf01 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Thu Sep 17 16:16:11 2020
This example shows the total number of VLANs on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces type vlan count
Count of matching link records: 6
This example shows the VLANs on the leaf01 switch that are down:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces type vlan state down
No matching link records found
View All IP Routes on a Switch
You can view all IP routes currently used by a switch using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view all IP routes on a switch:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click IP Routes.
By default all IP routes are listed. Click IPv6 or IPv4 to restrict the list to only those routes.
Optionally, click to filter by VRF or view a different time period.
To view all IPv4 and IPv6 routes or only IPv4 routes on a switch, run:
netq show ip routes [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
Optionally, filter the output with the following options:
ipv4 or ipv4/prefixlen to view a particular IPv4 route on the switch
vrf to view routes using a given VRF
origin to view routes that are owned by the switch
around to view routes at a time in the past
This example shows all IP routes for the spine01 switch:
This example shows information for the IPv4 route at on the spine01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show ip routes
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF Prefix Hostname Nexthops Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
no default spine01 swp1, Wed Sep 16 19:57:26 2020 swp2
View All IP Neighbors on a Switch
You can view all IP neighbors currently known by a switch using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view all IP neighbors on a switch:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click IP Neighbors.
<!-- update image and steps below -->
By default all IP routes are listed. Click IPv6 or IPv4 to restrict the list to only those routes.
Optionally, click to filter by VRF or view a different time period.
To view all IP neighbors on a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show ip neighbors [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4> vrf <vrf>|vrf <vrf>] [<mac>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
Optionally, filter the output with the following options:
ipv4, ipv4 vrf, orvrf to view the neighbor with a given IPv4 address, the neighbor with a given IPv4 address and VRF, or all neighbors using a given VRF on the switch
mac to view the neighbor with a given MAC address
count to view the total number of known IP neighbors
around to view neighbors at a time in the past
This example shows all IP neighbors for the leaf02 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show ip neighbors
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ ------------------------- leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Thu Sep 17 20:25:14 2020 leaf02 swp54 44:38:39:00:00:0f default no Thu Sep 17 20:25:16 2020 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d mgmt no Thu Sep 17 20:07:59 2020 leaf02 peerlink.4094 44:38:39:00:00:59 default no Thu Sep 17 20:25:16 2020 leaf02 swp53 44:38:39:00:00:0d default no Thu Sep 17 20:25:16 2020 leaf02 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Thu Sep 17 20:25:14 2020 leaf02 swp52 44:38:39:00:00:0b default no Thu Sep 17 20:25:16 2020 leaf02 vlan30 44:38:39:00:00:59 BLUE no Thu Sep 17 20:25:14 2020 leaf02 swp51 44:38:39:00:00:09 default no Thu Sep 17 20:25:16 2020 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 mgmt no Thu Sep 17 20:07:59 2020
This example shows the neighbor with a MAC address of 44:38:39:00:00:0b on the leaf02 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show ip neighbors 44:38:39:00:00:0b
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ ------------------------- leaf02 swp52 44:38:39:00:00:0b default no Thu Sep 17 20:25:16 2020
This example shows the neighbor with an IP address of on the leaf02 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show ip neighbors
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ ------------------------- leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Thu Sep 17 20:25:14 2020
View All IP Addresses on a Switch
You can view all IP addresses currently known by a switch using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view all IP addresses on a switch:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click IP Addresses.
<!-- update image and steps below -->
By default all IP addresses are listed. Click IPv6 or IPv4 to restrict the list to only those addresses.
Optionally, click to filter by interface or VRF, or view a different time period.
To view all IP addresses on a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show ip addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
Optionally, filter the output with the following options:
ipv4 or ipv4/prefixlen to view a particular IPv4 address on the switch
vrf to view addresses using a given VRF
count to view the total number of known IP neighbors
around to view addresses at a time in the past
This example shows all IP address on the spine01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show ip addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- spine01 eth0 mgmt Thu Sep 17 20:07:49 2020 spine01 lo default Thu Sep 17 20:25:05 2020
This example shows all IP addresses on the leaf03 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show ip addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- leaf03 vlan20 RED Thu Sep 17 20:25:08 2020 leaf03 vlan10-v0 RED Thu Sep 17 20:25:08 2020 leaf03 eth0 mgmt Thu Sep 17 20:08:11 2020 leaf03 vlan20-v0 RED Thu Sep 17 20:25:09 2020 leaf03 lo default Thu Sep 17 20:28:12 2020 leaf03 vlan30-v0 BLUE Thu Sep 17 20:25:09 2020 leaf03 vlan10 RED Thu Sep 17 20:25:08 2020 leaf03 lo default Thu Sep 17 20:25:05 2020 leaf03 vlan30 BLUE Thu Sep 17 20:25:08 2020
This example shows all IP addresses using the BLUE VRF on the leaf03 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show ip addresses vrf BLUE
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- leaf03 vlan30-v0 BLUE Thu Sep 17 20:25:09 2020 leaf03 vlan30 BLUE Thu Sep 17 20:25:08 2020
View All Software Packages
If you are having an issue with a particular switch, you may want to verify what software is installed and whether it needs updating.
You can view all of the software installed on a given switch using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI to quickly validate versions and total software installed.
To view all software packages:
Open the full-screen Switch card and click Installed Packages.
Look for packages of interest and their version and status. Sort by a particular parameter by clicking .
Optionally, export the list by selecting all or specific packages, then clicking .
To view package information for a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show cl-pkg-info [<text-package-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the text-package-name option to narrow the results to a particular package or the around option to narrow the output to a particular time range.
This example shows all installed software packages for spine01.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show cl-pkg-info
Matching package_info records:
Hostname Package Name Version CL Version Package Status Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
spine01 libfile-fnmatch-perl 0.02-2+b1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 screen 4.2.1-3+deb8u1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libudev1 215-17+deb8u13 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libjson-c2 0.11-4 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 atftp 0.7.git20120829-1+de Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 isc-dhcp-relay 4.3.1-6-cl3u14 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 iputils-ping 3:20121221-5+b2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 base-files 8+deb8u11 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libx11-data 2:1.6.2-3+deb8u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 onie-tools 3.2-cl3u6 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 python-cumulus-restapi 0.1-cl3u10 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 tasksel 3.31+deb8u1 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 ncurses-base 5.9+20140913-1+deb8u Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 libmnl0 1.0.3-5-cl3u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
spine01 xz-utils 5.1.1alpha+20120614- Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
This example shows the ntp package on the spine01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show cl-pkg-info ntp
Matching package_info records:
Hostname Package Name Version CL Version Package Status Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
spine01 ntp 1:4.2.8p10-cl3u2 Cumulus Linux 3.7.12 installed Wed Aug 26 19:58:45 2020
Utilization Statistics
Utilization statistics provide a view into the operation of a switch. They indicate whether resources are becoming dangerously close to their maximum capacity or a user-defined threshold. Depending on the function of the switch, the acceptable thresholds can vary. You can use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI to access the utilization statistics.
View Compute Resources Utilization
You can view the current utilization of CPU, memory, and disk resources to determine whether a switch is reaching its maximum load and compare its performance with other switches.
To view the compute resources utilization:
Open the large Switch card.
Hover over the card and click .
The card is divided into two sections, displaying hardware-related performance through a series of charts.
Look at the hardware performance charts.
Are there any that are reaching critical usage levels? Is usage high at a particular time of day?
Change the time period. Is the performance about the same? Better? Worse? The results can guide your decisions about upgrade options.
Open the large Switch card for a comparable switch. Is the performance similar?
You can quickly determine how many compute resources — CPU, disk and memory — are being consumed by the switches on your network.
To obtain this information, run the relevant command:
netq <hostname> show resource-util [cpu | memory] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show resource-util disk [<text-diskname>] [around <text-time>] [json]
When no options are included the output shows the percentage of CPU and memory being consumed as well as the amount and percentage of disk space being consumed. You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time.
This example shows the CPU, memory, and disk utilization for the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname CPU Utilization Memory Utilization Disk Name Total Used Disk Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01 4.5 72.1 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1230303232 20.9 Wed Sep 16 20:35:57 2020
This example shows only the CPU utilization for the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util cpu
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname CPU Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01 4.2 Wed Sep 16 20:52:12 2020
This example shows only the memory utilization for the leaf01 switch.
This example shows only the disk utilization for the leaf01 switch. If you have more than one disk in your switch, utilization data for all of the disks are displayed. If you want to view the data for only one of the disks, you must specify a disk name.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util disk
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname Disk Name Total Used Disk Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1230393344 20.9 Wed Sep 16 20:54:14 2020
View Interface Statistics and Utilization
NetQ Agents collect performance statistics every 30 seconds for the physical interfaces on switches in your network. The NetQ Agent does not collect statistics for non-physical interfaces, such as bonds, bridges, and VXLANs. The NetQ Agent collects the following statistics:
You can view these statistics and utilization data using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Locate the switch card of interest on your workbench and change to the large size card if needed. Otherwise, open the relevant switch card:
Click (Switches), and then select Open a switch card.
Begin typing the name of the switch of interest, and select when it appears in the suggestions list.
Select the Large card size.
Click Add.
Hover over the card and click to open the Interface Stats tab.
Select an interface from the list, scrolling down until you find it. By default the interfaces are sorted by Name, but you may find it easier to sort by the highest transmit or receive utilization using the filter above the list.
The charts update according to your selection. Scroll up and down to view the individual statistics. Look for high usage, a large number of drops or errors.
What you view next depends on what you see, but a couple of possibilities include:
Open the full screen card to view details about all of the interfaces on the switch.
Open another switch card to compare performance on a similar interface.
To view the interface statistics and utilization, run:
netq <hostname> show interface-stats [errors | all] [<physical-port>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show interface-utilization [<text-port>] [tx|rx] [around <text-time>] [json]
Where the various options are:
hostname limits the output to a particular switch
errors limits the output to only the transmit and receive errors found on the designated interfaces
physical-port limits the output to a particular port
around enables viewing of the data at a time in the past
json outputs results in JSON format
text-port limits output to a particular host and port; hostname is required with this option
tx, rx limits output to the transmit or receive values, respectively
This example shows the interface statistics for the leaf01 switch for all of its physical interfaces.
You can monitor the incoming and outgoing access control lists (ACLs) configured on a switch. This ACL resource information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Both the Switch card and netq show cl-resource acl command display the ingress/egress IPv4/IPv6 filter/mangle, ingress 802.1x filter, ingress mirror, ingress/egress PBR IPv4/IPv6 filter/mangle, ACL Regions, 18B/32B/54B Rules Key, and L4 port range checker.
To view ACL resource utilization on a switch:
Open the Switch card for a switch by searching in the Global Search field.
Hover over the card and change to the full-screen card using the size picker.
Click ACL Resources.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view ACL resource utilization on a switch, run:
For NetQ Appliances that have 3ME3 solid state drives (SSDs) installed (primarily in on-premises deployments), you can view the utilization of the drive on-demand. An alarm is generated for drives that drop below 10% health, or have more than a two percent loss of health in 24 hours, indicating the need to rebalance the drive. Tracking SSD utilization over time enables you to see any downward trend or instability of the drive before you receive an alarm.
To view SSD utilization:
Open the full screen Switch card and click SSD Utilization.
View the average PE Cycles value for a given drive. Is it higher than usual?
View the Health value for a given drive. Is it lower than usual? Less than 10%?
Consider adding the switch cards that are suspect to a workbench for easy tracking.
To view SDD utilization, run:
netq <hostname> show cl-ssd-util [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows the utilization for spine02 which has this type of SSD.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine02 show cl-ssd-util
Hostname Remaining PE Cycle (%) Current PE Cycles executed Total PE Cycles supported SSD Model Last Changed
spine02 80 576 2880 M.2 (S42) 3ME3 Thu Oct 31 00:15:06 2019
This output indicates that this drive is in a good state overall with 80% of its PE cycles remaining. Use the around option to view this information around a particular time in the past.
View Disk Storage After BTRFS Allocation
Customers running Cumulus Linux 3.x which uses the BTRFS (b-tree file system) might experience issues with disk space management. This is a known problem of BTRFS because it does not perform periodic garbage collection, or rebalancing. If left unattended, these errors can make it impossible to rebalance the partitions on the disk. To avoid this issue, Cumulus Networks recommends rebalancing the BTRFS partitions in a preemptive manner, but only when absolutely needed to avoid reduction in the lifetime of the disk. By tracking the state of the disk space usage, users can determine when rebalancing should be performed.
Open the full-screen Switch card for a switch of interest:
Type the switch name in the Global Search box, then use the card size picker to open the full-screen card, or
Click (Switches), select Open a switch card, enter the switch name and select the full-screen card size.
Click BTRFS Utilization.
Look for the Rebalance Recommended column.
If the value in that column says Yes, then you are strongly encouraged to rebalance the BTRFS partitions. If it says No, then you can review the other values in the table to determine if you are getting close to needing a rebalance, and come back to view this table at a later time.
To view the disk utilization and whether a rebalance is recommended, run:
netq show cl-btrfs-util [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows the utilization on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show cl-btrfs-info
Matching btrfs_info records:
Hostname Device Allocated Unallocated Space Largest Chunk Size Unused Data Chunks S Rebalance Recommende Last Changed
pace d
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 37.79 % 3.58 GB 588.5 MB 771.91 MB yes Wed Sep 16 21:25:17 2020
Look for the Rebalance Recommended column. If the value in that column says Yes, then you are strongly encouraged to rebalance the BTRFS partitions. If it says No, then you can review the other values in the output to determine if you are getting close to needing a rebalance, and come back to view this data at a later time.
Optionally, use the around option to view the information for a particular time in the past.
Physical Sensing
Physical sensing features provide a view into the health of the switch chassis, including:
Power supply units (PSUs)
Digital optics modules
Temperature in various locations
View Chassis Health with Sensors
Fan, power supply unit (PSU), and temperature sensors are available to provide additional data about the switch operation.
Sensor information is available from the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
PSU Sensor card: view sensor name, current/previous state, input/output power, and input/output voltage on all devices (table)
Fan Sensor card: view sensor name, description, current/maximum/minimum speed, and current/previous state on all devices (table)
Temperature Sensor card: view sensor name, description, minimum/maximum threshold, current/critical(maximum)/lower critical (minimum) threshold, and current/previous state on all devices (table)
netq show sensors: view sensor name, description, current state, and time when data was last changed on all devices for all or one sensor type
Power Supply Unit Health
Click (main menu), then click Sensors in the Network heading.
The PSU tab is displayed by default.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Enter a hostname in the Hostname field.
PSU Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the power supply is installed
Date and time the data was captured
Message Type
Type of sensor message; always PSU in this table
Input power (Watts) for the PSU on the switch or host
Output power (Watts) for the PSU on the switch or host
Sensor Name
User-defined name for the PSU
Previous State
State of the PSU when data was captured in previous window
State of the PSU when data was last captured
Input voltage (Volts) for the PSU on the switch or host
Output voltage (Volts) for the PSU on the switch or host
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Fan Health
Click (main menu), then click Sensors in the Network heading.
Click Fan.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Enter a hostname in the Hostname field.
Fan Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the fan is installed
Date and time the data was captured
Message Type
Type of sensor message; always Fan in this table
User specified description of the fan
Speed (RPM)
Revolution rate of the fan (revolutions per minute)
Maximum speed (RPM)
Minimum speed (RPM)
Sensor Name
User-defined name for the fan
Previous State
State of the fan when data was captured in previous window
State of the fan when data was last captured
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
Temperature Information
Click (main menu), then click Sensors in the Network heading.
Click Temperature.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Enter a hostname in the Hostname field.
Temperature Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the temperature sensor is installed
Date and time the data was captured
Message Type
Type of sensor message; always Temp in this table
Current critical maximum temperature (°C) threshold setting
User specified description of the temperature sensor
Lower Critical
Current critical minimum temperature (°C) threshold setting
Maximum temperature threshold setting
Minimum temperature threshold setting
Sensor Name
User-defined name for the temperature sensor
Previous State
State of the fan when data was captured in previous window
State of the fan when data was last captured
Current temperature (°C) measured by sensor
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
View All Sensor Information for a Switch
To view information for power supplies, fans, and temperature sensors on a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show sensors all [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
This example show all of the sensors on the border01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq border01 show sensors all
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
View Only Power Supply Health
To view information from all PSU sensors or PSU sensors with a given name on a given switch, run:
netq <hostname> show sensors psu [<psu-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the psu-name option to view all PSU sensors with a particular name. Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
Use Tab completion to determine the names of the PSUs in your switches.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq <hostname> show sensors psu <press tab>
around : Go back in time to around ...
json : Provide output in JSON
psu1 : Power Supply
psu2 : Power Supply
This example shows information from all PSU sensors on the border01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq border01 show sensor psu
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name State Pin(W) Pout(W) Vin(V) Vout(V) Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- ------------ -------------- ------------ -------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 psu1 ok Tue Aug 25 21:45:21 2020
border01 psu2 ok Tue Aug 25
This example shows the state of psu2 on the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show sensors psu psu2
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name State Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 psu2 ok Sun Apr 21 20:07:12 2019
View Only Fan Health
To view information from all fan sensors or fan sensors with a given name on your switch, run:
netq <hostname> show sensors fan [<fan-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the fan-name option to view all fan sensors with a particular name. Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
Use tab completion to determine the names of the fans in your switches:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors fan <<press tab>>
around : Go back in time to around ...
fan1 : Fan Name
fan2 : Fan Name
fan3 : Fan Name
fan4 : Fan Name
fan5 : Fan Name
fan6 : Fan Name
json : Provide output in JSON
psu1fan1 : Fan Name
psu2fan1 : Fan Name
This example shows information from all fan sensors on the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show sensors fan
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Speed Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 psu2fan1 psu2 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan5 fan tray 3, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan3 fan tray 2, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan6 fan tray 3, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan2 fan tray 1, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 psu1fan1 psu1 fan ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 fan4 fan tray 2, fan 2 ok 2500 29000 2500 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
This example shows the state of all fans with the name fan1 on the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show sensors fan fan1
Hostname Name Description State Speed Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf02 fan1 fan tray 1, fan 1 ok 2500 29000 2500 Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
View Only Temperature Information
To view information from all temperature sensors or temperature sensors with a given name on a switch, run:
netq <hostname> show sensors temp [<temp-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the temp-name option to view all PSU sensors with a particular name. Use the around option to view sensor information for a time in the past.
Use tab completion to determine the names of the temperature sensors on your devices:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors temp <press tab>
around : Go back in time to around ...
json : Provide output in JSON
psu1temp1 : Temp Name
psu2temp1 : Temp Name
temp1 : Temp Name
temp2 : Temp Name
temp3 : Temp Name
temp4 : Temp Name
temp5 : Temp Name
This example shows the state of all temperature sensors on the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show sensors temp
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Temp Critical Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 psu1temp1 psu1 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp5 board sensor near fan ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp4 board sensor at front right corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp1 board sensor near cpu ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp2 board sensor near virtual switch ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 temp3 board sensor at front left corner ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
leaf01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
This example shows the state of the psu1temp1 temperature sensor on the leaf01 switch.
the name .
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show sensors temp psu2temp1
Matching sensors records:
Hostname Name Description State Temp Critical Max Min Message Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 psu2temp1 psu2 temp sensor ok 25 85 80 5 Wed Aug 26 16:14:41 2020
View Digital Optics Health
Digital optics module information is available regarding the performance degradation or complete outage of any digital optics modules on a switch using the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Switch card:
Large: view trends of laser bias current, laser output power, received signal average optical power, and module temperature/voltage for given interface (graphics)
Full screen: view laser bias current, laser output power, received signal average optical power, and module temperature/voltage (table)
Digital Optics card: view laser bias current, laser output power, received signal average optical power, and module temperature/voltage (table)
netq show dom type command: view laser bias current, laser output power, received signal average optical power, and module temperature/voltage
Open a switch card by searching for a switch by hostname in Global Search.
Hover over the card and change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over card and click .
Select the interface of interest.
Click the interface name if visible in the list on the left, scroll down the list to find it, or search for interface.
Choose the digital optical monitoring (DOM) parameter of interest from the dropdown. The cart is updated according to your selections.
Choose alternate interfaces and DOM parameters to view other charts.
Hover over the card and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click Digital Optics.
Click the DOM parameter at the top.
Review the laser parameter values by interface and channel. Review the module parameters by interface.
Click (main menu), then click Digital Optics in the Network heading.
The Laser Rx Power tab is displayed by default.
Click to quickly locate a switch that does not appear on the first page of the switch list.
Enter the hostname of the switch you want to view, and optionally an interface, then click Apply.
Click another tab to view other optical parameters for a switch. Filter for the switch on each tab.
Laser Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the digital optics module resides
Date and time the data was captured
If Name
Name of interface where the digital optics module is installed
Measurement unit for the power (mW) or current (mA)
Channel 1–8
Value of the power or current on each channel where the digital optics module is transmitting
Module Parameter
Name of the switch or host where the digital optics module resides
Date and time the data was captured
If Name
Name of interface where the digital optics module is installed
Degree C
Current module temperature, measured in degrees Celsius
Degree F
Current module temperature, measured in degrees Fahrenheit
Measurement unit for module voltage; Volts
Current module voltage
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner of the card.
To view digital optics information for a switch, run one of the following:
netq <hostname> show dom type (laser_rx_power|laser_output_power|laser_bias_current) [interface <text-dom-port-anchor>] [channel_id <text-channel-id>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show dom type (module_temperature|module_voltage) [interface <text-dom-port-anchor>] [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows module temperature information for the spine01 switch.
Running NetQ on Linux hosts provides unprecedented network visibility, giving the network operator a complete view of the entire infrastructure’s network connectivity instead of just from the network devices.
The NetQ Agent is supported on the following Linux hosts:
Using NetQ on a Linux host is the same as using it on a Cumulus Linux switch. For example, if you want to check LLDP neighbor information about a given host, run:
With NetQ, a network administrator can monitor OSI Layer 1 physical
components on network devices, including interfaces, ports, links, and
peers. Keeping track of the various physical layer components in your switches
and servers ensures you have a fully functioning network and provides
inventory management and audit capabilities. You can monitor ports,
transceivers, and cabling deployed on a per port (interface), per
vendor, per part number and so forth. NetQ enables you to view the
current status and the status an earlier point in time. From this
information, you can, among other things:
Determine which ports are empty versus which ones have cables
plugged in and thereby validate expected connectivity
Audit transceiver and cable components used by vendor, giving you
insights for estimated replacement costs, repair costs, overall
costs, and so forth to improve your maintenance and purchasing
Identify mismatched links
Identify changes in your physical layer, and when they occurred, indicating such items as bonds and links going down or flapping
NetQ uses LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) to collect port information. NetQ can also identify peer ports connected to DACs (Direct Attached Cables) and AOCs (Active Optical Cables) without using LLDP, even if the link is not UP.
View Component Information
You can view performance and status information about cables, transceiver modules, and interfaces using the netq show interfaces physical command. Its syntax is:
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
d: day(s)
w: week(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View Detailed Cable Information for All Devices
You can view what cables are connected to each interface port for all devices, including the module type, vendor, part number and performance characteristics. You can also view the cable information for a given device by adding a hostname to the show command.
This example shows cable information and status for all interface ports on all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces physical
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 vagrant down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp54 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp49 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp2 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp3 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp52 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp1 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp53 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp4 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp50 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 eth0 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border01 swp51 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Fri Sep 18 20:08:05 2020
border02 swp49 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp54 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp52 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp53 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp4 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp3 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 vagrant down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp1 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp2 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp51 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 swp50 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
border02 eth0 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:54 2020
fw1 swp49 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:37 2020
fw1 eth0 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:37 2020
fw1 swp1 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:37 2020
fw1 swp2 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:37 2020
fw1 vagrant down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:37 2020
fw2 vagrant down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:38 2020
fw2 eth0 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:38 2020
fw2 swp49 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:38 2020
fw2 swp2 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:38 2020
fw2 swp1 down Unknown off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Sep 17 21:07:38 2020
View Detailed Module Information for a Given Device
You can view detailed information about the transceiver modules on each interface port, including serial number, transceiver type, connector and attached cable length. You can also view the module information for a given device by adding a hostname to the show command.
This example shows the detailed module information for the interface ports on leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show interfaces physical module
Matching cables records are:
Hostname Interface Module Vendor Part No Serial No Transceiver Connector Length Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------ -------------------------
leaf02 swp1 RJ45 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf02 swp2 SFP Mellanox MC2609130-003 MT1507VS05177 1000Base-CX,Copp Copper pigtail 3m Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
er Passive,Twin
Axial Pair (TW)
leaf02 swp47 QSFP+ CISCO AFBR-7IER05Z-CS1 AVE1823402U n/a n/a 5m Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf02 swp48 QSFP28 TE Connectivity 2231368-1 15250052 100G Base-CR4 or n/a 3m Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
25G Base-CR CA-L
,40G Base-CR4
leaf02 swp49 SFP OEM SFP-10GB-LR ACSLR130408 10G Base-LR LC 10km, Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf02 swp50 SFP JDSU PLRXPLSCS4322N CG03UF45M 10G Base-SR,Mult LC 80m, Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
imode, 30m,
50um (M5),Multim 300m
62.5um (M6),Shor
twave laser w/o
OFC (SN),interme
diate distance (
leaf02 swp51 SFP Mellanox MC2609130-003 MT1507VS05177 1000Base-CX,Copp Copper pigtail 3m Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
er Passive,Twin
Axial Pair (TW)
leaf02 swp52 SFP FINISAR CORP. FCLF8522P2BTL PTN1VH2 1000Base-T RJ45 100m Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
View Ports without Cables Connected for a Given Device
Checking for empty ports enables you to compare expected versus actual deployment. This can be very helpful during deployment or during upgrades. You can also view the cable information for a given device by adding a hostname to the show command.
This example shows the ports that are empty on leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces physical empty
Matching cables records are:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
---------------- --------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------
leaf01 swp49 down Unknown on empty n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp52 down Unknown on empty n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
View Ports with Cables Connected for a Given Device
In a similar manner as checking for empty ports, you can check for ports that have cables connected, enabling you to compare expected versus actual deployment. You can also view the cable information for a given device by adding a hostname to the show command. If you add the around keyword, you can view which interface ports had cables connected at a previous time.
This example shows the ports of leaf01 switch that have attached cables.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces physical plugged
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 eth0 up 1G on RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp1 up 10G off SFP Amphenol 610640005 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp2 up 10G off SFP Amphenol 610640005 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp3 down 10G off SFP Mellanox MC3309130-001 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp33 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp34 down 10G off SFP Amphenol 571540007 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp35 down 10G off SFP Amphenol 571540007 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp36 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp37 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp38 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp39 down 10G off SFP Amphenol 571540007 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp40 down 10G off SFP Amphenol 571540007 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp49 up 40G off QSFP+ Amphenol 624410001 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp5 down 10G off SFP Amphenol 571540007 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp50 down 40G off QSFP+ Amphenol 624410001 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp51 down 40G off QSFP+ Amphenol 603020003 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp52 up 40G off QSFP+ Amphenol 603020003 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp54 down 40G off QSFP+ Amphenol 624410002 Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
View Components from a Given Vendor
By filtering for a specific cable vendor, you can collect information such as how many ports use components from that vendor and when they were last updated. This information may be useful when you run a cost analysis of your network.
This example shows all the ports that are using components by an OEM vendor.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces physical vendor OEM
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp33 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp36 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp37 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
leaf01 swp38 down 10G off SFP OEM SFP-H10GB-CU1M Thu Feb 7 22:49:37 2019
View All Devices Using a Given Component
You can view all of the devices with ports using a particular component. This could be helpful when you need to change out a particular component for possible failure issues, upgrades, or cost reasons.
This example first determines which models (part numbers) exist on all of the devices
and then those devices with a part number of QSFP-H40G-CU1M installed.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces physical model
2231368-1 : 2231368-1
624400001 : 624400001
n/a : n/a
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces physical model QSFP-H40G-CU1M
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp50 up 1G off QSFP+ OEM QSFP-H40G-CU1M Thu Feb 7 18:31:20 2019
leaf02 swp52 up 1G off QSFP+ OEM QSFP-H40G-CU1M Thu Feb 7 18:31:20 2019
View Changes to Physical Components
Because components are often changed, NetQ enables you to determine what, if any, changes have been made to the physical components on your devices. This can be helpful during deployments or upgrades.
You can select how far back in time you want to go, or select a time range using the between keyword. Note that time values must include units to be valid. If no changes are found, a “No matching cable records found” message is displayed.
This example illustrates each of these scenarios for all devices in the network.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type interfaces-physical between now and 30d
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp1 up 1G off SFP AVAGO AFBR-5715PZ-JU1 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp2 up 10G off SFP OEM SFP-10GB-LR Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp47 up 10G off SFP JDSU PLRXPLSCS4322N Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp48 up 40G off QSFP+ Mellanox MC2210130-002 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp49 down 10G off empty n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp50 up 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FCLF8522P2BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp51 up 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FTLF1318P3BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp52 down 1G off SFP CISCO-AGILENT QFBR-5766LP Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp1 up 1G on RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp2 up 10G off SFP Mellanox MC2609130-003 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp47 up 10G off QSFP+ CISCO AFBR-7IER05Z-CS1 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp48 up 10G off QSFP+ Mellanox MC2609130-003 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp49 up 10G off SFP FIBERSTORE SFP-10GLR-31 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp50 up 1G off SFP OEM SFP-GLC-T Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp51 up 10G off SFP Mellanox MC2609130-003 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf02 swp52 up 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FCLF8522P2BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp1 up 10G off SFP Mellanox MC2609130-003 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp2 up 10G off SFP Mellanox MC3309130-001 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp47 up 10G off SFP CISCO-AVAGO AFBR-7IER05Z-CS1 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp48 up 10G off SFP Mellanox MC3309130-001 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp49 down 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FCLF8520P2BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp50 up 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FCLF8522P2BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf03 swp51 up 10G off QSFP+ Mellanox MC2609130-003 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
oob-mgmt-server swp1 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
oob-mgmt-server swp2 up 1G off RJ45 n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events interfaces-physical between 6d and 16d
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface State Speed AutoNeg Module Vendor Part No Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- --------- -------------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp1 up 1G off SFP AVAGO AFBR-5715PZ-JU1 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp2 up 10G off SFP OEM SFP-10GB-LR Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp47 up 10G off SFP JDSU PLRXPLSCS4322N Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp48 up 40G off QSFP+ Mellanox MC2210130-002 Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp49 down 10G off empty n/a n/a Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp50 up 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FCLF8522P2BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp51 up 1G off SFP FINISAR CORP. FTLF1318P3BTL Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
leaf01 swp52 down 1G off SFP CISCO-AGILENT QFBR-5766LP Thu Feb 7 18:34:20 2019
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type interfaces-physical between 0s and 5h
No matching cables records found
View Utilization Statistics Networkwide
Utilization statistics provide a view into the operation of the devices in your network. They indicate whether resources are becoming dangerously close to their maximum capacity or a user-defined threshold. Depending on the function of the switch, the acceptable thresholds can vary.
View Compute Resources Utilization
You can quickly determine how many compute resources — CPU, disk and memory — are being consumed by the switches on your network.
To obtain this information, run the relevant command:
netq <hostname> show resource-util [cpu | memory] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show resource-util disk [<text-diskname>] [around <text-time>] [json]
When no options are included the output shows the percentage of CPU and memory being consumed as well as the amount and percentage of disk space being consumed. You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time.
This example shows the CPU, memory, and disk utilization for all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname CPU Utilization Memory Utilization Disk Name Total Used Disk Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01 9.2 48 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1524920320 26.8 Wed Feb 12 03:54:10 2020
exit02 9.6 47.6 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1539346432 27.1 Wed Feb 12 03:54:22 2020
leaf01 9.8 50.5 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1523818496 26.8 Wed Feb 12 03:54:25 2020
leaf02 10.9 49.4 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1535246336 27 Wed Feb 12 03:54:11 2020
leaf03 11.4 49.4 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1536798720 27 Wed Feb 12 03:54:10 2020
leaf04 11.4 49.4 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1522495488 26.8 Wed Feb 12 03:54:03 2020
spine01 8.4 50.3 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1522249728 26.8 Wed Feb 12 03:54:19 2020
spine02 9.8 49 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1522003968 26.8 Wed Feb 12 03:54:25 2020
This example shows only the CPU utilization for all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util cpu
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname CPU Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01 8.9 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
exit02 8.3 Wed Feb 12 04:29:22 2020
leaf01 10.9 Wed Feb 12 04:29:24 2020
leaf02 11.6 Wed Feb 12 04:29:10 2020
leaf03 9.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:33 2020
leaf04 11.7 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
spine01 10.4 Wed Feb 12 04:29:38 2020
spine02 9.7 Wed Feb 12 04:29:15 2020
This example shows only the memory utilization for all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util memory
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname Memory Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01 48.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
exit02 49.7 Wed Feb 12 04:29:22 2020
leaf01 49.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:24 2020
leaf02 49.5 Wed Feb 12 04:29:10 2020
leaf03 50.7 Wed Feb 12 04:29:33 2020
leaf04 49.3 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
spine01 47.5 Wed Feb 12 04:29:07 2020
spine02 49.2 Wed Feb 12 04:29:15 2020
This example shows only the disk utilization for all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util disk
Matching resource_util records:
Hostname Disk Name Total Used Disk Utilization Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1525309440 26.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
exit02 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1539776512 27.1 Wed Feb 12 04:29:22 2020
leaf01 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1524203520 26.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:24 2020
leaf02 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1535631360 27 Wed Feb 12 04:29:41 2020
leaf03 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1537191936 27.1 Wed Feb 12 04:29:33 2020
leaf04 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1522864128 26.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
spine01 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1522688000 26.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:38 2020
spine02 /dev/vda4 6170849280 1522409472 26.8 Wed Feb 12 04:29:46 2020
View Port Statistics
The ethtool command provides a wealth of statistics about network interfaces. It returns statistics about a given node and interface, including frame errors, ACL drops, buffer drops and more. The syntax is:
netq [<hostname>] show ethtool-stats port <physical-port> (rx | tx) [extended] [around <text-time>] [json]
You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time. If no changes are found, a “No matching ethtool_stats records found” message is displayed.
This example shows the transmit statistics for switch port swp50 on a the leaf01 switch in the network.
NetQ Agents collect performance statistics every 30 seconds for the physical interfaces on switches in your network. The NetQ Agent does not collect statistics for non-physical interfaces, such as bonds, bridges, and VXLANs. The NetQ Agent collects the following statistics:
For NetQ Appliances that have 3ME3 solid state drives (SSDs) installed (primarily in on-premises deployments), you can view the utilization of the drive on-demand. An alarm is generated for drives that drop below 10% health, or have more than a two percent loss of health in 24 hours, indicating the need to rebalance the drive. Tracking SSD utilization over time enables you to see any downward trend or instability of the drive before you receive an alarm.
To view SDD utilization, run:
netq show cl-ssd-util [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows the utilization for all devices which have this type of SSD.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show cl-ssd-util
Hostname Remaining PE Cycle (%) Current PE Cycles executed Total PE Cycles supported SSD Model Last Changed
spine02 80 576 2880 M.2 (S42) 3ME3 Thu Oct 31 00:15:06 2019
This output indicates that the one drive found of this type, on the spine02 switch, is in a good state overall with 80% of its PE cycles remaining. Use the around option to view this information around a particular time in the past.
View Disk Storage After BTRFS Allocation Networkwide
Customers running Cumulus Linux 3.x which uses the BTRFS (b-tree file system) might experience issues with disk space management. This is a known problem of BTRFS because it does not perform periodic garbage collection, or rebalancing. If left unattended, these errors can make it impossible to rebalance the partitions on the disk. To avoid this issue, Cumulus Networks recommends rebalancing the BTRFS partitions in a preemptive manner, but only when absolutely needed to avoid reduction in the lifetime of the disk. By tracking the state of the disk space usage, users can determine when rebalancing should be performed.
To view the disk utilization and whether a rebalance is recommended, run:
netq show cl-btrfs-util [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows the utilization on all devices:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show cl-btrfs-info
Matching btrfs_info records:
Hostname Device Allocated Unallocated Space Largest Chunk Size Unused Data Chunks S Rebalance Recommende Last Changed
pace d
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 37.79 % 3.58 GB 588.5 MB 771.91 MB yes Wed Sep 16 21:25:17 2020
Look for the Rebalance Recommended column. If the value in that column says Yes, then you are strongly encouraged to rebalance the BTRFS partitions. If it says No, then you can review the other values in the output to determine if you are getting close to needing a rebalance, and come back to view this data at a later time.
Optionally, use the around option to view the information for a particular time in the past.
Monitor Data Link Layer Protocols and Services
With NetQ, a user can monitor OSI Layer 2 devices and protocols, including switches, bridges, link control, and physical media access. Keeping track of the various data link layer devices in your network ensures consistent and error-free communications between devices.
It helps answer questions such as:
Is a VLAN misconfigured?
Is MLAG configured correctly?
Is LLDP running on all of my devices?
Is there an STP loop?
What is the status of interfaces on a device?
Where has a given MAC address lived in my network?
Monitor Interfaces
Interface (link) health can be monitored using the netq show interfaces command. You can view status of the links, whether they are operating over a VRF interface, the MTU of the link, and so forth. Using the hostname option enables you to view only the interfaces for a given device. View changes to interfaces using the netq show events command.
Viewing the status of all interfaces at once can be helpful when you are trying to compare configuration or status of a set of links, or generally when changes have been made.
This example shows all interfaces networkwide.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01 bridge bridge up default , Root bridge: exit01, Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
Root port: , Members: vxlan4001,
exit01 eth0 eth up mgmt MTU: 1500 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
exit01 lo loopback up default MTU: 65536 Mon Apr 29 20:57:58 2019
exit01 mgmt vrf up table: 1001, MTU: 65536, Mon Apr 29 20:57:58 2019
Members: mgmt, eth0,
exit01 swp1 swp down default VLANs: , PVID: 0 MTU: 1500 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
exit01 swp44 swp up vrf1 VLANs: , Mon Apr 29 20:57:58 2019
PVID: 0 MTU: 1500 LLDP: internet:sw
exit01 swp45 swp down default VLANs: , PVID: 0 MTU: 1500 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
exit01 swp46 swp down default VLANs: , PVID: 0 MTU: 1500 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
exit01 swp47 swp down default VLANs: , PVID: 0 MTU: 1500 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
leaf01 bond01 bond up default Slave:swp1 LLDP: server01:eth1 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
leaf01 bond02 bond up default Slave:swp2 LLDP: server02:eth1 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
leaf01 bridge bridge up default , Root bridge: leaf01, Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
Root port: , Members: vxlan4001,
bond02, vni24, vni13, bond01,
bridge, peerlink,
leaf01 eth0 eth up mgmt MTU: 1500 Mon Apr 29 20:58:00 2019
leaf01 lo loopback up default MTU: 65536 Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
leaf01 mgmt vrf up table: 1001, MTU: 65536, Mon Apr 29 20:57:59 2019
Members: mgmt, eth0,
leaf01 peerlink bond up default Slave:swp50 LLDP: leaf02:swp49 LLDP Mon Apr 29 20:58:00 2019
: leaf02:swp50
View Interface Status for a Given Device
If you are interested in only a the interfaces on a specific device, you can view only those.
This example shows all interfaces on the spine01 device.
It can be can be useful to see the status of a particular type of interface.
This example shows all bond interfaces that are down, and then those that are up.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces type bond state down
No matching link records found
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces type bond state up
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 bond01 bond up default Slave:swp1 LLDP: server01:eth1 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf01 bond02 bond up default Slave:swp2 LLDP: server02:eth1 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf01 peerlink bond up default Slave:swp50 LLDP: leaf02:swp49 LLDP Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
: leaf02:swp50
leaf02 bond01 bond up default Slave:swp1 LLDP: server01:eth2 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf02 bond02 bond up default Slave:swp2 LLDP: server02:eth2 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf02 peerlink bond up default Slave:swp50 LLDP: leaf01:swp49 LLDP Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
: leaf01:swp50
leaf03 bond03 bond up default Slave:swp1 LLDP: server03:eth1 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf03 bond04 bond up default Slave:swp2 LLDP: server04:eth1 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf03 peerlink bond up default Slave:swp50 LLDP: leaf04:swp49 LLDP Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
: leaf04:swp50
leaf04 bond03 bond up default Slave:swp1 LLDP: server03:eth2 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf04 bond04 bond up default Slave:swp2 LLDP: server04:eth2 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
leaf04 peerlink bond up default Slave:swp50 LLDP: leaf03:swp49 LLDP Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
: leaf03:swp50
server01 bond0 bond up default Slave:bond0 LLDP: leaf02:swp1 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
server02 bond0 bond up default Slave:bond0 LLDP: leaf02:swp2 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
server03 bond0 bond up default Slave:bond0 LLDP: leaf04:swp1 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
server04 bond0 bond up default Slave:bond0 LLDP: leaf04:swp2 Mon Apr 29 21:19:07 2019
View the Total Number of Interfaces
For a quick view of the amount of interfaces currently operating on a device, use the hostname and count options together.
This example shows the count of interfaces on the leaf03 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show interfaces count
Count of matching link records: 28
View the Total Number of a Given Interface Type
It can be useful to see how many interfaces of a particular type you have on a device.
This example shows the count of swp interfaces are on the leaf03 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show interfaces type swp count
Count of matching link records: 11
View Changes to Interfaces
If you suspect that an interface is not working as expected, seeing a drop in performance or a large number of dropped messages for example, you can view changes that have been made to interfaces networkwide.
This example shows info level events for all interfaces in your network.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events level info type interfaces between now and 30d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
server03 link info HostName server03 changed state fro 3d:12h:8m:28s
m down to up Interface:eth2
server03 link info HostName server03 changed state fro 3d:12h:8m:28s
m down to up Interface:eth1
server01 link info HostName server01 changed state fro 3d:12h:8m:30s
m down to up Interface:eth2
server01 link info HostName server01 changed state fro 3d:12h:8m:30s
m down to up Interface:eth1
server02 link info HostName server02 changed state fro 3d:12h:8m:34s
m down to up Interface:eth2
Check for MTU Inconsistencies
The maximum transmission unit (MTU) determines the largest size packet or frame that can be transmitted across a given communication link. When the MTU is not configured to the same value on both ends of the link, communication problems can occur. With NetQ, you can verify that the MTU is correctly specified for each link using the netq check mtu command.
This example shows that four switches have inconsistently specified link MTUs. Now the network administrator or operator can reconfigure the switches and eliminate the communication issues associated with this misconfiguration.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mtu
Checked Nodes: 15, Checked Links: 215, Failed Nodes: 4, Failed Links: 7
MTU mismatch found on following links
Hostname Interface MTU Peer Peer Interface Peer MTU Error
----------------- ------------------------- ------ ----------------- ------------------------- -------- ---------------
spine01 swp30 9216 exit01 swp51 1500 MTU Mismatch
exit01 swp51 1500 spine01 swp30 9216 MTU Mismatch
spine01 swp29 9216 exit02 swp51 1500 MTU Mismatch
exit02 - - - - - Rotten Agent
exit01 swp52 1500 spine02 swp30 9216 MTU Mismatch
spine02 swp30 9216 exit01 swp52 1500 MTU Mismatch
spine02 swp29 9216 exit02 swp52 1500 MTU Mismatch
Monitor the LLDP Service
LLDP is used by network devices for advertising their identity, capabilities, and neighbors on a LAN. You can view this information for one or more devices. You can also view the information at an earlier point in time or view changes that have occurred to the information during a specified time period. For an overview and how to configure LLDP in your network, refer to Link Layer Discovery Protocol.
NetQ enables operators to view the overall health of the LLDP service on a networkwide and a per session basis, giving greater insight into all aspects of the service. This is accomplished in the NetQ UI through two card workflows, one for the service and one for the session and in the NetQ CLI with the netq show lldp command.
Monitor the LLDP Service Networkwide
With NetQ, you can monitor LLDP performance across the network:
Network Services|All LLDP Sessions
Small: view number of nodes running LLDP service and number of alarms
Medium: view number of nodes running LLDP service, number of sessions, and number of alarms
Large: view number of nodes running LLDP service, number of sessions and alarms, number of sessions without neighbors, switches with the most established/unestablished sessions
Full-screen: view all switches, all sessions, and all alarms
netq show lldp command: view associated host interface, peer hostname and interface, and last time a change was made for each session running LLDP
When entering a time value in the netq show lldp command, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View Service Status Summary
You can view a summary of the LLDP service from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the small Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card. In this example, the number of devices running the LLDP service is 14 and no alarms are present.
To view LLDP service status, run netq show lldp.
This example shows the Cumulus reference topology, where LLDP runs on all border, firewall, leaf, and spine switches, all servers, and the out-of-band management server. You can view the host interface, peer hostname and interface, and last time a change was made for each session.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 swp3 fw1 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp49 border02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp51 spine01 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp52 spine02 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp20 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp53 spine03 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp50 border02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp54 spine04 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border02 swp49 border01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp3 fw1 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp51 spine01 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp54 spine04 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp52 spine02 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp21 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp53 spine03 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp50 border01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
fw1 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp18 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp1 border01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp2 border02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw2 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp19 Mon Oct 26 04:46:54 2020
leaf01 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp52 spine02 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp49 leaf02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp10 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:36 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp53 spine03 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp50 leaf02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp54 spine04 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp51 spine01 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
View the Distribution of Nodes, Alarms, and Sessions
It is useful to know the number of network nodes running the LLDP protocol over a period of time and how many sessions are established on a given node, as it gives you insight into the amount of traffic associated with and breadth of use of the protocol. Additionally, if there are a large number of alarms, it is worth investigating either the service or particular devices.
Nodes which have a large number of unestablished sessions might be misconfigured or experiencing communication issues. This is visible with the NetQ UI.
To view the distribution, open the medium Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
In this example, we see that 13 nodes are running the LLDP protocol, that there are 52 sessions established, and that no LLDP-related alarms have occurred in the last 24 hours. If there was a visual correlation between the alarms and sessions, you could dig a little deeper with the large Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
To view the number of switches running the LLDP service, run:
netq show lldp
Count the switches in the output.
This example shows two border, two firewall, four leaf switches, four spine, and one out-of-band management switches, plus eight host servers are all running the LLDP service, for a total of 23 devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 swp3 fw1 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp49 border02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp51 spine01 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp52 spine02 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp20 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp53 spine03 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp50 border02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp54 spine04 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border02 swp49 border01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp3 fw1 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp51 spine01 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp54 spine04 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp52 spine02 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp21 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp53 spine03 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp50 border01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
fw1 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp18 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp1 border01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp2 border02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw2 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp19 Mon Oct 26 04:46:54 2020
leaf01 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp52 spine02 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp49 leaf02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp10 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:36 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp53 spine03 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp50 leaf02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp54 spine04 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp51 spine01 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf02 swp52 spine02 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp54 spine04 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3a Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3c Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp53 spine03 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp50 leaf01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp51 spine01 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp11 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp49 leaf01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:38 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf03 swp2 server05 mac:44:38:39:00:00:40 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp49 leaf04 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp51 spine01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp50 leaf04 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp54 spine04 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp1 server04 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3e Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp52 spine02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp12 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp53 spine03 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp3 server06 mac:44:38:39:00:00:42 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf04 swp1 server04 mac:44:38:39:00:00:44 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp49 leaf03 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp54 spine04 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp52 spine02 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp2 server05 mac:44:38:39:00:00:46 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp50 leaf03 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp51 spine01 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp13 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp3 server06 mac:44:38:39:00:00:48 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp53 spine03 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
oob-mgmt-server eth1 oob-mgmt-switch swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:46:24 2020
server01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:51:17 2020
server01 eth1 leaf01 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:51:17 2020
server01 eth2 leaf02 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:51:17 2020
server02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:49:41 2020
server02 eth1 leaf01 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:41 2020
server02 eth2 leaf02 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:41 2020
server03 eth2 leaf02 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:50:08 2020
server03 eth1 leaf01 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:50:08 2020
server03 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp4 Sun Oct 25 22:50:08 2020
server04 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp5 Sun Oct 25 22:50:27 2020
server04 eth1 leaf03 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:50:27 2020
server04 eth2 leaf04 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:50:27 2020
server05 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp6 Sun Oct 25 22:49:12 2020
server05 eth1 leaf03 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:12 2020
server05 eth2 leaf04 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:12 2020
server06 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp7 Sun Oct 25 22:49:22 2020
server06 eth1 leaf03 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:49:22 2020
server06 eth2 leaf04 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:49:22 2020
server07 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp8 Sun Oct 25 22:29:58 2020
server08 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp9 Sun Oct 25 22:34:12 2020
spine01 swp1 leaf01 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp3 leaf03 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp2 leaf02 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp5 border01 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp14 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp4 leaf04 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp6 border02 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine02 swp4 leaf04 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp3 leaf03 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp6 border02 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp15 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp5 border01 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp2 leaf02 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp1 leaf01 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine03 swp2 leaf02 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp6 border02 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp1 leaf01 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp3 leaf03 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp4 leaf04 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp16 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp5 border01 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine04 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp17 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp3 leaf03 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp2 leaf02 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp4 leaf04 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp1 leaf01 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp5 border01 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp6 border02 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
View the Distribution of Missing Neighbors
You can view the number of missing neighbors in any given time period and how that number has changed over time. This is a good indicator of link communication issues.
To view the distribution, open the large Network Services|ALL LLDP Sessions card and view the bottom chart on the left, Total Sessions with No Nbr.
In this example, we see that 16 of the 52 sessions are consistently missing the neighbor (peer) device over the last 24 hours.
View Devices with the Most LLDP Sessions
You can view the load from LLDP on your switches using the large Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card or the NetQ CLI. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most LLDP traffic currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most LLDP sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most LLDP sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large LLDP Service card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the current time. You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time period and the previous time period.
In this case, notice that their are fewer nodes running the protocol, but the total number of sessions running has nearly doubled. If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running LLDP than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most sessions, run netq show lldp. Then count the sessions on each device.
In this example, border01-02 each have eight sessions, fw1-2 each have two sessions, leaf01-04 each have 10 sessions, spine01-04 switches each have four sessions, server01-06 each have three sessions, and server07-08 and oob-mgmt-server each have one session. Therefore the leaf switches have the most sessions.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 swp3 fw1 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp49 border02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp51 spine01 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp52 spine02 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp20 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp53 spine03 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp50 border02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp54 spine04 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border02 swp49 border01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp3 fw1 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp51 spine01 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp54 spine04 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp52 spine02 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp21 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp53 spine03 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp50 border01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
fw1 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp18 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp1 border01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp2 border02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw2 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp19 Mon Oct 26 04:46:54 2020
leaf01 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp52 spine02 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp49 leaf02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp10 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:36 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp53 spine03 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp50 leaf02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp54 spine04 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp51 spine01 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf02 swp52 spine02 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp54 spine04 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3a Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3c Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp53 spine03 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp50 leaf01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp51 spine01 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp11 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp49 leaf01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:38 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf03 swp2 server05 mac:44:38:39:00:00:40 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp49 leaf04 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp51 spine01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp50 leaf04 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp54 spine04 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp1 server04 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3e Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp52 spine02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp12 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp53 spine03 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp3 server06 mac:44:38:39:00:00:42 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf04 swp1 server04 mac:44:38:39:00:00:44 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp49 leaf03 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp54 spine04 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp52 spine02 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp2 server05 mac:44:38:39:00:00:46 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp50 leaf03 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp51 spine01 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp13 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp3 server06 mac:44:38:39:00:00:48 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
leaf04 swp53 spine03 swp4 Mon Oct 26 04:15:57 2020
oob-mgmt-server eth1 oob-mgmt-switch swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:46:24 2020
server01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:51:17 2020
server01 eth1 leaf01 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:51:17 2020
server01 eth2 leaf02 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:51:17 2020
server02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:49:41 2020
server02 eth1 leaf01 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:41 2020
server02 eth2 leaf02 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:41 2020
server03 eth2 leaf02 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:50:08 2020
server03 eth1 leaf01 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:50:08 2020
server03 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp4 Sun Oct 25 22:50:08 2020
server04 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp5 Sun Oct 25 22:50:27 2020
server04 eth1 leaf03 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:50:27 2020
server04 eth2 leaf04 swp1 Sun Oct 25 22:50:27 2020
server05 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp6 Sun Oct 25 22:49:12 2020
server05 eth1 leaf03 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:12 2020
server05 eth2 leaf04 swp2 Sun Oct 25 22:49:12 2020
server06 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp7 Sun Oct 25 22:49:22 2020
server06 eth1 leaf03 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:49:22 2020
server06 eth2 leaf04 swp3 Sun Oct 25 22:49:22 2020
server07 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp8 Sun Oct 25 22:29:58 2020
server08 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp9 Sun Oct 25 22:34:12 2020
spine01 swp1 leaf01 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp3 leaf03 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp2 leaf02 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp5 border01 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp14 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp4 leaf04 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine01 swp6 border02 swp51 Mon Oct 26 04:13:20 2020
spine02 swp4 leaf04 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp3 leaf03 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp6 border02 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp15 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp5 border01 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp2 leaf02 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine02 swp1 leaf01 swp52 Mon Oct 26 04:16:26 2020
spine03 swp2 leaf02 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp6 border02 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp1 leaf01 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp3 leaf03 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp4 leaf04 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp16 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine03 swp5 border01 swp53 Mon Oct 26 04:13:48 2020
spine04 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp17 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp3 leaf03 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp2 leaf02 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp4 leaf04 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp1 leaf01 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp5 border01 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp6 border02 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
View Devices with the Most Unestablished LLDP Sessions
You can identify switches and hosts that are experiencing difficulties establishing LLDP sessions; both currently and in the past, using the NetQ UI.
To view switches with the most unestablished LLDP sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most unestablished LLDP sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest unestablished sessions.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most unestablished sessions, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow to determine probable causes. Refer to Monitor Switch Performance.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all LLDP sessions with events in the full screen card.
View LLDP Configuration Information for a Given Device
You can view the LLDP configuration information for a given device from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the full-screen Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Click to filter by hostname.
Click Apply.
Run the netq show lldp command with the hostname option.
This example shows the LLDP configuration information for the leaf01 switch. The switch has a session between its swp1 interface and host server01 in the mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 interface. It also has a session between its swp2 interface and host server02 on mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 interface. And so on.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq leaf01 show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp52 spine02 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp49 leaf02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp10 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:36 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp53 spine03 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp50 leaf02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp54 spine04 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp51 spine01 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
View Switches with the Most LLDP-related Alarms
Switches or hosts experiencing a large number of LLDP alarms may indicate a configuration or performance issue that needs further investigation. You can view this information using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
With the NetQ UI, you can view the switches sorted by the number of LLDP alarms and then use the Switches card workflow or the Events|Alarms card workflow to gather more information about possible causes for the alarms.
To view switches with most LLDP alarms:
Open the large Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Hover over the header and click .
Select Events by Most Active Device from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most LLDP alarms at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest alarms.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all switches running LLDP sessions in the full-screen card.
To view the switches and hosts with the most LLDP alarms and informational events, run the netq show events command with the type option set to lldp, and optionally the between option set to display the events within a given time range. Count the events associated with each switch.
This example shows that no LLDP events have occurred in the last 24 hours.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type lldp
No matching event records found
This example shows all LLDP events between now and 30 days ago, a total of 21 info events.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type lldp between now and 30d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
spine02 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname spine02 Fri Oct 2 22:28:57 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
leaf04 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname leaf04 a Fri Oct 2 22:28:39 2020
nd eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
border02 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname border02 Fri Oct 2 22:28:35 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
spine04 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname spine04 Fri Oct 2 22:28:35 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
server07 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server07 Fri Oct 2 22:28:34 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
server08 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server08 Fri Oct 2 22:28:33 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
fw2 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname fw2 and Fri Oct 2 22:28:32 2020
eth0 modified fields {"new lldp pee
r osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer osv":
server02 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server02 Fri Oct 2 22:28:31 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
server03 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server03 Fri Oct 2 22:28:28 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
border01 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname border01 Fri Oct 2 22:28:28 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
leaf03 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname leaf03 a Fri Oct 2 22:28:27 2020
nd eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
fw1 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname fw1 and Fri Oct 2 22:28:23 2020
eth0 modified fields {"new lldp pee
r osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer osv":
server05 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server05 Fri Oct 2 22:28:22 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
server06 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server06 Fri Oct 2 22:28:21 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
spine03 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname spine03 Fri Oct 2 22:28:20 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
server01 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server01 Fri Oct 2 22:28:15 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
server04 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname server04 Fri Oct 2 22:28:13 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
leaf01 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname leaf01 a Fri Oct 2 22:28:05 2020
nd eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
spine01 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname spine01 Fri Oct 2 22:28:05 2020
and eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
oob-mgmt-server lldp info LLDP Session with hostname oob-mgmt Fri Oct 2 22:27:54 2020
-server and eth1 modified fields {"
new lldp peer osv":"4.2.1","old lld
p peer osv":"3.7.12"}
leaf02 lldp info LLDP Session with hostname leaf02 a Fri Oct 2 22:27:39 2020
nd eth0 modified fields {"new lldp
peer osv":"4.2.1","old lldp peer os
View All LLDP Events
The Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card workflow and the netq show events type lldp command enable you to view all of the LLDP events in a designated time period.
To view all LLDP events:
Open the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Alarms tab.
By default, events are listed in most recent to least recent order.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Sort on various parameters:
by Message to determine the frequency of particular events
by Severity to determine the most critical events
by Time to find events that may have occurred at a particular time to try to correlate them with other system events
Open one of the other full-screen tabs in this flow to focus on devices or sessions
Export data to a file for use in another analytics tool by clicking and providing a name for the data file.
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
To view all LLDP alarms, run:
netq show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type lldp [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Use the level option to set the severity of the events to show. Use the between option to show events within a given time range.
This example shows that no LLDP events have occurred in the last three days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type lldp between now and 3d
No matching event records found
View Details About All Switches Running LLDP
You can view attributes of all switches running LLDP in your network in the full-screen card.
To view all switch details, open the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card, and click the All Switches tab.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail.
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
View Details for All LLDP Sessions
You can view attributes of all LLDP sessions in your network with the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view all session details:
Open the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail.
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
To view session details, run netq show lldp.
This example shows all current sessions (one per row) and the attributes associated with them.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 swp3 fw1 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp49 border02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp51 spine01 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp52 spine02 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp20 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp53 spine03 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp50 border02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp54 spine04 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border02 swp49 border01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp3 fw1 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp51 spine01 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp54 spine04 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp52 spine02 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp21 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp53 spine03 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp50 border01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
fw1 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp18 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp1 border01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp2 border02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw2 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp19 Mon Oct 26 04:46:54 2020
leaf01 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp52 spine02 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp49 leaf02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp10 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:36 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp53 spine03 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp50 leaf02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp54 spine04 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp51 spine01 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf02 swp52 spine02 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp54 spine04 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3a Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3c Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
Monitor a Single LLDP Session
With NetQ, you can monitor the number of nodes running the LLDP service, view neighbor state changes, and compare with events occurring at the same time, as well as monitor the running LLDP configuration and changes to the configuration file. For an overview and how to configure LLDP in your data center network, refer to Link Layer Discovery Protocol.
To access the single session cards, you must open the full-screen Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card, click the All Sessions tab, select the desired session, then click (Open Card).
Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period
On the medium and large single LLDP session cards, the status of the neighboring peers is represented in heat maps stacked vertically; one for peers that are reachable (neighbor detected), and one for peers that are unreachable (neighbor not detected). Depending on the time period of data on the card, the number of smaller time blocks used to indicate the status varies. A vertical stack of time blocks, one from each map, includes the results from all checks during that time. The results are shown by how saturated the color is for each block. If all peers during that time period were detected for the entire time block, then the top block is 100% saturated (white) and the neighbor not detected block is zero percent saturated (gray). As peers become reachable, the neighbor detected block increases in saturation, the peers that are unreachable (neighbor not detected) block is proportionally reduced in saturation. An example heat map for a time period of 24 hours is shown here with the most common time periods in the table showing the resulting time blocks.
Time Period
Number of Runs
Number Time Blocks
Amount of Time in Each Block
6 hours
1 hour
12 hours
1 hour
24 hours
1 hour
1 week
1 day
1 month
1 day
1 quarter
1 week
View Session Status Summary
You can view information about a given LLDP session using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
A summary of the LLDP session is available from the Network Services|LLDP Session card workflow, showing the node and its peer and current status.
To view the summary:
Open the or add the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|LLDP Session card.
Optionally, open the small Network Services|LLDP Session card to keep track of the session health.
Run the netq show lldp command with the hostname and remote-physical-interface options.
This example show the session information for the leaf02 switch on swp49 interface of the leaf01 peer.
You can view the neighbor state for a given LLDP session from the medium and large LLDP Session cards. For a given time period, you can determine the stability of the LLDP session between two devices. If you experienced connectivity issues at a particular time, you can use these cards to help verify the state of the neighbor. If the neighbor was not alive more than it was alive, you can then investigate further into possible causes.
To view the neighbor availability for a given LLDP session on the medium card:
Open the or add the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|LLDP Session card.
In this example, the heat map tells us that this LLDP session has been able to detect a neighbor for the entire time period.
From this card, you can also view the host name and interface, and the peer name and interface.
To view the neighbor availability for a given LLDP session on the large LLDP Session card:
Open a Network Services|LLDP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
From this card, you can also view the alarm and info event counts, host interface name, peer hostname, and peer interface identifying the session in more detail.
View Changes to the LLDP Service Configuration File
Each time a change is made to the configuration file for the LLDP service, NetQ logs the change and enables you to compare it with the last version using the NetQ UI. This can be useful when you are troubleshooting potential causes for alarms or sessions losing their connections.
To view the configuration file changes:
Open or add the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|LLDP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over the card and click to open the LLDP Configuration File Evolution tab.
Select the time of interest on the left; when a change may have impacted the performance. Scroll down if needed.
Choose between the File view and the Diff view (selected option is dark; File by default).
The File view displays the content of the file for you to review.
The Diff view displays the changes between this version (on left) and the most recent version (on right) side by side. The changes are highlighted in red and green. In this example, we don’t have any changes to the file, so the same file is shown on both sides, and thus no highlighted lines.
View All LLDP Session Details
You can view attributes of all of the LLDP sessions for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
To view all session details:
Open or add the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|LLDP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker. The All LLDP Sessions tab is displayed by default.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right of the card.
Run the netq show lldp command.
This example shows all LLDP sessions in the last 24 hours.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 swp3 fw1 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp49 border02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp51 spine01 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp52 spine02 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp20 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp53 spine03 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp50 border02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border01 swp54 spine04 swp5 Mon Oct 26 04:13:29 2020
border02 swp49 border01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp3 fw1 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp51 spine01 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp54 spine04 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp52 spine02 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp21 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp53 spine03 swp6 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
border02 swp50 border01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:11 2020
fw1 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp18 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp1 border01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw1 swp2 border02 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:38:03 2020
fw2 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp19 Mon Oct 26 04:46:54 2020
leaf01 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:32 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:34 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp52 spine02 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp49 leaf02 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp10 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:36 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp53 spine03 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp50 leaf02 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp54 spine04 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf01 swp51 spine01 swp1 Mon Oct 26 04:13:57 2020
leaf02 swp52 spine02 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp54 spine04 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp2 server02 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3a Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp3 server03 mac:44:38:39:00:00:3c Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp53 spine03 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp50 leaf01 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp51 spine01 swp2 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 eth0 oob-mgmt-switch swp11 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp49 leaf01 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf02 swp1 server01 mac:44:38:39:00:00:38 Mon Oct 26 04:14:57 2020
leaf03 swp2 server05 mac:44:38:39:00:00:40 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp49 leaf04 swp49 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp51 spine01 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp50 leaf04 swp50 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
leaf03 swp54 spine04 swp3 Mon Oct 26 04:16:09 2020
spine04 swp3 leaf03 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp2 leaf02 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp4 leaf04 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp1 leaf01 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp5 border01 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
spine04 swp6 border02 swp54 Mon Oct 26 04:11:23 2020
View All Events for a Given LLDP Session
You can view all of the alarm and info events for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI.
To view all events:
Open or add the Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|LLDP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Events tab.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Sort on other parameters:
By Message to determine the frequency of particular events.
By Severity to determine the most critical events.
By Time to find events that may have occurred at a particular time to try to correlate them with other system events.
Export data to a file by clicking .
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
Monitor Spanning Tree Protocol
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is used in Ethernet-based networks to prevent communication loops when you have redundant paths on a bridge or switch. Loops cause excessive broadcast messages greatly impacting the network performance.
With NetQ, you can view the STP topology on a bridge or switch to ensure no loops have been created using the netq show stp topology command. You can also view the topology information for a prior point in time to see if any changes were made around then.
The syntax for the show command is:
netq <hostname> show stp topology [around <text-time>] [json]
This example shows the STP topology as viewed from the spine1 switch.
If you do not have a bridge in your configuration, the output indicates such.
Monitor Virtual LANs
A VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) enables devices on one or more LANs to communicate as if they were on the same network, without being physically connected. The VLAN enables network administrators to partition a network for functional or security requirements without changing physical infrastructure. For an overview and how to configure VLANs in your network, refer to Ethernet Bridging - VLANs.
With the NetQ CLI, you can view the operation of VLANs for one or all devices. You can also view the information at an earlier point in time or view changes that have occurred to the information during a specified timeframe. NetQ enables you to view basic VLAN information for your devices using the netq show vlan command. Additional show commands provide information about VLAN interfaces, MAC addresses associated with VLANs, and events.
The syntax for these commands is:
netq [<hostname>] show vlan [<1-4096>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq show interfaces type vlan [state <remote-interface-state>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show interfaces type vlan [state <remote-interface-state>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq show macs [<mac>] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show macs [<mac>] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin | count] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show macs egress-port <egress-port> [<mac>] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type vlan [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View VLAN Information for All Devices
You can view the configuration information for all VLANs in your network by running the netq show vlan command. It lists VLANs by device, and indicates any switch virtual interfaces (SVIs) configured and the last time this configuration was changed.
This example shows the VLANs configured across a network based on the Cumulus Networks reference architecture.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show vlan
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLANs SVIs Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 14:46:33 2020
border02 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 14:46:33 2020
leaf01 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
leaf02 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
leaf03 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
leaf04 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
View All VLAN Information for a Given Device
You can view the configuration information for all VLANs running on a specific device using the netq <hostname> show vlan command. It lists VLANs running on the device, the ports used, whether an SVI is configured, and the last time this configuration was changed.
This example shows the VLANs configured on the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show vlan
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLAN Ports SVI Last Changed
----------------- ------ ----------------------------------- ---- -------------------------
leaf02 20 bond2,vni20 yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 30 vni30,bond3 yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 1 peerlink no Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 4001 vniRED yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 4002 vniBLUE yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
View Information for a Given VLAN
You can view the configuration information for a particular VLAN using the netq show vlan <vlan-id> command. The ID must be a number between 1 and 4096.
This example shows that vlan 10 is running on the two border and four leaf switches.
cumulus@switch~$ netq show vlan 10
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLAN Ports SVI Last Changed
----------------- ------ ----------------------------------- ---- -------------------------
border01 10 no Wed Oct 28 15:20:27 2020
border02 10 no Wed Oct 28 15:20:28 2020
leaf01 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:20:28 2020
leaf02 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:20:28 2020
leaf03 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:20:29 2020
leaf04 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:20:29 2020
View VLAN Information for a Time in the Past
You can view the VLAN configuration information across the network or for a given device at a time in the past using the around option of the netq show vlan command. This can be helpful when you think there may have been changes made.
This example shows the VLAN configuration in the last 24 hours and 30 days ago. Note that some SVIs have been removed.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show vlan
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLANs SVIs Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 14:46:33 2020
border02 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 14:46:33 2020
leaf01 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
leaf02 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
leaf03 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
leaf04 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 Wed Oct 28 14:46:34 2020
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show vlan around 30d
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLANs SVIs Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
border01 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 15:25:43 2020
border02 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 15:25:43 2020
leaf01 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 15:25:43 2020
leaf02 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 15:25:43 2020
leaf03 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 15:25:43 2020
leaf04 1,10,20,30,4001-4002 10 20 30 4001-4002 Wed Oct 28 15:25:43 2020
This example shows the VLAN configuration on leaf02 in the last 24 hours and one week ago. In this case, no changes are present.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show vlan
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLAN Ports SVI Last Changed
----------------- ------ ----------------------------------- ---- -------------------------
leaf02 20 bond2,vni20 yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 30 vni30,bond3 yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 1 peerlink no Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 4001 vniRED yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
leaf02 4002 vniBLUE yes Wed Oct 28 15:14:11 2020
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show vlan around 7d
Matching vlan records:
Hostname VLAN Ports SVI Last Changed
----------------- ------ ----------------------------------- ---- -------------------------
leaf02 20 bond2,vni20 yes Wed Oct 28 15:36:39 2020
leaf02 30 vni30,bond3 yes Wed Oct 28 15:36:39 2020
leaf02 1 peerlink no Wed Oct 28 15:36:39 2020
leaf02 10 bond1,vni10 yes Wed Oct 28 15:36:39 2020
leaf02 4001 vniRED yes Wed Oct 28 15:36:39 2020
leaf02 4002 vniBLUE yes Wed Oct 28 15:36:39 2020
View VLAN Interface Information
You can view the current or past state of the interfaces associated with
VLANs using the netq show interfaces command. This provides the status
of the interface, its specified MTU, whether it is running over a VRF,
and the last time it was changed.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces type vlan
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:48 2020
border01 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:48 2020
border01 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:48 2020
border02 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
border02 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
border02 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
fw1 borderBond.20 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:25 2020
fw1 borderBond.10 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:25 2020
leaf01 vlan20 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
leaf01 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
leaf01 vlan30 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
leaf01 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
leaf01 vlan10 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
leaf01 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
leaf02 vlan20 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
leaf02 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
leaf02 vlan30 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
leaf02 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
leaf02 vlan10 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
leaf02 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
leaf03 vlan20 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
leaf03 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
leaf03 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
leaf03 vlan30 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
leaf03 vlan10 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
leaf03 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
leaf04 vlan20 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
leaf04 vlan4002 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
leaf04 vlan4001 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
leaf04 vlan30 vlan up BLUE MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
leaf04 vlan10 vlan up RED MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
leaf04 peerlink.4094 vlan up default MTU: 9216 Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
View the Number of VLAN Interfaces Configured
You can view the number of VLAN interfaces configured for a given device using the netq show vlan command with the hostname and count options.
This example shows the count of VLAN interfaces on the leaf02 switch in the last 24 hours.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show interfaces type vlan count
Count of matching link records: 6
View MAC Addresses Associated with a VLAN
You can determine the MAC addresses associated with a given VLAN using
the netq show macs vlan command. The command also provides the
hostnames of the devices, the egress port for the interface, whether the
MAC address originated from the given device, whether it learns the MAC
address from the peer (remote=yes), and the last time the configuration
was changed.
This example shows the MAC addresses associated with VLAN 10.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show macs vlan 10
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf04 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf04 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf04 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf04 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf04 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf04 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf04 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf04 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf04 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 36:ae:d2:23:1d:8c 10 leaf04 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 36:99:0d:48:51:41 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf03 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf02 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 4a:32:30:8c:13:08 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf01 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf01 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf01 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf01 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:43 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf01 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf01 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf01 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:43 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf01 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:43 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf01 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
yes 52:37:ca:35:d3:70 10 leaf01 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
View MAC Addresses Associated with an Egress Port
You can filter that information down to just the MAC addresses on a device that are associated with a given VLAN that use a particular egress port. Use the netq <hostname> show macs command with the egress-port and vlan options.
This example shows MAC addresses associated with the leaf02 switch and
VLAN 10 that use the bridge port.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq leaf02 show macs egress-port bridge vlan 10
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
View the MAC Addresses Associated with VRR Configurations
You can view all of the MAC addresses associated with your VRR (virtual router reflector) interface configuration using the netq show interfaces type macvlan command. This is useful for determining if the specified MAC address inside a VLAN is the same or different across your VRR configuration.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces type macvlan
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq show interfaces type macvlan
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Mode: Private
leaf01 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Mode: Private
leaf01 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Mode: Private
leaf02 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
Mode: Private
leaf02 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
Mode: Private
leaf02 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
Mode: Private
leaf03 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
Mode: Private
leaf03 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
Mode: Private
leaf03 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
Mode: Private
leaf04 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
Mode: Private
leaf04 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
Mode: Private
leaf04 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
View All VLAN Events
You can view all VLAN-related events using the netq show events type vlan command.
This example shows that there have been no VLAN events in the last 24 hours or the last 30 days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type vlan
No matching event records found
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type vlan between now and 30d
No matching event records found
Monitor MAC Addresses
A MAC (media access control) address is a layer 2 construct that uses 48 bits to uniquely identify a network interface controller (NIC) for communication within a network.
With NetQ, you can:
View MAC address across the network and for a given device, VLAN, egress port on a VLAN, and VRR
View a count of MAC addresses on a given device
View where MAC addresses have lived in the network (MAC history)
View commentary on changes to MAC addresses (MAC commentary)
View events related to MAC addresses
The NetQ UI provides a listing of current MAC Addresses that can be filtered by hostname, timestamp, MAC address, VLAN, and origin. The list can be sorted by these parameters and also remote, static, and next hop.
The NetQ CLI provides the following commands:
netq show macs [<mac>] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show macs [<mac>] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin | count] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show macs egress-port <egress-port> [<mac>] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show mac-history <mac> [vlan <1-4096>] [diff] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [listby <text-list-by>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show mac-commentary <mac> vlan <1-4096> [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type macs [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View MAC Addresses Networkwide
You can view all MAC addresses across your network with the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Use the netq show macs command to view all MAC addresses.
This example shows all MAC addresses in the Cumulus Networks reference topology.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show macs
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
no 46:38:39:00:00:46 20 leaf04 bond2 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5e 20 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5e 4002 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 30 leaf04 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 30 leaf04 vni30 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 30 leaf04 vni30 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 7e:1a:b3:4f:05:b8 20 leaf04 vni20 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:36 30 leaf04 vni30 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 20 leaf04 vni20 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 20 leaf04 vni20 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 7a:4a:c7:bb:48:27 4001 border01 vniRED no Tue Oct 27 22:28:48 2020
yes ce:93:1d:e3:08:1b 4002 border01 vniBLUE no Tue Oct 27 22:28:48 2020
View MAC Addresses for a Given Device
You can view all MAC addresses on a given device with the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click MACs under the Network heading.
Click and enter a hostname.
Click Apply.
This example shows all MAC address for the leaf03 switch.
Use the netq <hostname> show macs command to view MAC address on a given device.
This example shows all MAC addresses on the leaf03 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show macs
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 2e:3d:b4:55:40:ba 4002 leaf03 vniBLUE no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 20 leaf03 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:46 20 leaf03 bond2 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 4001 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 30 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 26:6e:54:35:3b:28 4001 leaf03 vniRED no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 30 leaf03 vni30 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 30 leaf03 vni30 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 72:78:e6:4e:3d:4c 20 leaf03 vni20 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:36 30 leaf03 vni30 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 20 leaf03 vni20 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 20 leaf03 vni20 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:48 30 leaf03 bond3 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 36:99:0d:48:51:41 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 1a:6e:d8:ed:d2:04 30 leaf03 vni30 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:36 30 leaf03 vni30 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 30 leaf03 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:34 20 leaf03 vni20 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf03 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3c 30 leaf03 vni30 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:34 20 leaf03 vni20 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:42 30 leaf03 bond3 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 4002 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 20 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:bb 4002 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1b 20 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:42 30 leaf03 bond3 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:bb 4001 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1c 30 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:40 20 leaf03 bond2 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3a 20 leaf03 vni20 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:40 20 leaf03 bond2 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
View MAC Addresses Associated with a VLAN
You can determine the MAC addresses associated with a given VLAN with the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click MACs under the Network heading.
Click and enter a VLAN ID.
Click Apply.
This example shows all MAC address for VLAN 10.
Page through the listing.
Optionally, click and add the additional hostname filter to view the MAC addresses for a VLAN on a particular device.
Use the netq show macs command with the vlan option to view the MAC addresses for a given VLAN.
This example shows the MAC addresses associated with VLAN 10.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show macs vlan 10
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf04 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf04 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf04 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf04 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf04 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf04 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf04 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf04 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf04 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf04 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 36:ae:d2:23:1d:8c 10 leaf04 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 36:99:0d:48:51:41 10 leaf03 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf03 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf03 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf03 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf02 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 4a:32:30:8c:13:08 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf01 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf01 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf01 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf01 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:43 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf01 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf01 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf01 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf01 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:43 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf01 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:43 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf01 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
yes 52:37:ca:35:d3:70 10 leaf01 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Use the netq show macs command with the hostname and vlan options to view the MAC addresses for a given VLAN on a particular device.
This example shows the MAC addresses associated with VLAN 10 on the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show macs vlan 10
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:59 10 leaf02 peerlink no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:37 10 leaf02 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:38 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:3e 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5e 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 44:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:44 10 leaf02 vni10 yes Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
no 46:38:39:00:00:32 10 leaf02 bond1 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
yes 4a:32:30:8c:13:08 10 leaf02 vni10 no Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
View MAC Addresses Associated with an Egress Port
You can the MAC addresses that use a particular egress port with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Click (main menu).
Click MACs under the Network heading.
Toggle between A-Z or Z-A order of the egress port used by a MAC address by clicking the Egress Port header.
This example shows the MAC addresses sorted in A-Z order.
Optionally, click and enter a hostname to view the MAC addresses on a particular device.
This filters the list down to only the MAC addresses for a given device. Then, toggle between A-Z or Z-A order of the egress port used by a MAC address by clicking the Egress Port header.
Use the netq <hostname> show macs egress-port <egress-port> command to view the MAC addresses on a given device that use a given egress port. Note that you cannot view this information across all devices.
This example shows MAC addresses associated with the leaf03 switch that use the bridge port for egress.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show macs egress-port bridge
Matching mac records:
Origin MAC Address VLAN Hostname Egress Port Remote Last Changed
------ ------------------ ------ ----------------- ------------------------------ ------ -------------------------
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 4001 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1a 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 30 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 4002 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 20 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:bb 4002 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:00:00:5d 10 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1b 20 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 44:38:39:be:ef:bb 4001 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
yes 00:00:00:00:00:1c 30 leaf03 bridge no Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020
View MAC Addresses Associated with VRR Configurations
You can view all MAC addresses associated with your VRR (virtual router reflector) interface configuration using the netq show interfaces type macvlan command. This is useful for determining if the specified MAC address inside a VLAN is the same or different across your VRR configuration.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interfaces type macvlan
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Mode: Private
leaf01 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Mode: Private
leaf01 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020
Mode: Private
leaf02 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
Mode: Private
leaf02 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
Mode: Private
leaf02 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020
Mode: Private
leaf03 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
Mode: Private
leaf03 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
Mode: Private
leaf03 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:28:23 2020
Mode: Private
leaf04 vlan10-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1a, Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
Mode: Private
leaf04 vlan20-v0 macvlan up RED MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1b, Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
Mode: Private
leaf04 vlan30-v0 macvlan up BLUE MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:1c, Tue Oct 27 22:29:06 2020
Mode: Private
View the History of a MAC Address
It is useful when debugging to be able to see when a MAC address is learned, when and where it moved in the network after that, if there was a duplicate at any time, and so forth. The netq show mac-history command makes this information available. It enables you to see:
each change that was made chronologically
changes made between two points in time, using the between option
only the differences in the changes between two points in time using the diff option
the output ordered by selected output fields using the listby option
each change that was made for the MAC address on a particular VLAN, using the vlan option
The default time range used is now to one hour ago. You can view the output in JSON format as well.
View MAC Address Changes in Chronological Order
View the full listing of changes for a MAC address for the last hour in chronological order using the netq show mac-history command.
This example shows how to view a full chronology of changes for a MAC address of 44:38:39:00:00:5d. When shown, the caret (^) notation indicates no change in this value from the row above.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-history 44:38:39:00:00:5d
Matching machistory records:
Last Changed Hostname VLAN Origin Link Destination Remote Static
------------------------- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------------- ------ ------------
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 4002 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 0 yes peerlink no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 4001 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
View MAC Address Changes for a Given Time Frame
View a listing of changes for a MAC address for a given timeframe using the netq show mac-history command with the between option. When shown, the caret (^) notation indicates no change in this value from the row above.
This example shows changes for a MAC address of 44:38:39:00:00:5d between now three and seven days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-history 44:38:39:00:00:5d between 3d and 7d
Matching machistory records:
Last Changed Hostname VLAN Origin Link Destination Remote Static
------------------------- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------------- ------ ------------
Tue Oct 20 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 20 22:28:24 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:37 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:53 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Wed Oct 21 22:28:26 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:44 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:55 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:20 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Thu Oct 22 22:28:28 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:57 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:21 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Fri Oct 23 22:28:29 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:58 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:28 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Sat Oct 24 22:28:29 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:59 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 4002 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 20 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 0 yes peerlink no no
Tue Oct 20 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 20 22:28:24 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:37 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:53 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Wed Oct 21 22:28:26 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:44 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:55 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:20 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Thu Oct 22 22:28:28 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:57 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:21 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Fri Oct 23 22:28:29 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:58 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:28 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Sat Oct 24 22:28:29 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:59 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 4001 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 20 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 20 22:28:24 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:37 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Tue Oct 20 22:28:53 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:19 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
Wed Oct 21 22:28:26 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:44 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Wed Oct 21 22:28:55 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:20 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
Thu Oct 22 22:28:28 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Thu Oct 22 22:28:57 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:21 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
Fri Oct 23 22:28:29 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Fri Oct 23 22:28:58 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:28 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
Sat Oct 24 22:28:29 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:45 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Sat Oct 24 22:28:59 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
View Only the Differences in MAC Address Changes
Instead of viewing the full chronology of change made for a MAC address within a given timeframe, you can view only the differences between two snapshots using the netq show mac-history command with the diff option. When shown, the caret (^) notation indicates no change in this value from the row above.
This example shows only the differences in the changes for a MAC address of 44:38:39:00:00:5d between now and an hour ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-history 44:38:39:00:00:5d diff
Matching machistory records:
Last Changed Hostname VLAN Origin Link Destination Remote Static
------------------------- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------------- ------ ------------
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
This example shows only the differences in the changes for a MAC address of 44:38:39:00:00:5d between now and 30 days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-history 44:38:39:00:00:5d diff between now and 30d
Matching machistory records:
Last Changed Hostname VLAN Origin Link Destination Remote Static
------------------------- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------------- ------ ------------
Mon Sep 28 00:02:26 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no no
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ yes
View MAC Address Changes by a Given Attribute
You can order the output of the MAC address changes by many of the attributes associated with the changes that can be made using the netq show mac-history command with the listby option. For example, you can order the output by hostname, link, destination, and so forth.
This example shows the history of MAC address 44:38:39:00:00:5d ordered by hostname. When shown, the caret (^) notation indicates no change in this value from the row above.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-history 44:38:39:00:00:5d listby hostname
Matching machistory records:
Last Changed Hostname VLAN Origin Link Destination Remote Static
------------------------- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------------- ------ ------------
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 20 no vni20 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 4001 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 0 yes peerlink no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 4002 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 30 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 30 no vni30 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 20 no vni20 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 20 no peerlink no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 30 no vni30 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 20 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 30 yes bridge no no
View MAC Address Changes for a Given VLAN
View a listing of changes for a MAC address for a given VLAN using the netq show mac-history command with the vlan option. When shown, the caret (^) notation indicates no change in this value from the row above.
This example shows changes for a MAC address of 44:38:39:00:00:5d and VLAN 10.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-history 44:38:39:00:00:5d vlan 10
Matching machistory records:
Last Changed Hostname VLAN Origin Link Destination Remote Static
------------------------- ----------------- ------ ------ ---------------- ---------------------- ------ ------------
Tue Oct 27 22:28:24 2020 leaf03 10 yes bridge no no
Tue Oct 27 22:28:42 2020 leaf01 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:28:51 2020 leaf02 10 no vni10 no yes
Tue Oct 27 22:29:07 2020 leaf04 10 no peerlink no yes
View MAC Address Commentary
You can get more descriptive information about changes to a given MAC address on a specific VLAN. Commentary is provided for the following MAC address-related events:
When a MAC address is configured or unconfigured
When a bond enslaved or removed as a slave
When bridge membership changes
When a MAC address is learned or installed by control plane on tunnel interface
When a MAC address is flushed or expires
When a MAC address moves
To see MAC address commentary, use the netq show mac-commentary command:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mac-commentary 44:38:39:be:ef:ff vlan 4002
Matching mac_commentary records:
Last Updated Hostname VLAN Commentary
------------------------- ---------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thu Oct 1 14:25:18 2020 border01 4002 44:38:39:be:ef:ff configured on interface bridge
Thu Oct 1 14:25:18 2020 border02 4002 44:38:39:be:ef:ff configured on interface bridge
Monitor the MLAG Service
Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) is used to enable a server or switch with a two-port bond (such as a link aggregation group/LAG, EtherChannel, port group or trunk) to connect those ports to different switches and operate as if they are connected to a single, logical switch. This provides greater redundancy and greater system throughput. Dual-connected devices can create LACP bonds that contain links to each physical switch. Therefore, active-active links from the dual-connected devices are supported even though they are connected to two different physical switches. For an overview and how to configure MLAG in your network, refer to Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation - MLAG.
The Cumulus Linux implementation of MLAG is referred to by other vendors as MLAG, MC-LAG or VPC. The Cumulus NetQ UI uses the MLAG terminology predominantly. However, the management daemon, named clagd, and other options in the code, such as clag-id, remain for historical purposes.
NetQ enables operators to view the health of the MLAG service on a networkwide and a per session basis, giving greater insight into all aspects of the service. This is accomplished in the NetQ UI through two card workflows, one for the service and one for the session and in the NetQ CLI with the netq show mlag command.
If you have prior scripts or automation that use the older netq show clag command, they will still work as the command has not been removed yet.
Monitor the MLAG Service Networkwide
With NetQ, you can monitor MLAG performance across the network:
Network Services|All MLAG Sessions
Small: view number of nodes running MLAG service and number and distribution of alarms
Medium: view number of nodes running MLAG service, number and distribution of sessions and alarms, number of sessions with inactive backup IPs, and number of bonds with single connections
Large: view number of nodes running MLAG service, number of sessions and alarms, number of sessions with inactive backup IPs, switches with the most established/unestablished sessions, devices with the most alarms
Full-screen: view all switches, all sessions, and all alarms
netq show mlag command: view host, peer, system MAC address, state, information about the bonds, and last time a change was made for each session running MLAG
When entering a time value in the netq show mlag command, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View Service Status Summary
You can view a summary of the MLAG service from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view the summary, open the small Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card. In this example, the number of devices running the MLAG service is 4 and no alarms are present.
To view MLAG service status, run netq show mlag.
This example shows the Cumulus reference topology, where MLAG is configured on the border and leaf switches. You can view host, peer, system MAC address, state, information about the bonds, and last time a change was made for each MLAG session.
cumulus@switch~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
View the Distribution of Sessions and Alarms
It is useful to know the number of network nodes running the MLAG protocol over a period of time, as it gives you insight into the amount of traffic associated with and breadth of use of the protocol. It is also useful to compare the number of nodes running MLAG with the alarms present at the same time to determine if there is any correlation between the issues and the ability to establish an MLAG session.
Nodes which have a large number of unestablished sessions might be misconfigured or experiencing communication issues. This is visible with the NetQ UI.
To view the distribution, open the medium Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
This example shows the following for the last 24 hours:
Four nodes have been running the MLAG protocol with no changes in that number
Four sessions were established and remained so
No MLAG-related alarms have occurred
If there was a visual correlation between the alarms and sessions, you could dig a little deeper with the large Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
To view the number of switches running the MLAG service, run:
netq show mlag
Count the switches in the output.
This example shows two border and four leaf switches, for a total of six switches running the protocol. The device in each session acting in the primary role is marked with (P).
cumulus@switch~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
View Bonds with Only a Single Link
You can determine whether there are any bonds in your MLAG configuration with only a single link, instead of the usual two, using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the medium Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
This example shows that four bonds have single links.
Hover over the card and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Browse the sessions looking for either a blank value in the Dual Bonds column, or with one or more bonds listed in the Single Bonds column, to determine whether or not the devices participating in these sessions are incorrectly configured.
Optionally, change the time period of the data on either size card to determine when the configuration may have changed from a dual to a single bond.
Run the netq show mlag command to view bonds with single links in the last 24 hours. Use the around option to view bonds with single links for a time in the past.
This example shows that no bonds have single links, because the #Bonds value equals the #Dual value for all sessions.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
This example shows that more bonds were configured 30 days ago than in the last 24 hours, but still none of those bonds had single links.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag around 30d
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 6 6 Sun Sep 27 03:41:52 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 6 6 Sun Sep 27 03:34:57 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Sun Sep 27 03:59:25 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Sun Sep 27 03:38:39 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Sun Sep 27 03:36:40 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Sun Sep 27 03:37:59 2020
View Sessions with No Backup IP addresses Assigned
You can determine whether MLAG sessions have a backup IP address assigned and ready using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
Open the medium Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
This example shows that non of the bonds have single links.
Hover over the card and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Look for the Backup IP column to confirm the IP address assigned if assigned.
Optionally, change the time period of the data on either size card to determine when a backup IP address was added or removed.
Run netq show mlag to view the status of backup IP addresses for sessions.
This example shows that a backup IP has been configured and is currently reachable for all MLAG sessions because the Backup column indicates up.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
View Sessions with Conflicted Bonds
You can view sessions with conflicted bonds (bonds that conflict with existing bond relationships) in the NetQ UI.
To view these sessions:
Open the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Hover over the card and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Scroll to the right to view the Conflicted Bonds column. Based on the value/s in that field, reconfigure MLAG accordingly, using the net add bond NCLU command or edit the /etc/network/interfaces file. Refer to Basic Configuration in the Cumulus Linux MLAG topic.
View Devices with the Most MLAG Sessions
You can view the load from MLAG on your switches using the large Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most MLAG traffic currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most MLAG sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most MLAG sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the current time. You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time period and the previous time period.
If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running MLAG than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most sessions, run netq show mlag. Then count the sessions on each device.
In this example, there are two sessions between border01 and border02, two sessions between leaf01 and leaf02, and two session between leaf03 and leaf04. Therefore, no devices has more sessions that any other.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
View Devices with the Most Unestablished MLAG Sessions
You can identify switches that are experiencing difficulties establishing MLAG sessions; both currently and in the past, using the NetQ UI.
To view switches with the most unestablished MLAG sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most unestablished MLAG sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest unestablished sessions.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most unestablished sessions, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow to determine probable causes. Refer to Monitor Switch Performance.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all MLAG sessions with events in the full-screen card.
View MLAG Configuration Information for a Given Device
You can view the MLAG configuration information for a given device from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the full-screen Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Click to filter by hostname.
Click Apply.
The sessions with the identified device as the primary, or host device in the MLAG pair, are listed. This example shows the sessions for the leaf01 switch.
Run the netq show mlag command with the hostname option.
This example shows all sessions in which the leaf01 switch is the primary node.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
View Switches with the Most MLAG-related Alarms
Switches experiencing a large number of MLAG alarms may indicate a configuration or performance issue that needs further investigation. You can view this information using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
With the NetQ UI, you can view the switches sorted by the number of MLAG alarms and then use the Switches card workflow or the Events|Alarms card workflow to gather more information about possible causes for the alarms.
To view switches with most MLAG alarms:
Open the large Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Hover over the header and click .
Select Events by Most Active Device from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most MLAG alarms at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest alarms.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all MLAG sessions with alarms in the full-screen card.
To view the switches and hosts with the most MLAG alarms and informational events, run the netq show events command with the type option set to clag, and optionally the between option set to display the events within a given time range. Count the events associated with each switch.
This example shows that no MLAG events have occurred in the last 24 hours. Note that this command still uses the clag nomenclature.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type clag
No matching event records found
This example shows all MLAG events between now and 30 days ago, a total of 1 info event.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type clag between now and 30d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border02 clag info Peer state changed to up Fri Oct 2 22:39:28 2020
View All MLAG Events
The Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card workflow and the netq show events type mlag command enable you to view all of the MLAG events in a designated time period.
To view all MLAG events:
Open the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click All Alarms tab.
By default, events are listed in most recent to least recent order.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Sort on various parameters:
By Message to determine the frequency of particular events.
By Severity to determine the most critical events.
By Time to find events that may have occurred at a particular time to try to correlate them with other system events.
Export the data to a file for use in another analytics tool by clicking .
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
To view all MLAG alarms, run:
netq show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type clag [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Use the level option to set the severity of the events to show. Use the between option to show events within a given time range.
This example shows that no MLAG events have occurred in the last three days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type clag between now and 3d
No matching event records found
This example shows that one MLAG event occurred in the last 30 days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type clag between now and 30d
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border02 clag info Peer state changed to up Fri Oct 2 22:39:28 2020
View Details About All Switches Running MLAG
You can view attributes of all switches running MLAG in your network in the full-screen card.
To view all switch details:
Open the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Switches tab.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
View Details for All MLAG Sessions
You can view attributes of all MLAG sessions in your network
with the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view all session details:
Open the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail.
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
To view session details, run netq show mlag.
This example shows all current sessions (one per row) and the attributes associated with them.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
Monitor a Single MLAG Session
With NetQ, you can monitor the number of nodes running the MLAG service, view switches with the most peers alive and not alive, and view alarms triggered by the MLAG service. For an overview and how to configure MLAG in your data center network, refer to Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation - MLAG.
To access the single session cards, you must open the full-screen Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card, click the All Sessions tab, select the desired session, then click (Open Card).
Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period
On the medium and large single MLAG session cards, the status of the peers is represented in heat maps stacked vertically; one for peers that are reachable (alive), and one for peers that are unreachable (not alive). Depending on the time period of data on the card, the number of smaller time blocks used to indicate the status varies. A vertical stack of time blocks, one from each map, includes the results from all checks during that time. The results are shown by how saturated the color is for each block. If all peers during that time period were alive for the entire time block, then the top block is 100% saturated (white) and the not alive block is zero percent saturated (gray). As peers that are not alive increase in saturation, the peers that are alive block is proportionally reduced in saturation. An example heat map for a time period of 24 hours is shown here with the most common time periods in the table showing the resulting time blocks.
Time Period
Number of Runs
Number Time Blocks
Amount of Time in Each Block
6 hours
1 hour
12 hours
1 hour
24 hours
1 hour
1 week
1 day
1 month
1 day
1 quarter
1 week
View Session Status Summary
A summary of the MLAG session is available about a given MLAG session using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
A summary of the MLAG session is available from the Network Services|MLAG Session card workflow, showing the host and peer devices participating in the session, node role, peer role and state, the associated system MAC address, and the distribution of the MLAG session state.
To view the summary:
Open or add the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|MLAG Session card.
In the left example, we see that the tor1 switch plays the secondary role in this session with the switch at 44:38:39:ff:01:01 and that there is an issue with this session. In the right example, we see that the leaf03 switch plays the primary role in this session with leaf04 and this session is in good health.
Optionally, open the small Network Services|MLAG Session card to keep track of the session health.
Run the netq show mlag command with the hostname option.
This example shows the session information when the leaf01 switch is acting as the primary role in the session.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
View MLAG Session Peering State Changes
You can view the peering state for a given MLAG session from the medium and large MLAG Session cards. For a given time period, you can determine the stability of the MLAG session between two devices. If you experienced connectivity issues at a particular time, you can use these cards to help verify the state of the peer. If the peer was not alive more than it was alive, you can then investigate further into possible causes.
To view the state transitions for a given MLAG session on the medium card:
Open the or add the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|MLAG Session card.
In this example, the heat map tells us that the peer switch has been alive for the entire 24-hour period.
From this card, you can also view the node role, peer role and state, and MLAG system MAC address which identify the session in more detail.
To view the peering state transitions for a given MLAG session on the large Network Services|MLAG Session card:
Open a Network Services|MLAG Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
From this card, you can also view the alarm and info event counts, node role, peer role, state, and interface, MLAG system MAC address, active backup IP address, single, dual, conflicted, and protocol down bonds, and the VXLAN anycast address identifying the session in more detail.
View Changes to the MLAG Service Configuration File
Each time a change is made to the configuration file for the MLAG service, NetQ logs the change and enables you to compare it with the last version using the NetQ UI. This can be useful when you are troubleshooting potential causes for alarms or sessions losing their connections.
To view the configuration file changes:
Open or add the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|MLAG Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over the card and click to open the Configuration File Evolution tab.
Select the time of interest on the left; when a change may have impacted the performance. Scroll down if needed.
Choose between the File view and the Diff view (selected option is dark; File by default).
The File view displays the content of the file for you to review.
The Diff view displays the changes between this version (on left) and the most recent version (on right) side by side. The changes are highlighted in red and green. In this example, we don’t have any changes after this first creation, so the same file is shown on both sides and no highlighting is present.
All MLAG Session Details
You can view attributes of all of the MLAG sessions for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
To view all session details:
Open or add the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|MLAG Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker. The All MLAG Sessions tab is displayed by default.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Open the All Events tabs to look more closely at the alarm and info events fin the network.
Sort on other parameters:
By Single Bonds to determine which interface sets are only connected to one of the switches.
By Backup IP and Backup IP Active to determine if the correct backup IP address is specified for the service.
Export the data to a file by clicking .
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
Run the netq show mlag command.
This example shows all MLAG sessions in the last 24 hours.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
border01(P) border02 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:50:26 2020
border02 border01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:ff up up 3 3 Tue Oct 27 10:46:38 2020
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:44:39 2020
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:aa up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:52:15 2020
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:07 2020
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:be:ef:bb up up 8 8 Tue Oct 27 10:48:18 2020
View All MLAG Session Events
You can view all of the alarm and info events for the two devices on this card.
Open or add the Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|MLAG Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Events tab.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Sort on other parameters:
By Message to determine the frequency of particular events.
By Severity to determine the most critical events.
By Time to find events that may have occurred at a particular time to try to correlate them with other system events.
Export the data to a file by clicking .
Return to your workbench by clicking in the top right corner.
Monitor Network Layer Protocols and Services
The core capabilities of Cumulus NetQ enable you to monitor your network by viewing performance and configuration data about your individual network devices and the entire fabric networkwide. The topics contained in this section describe monitoring tasks that apply across the entire network. For device-specific monitoring refer to Monitor Devices.
Monitor Internet Protocol Service
With NetQ, a user can monitor IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, neighbors, and routes, including viewing the current status and the status an earlier point in time.
It helps answer questions such as:
Who are the IP neighbors for each switch?
How many IPv4 and IPv6 addresses am I using in total and on which interface?
Which routes are owned by which switches?
When did changes occur to my IP configuration?
The netq show ip command is used to obtain the address, neighbor, and
route information from the devices. Its syntax is:
netq <hostname> show ip addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show ip addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq show ip addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [subnet|supernet|gateway] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show ip neighbors [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4> vrf <vrf>|vrf <vrf>] [<mac>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show ip neighbors [<remote-interface>] [<ipv4>|<ipv4> vrf <vrf>|vrf <vrf>] [<mac>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq <hostname> show ip routes [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show ip routes [<ipv4>|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show ipv6 addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show ipv6 addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq show ipv6 addresses [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [subnet|supernet|gateway] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show ipv6 neighbors [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6> vrf <vrf>|vrf <vrf>] [<mac>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show ipv6 neighbors [<remote-interface>] [<ipv6>|<ipv6> vrf <vrf>|vrf <vrf>] [<mac>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show ipv6 routes [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show ipv6 routes [<ipv6>|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf <vrf>] [origin] [around <text-time>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View IP Address Information
You can view the IPv4 and IPv6 address information for all of your devices, including the interface and VRF for each device. Additionally, you can:
View the information at an earlier point in time
Filter against a particular device, interface or VRF assignment
Obtain a count of all of the addresses
Each of these provides information for troubleshooting potential configuration and communication issues at the layer 3 level.
View IPv4 Address Information for All Devices
To view only IPv4 addresses, run netq show ip addresses. This example shows all IPv4 addresses in the reference topology.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- spine04 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:46:20 2020 spine03 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:19:24 2020 spine02 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:40:03 2020 spine02 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020 spine01 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:59:36 2020 spine01 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 server08 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:50 2020 server07 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:43 2020 server06 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:52 2020 server06 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:40:52 2020 server05 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:08 2020 server05 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:41:08 2020 server04 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:40:45 2020 server04 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:45 2020 server03 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:41:04 2020 server03 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:04 2020 server02 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:00 2020 server02 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:41:00 2020 server01 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:36 2020 server01 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:40:36 2020 oob-mgmt-server vagrant default Mon Oct 19 22:28:20 2020 oob-mgmt-server eth1 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:20 2020 leaf04 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:56:40 2020 leaf04 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf03 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:40:56 2020 leaf03 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf02 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:43:24 2020 leaf02 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf01 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:20:04 2020 leaf01 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 fw2 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:31:29 2020 fw1 borderBond.10 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020 fw1 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:56:03 2020 fw1 borderBond.20 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020 border02 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:20:23 2020 border02 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020 border02 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020 border01 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:46:57 2020 border01 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020 border01 lo default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
View IPv6 Address Information for All Devices
To view only IPv6 addresses, run netq show ipv6 addresses. This example shows all IPv6 addresses in the reference topology.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ipv6 addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- -------------------------
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:16c/ spine04 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:27/6 spine04 swp5 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2f/6 spine04 swp6 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:17/6 spine04 swp3 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1f/6 spine04 swp4 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:7/64 spine04 swp1 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:f/64 spine04 swp2 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2d/6 spine03 swp6 default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:25/6 spine03 swp5 default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:170/ spine03 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:15/6 spine03 swp3 default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1d/6 spine03 swp4 default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5/64 spine03 swp1 default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:d/64 spine03 swp2 default Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2b/6 spine02 swp6 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:192/ spine02 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:23/6 spine02 swp5 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1b/6 spine02 swp4 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:13/6 spine02 swp3 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3/64 spine02 swp1 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:b/64 spine02 swp2 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:9/64 spine01 swp2 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:19/6 spine01 swp4 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:29/6 spine01 swp6 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:182/ spine01 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1/64 spine01 swp1 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:21/6 spine01 swp5 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:11/6 spine01 swp3 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:172/ server08 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:50 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:176/ server07 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:43 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:186/ server06 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:52 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:42/6 server06 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:40:52 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:40/6 server05 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:41:08 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:188/ server05 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:08 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:16a/ server04 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44/6 server04 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:40:45 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:190/ server03 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:04 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3c/6 server03 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:41:04 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3a/6 server02 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:41:00 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:16e/ server02 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:00 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32/6 server01 uplink default Mon Oct 19 22:40:36 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:17e/ server01 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:36 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:6d/6 oob-mgmt-server eth1 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:20 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:65/6 oob-mgmt-server eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:20 2020
fe80::5054:ff:fe25:a7dd/6 oob-mgmt-server vagrant default Mon Oct 19 22:28:20 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efbb leaf04 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:20/6 leaf04 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5e/6 leaf04 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1a/6 leaf04 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5e/6 leaf04 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:18a/ leaf04 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5e/6 leaf04 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5e/6 leaf04 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1c/64 leaf04 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1b/64 leaf04 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1a/64 leaf04 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efbb leaf04 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1e/6 leaf04 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:1c/6 leaf04 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5e/6 leaf04 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efbb leaf03 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5d/6 leaf03 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5d/6 leaf03 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:184/ leaf03 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:12/6 leaf03 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:14/6 leaf03 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5d/6 leaf03 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:16/6 leaf03 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5d/6 leaf03 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1c/64 leaf03 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efbb leaf03 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:18/6 leaf03 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1b/64 leaf03 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1a/64 leaf03 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5d/6 leaf03 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf02 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:10/6 leaf02 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:37/6 leaf02 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:37/6 leaf02 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5a/6 leaf02 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:178/ leaf02 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:37/6 leaf02 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:a/64 leaf02 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf02 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1c/64 leaf02 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1b/64 leaf02 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1a/64 leaf02 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:37/6 leaf02 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:e/64 leaf02 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:c/64 leaf02 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf01 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:8/64 leaf01 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2/64 leaf01 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:4/64 leaf01 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf01 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:6/64 leaf01 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1c/64 leaf01 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1b/64 leaf01 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1a/64 leaf01 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:17a/ leaf01 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:18e/ fw2 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:18c/ fw1 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:4e/6 fw1 borderBond default Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:4e/6 fw1 borderBond.10 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:4e/6 fw1 borderBond.20 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efff border02 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:62/6 border02 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2a/6 border02 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efff border02 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2e/6 border02 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:30/6 border02 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:17c/ border02 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2c/6 border02 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:62/6 border02 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efff border01 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:22/6 border01 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:24/6 border01 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:26/6 border01 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efff border01 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:28/6 border01 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:61/6 border01 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:174/ border01 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:4d/6 border01 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
Filter IP Address Information
You can filter the IP address information by hostname, interface, or VRF.
This example shows the IPv4 address information for the eth0 interface
on all devices.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip addresses eth0
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- spine04 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:46:20 2020 spine03 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:19:24 2020 spine02 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:40:03 2020 spine01 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:59:36 2020 server08 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:50 2020 server07 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:43 2020 server06 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:52 2020 server05 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:08 2020 server04 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:45 2020 server03 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:04 2020 server02 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:41:00 2020 server01 eth0 default Mon Oct 19 22:40:36 2020 leaf04 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:56:40 2020 leaf03 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:40:56 2020 leaf02 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:43:24 2020 leaf01 eth0 Tue Oct 20 16:12:00 2020 fw2 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:31:29 2020 fw1 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:56:03 2020 border02 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:20:23 2020 border01 eth0 Tue Oct 20 15:46:57 2020
This example shows the IPv6 address information for the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ipv6 addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- -------------------------
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf01 vlan4002 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:8/64 leaf01 swp54 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 vlan10 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 vlan20 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 vlan30 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:2/64 leaf01 swp51 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:4/64 leaf01 swp52 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf01 vlan4001 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:6/64 leaf01 swp53 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1c/64 leaf01 vlan30-v0 BLUE Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1b/64 leaf01 vlan20-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::200:ff:fe00:1a/64 leaf01 vlan10-v0 RED Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 peerlink.4094 default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59/6 leaf01 bridge default Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:17a/ leaf01 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
View When IP Address Information Last Changed
You can view the last time that address information was changed using the netq show ip/ipv6 addresses commands.
This example shows the last time IPv4 address information had changed for all devices ago. Note the value in the Last Changed column.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- spine04 lo default Mon Oct 12 22:28:12 2020 spine04 eth0 Tue Oct 13 15:59:37 2020 spine03 lo default Mon Oct 12 22:28:23 2020 spine03 eth0 Tue Oct 13 15:33:03 2020 spine02 eth0 Tue Oct 13 16:08:11 2020 spine02 lo default Mon Oct 12 22:28:30 2020 spine01 eth0 Tue Oct 13 15:47:16 2020 spine01 lo default Mon Oct 12 22:28:03 2020 server08 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:28:41 2020 server07 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:28:37 2020 server06 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:40:44 2020 server06 uplink default Mon Oct 12 22:40:44 2020 server05 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:40:40 2020 server05 uplink default Mon Oct 12 22:40:40 2020 server04 uplink default Mon Oct 12 22:40:33 2020 server04 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:40:33 2020 server03 uplink default Mon Oct 12 22:40:51 2020 server03 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:40:51 2020 server02 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:40:38 2020 server02 uplink default Mon Oct 12 22:40:38 2020 server01 eth0 default Mon Oct 12 22:40:33 2020 server01 uplink default Mon Oct 12 22:40:33 2020
Obtain a Count of IP Addresses Used on a Device
If you are concerned that a particular device an overload of addresses in use, you can quickly view the address count using the count option.
This example shows the number of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ip addresses count
Count of matching address records: 9
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ipv6 addresses count
Count of matching address records: 17
View IP Neighbor Information
You can view the IPv4 and IPv6 neighbor information for all of your devices, including the interface port, MAC address, VRF assignment, and whether it learns the MAC address from the peer (remote=yes).
Additionally, you can:
View the information at an earlier point in time
Filter against a particular device, interface, address or VRF assignment
Obtain a count of all of the addresses
Each of these provides information for troubleshooting potential configuration and communication issues at the layer 3 level.
View IP Neighbor Information for All Devices
You can view neighbor information for all devices running IPv4 or IPv6 using the netq show ip/ipv6 neighbors command.
This example shows all neighbors for devices running IPv4.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip neighbors
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ ------------------------- spine04 swp1 44:38:39:00:00:08 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 swp6 44:38:39:00:00:30 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 swp5 44:38:39:00:00:28 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d no Tue Oct 20 17:39:25 2020 spine04 swp4 44:38:39:00:00:20 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 swp3 44:38:39:00:00:18 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 swp2 44:38:39:00:00:10 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 mgmt c6:b3:15:1d:84:c4 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine04 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 spine03 swp1 44:38:39:00:00:06 default no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 swp6 44:38:39:00:00:2e default no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 swp5 44:38:39:00:00:26 default no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d no Tue Oct 20 17:25:19 2020 spine03 swp4 44:38:39:00:00:1e default no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 swp3 44:38:39:00:00:16 default no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 swp2 44:38:39:00:00:0e default no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine03 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 no Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 spine02 swp1 44:38:39:00:00:04 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine02 swp6 44:38:39:00:00:2c default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine02 swp5 44:38:39:00:00:24 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine02 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d no Tue Oct 20 17:46:35 2020 spine02 swp4 44:38:39:00:00:1c default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine02 swp3 44:38:39:00:00:14 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine02 swp2 44:38:39:00:00:0c default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020 spine01 swp1 44:38:39:00:00:02 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 spine01 swp6 44:38:39:00:00:2a default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 spine01 swp5 44:38:39:00:00:22 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 spine01 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d no Tue Oct 20 17:47:17 2020 spine01 swp4 44:38:39:00:00:1a default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 spine01 swp3 44:38:39:00:00:12 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 spine01 swp2 44:38:39:00:00:0a default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 spine01 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020 server08 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:50 2020 server08 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:50 2020
Filter IP Neighbor Information
You can filter the list of IP neighbor information to show only neighbors for a particular device, interface, address or VRF assignment.
This example shows the IPv6 neighbors for leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch$ netq leaf02 show ipv6 neighbors
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ -------------------------
ff02::16 leaf02 eth0 33:33:00:00:00:16 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32 leaf02 vlan10-v0 44:38:39:00:00:32 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf02 vlan4001 44:38:39:be:ef:aa RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3a leaf02 vlan20-v0 44:38:39:00:00:34 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
ff02::1 leaf02 mgmt 33:33:00:00:00:01 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3c leaf02 vlan30 44:38:39:00:00:36 BLUE no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59 leaf02 peerlink.4094 44:38:39:00:00:59 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59 leaf02 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:42 leaf02 vlan30-v0 44:38:39:00:00:42 BLUE no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:9 leaf02 swp51 44:38:39:00:00:09 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:3e RED yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3c leaf02 vlan30-v0 44:38:39:00:00:36 BLUE no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:32 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59 leaf02 vlan30 44:38:39:00:00:59 BLUE no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:190 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:90 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:40 leaf02 vlan20-v0 44:38:39:00:00:40 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44 leaf02 vlan10-v0 44:38:39:00:00:3e RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:3a leaf02 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:34 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:180 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:80 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:40 leaf02 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:40 RED yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:f leaf02 swp54 44:38:39:00:00:0f default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:16a leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:6a no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:d leaf02 swp53 44:38:39:00:00:0d default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:172 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:72 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:b leaf02 swp52 44:38:39:00:00:0b default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
ff02::16 leaf02 vagrant 33:33:00:00:00:16 default no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:18e leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:8e no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
ff02::1:ff00:178 leaf02 eth0 33:33:ff:00:01:78 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:186 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:86 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:17e leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:7e no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:176 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:76 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
ff02::1 leaf02 eth0 33:33:00:00:00:01 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:16e leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:6e no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:188 leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:01:88 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:6e leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6e no Tue Oct 20 17:52:17 2020
ff02::2 leaf02 eth0 33:33:00:00:00:02 no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:42 leaf02 vlan30 44:38:39:00:00:42 BLUE yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:6d leaf02 eth0 44:38:39:00:00:6d no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:febe:efaa leaf02 vlan4002 44:38:39:be:ef:aa BLUE no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
This example shows all IPv4 neighbors using the RED VRF. Note that capitalization is considered for the VRF name.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip neighbors vrf RED
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ ------------------------- leaf04 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:5d RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf04 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:5d RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020 leaf03 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:5e RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf03 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:5e RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf02 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020 leaf01 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:37 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020 leaf01 vlan20 44:38:39:00:00:37 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
This example shows all IPv6 neighbors using the vlan10 interface.
cumulus@netq-ts:~$ netq show ipv6 neighbors vlan10
Matching neighbor records:
IP Address Hostname Interface MAC Address VRF Remote Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------ -------------------------
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44 leaf04 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:3e RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5d leaf04 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:5d RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32 leaf04 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:32 RED yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44 leaf03 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:3e RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:5e leaf03 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:5e RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32 leaf03 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:32 RED yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:3e RED yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:32 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:59 leaf02 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:59 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:44 leaf01 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:3e RED yes Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:32 leaf01 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:32 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
fe80::4638:39ff:fe00:37 leaf01 vlan10 44:38:39:00:00:37 RED no Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
View IP Routes Information
You can view the IPv4 and IPv6 routes for all of your devices, including the IP address (with or without mask), the destination (by hostname) of the route, next hops available, VRF assignment, and whether a host is the owner of the route or MAC address. Additionally, you can:
View the information at an earlier point in time
Filter against a particular address or VRF assignment
Obtain a count of all of the routes
Each of these provides information for troubleshooting potential configuration and communication issues at the layer 3 level.
View IP Routes for All Devices
This example shows the IPv4 and IPv6 routes for all devices in the network.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip routes
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF Prefix Hostname Nexthops Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
no default spine04 swp3, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp4
no default spine04 swp3, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp4
no default spine04 swp3, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp4
no default spine04 swp1, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp2
no default spine04 swp1, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp2
yes spine04 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
yes spine04 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
no default spine04 swp1, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp2
yes default spine04 lo Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
no spine04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
no default spine04 swp5, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp6
no default spine04 swp5, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp6
no default spine04 swp5, Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020 swp6
no default spine03 swp3, Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 swp4
no default spine03 swp3, Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 swp4
no default spine03 swp3, Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 swp4
no default spine03 swp1, Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 swp2
no default spine03 swp1, Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020 swp2
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ipv6 routes
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF Prefix Hostname Nexthops Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
no ::/0 spine04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
no ::/0 spine03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
no ::/0 spine02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020
no ::/0 spine01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
no RED ::/0 leaf04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
no ::/0 leaf04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
no BLUE ::/0 leaf04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
no RED ::/0 leaf03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
no ::/0 leaf03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
no BLUE ::/0 leaf03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
no RED ::/0 leaf02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
no ::/0 leaf02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
no BLUE ::/0 leaf02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
no RED ::/0 leaf01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no ::/0 leaf01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no BLUE ::/0 leaf01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no ::/0 fw2 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no ::/0 fw1 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020
no RED ::/0 border02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
no ::/0 border02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
no BLUE ::/0 border02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
no RED ::/0 border01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
no ::/0 border01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
no BLUE ::/0 border01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
Filter IP Route Information
You can filter the IP route information listing for a particular device, interface address, VRF assignment or route origination.
This example shows the routes available for an IP address of The result shows nine available routes.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ip routes
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF Prefix Hostname Nexthops Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
no spine04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:23 2020
no spine03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:29:01 2020
no spine02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:46 2020
no spine01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
no default server08 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:50 2020
no default server07 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:43 2020
no default server06 uplink Mon Oct 19 22:40:52 2020
no default server05 uplink Mon Oct 19 22:41:08 2020
no default server04 uplink Mon Oct 19 22:40:45 2020
no default server03 uplink Mon Oct 19 22:41:04 2020
no default server02 uplink Mon Oct 19 22:41:00 2020
no default server01 uplink Mon Oct 19 22:40:36 2020
no default oob-mgmt-server vagrant Mon Oct 19 22:28:20 2020
no BLUE leaf04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
no leaf04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
no RED leaf04 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:47 2020
no BLUE leaf03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
no leaf03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
no RED leaf03 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:18 2020
no BLUE leaf02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
no leaf02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
no RED leaf02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:30 2020
no BLUE leaf01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no leaf01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no RED leaf01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no fw2 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:22 2020
no fw1 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:10 2020
no BLUE border02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
no border02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
no RED border02 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:38 2020
no BLUE border01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
no border01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
no RED border01 Blackhole Mon Oct 19 22:28:34 2020
This example shows all of the IPv4 routes owned by spine01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show ip routes origin
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF Prefix Hostname Nexthops Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
yes spine01 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
yes spine01 eth0 Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
yes default spine01 lo Mon Oct 19 22:28:48 2020
View IP Routes for a Given Device at a Prior Time
As with most NetQ CLI commands, you can view a characteristic for a time in the past. The same is true with IP routes.
This example show the IPv4 routes for spine01 switch about 24 hours ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show ip routes around 24h
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF Prefix Hostname Nexthops Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
no default spine01 swp3, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp4
no default spine01 swp3, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp4
no default spine01 swp3, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp4
no default spine01 swp1, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp2
no default spine01 swp1, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp2
yes spine01 eth0 Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020
yes spine01 eth0 Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020
no default spine01 swp1, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp2
yes default spine01 lo Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020
no spine01 Blackhole Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020
no default spine01 swp5, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp6
no default spine01 swp5, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp6
no default spine01 swp5, Sun Oct 18 22:28:41 2020 swp6
View the Number of IP Routes
You can view the total number of IP routes on all devices or for those on a particular device.
This example shows the total number of IPv4 and IPv6 routes for all devices on a the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ip routes count
Count of matching routes records: 27
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ipv6 routes count
Count of matching routes records: 3
View the History of an IP Address
It is useful when debugging to be able to see when the IP address configuration changed for an interface. The netq show address-history command makes this information available. It enables you to see:
each change that was made chronologically
changes made between two points in time, using the between option
only the difference between to points in time using the diff option
to order the output by selected output fields using the listby option
each change that was made for the IP address on a particular interface, using the ifname option
And as with many NetQ commands, the default time range used is now to one hour ago. You can view the output in JSON format as well.
The syntax of the command is:
netq [<hostname>] show address-history <text-prefix> [ifname <text-ifname>] [vrf <text-vrf>] [diff] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [listby <text-list-by>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
This example shows how to view a full chronology of changes for an IP address. If a caret (^) notation appeared, it would indicate that there was no change in this value from the row above.
This example shows how to view the history of an IP address by hostname. If a caret (^) notation appeared, it would indicate that there was no change in this value from the row above.
This example shows how to view the history of an IP address between now and two hours ago. If a caret (^) notation appeared, it would indicate that there was no change in this value from the row above.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show address-history between 2h and now
Matching addresshistory records:
Last Changed Hostname Ifname Prefix Mask Vrf
------------------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------------------------ -------- ---------------
Tue Sep 29 15:35:21 2020 leaf03 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 15:35:24 2020 leaf01 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 17:24:59 2020 leaf03 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 17:24:59 2020 leaf01 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 17:25:05 2020 leaf03 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 17:25:05 2020 leaf01 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 17:25:07 2020 leaf03 vlan10 24 RED
Tue Sep 29 17:25:08 2020 leaf01 vlan10 24 RED
View the Neighbor History for an IP Address
It is useful when debugging to be able to see when the neighbor configuration changed for an IP address. The netq show neighbor-history command makes this information available. It enables you to see:
each change that was made chronologically
changes made between two points in time, using the between option
only the difference between to points in time using the diff option
to order the output by selected output fields using the listby option
each change that was made for the IP address on a particular interface, using the ifname option
And as with many NetQ commands, the default time range used is now to one hour ago. You can view the output in JSON format as well.
The syntax of the command is:
netq [<hostname>] show neighbor-history <text-ipaddress> [ifname <text-ifname>] [diff] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [listby <text-list-by>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
This example shows how to view a full chronology of changes for an IP address neighbor. If a caret (^) notation appeared, it would indicate that there was no change in this value from the row above.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show neighbor-history
Matching neighborhistory records:
Last Changed Hostname Ifname Vrf Remote Ifindex Mac Address Ipv6 Ip Address
------------------------- ----------------- ------------ --------------- ------ -------------- ------------------ -------- -------------------------
Tue Sep 29 17:25:08 2020 leaf02 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:59 no
Tue Sep 29 17:25:17 2020 leaf04 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:5d no
This example shows how to view the history of an IP address neighbor by hostname. If a caret (^) notation appeared, it would indicate that there was no change in this value from the row above.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show neighbor-history listby hostname
Matching neighborhistory records:
Last Changed Hostname Ifname Vrf Remote Ifindex Mac Address Ipv6 Ip Address
------------------------- ----------------- ------------ --------------- ------ -------------- ------------------ -------- -------------------------
Tue Sep 29 17:25:08 2020 leaf02 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:59 no
Tue Sep 29 17:25:17 2020 leaf04 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:5d no
This example shows show to view the history of an IP address neighbor between now and two hours ago. If a caret (^) notation appeared, it would indicate that there was no change in this value from the row above.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show neighbor-history between 2h and now
Matching neighborhistory records:
Last Changed Hostname Ifname Vrf Remote Ifindex Mac Address Ipv6 Ip Address
------------------------- ----------------- ------------ --------------- ------ -------------- ------------------ -------- -------------------------
Tue Sep 29 15:35:18 2020 leaf02 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:59 no
Tue Sep 29 15:35:22 2020 leaf04 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:5d no
Tue Sep 29 17:25:00 2020 leaf02 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:59 no
Tue Sep 29 17:25:08 2020 leaf04 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:5d no
Tue Sep 29 17:25:08 2020 leaf02 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:59 no
Tue Sep 29 17:25:14 2020 leaf04 vlan10 RED no 24 44:38:39:00:00:5d no
Monitor the BGP Service
BGP is the routing protocol that runs the Internet. It is an increasingly popular protocol for use in the data center as it lends itself well to the rich interconnections in a Clos topology. Specifically, BGP:
Does not require the routing state to be periodically refreshed, unlike OSPF.
Is less chatty than its link-state siblings. For example, a link or node transition can result in a bestpath change, causing BGP to send updates.
Is multi-protocol and extensible.
Has many robust vendor implementations.
Is very mature as a protocol and comes with many years of operational experience.
RFC 7938 provides further details of the use of BGP within the data center. For an overview and how to configure BGP to run in your data center network, refer to Border Gateway Protocol - BGP.
NetQ enables operators to view the health of the BGP service on a networkwide or per session basis, giving greater insight into all aspects of the service. This is accomplished in the NetQ UI through two card workflows, one for the service and one for the session and in the NetQ CLI with the netq show bgp command.
Monitor the BGP Service Networkwide
With NetQ, you can monitor BGP performance across the network:
Network Services|All BGP Sessions
Small: view number of nodes running BGP service and distribution and number of alarms
Medium: view number and distribution of nodes running BGP service, alarms, and with unestablished sessions
Large: view number and distribution of nodes running BGP service and those with unestablished sessions, and view nodes with the most established and unestablished BGP sessions
Full-screen: view all switches, all sessions, and all alarms
netq show bgp command: view associated neighbors, ASN (autonomous system number), peer ASN, receive IP or EVPN address prefixes, and VRF assignment for each node
When entering a time value in the netq show bgp command, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View Service Status Summary
You can view a summary of BGP service with the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view the summary, open the small Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
To view the summary, run netq show bgp.
This example shows each node, their neighbor, VRF, ASN, Peer ASN, Address Prefix, and last time this was changed.
It is useful to know the number of network nodes running the BGP protocol over a period of time, as it gives you insight into the amount of traffic associated with and breadth of use of the protocol.
It is also useful to compare the number of nodes running BGP with unestablished sessions with the alarms present at the same time to determine if there is any correlation between the issues and the ability to establish a BGP session. This is visible with the NetQ UI.
To view these distributions, open the medium Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
In this example, we see that 10 nodes are running the BGP protocol, there are no nodes with unestablished sessions, and that 54 LLDP-related alarms have occurred in the last 24 hours. If a visual correlation between the alarms and unestablished sessions is apparent, you can dig a little deeper with the large Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
To view the number of switches running the BGP service, run:
netq show bgp
Count the switches in the output.
This example shows two border switches, four leaf switches, and four spine switches are running the BGP service, for a total of 10.
You can view the load from BGP on your switches and hosts using the large Network Services|All BGP Sessions card or the NetQ CLI. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most BGP sessions currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most BGP sessions:
Open the large Network Services|ALL BGP Sessions card.
Select Switches With Most Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most BGP sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large BGP Service card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the original time. We chose Past Week for this example.
You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time and the original time. If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running BGP than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most sessions, run netq show bgp. Then count the sessions on each device.
In this example, border01-02 and leaf01-04 each have four sessions. The spine01-04 switches each have five sessions. Therefore the spine switches have the most sessions.
View Devices with the Most Unestablished BGP Sessions
You can identify switches and hosts that are experiencing difficulties establishing BGP sessions; both currently and in the past, using the NetQ UI.
To view switches with the most unestablished BGP sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most unestablished BGP sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest unestablished sessions.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a couple of options
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time.
If the same switches are consistently indicating the most unestablished sessions, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow to determine probable causes. Refer to Monitor Switch Performance.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all BGP sessions with events in the full screen card.
View BGP Configuration Information for a Given Device
You can view the BGP configuration information for a given device from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Click to filter by hostname.
Click Apply.
Run the netq show bgp command with the hostname option.
This example shows the BGP configuration information for the spine02
switch. The switch is peered with swp1 on leaf01, swp2 on leaf02, and so
on. Spine02 has an ASN of 65199 and each of the peers have unique ASNs.
View BGP Configuration Information for a Given ASN
You can view the BGP configuration information for a given ASN from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Locate the ASN column.
You may want to pause the auto-refresh feature during this process to avoid the page update while you are browsing the data.
Click the header to sort on that column.
Scroll down as needed to find the devices using the ASN of interest.
Run the netq show bgp command with the asn <number-asn> option.
This example shows the BGP configuration information for ASN of
65102. This ASN is associated with leaf02-leaf04 and so the results show
the BGP neighbors for those switches.
Switches or hosts experiencing a large number of BGP alarms may indicate a configuration or performance issue that needs further investigation. You can view this information using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
With the NetQ UI, you can view the devices sorted by the number of BGP alarms and then use the Switches card workflow or the Events|Alarms card workflow to gather more information about possible causes for the alarms.
To view switches with the most BGP alarms:
Open the large Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Hover over the header and click .
Select Switches with Most Alarms from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most BGP alarms at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest alarms.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all BGP sessions with events in the full-screen card.
To view the switches and hosts with the most BGP alarms and informational events, run the netq show events command with the type option set to bgp, and optionally the between option set to display the events within a given time range. Count the events associated with each switch.
This example shows all BGP events between now and five days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type bgp between now and 5d
Matching bgp records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------ -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine01 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine02 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine03 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine01 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine03 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine02 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine03 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine02 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine01 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
View All BGP Events
The Network Services|All BGP Sessions card workflow and the netq show events type bgp command enable you to view all of the BGP events in a designated time period.
To view all BGP events:
Open the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Click All Alarms tab in the navigation panel.
By default, events are listed in most recent to least recent order.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a couple of options include:
Sort on various parameters:
by Message to determine the frequency of particular events
by Severity to determine the most critical events
by Time to find events that may have occurred at a particular time to try to correlate them with other system events
Open one of the other full screen tabs in this flow to focus on devices or sessions
Export the data for use in another analytics tool, by clicking and providing a name for the data file.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
To view all BGP alarms, run:
netq show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type bgp [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Use the level option to set the severity of the events to show. Use the between option to show events within a given time range.
This example shows informational BGP events in the past five days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type bgp between now and 5d
Matching bgp records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------ -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine01 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine02 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine03 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine01 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine03 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine02 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine03 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine02 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
leaf01 bgp info BGP session with peer spine01 @desc 2h:10m:11s
: state changed from failed to esta
View Details for All Devices Running BGP
You can view all stored attributes of all switches and hosts running BGP in your network in the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card in the NetQ UI.
To view all device details, open the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card and click the All Switches tab.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
View Details for All BGP Sessions
You can view attributes of all BGP sessions in your network with the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view all session details, open the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card and click the All Sessions tab.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
To view session details, run netq show bgp.
This example shows all current sessions (one per row) and the attributes associated with them.
With NetQ, you can monitor a single session of the BGP service, view session state changes, and compare with alarms occurring at the same time, as well as monitor the running BGP configuration and changes to the configuration file. For an overview and how to configure BGP to run in your data center network, refer to Border Gateway Protocol - BGP.
To access the single session cards, you must open the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card, click the All Sessions tab, select the desired session, then click (Open Card).
Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period
On the medium and large single BGP session cards, the status of the sessions is represented in heat maps stacked vertically; one for established sessions, and one for unestablished sessions. Depending on the time period of data on the card, the number of smaller time blocks used to indicate the status varies. A vertical stack of time blocks, one from each map, includes the results from all checks during that time. The results are shown by how saturated the color is for each block. If all sessions during that time period were established for the entire time block, then the top block is 100% saturated (white) and the not established block is zero percent saturated (gray). As sessions that are not established increase in saturation, the sessions that are established block is proportionally reduced in saturation. An example heat map for a time period of 24 hours is shown here with the most common time periods in the table showing the resulting time blocks.
Time Period
Number of Runs
Number Time Blocks
Amount of Time in Each Block
6 hours
1 hour
12 hours
1 hour
24 hours
1 hour
1 week
1 day
1 month
1 day
1 quarter
1 week
View Session Status Summary
You can view information about a given BGP session using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
A summary of a BGP session is available from the Network Services|BGP Session card workflow, showing the node and its peer and current status.
To view the summary:
Open or add the Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|BGP Session card.
Optionally, switch to the small Network Services|BGP Session card.
Run the netq show bgp command with the bgp-session option.
This example first shows the available sessions, then the information for the BGP session on swp51 of spine01.
cumulus@switch~$ netq show bgp <tab>
around : Go back in time to around ...
asn : BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN)
json : Provide output in JSON
peerlink.4094 : peerlink.4094
swp1 : swp1
swp2 : swp2
swp3 : swp3
swp4 : swp4
swp5 : swp5
swp6 : swp6
swp51 : swp51
swp52 : swp52
swp53 : swp53
swp54 : swp54
vrf : VRF
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show bgp swp51
Matching bgp records:
Hostname Neighbor VRF ASN Peer ASN PfxRx Last Changed
----------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ -------------------------
border01 swp51(spine01) default 65132 65199 7/-/72 Fri Oct 2 22:39:00 2020
border02 swp51(spine01) default 65132 65199 7/-/72 Fri Oct 2 22:39:00 2020
leaf01 swp51(spine01) default 65101 65199 7/-/36 Fri Oct 2 22:39:00 2020
leaf02 swp51(spine01) default 65101 65199 7/-/36 Fri Oct 2 22:39:00 2020
leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65102 65199 7/-/36 Fri Oct 2 22:39:00 2020
leaf04 swp51(spine01) default 65102 65199 7/-/36 Fri Oct 2 22:39:00 2020
View BGP Session State Changes
You can view the state of a given BGP session from the medium and large Network Service|All BGP Sessions card in the NetQ UI. For a given time period, you can determine the stability of the BGP session between two devices. If you experienced connectivity issues at a particular time, you can use these cards to help verify the state of the session. If it was not established more than it was established, you can then investigate further into possible causes.
To view the state transitions for a given BGP session, on the medium BGP Session card:
Open or add the Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|BGP Session card.
The heat map indicates the status of the session over the designated time period. In this example, the session has been established for the entire time period.
From this card, you can also view the Peer ASN, name, hostname and router id identifying the session in more detail.
To view the state transitions for a given BGP session on the large BGP Session card:
Open a Network Services|BGP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
From this card, you can view the alarm and info event counts, Peer ASN, hostname, and router id, VRF, and Tx/Rx families identifying the session in more detail. The Connection Drop Count gives you a sense of the session performance.
View Changes to the BGP Service Configuration File
Each time a change is made to the configuration file for the BGP service, NetQ logs the change and enables you to compare it with the last version using the NetQ UI. This can be useful when you are troubleshooting potential causes for alarms or sessions losing their connections.
To view the configuration file changes:
Open or add the Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|BGP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over the card and click to open the BGP Configuration File Evolution tab.
Select the time of interest on the left; when a change may have impacted the performance. Scroll down if needed.
Choose between the File view and the Diff view (selected option is dark; File by default).
The File view displays the content of the file for you to review.
The Diff view displays the changes between this version (on left) and the most recent version (on right) side by side. The changes are highlighted, as seen in this example.
View All BGP Session Details
You can view attributes of all of the BGP sessions for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
To view all session details:
Open or add the Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|BGP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
Run the netq show bgp command with the bgp-session option.
This example shows all BGP sessions associated with swp4.
You can view all of the alarm and info events for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI.
To view all events:
Open or add the Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Locate the medium Network Services|BGP Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Events tab.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
Monitor the OSPF Service
OSPF maintains the view of the network topology conceptually as a directed graph. Each router represents a vertex in the graph. Each link between neighboring routers represents a unidirectional edge and has an associated weight (called cost) that is either automatically derived from its bandwidth or administratively assigned. Using the weighted topology graph, each router computes a shortest path tree (SPT) with itself as the root, and applies the results to build its forwarding table. For more information about OSPF operation and how to configure OSPF to run in your data center network, refer to Open Shortest Path First - OSPF or Open Shortest Path First v3 - OSPFv3.
If you have OSPF running on your switches and hosts, NetQ enables you to view the health of the OSPF service on a networkwide and a per session basis, giving greater insight into all aspects of the service. For each device, you can view its associated interfaces, areas, peers, state, and type of OSPF running (numbered or unnumbered). Additionally, you can view the information at an earlier point in time and filter against a particular device, interface, or area.
This is accomplished in the NetQ UI through two card workflows, one for the service and one for the session, and in the NetQ CLI with the netq show ospf command.
Monitor the OSPF Service Networkwide
With NetQ, you can monitor OSPF performance across the network:
Network Services|All OSPF Sessions
Small: view number of nodes running OSPF service and number and distribution of alarms
Medium: view number and distribution of nodes running OSPF service, total sessions, unestablished sessions, and alarms
Large: view number and distribution of nodes running OSPF service, total sessions, unestablished sessions, and alarms, switches with the most established sessions/alarms
Full-screen: view and filter configuration and status for all switches, all sessions, and all alarms
netq show ospf command: view configuration and status for all devices, including interface, area, type, state, peer hostname and interface, and last time a change was made for each device
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View Service Status Summary
You can view a summary of the OSPF service from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view the summary, open the Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card. In this example, the number of devices running the OSPF service is nine (9) and the number and distribution of related critical severity alarms is zero (0).
To view OSPF service status, run:
netq show ospf
This example shows all devices included in OSPF unnumbered routing, the assigned areas, state, peer and interface, and the last time this information was changed.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ospf
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf01 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
View the Distribution of Sessions
It is useful to know the number of network nodes running the OSPF protocol over a period of time, as it gives you insight into the amount of traffic associated with and breadth of use of the protocol. It is also useful to view the health of the sessions.
To view these distributions, open the medium Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card. In this example, there are nine nodes running the service with a total of 40 sessions. This has not changed over the past 24 hours.
To view the number of switches running the OSPF service, run:
netq show ospf
Count the switches in the output.
This example shows four leaf switches and two spine switches are running the OSPF service, for a total of six switches.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ospf
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf01 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
To compare this count with the count at another time, run the netq show ospf command with the around option. Count the devices running OSPF at that time. Repeat with another time to collect a picture of changes over time.
View Devices with the Most OSPF Sessions
You can view the load from OSPF on your switches and hosts using the large Network Services card. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most OSPF traffic currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most OSPF sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most OSPF sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large OSPF Service card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the original time. We chose Past Week for this example.
You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time and the original time. If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running OSPF than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most sessions, run netq show ospf. Then count the sessions on each device.
In this example, the leaf01-04 switches each have two sessions and the spine01-02 switches have four session each. Therefore the spine switches have the most sessions.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ospf
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf01 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
View Devices with the Most Unestablished OSPF Sessions
You can identify switches and hosts that are experiencing difficulties establishing OSPF sessions; both currently and in the past using the NetQ UI.
To view switches with the most unestablished OSPF sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most unestablished OSPF sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest unestablished sessions.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a couple of options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time.
If the same switches are consistently indicating the most unestablished sessions, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow to determine probable causes. Refer to Monitor Switch Performance.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all OSPF sessions with events in the full screen card.
View Devices with the Most OSPF-related Alarms
Switches or hosts experiencing a large number of OSPF alarms may indicate a configuration or performance issue that needs further investigation. You can view the devices sorted by the number of OSPF alarms and then use the Switches card workflow or the Alarms card workflow to gather more information about possible causes for the alarms. Compare the number of nodes running OSPF with unestablished sessions with the alarms present at the same time to determine if there is any correlation between the issues and the ability to establish an OSPF session.
To view switches with the most OSPF alarms:
Open the large OSPF Service card.
Hover over the header and click .
Select Switches with Most Alarms from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most OSPF alarms at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest alarms.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all OSPF sessions with events in the full screen card.
View All OSPF Events
You can view all of the OSPF-related events in the network using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
The Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card enables you to view all of the OSPF events in the designated time period.
To view all OSPF events:
Open the full-screen Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Click All Alarms in the navigation panel. By default, events are listed in most recent to least recent order.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a couple of options include:
Open one of the other full-screen tabs in this flow to focus on devices or sessions.
Export the data for use in another analytics tool, by clicking and providing a name for the data file.
To view OSPF events, run:
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type ospf [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
For example:
To view all OSPF events, run netq show events type ospf.
To view only critical OSPF events, run netq show events level critical type ospf.
To view all OSPF events in the past three days, run netq show events type ospf between now and 3d.
View Details for All Devices Running OSPF
You can view all stored attributes of all switches and hosts running OSPF in your network in the full screen card.
To view all device details, open the full screen OSPF Service card and click the All Switches tab.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
View Details for All OSPF Sessions
You can view all stored attributes of all OSPF sessions in your network with the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To view all session details, open the full screen Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card and click the All Sessions tab.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail. To return to original display of results, click the associated tab.
To view session details, run netq show ospf.
This example show all current sessions and the attributes associated with them.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ospf
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf01 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
Monitor a Single OSPF Session
With NetQ, you can monitor the performance of a single OSPF session using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Network Services|OSPF Session
Small: view devices participating in the session and summary status
Medium: view devices participating in the session, summary status, session state changes, and key identifiers of the session
Large: view devices participating in the session, summary status, session state changes, event distribution and counts, attributes of the session, and the running OSPF configuration and changes to the configuration file
Full-screen: view all session attributes and all events
netq <hostname> show ospf command: view configuration and status for session by hostname, including interface, area, type, state, peer hostname, peer interface, and the last time this information changed
To access the single session cards, you must open the full screen Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card, click the All Sessions tab, select the desired session, then click (Open Card).
Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period
On the medium and large single OSPF session cards, the status of the sessions is represented in heat maps stacked vertically; one for established sessions, and one for unestablished sessions. Depending on the time period of data on the card, the number of smaller time blocks used to indicate the status varies. A vertical stack of time blocks, one from each map, includes the results from all checks during that time. The results are shown by how saturated the color is for each block. If all sessions during that time period were established for the entire time block, then the top block is 100% saturated (white) and the not established block is zero percent saturated (gray). As sessions that are not established increase in saturation, the sessions that are established block is proportionally reduced in saturation. An example heat map for a time period of 24 hours is shown here with the most common time periods in the table showing the resulting time blocks.
Time Period
Number of Runs
Number Time Blocks
Amount of Time in Each Block
6 hours
1 hour
12 hours
1 hour
24 hours
1 hour
1 week
1 day
1 month
1 day
1 quarter
1 week
View Session Status Summary
You can view a summary of a given OSPF session from the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view the summary:
Open the Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
Optionally, switch to the small OSPF Session card.
To view a session summary, run:
netq <hostname> show ospf [<remote-interface>] [area <area-id>] [around <text-time>] [json]
remote-interface specifies the interface on host node
area filters for sessions occurring in a designated OSPF area
around shows status at a time in the past
json outputs the results in JSON format
This example show OSPF sessions on the leaf01 switch:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ospf
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf01 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
This example shows OSPF sessions for all devices using the swp51 interface on the host node.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ospf swp51
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
View OSPF Session State Changes
You can view the state of a given OSPF session from the medium and large Network Service|All OSPF Sessions card. For a given time period, you can determine the stability of the OSPF session between two devices. If you experienced connectivity issues at a particular time, you can use these cards to help verify the state of the session. If it was not established more than it was established, you can then investigate further into possible causes.
To view the state transitions for a given OSPF session, on the medium OSPF Session card:
Open the Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest. The full-screen card closes automatically.
The heat map indicates the status of the session over the designated time period. In this example, the session has been established for the entire time period.
From this card, you can also view the interface name, peer address, and peer id identifying the session in more detail.
To view the state transitions for a given OSPF session on the large OSPF Session card:
Open a Network Services|OSPF Session card.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
From this card, you can view the alarm and info event counts, interface name, peer address and peer id, state, and several other parameters identifying the session in more detail.
View Changes to the OSPF Service Configuration File
Each time a change is made to the configuration file for the OSPF service, NetQ logs the change and enables you to compare it with the last version using the NetQ UI. This can be useful when you are troubleshooting potential causes for alarms or sessions losing their connections.
To view the configuration file changes:
Open or add the Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest. The full-screen card closes automatically.
Hover over the card, and change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over the card and click to open the Configuration File Evolution tab.
Select the time of interest on the left; when a change may have impacted the performance. Scroll down if needed.
Choose between the File view and the Diff view (selected option is dark; File by default).
The File view displays the content of the file for you to review.
The Diff view displays the changes between this version (on left) and the most recent version (on right) side by side. The changes are highlighted in red and green. In this example, we don’t have a change to highlight, so it shows the same file on both sides.
View All OSPF Session Details
You can view attributes of all of the OSPF sessions for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
To view all session details:
Open or add the Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest. The full-screen card closes automatically.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
Run the netq show ospf command.
This example shows all OSPF sessions. Filter by remote interface or area to narrow the listing. Scroll until you find the session of interest.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ospf
Matching ospf records:
Hostname Interface Area Type State Peer Hostname Peer Interface Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf01 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp1 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf02 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp2 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf03 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp3 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp51 Unnumbered Full spine01 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
leaf04 swp52 Unnumbered Full spine02 swp4 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine01 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp51 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp1 Unnumbered Full leaf01 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp2 Unnumbered Full leaf02 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp3 Unnumbered Full leaf03 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
spine02 swp4 Unnumbered Full leaf04 swp52 Thu Feb 7 14:42:16 2019
View All Events for a Given Session
You can view all of the alarm and info events for the devices participating in a given session with the NetQ UI.
To view all events:
Open or add the Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
Switch to the full-screen card.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest. The full-screen card closes automatically.
Hover over the card, and change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Events tab.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right corner.
Monitor Virtual Network Overlays
Cumulus Linux supports network virtualization with EVPN and VXLANs. For more detail about what and how network virtualization is supported, refer to the Cumulus Linux topic. For information about monitoring EVPN and VXLANs with NetQ, continue with the topics here.
Monitor the EVPN Service
EVPN (Ethernet Virtual Private Network) enables network administrators in the data center to deploy a virtual layer 2 bridge overlay on top of layer 3 IP networks creating access, or tunnel, between two locations. This connects devices in different layer 2 domains or sites running VXLANs and their associated underlays. For an overview and how to configure EVPN in your data center network, refer to Ethernet Virtual Private Network-EVPN.
Cumulus NetQ enables operators to view the health of the EVPN service on a networkwide and a per session basis, giving greater insight into all aspects of the service. This is accomplished through two card workflows, one for the service and one for the session and in the NetQ CLI with the netq show evpn command.
Monitor the EVPN Service Networkwide
With NetQ, you can monitor EVPN performance across the network:
Network Services|All EVPN Sessions
Small: view number of nodes running EVPN service and number of alarms
Medium: view number of nodes running EVPN service, number of sessions, and number of alarms
Large: view number of nodes running EVPN service, number of sessions, number of VNIs, switches with the most sessions, and alarms
Full-screen: view all switches, all sessions, and all alarms
netq show evpn command: view configuration and status for all devices, including associated VNI, VTEP address, import and export route (showing BGP ASN and VNI path), and last time a change was made for each device running EVPN
When entering a time value in the netq show lldp command, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View Service Status Summary
You can view a summary of the EVPN service from the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Open the small Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card. In this example, the number of devices running the EVPN service is six (6) and the number and distribution of related critical severity alarms is zero (0).
To view EVPN service status, run:
netq show evpn
This example shows the Cumulus reference topology, where EVPN runs on all border and leaf switches. Each session is represented by a single row.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
View the Distribution of Sessions and Alarms
It is useful to know the number of network nodes running the EVPN protocol over a period of time, as it gives you insight into the amount of traffic associated with and breadth of use of the protocol.
It is also useful to compare the number of nodes running EVPN with the alarms present at the same time to determine if there is any correlation between the issues and the ability to establish an EVPN session. This is visible with the NetQ UI.
Open the medium Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card. In this example there are no alarms, but there are three (3) VNIs.
If a visual correlation is apparent, you can dig a little deeper with the large card tabs.
To view the number of switches running the EVPN service, run:
netq show evpn
Count the switches in the output.
This example shows two border switches and four leaf switches are running the EVPN service, for a total of six (6).
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
To compare this count with the count at another time, run the netq show evpn command with the around option. Count the devices running EVPN at that time. Repeat with another time to collect a picture of changes over time.
View the Distribution of Layer 3 VNIs
It is useful to know the number sessions between devices and VNIs that are occurring over layer 3, as it gives you insight into the complexity of the VXLAN.
To view this distribution, open the large Network Services|All EVPN Services card and view the bottom chart on the left. In this example, there are 12 layer 3 EVPN sessions running on the three VNIs.
To view the distribution of switches running layer 3 VNIs, run:
netq show evpn
Count the switches using layer 3 VNIs (shown in the VNI and Type columns). Compare that to the total number of VNIs (count these from the VNI column) to determine the ratio of layer 3 versus the total VNIs.
This example shows two (2) layer 3 VNIs (4001 and 4002) and a total of five (5) VNIs (4001, 4002, 10, 20, 30). This then gives a distribution of 2/5 of the total, or 40%.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
View Devices with the Most EVPN Sessions
You can view the load from EVPN on your switches and hosts using the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card or the NetQ CLI. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most EVPN traffic currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most EVPN sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Select Top Switches with Most Sessions from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most EVPN sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the current time.
You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time period and the previous time period.
You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time and the original time. If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running EVPN than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most sessions, run netq show evpn. Then count the sessions on each device.
In this example, border01 and border02 each have 2 sessions. The leaf01-04 switches each have 5 sessions. Therefore the leaf switches have the most sessions.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
To compare this with a time in the past, run netq show evpn .
In this example, there are significant changes from the output above, indicating a significant reconfiguration.
You can view the number layer 2 EVPN sessions on your switches and hosts using the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card and the NetQ CLI. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most EVPN traffic currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most layer 2 EVPN sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most L2 EVPN from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most layer 2 EVPN sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the current time.
You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time period and the previous time period.
If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running EVPN than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most layer 2 EVPN sessions, run netq show evpn, then count the layer 2 sessions.
In this example, border01 and border02 have no layer 2 sessions. The leaf01-04 switches each have three layer 2 sessions. Therefore the leaf switches have the most layer 2 sessions.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
To compare this with a time in the past, run netq show evpn around.
In this example, border01 and border02 each have three layer 2 sessions. Leaf01-04 also have three layer 2 sessions. Therefore no switch has any more layer 2 sessions than any other running the EVPN service 14 days ago.
You can view the number layer 3 EVPN sessions on your switches and hosts using the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card and the NetQ CLI. This data enables you to see which switches are handling the most EVPN traffic currently, validate that is what is expected based on your network design, and compare that with data from an earlier time to look for any differences.
To view switches and hosts with the most layer 3 EVPN sessions:
Open the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Select Switches with Most L3 EVPN from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes running the most layer 3 EVPN sessions at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest sessions.
To compare this data with the same data at a previous time:
Open another large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Move the new card next to the original card if needed.
Change the time period for the data on the new card by hovering over the card and clicking .
Select the time period that you want to compare with the current time.
You can now see whether there are significant differences between this time period and the previous time period.
If the changes are unexpected, you can investigate further by looking at another timeframe, determining if more nodes are now running EVPN than previously, looking for changes in the topology, and so forth.
To determine the devices with the most layer 3 EVPN sessions, run netq show evpn, then count the layer 3 sessions.
In this example, border01 and border02 each have two layer 3 sessions. The leaf01-04 switches also each have two layer 3 sessions. Therefore there is no particular switch that has the most layer 3 sessions.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
To compare this with a time in the past, run netq show evpn around.
In this example, border01 and border02 each have two layer 3 sessions. Leaf01-04 also have two layer 3 sessions. Therefore no switch has any more layer 3 sessions than any other running the EVPN service 14 days ago.
You can view the status of the EVPN service on a single VNI using the full-screen Network Services|All Sessions card or the NetQ CLI.
Open the full-screen Network Services|All Sessions card.
Sort the table based on the VNI column.
Page forward and backward to find the VNI of interest and then view the status of the service for that VNI.
Use the vni option with the netq show evpn command to filter the result for a specific VNI.
This example only shows the EVPN configuration and status for VNI 4001.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn vni 4001
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Mon Oct 12 03:45:45 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Mon Oct 12 03:45:11 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Mon Oct 12 03:46:15 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Mon Oct 12 03:44:18 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Mon Oct 12 03:48:22 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Mon Oct 12 03:47:47 2020
View Devices with the Most EVPN-related Alarms
Switches experiencing a large number of EVPN alarms may indicate a configuration or performance issue that needs further investigation. You can view the switches sorted by the number of EVPN alarms and then use the Switches card workflow or the Events|Alarms card workflow to gather more information about possible causes for the alarms.
You can view the switches sorted by the number of EVPN alarms and then use the Switches card workflow or the Events|Alarms card workflow to gather more information about possible causes for the alarms.
To view switches with the most EVPN alarms:
Open the large Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Hover over the header and click .
Select Events by Most Active Device from the filter above the table.
The table content is sorted by this characteristic, listing nodes with the most EVPN alarms at the top. Scroll down to view those with the fewest alarms.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Hover over the Total Alarms chart to focus on the switches exhibiting alarms during that smaller time slice. The table content changes to match the hovered content. Click on the chart to persist the table changes.
Change the time period for the data to compare with a prior time. If the same switches are consistently indicating the most alarms, you might want to look more carefully at those switches using the Switches card workflow.
Click Show All Sessions to investigate all EVPN sessions networkwide in the full screen card.
To view the switches with the most EVPN alarms and informational events, run the netq show events command with the type option set to evpn, and optionally the between option set to display the events within a given time range. Count the events associated with each switch.
In this example, all EVPN events in the last 24 hours are displayed:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type evpn
No matching event records found
This example shows all EVPN events between now and 30 days ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type evpn between now and 30d
No matching event records found
View All EVPN Events
The Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card workflow and the netq show events type evpn command enable you to view all of the EVPN events in a designated time period.
To view all EVPN events:
Open the full screen Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Click All Alarms tab in the navigation panel. By default, events are sorted by Time, with most recent events listed first.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options
Open one of the other full screen tabs in this flow to focus on devices or sessions.
Sort by the Message or Severity to narrow your focus.
Export the data for use in another analytics tool, by selecting all or some of the events and clicking .
Click at the top right to return to your workbench.
To view all EVPN alarms, run:
netq show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type evpn [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
Use the level option to set the severity of the events to show. Use the between option to show events within a given time range.
This example shows critical EVPN events in the past three days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events level critical type evpn between now and 3d
View Details for All Devices Running EVPN
You can view all stored attributes of all switches running EVPN in your network in the full screen card.
To view all switch and host details, open the full screen EVPN Service card, and click the All Switches tab.
To return to your workbench, click at the top right.
View Details for All EVPN Sessions
You can view attributes of all EVPN sessions in your network with the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view all session details, open the full screen EVPN Service card, and click the All Sessions tab.
To return to your workbench, click at the top right.
Use the icons above the table to select/deselect, filter, and export items in the list. Refer to Table Settings for more detail.
To view session details, run netq show evpn.
This example shows all current sessions and the attributes associated with them.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
border01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:27 2020
border02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65132:4002 65132:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
border02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65132:4001 65132:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:47 2020
leaf01 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:49:30 2020
leaf02 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65101:10 65101:10 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65101:4002 65101:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf02 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65101:30 65101:30 Wed Oct 7 00:48:25 2020
leaf03 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf03 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:13 2020
leaf04 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65102:4001 65102:4001 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 4002 L3 Vrf BLUE yes 65102:4002 65102:4002 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 10 L2 Vlan 10 yes 65102:10 65102:10 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
leaf04 30 L2 Vlan 30 yes 65102:30 65102:30 Wed Oct 7 00:50:09 2020
Monitor a Single EVPN Session
With NetQ, you can monitor the performance of a single EVPN session using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
Network Services|EVPN Session
Small: view associated VNI name and total number of nodes with VNIs configured
Medium: view associated VNI name and type, total number and distribution of nodes with VNIs configured
Large: view total number and distribution of nodes with VNIs configured, total alarm and informational events, and associated VRF/VLAN
Full-screen: view details of sessions-import/export route, type, origin IP address, VNI, VNI/gateway advertisement, and so forth
netq <hostname> show evpn vni command: view configuration and status for session (hostname, VNI), VTEP address, import and export route, and last time a change was made
To access the single session cards, you must open the full-screen Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card, click the All Sessions tab, select the desired session, then click (Open Card).
View Session Status Summary
You can view a summary of a given EVPN session from the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To view the summary:
Open the Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
To view a session summary, run:
netq <hostname> show evpn vni <text-vni> [around <text-time>] [json]
Use the around option to show status at a time in the past. Output the results in JSON format using the json option.
This example shows the summary information for the session on leaf01 for VNI 4001.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show evpn vni 4001
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Tue Oct 13 04:21:15 2020
View VTEP Count
You can view the number of VTEPs (VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints) for a given EVPN session from the medium and large Network Services|EVPN Session cards.
To view the count for a given EVPN session, on the medium EVPN Session
Open the Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Click the All Sessions tab.
Select the session of interest, then click (Open Card).
The same information is available on the large size card. Use the card size picker to open the large card.
This card also shows the associated VRF (layer 3) or VLAN (layer 2) on each device participating in this session.
View VTEP IP Address
You can view the IP address of the VTEP used in a given session using the netq show evpn command.
This example shows a VTEP address of for the leaf01:VNI 4001 EVPN session.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show evpn vni 4001
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 4001 L3 Vrf RED yes 65101:4001 65101:4001 Tue Oct 13 04:21:15 2020
View All EVPN Sessions on a VNI
You can view the attributes of all of the EVPN sessions for a given VNI using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
You can view all stored attributes of all of the EVPN sessions running networkwide.
To view all session details, open the full screen EVPN Session card and click the All EVPN Sessions tab.
To return to your workbench, click in the top right of the card.
To view the sessions, run netq show evpn with the vni option.
This example shows all sessions for VNI 20.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn vni 20
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP Type Mapping In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 14 04:56:31 2020
leaf02 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65101:20 65101:20 Wed Oct 14 04:54:29 2020
leaf03 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 14 04:58:57 2020
leaf04 20 L2 Vlan 20 yes 65102:20 65102:20 Wed Oct 14 04:58:46 2020
View All Session Events
You can view all of the alarm and info events for a given session with the NetQ UI.
To view all events, open the full-screen Network Services|EVPN Session card and click the All Events tab.
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Open one of the other full screen tabs in this flow to focus on sessions.
Sort by the Message or Severity to narrow your focus.
Export the data for use in another analytics tool, by selecting all or some of the events and clicking .
Click at the top right to return to your workbench.
Monitor Virtual Extensible LANs
With NetQ, a network administrator can monitor virtual network components in the data center, including VXLAN and EVPN software constructs. NetQ provides the ability to:
Manage virtual constructs: view the performance and status of VXLANs and EVPN
Validate overlay communication paths
It helps answer questions such as:
Is my overlay configured and operating correctly?
Is my control plane configured correctly?
Can device A reach device B?
Monitor VXLANs
Virtual Extensible LANs (VXLANs) provide a way to create a virtual
network on top of layer 2 and layer 3 technologies. It is intended for
organizations, such as data centers, that require larger scale without
additional infrastructure and more flexibility than is available with
existing infrastructure equipment. With NetQ, you can monitor the
current and historical configuration and status of your VXLANs using the
following command:
netq [<hostname>] show vxlan [vni <text-vni>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq show interfaces type vxlan [state <remote-interface-state>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq <hostname> show interfaces type vxlan [state <remote-interface-state>] [around <text-time>] [count] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info|level error|level warning|level critical|level debug] type vxlan [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (<text-time>) and end time (text-endtime>) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
View All VXLANs in Your Network
You can view a list of configured VXLANs for all devices, including the
VNI (VXLAN network identifier), protocol, address of associated VTEPs
(VXLAN tunnel endpoint), replication list, and the last time it was
changed. You can also view VXLAN information for a given device by
adding a hostname to the show command. You can filter the results by
This example shows all configured VXLANs across the network. In this
network, there are three VNIs (13, 24, and 104001) associated with three
VLANs (13, 24, 4001), EVPN is the virtual protocol deployed, and the
configuration was last changed around 23 hours ago.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show vxlan
Matching vxlan records:
Hostname VNI Protoc VTEP IP VLAN Replication List Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ------ ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf01 13 EVPN 13, leaf03) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf01 24 EVPN 24, leaf03) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf01 104001 EVPN 4001 Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf02 13 EVPN 13, leaf03) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf02 24 EVPN 24, leaf03) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf02 104001 EVPN 4001 Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf03 13 EVPN 13, leaf01) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf03 24 EVPN 24, leaf01) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf03 104001 EVPN 4001 Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13, leaf01) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 24 EVPN 24, leaf01) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
This example shows the events and configuration changes that have
occurred on the VXLANs in your network in the last 24 hours. In this
case, the EVPN configuration was added to each of the devices in the
last 24 hours.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type vxlan between now and 24h
Matching vxlan records:
Hostname VNI Protoc VTEP IP VLAN Replication List DB State Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ------ ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit02 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
exit01 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 104001 EVPN 4001 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 13 EVPN 13 Add Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
Consequently, if you looked for the VXLAN configuration and status for
last week, you would find either another configuration or no
configuration. This example shows that no VXLAN configuration was
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show vxlan around 7d
No matching vxlan records found
You can filter the list of VXLANs to view only those associated with a
particular VNI. The VNI option lets you specify single VNI (100), a range of VNIs (10-100), or provide a comma-separated list (10,11,12). This example shows the configured VXLANs for VNI 24.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show vxlan vni 24
Matching vxlan records:
Hostname VNI Protoc VTEP IP VLAN Replication List Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ------ ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01 24 EVPN 24, leaf03) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf02 24 EVPN 24, leaf03) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf03 24 EVPN 24, leaf01) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
leaf04 24 EVPN 24, leaf01) Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
View the Interfaces Associated with VXLANs
You can view detailed information about the VXLAN interfaces using the
netq show interface command. You can also view this information for a
given device by adding a hostname to the show command. This example
shows the detailed VXLAN interface information for the leaf02 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show interfaces type vxlan
Matching link records:
Hostname Interface Type State VRF Details Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf02 vni13 vxlan up default VNI: 13, PVID: 13, Master: bridge, Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
VTEP:, MTU: 9000
leaf02 vni24 vxlan up default VNI: 24, PVID: 24, Master: bridge, Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
VTEP:, MTU: 9000
leaf02 vxlan4001 vxlan up default VNI: 104001, PVID: 4001, Fri Feb 8 01:35:49 2019
Master: bridge, VTEP:,
MTU: 1500
Monitor EVPN
EVPN (Ethernet Virtual Private Network) enables network administrators
in the data center to deploy a virtual layer 2 bridge overlay on top of
layer 3 IP networks creating access, or tunnel, between two locations.
This connects devices in different layer 2 domains or sites running
VXLANs and their associated underlays. With NetQ, you can monitor the
configuration and status of the EVPN setup using the netq show evpn
command. You can filter the EVPN information by a VNI (VXLAN network
identifier), and view the current information or for a time in the past.
The command also enables visibility into changes that have occurred in
the configuration during a specific timeframe. The syntax for the
command is:
netq [<hostname>] show evpn [vni <text-vni>] [mac-consistency] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info|level error|level warning|level critical|level debug] type evpn [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
For the between option, the start (<text-time>) and end time (text-endtime>) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
For more information about and configuration of EVPN in your data center, refer to the Cumulus Linux EVPN topic.
View the Status of EVPN
You can view the configuration and status of your EVPN overlay across
your network or for a particular device. This example shows the
configuration and status for all devices, including the associated VNI,
VTEP address, the import and export route (showing the BGP ASN and VNI
path), and the last time a change was made for each device running EVPN.
Use the hostname option to view the configuration and status for a
single device.
You can filter the full device view to focus on a single VNI. This
example only shows the EVPN configuration and status for VNI 42.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show evpn vni 42
Matching evpn records:
Hostname VNI VTEP IP In Kernel Export RT Import RT Last Changed
----------------- ---------- ---------------- --------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------
leaf01 42 yes 197:42 197:42 Thu Feb 14 00:48:24 2019
leaf02 42 yes 198:42 198:42 Wed Feb 13 18:14:49 2019
leaf11 42 yes 199:42 199:42 Wed Feb 13 18:14:22 2019
leaf12 42 yes 200:42 200:42 Wed Feb 13 18:14:27 2019
leaf21 42 yes 201:42 201:42 Wed Feb 13 18:14:33 2019
leaf22 42 yes 202:42 202:42 Wed Feb 13 18:14:37 2019
View EVPN Events
You can view status and configuration change events for the EVPN
protocol service using the netq show events command. This example
shows the events that have occurred in the last 48 hours.
cumulus@switch:/$ netq show events type evpn between now and 48h
Matching events records:
Hostname Message Type Severity Message Timestamp
----------------- ------------ -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
torc-21 evpn info VNI 33 state changed from down to u 1d:8h:16m:29s
torc-12 evpn info VNI 41 state changed from down to u 1d:8h:16m:35s
torc-11 evpn info VNI 39 state changed from down to u 1d:8h:16m:41s
tor-1 evpn info VNI 37 state changed from down to u 1d:8h:16m:47s
tor-2 evpn info VNI 42 state changed from down to u 1d:8h:16m:51s
torc-22 evpn info VNI 39 state changed from down to u 1d:8h:17m:40s
Monitor Application Layer Protocols
The only application layer protocol monitored by NetQ is NTP, the Network Time Protocol.
It is important that the switches and hosts remain in time synchronization with the NetQ appliance or Virtual Machine to ensure collected data is properly captured and processed. You can use the netq show ntp command to view the time synchronization status for all devices or filter for devices that are either in synchronization or out of synchronization, currently or at a time in the past.
The syntax for the show commands is:
netq [<hostname>] show ntp [out-of-sync|in-sync] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info|level error|level warning|level critical|level debug] type ntp [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]
View Current Time Synchronization Status
You can view the current status of all devices with respect to their time synchronization with a given NTP server, stratum, and application.
This example shows the time synchronization status for all devices in the Cumulus Networks reference architecture. You can see that all border, leaf, and spine switches rely on the out-of-band management server running ntpq to provide their time and that they are all in time synchronization. The out-of-band management server uses the titan.crash-ove server running ntpq to obtain and maintain time synchronization. And the NetQ server uses the eterna.binary.net server running chronyc to obtain and maintain time synchronization. The firewall switches are not time synchronized, which is appropriate. The Stratum value indicates the number of hierarchical levels the switch or host is from reference clock.
When a device is out of time synchronization with the NetQ server, the collected data may be improperly processed. For example, the wrong timestamp could be applied to a piece of data, or that data might be included in an aggregated metric when is should have been included in the next bucket of the aggregated metric. This would make the presented data be slightly off or give an incorrect impression.
This example shows all devices in the network that are out of time synchronization, and consequently need to be investigated.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show ntp out-of-sync
Matching ntp records:
Hostname NTP Sync Current Server Stratum NTP App
----------------- -------- ----------------- ------- ---------------------
internet no - 16 ntpq
View Time Synchronization for a Given Device
You may only be concerned with the behavior of a particular device. Checking for time synchronization is a common troubleshooting step to take.
This example shows the time synchronization status for the leaf01 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show ntp
Matching ntp records:
Hostname NTP Sync Current Server Stratum NTP App
----------------- -------- ----------------- ------- ---------------------
leaf01 yes kilimanjaro 2 ntpq
View NTP Status for a Time in the Past
If you find a device that is out of time synchronization, you can use the around option to get an idea when the synchronization was broken.
This example shows the time synchronization status for all devices one week ago. Note that there are no errant devices in this example. You might try looking at the data for a few days ago. If there was an errant device a week ago, you might try looking farther back in time.
If a device has difficulty remaining in time synchronization, you might want to look to see if there are any related events.
This example shows there have been no events in the last 24 hours.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type ntp
No matching event records found
This example shows there have been no critical NTP events in the last seven days.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type ntp between now and 7d
No matching event records found
Validate Operations
When you discover operational anomalies, you can validate that the devices, hosts, network protocols and services are operating as expected. You can also compare the current operation with past operation. With NetQ, you can view the overall health of your network at a glance and then delve deeper for periodic checks or as conditions arise that require attention. When issues are present, NetQ makes it easy to identify and resolve them. You can also see when changes have occurred to the network, devices, and interfaces by viewing their operation, configuration, and status at an earlier point in time.
NetQ enables you to validate the:
Overall health of the network
Operation of the network protocols and services running in your network (either on demand or on a scheduled basis)
Configuration of physical layer protocols and services
Validation support is available in the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI as shown here.
Cumulus Linux version
Validation with the NetQ UI
The NetQ UI uses the following cards to create validations and view results for these protocols and services:
Network Health
Validation Request
On-demand and Scheduled Validation Results
For a general understanding of how well your network is operating, the Network Health card workflow is the best place to start as it contains the highest-level view and performance roll-ups. Refer to the NetQ UI Card Reference for details about the components on these cards.
Validation with the NetQ CLI
The NetQ CLI uses the netq check commands to validate the various elements of your network fabric, looking for inconsistencies in configuration across your fabric, connectivity faults, missing configuration, and so forth, and then display the results for your assessment. They can be run from any node in the network.
The NetQ CLI has a number of additional validation features and considerations.
Set a Time Period
You can run validations for a time in the past and output the results in JSON format if desired. The around option enables users to view the network state at an earlier time. The around option value requires an integer plus a unit of measure (UOM), with no space between them. The following are valid UOMs:
Command Value
If you want to go back in time by months or years, use the equivalent number of days.
Improve Output Readability
You can the readability of the validation outputs using color. Green output indicates successful results and red output indicates results with failures, warnings, and errors. Use the netq config add color command to enable the use of color.
View Default Validation Tests
To view the list of tests run for a given protocol or service by default, use either netq show unit-tests <protocol/service> or perform a tab completion on netq check <protocol/service> [include|exclude]. Refer to Validation Checks for a description of the individual tests.
Select the Tests to Run
You can include or exclude one or more of the various tests performed during the validation. Each test is assigned a number, which is used to identify which tests to run. Refer to Validation Checks for a description of the individual tests. By default, all tests are run. The <protocol-number-range-list> value is used with the include and exclude options to indicate which tests to include. It is a number list separated by commas, or a range using a dash, or a combination of these. Do not use spaces after commas. For example:
include 1,3,5
include 1-5
include 1,3-5
exclude 6,7
exclude 6-7
exclude 3,4-7,9
The output indicates whether a given test passed, failed, or was skipped.
Validation Check Result Filtering
You can create filters to suppress false alarms or uninteresting errors and warnings that can be a nuisance in CI workflows. For example, certain configurations permit a singly-connected CLAG bond and the standard error that is generated is not useful.
Filtered errors and warnings related to validation checks do NOT generate notifications and are not counted in the alarm and info event totals. They are counted as part of suppressed notifications instead.
The filters are defined in the check-filter.yml file in the /etc/netq/ directory. You can create a rule for individual check commands or you can create a global rule that applies to all tests run by the check command. Additionally, you can create a rule specific to a particular test run by the check command.
Each rule must contain at least one match criteria and an action response. The only action currently available is filter. The match can be comprised of multiple criteria, one per line, creating a logical AND. Matches can be made against any column in the validation check output. The match criteria values must match the case and spacing of the column names in the corresponding netq check output and are parsed as regular expressions.
This example shows a global rule for the BGP checks that indicates any events generated by the DataVrf virtual route forwarding interface coming from swp3 or swp7. are to be suppressed. It also shows a test-specific rule to filter all Address Families events from devices with hostnames starting with exit-1 or firewall.
You can configure filters to change validation errors to warnings that would normally occur due to the default expectations of the netq check commands. This applies to all protocols and services, except for Agents. For example, if you have provisioned BGP with configurations where a BGP peer is not expected or desired, you will get errors that a BGP peer is missing. By creating a filter, you can remove the error in favor of a warning.
To create a validation filter:
Navigate to the /etc/netq directory.
Create or open the check_filter.yml file using your text editor of choice.
This file contains the syntax to follow to create one or more rules for one or more protocols or services. Create your own rules, and/or edit and un-comment any example rules you would like to use.
# Netq check result filter rule definition file. This is for filtering
# results based on regex match on one or more columns of each test result.
# Currently, only action 'filter' is supported. Each test can have one or
# more rules, and each rule can match on one or more columns. In addition,
# rules can also be optionally defined under the 'global' section and will
# apply to all tests of a check.
# syntax:
# <check name>:
# tests:
# <test name, as shown in test list when using the include/exclude and tab>:
# - rule:
# match:
# <column name>: regex
# <more columns and regex.., result is AND>
# action:
# filter
# - <more rules..>
# global:
# - rule:
# . . .
# - rule:
# . . .
# <another check name>:
# . . .
# e.g.
# bgp:
# tests:
# Address Families:
# - rule:
# match:
# Hostname: (^exit*|^firewall)
# VRF: DataVrf1080
# Reason: AFI/SAFI evpn not activated on peer
# action:
# filter
# - rule:
# match:
# Hostname: exit-2
# Reason: SAFI evpn not activated on peer
# action:
# filter
# Router ID:
# - rule:
# match:
# Hostname: exit-2
# action:
# filter
# evpn:
# tests:
# EVPN Type 2:
# - rule:
# match:
# Hostname: exit-1
# action:
# filter
Use Validation Commands in Scripts
If you are running scripts based on the older version of the netq check commands and want to stay with the old output, edit the netq.yml file to include old-check: true in the netq-cli section of the file. For example:
Then run netq config restart cli to apply the change.
If you update your scripts to work with the new version of the commands, simply change the old-check value to false or remove it. Then restart the CLI.
Use netq check mlag in place of netq check clag from NetQ 2.4 onward. netq check clag remains available for automation scripts, but you should begin migrating to netq check mlag to maintain compatibility with future NetQ releases.
NetQ provides the information you need to validate the health of your network fabric, devices, and interfaces. Whether you use the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI to create and run validations, the underlying checks are the same. The number of checks and the type of checks are tailored to the particular protocol or element being validated.
NetQ Agent Validation Tests
NetQ Agent validation looks for an agent status of Rotten for each node in the network. A Fresh status indicates the Agent is running as expected. The Agent sends a heartbeat every 30 seconds, and if three consecutive heartbeats are missed, its status changes to Rotten. This is accomplished with the following test:
Test Number
Test Name
Agent Health
Checks for nodes that have failed or lost communication
BGP Validation Tests
The BGP validation tests look for indications of the session sanity (status and configuration). This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Session Establishment
Checks that BGP sessions are in an established state
Address Families
Checks if transmit and receive address family advertisement is consistent between peers of a BGP session
Router ID
Checks for BGP router ID conflict in the network
CLAG Validation Tests
The CLAG validation tests look for misconfigurations, peering status, and bond error states. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Checks if:
CLAG peerlink is up
CLAG peerlink bond slaves are down (not in full capacity and redundancy)
Peering is established between two nodes in a CLAG pair
Backup IP
Checks if:
CLAG backup IP configuration is missing on a CLAG node
CLAG backup IP is correctly pointing to the CLAG peer and its connectivity is available
Clag Sysmac
Checks if:
CLAG Sysmac is consistently configured on both nodes in a CLAG pair
There is any duplication of a CLAG sysmac within a bridge domain
VXLAN Anycast IP
Checks if the VXLAN anycast IP address is consistently configured on both nodes in a CLAG pair
Bridge Membership
Checks if the CLAG peerlink is part of bridge
Spanning Tree
Checks if:
STP is enabled and running on the CLAG nodes
CLAG peerlink role is correct from STP perspective
The bridge ID is consistent between two nodes of a CLAG pair
The VNI in the bridge has BPDU guard and BPDU filter enabled
Dual Home
Checks for:
CLAG bonds that are not in dually connected state
Dually connected bonds have consistent VLAN and MTU configuration on both sides
STP has consistent view of bonds' dual connectedness
Single Home
Checks for:
Singly connected bonds
STP has consistent view of bond’s single connectedness
Conflicted Bonds
Checks for bonds in CLAG conflicted state and shows the reason
ProtoDown Bonds
Checks for bonds in protodown state and shows the reason
Checks if:
An SVI is configured on both sides of a CLAG pair
SVI on both sides have consistent MTU setting
Cumulus Linux Version Tests
The Cumulus Linux version tests looks for version consistency. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Cumulus Linux Image Version
Checks the following:
No version specified, checks that all switches in the network have consistent version
match-version specified, checks that a switch’s OS version is equals the specified version
min-version specified, checks that a switch’s OS version is equal to or greater than the specified version
EVPN Validation Tests
The EVPN validation tests look for indications of the session sanity and configuration consistency. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
EVPN BGP Session
Checks if:
BGP EVPN sessions are established
The EVPN address family advertisement is consistent
EVPN VNI Type Consistency
Because a VNI can be of type L2 or L3, checks that for a given VNI, its type is consistent across the network
EVPN Type 2
Checks for consistency of IP-MAC binding and the location of a given IP-MAC across all VTEPs
EVPN Type 3
Checks for consistency of replication group across all VTEPs
EVPN Session
For each EVPN session, checks if:
adv_all_vni is enabled
FDB learning is disabled on tunnel interface
Vlan Consistency
Checks for consistency of VLAN to VNI mapping across the network
Vrf Consistency
Checks for consistency of VRF to L3 VNI mapping across the network
Interface Validation Tests
The interface validation tests look for consistent configuration between two nodes. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Admin State
Checks for consistency of administrative state on two sides of a physical interface
Oper State
Checks for consistency of operational state on two sides of a physical interface
Checks for consistency of the speed setting on two sides of a physical interface
Checks for consistency of the auto-negotiation setting on two sides of a physical interface
License Validation Tests
The license validation test looks for a valid Cumulus Linux license on all switches. This is accomplished with the following test:
Test Number
Test Name
License Validity
Checks for validity of license on all switches
Link MTU Validation Tests
The link MTU validation tests look for consistency across an interface and appropriate size MTU for VLAN and bridge interfaces. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Link MTU Consistency
Checks for consistency of MTU setting on two sides of a physical interface
VLAN interface
Checks if the MTU of an SVI is no smaller than the parent interface, substracting the VLAN tag size
Bridge interface
Checks if the MTU on a bridge is not arbitrarily smaller than the smallest MTU among its members
MLAG Validation Tests
The MLAG validation tests look for misconfigurations, peering status, and bond error states. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Checks if:
MLAG peerlink is up
MLAG peerlink bond slaves are down (not in full capacity and redundancy)
Peering is established between two nodes in a MLAG pair
Backup IP
Checks if:
MLAG backup IP configuration is missing on a MLAG node
MLAG backup IP is correctly pointing to the MLAG peer and its connectivity is available
Clag Sysmac
Checks if:
MLAG Sysmac is consistently configured on both nodes in a MLAG pair
There is any duplication of a MLAG sysmac within a bridge domain
VXLAN Anycast IP
Checks if the VXLAN anycast IP address is consistently configured on both nodes in an MLAG pair
Bridge Membership
Checks if the MLAG peerlink is part of bridge
Spanning Tree
Checks if:
STP is enabled and running on the MLAG nodes
MLAG peerlink role is correct from STP perspective
The bridge ID is consistent between two nodes of a MLAG pair
The VNI in the bridge has BPDU guard and BPDU filter enabled
Dual Home
Checks for:
MLAG bonds that are not in dually connected state
Dually connected bonds have consistent VLAN and MTU configuration on both sides
STP has consistent view of bonds' dual connectedness
Single Home
Checks for:
Singly connected bonds
STP has consistent view of bond’s single connectedness
Conflicted Bonds
Checks for bonds in MLAG conflicted state and shows the reason
ProtoDown Bonds
Checks for bonds in protodown state and shows the reason
Checks if:
An SVI is configured on both sides of a MLAG pair
SVI on both sides have consistent MTU setting
NTP Validation Tests
The NTP validation test looks for poor operational status of the NTP service. This is accomplished with the following test:
Test Number
Test Name
NTP Sync
Checks if the NTP service is running and in sync state
OSPF Validation Tests
The EVPN validation tests look for indications of the service health and configuration consistency. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Router ID
Checks for OSPF router ID conflicts in the network
Checks or OSPF adjacencies in a down or unknown state
Checks for consistency of OSPF timer values in an OSPF adjacency
Network Type
Checks for consistency of network type configuration in an OSPF adjacency
Area ID
Checks for consistency of area ID configuration in an OSPF adjacency
Interface MTU
Checks for MTU consistency in an OSPF adjacency
Service Status
Checks for OSPF service health in an OSPF adjacency
Sensor Validation Tests
The sensor validation tests looks for chassis power supply, fan, and temperature sensors that are in a bad state. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
PSU sensors
Checks for power supply unit sensors that are not in ok state
Fan sensors
Checks for fan sensors that are not in ok state
Temperature sensors
Checks for temperature sensors that are not in ok state
VLAN Validation Tests
The VLAN validation tests look for configuration consistency between two nodes. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
Link Neighbor VLAN Consistency
Checks for consistency of VLAN configuration on two sides of a port or a bond
CLAG Bond VLAN Consistency
Checks for consistent VLAN membership of a CLAG (MLAG) bond on each side of the CLAG (MLAG) pair
VXLAN Validation Tests
The VXLAN validation tests look for configuration consistency across all VTEPs. This is accomplished with the following tests:
Test Number
Test Name
VLAN Consistency
Checks for consistent VLAN to VXLAN mapping across all VTEPs
BUM replication
Checks for consistent replication group membership across all VTEPs
Validate Overall Network Health
The Network Health card in the NetQ UI lets you view the overall health of your network at a glance, giving you a high-level understanding of how well your network is operating. Overall network health shown in this card is based on successful validation results.
View Network Health Summary
You can view a very simple summary of your network health, including the percentage of successful validation results, a trend indicator, and a distribution of the validation results.
To view this summary:
Open or locate the Network Health card on your workbench.
Change to the small card using the card size picker.
In this example, the overall health is relatively good, but improving compared to recent status. Refer to the next section for viewing the key health metrics.
View Key Metrics of Network Health
Overall network health in the NetQ UI is a calculated average of several key health metrics: System, Network Services, and Interface health.
To view these key metrics:
Open or locate the Network Health card on your workbench.
Change to the medium card if needed.
Each metric is shown with percentage of successful validations, a trend indicator, and a distribution of the validation results.
In this example, the health of each of the system and network services are good, but interface health is on the lower side. While it is improving, you might choose to dig further if it does not continue to improve. Refer to the following section for additional details.
View System Health
The system health is a calculated average of the NetQ Agent, Cumulus Linux license, and sensor health metrics. In all cases, validation is performed on the agents and licenses. If you are monitoring platform sensors, the calculation includes these as well.
To view information about each system component:
Open or locate the Network Health card on your workbench.
Change to the large card using the card size picker.
By default, the System Health tab is displayed. If it is not, hover over the card and click .
The health of each system protocol or service is represented on the left side of the card by a distribution of the health score, a trend indicator, and a percentage of successful results. The right side of the card provides a listing of devices with failures related to Agents, licenses and sensors.
View Devices with the Most System Issues
It is useful to know which devices are experiencing the most issues with their system services in general, as this can help focus troubleshooting efforts toward selected devices versus the service itself. To view devices with the most issues, select Most Failures from the filter above the table on the right.
Devices with the highest number of issues are listed at the top. Scroll down to view those with fewer issues. To further investigate the critical devices, open the the Switch card or Events|Alarm and Events|Info cards and filter on the indicated switches.
View Devices with Recent System Issues
It is useful to know which devices are experiencing the most issues with their system services right now, as this can help focus troubleshooting efforts toward devices with current issues. To view devices with recent issues, select Recent Failures from the filter
above the table on the right. Devices with the highest number of issues are listed at the top. Scroll down to view those with fewer issues. To further investigate the critical devices, open the Switch card or the Events|Alarms and Events|Info cards and filter on the indicated switches.
Filter Results by System Service
You can focus the data in the table on the right, by unselecting one or more services. Click the checkbox next to the service you want to remove from the data. In this example, we have unchecked Licenses.
This removes the checkbox next to the associated chart and grays out the title of the chart, temporarily removing the data related to that service from the table. Add it back by hovering over the chart and clicking the checkbox that appears.
View Details of a Particular System Service
From the System Health tab on the large Network Health card you can click on a chart to take you to the full-screen card pre-focused on that service data.
This example shows the results of clicking on the Agent chart.
View Network Services Health
The network services health is a calculated average of the individual network protocol and services health metrics. In all cases, validation is performed on NTP. If you are running BGP, EVPN, MLAG, OSPF, or VXLAN protocols the calculation includes these as well. You can view the overall health of network services from the medium Network Health card and information about individual services from the Network Service Health tab on the large Network Health card.
To view information about each network protocol or service:
Open or locate the Network Health card on your workbench.
Change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over the card and click .
The health of each network protocol or service is represented on the left side of the card by a distribution of the health score, a trend indicator, and a percentage of successful results. The right side of the card provides a listing of devices with failures related to these protocols and services.
View Devices with the Most Network Service Issues
It is useful to know which devices are experiencing the most issues with their network services in general, as this can help focus troubleshooting efforts toward selected devices versus the protocol or service. To view devices with the most issues, select Most Failures from the filter above the table on the right.
Devices with the highest number of issues are listed at the top. Scroll down to view those with fewer issues. To further investigate the critical devices, open the Switch card or Events|Alarms and Events|Info cards and filter on the indicated switches.
View Devices with Recent Network Service Issues
It is useful to know which devices are experiencing the most issues with their network services right now, as this can help focus troubleshooting efforts toward devices with current issues.
To view devices with the most issues, open the large Network Health card. Select Recent Failures from the dropdown above the table on the right. Devices with the highest number of issues are listed at the top. Scroll down to view those with fewer issues. To further investigate the critical devices, open the Switch card or the Events|Alarms and Events|Info cards and filter on the indicated switches.
Filter Results by Network Service
You can focus the data in the table on the right, by unselecting one or more services. Click the checkbox next to the service you want to remove. In this example, we removed NTP and are in the process of removing OSPF.
This grays out the chart title and removes the associated checkbox, temporarily removing the data related to that service from the table.
View Details of a Particular Network Service
From the Network Service Health tab on the large Network Health card you can click on a chart to take you to the full-screen card pre-focused on that service data.
This example shows the results of clicking on the NTP chart.
View Interfaces Health
The interface health is a calculated average of the interfaces, VLAN, and link MTU health metrics. You can view the overall health of interfaces from the medium Interface Health card and information about each component from the Interface Health tab on the large Interface Health card.
To view information about each system component:
Open or locate the Network Health card on your workbench.
Change to the large card using the card size picker.
Hover over the card and click .
The health of each interface protocol or service is represented on the left side of the card by a distribution of the health score, a trend indicator, and a percentage of successful results. The right side of the card provides a listing of devices with failures related to interfaces, VLANs, and link MTUs.
View Devices with the Most Issues
It is useful to know which devices are experiencing the most issues with their interfaces in general, as this can help focus troubleshooting efforts toward selected devices versus the service itself. To view devices with the most issues, select Most Failures from the filter above the table on the right.
Devices with the highest number of issues are listed at the top. Scroll down to view those with fewer issues. To further investigate the critical devices, open the Switch card or the Events|Alarms and Events|Info cards and filter on the indicated switches.
View Devices with Recent Issues
It is useful to know which devices are experiencing the most issues with their network services right now, as this can help focus troubleshooting efforts toward devices current issues.
To view devices with recent issues, select Recent Failures from the filter above the table on the right. Devices with the highest number of issues are listed at the top. Scroll down to view those with fewer issues. To further investigate the critical devices, open the Switch card or the Event cards and filter on the indicated switches.
Filter Results by Interface Service
You can focus the data in the table on the right, by unselecting one or more services. Click the checkbox next to the interface item you want to remove from the data. In this example, we have unchecked MTU.
This removes the checkbox next to the associated chart and grays out the title of the chart, temporarily removing the data related to that service from the table. Add it back by hovering over the chart and clicking the checkbox that appears.
View Details of a Particular Interface Service
From the Interface Health tab on the large Network Health card you can click on a chart to take you to the full-screen card pre-focused on that service data.
View All Network Protocol and Service Validation Results
The Network Health card workflow enables you to view all of the results
of all validations run on the network protocols and services during the
designated time period.
To view all the validation results:
Open or locate the Network Health card on your workbench.
Change to the large card using the card size picker.
Click <network protocol or service name> tab in the navigation panel.
Look for patterns in the data. For example, when did nodes, sessions, links, ports, or devices start failing validation? Was it at a specific time? Was it when you starting running the service on more nodes? Did sessions fail, but nodes were fine?
Where to go next depends on what data you see, but a few options include:
Look for matching event information for the failure points in a given protocol or service.
When you find failures in one protocol, compare with higher level protocols to see if they fail at a similar time (or vice versa with supporting services).
Export the data for use in another analytics tool, by clicking and providing a name for the data file.
Validate Network Protocol and Service Operations
NetQ lets you validate the operation of the network protocols and services running in your network either on demand or on a scheduled basis. NetQ provides three NetQ UI card workflows and several NetQ CLI validation commands to accomplish these checks on protocol and service operations:
Validation Request card
Create a new on-demand or scheduled validation request or run a scheduled validation on demand
View a preview of all scheduled validations
On-demand Validation Result card
View the number of devices and sessions tested and their status
View job configuration
Scheduled Validation Result card
View the number and status of runs, filter by failures, paths, and warnings
View job configuration
netq check command
Create and run an on-demand validation
View summary results, individual test status, and protocol or service specific info in the terminal window
netq add validation command
Create an on-demand or scheduled validation
View results on On-demand and Scheduled Validation Result cards
When you want to validate the operation of one or more network protocols and services right now, you can create and run on-demand validations using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Create an On-demand Validation for a Single Protocol or Service
You can create on-demand validations that contain checks for a single protocol or service if you suspect that service may have issues.
To create and run a request containing checks on a single protocol or service all within the NetQ UI:
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
On the right side of the card, select the protocol or service you want to validate by clicking on its name.
When selected it becomes highlighted and Run Now and Save as New become active. Click the name again to remove it to select a different protocol or service.
This example shows the creation of an on-demand BGP validation.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add validation type bgp
Running job 7958faef-29e0-432f-8d1e-08a0bb270c91 type bgp
The associated Validation Result card is accessible from the full-screen Validation Request card. Refer to View On-demand Validation Results.
Create an On-demand Validation for Multiple Protocols or Services
You can create on-demand validations that contain checks for more than on protocol or service at the same time using the NetQ UI. This is handy when the protocols are strongly related with respect to a possible issue or if you only want to create one validation request.
To create and run a request containing checks for more than one protocol and/or service:
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
On the right side of the card, select the protocols and services you want to validate by clicking on their names.
This example shows the selection of BGP and EVPN.
Click Run Now to start the validation.
The associated on-demand validation result cards (one per protocol and service selected) are accessible from the full-screen Validation Request card. Refer to View On-demand Validation Results.
Create an On-demand Validation with Selected Tests
Using the include <bgp-number-range-list> and exclude <bgp-number-range-list> options of the netq check command, you can include or exclude one or more of the various checks performed during the validation.
First determine the number of the tests you want to include or exclude. Refer to BGP Validation Tests for a description of these tests. Then run the check command.
This example shows a BGP validation that includes only the session establishment and router ID tests. Note that you can obtain the same results using either of the include or exclude options and that the test that is not run is marked as skipped.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show unit-tests bgp
0 : Session Establishment - check if BGP session is in established state
1 : Address Families - check if tx and rx address family advertisement is consistent between peers of a BGP session
2 : Router ID - check for BGP router id conflict in the network
Configured global result filters:
Configured per test result filters:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp include 0,2
bgp check result summary:
Total nodes : 10
Checked nodes : 10
Failed nodes : 0
Rotten nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Total Sessions : 54
Failed Sessions : 0
Session Establishment Test : passed
Address Families Test : skipped
Router ID Test : passed
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp exclude 1
bgp check result summary:
Total nodes : 10
Checked nodes : 10
Failed nodes : 0
Rotten nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Total Sessions : 54
Failed Sessions : 0
Session Establishment Test : passed
Address Families Test : skipped
Router ID Test : passed
Refer to Vaildation Examples for similar examples with other protocols and services.
Run an Existing Scheduled Validation On Demand
You may find that although you have a validation scheduled to run at a later time, you would like to run it now.
To run a scheduled validation now:
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Optionally, change to the small or medium card using the card size picker.
Select the validation from the Validation dropdown list.
After you have started an on-demand trace, the results are displayed based on how you created the validation request.
The On-demand Validation Result card workflow enables you to view the results of on-demand validation requests. When a request has started processing, the associated medium Validation Result card is displayed on your workbench with an indicator that it is running. When multiple network protocols or services are included in a validation, a validation result card is opened for each protocol and service. After an on-demand validation request has completed, the results are available in the same Validation Result card/s.
It may take a few minutes for all results to be presented if the load on the NetQ system is heavy at the time of the run.
To view the results:
Locate the medium On-demand Validation Result card on your workbench for the protocol or service that was run.
You can identify it by the on-demand result icon, , protocol or service name, and the date and time that it was run.
Note: You may have more than one card open for a given protocol or service, so be sure to use the date and time on the card to ensure you are viewing the correct card.
Note the total number and distribution of results for the tested devices and sessions (when appropriate). Are there many failures?
Hover over the charts to view the total number of warnings or failures and what percentage of the total results that represents for both devices and sessions.
Switch to the large on-demand Validation Result card using the card size picker.
If there are a large number of device warnings or failures, view the devices with the most issues in the table on the right. By default, this table displays the Most Active devices. Click on a device name to open its switch card on your workbench.
To view the most recent issues, select Most Recent from the filter above the table.
If there are a large number of devices or sessions with warnings or failures, the protocol or service may be experiencing issues. View the health of the protocol or service as a whole by clicking Open <network service> Card when available.
To view all data available for all on-demand validation results for a given protocol, switch to the full screen card.
Double-click in a given result row to open details about the validation.
From this view you can:
See a summary of the validation results by clicking in the banner under the title. Toggle the arrow to close the summary.
See detailed results of each test run to validate the protocol or service. When errors or warnings are present, the nodes and relevant detail is provided.
Export the data by clicking Export.
Return to the validation jobs list by clicking .
You may find that comparing various results gives you a clue as to why certain devices are experiencing more warnings or failures. For example, more failures occurred between certain times or on a particular device.
The results of the netq check command are displayed in the terminal window where you ran the command. Refer to Create On-demand Validations.
After you have run the netq add validation command, you are able to view the results in the NetQ UI.
Open the NetQ UI and log in.
Open the xxxx workbench where the associated On-demand Trace Result card has been placed.
To view more details for this and other traces, refer to Detailed On-demand Trace Results.
On-Demand CLI Validation Examples
This section provides on-demand validation examples for a variety of protocols and elements.
NetQ Agent Validation
The default validation confirms that the NetQ Agent is running on all monitored nodes and provides a summary of the validation results. This example shows the results of a fully successful validation.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check agents
agent check result summary:
Checked nodes : 13
Total nodes : 13
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Agent Health Test : passed
BGP Validations
Perform a BGP Validation
The default validation runs a networkwide BGP connectivity and configuration check on all nodes running the BGP service:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp
bgp check result summary:
Checked nodes : 8
Total nodes : 8
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Total Sessions : 30
Failed Sessions : 0
Session Establishment Test : passed
Address Families Test : passed
Router ID Test : passed
This example indicates that all nodes running BGP and all BGP sessions are running properly. If there were issues with any of the nodes, NetQ would provide information about each node to aid in resolving the issues.
Perform a BGP Validation for a Particular VRF
Using the vrf <vrf> option of the netq check bgp command, you can validate the BGP service where communication is occurring through a particular virtual route. In this example, the VRF of interest is named vrf1.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp vrf vrf1
bgp check result summary:
Checked nodes : 2
Total nodes : 2
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Total Sessions : 2
Failed Sessions : 0
Session Establishment Test : passed
Address Families Test : passed
Router ID Test : passed
Perform a BGP Validation with Selected Tests
Using the include <bgp-number-range-list> and exclude <bgp-number-range-list> options, you can include or exclude one or more of the various checks performed during the validation. You can select from the following BGP validation tests:
The default validation runs a networkwide CLAG connectivity and configuration check on all nodes running the CLAG service. This example shows results for a fully successful validation.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check clag
clag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed,
Backup IP Test : passed,
Clag SysMac Test : passed,
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : passed,
Bridge Membership Test : passed,
Spanning Tree Test : passed,
Dual Home Test : passed,
Single Home Test : passed,
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed,
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed,
SVI Test : passed,
This example shows representative results for one or more failures, warnings, or errors. In particular, you can see that you have duplicate system MAC addresses.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check clag
clag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 2
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed,
Backup IP Test : passed,
Clag SysMac Test : 0 warnings, 2 errors,
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : passed,
Bridge Membership Test : passed,
Spanning Tree Test : passed,
Dual Home Test : passed,
Single Home Test : passed,
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed,
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed,
SVI Test : passed,
Clag SysMac Test details:
Hostname Reason
----------------- ---------------------------------------------
leaf01 Duplicate sysmac with leaf02/None
leaf03 Duplicate sysmac with leaf04/None
Perform a CLAG Validation with Selected Tests
Using the include <clag-number-range-list> and exclude <clag-number-range-list> options, you can include or exclude one or more of the various checks performed during the validation. You can select from the following CLAG validation tests:
To include only the CLAG SysMAC test during a validation:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check clag include 2
clag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 2
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : skipped
Backup IP Test : skipped
Clag SysMac Test : 0 warnings, 2 errors,
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : skipped
Bridge Membership Test : skipped
Spanning Tree Test : skipped
Dual Home Test : skipped
Single Home Test : skipped
Conflicted Bonds Test : skipped
ProtoDown Bonds Test : skipped
SVI Test : skipped
Clag SysMac Test details:
Hostname Reason
----------------- ---------------------------------------------
leaf01 Duplicate sysmac with leaf02/None
leaf03 Duplicate sysmac with leaf04/None
To exclude the backup IP, CLAG SysMAC, and VXLAN anycast IP tests during a validation:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check clag exclude 1-3
clag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed,
Backup IP Test : skipped
Clag SysMac Test : skipped
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : skipped
Bridge Membership Test : passed,
Spanning Tree Test : passed,
Dual Home Test : passed,
Single Home Test : passed,
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed,
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed,
SVI Test : passed,
Cumulus Linux Version Validation
Perform a Cumulus Linux Version Validation
The default validation (using no options) checks that all switches in the network have a consistent version.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check cl-version
version check result summary:
Checked nodes : 12
Total nodes : 12
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Cumulus Linux Image Version Test : passed
EVPN Validations
Perform an EVPN Validation
The default validation runs a networkwide EVPN connectivity and configuration check on all nodes running the EVPN service. This example shows results for a fully successful validation.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check evpn
evpn check result summary:
Checked nodes : 6
Total nodes : 6
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Failed BGP Sessions : 0
Total Sessions : 16
Total VNIs : 3
EVPN BGP Session Test : passed,
EVPN VNI Type Consistency Test : passed,
EVPN Type 2 Test : passed,
EVPN Type 3 Test : passed,
EVPN Session Test : passed,
Vlan Consistency Test : passed,
Vrf Consistency Test : passed,
Perform an EVPN Validation for a Time in the Past
Using the around option, you can view the state of the EVPN service at a time in the past. Be sure to include the UOM.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check evpn around 4d
evpn check result summary:
Checked nodes : 6
Total nodes : 6
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Failed BGP Sessions : 0
Total Sessions : 16
Total VNIs : 3
EVPN BGP Session Test : passed,
EVPN VNI Type Consistency Test : passed,
EVPN Type 2 Test : passed,
EVPN Type 3 Test : passed,
EVPN Session Test : passed,
Vlan Consistency Test : passed,
Vrf Consistency Test : passed,
Perform an EVPN Validation with Selected Tests
Using the include <evpn-number-range-list> and exclude <evpn-number-range-list> options, you can include or exclude one or more of the various checks performed during the validation. You can select from the following EVPN validation tests:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check evpn include 2
evpn check result summary:
Checked nodes : 6
Total nodes : 6
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Failed BGP Sessions : 0
Total Sessions : 0
Total VNIs : 3
EVPN BGP Session Test : skipped
EVPN VNI Type Consistency Test : skipped
EVPN Type 2 Test : passed,
EVPN Type 3 Test : skipped
EVPN Session Test : skipped
Vlan Consistency Test : skipped
Vrf Consistency Test : skipped
To exclude the BGP session and VRF consistency tests:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check evpn exclude 0,6
evpn check result summary:
Checked nodes : 6
Total nodes : 6
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Failed BGP Sessions : 0
Total Sessions : 0
Total VNIs : 3
EVPN BGP Session Test : skipped
EVPN VNI Type Consistency Test : passed,
EVPN Type 2 Test : passed,
EVPN Type 3 Test : passed,
EVPN Session Test : passed,
Vlan Consistency Test : passed,
Vrf Consistency Test : skipped
To run only the first five tests:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check evpn include 0-4
evpn check result summary:
Checked nodes : 6
Total nodes : 6
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Failed BGP Sessions : 0
Total Sessions : 16
Total VNIs : 3
EVPN BGP Session Test : passed,
EVPN VNI Type Consistency Test : passed,
EVPN Type 2 Test : passed,
EVPN Type 3 Test : passed,
EVPN Session Test : passed,
Vlan Consistency Test : skipped
Vrf Consistency Test : skipped
Interface Validations
Perform an Interfaces Validation
The default validation runs a networkwide connectivity and configuration check on all interfaces. This example shows results for a fully successful validation.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check interfaces
interface check result summary:
Checked nodes : 12
Total nodes : 12
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Unverified Ports : 56
Checked Ports : 108
Failed Ports : 0
Admin State Test : passed,
Oper State Test : passed,
Speed Test : passed,
Autoneg Test : passed,
Perform an Interfaces Validation for a Time in the Past
Using the around option, you can view the state of the interfaces at a time in the past. Be sure to include the UOM.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check interfaces around 6h
interface check result summary:
Checked nodes : 12
Total nodes : 12
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Unverified Ports : 56
Checked Ports : 108
Failed Ports : 0
Admin State Test : passed,
Oper State Test : passed,
Speed Test : passed,
Autoneg Test : passed,
Perform an Interfaces Validation with Selected Tests
Using the include <interface-number-range-list> and exclude <interface-number-range-list> options, you can include or exclude one or more of the various checks performed during the validation. You can select from the following interface validation tests:
You can also check for any nodes that have invalid licenses without going to each node. Because switches do not operate correctly without a valid license you might want to verify that your Cumulus Linux licenses on a regular basis.
This example shows that all licenses on switches are valid.
This command checks every node, meaning every switch and host in the network. Hosts do not require a Cumulus Linux license, so the number of licenses checked might be smaller than the total number of nodes checked.
MTU Validation
Perform a Link MTU Validation
The default validate verifies that all corresponding interface links have matching MTUs. This example shows no mismatches.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mtu
mtu check result summary:
Checked nodes : 12
Total nodes : 12
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Warn Links : 0
Failed Links : 0
Checked Links : 196
Link MTU Consistency Test : passed,
VLAN interface Test : passed,
Bridge interface Test : passed,
MLAG Validations
Perform an MLAG Validation
The default validation runs a networkwide MLAG connectivity and configuration check on all nodes running the MLAG service. This example shows results for a fully successful validation.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mlag
mlag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed,
Backup IP Test : passed,
Clag SysMac Test : passed,
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : passed,
Bridge Membership Test : passed,
Spanning Tree Test : passed,
Dual Home Test : passed,
Single Home Test : passed,
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed,
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed,
SVI Test : passed,
This example shows representative results for one or more failures, warnings, or errors. In particular, you can see that you have duplicate system MAC addresses.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mlag
mlag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 2
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed,
Backup IP Test : passed,
Clag SysMac Test : 0 warnings, 2 errors,
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : passed,
Bridge Membership Test : passed,
Spanning Tree Test : passed,
Dual Home Test : passed,
Single Home Test : passed,
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed,
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed,
SVI Test : passed,
Clag SysMac Test details:
Hostname Reason
----------------- ---------------------------------------------
leaf01 Duplicate sysmac with leaf02/None
leaf03 Duplicate sysmac with leaf04/None
Perform an MLAG Validation with Selected Tests
Using the include <mlag-number-range-list> and exclude <mlag-number-range-list> options, you can include or exclude one or more of the various checks performed during the validation. You can select from the following MLAG validation tests:
To include only the CLAG SysMAC test during a validation:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mlag include 2
mlag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 2
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : skipped
Backup IP Test : skipped
Clag SysMac Test : 0 warnings, 2 errors,
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : skipped
Bridge Membership Test : skipped
Spanning Tree Test : skipped
Dual Home Test : skipped
Single Home Test : skipped
Conflicted Bonds Test : skipped
ProtoDown Bonds Test : skipped
SVI Test : skipped
Clag SysMac Test details:
Hostname Reason
----------------- ---------------------------------------------
leaf01 Duplicate sysmac with leaf02/None
leaf03 Duplicate sysmac with leaf04/None
To exclude the backup IP, CLAG SysMAC, and VXLAN anycast IP tests during a validation:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mlag exclude 1-3
mlag check result summary:
Checked nodes : 4
Total nodes : 4
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed,
Backup IP Test : skipped
Clag SysMac Test : skipped
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : skipped
Bridge Membership Test : passed,
Spanning Tree Test : passed,
Dual Home Test : passed,
Single Home Test : passed,
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed,
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed,
SVI Test : passed,
NTP Validation
Perform an NTP Validation
The default validation checks for synchronization of the NTP server with all nodes in the network. It is always important to have your devices in time synchronization to ensure configuration and management events can be tracked and correlations can be made between events.
The default validation runs a networkwide OSPF connectivity and configuration check on all nodes running the OSPF service. This example shows results several errors in the Timers and Interface MTU tests.
cumulus@switch:~# netq check ospf
Checked nodes: 8, Total nodes: 8, Rotten nodes: 0, Failed nodes: 4, Warning nodes: 0, Failed Adjacencies: 4, Total Adjacencies: 24
Router ID Test : passed
Adjacency Test : passed
Timers Test : 0 warnings, 4 errors
Network Type Test : passed
Area ID Test : passed
Interface Mtu Test : 0 warnings, 2 errors
Service Status Test : passed
Timers Test details:
Hostname Interface PeerID Peer IP Reason Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------
spine-1 downlink-4 torc-22 uplink-1 dead time mismatch Mon Jul 1 16:18:33 2019
spine-1 downlink-4 torc-22 uplink-1 hello time mismatch Mon Jul 1 16:18:33 2019
torc-22 uplink-1 spine-1 downlink-4 dead time mismatch Mon Jul 1 16:19:21 2019
torc-22 uplink-1 spine-1 downlink-4 hello time mismatch Mon Jul 1 16:19:21 2019
Interface Mtu Test details:
Hostname Interface PeerID Peer IP Reason Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------------------------
spine-2 downlink-6 mtu mismatch Mon Jul 1 16:19:02 2019
tor-2 uplink-2 mtu mismatch Mon Jul 1 16:19:37 2019
Sensors Validation
Perform a Sensors Validation
Hardware platforms have a number sensors to provide environmental data about the switches. Knowing these are all within range is a good check point for maintenance.
For example, if you had a temporary HVAC failure and you are concerned that some of your nodes are beginning to overheat, you can run this validation to determine if any switches have already reached the maximum temperature threshold.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check sensors
sensors check result summary:
Checked nodes : 8
Total nodes : 8
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Checked Sensors : 136
Failed Sensors : 0
PSU sensors Test : passed,
Fan sensors Test : passed,
Temperature sensors Test : passed,
VLAN Validation
Perform a VLAN Validation
Validate that VLANS are configured and operating properly:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check vlan
vlan check result summary:
Checked nodes : 12
Total nodes : 12
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Failed Link Count : 0
Total Link Count : 196
Link Neighbor VLAN Consistency Test : passed,
Clag Bond VLAN Consistency Test : passed,
VXLAN Validation
Perform a VXLAN Validation
Validate that VXLANs are configured and operating properly:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check vxlan
vxlan check result summary:
Checked nodes : 6
Total nodes : 6
Rotten nodes : 0
Failed nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Vlan Consistency Test : passed,
BUM replication Test : passed,
Both asymmetric and symmetric VXLAN configurations are validated with this command.
Create Scheduled Validations
When you want to see validation results on a regular basis, it is useful to configure a scheduled validation request to avoid re-creating the request each time. You can create up to 15 scheduled validations for a given NetQ system.
By default a scheduled validation for each protocol and service is run every hour. You do not need to create a scheduled validation for these unless you want it to run at a different interval. Default validations cannot be removed, but are not counted as part of the 15-validation limit.
You can create scheduled validations using the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Create a Scheduled Validation for a Single Protocol or Service
You might want to create a scheduled validation that runs more often than the default validation if you are investigating an issue with a protocol or service. You might also want to create a scheduled validation that runs less often than the default validation if you are interested in a longer term performance trend. Use the following instructions based on how you want to create the validation.
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
On the right side of the card, select the protocol or service you want to validate by clicking on its name.
When selected it becomes highlighted and Run Now and Save as New become active. Click the name again to remove it to select a different protocol or service.
This example shows the selection of BGP.
Enter the schedule frequency (30 min, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, or 1 day) by selecting it from the Run every list. Default is hourly.
Select the time to start the validation runs, by clicking in the Starting field. Select a day and click Next, then select the starting time and click OK.
Verify the selections were made correctly.
This example shows a scheduled validation for BGP to run avery 12 hours beginning November 12th at 12:15 p.m.
Click Save As New.
Enter a name for the validation.
Spaces and special characters are not allowed in validation request names.
Click Save.
The validation can now be selected from the Validation listing (on the small, medium or large size card) and run immediately using Run Now, or you can wait for it to run the first time according to the schedule you specified. Refer to View Scheduled Validation Results. Note that the number of scheduled validations is now two (15 allowed minus 13 remaining = 2).
To create a scheduled request containing checks on a single protocol or service in the NetQ CLI and view results in the NetQ UI, run:
Create a Scheduled Validation for Multiple Protocols or Services
Sometimes it is useful to run validations on more than one protocol simultaneously. This gives a view into any potential relationship between the protocols or services status. For example, you might want to compare NTP with Agent validations if NetQ Agents are losing connectivity or the data appears to be collected at the wrong time. It would help determine if loss of time synchronization is causing the issue.
You can create simultaneous validations using the NetQ UI. You can come close using the NetQ CLI.
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
On the right side of the card, select the protocols and services you want to include in the validation. In this example we have chosen the Agents and NTP services.
Enter the schedule frequency (30 min, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, or 1 day) by selecting it from the Run every list. Default is hourly.
Select the time to start the validation runs, by clicking in the Starting field. Select a day and click Next, then select the starting time and click OK.
Verify the selections were made correctly.
Click Save As New.
Enter a name for the validation.
Spaces and special characters are not allowed in validation request names.
Click Save.
The validation can now be selected from the Validation listing (on the small, medium or large size card) and run immediately using Run Now, or you can wait for it to run the first time according to the schedule you specified. Refer to View Scheduled Validation Results. Note that the number of scheduled validations is now two (15 allowed minus 13 remaining = 2).
To create simultaneous validations for multiple protocols and services with the NetQ CLI, you create each of the desired validations as quickly as possible so they start as close to the same time. To schedule multiple protocol and service validations, run:
This example creates scheduled validations for Agents and NTP:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add validation name Agents30m type agents interval 30m
Successfully added Agents30m running every 30m
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add validation name Ntp30m type ntp interval 30m
Successfully added Ntp30m running every 30m
The associated Validation Result cards are accessible from the full-screen Scheduled Validation Result card. Refer to View Scheduled Validation Results.
View Scheduled Validation Results
After creating scheduled validations with either the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI, the results are shown in the Scheduled Validation Result card. When a request has completed processing, you can access the Validation Result card from the full-screen Validation Request card. Each protocol and service has its own validation result card, but the content is similar on each.
Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period
On the medium and large Validation Result cards, the status of the runs is represented in heat maps stacked vertically; one for passing runs, one for runs with warnings, and one for runs with failures. Depending on the time period of data on the card, the number of smaller time blocks used to indicate the status varies. A vertical stack of time blocks, one from each map, includes the results from all checks during that time. The results are shown by how saturated the color is for each block. If all validations during that time period pass, then the middle block is 100% saturated (white) and the warning and failure blocks are zero % saturated (gray). As warnings and errors increase in saturation, the passing block is proportionally reduced in saturation. An example heat map for a time period of 24 hours is shown here with the most common time periods in the table showing the resulting time blocks and regions.
Time Period
Number of Runs
Number Time Blocks
Amount of Time in Each Block
6 hours
1 hour
12 hours
1 hour
24 hours
1 hour
1 week
1 day
1 month
1 day
1 quarter
1 week
Access and Analyze the Scheduled Validation Results
Once a scheduled validation request has completed, the results are available in the corresponding Validation Result card.
To access the results:
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker to view all scheduled validations.
Select the validation results you want to view.
Click (Open Card). This opens the medium Scheduled Validation Result card/s for the selected items.
To analyze the results:
Note the distribution of results. Are there many failures? Are they concentrated together in time? Has the protocol or service recovered after the failures?
Hover over the heat maps to view the status numbers and what percentage of the total results that represents for a given region. The tooltip also shows the number of devices included in the validation and the number with warnings and/or failures. This is useful when you see the failures occurring on a small set of devices, as it might point to an issue with the devices rather than the network service.
Optionally, click Open <network service> Card link to open the medium individual Network Services card. Your current card is not closed.
Switch to the large Scheduled Validation card using the card size picker.
Click to expand the chart.
Collapse the heat map by clicking .
If there are a large number of warnings or failures, view the devices with the most issues by clicking Most Active in the filter above the table. This might help narrow the failures down to a particular device or small set of devices that you can investigate further.
Select the Most Recent filter above the table to see the events that have occurred in the near past at the top of the list.
Optionally, view the health of the protocol or service as a whole by clicking Open <network service> Card (when available).
You can view the configuration of the request that produced the results shown on this card workflow, by hovering over the card and clicking . If you want to change the configuration, click Edit Config to open the large Validation Request card, pre-populated with the current configuration. Follow the instructions in Modify a Scheduled Validation to make your changes.
To view all data available for all scheduled validation results for the given protocol or service, click Show All Results or switch to the full screen card.
Look for changes and patterns in the results. Scroll to the right. Are there more failed sessions or nodes during one or more validations?
Double-click in a given result row to open details about the validation.
From this view you can:
See a summary of the validation results by clicking in the banner under the title. Toggle the arrow to close the summary.
See detailed results of each test run to validate the protocol or service. When errors or warnings are present, the nodes and relevant detail is provided.
Export the data by clicking Export.
Return to the validation jobs list by clicking .
You may find that comparing various results gives you a clue as to why certain devices are experiencing more warnings or failures. For example, more failures occurred between certain times or on a particular device.
Manage Scheduled Validations
You can modify any scheduled validation that you created or remove it altogether at any time. Default validations cannot be removed, modified, or disabled.
Modify a Scheduled Validation
At some point you might want to change the schedule or validation types that are specified in a scheduled validation request.
When you update a scheduled request, the results for all future runs of the validation will be different than the results of previous runs of the validation.
To modify a scheduled validation:
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Select the validation from the Validation dropdown list.
Edit the schedule or validation types.
This example adds EVPN to the validation.
Click Update.
Click Yes to complete the changes, or change the name of the previous version of this scheduled validation.
Click the change name link.
Edit the name.
Click Update.
Click Yes to complete the changes, or repeat these steps until you have the name you want.
The validation can now be selected from the Validation listing (on the small, medium or large size card) and run immediately using Run Now, or you can wait for it to run the first time according to the schedule you specified. Refer to View Scheduled Validation Results.
Delete a Scheduled Validation
You can remove a user-defined scheduled validation at any time using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI. Default validations cannot be removed.
Open the Validation Request card.
Click . Click Validation. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Select one or more validations to remove.
Click .
Determine the name of the scheduled validation you want to remove. Run:
This example removes the scheduled validation named Bgp15m.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del validation Bgp15m
Successfully deleted validation Bgp15m
Repeat these steps for additional scheduled validations you want to remove.
Verify Network Connectivity
It is helpful to verify that communications are freely flowing between the various devices in your network. You can verify the connectivity between two devices in both an ad-hoc fashion and by defining connectivity checks to occur on a scheduled basis. NetQ provides three NetQ UI card workflows and several NetQ CLI trace commands to view connectivity:
Trace Request card
Run a scheduled trace on demand or create new on-demand or scheduled trace request
View a preview of all scheduled traces
On-demand Trace Results card
View source and destination devices, status, paths found, and number/distribution of MTU and hops
View job configuration
Scheduled Trace Results card
View source and destination devices, status, distribution of paths, bad nodes, MTU and hops
View job configuration
netq trace command
Create and run a trace on demand
View source and destination devices, status, paths found, MTU, and hops in terminal window
netq add trace command
Create an on-demand or scheduled trace
View results on On-demand and Scheduled Trace Results cards
Specifying Source and Destination Values
When specifying traces, the following options are available for the source and destination values.
Trace Type
Layer 2
MAC address plus VLAN
Layer 2
IPv4/IPv6 address plus VRF (if not default)
MAC address plus VLAN
Layer 2
MAC Address
MAC address plus VLAN
Layer 3
IPv4/IPv6 address
Layer 3
IPv4/IPv6 address plus VRF (if not default)
IPv4/IPv6 address
If you use an IPv6 address, you must enter the complete, non-truncated address.
Additional NetQ CLI Considerations
When creating and running traces using the NetQ CLI, consider the following items.
Time Values
When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:
w: week(s)
d: day(s)
h: hour(s)
m: minute(s)
s: second(s)
When using the between option, the start time (text-time) and end time (text-endtime) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.
Result Display Options
Three output formats are available for the on-demand trace with results in a terminal window.
JSON: Results are listed in a .json file, good for exporting to other applications or software.
Pretty: Results are lined up by paths in a pseudo-graphical manner to help visualize the multiple paths.
Detail: Results are displayed in a tabular format with a row per hop and a set of rows per path, useful for traces with higher hop counts where the pretty output wraps lines,
making it harder to interpret the results. This is the default output when not specified.
You can improve the readability of the output using color as well. Run netq config add color to turn color on. Run netq config del color to turn color off.
Known Addresses
The tracing function only knows about addresses that have already been learned. If you find that a path is invalid or incomplete, you may need to ping the identified device so that its address becomes known.
Create On-demand Traces
You can view the current connectivity between two devices in your network by creating an on-demand trace. These can be performed at layer 2 or layer 3 using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
Create a Layer 3 On-demand Trace Request
It is helpful to verify the connectivity between two devices when you suspect an issue is preventing proper communication between them. If you cannot find a layer 3 path, you might also try checking connectivity through a layer 2 path.
Determine the IP addresses of the two devices to be traced.
Click (main menu), then IP Addresses under the Network section.
Click and enter a hostname.
Make note of the relevant address.
Filter the list again for the other hostname, and make note of its address.
Open the Trace Request card.
On new workbench: Click in the Global Search box. Type trace. Click on card name.
On current workbench: Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
In the Source field, enter the hostname or IP address of the device where you want to start the trace.
In the Destination field, enter the IP address of the device where you want to end the trace.
In this example, we are starting our trace at *leaf01* which has an IPv4 address of and ending it at border01 which has an IPv4 address of **. You could have used *leaf01* as the source instead of its IP address.
If you mistype an address, you must double-click it, or backspace over the error, and retype the address. You cannot select the address by dragging over it as this action attempts to move the card to another location.
Use the netq trace command to view the results in the terminal window. Use the netq add trace command to view the results in the NetQ UI.
To create a layer 3 on-demand trace and see the results in the terminal window, run:
netq trace <ip> from (<src-hostname>|<ip-src>) [json|detail|pretty]
Note the syntax requires the destination device address first and then the source device address or hostname.
This example shows a trace from (source, leaf01) to (destination, border01) on the underlay in pretty output. You could have used leaf01 as the source instead of its IP address. The example first identifies the addresses for the source and destination devices using netq show ip addresses then runs the trace.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq border01 show ip addresses
Matching address records:
Address Hostname Interface VRF Last Changed
------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------- border01 eth0 Tue Nov 3 15:45:31 2020 border01 lo default Mon Nov 2 22:28:54 2020 border01 lo default Mon Nov 2 22:28:54 2020
cumulus@switch:~$ netq trace from pretty
Number of Paths: 12
Number of Paths with Errors: 0
Number of Paths with Warnings: 0
Path MTU: 9216
leaf01 swp54 -- swp1 spine04 swp6 -- swp54 border02 peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
leaf01 swp53 -- swp1 spine03 swp6 -- swp53 border02 peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
leaf01 swp52 -- swp1 spine02 swp6 -- swp52 border02 peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
leaf01 swp51 -- swp1 spine01 swp6 -- swp51 border02 peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 border01 lo
leaf01 swp54 -- swp1 spine04 swp5 -- swp54 border01 lo
leaf01 swp53 -- swp1 spine03 swp5 -- swp53 border01 lo
leaf01 swp52 -- swp1 spine02 swp5 -- swp52 border01 lo
leaf01 swp51 -- swp1 spine01 swp5 -- swp51 border01 lo
Each row of the pretty output shows one of the 12 available paths. Each path is described by hops using the following format:
source hostname and source egress port – ingress port of first hop and device hostname and egress port – n*(ingress port of next hop and device hostname and egress port) – ingress port of destination device hostname
In this example, eight of 12 paths use four hops to get to the destination and four use three hops. The overall MTU for all paths is 9216. No errors or warnings are present on any of the paths.
Alternately, you can choose to view the same results in detail (default output) or JSON format. This example shows the default detail output.
Create a Layer 3 On-demand Trace Through a Given VRF
You can guide a layer 3 trace through a particular VRF interface using the NetQ UI or the NetQ CLI.
To create the trace request:
Determine the IP addresses of the two devices to be traced.
Click (main menu), then IP Addresses under the Network section.
Click and enter a hostname.
Make note of the relevant address and VRF.
Filter the list again for the other hostname, and make note of its address.
Open the Trace Request card.
On new workbench: Click in the Global Search box. Type trace. Click on card name.
On current workbench: Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
In the Source field, enter the hostname or IP address of the device where you want to start the trace.
In the Destination field, enter the IP address of the device where you want to end the trace.
In the VRF field, enter the identifier for the VRF associated with these devices.
In this example, we are starting our trace at server01 using its IPv4 address and ending it at server04 whose IPv4 address is Because this trace is between two servers, a VRF is needed, in this case the RED VRF.
Use the netq trace command to view the results in the terminal window. Use the netq add trace command to view the results in the NetQ UI.
To create a layer 3 on-demand trace through a given VRF and see the results in the terminal window, run:
netq trace <ip> from (<src-hostname>|<ip-src>) vrf <vrf> [json|detail|pretty]
Note the syntax requires the destination device address first and then the source device address or hostname.
This example shows a trace from (source, server01) to (destination, server04) through VRF RED in detail output. It first identifies the addresses for the source and destination devices and a VRF between them using netq show ip addresses then runs the trace. Note that the VRF name is case sensitive. The trace job may take a bit to compile all of the available paths, especially if there are a large number of them.
It is helpful to verify the connectivity between two devices when you suspect an issue is preventing proper communication between them. If you cannot find a path through a layer 2 path, you might also try checking connectivity through a layer 3 path.
To create a layer 2 trace request:
Determine the IP or MAC address of the source device and the MAC address of the destination device.
Click (main menu), then IP Neighbors under the Network section.
Click and enter destination hostname.
Make note of the MAC address and VLAN ID.
Filter the list again for the source hostname, and make note of its IP address.
Open the Trace Request card.
On new workbench: Click in the Global Search box. Type trace. Click on card name.
On current workbench: Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
In the Source field, enter the hostname or IP address of the device where you want to start the trace.
In the Destination field, enter the MAC address for where you want to end the trace.
In the VLAN ID field, enter the identifier for the VLAN associated with the destination.
In this example, we are starting our trace at server01 with IPv4 address of and ending it at 44:38:39:00:00:3e (server04) using VLAN 10 and VRF RED. Note: If you do not have VRFs beyond the default, you do not need to enter a VRF.
Use the netq trace command to view on-demand trace results in the terminal window.
To create a layer 2 on-demand trace and see the results in the terminal window, run:
netq trace (<mac> vlan <1-4096>) from <mac-src> [json|detail|pretty]
Note the syntax requires the destination device address first and then the source device address or hostname.
This example shows a trace from 44:38:39:00:00:32 (source, server01) to 44:38:39:00:00:3e (destination, server04) through VLAN 10 in detail output. It first identifies the MAC addresses for the two devices using netq show ip neighbors. Then it determines the VLAN using netq show macs. Then it runs the trace.
After you have started an on-demand trace, the results are displayed either in the NetQ UI On-demand Trace Result card or by running the netq show trace results command.
View Layer 3 On-demand Trace Results
View the results for a layer 3 trace based on how you created the request.
After you click Run Now, the corresponding results card is opened on your workbench. While it is working on the trace, a notice is shown on the card indicating it is running.
Once results are obtained, it displays them. Using our example from earlier, the following results are shown:
In this example, we see that the trace was successful. 12 paths were found between the devices, some with three hops and some four hops and with an overall MTU of 9216. Because there is a difference between the minimum and maximum number of hops (as seen in this example) or if the trace failed, you could view the large results card for additional information.
In our example, we can see that paths 9-12 had three hops by scrolling through the path listing in the table. To view the hop details, refer to the next section. If there were errors or warnings, that caused the trace failure, a count would be visible in this table. To view more details for this and other traces, refer to Detailed On-demand Trace Results.
The results of the netq trace command are displayed in the terminal window where you ran the command. Refer to Create On-demand Traces.
After you have run the netq add trace command, you are able to view the results in the NetQ UI.
Open the NetQ UI and log in.
Open the workbench where the associated On-demand Trace Result card has been placed.
View the results for a layer 2 trace based on how you created the request.
After clicking Run Now on the Trace Request card, the corresponding On-demand Trace Result card is opened on your workbench. While it is working on the trace, a notice is shown on the card indicating it is running.
Once the job is completed, the results are displayed.
In the example on the left, we see that the trace was successful. 16 paths were found between the devices, each with five hops and with an overall MTU of 9,000. In the example on the right, we see that the trace failed. Two of the available paths were unsuccessful and a single device may be the problem.
If there was a difference between the minimum and maximum number of hops or other failures, viewing the results on the large card might provide additional information.
In the example on top, we can verify that every path option had five hops since the distribution chart only shows one hop count and the table indicates each path had a value of five hops. Similarly, you can view the MTU data. In the example on the bottom, is an error (scroll to the right in the table to see the count). To view more details for this and other traces, refer to Detailed On-demand Trace Results.
The results of the netq trace command are displayed in the terminal window where you ran the command. Refer to Create On-demand Traces.
After you have run the netq add trace command, you are able to view the results in the NetQ UI.
Open the NetQ UI and log in.
Open the workbench where the associated On-demand Trace Result card has been placed.
You can dig deeper into the results of a trace in the NetQ UI, viewing the interfaces, ports, tunnels, VLANs, etc. for each available path.
To view the more detail:
Locate the On-demand Trace Results card for the trace of interest.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Double-click on the trace of interest to open the detail view.
This view provides:
Configuration details for the trace: click the trace above the table
Errors and warnings for all paths: click Errors or Warnings above the table
If the trace was run on a Mellanox switch and drops were detected by the What Just Happened feature, they are also included here.
Path details: walk through the path, host by host, viewing the interfaces, ports, tunnels, VLANs, and so forth used to traverse the network from the source to the destination. Scroll down to view all paths.
If you have a large number of paths, click Load More at the bottom of the details page to view additional path data.
Note that in our example, paths 9-12 have only three hops because they do not traverse through the border02 switch, but go directly from spine04 to border01. Routing would likely choose these paths over the four-hop paths.
Create Scheduled Traces
There may be paths through your network that you consider critical or particularly important to your everyday operations. In these cases, it might be useful to create one or more traces to periodically confirm that at least one path is available between the relevant two devices. You can create scheduled traces at layer 2 or layer 3 in your network, from the NetQ UI and the NetQ CLI.
Create a Layer 3 Scheduled Trace
Use the instructions here, based on how you want to create the trace using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To schedule a trace:
Determine the IP addresses of the two devices to be traced.
Click (main menu), then IP Addresses under the Network section.
Click and enter a hostname.
Make note of the relevant address.
Filter the list again for the other hostname, and make note of its address.
Open the Trace Request card.
On new workbench: Click in the Global Search box. Type trace. Click on card name.
On current workbench: Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
In the Source field, enter the hostname or IP address of the device where you want to start the trace.
In the Destination field, enter IP address of the device where you want to end the trace.
Select a timeframe under Schedule to specify how often you want to run the trace.
Accept the default starting time, or click in the Starting field to specify the day you want the trace to run for the first time.
Click Next.
Click the time you want the trace to run for the first time.
Click OK.
Verify your entries are correct, then click Save As New.
This example shows the creation of a scheduled trace between leaf01 (source, and border01 (destination, at 5:00 am each day with the first run occurring on November 5, 2020.
Provide a name for the trace. Note: This name must be unique for a given user.
Click Save.
You can now run this trace on demand by selecting it from the dropdown list, or wait for it to run on its defined schedule. To view the scheduled trace results after its normal run, refer to View Scheduled Trace Results.
To create a layer 3 scheduled trace and see the results in the Scheduled Trace Results card, run:
netq add trace name <text-new-trace-name> <ip> from (<src-hostname>|<ip-src>) interval <text-time-min>
This example shows the creation of a scheduled trace between leaf01 (source, and border01 (destination, with a name of L01toB01Daily that is run on an daily basis. The interval option value must be a number of minutes with the units indicator (m).
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add trace name Lf01toBor01Daily from interval 1440m
Successfully added/updated Lf01toBor01Daily running every 1440m
Create a Layer 3 Scheduled Trace through a Given VRF
Use the instructions here, based on how you want to create the trace using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To schedule a trace from the NetQ UI:
Determine the IP addresses of the two devices to be traced.
Click (main menu), then IP Addresses under the Network section.
Click and enter a hostname.
Make note of the relevant address.
Filter the list again for the other hostname, and make note of its address.
Open the Trace Request card.
Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
In the Source field, enter the hostname or IP address of the device where you want to start the trace.
In the Destination field, enter IP address of the device where you want to end the trace.
Enter a VRF interface if you are using anything other than the default VRF.
Select a timeframe under Schedule to specify how often you want to run the trace.
Accept the default starting time, or click in the Starting field to specify the day you want the trace to run for the first time.
Click Next.
Click the time you want the trace to run for the first time.
Click OK.
This example shows the creation of a scheduled trace between server01 (source, and server02 (destination, that is run on an hourly basis as of November 5, 2020.
Verify your entries are correct, then click Save As New.
Provide a name for the trace. Note: This name must be unique for a given user.
Click Save.
You can now run this trace on demand by selecting it from the dropdown list, or wait for it to run on its defined schedule. To view the scheduled trace results after its normal run, refer to View Scheduled Trace Results.
To create a layer 3 scheduled trace that uses a VRF other than default and then see the results in the Scheduled Trace Results card, run:
netq add trace name <text-new-trace-name> <ip> from (<src-hostname>|<ip-src>) vrf <vrf> interval <text-time-min>
This example shows the creation of a scheduled trace between server01 (source, and server04 (destination, with a name of Svr01toSvr04Hrly that is run on an hourly basis. The interval option value must be a number of minutes with the units indicator (m).
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add trace name Svr01toSvr04Hrly from interval 60m
Successfully added/updated Svr01toSvr04Hrly running every 60m
Use the instructions here, based on how you want to create the trace using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
To schedule a layer 2 trace:
Determine the IP or MAC address of the source device and the MAC address of the destination device.
Click (main menu), then IP Neighbors under the Network section.
Click and enter destination hostname.
Make note of the MAC address and VLAN ID.
Filter the list again for the source hostname, and make note of its IP or MAC address.
Open the Trace Request card.
On new workbench: Click in the Global Search box. Type trace. Click on card name.
On current workbench: Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
In the Source field, enter the hostname, IP or MAC address of the device where you want to start the trace.
In the Destination field, enter the MAC address of the device where you want to end the trace.
In the VLAN field, enter the VLAN ID associated with the destination device.
Select a timeframe under Schedule to specify how often you want to run the trace.
Accept the default starting time, or click in the Starting field to specify the day you want the trace to run for the first time.
Click Next.
Click the time you want the trace to run for the first time.
Click OK.
This example shows the creation of a scheduled trace between server01 (source, 44:38:39:00:00:32) and server04 (destination, 44:38:39:00:00:3e) on VLAN 10 that is run every three hours as of November 5, 2020 at 11 p.m.
Verify your entries are correct, then click Save As New.
Provide a name for the trace. Note: This name must be unique for a given user.
Click Save.
You can now run this trace on demand by selecting it from the dropdown list, or wait for it to run on its defined schedule. To view the scheduled trace results after its normal run, refer to View Scheduled Trace Results.
To create a layer 2 scheduled trace and then see the results in the Scheduled Trace Result card, run:
netq add trace name <text-new-trace-name> <mac> vlan <1-4096> from (<src-hostname> | <ip-src>) [vrf <vrf>] interval <text-time-min>
This example shows the creation of a scheduled trace between server01 (source, and server04 (destination, 44:38:39:00:00:3e) on VLAN 10 with a name of Svr01toSvr04x3Hrs that is run every three hours. The interval option value must be a number of minutes with the units indicator (m).
cumulus@switch:~$ netq add trace name Svr01toSvr04x3Hrs 44:38:39:00:00:3e vlan 10 from interval 180m
Successfully added/updated Svr01toSvr04x3Hrs running every 180m
You may find that, although you have a schedule for a particular trace, you want to have visibility into the connectivity data now. You can run a scheduled trace on demand from the small, medium and large Trace Request cards.
To run a scheduled trace now:
Open the small or medium or large Trace Request card.
Select the scheduled trace from the Select Trace or New Trace Request list. Note: In the medium and large cards, the trace details are filled in on selection of the scheduled trace.
Click Go or Run Now. A corresponding Trace Results card is opened on your workbench.
View Scheduled Trace Results
You can view the results of scheduled traces at any time. Results can be displayed in the NetQ UI or in the NetQ CLI.
The results of scheduled traces are displayed on the Scheduled Trace Result card.
Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period
On the medium and large Trace Result cards, the status of the runs is represented in heat maps stacked vertically; one for runs with warnings and one for runs with failures. Depending on the time period of data on the card, the number of smaller time blocks used to indicate the status varies. A vertical stack of time blocks, one from each map, includes the results from all checks during that time. The results are shown by how saturated the color is for each block. If all traces run during that time period pass, then both blocks are 100% gray. If there are only failures, the associated lower blocks are 100% saturated white and the warning blocks are 100% saturated gray. As warnings and failures increase, the blocks increase their white saturation. As warnings or failures decrease, the blocks increase their gray saturation. An example heat map for a time period of 24 hours is shown here with the most common time periods in the table showing the resulting time blocks.
Time Period
Number of Runs
Number Time Blocks
Amount of Time in Each Block
6 hours
1 hour
12 hours
1 hour
24 hours
1 hour
1 week
1 day
1 month
1 day
1 quarter
1 week
View Detailed Scheduled Trace Results
Once a scheduled trace request has completed, the results are available in the corresponding Trace Result card.
To view the results:
Open the Trace Request card.
Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker to view all scheduled traces.
Select the scheduled trace results you want to view.
Click (Open Card). This opens the medium Scheduled Trace Results card(s) for the selected items.
Note the distribution of results. Are there many failures? Are they concentrated together in time? Has the trace begun passing again?
Hover over the heat maps to view the status numbers and what percentage of the total results that represents for a given region.
Switch to the large Scheduled Trace Result card.
If there are a large number of warnings or failures, view the associated messages by selecting Failures or Warning in the filter above the table. This might help narrow the failures down to a particular device or small set of devices that you can investigate further.
Look for a consistent number of paths, MTU, hops in the small charts under the heat map. Changes over time here might correlate with the messages and give you a clue to any specific issues. Note if the number of bad nodes changes over time. Devices that become unreachable are often the cause of trace failures.
View the available paths for each run, by selecting Paths in the filter above the table.
You can view the configuration of the request that produced the results shown on this card workflow, by hovering over the card and clicking . If you want to change the configuration, click Edit to open the large Trace Request card, pre-populated with the current configuration. Follow the instructions in Create a Scheduled Trace Request to make your changes in the same way you created a new scheduled trace.
To view a summary of all scheduled trace results, switch to the full screen card.
Look for changes and patterns in the results for additional clues to isolate root causes of trace failures. Select and view related traces using the Edit menu.
View the details of any specific trace result by clicking on the trace. A new window opens similar to the following:
Scroll to the right to view the information for a given hop. Scroll down to view additional paths. This display shows each of the hosts and detailed steps the trace takes to validate a given path between two devices. Using Path 1 as an example, each path can be interpreted as follows:
Hop 1 is from the source device, server02 in this case.
It exits this device at switch port bond0 with an MTU of 9000 and over the default VRF to get to leaf02.
The trace goes in to swp2 with an MTU of 9216 over the vrf1 interface.
It exits leaf02 through switch port 52 and so on.
Export this data by clicking Export or click to return to the results list to view another trace in detail.
View a Summary of All Scheduled Traces
You can view a summary of all scheduled traces using the netq show trace summary command. The summary displays the name of the trace, a job ID, status, and timestamps for when was run and when it completed.
This example shows all scheduled traces run in the last 24 hours.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show trace summary
Name Job ID Status Status Details Start Time End Time
--------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------------------- -------------------- ----------------
leaf01toborder0 f8d6a2c5-54d Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 15:04:54 Fri Nov 6 15:05
1 b-44a8-9a5d- 2020 :21 2020
New Trace 0e65e196-ac0 Complete 1 Fri Nov 6 15:04:48 Fri Nov 6 15:05
5-49d7-8c81- 2020 :03 2020
Svr01toSvr04Hrl 4c580c97-8af Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 15:01:16 Fri Nov 6 15:01
y 8-4ea2-8c09- 2020 :44 2020
Abc c7174fad-71c Complete 1 Fri Nov 6 14:57:18 Fri Nov 6 14:58
a-49d3-8c1d- 2020 :11 2020
Lf01toBor01Dail f501f9b0-cca Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 14:52:35 Fri Nov 6 14:57
y 3-4fa1-a60d- 2020 :55 2020
L01toB01Daily 38a75e0e-7f9 Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 14:50:23 Fri Nov 6 14:57
9-4e0c-8449- 2020 :38 2020
leaf01toborder0 f8d6a2c5-54d Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 14:34:54 Fri Nov 6 14:57
1 b-44a8-9a5d- 2020 :20 2020
leaf01toborder0 f8d6a2c5-54d Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 14:04:54 Fri Nov 6 14:05
1 b-44a8-9a5d- 2020 :20 2020
New Trace 0e65e196-ac0 Complete 1 Fri Nov 6 14:04:48 Fri Nov 6 14:05
5-49d7-8c81- 2020 :02 2020
Svr01toSvr04Hrl 4c580c97-8af Complete 0 Fri Nov 6 14:01:16 Fri Nov 6 14:01
y 8-4ea2-8c09- 2020 :43 2020
L01toB01Daily 38a75e0e-7f9 Complete 0 Thu Nov 5 15:50:23 Thu Nov 5 15:58
9-4e0c-8449- 2020 :22 2020
leaf01toborder0 f8d6a2c5-54d Complete 0 Thu Nov 5 15:34:54 Thu Nov 5 15:58
1 b-44a8-9a5d- 2020 :03 2020
View Scheduled Trace Settings for a Given Trace
You can view the configuration settings used by a give scheduled trace using the netq show trace settings command.
This example shows the settings for the scheduled trace named Lf01toBor01Daily.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show trace settings name Lf01toBor01Daily
View Scheduled Trace Results for a Given Trace
You can view the results for a give scheduled trace using the netq show trace results command.
This example obtains the job ID for the trace named Lf01toBor01Daily, then shows the results.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show trace summary name Lf01toBor01Daily json
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show trace results f501f9b0-cca3-4fa1-a60d-fb6f495b7a0e
Manage Scheduled Traces
You can modify and remove scheduled traces at any time as described here. An administrator can also manage scheduled traces through the NetQ Management dashboard. Refer to Delete a Scheduled Trace for details.
Modify a Scheduled Trace
After reviewing the results of a scheduled trace for a period of time, you might want to modify how often it is run or the VRF or VLAN used. You can do this using the NetQ UI.
Be aware that changing the configuration of a trace can cause the results to be inconsistent with prior runs of the trace. If this is an unacceptable result, create a new scheduled trace. Optionally you can remove the original trace.
To modify a scheduled trace:
Open the Trace Request card.
Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Select the trace from the New Trace Request dropdown.
Edit the schedule, VLAN or VRF as needed.
Click Update.
Click Yes to complete the changes, or change the name of the previous version of this scheduled trace.
Click the change name link.
Edit the name.
Click Update.
Click Yes to complete the changes, or repeat these steps until you have the name you want.
The validation can now be selected from the New Trace listing (on the small, medium or large size card) and run immediately using Go or Run Now, or you can wait for it to run the first time according to the schedule you specified. Refer to View Scheduled Trace Results.
Remove Scheduled Traces
If you have reached the maximum of 15 scheduled traces for your premises, you might need to remove one trace in favor of another. You can remove a scheduled trace at any time using the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI.
Both a standard user and an administrative user can remove scheduled traces. No notification is generated on removal. Be sure to communicate with other users before removing a scheduled trace to avoid confusion and support issues.
Open the Trace Request card.
Click . Click Trace. Click on card. Click Open Cards.
Change to the full-screen card using the card size picker.
Select one or more traces to remove.
Click .
Determine the name of the scheduled trace you want to remove. Run:
netq show trace summary [name <text-trace-name>] [around <text-time-hr>] [json]
This example shows all scheduled traces in JSON format. Alternately, drop the json option and obtain the name for the standard output.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq del trace leaf01toborder01
Successfully deleted schedule trace leaf01toborder01
Repeat these steps for additional traces you want to remove.
Monitor Using Topology View
The core capabilities of Cumulus NetQ enable you to monitor your network by viewing performance and configuration data about your individual network devices and the entire fabric networkwide. The topics contained in this section describe monitoring tasks that can be performed from a topology view rather than through the NetQ UI card workflows or the NetQ CLI.
Access the Topology View
To open the topology view, click in any workbench header.
This opens the full screen view of your network topology.
This document uses the Cumulus Networks reference topology for all examples.
To close the view, click in the top right corner.
Topology Overview
The topology view provides a visual representation of your Linux network, showing the connections and device information for all monitored nodes, for an alternate monitoring and troubleshooting perspective. The topology view uses a number of icons and elements to represent the nodes and their connections as follows:
Switch running Cumulus Linux OS
Switch running RedHat, Ubuntu, or CentOS
Host with unknown operating system
Host running Ubuntu
Alarm (critical) event is present on the node
Info event is present
Physical links or connections
Interact with the Topology
There are a number of ways in which you can interact with the topology.
Move the Topology Focus
You can move the focus on the topology closer to view a smaller number of nodes, or further out to view a larger number of nodes. As with mapping applications, the node labels appear and disappear as you move in and out on the diagram for better readability. To zoom, you can use:
The zoom controls, , in the bottom right corner of the screen; the ‘+’ zooms you in closer, the ‘-’ moves you further out, and the ‘o’ resets to the default size.
A scrolling motion on your mouse.
Your trackpad.
You can also click anywhere on the topology, and drag it left, right, up, or down to view a different portion of the network diagram. This is especially helpful with larger topologies.
View Data About the Network
You can hover over the various elements to view data about them. Hovering over a node highlights its connections to other nodes, temporarily de-emphasizing all other connections.
Hovering over a line highlights the connection and displays the interface ports used on each end of the connection. All other connections are temporarily de-emphasized.
You can also click on the nodes and links to open the Configuration Panel with additional data about them.
From the Configuration Panel, you can view the following data about nodes and links:
Node Data
Name of the ASIC used in the switch. A value of Cumulus Networks VX indicates a virtual machine.
License State
Status of the Cumulus Linux license for the switch; OK, BAD (missing or invalid), or N/A (for hosts).
NetQ Agent Status
Operational status of the NetQ Agent on the switch; Fresh, Rotten.
NetQ Agent Version
Version ID of the NetQ Agent on the switch.
OS Name
Operating system running on the switch.
Vendor and name of the switch hardware.
Open Card/s
Opens the Event
Number of alarm events present on the switch.
Number of info events present on the switch.
Link Data
Switch where the connection originates
Source Interface
Port on the source switch used by the connection
Switch where the connection ends
Target Interface
Port on the destination switch used by the connection
After reviewing the provided information, click to close the panel, or to view data for another node or link without closing the panel, simply click on that element. The panel is hidden by default.
When no devices or links are selected, you can view the unique count of items in the network by clicking on the on the upper left to open the count summary. Click to close the panel.
You can change the time period for the data as well. This enables you to view the state of the network in the past and compare it with the current state. Click in the timestamp box in the topology header to select an alternate time period.
Hide Events on Topology Diagram
You can hide the event symbols on the topology diagram. Simple move the Events toggle in the header to the left. Move the toggle to the right to show them again.
Export Your NetQ Topology Data
The topology view provides the option to export your topology information as a JSON file. Click Export in the header.
When you discover that devices, hosts, protocols, and services are not operating correctly and validation shows errors, then troubleshooting the issues is the next step. The sections in this topic provide instructions for resolving common issues found when operating Cumulus Linux and NetQ in your network.
Investigate NetQ Issues
Monitoring of systems inevitably leads to the need to troubleshoot and resolve the issues found. In fact network management follows a common pattern as shown in this diagram.
This topic describes some of the tools and commands you can use to troubleshoot issues with the network and NetQ itself. Some example scenarios are included here:
Try looking at the specific protocol or service, or particular devices as well. If none of these produce a resolution, you can capture a log to use in discussion with the Cumulus Networks support team.
Browse Configuration and Log Files
To aid in troubleshooting issues with NetQ, there are the following configuration and log files that can provide insight into the root cause of the issue:
The NetQ configuration file. This file appears only if you installed either the netq-apps package or the NetQ Agent on the system.
The NetQ daemon log file for the NetQ CLI. This log file appears only if you installed the netq-apps package on the system.
The NetQ Agent log file. This log file appears only if you installed the NetQ Agent on the system.
Check NetQ Agent Health
Checking the health of the NetQ Agents is a good way to start troubleshooting NetQ on your network. If any agents are rotten, meaning three heartbeats in a row were not sent, then you can investigate the rotten node. Different views are offered with the NetQ UI and NetQ CLI.
Open the Validation Request card.
Select Default Validation AGENTS from the Validation dropdown.
Click Run Now.
The On-demand Validation Result card for NetQ Agents is placed on your workbench.
In the example below, no NetQ Agents are rotten. If there were nodes with indications of failures, warnings, rotten state, you could use the netq show agents command to view more detail about the individual NetQ Agents:
cumulus@switch:$ netq check agents
agent check result summary:
Total nodes : 21
Checked nodes : 21
Failed nodes : 0
Rotten nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Agent Health Test : passed
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents
Matching agents records:
Hostname Status NTP Sync Version Sys Uptime Agent Uptime Reinitialize Time Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
border01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:59 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:49 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:49 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:05 2020
border02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:57 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:48 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:48 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:14 2020
fw1 Fresh no 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:36:33 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:21 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:21 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:17 2020
fw2 Fresh no 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:36:32 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:20 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:20 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:20 2020
leaf01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:56 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:45 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:45 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:01 2020
leaf02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:54 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:44 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:44 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:02 2020
leaf03 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:59 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:49 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:49 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:14 2020
leaf04 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:57 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:47 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:47 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:06 2020
oob-mgmt-server Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 19:54:09 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:26:32 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:26:32 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:45:59 2020
server01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 22:39:27 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:31 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:31 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:08 2020
server02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 22:39:26 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:32 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:32 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:12 2020
server03 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 22:39:27 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:32 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:32 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:11 2020
server04 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 22:39:27 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:32 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:32 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:10 2020
server05 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 22:39:26 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:33 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:33 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:14 2020
server06 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 22:39:26 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:34 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:34 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:14 2020
server07 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 20:47:24 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:35 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:35 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:45:54 2020
server08 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601400975.104fb9e Fri Oct 2 20:47:24 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:35 2020 Mon Nov 2 19:49:35 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:45:57 2020
spine01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:29 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:20 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:20 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:45:55 2020
spine02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:48 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:37 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:37 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:21 2020
spine03 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:51 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:41 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:41 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:46:14 2020
spine04 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601403318.104fb9ed Fri Oct 2 20:32:49 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:40 2020 Fri Oct 2 22:24:40 2020 Fri Nov 13 22:45:53 2020
NetQ provides users with the ability to go back in time to replay the network state, see fabric-wide event change logs and root cause state deviations. The NetQ Telemetry Server maintains data collected by NetQ
agents in a time-series database, making fabric-wide events available for analysis. This enables you to replay and analyze networkwide events for better visibility and to correlate patterns. This allows for root-cause analysis and optimization of network configs for the future.
NetQ provides a number of commands and cards for diagnosing past events.
NetQ records network events and stores them in its database. You can:
View the events through a third-party notification application (Syslog, PagerDuty, Slack, or email)
View the events using the Events|Alarms and Events|Info cards in the NetQ UI, then use the Trace Request card to track the connection between nodes
Use netq show events command to look for any changes made to the runtime configuration that may have triggered the alert, then use netq trace to track the connection between the nodes
The netq trace command traces the route of an IP or MAC address from one endpoint to another. It works across bridged, routed and VXLAN connections, computing the path using available data instead of sending real traffic — this way, it can be run from anywhere. It performs MTU and VLAN consistency checks for every link along the path.
With the NetQ UI or NetQ CLI, you can travel back to a specific point in time or a range of times to help you isolate errors and issues.
All cards have a default time period for the data shown on the card, typically the last 24 hours. You can change the time period to view the data during a different time range to aid analysis of previous or existing issues.
To change the time period for a card:
Hover over any card.
Click in the header.
Select a time period from the dropdown list.
If you think you had an issue with your sensors last night, you can check the sensors on all your nodes around the time you think the issue occurred:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check sensors around 12h
sensors check result summary:
Total nodes : 13
Checked nodes : 13
Failed nodes : 0
Rotten nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Additional summary:
Checked Sensors : 102
Failed Sensors : 0
PSU sensors Test : passed
Fan sensors Test : passed
Temperature sensors Test : passed
You can travel back in time five minutes and run a trace from spine02 to
exit01, which has the IP address
cumulus@leaf01:~$ netq trace from spine02 around 5m pretty
Detected Routing Loop. Node exit01 (now via Local Node exit01 and Ports swp6 <==> Remote Node/s spine01 and Ports swp3) visited twice.
Detected Routing Loop. Node spine02 (now via mac:00:02:00:00:00:15) visited twice.
spine02 -- spine02:swp3 -- exit01:swp6.4 -- exit01:swp3 -- exit01
-- spine02:swp7 -- spine02
Trace Paths in a VRF
Use the NetQ UI Trace Request card or the netq trace command to run a trace through a specified VRF as well:
cumulus@leaf01:~$ netq trace from spine01 vrf default around 5m pretty
spine01 -- spine01:swp1 -- leaf01:vlan20
-- spine01:swp2 -- leaf02:vlan20
The opta-support command generates an archive of useful information for troubleshooting issues with NetQ. It is an extension of the cl-support command in Cumulus Linux. It provides information about the NetQ Platform configuration and runtime statistics as well as output from the docker ps command. The Cumulus Networks support team may request the output of this command when assisting with any issues that you could not solve with your own troubleshooting. Run the following command:
cumulus@switch:~$ opta-support
Resolve MLAG Issues
This topic outlines a few scenarios that illustrate how you use NetQ to troubleshoot MLAG on Cumulus Linux switches. Each starts with a log message that indicates the current MLAG state.
NetQ can monitor many aspects of an MLAG configuration, including:
Verifying the current state of all nodes
Verifying the dual connectivity state
Checking that the peer link is part of the bridge
Verifying whether MLAG bonds are not bridge members
Verifying whether the VXLAN interface is not a bridge member
Checking for remote-side service failures caused by systemctl
Checking for VLAN-VNI mapping mismatches
Checking for layer 3 MTU mismatches on peerlink subinterfaces
Checking for VXLAN active-active address inconsistencies
Verifying that STP priorities are the same across both peers
Scenario 1: All Nodes Are Up
When the MLAG configuration is running smoothly, NetQ sends out a message that all nodes are up:
2017-05-22T23:13:09.683429+00:00 noc-pr netq-notifier[5501]: INFO: CLAG: All nodes are up
Running netq show mlag confirms this:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
spine01(P) spine02 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:49 2019
spine02 spine01(P) 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:53 2019
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:15 2019
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:20 2019
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:26 2019
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:30 2019
You can also verify a specific node is up:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show mlag
Matching mlag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
spine01(P) spine02 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:49 2019
Similarly, checking the MLAG state with NetQ also confirms this:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check mlag
clag check result summary:
Total nodes : 6
Checked nodes : 6
Failed nodes : 0
Rotten nodes : 0
Warning nodes : 0
Peering Test : passed
Backup IP Test : passed
Clag SysMac Test : passed
VXLAN Anycast IP Test : passed
Bridge Membership Test : passed
Spanning Tree Test : passed
Dual Home Test : passed
Single Home Test : passed
Conflicted Bonds Test : passed
ProtoDown Bonds Test : passed
SVI Test : passed
The clag keyword has been deprecated and replaced by the mlag keyword. The
clag keyword continues to work for now, but you should start using the mlag
keyword instead. Keep in mind you should also update any scripts that use the clag
When you are logged directly into a switch, you can run clagctl to get
the state:
After you fix the issue, you can show the MLAG state to see if all the nodes are up. The notifications from NetQ indicate all nodes are UP, and the netq check flag also indicates there are no failures.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag records:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
spine01(P) spine02 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:49 2019
spine02 spine01(P) 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:53 2019
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:15 2019
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:20 2019
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:26 2019
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:30 2019
When you are logged directly into a switch, you can run clagctl to get the state:
After you fix the issue, you can show the MLAG state to see if all the
nodes are up:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching clag session records are:
Hostname Peer SysMac State Backup #Bond #Dual Last Changed
----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- ------ ----- ----- -------------------------
spine01(P) spine02 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:49 2019
spine02 spine01(P) 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 24 24 Thu Feb 7 18:30:53 2019
leaf01(P) leaf02 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:15 2019
leaf02 leaf01(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:20 2019
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:26 2019
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 12 12 Thu Feb 7 18:31:30 2019
When you are logged directly into a switch, you can run clagctl to get
the state:
Showing the MLAG state reveals which nodes are down:
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show mlag
Matching CLAG session records are:
Node Peer SysMac State Backup #Bonds #Dual Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----- ------ ------ ----- -------------------------
spine01(P) spine02 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 9 9 Thu Feb 7 18:30:53 2019
spine02 spine01(P) 00:01:01:10:00:01 up up 9 9 Thu Feb 7 18:31:04 2019
leaf01 44:38:39:ff:ff:01 down n/a 0 0 Thu Feb 7 18:31:13 2019
leaf03(P) leaf04 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 8 8 Thu Feb 7 18:31:19 2019
leaf04 leaf03(P) 44:38:39:ff:ff:02 up up 8 8 Thu Feb 7 18:31:25 2019
Checking the MLAG status provides the reason for the failure:
The following documents summarize new features in the release, bug fixes, document formatting conventions, and general terminology. A PDF of the NetQ user documentation is also included here.
NetQ UI Card Reference
This reference describes the cards available with the NetQ 3.2 graphical user interface (NetQ UI). Each item and field on the four sizes of cards is shown. You can open cards using one of two methods:
Search for the card by name in the Global Search box in the application header
Click . Select a card category or scroll down. Click on the desired card. Click Open Cards.
Cards opened on the default Cumulus Workbench are not saved. Create a new workbench and open cards there to save and view the cards at a later time.
Cards are listed in alphabetical order by name.
Event Cards
The event cards are located on the default Cumulus workbench. They can also be added to user-created workbenches.
Events|Alarms Card
You can easily monitor critical events occurring across your network using the Alarms card. You can determine the number of events for the various system, interface, and network protocols and services components in the network.
The small Alarms card displays:
Indicates data is for all critical severity events in the network.
Alarm trend
Trend of alarm count, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and bright pink: alarm count is higher than the last two time periods, an increasing trend
Pointing downward and green: alarm count is lower than the last two time periods, a decreasing trend
No arrow: alarm count is unchanged over the last two time periods, trend is steady
Alarm score
Current count of alarms during the designated time period.
Alarm rating
Count of alarms relative to the average count of alarms during the designated time period:
Low: Count of alarms is below the average count; a nominal count
Med: Count of alarms is in range of the average count; some room for improvement
High: Count of alarms is above the average count; user intervention recommended
Distribution alarms received during the designated time period and a total count of all alarms present in the system.
The medium Alarms card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all critical events in the network.
Total number of alarms received during the designated time period.
Alarm score
Current count of alarms received from each category (overall, system, interface, and network services) during the designated time period.
Distribution of all alarms received from each category during the designated time period.
The large Alarms card has one tab.
The Alarm Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all system, trace and interface critical events in the network.
Alarm Distribution
Chart: Distribution of all alarms received from each category during the designated time period:
NetQ Agent
BTRFS Information
CL Support
Config Diff
CL License
Installed Packages
Running Config Diff
SSD Utilization
TCA Interface Stats
TCA Resource Utilization
TCA Sensors
The categories are displayed in descending order based on total count of alarms, with the largest number of alarms is shown at the top, followed by the next most, down to the chart with the fewest alarms.
Count: Total number of alarms received from each category during the designated time period.
Listing of items that match the filter selection for the selected alarm categories:
Events by Most Recent: Most recent event are listed at the top
Devices by Event Count: Devices with the most events are listed at the top
Show All Events
Opens full screen Events | Alarms card with a listing of all events.
The full screen Alarms card provides tabs for all events.
Events | Alarms
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Default Time
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Alarms
Displays all alarms received in the time period. By default, the requests list is sorted by the date and time that the event occurred (Time). This tab provides the following additional data about each request:
Source: Hostname of the given event
Message: Text describing the alarm or info event that occurred
Type: Name of network protocol and/or service that triggered the given event
Severity: Importance of the event-critical, warning, info, or debug
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Events|Info Card
You can easily monitor warning, info, and debug severity events occurring across your network using the Info card. You can determine the number of events for the various system, interface, and network protocols and services components in the network.
The small Info card displays:
Indicates data is for all warning, info, and debug severity events in the network
Info count
Number of info events received during the designated time period
Alarm count
Number of alarm events received during the designated time period
Distribution of all info events and alarms received during the designated time period
The medium Info card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all warning, info, and debug severity events in the network.
Types of Info
Chart which displays the services that have triggered events during the designated time period. Hover over chart to view a count for each type.
Distribution of Info
Info Status
Count: Number of info events received during the designated time period.
Chart: Distribution of all info events received during the designated time period.
Alarms Status
Count: Number of alarm events received during the designated time period.
Chart: Distribution of all alarm events received during the designated time period.
The large Info card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all warning, info, and debug severity events in the network.
Types of Info
Chart which displays the services that have triggered events during the designated time period. Hover over chart to view a count for each type.
Distribution of Info
Info Status
Count: Current number of info events received during the designated time period.
Chart: Distribution of all info events received during the designated time period.
Alarms Status
Count: Current number of alarm events received during the designated time period.
Chart: Distribution of all alarm events received during the designated time period.
Listing of items that match the filter selection:
Events by Most Recent: Most recent event are listed at the top.
Devices by Event Count: Devices with the most events are listed at the top.
Show All Events
Opens full screen Events | Info card with a listing of all events.
The full screen Info card provides tabs for all events.
Events | Info
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Default Time
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Events
Displays all events (both alarms and info) received in the time period. By default, the requests list is sorted by the date and time that the event occurred (Time). This tab provides the following additional data about each request:
Source: Hostname of the given event
Message: Text describing the alarm or info event that occurred
Type: Name of network protocol and/or service that triggered the given event
Severity: Importance of the event-critical, warning, info, or debug
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Inventory Cards
The inventory cards are located on the default Cumulus workbench. They can also be added to user-created workbenches.
Inventory|Devices Card
The small Devices Inventory card displays:
Indicates data is for device inventory
Total number of switches in inventory during the designated time period
Total number of hosts in inventory during the designated time period
The medium Devices Inventory card displays:
Indicates data is for device inventory
Inventory | Devices
Total number of switches in inventory during the designated time period
Total number of hosts in inventory during the designated time period
Distribution of operating systems deployed on switches and hosts, respectively
The large Devices Inventory card has one tab.
The Switches tab displays:
Time period
Always Now for inventory by default.
Indicates data is for device inventory.
Inventory | Devices.
Total number of switches in inventory during the designated time period.
Link to full screen listing of all switches.
Switch components monitored-ASIC, Operating System (OS), Cumulus Linux license, NetQ Agent version, and Platform.
Distribution charts
Distribution of switch components across the network.
Number of unique items of each component type. For example, for License, you might have CL 2.7.2 and CL 2.7.4, giving you a unique count of two.
The full screen Devices Inventory card provides tabs for all switches and all hosts.
Inventory | Devices | Switches.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Time period does not apply to the Inventory cards. This is always Default Time.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Switches and All Hosts tabs
Displays all monitored switches and hosts in your network. By default, the device list is sorted by hostname. These tabs provide the following additional data about each device:
State: Indicates communication state of the NetQ Agent on a given device. Values include Fresh (heard from recently) and Rotten (not heard from recently).
Version: Software version number of the NetQ Agent on a given device. This should match the version number of the NetQ software loaded on your server or appliance; for example, 2.1.0.
Core BW: Maximum sustained/rated bandwidth. Example values include 2.0 T and 720 G.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Tomahawk, Trident, and Spectrum.
Model Id: Identifier of networking ASIC model. Example values include BCM56960 and BCM56854.
Ports: Indicates port configuration of the switch. Example values include 32 x 100G-QSFP28, 48 x 10G-SFP+, and 6 x 40G-QSFP+.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the chip. Example values include Broadcom and Mellanox.
Arch: Microprocessor architecture type. Values include x86_64 (Intel), ARMv7 (AMD), and PowerPC.
Max Freq: Highest rated frequency for CPU. Example values include 2.40 GHz and 1.74 GHz.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Intel Atom C2538 and Intel Atom C2338.
Nos: Number of cores. Example values include 2, 4, and 8.
Disk Total Size: Total amount of storage space in physical disks (not total available). Example values: 10 GB, 20 GB, 30 GB.
License State: Indicator of validity. Values include ok and bad.
Memory Size: Total amount of local RAM. Example values include 8192 MB and 2048 MB.
Vendor: Operating System manufacturer. Values include Cumulus Networks, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Version: Software version number of the OS. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Version Id: Identifier of the OS version. For Cumulus, this is the same as the Version (3.7.x).
Date: Date and time the platform was manufactured. Example values include 7/12/18 and 10/29/2015.
MAC: System MAC address. Example value: 17:01:AB:EE:C3:F5.
Model: Manufacturer's model name. Examples values include AS7712-32X and S4048-ON.
Number: Manufacturer part number. Examples values include FP3ZZ7632014A, 0J09D3.
Revision: Release version of the platform.
Series: Manufacturer serial number. Example values include D2060B2F044919GD000060, CN046MRJCES0085E0004.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the platform. Example values include Cumulus Express, Dell, EdgeCore, Lenovo, Mellanox.
Time: Date and time the data was collected from device.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Inventory|Switch Card
Knowing what components are included on all of your switches aids in upgrade, compliance, and other planning tasks. Viewing this data is accomplished through the Switch Inventory card.
The small Switch Inventory card displays:
Indicates data is for switch inventory
Total number of switches in the network inventory
Distribution of overall health status during the designated time period; fresh versus rotten
The medium Switch Inventory card displays:
Indicates data is for switch inventory.
View fresh switches (those you have heard from recently) or rotten switches (those you have not heard from recently) on this card.
Distribution of switch components (disk size, OS, ASIC, NetQ Agents, CPU, Cumulus Linux licenses, platform, and memory size) during the designated time period. Hover over chart segment to view versions of each component.
Note: You should only have one version of NetQ Agent running and it should match the NetQ Platform release number. If you have more than one, you likely need to upgrade the older agents.
Number of unique versions of the various switch components. For example, for OS, you might have CL 3.7.1 and CL 3.7.4 making the unique value two.
The large Switch Inventory card contains four tabs.
The Summary tab displays:
Indicates data is for switch inventory.
View fresh switches (those you have heard from recently) or rotten switches (those you have not heard from recently) on this card.
Distribution of switch components (disk size, OS, ASIC, NetQ Agents, CPU, Cumulus Linux licenses, platform, and memory size), divided into software and hardware, during the designated time period. Hover over chart segment to view versions of each component.
Note: You should only have one version of NetQ Agent running and it should match the NetQ Platform release number. If you have more than one, you likely need to upgrade the older agents.
Number of unique versions of the various switch components. For example, for OS, you might have CL 3.7.6 and CL 3.7.4 making the unique value two.
The ASIC tab displays:
Indicates data is for ASIC information.
View fresh switches (those you have heard from recently) or rotten switches (those you have not heard from recently) on this card.
Vendor chart
Distribution of ASIC vendors. Hover over chart segment to view the number of switches with each version.
Model chart
Distribution of ASIC models. Hover over chart segment to view the number of switches with each version.
Show All
Opens full screen card displaying all components for all switches.
The Platform tab displays:
Indicates data is for platform information.
View fresh switches (those you have heard from recently) or rotten switches (those you have not heard from recently) on this card.
Vendor chart
Distribution of platform vendors. Hover over chart segment to view the number of switches with each vendor.
Platform chart
Distribution of platform models. Hover over chart segment to view the number of switches with each model.
License State chart
Distribution of Cumulus Linux license status. Hover over chart segments to highlight the vendor and platforms that have that license status.
Show All
Opens full screen card displaying all components for all switches.
The Software tab displays:
Indicates data is for software information.
View fresh switches (those you have heard from recently) or rotten switches (those you have not heard from recently) on this card.
Operating System chart
Distribution of OS versions. Hover over chart segment to view the number of switches with each version.
Agent Version chart
Distribution of NetQ Agent versions. Hover over chart segment to view the number of switches with each version.
Note: You should only have one version of NetQ Agent running and it should match the NetQ Platform release number. If you have more than one, you likely need to upgrade the older agents.
Show All
Opens full screen card displaying all components for all switches.
The full screen Switch Inventory card provides tabs for all components, ASIC, platform, CPU, memory, disk, and OS components.
Network Health Card
As with any network, one of the challenges is keeping track of all of the moving parts. With the NetQ GUI, you can view the overall health of your network at a glance and then delve deeper for periodic checks or as conditions arise that require attention. For a general understanding of how well your network is operating, the Network Health card workflow is the best place to start as it contains the highest view and performance roll-ups.
The Network Health card is located on the default Cumulus workbench. It can also be added to user-created workbenches.
The small Network Health card displays:
Indicates data is for overall Network Health
Health trend
Trend of overall network health, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and green: Health score in the most recent window is higher than in the last two data collection windows, an increasing trend
Pointing downward and bright pink: Health score in the most recent window is lower than in the last two data collection windows, a decreasing trend
No arrow: Health score is unchanged over the last two data collection windows, trend is steady
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Health score
Average of health scores for system health, network services health, and interface health during the last data collection window. The health score for each category is calculated as the percentage of items which passed validations versus the number of items checked.
The collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Health rating
Performance rating based on the health score during the time window:
Low: Health score is less than 40%
Med: Health score is between 40% and 70%
High: Health score is greater than 70%
Distribution of overall health status during the designated time period
The medium Network Health card displays the distribution, score, and
trend of the:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for overall Network Health.
Health trend
Trend of system, network service, and interface health, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and green: Health score in the most recent window is higher than in the last two data collection windows, an increasing trend.
Pointing downward and bright pink: Health score in the most recent window is lower than in the last two data collection windows, a decreasing trend.
No arrow: Health score is unchanged over the last two data collection windows, trend is steady.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Health score
Percentage of devices which passed validation versus the number of devices checked during the time window for:
System health: NetQ Agent health, Cumulus Linux license status, and sensors
Network services health: BGP, CLAG, EVPN, NTP, OSPF, and VXLAN health
Interface health: interfaces MTU, VLAN health.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Distribution of overall health status during the designated time period.
The large Network Health card contains three tabs.
The System Health tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for System Health.
Health trend
Trend of NetQ Agents, Cumulus Linux licenses, and sensor health, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and green: Health score in the most recent window is higher than in the last two data collection windows, an increasing trend.
Pointing downward and bright pink: Health score in the most recent window is lower than in the last two data collection windows, a decreasing trend.
No arrow: Health score is unchanged over the last two data collection windows, trend is steady.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Health score
Percentage of devices which passed validation versus the number of devices checked during the time window for NetQ Agents, Cumulus Linux license status, and platform sensors.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Distribution of health score for NetQ Agents, Cumulus Linux license status, and platform sensors during the designated time period.
Listing of items that match the filter selection:
Most Failures: Devices with the most validation failures are listed at the top.
Recent Failures: Most recent validation failures are listed at the top.
Show All Validations
Opens full screen Network Health card with a listing of validations performed by network service and protocol.
The Network Service Health tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for Network Protocols and Services Health.
Health trend
Trend of BGP, CLAG, EVPN, NTP, OSPF, and VXLAN services health, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and green: Health score in the most recent window is higher than in the last two data collection windows, an increasing trend.
Pointing downward and bright pink: Health score in the most recent window is lower than in the last two data collection windows, a decreasing trend.
No arrow: Health score is unchanged over the last two data collection windows, trend is steady.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Health score
Percentage of devices which passed validation versus the number of devices checked during the time window for BGP, CLAG, EVPN, NTP, and VXLAN protocols and services.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Distribution of passing validations for BGP, CLAG, EVPN, NTP, and VXLAN services during the designated time period.
Listing of devices that match the filter selection:
Most Failures: Devices with the most validation failures are listed at the top.
Recent Failures: Most recent validation failures are listed at the top.
Show All Validations
Opens full screen Network Health card with a listing of validations performed by network service and protocol.
The Interface Health tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for Interface Health.
Health trend
Trend of interfaces, VLAN, and MTU health, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and green: Health score in the most recent window is higher than in the last two data collection windows, an increasing trend.
Pointing downward and bright pink: Health score in the most recent window is lower than in the last two data collection windows, a decreasing trend.
No arrow: Health score is unchanged over the last two data collection windows, trend is steady.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Health score
Percentage of devices which passed validation versus the number of devices checked during the time window for interfaces, VLAN, and MTU protocols and ports.
The data collection window varies based on the time period of the card. For a 24 hour time period (default), the window is one hour. This gives you current, hourly, updates about your network health.
Distribution of passing validations for interfaces, VLAN, and MTU protocols and ports during the designated time period.
Listing of devices that match the filter selection:
Most Failures: Devices with the most validation failures are listed at the top.
Recent Failures: Most recent validation failures are listed at the top.
Show All Validations
Opens full screen Network Health card with a listing of validations performed by network service and protocol.
The full screen Network Health card displays all events in the network.
Network Health.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Default Time
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
Network protocol or service tab
Displays results of that network protocol or service validations that occurred during the designated time period. By default, the requests list is sorted by the date and time that the validation was completed (Time). This tab provides the following additional data about all protocols and services:
Validation Label: User-defined name of a validation or Default validation
Total Node Count: Number of nodes running the protocol or service
Checked Node Count: Number of nodes running the protocol or service included in the validation
Failed Node Count: Number of nodes that failed the validation
Rotten Node Count: Number of nodes that were unreachable during the validation run
Warning Node Count: Number of nodes that had errors during the validation run
The following protocols and services have additional data:
Total Session Count: Number of sessions running BGP included in the validation
Failed Session Count: Number of BGP sessions that failed the validation
Total Session Count: Number of sessions running BGP included in the validation
Checked VNIs Count: Number of VNIs included in the validation
Failed BGP Session Count: Number of BGP sessions that failed the validation
Checked Port Count: Number of ports included in the validation
Failed Port Count: Number of ports that failed the validation.
Unverified Port Count: Number of ports where a peer could not be identified
Checked License Count: Number of licenses included in the validation
Failed License Count: Number of licenses that failed the validation
Total Link Count: Number of links included in the validation
Failed Link Count: Number of links that failed the validation
Unknown Node Count: Number of nodes that NetQ sees but are not in its inventory an thus not included in the validation
Total Adjacent Count: Number of adjacencies included in the validation
Failed Adjacent Count: Number of adjacencies that failed the validation
Checked Sensor Count: Number of sensors included in the validation
Failed Sensor Count: Number of sensors that failed the validation
Total Link Count: Number of links included in the validation
Failed Link Count: Number of links that failed the validation
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Network Services Cards
There are two cards for each of the supported network protocols and services—one for the service as a whole and one for a given session. The network services cards can be added to user-created workbenches.
ALL BGP Sessions Card
This card displays performance and status information for all BGP sessions across all nodes in your network.
The small BGP Service card displays:
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol
BGP: All BGP Sessions, or the BGP Service
Total number of switches and hosts with the BGP service enabled during the designated time period
Total number of BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period
Distribution of new BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period
The medium BGP Service card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | All BGP Sessions
Total number of switches and hosts with the BGP service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the BGP service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running BGP last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running BGP currently.
Total Open Alarms chart
Distribution of BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current BGP-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Total Nodes Not Est. chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with unestablished BGP sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of unestablished sessions in the network currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of unestablished session last week or last month might be more of less than the number of nodes with unestablished sessions currently.
The large BGP service card contains two tabs.
The Sessions Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Sessions Summary (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches and hosts with the BGP service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the BGP service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running BGP last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running BGP currently.
Total Nodes Not Est. chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with unestablished BGP sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of unestablished sessions in the network currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of unestablished session last week or last month might be more of less than the number of nodes with unestablished sessions currently.
Table/Filter options
When the Switches with Most Sessions filter option is selected, the table displays the switches and hosts running BGP sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
When the Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions filter option is selected, the table switches and hosts running BGP sessions in decreasing order of unestablished sessions-devices with the largest number of unestablished sessions are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view data for all BGP sessions in the full screen card.
The Alarms tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
(in header)
Indicates data is for all alarms for all BGP sessions.
Alarms (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches and hosts with the BGP service enabled during the designated time period.
(in summary bar)
Total number of BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Alarms chart
Distribution of BGP-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current BGP-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Table/Filter options
When the selected filter option is Switches with Most Alarms, the table displays switches and hosts running BGP in decreasing order of the count of alarms-devices with the largest number of BGP alarms are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view data for all BGP sessions in the full screen card.
The full screen BGP Service card provides tabs for all switches, all sessions, and all alarms.
Network Services | BGP.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Switches tab
Displays all switches and hosts running the BGP service. By default, the device list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each device:
State: Indicates communication state of the NetQ Agent on a given device. Values include Fresh (heard from recently) and Rotten (not heard from recently).
Version: Software version number of the NetQ Agent on a given device. This should match the version number of the NetQ software loaded on your server or appliance; for example, 2.2.0.
Core BW: Maximum sustained/rated bandwidth. Example values include 2.0 T and 720 G.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Tomahawk, Trident, and Spectrum.
Model Id: Identifier of networking ASIC model. Example values include BCM56960 and BCM56854.
Ports: Indicates port configuration of the switch. Example values include 32 x 100G-QSFP28, 48 x 10G-SFP+, and 6 x 40G-QSFP+.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the chip. Example values include Broadcom and Mellanox.
Arch: Microprocessor architecture type. Values include x86_64 (Intel), ARMv7 (AMD), and PowerPC.
Max Freq: Highest rated frequency for CPU. Example values include 2.40 GHz and 1.74 GHz.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Intel Atom C2538 and Intel Atom C2338.
Nos: Number of cores. Example values include 2, 4, and 8.
Disk Total Size: Total amount of storage space in physical disks (not total available). Example values: 10 GB, 20 GB, 30 GB.
License State: Indicator of validity. Values include ok and bad.
Memory Size: Total amount of local RAM. Example values include 8192 MB and 2048 MB.
Vendor: Operating System manufacturer. Values include Cumulus Networks, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Version: Software version number of the OS. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Version Id: Identifier of the OS version. For Cumulus, this is the same as the Version (3.7.x).
Date: Date and time the platform was manufactured. Example values include 7/12/18 and 10/29/2015.
MAC: System MAC address. Example value: 17:01:AB:EE:C3:F5.
Model: Manufacturer's model name. Examples values include AS7712-32X and S4048-ON.
Number: Manufacturer part number. Examples values include FP3ZZ7632014A, 0J09D3.
Revision: Release version of the platform.
Series: Manufacturer serial number. Example values include D2060B2F044919GD000060, CN046MRJCES0085E0004.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the platform. Example values include Cumulus Express, Dell, EdgeCore, Lenovo, Mellanox.
Time: Date and time the data was collected from device.
All Sessions tab
Displays all BGP sessions networkwide. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
ASN: Autonomous System Number, identifier for a collection of IP networks and routers. Example values include 633284,655435.
Conn Dropped: Number of dropped connections for a given session.
Conn Estd: Number of connections established for a given session.
DB State: Session state of DB.
Evpn Pfx Rcvd: Address prefix received for EVPN traffic. Examples include 115, 35.
Ipv4, and Ipv6 Pfx Rcvd: Address prefix received for IPv4 or IPv6 traffic. Examples include 31, 14, 12.
Last Reset Time: Date and time at which the session was last established or reset.
Objid: Object identifier for service.
OPID: Customer identifier. This is always zero.
ASN: Autonomous System Number for peer device
Hostname: User-defined name for peer device
Name: Interface name or hostname of peer device
Router Id: IP address of router with access to the peer device
Reason: Text describing the cause of, or trigger for, an event.
Rx and Tx Families: Address families supported for the receive and transmit session channels. Values include ipv4, ipv6, and evpn.
State: Current state of the session. Values include Established and NotEstd (not established).
Timestamp: Date and time session was started, deleted, updated or marked dead (device is down).
Upd8 Rx: Count of protocol messages received.
Upd8 Tx: Count of protocol messages transmitted.
Up Time: Number of seconds the session has been established, in EPOCH notation. Example: 1550147910000.
Vrf: Name of the Virtual Route Forwarding interface. Examples: default, mgmt, DataVrf1081.
Vrfid: Integer identifier of the VRF interface when used. Examples: 14, 25, 37.
All Alarms tab
Displays all BGP events networkwide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Message: Text description of a BGP-related event. Example: BGP session with peer tor-1 swp7 vrf default state changed from failed to Established.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of bgp in this card workflow.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
BGP Session Card
This card displays performance and status information for a single BGP session. Card is opened from the full-screen Network Services|All BGP Sessions card.
The small BGP Session card displays:
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
BGP Session.
Hostnames of the two devices in a session. Arrow points from the host to the peer.
Current status of the session, either established or not established.
The medium BGP Session card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | BGP Session.
Hostnames of the two devices in a session. Arrow points in the direction of the session.
Current status of the session, either established or not established.
Time period for chart
Time period for the chart data.
Session State Changes Chart
Heat map of the state of the given session over the given time period. The status is sampled at a rate consistent with the time period. For example, for a 24 hour period, a status is collected every hour. Refer to Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period.
Peer Name
Interface name on or hostname for peer device.
Peer ASN
Autonomous System Number for peer device.
Peer Router ID
IP address of router with access to the peer device.
Peer Hostname
User-defined name for peer device.
The large BGP Session card contains two tabs.
The Session Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Session Summary (Network Services | BGP Session).
Summary bar
Hostnames of the two devices in a session.
Current status of the session-either established , or not established .
Session State Changes Chart
Heat map of the state of the given session over the given time period. The status is sampled at a rate consistent with the time period. For example, for a 24 hour period, a status is collected every hour. Refer to Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period.
Alarm Count Chart
Distribution and count of BGP alarm events over the given time period.
Info Count Chart
Distribution and count of BGP info events over the given time period.
Connection Drop Count
Number of times the session entered the not established state during the time period.
Autonomous System Number for host device.
RX/TX Families
Receive and Transmit address types supported. Values include IPv4, IPv6, and EVPN.
Peer Hostname
User-defined name for peer device.
Peer Interface
Interface on which the session is connected.
Peer ASN
Autonomous System Number for peer device.
Peer Router ID
IP address of router with access to the peer device.
The Configuration File Evolution tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates configuration file information for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session. Click on to open associated device card.
Indication of host role, primary or secondary .
When changes to the configuration file have occurred, the date and time are indicated. Click the time to see the changed file.
Configuration File
When File is selected, the configuration file as it was at the selected time is shown.
When Diff is selected, the configuration file at the selected time is shown on the left and the configuration file at the previous timestamp is shown on the right. Differences are highlighted.
Note: If no configuration file changes have been made, only the original file date is shown.
The full screen BGP Session card provides tabs for all BGP sessions and all events.
Network Services | BGP.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All BGP Sessions tab
Displays all BGP sessions running on the host device. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
ASN: Autonomous System Number, identifier for a collection of IP networks and routers. Example values include 633284,655435.
Conn Dropped: Number of dropped connections for a given session.
Conn Estd: Number of connections established for a given session.
DB State: Session state of DB.
Evpn Pfx Rcvd: Address prefix for EVPN traffic. Examples include 115, 35.
Ipv4, and Ipv6 Pfx Rcvd: Address prefix for IPv4 or IPv6 traffic. Examples include 31, 14, 12.
Last Reset Time: Time at which the session was last established or reset.
Objid: Object identifier for service.
OPID: Customer identifier. This is always zero.
ASN: Autonomous System Number for peer device
Hostname: User-defined name for peer device
Name: Interface name or hostname of peer device
Router Id: IP address of router with access to the peer device
Reason: Event or cause of failure.
Rx and Tx Families: Address families supported for the receive and transmit session channels. Values include ipv4, ipv6, and evpn.
State: Current state of the session. Values include Established and NotEstd (not established).
Timestamp: Date and time session was started, deleted, updated or marked dead (device is down).
Upd8 Rx: Count of protocol messages received.
Upd8 Tx: Count of protocol messages transmitted.
Up Time: Number of seconds the session has be established, in EPOC notation. Example: 1550147910000.
Vrf: Name of the Virtual Route Forwarding interface. Examples: default, mgmt, DataVrf1081.
Vrfid: Integer identifier of the VRF interface when used. Examples: 14, 25, 37.
All Events tab
Displays all events networkwide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a BGP-related event. Example: BGP session with peer tor-1 swp7 vrf default state changed from failed to Established.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of bgp in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
With NetQ, you can monitor the number of nodes running the EVPN service, view switches with the sessions, total number of VNIs, and alarms triggered by the EVPN service. For an overview and how to configure EVPN in your data center network, refer to Ethernet Virtual Private Network-EVPN.
All EVPN Sessions Card
This card displays performance and status information for all EVPN sessions across all nodes in your network.
The small EVPN Service card displays:
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol
EVPN: All EVPN Sessions, or the EVPN Service
Total number of switches and hosts with the EVPN service enabled during the designated time period
Total number of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period
Distribution of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period
The medium EVPN Service card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | All EVPN Sessions.
Total number of switches and hosts with the EVPN service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the EVPN service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running EVPN last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running EVPN currently.
Total Open Alarms chart
Distribution of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current EVPN-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of EVPN sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
The large EVPN service card contains two tabs.
The Sessions Summary tab which displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Sessions Summary (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches and hosts with the EVPN service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the EVPN service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running EVPN last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running EVPN currently.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of EVPN sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
Total L3 VNIs chart
Distribution of layer 3 VXLAN Network Identifiers during this time period, and the total number of VNIs in the network currently.
Table/Filter options
When the Top Switches with Most Sessions filter is selected, the table displays devices running EVPN sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
When the Switches with Most L2 EVPN filter is selected, the table displays devices running layer 2 EVPN sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
When the Switches withMost L3 EVPN filter is selected, the table displays devices running layer 3 EVPN sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view data for all EVPN sessions network-wide in the full screen card.
The Alarms tab which displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
(in header)
Indicates data is for all alarms for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Alarms (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches and hosts with the EVPN service enabled during the designated time period.
(in summary bar)
Total number of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Alarms chart
Distribution of EVPN-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current BGP-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Table/Filter options
When the Events by Most Active Device filter is selected, the table displays devices running EVPN sessions in decreasing order of alarm count-devices with the largest number of alarms are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view data for all EVPN sessions in the full screen card.
The full screen EVPN Service card provides tabs for all switches, all sessions, all alarms.
Network Services | EVPN
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Switches tab
Displays all switches and hosts running the EVPN service. By default, the device list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each device:
State: Indicates communication state of the NetQ Agent on a given device. Values include Fresh (heard from recently) and Rotten (not heard from recently).
Version: Software version number of the NetQ Agent on a given device. This should match the version number of the NetQ software loaded on your server or appliance; for example, 2.1.0.
Core BW: Maximum sustained/rated bandwidth. Example values include 2.0 T and 720 G.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Tomahawk, Trident, and Spectrum.
Model Id: Identifier of networking ASIC model. Example values include BCM56960 and BCM56854.
Ports: Indicates port configuration of the switch. Example values include 32 x 100G-QSFP28, 48 x 10G-SFP+, and 6 x 40G-QSFP+.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the chip. Example values include Broadcom and Mellanox.
Arch: Microprocessor architecture type. Values include x86_64 (Intel), ARMv7 (AMD), and PowerPC.
Max Freq: Highest rated frequency for CPU. Example values include 2.40 GHz and 1.74 GHz.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Intel Atom C2538 and Intel Atom C2338.
Nos: Number of cores. Example values include 2, 4, and 8.
Disk Total Size: Total amount of storage space in physical disks (not total available). Example values: 10 GB, 20 GB, 30 GB.
License State: Indicator of validity. Values include ok and bad.
Memory Size: Total amount of local RAM. Example values include 8192 MB and 2048 MB.
Vendor: Operating System manufacturer. Values include Cumulus Networks, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Version: Software version number of the OS. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Version Id: Identifier of the OS version. For Cumulus, this is the same as the Version (3.7.x).
Date: Date and time the platform was manufactured. Example values include 7/12/18 and 10/29/2015.
MAC: System MAC address. Example value: 17:01:AB:EE:C3:F5.
Model: Manufacturer's model name. Examples include AS7712-32X and S4048-ON.
Number: Manufacturer part number. Examples values include FP3ZZ7632014A, 0J09D3.
Revision: Release version of the platform.
Series: Manufacturer serial number. Example values include D2060B2F044919GD000060, CN046MRJCES0085E0004.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the platform. Example values include Cumulus Express, Dell, EdgeCore, Lenovo, Mellanox.
Time: Date and time the data was collected from device.
All Sessions tab
Displays all EVPN sessions network-wide. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Adv All Vni: Indicates whether the VNI state is advertising all VNIs (true) or not (false).
Adv Gw Ip: Indicates whether the host device is advertising the gateway IP address (true) or not (false).
DB State: Session state of the DB.
Export RT: IP address and port of the export route target used in the filtering mechanism for BGP route exchange.
Import RT: IP address and port of the import route target used in the filtering mechanism for BGP route exchange.
In Kernel: Indicates whether the associated VNI is in the kernel (in kernel) or not (not in kernel).
Is L3: Indicates whether the session is part of a layer 3 configuration (true) or not (false).
Origin Ip: Host device's local VXLAN tunnel IP address for the EVPN instance.
OPID: LLDP service identifier.
Rd: Route distinguisher used in the filtering mechanism for BGP route exchange.
Timestamp: Date and time the session was started, deleted, updated or marked as dead (device is down).
Vni: Name of the VNI where session is running.
All Alarms tab
Displays all EVPN events network-wide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a EVPN-related event. Example: VNI 3 kernel state changed from down to up.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of evpn in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
EVPN Session Card
This card displays performance and status information for a single EVPN session. Card is opened from the full-screen Network Services|All EVPN Sessions card.
The small EVPN Session card displays:
Indicates data is for an EVPN session
EVPN Session
VNI Name
Name of the VNI (virtual network instance) used for this EVPN session
Current VNI Nodes
Total number of VNI nodes participating in the EVPN session currently
The medium EVPN Session card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes
Indicates data is for an EVPN session
Network Services|EVPN Session
Summary bar
VTEP (VXLAN Tunnel EndPoint) Count: Total number of VNI nodes participating in the EVPN session currently
VTEP Count Over Time chart
Distribution of VTEP counts during the designated time period
VNI Name
Name of the VNI used for this EVPN session
Indicates whether the session is established as part of a layer 2 (L2) or layer 3 (L3) overlay network
The large EVPN Session card contains two tabs.
The Session Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes
Indicates data is for an EVPN session
Session Summary (Network Services|EVPN Session)
Summary bar
VTEP (VXLAN Tunnel EndPoint) Count: Total number of VNI devices participating in the EVPN session currently
VTEP Count Over Time chart
Distribution of VTEPs during the designated time period
Alarm Count chart
Distribution of alarms during the designated time period
Info Count chart
Distribution of info events during the designated time period
VRF (for layer 3) or VLAN (for layer 2) identifiers by device
The Configuration File Evolution tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates configuration file information for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
When changes to the configuration file have occurred, the date and time are indicated. Click the time to see the changed file.
Configuration File
When File is selected, the configuration file as it was at the selected time is shown.
When Diff is selected, the configuration file at the selected time is shown on the left and the configuration file at the previous timestamp is shown on the right. Differences are highlighted.
Note: If no configuration file changes have been made, only the original file date is shown.
The full screen EVPN Session card provides tabs for all EVPN sessions and all events.
Network Services|EVPN.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All EVPN Sessions tab
Displays all EVPN sessions network-wide. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Adv All Vni: Indicates whether the VNI state is advertising all VNIs (true) or not (false).
Adv Gw Ip: Indicates whether the host device is advertising the gateway IP address (true) or not (false).
DB State: Session state of the DB.
Export RT: IP address and port of the export route target used in the filtering mechanism for BGP route exchange.
Import RT: IP address and port of the import route target used in the filtering mechanism for BGP route exchange.
In Kernel: Indicates whether the associated VNI is in the kernel (in kernel) or not (not in kernel).
Is L3: Indicates whether the session is part of a layer 3 configuration (true) or not (false).
Origin Ip: Host device's local VXLAN tunnel IP address for the EVPN instance.
OPID: LLDP service identifier.
Rd: Route distinguisher used in the filtering mechanism for BGP route exchange.
Timestamp: Date and time the session was started, deleted, updated or marked as dead (device is down).
Vni: Name of the VNI where session is running.
All Events tab
Displays all events network-wide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a EVPN-related event. Example: VNI 3 kernel state changed from down to up.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of evpn in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
ALL LLDP Sessions Card
This card displays performance and status information for all LLDP sessions across all nodes in your network.
With NetQ, you can monitor the number of nodes running the LLDP service, view nodes with the most LLDP neighbor nodes, those nodes with the least neighbor nodes, and view alarms triggered by the LLDP service. For an overview and how to configure LLDP in your data center network, refer to Link Layer Discovery Protocol.
The small LLDP Service card displays:
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
LLDP: All LLDP Sessions, or the LLDP Service.
Total number of switches with the LLDP service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Distribution of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
The medium LLDP Service card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
LLDP: All LLDP Sessions, or the LLDP Service.
Total number of switches with the LLDP service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the LLDP service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running LLDP last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running LLDP currently.
Total Open Alarms chart
Distribution of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current LLDP-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of LLDP sessions running during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
The large LLDP service card contains two tabs.
The Sessions Summary tab which displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Sessions Summary (Network Services | All LLDP Sessions).
Total number of switches with the LLDP service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the LLDP service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running LLDP last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running LLDP currently.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of LLDP sessions running during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
Total Sessions with No Nbr chart
Distribution of LLDP sessions missing neighbor information during the designated time period, and the total number of session missing neighbors in the network currently.
Table/Filter options
When the Switches with Most Sessions filter is selected, the table displays switches running LLDP sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
When the Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions filter is selected, the table displays switches running LLDP sessions in decreasing order of unestablished session count-devices with the largest number of unestablished sessions are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view all LLDP sessions in the full screen card.
The Alarms tab which displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
(in header)
Indicates data is all alarms for all LLDP sessions.
Alarms (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches with the LLDP service enabled during the designated time period.
(in summary bar)
Total number of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Alarms chart
Distribution of LLDP-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current LLDP-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Table/Filter options
When the Events by Most Active Device filter is selected, the table displays switches running LLDP sessions in decreasing order of alarm count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first
Show All Sessions
Link to view all LLDP sessions in the full screen card.
The full screen LLDP Service card provides tabs for all switches, all sessions, and all alarms.
Network Services | LLDP.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Switches tab
Displays all switches and hosts running the LLDP service. By default, the device list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each device:
State: Indicates communication state of the NetQ Agent on a given device. Values include Fresh (heard from recently) and Rotten (not heard from recently).
Version: Software version number of the NetQ Agent on a given device. This should match the version number of the NetQ software loaded on your server or appliance; for example, 2.1.0.
Core BW: Maximum sustained/rated bandwidth. Example values include 2.0 T and 720 G.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Tomahawk, Trident, and Spectrum.
Model Id: Identifier of networking ASIC model. Example values include BCM56960 and BCM56854.
Ports: Indicates port configuration of the switch. Example values include 32 x 100G-QSFP28, 48 x 10G-SFP+, and 6 x 40G-QSFP+.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the chip. Example values include Broadcom and Mellanox.
Arch: Microprocessor architecture type. Values include x86_64 (Intel), ARMv7 (AMD), and PowerPC.
Max Freq: Highest rated frequency for CPU. Example values include 2.40 GHz and 1.74 GHz.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Intel Atom C2538 and Intel Atom C2338.
Nos: Number of cores. Example values include 2, 4, and 8.
Disk Total Size: Total amount of storage space in physical disks (not total available). Example values: 10 GB, 20 GB, 30 GB.
License State: Indicator of validity. Values include ok and bad.
Memory Size: Total amount of local RAM. Example values include 8192 MB and 2048 MB.
Vendor: Operating System manufacturer. Values include Cumulus Networks, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Version: Software version number of the OS. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Version Id: Identifier of the OS version. For Cumulus, this is the same as the Version (3.7.x).
Date: Date and time the platform was manufactured. Example values include 7/12/18 and 10/29/2015.
MAC: System MAC address. Example value: 17:01:AB:EE:C3:F5.
Model: Manufacturer's model name. Examples include AS7712-32X and S4048-ON.
Number: Manufacturer part number. Examples values include FP3ZZ7632014A, 0J09D3.
Revision: Release version of the platform.
Series: Manufacturer serial number. Example values include D2060B2F044919GD000060, CN046MRJCES0085E0004.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the platform. Example values include Cumulus Express, Dell, EdgeCore, Lenovo, Mellanox.
Time: Date and time the data was collected from device.
All Sessions tab
Displays all LLDP sessions networkwide. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Ifname: Name of the host interface where LLDP session is running
LLDP Peer:
Os: Operating system (OS) used by peer device. Values include Cumulus Linux, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Osv: Version of the OS used by peer device. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Bridge: Indicates whether the peer device is a bridge (true) or not (false)
Router: Indicates whether the peer device is a router (true) or not (false)
Station: Indicates whether the peer device is a station (true) or not (false)
Hostname: User-defined name for the peer device
Ifname: Name of the peer interface where the session is running
Timestamp: Date and time that the session was started, deleted, updated, or marked dead (device is down)
All Alarms tab
Displays all LLDP events networkwide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a LLDP-related event. Example: LLDP Session with host leaf02 swp6 modified fields leaf06 swp21.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of lldp in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
LLDP Session Card
This card displays performance and status information for a single LLDP session. Card is opened from the full-screen Network Services|All LLDP Sessions card.
The small LLDP Session card displays:
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
LLDP Session.
Host and peer devices in session. Host is shown on top, with peer below.
Indicates whether the host sees the peer or not; has a peer, no peer.
The medium LLDP Session card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
LLDP Session.
Host and peer devices in session. Arrow points from host to peer.
Indicates whether the host sees the peer or not; has a peer, no peer.
Time period
Range of time for the distribution chart.
Heat map
Distribution of neighbor availability (detected or undetected) during this given time period.
User-defined name of the host device.
Interface Name
Software interface on the host device where the session is running.
Peer Hostname
User-defined name of the peer device.
Peer Interface Name
Software interface on the peer where the session is running.
The large LLDP Session card contains two tabs.
The Session Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session. Click to open associated device card.
Indicates whether the host sees the peer or not; has a peer, no peer.
When changes to the configuration file have occurred, the date and time are indicated. Click the time to see the changed file.
Configuration File
When File is selected, the configuration file as it was at the selected time is shown. When Diff is selected, the configuration file at the selected time is shown on the left and the configuration file at the previous timestamp is shown on the right. Differences are highlighted.
Note: If no configuration file changes have been made, the card shows no results.
The full screen LLDP Session card provides tabs for all LLDP sessions and all events.
Network Services | LLDP.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All LLDP Sessions tab
Displays all LLDP sessions on the host device. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Ifname: Name of the host interface where LLDP session is running.
Os: Operating system (OS) used by peer device. Values include Cumulus Linux, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Osv: Version of the OS used by peer device. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Bridge: Indicates whether the peer device is a bridge (true) or not (false).
Router: Indicates whether the peer device is a router (true) or not (false).
Station: Indicates whether the peer device is a station (true) or not (false).
Hostname: User-defined name for the peer device.
Ifname: Name of the peer interface where the session is running.
Timestamp: Date and time that the session was started, deleted, updated, or marked dead (device is down).
All Events tab
Displays all events networkwide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of an event. Example: LLDP Session with host leaf02 swp6 modified fields leaf06 swp21.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of lldp in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
All MLAG Sessions Card
This card displays performance and status information for all MLAG sessions across all nodes in your network.
The small MLAG Service card displays:
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol
MLAG: All MLAG Sessions, or the MLAG Service
Total number of switches with the MLAG service enabled during the designated time period
Total number of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period
Distribution of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period
The medium MLAG Service card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | All MLAG Sessions.
Total number of switches with the MLAG service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total number of sessions with an inactive backup IP address during the designated time period.
Total number of bonds with only a single connection during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the MLAG service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running MLAG last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running MLAG currently.
Total Open Alarms chart
Distribution of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current MLAG-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of MLAG sessions running during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
The large MLAG service card contains two tabs.
The All MLAG Sessions summary tab which displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
All MLAG Sessions Summary
Total number of switches with the MLAG service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the MLAG service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running MLAG last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running MLAG currently.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of MLAG sessions running during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
Total Sessions with Inactive-backup-ip chart
Distribution of sessions without an active backup IP defined during the designated time period, and the total number of these sessions running on the network currently.
Table/Filter options
When the Switches with Most Sessions filter is selected, the table displays switches running MLAG sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
When the Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions filter is selected, the table displays switches running MLAG sessions in decreasing order of unestablished session count-devices with the largest number of unestablished sessions are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view all MLAG sessions in the full screen card.
The All MLAG Alarms tab which displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
(in header)
Indicates alarm data for all MLAG sessions.
Network Services | All MLAG Alarms (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches with the MLAG service enabled during the designated time period.
(in summary bar)
Total number of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Alarms chart
Distribution of MLAG-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current MLAG-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Table/Filter options
When the Events by Most Active Device filter is selected, the table displays switches running MLAG sessions in decreasing order of alarm count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first.
Show All Sessions
Link to view all MLAG sessions in the full screen card.
The full screen MLAG Service card provides tabs for all switches, all
sessions, and all alarms.
Network Services | MLAG.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All Switches tab
Displays all switches and hosts running the MLAG service. By default, the device list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each device:
State: Indicates communication state of the NetQ Agent on a given device. Values include Fresh (heard from recently) and Rotten (not heard from recently).
Version: Software version number of the NetQ Agent on a given device. This should match the version number of the NetQ software loaded on your server or appliance; for example, 2.1.0.
Core BW: Maximum sustained/rated bandwidth. Example values include 2.0 T and 720 G.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Tomahawk, Trident, and Spectrum.
Model Id: Identifier of networking ASIC model. Example values include BCM56960 and BCM56854.
Ports: Indicates port configuration of the switch. Example values include 32 x 100G-QSFP28, 48 x 10G-SFP+, and 6 x 40G-QSFP+.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the chip. Example values include Broadcom and Mellanox.
Arch: Microprocessor architecture type. Values include x86_64 (Intel), ARMv7 (AMD), and PowerPC.
Max Freq: Highest rated frequency for CPU. Example values include 2.40 GHz and 1.74 GHz.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Intel Atom C2538 and Intel Atom C2338.
Nos: Number of cores. Example values include 2, 4, and 8.
Disk Total Size: Total amount of storage space in physical disks (not total available). Example values: 10 GB, 20 GB, 30 GB.
License State: Indicator of validity. Values include ok and bad.
Memory Size: Total amount of local RAM. Example values include 8192 MB and 2048 MB.
Vendor: Operating System manufacturer. Values include Cumulus Networks, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Version: Software version number of the OS. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Version Id: Identifier of the OS version. For Cumulus, this is the same as the Version (3.7.x).
Date: Date and time the platform was manufactured. Example values include 7/12/18 and 10/29/2015.
MAC: System MAC address. Example value: 17:01:AB:EE:C3:F5.
Model: Manufacturer's model name. Examples values include AS7712-32X and S4048-ON.
Number: Manufacturer part number. Examples values include FP3ZZ7632014A, 0J09D3.
Revision: Release version of the platform.
Series: Manufacturer serial number. Example values include D2060B2F044919GD000060, CN046MRJCES0085E0004.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the platform. Example values include Cumulus Express, Dell, EdgeCore, Lenovo, Mellanox.
Time: Date and time the data was collected from device.
All Sessions tab
Displays all MLAG sessions network-wide. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Backup Ip: IP address of the interface to use if the peerlink (or bond) goes down.
Backup Ip Active: Indicates whether the backup IP address has been specified and is active (true) or not (false).
Conflicted: Identifies the set of interfaces in a bond that do not match on each end of the bond.
Single: Identifies a set of interfaces connecting to only one of the two switches.
Dual: Identifies a set of interfaces connecting to both switches.
Proto Down: Interface on the switch brought down by the clagd service. Value is blank if no interfaces are down due to clagd service.
Clag Sysmac: Unique MAC address for each bond interface pair. Note: Must be a value between 44:38:39:ff:00:00 and 44:38:39:ff:ff:ff.
If: Name of the peer interface.
Role: Role of the peer device. Values include primary and secondary.
State: Indicates if peer device is up (true) or down (false).
Role: Role of the host device. Values include primary and secondary.
Timestamp: Date and time the MLAG session was started, deleted, updated, or marked dead (device went down).
Vxlan Anycast: Anycast IP address used for VXLAN termination.
All Alarms tab
Displays all MLAG events network-wide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a MLAG-related event. Example: Clag conflicted bond changed from swp7 swp8 to swp9 swp10.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of clag in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
MLAG Session Card
This card displays performance and status information for a single MLAG session. Card is opened from the full-screen Network Services|All MLAG Sessions card.
The small MLAG Session card displays:
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
CLAG Session.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session.
Indication of host role, primary or secondary .
The medium MLAG Session card displays:
Time period (in header)
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | MLAG Session.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session. Arrow points from the host to the peer. Click to open associated device card.
Indication of host role, primary or secondary .
Time period (above chart)
Range of time for data displayed in peer status chart.
Peer Status chart
Distribution of peer availability, alive or not alive, during the designated time period. The number of time segments in a time period varies according to the length of the time period.
Role that host device is playing. Values include primary and secondary.
CLAG sysmac
System MAC address of the MLAG session.
Peer Role
Role that peer device is playing. Values include primary and secondary.
Peer State
Operational state of the peer, up (true) or down (false).
The large MLAG Session card contains two tabs.
The Session Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session. Arrow points from the host to the peer. Click to open associated device card.
Indication of host role, primary or secondary .
Alarm Count Chart
Distribution and count of CLAG alarm events over the given time period.
Info Count Chart
Distribution and count of CLAG info events over the given time period.
Peer Status chart
Distribution of peer availability, alive or not alive, during the designated time period. The number of time segments in a time period varies according to the length of the time period.
Backup IP
IP address of the interface to use if the peerlink (or bond) goes down.
Backup IP Active
Indicates whether the backup IP address is configured.
System MAC address of the MLAG session.
Peer State
Operational state of the peer, up (true) or down (false).
Count of Dual Bonds
Number of bonds connecting to both switches.
Count of Single Bonds
Number of bonds connecting to only one switch.
Count of Protocol Down Bonds
Number of bonds with interfaces that were brought down by the clagd service.
Count of Conflicted Bonds
Number of bonds which have a set of interfaces that are not the same on both switches.
The Configuration File Evolution tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates configuration file information for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session. Arrow points from the host to the peer. Click to open associated device card.
Indication of host role, primary or secondary .
When changes to the configuration file have occurred, the date and time are indicated. Click the time to see the changed file.
Configuration File
When File is selected, the configuration file as it was at the selected time is shown.
When Diff is selected, the configuration file at the selected time is shown on the left and the configuration file at the previous timestamp is shown on the right. Differences are highlighted.
The full screen MLAG Session card provides tabs for all MLAG sessions
and all events.
Network Services | MLAG
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab
All MLAG Sessions tab
Displays all MLAG sessions for the given session. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Backup Ip: IP address of the interface to use if the peerlink (or bond) goes down.
Backup Ip Active: Indicates whether the backup IP address has been specified and is active (true) or not (false).
Conflicted: Identifies the set of interfaces in a bond that do not match on each end of the bond.
Single: Identifies a set of interfaces connecting to only one of the two switches.
Dual: Identifies a set of interfaces connecting to both switches.
Proto Down: Interface on the switch brought down by the clagd service. Value is blank if no interfaces are down due to clagd service.
Mlag Sysmac: Unique MAC address for each bond interface pair. Note: Must be a value between 44:38:39:ff:00:00 and 44:38:39:ff:ff:ff.
If: Name of the peer interface.
Role: Role of the peer device. Values include primary and secondary.
State: Indicates if peer device is up (true) or down (false).
Role: Role of the host device. Values include primary and secondary.
Timestamp: Date and time the MLAG session was started, deleted, updated, or marked dead (device went down).
Vxlan Anycast: Anycast IP address used for VXLAN termination.
All Events tab
Displays all events network-wide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of an event. Example: Clag conflicted bond changed from swp7 swp8 to swp9 swp10.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of clag in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
All OSPF Sessions Card
This card displays performance and status information for all OSPF sessions across all nodes in your network.
The small OSPF Service card displays:
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol
OSPF: All OSPF Sessions, or the OSPF Service
Total number of switches and hosts with the OSPF service enabled during the designated time period
Total number of OSPF-related alarms received during the designated time period
Distribution of OSPF-related alarms received during the designated time period
The medium OSPF Service card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | All OSPF Sessions.
Total number of switches and hosts with the OSPF service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of OSPF-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the OSPF service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running OSPF last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running OSPF currently.
Total Sessions Not Established chart
Distribution of unestablished OSPF sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of unestablished sessions in the network currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of unestablished session last week or last month might be more of less than the number of nodes with unestablished sessions currently.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of OSPF sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
The large OSPF service card contains two tabs.
The Sessions Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for all sessions of a Network Service or Protocol.
Sessions Summary (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches and hosts with the OSPF service enabled during the designated time period.
Total number of OSPF-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Nodes Running chart
Distribution of switches and hosts with the OSPF service enabled during the designated time period, and a total number of nodes running the service currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of nodes running OSPF last week or last month might be more or less than the number of nodes running OSPF currently.
Total Sessions chart
Distribution of OSPF sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of sessions running on the network currently.
Total Sessions Not Established chart
Distribution of unestablished OSPF sessions during the designated time period, and the total number of unestablished sessions in the network currently.
Note: The node count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of unestablished session last week or last month might be more of less than the number of nodes with unestablished sessions currently.
Table/Filter options
When the Switches with Most Sessions filter option is selected, the table displays the switches and hosts running OSPF sessions in decreasing order of session count-devices with the largest number of sessions are listed first
When the Switches with Most Unestablished Sessions filter option is selected, the table switches and hosts running OSPF sessions in decreasing order of unestablished sessions-devices with the largest number of unestablished sessions are listed first
Show All Sessions
Link to view data for all OSPF sessions in the full screen card.
The Alarms tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
(in header)
Indicates data is all alarms for all OSPF sessions.
Alarms (visible when you hover over card).
Total number of switches and hosts with the OSPF service enabled during the designated time period.
(in summary bar)
Total number of OSPF-related alarms received during the designated time period.
Total Alarms chart
Distribution of OSPF-related alarms received during the designated time period, and the total number of current OSPF-related alarms in the network.
Note: The alarm count here may be different than the count in the summary bar. For example, the number of new alarms received in this time period does not take into account alarms that have already been received and are still active. You might have no new alarms, but still have a total number of alarms present on the network of 10.
Table/Filter options
When the selected filter option is Switches with Most Alarms, the table displays switches and hosts running OSPF in decreasing order of the count of alarms-devices with the largest number of OSPF alarms are listed first
Show All Sessions
Link to view data for all OSPF sessions in the full screen card.
The full screen OSPF Service card provides tabs for all switches, all sessions, and all alarms.
Network Services | OSPF.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab
All Switches tab
Displays all switches and hosts running the OSPF service. By default, the device list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each device:
State: Indicates communication state of the NetQ Agent on a given device. Values include Fresh (heard from recently) and Rotten (not heard from recently).
Version: Software version number of the NetQ Agent on a given device. This should match the version number of the NetQ software loaded on your server or appliance; for example, 2.1.0.
Core BW: Maximum sustained/rated bandwidth. Example values include 2.0 T and 720 G.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Tomahawk, Trident, and Spectrum.
Model Id: Identifier of networking ASIC model. Example values include BCM56960 and BCM56854.
Ports: Indicates port configuration of the switch. Example values include 32 x 100G-QSFP28, 48 x 10G-SFP+, and 6 x 40G-QSFP+.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the chip. Example values include Broadcom and Mellanox.
Arch: Microprocessor architecture type. Values include x86_64 (Intel), ARMv7 (AMD), and PowerPC.
Max Freq: Highest rated frequency for CPU. Example values include 2.40 GHz and 1.74 GHz.
Model: Chip family. Example values include Intel Atom C2538 and Intel Atom C2338.
Nos: Number of cores. Example values include 2, 4, and 8.
Disk Total Size: Total amount of storage space in physical disks (not total available). Example values: 10 GB, 20 GB, 30 GB.
License State: Indicator of validity. Values include ok and bad.
Memory Size: Total amount of local RAM. Example values include 8192 MB and 2048 MB.
Vendor: Operating System manufacturer. Values include Cumulus Networks, RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
Version: Software version number of the OS. Example values include 3.7.3, 2.5.x, 16.04, 7.1.
Version Id: Identifier of the OS version. For Cumulus, this is the same as the Version (3.7.x).
Date: Date and time the platform was manufactured. Example values include 7/12/18 and 10/29/2015.
MAC: System MAC address. Example value: 17:01:AB:EE:C3:F5.
Model: Manufacturer's model name. Examples values include AS7712-32X and S4048-ON.
Number: Manufacturer part number. Examples values include FP3ZZ7632014A, 0J09D3.
Revision: Release version of the platform.
Series: Manufacturer serial number. Example values include D2060B2F044919GD000060, CN046MRJCES0085E0004.
Vendor: Manufacturer of the platform. Example values include Cumulus Express, Dell, EdgeCore, Lenovo, Mellanox.
Time: Date and time the data was collected from device.
All Sessions tab
Displays all OSPF sessions networkwide. By default, the session list is sorted by hostname. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Area: Routing domain for this host device. Example values include,
Ifname: Name of the interface on host device where session resides. Example values include swp5, peerlink-1.
Is IPv6: Indicates whether the address of the host device is IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false).
Address: IPv4 or IPv6 address of the peer device.
Hostname: User-defined name for peer device.
ID: Network subnet address of router with access to the peer device.
State: Current state of OSPF. Values include Full, 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
Timestamp: Date and time session was started, deleted, updated or marked dead (device is down)
All Alarms tab
Displays all OSPF events networkwide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a OSPF-related event. Example: swp4 area ID mismatch with peer leaf02
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of OSPF in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
OSPF Session Card
This card displays performance and status information for a single OSPF session. Card is opened from the full-screen Network Services|All OSPF Sessions card.
The small OSPF Session card displays:
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
OSPF Session.
Hostnames of the two devices in a session. Host appears on top with peer below.
Current state of OSPF. Full or 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
The medium OSPF Session card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Network Services | OSPF Session.
Hostnames of the two devices in a session. Host appears on top with peer below.
Current state of OSPF. Full or 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
Time period for chart
Time period for the chart data.
Session State Changes Chart
Heat map of the state of the given session over the given time period. The status is sampled at a rate consistent with the time period. For example, for a 24 hour period, a status is collected every hour. Refer to Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period.
Interface name on or hostname for host device where session resides.
Peer Address
IP address of the peer device.
Peer ID
IP address of router with access to the peer device.
The large OSPF Session card contains two tabs.
The Session Summary tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates data is for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Hostnames of the two devices in a session. Arrow points in the direction of the session.
Current state of OSPF. Full or 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
Session State Changes Chart
Heat map of the state of the given session over the given time period. The status is sampled at a rate consistent with the time period. For example, for a 24 hour period, a status is collected every hour. Refer to Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period.
Alarm Count Chart
Distribution and count of OSPF alarm events over the given time period.
Info Count Chart
Distribution and count of OSPF info events over the given time period.
Name of the interface on the host device where the session resides.
Current state of OSPF. Full or 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
Is Unnumbered
Indicates if the session is part of an unnumbered OSPF configuration (true) or part of a numbered OSPF configuration (false).
Nbr Count
Number of routers in the OSPF configuration.
Is Passive
Indicates if the host is in a passive state (true) or active state (false).
Peer ID
IP address of router with access to the peer device.
Is IPv6
Indicates if the IP address of the host device is IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false).
If Up
Indicates if the interface on the host is up (true) or down (false).
Nbr Adj Count
Number of adjacent routers for this host.
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) on shortest path between the host and peer.
Peer Address
IP address of the peer device.
Routing domain of the host device.
Network Type
Architectural design of the network. Values include Point-to-Point and Broadcast.
Shortest path through the network between the host and peer devices.
Dead Time
Countdown timer, starting at 40 seconds, that is constantly reset as messages are heard from the neighbor. If the dead time gets to zero, the neighbor is presumed dead, the adjacency is torn down, and the link removed from SPF calculations in the OSPF database.
The Configuration File Evolution tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates configuration file information for a single session of a Network Service or Protocol.
Device identifiers (hostname, IP address, or MAC address) for host and peer in session. Arrow points from the host to the peer. Click to open associated device card.
Current state of OSPF. Full or 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
When changes to the configuration file have occurred, the date and time are indicated. Click the time to see the changed file.
Configuration File
When File is selected, the configuration file as it was at the selected time is shown.
When Diff is selected, the configuration file at the selected time is shown on the left and the configuration file at the previous timestamp is shown on the right. Differences are highlighted.
The full screen OSPF Session card provides tabs for all OSPF sessions
and all events.
Network Services | OSPF.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
All OSPF Sessions tab
Displays all OSPF sessions running on the host device. The session list is sorted by hostname by default. This tab provides the following additional data about each session:
Area: Routing domain for this host device. Example values include,
Ifname: Name of the interface on host device where session resides. Example values include swp5, peerlink-1.
Is IPv6: Indicates whether the address of the host device is IPv6 (true) or IPv4 (false).
Address: IPv4 or IPv6 address of the peer device.
Hostname: User-defined name for peer device.
ID: Network subnet address of router with access to the peer device.
State: Current state of OSPF. Values include Full, 2-way, Attempt, Down, Exchange, Exstart, Init, and Loading.
Timestamp: Date and time session was started, deleted, updated or marked dead (device is down).
All Events tab
Displays all events network-wide. By default, the event list is sorted by time, with the most recent events listed first. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Message: Text description of a OSPF-related event. Example: OSPF session with peer tor-1 swp7 vrf default state changed from failed to Established.
Source: Hostname of network device that generated the event.
Severity: Importance of the event. Values include critical, warning, info, and debug.
Type: Network protocol or service generating the event. This always has a value of OSPF in this card workflow.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Switch Card
Viewing detail about a particular switch is essential when troubleshooting performance issues. With NetQ you can view the overall performance and drill down to view attributes of the switch, interface performance and the events associated with a switch. This is accomplished through the Switches card.
Switch cards can be added to user-created workbenches. Click to open a switch card.
The small Switch card displays:
Indicates data is for a single switch.
Hostname of switch.
Distribution of switch alarms during the designated time period.
Trend of alarm count, represented by an arrow:
Pointing upward and green: alarm count is higher than the last two time periods, an increasing trend.
Pointing downward and bright pink: alarm count is lower than the last two time periods, a decreasing trend.
No arrow: alarm count is unchanged over the last two time periods, trend is steady.
Current count of alarms on the switch.
Overall performance of the switch. Determined by the count of alarms relative to the average count of alarms during the designated time period:
Low: Count of alarms is below the average count; a nominal count.
Med: Count of alarms is in range of the average count; some room for improvement.
High: Count of alarms is above the average count; user intervention recommended.
The medium Switch card displays:
Indicates data is for a single switch.
Hostname of switch.
When selected, displays distribution and count of alarms by alarm category, generated by this switch during the designated time period.
When selected, displays distribution of alarms by alarm category, during the designated time period.
The large Switch card contains four tabs:
The Attributes tab displays:
Indicates data is for a single switch.
<Hostname> | Attributes.
User-defined name for this switch.
Management IP
IPv4 or IPv6 address used for management of this switch.
Management MAC
MAC address used for management of this switch.
Agent State
Operational state of the NetQ Agent on this switch; Fresh or Rotten.
Platform Vendor
Manufacturer of this switch box. Cumulus Networks is identified as the vendor for a switch in the Cumulus in the Cloud (CITC) environment, as seen here.
Platform Model
Manufacturer model of this switch. VX is identified as the model for a switch in CITC environment, as seen here.
ASIC Vendor
Manufacturer of the ASIC installed on the motherboard.
ASIC Model
Manufacturer model of the ASIC installed on the motherboard.
Operating system running on the switch. CL indicates a Cumulus Linux license.
OS Version
Version of the OS running on the switch.
NetQ Agent Version
Version of the NetQ Agent running on the switch.
License State
Indicates whether the license is valid (ok) or invalid/missing (bad).
Total Interfaces
Total number of interfaces on this switch, and the number of those that are up and down.
The Utilization tab displays:
Indicates utilization data is for a single switch.
<Hostname> | Utilization.
Displays distribution of CPU and memory usage during the designated time period.
Disk Utilization
Displays distribution of disk usage during the designated time period.
The Interfaces tab displays:
Indicates interface statistics for a single switch.
<Hostname> | Interface Stats.
Interface List
List of interfaces present during the designated time period.
Interface Filter
Sorts interface list by Name, Rx Util (receive utilization), or Tx Util (transmit utilization).
Interfaces Count
Number of interfaces present during the designated time period.
Interface Statistics
Distribution and current value of various transmit and receive statistics associated with a selected interface:
Broadcast: Number of broadcast packets
Bytes: Number of bytes per second
Drop: Number of dropped packets
Errs: Number of errors
Frame: Number of frames received
Multicast: Number of multicast packets
Packets: Number of packets per second
Utilization: Bandwidth utilization as a percentage of total available bandwidth
The Digital Optics tab displays:
Indicates digital optics metrics for a single switch.
<Hostname> | Digital Optics.
Interface List
List of interfaces present during the designated time period.
Search for an interface by Name.
Interfaces Count
Number of interfaces present during the designated time period.
Digital Optics Statistics
Use the parameter dropdown to change the chart view to see metrics for Laser RX Power, Laser Output Power, Laser Bias Current, Module Temperature, and Module Voltage.
The full screen Switch card provides multiple tabs.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Default Time
Displayed data is current as of this moment.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
Displays all known critical alarms for the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each address:
Hostname: User-defined name of the switch
Message: Description of alarm
Message Type: Indicates the protocol or service which generated the alarm
Severity: Indicates the level of importance of the event; it is always critical for NetQ alarms
Time: Date and time the data was collected
All Interfaces
Displays all known interfaces on the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each interface:
Details: Information about the interface, such as MTU, table number, members, protocols running, VLANs
Hostname: Hostname of the given event
IfName: Name of the interface
Last Changed: Data and time that the interface was last enabled, updated, deleted, or changed state to down
OpId: Process identifier; for internal use only
State: Indicates if the interface is up or down
Time: Date and time the data was collected
Type: Kind of interface; for example, VRF, switch port, loopback, ethernet
VRF: Name of the associated virtual route forwarding (VRF) interface if deployed
MAC Addresses
Displays all known MAC addresses for the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each MAC address:
Egress Port: Importance of the event-critical, warning, info, or debug
Hostname: User-defined name of the switch
Last Changed: Data and time that the address was last updated or deleted
MAC Address: MAC address of switch
Origin: Indicates whether this switch owns this address (true) or if another switch owns this address (false)
Remote: Indicates whether this address is reachable via a VXLAN on another switch (true) or is reachable locally on the switch (false)
Time: Date and time the data was collected
VLAN Id: Identifier of an associated VLAN if deployed
Displays all configured VLANs on the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each VLAN:
Hostname: User-defined name of the switch
IfName: Name of the interface
Last Changed: Data and time that the VLAN was last updated or deleted
Ports: Ports used by the VLAN
SVI: Indicates whether is the VLAN has a switch virtual interface (yes) or not (no)
Time: Date and time the data was collected
VLANs: Name of the VLAN
IP Routes
Displays all known IP routes for the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each route:
Hostname: User-defined name of the switch
Is IPv6: Indicates whether the route is based on an IPv6 address (true) or an IPv4 address (false)
Message Type: Service type; always route
NextHops: List of hops in the route
Origin: Indicates whether the route is owned by this switch (true) or not (false)
Prefix: Prefix for the address
Priority: Indicates the importance of the route; higher priority is used before lower priority
Route Type: Kind of route, where the type is dependent on the protocol
RT Table Id: Identifier of the routing table that contains this route
Source: Address of source switch; *None* if this switch is the source
Time: Date and time the data was collected
VRF: Name of the virtual route forwarding (VRF) interface if used by the route
IP Neighbors
Displays all known IP neighbors of the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each neighbor:
Hostname: User-defined name of the switch
IfIndex: Index of the interface
IfName: Name of the interface
IP Address: IP address of the neighbor
Is IPv6: Indicates whether the address is an IPv6 address (true) or an IPv4 address (false)
Is Remote: Indicates whether this address is reachable via a VXLAN on another switch (true) or is reachable locally on the switch (false)
MAC Address: MAC address of neighbor
Message Type: Service type; always neighbor
OpId: Process identifier; for internal use only
Time: Date and time the data was collected
VRF: Name of the virtual route forwarding (VRF) interface if deployed
IP Addresses
Displays all known IP addresses for the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each address:
Hostname: User-defined name of the switch
IfName: Name of the interface
Is IPv6: Indicates whether the address is an IPv6 address (true) or an IPv4 address (false)
Mask: Mask for the address
Prefix: Prefix for the address
Time: Date and time the data was collected
VRF: Name of the virtual route forwarding (VRF) interface if deployed
BTRFS Utilization
Displays disk utilization information for devices running Cumulus Linux 3.x and the b-tree file system (BTRFS):
Device Allocated: Percentage of the disk space allocated by BTRFS
Hostname: Hostname of the given device
Largest Chunk Size: Largest remaining chunk size on disk
Last Changed: Data and time that the storage allocation was last updated
Rebalance Recommended: Based on rules described in [When to Rebalance BTRFS Partitions](https://ania-stage.dao6mistqkn0c.amplifyapp.com/networking-ethernet-software/knowledge-base/Configuration-and-Usage/Storage/When-to-Rebalance-BTRFS-Partitions/), a rebalance is suggested
Unallocated Space: Amount of space remaining on the disk
Unused Data Chunks Space: Amount of available data chunk space
Installed Packages
Displays all known interfaces on the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each package:
CL Version: Version of Cumulus Linux associated with the package
Hostname: Hostname of the given event
Last Changed: Data and time that the interface was last enabled, updated, deleted, or changed state to down
Package Name: Name of the package
Package Status: Indicates if the package is installed
Version: Version of the package
SSD Utilization
Displays overall health and utilization of a 3ME3 solid state drive (SSD). This tab provides the following data about each drive:
Hostname: Hostname of the device with the 3ME3 drive installed
Last Changed: Data and time that the SSD information was updated
SSD Model: SSD model name
Total PE Cycles Supported: PE cycle rating for the drive
Current PE Cycles Executed: Number of PE cycle run to date
% Remaining PE Cycles: Number of PE cycle available before drive needs to be replaced
Forwarding Resources
Displays usage statistics for all forwarding resources on the switch. This tab provides the following additional data about each resource:
ECMP Next Hops: Maximum number of hops seen in forwarding table, number used, and the percentage of this usage versus the maximum number
Hostname: Hostname where forwarding resources reside
IPv4 Host Entries: Maximum number of hosts in forwarding table, number of hosts used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
IPv4 Route Entries: Maximum number of routes in forwarding table, number of routes used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
IPv6 Host Entries: Maximum number of hosts in forwarding table, number of hosts used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
IPv6 Route Entries: Maximum number of routes in forwarding table, number of routes used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
MAC Entries: Maximum number of MAC addresses in forwarding table, number of MAC addresses used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
MCAST Route: Maximum number of multicast routes in forwarding table, number of multicast routes used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
Time: Date and time the data was collected
Total Routes: Maximum number of total routes in forwarding table, number of total routes used, and the percentage of usage versus the maximum
ACL Resources
Displays usage statistics for all ACLs on the switch. The following is diplayed for each ACL:
Maximum entries in the ACL
Number entries used
Percentage of this usage versus the maximum
This tab also provides the following additional data about each ACL:
Hostname: Hostname where the ACLs reside
Time: Date and time the data was collected
What Just Happened
Displays displays events based on conditions detected in the data plane on the switch. Refer to What Just Happened for descriptions of the fields in this table.
Displays all known sensors on the switch. This tab provides a table for each type of sensor. Select the sensor type using the filter above the table.
Hostname: Hostname where the fan sensor resides
Message Type: Type of sensor; always Fan
Description: Text identifying the sensor
Speed (RPM): Revolutions per minute of the fan
Max: Maximum speed of the fan measured by sensor
Min: Minimum speed of the fan measured by sensor
Message: Description
Sensor Name: User-defined name for the fan sensor
Previous State: Operational state of the fan sensor before last update
State: Current operational state of the fan sensor
Time: Date and time the data was collected
Hostname: Hostname where the temperature sensor resides
Message Type: Type of sensor; always Temp
Critical: Maximum temperature (°C) threshold for the sensor
Description: Text identifying the sensor
Lower Critical: Minimum temperature (°C) threshold for the sensor
Max: Maximum temperature measured by sensor
Min: Minimum temperature measured by sensor
Message: Description
Sensor Name: User-defined name for the temperature sensor
Previous State: State of the sensor before last update
State: Current state of the temperature sensor
Temperature: Current temperature measured at sensor
Time: Date and time the data was collected
Power Supply Unit (PSU):
Hostname: Hostname where the temperature sensor resides
Message Type: Type of sensor; always PSU
PIn: Input power (W) measured by sensor
POut: Output power (W) measured by sensor
Sensor Name: User-defined name for the power supply unit sensor
Previous State: State of the sensor before last update
State: Current state of the temperature sensor
Time: Date and time the data was collected
VIn: Input voltage (V) measured by sensor
VOut: Output voltage (V) measured by sensor
Digital Optics
Displays all available digital optics performance metrics. This tab provides a table for each of five metrics.
Hostname: Hostname where the digital optics module resides
Timestamp: Date and time the data was collected
IfName: Name of the port where the digital optics module resides
Units: Unit of measure that applies to the given metric
Value: Measured value during the designated time period
High Warning Threshold: Value used to generate a warning if the measured value excedes it.
Low Warning Threshold: Value used to generate a warning if the measured value drops below it.
High Alarm Threshold: Value used to generate an alarm if the measured value excedes it.
Low Alarm Threshold: Value used to generate an alarm if the measured value drops below it.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Trace Cards
There are three cards used to perform on-demand and scheduled traces—one for the creation of on-demand and scheduled traces and two for the results. Trace cards can be added to user-created workbenches.
Trace Request Card
This card is used to create new on-demand or scheduled trace requests or to run a scheduled trace on demand.
The small Trace Request card displays:
Indicates a trace request
Select Trace list
Select a scheduled trace request from the list
Click to start the trace now
The medium Trace Request card displays:
Indicates a trace request.
New Trace Request.
New Trace Request
Create a new layer 2 or layer 3 (no VRF) trace request.
(Required) Hostname or IP address of device where to begin the trace.
(Required) Ending point for the trace. For layer 2 traces, value must be a MAC address. For layer 3 traces, value must be an IP address.
Numeric identifier of a VLAN. Required for layer 2 trace requests.
Run Now
Start the trace now.
The large Trace Request card displays:
Indicates a trace request.
New Trace Request.
Trace selection
Leave New Trace Request selected to create a new request, or choose a scheduled request from the list.
(Required) Hostname or IP address of device where to begin the trace.
(Required) Ending point for the trace. For layer 2 traces, value must be a MAC address. For layer 3 traces, value must be an IP address.
Optional for layer 3 traces. Virtual Route Forwarding interface to be used as part of the trace path.
Required for layer 2 traces. Virtual LAN to be used as part of the trace path.
Sets the frequency with which to run a new trace (Run every) and when to start the trace for the first time (Starting).
Run Now
Start the trace now.
Update is available when a scheduled trace request is selected from the dropdown list and you make a change to its configuration. Clicking Update saves the changes to the existing scheduled trace.
Save As New
Save As New is available in two instances:
When you enter a source, destination, and schedule for a new trace. Clicking Save As New in this instance saves the new scheduled trace.
When changes are made to a selected scheduled trace request. Clicking Save As New in this instance saves the modified scheduled trace without changing the original trace on which it was based.
The full screen Trace Request card displays:
Trace Request.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Number of results found for the selected tab.
Schedule Preview tab
Displays all scheduled trace requests for the given user. By default, the listing is sorted by Start Time, with the most recently started traces listed at the top. The tab provides the following additional data about each event:
Action: Indicates latest action taken on the trace job. Values include Add, Deleted, Update.
Frequency: How often the trace is scheduled to run
Active: Indicates if trace is actively running (true), or stopped from running (false)
ID: Internal system identifier for the trace job
Trace Name: User-defined name for a trace
Trace Params: Indicates source and destination, optional VLAN or VRF specified, and whether to alert on failure
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
On-demand Trace Results Card
This card is used to view the results of on-demand trace requests.
The small On-demand Trace Results card
Indicates an on-demand trace result.
Source and destination of the trace, identified by their address or hostname. Source is listed on top with arrow pointing to destination.
Indicates success or failure of the trace request. A successful result implies all paths were successful without any warnings or failures. A failure result implies there was at least one path with warnings or errors.
The medium On-demand Trace Results card displays:
Indicates an on-demand trace result.
On-demand Trace Result.
Source and destination of the trace, identified by their address or hostname. Source is listed on top with arrow pointing to destination.
Indicates success or failure of the trace request. A successful result implies all paths were successful without any warnings or failures. A failure result implies there was at least one path with warnings or errors.
Total Paths Found
Number of paths found between the two devices.
MTU Overall
Average size of the maximum transmission unit for all paths.
Minimum Hops
Smallest number of hops along a path between the devices.
Maximum Hops
Largest number of hops along a path between the devices.
The large On-demand Trace Results card contains two tabs.
The On-demand Trace Result tab displays:
Indicates an on-demand trace result.
On-demand Trace Result.
Indicates success or failure of the trace request. A successful result implies all paths were successful without any warnings or failures. A failure result implies there was at least one path with warnings or errors.
Source and destination of the trace, identified by their address or hostname. Source is listed on top with arrow pointing to destination.
Distribution by Hops chart
Displays the distributions of various hop counts for the available paths.
Distribution by MTU chart
Displays the distribution of MTUs used on the interfaces used in the available paths.
Provides detailed path information, sorted by the route identifier, including:
Route ID: Identifier of each path
MTU: Average speed of the interfaces used
Hops: Number of hops to get from the source to the destination device
Warnings: Number of warnings encountered during the trace on a given path
Errors: Number of errors encountered during the trace on a given path
Total Paths Found
Number of paths found between the two devices.
MTU Overall
Average size of the maximum transmission unit for all paths.
Minimum Hops
Smallest number of hops along a path between the devices.
The On-demand Trace Settings tab displays:
Indicates an on-demand trace setting
On-demand Trace Settings
Starting point for the trace
Ending point for the trace
Does not apply to on-demand traces
Associated virtual route forwarding interface, when used with layer 3 traces
Associated virtual local area network, when used with layer 2 traces
Job ID
Identifier of the job; used internally
Re-run Trace
Clicking this button runs the trace again
The full screen On-demand Trace Results card displays:
On-demand Trace Results
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking
Number of results found for the selected tab
Trace Results tab
Provides detailed path information, sorted by the Resolution Time (date and time results completed), including:
SCR.IP: Source IP address
DST.IP: Destination IP address
Max Hop Count: Largest number of hops along a path between the devices
Min Hop Count: Smallest number of hops along a path between the devices
Total Paths: Number of paths found between the two devices
PMTU: Average size of the maximum transmission unit for all interfaces along the paths
Errors: Message provided for analysis when a trace fails
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings
Scheduled Trace Results Card
This card is used to view the results of scheduled trace requests.
The small Scheduled Trace Results card displays:
Indicates a scheduled trace result.
Source and destination of the trace, identified by their address or hostname. Source is listed on left with arrow pointing to destination.
Summary of trace results: a successful result implies all paths were successful without any warnings or failures; a failure result implies there was at least one path with warnings or errors.
Number of trace runs completed in the designated time period
Number of runs with warnings
Number of runs with errors
The medium Scheduled Trace Results card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates a scheduled trace result.
Scheduled Trace Result.
Name of scheduled validation and summary of trace results: a successful result implies all paths were successful without any warnings or failures; a failure result implies there was at least one path with warnings or errors.
Number of trace runs completed in the designated time period
Number of runs with warnings
Number of runs with errors
Heat map: A time segmented view of the results. For each time segment, the color represents the percentage of warning and failed results. Refer to Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period for details on how to interpret the results.
Unique Bad Nodes: Distribution of unique nodes that generated the indicated warnings and/or failures.
The large Scheduled Trace Results card contains two tabs:
The Results tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates a scheduled trace result.
Scheduled Trace Result.
Name of scheduled validation and summary of trace results: a successful result implies all paths were successful without any warnings or failures; a failure result implies there was at least one path with warnings or errors.
Number of trace runs completed in the designated time period
Number of runs with warnings
Number of runs with errors
Heat map: A time segmented view of the results. For each time segment, the color represents the percentage of warning and failed results. Refer to Granularity of Data Shown Based on Time Period for details on how to interpret the results.
Small charts: Display counts for each item during the same time period, for the purpose of correlating with the warnings and errors shown in the heat map.
Table/Filter options
When the Failures filter option is selected, the table displays the failure messages received for each run.
When the Paths filter option is selected, the table displays all of the paths tried during each run.
When the Warning filter option is selected, the table displays the warning messages received for each run.
The Configuration tab displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Address or hostname of the device where the trace was started.
Address of the device where the trace was stopped.
The frequency and starting date and time to run the trace.
Virtual Route Forwarding interface, when defined.
Virtual LAN identifier, when defined.
User-defined name of the scheduled trace.
Run Now
Start the trace now.
Modify the trace. Opens Trace Request card with this information pre-populated.
The full screen Scheduled Trace Results card displays:
Scheduled Trace Results
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Number of results found for the selected tab.
Scheduled Trace Results tab
Displays the basic information about the trace, including:
Resolution Time: Time that trace was run
SRC.IP: IP address of the source device
DST.IP: Address of the destination device
Max Hop Count: Maximum number of hops across all paths between the devices
Min Hop Count: Minimum number of hops across all paths between the devices
Total Paths: Number of available paths found between the devices
PMTU: Average of the maximum transmission units for all paths
Errors: Message provided for analysis if trace fails
Click on a result to open a detailed view of the results.
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Validation Cards
There are three cards used to perform on-demand and scheduled validations—one for the creation of on-demand and scheduled validations and two for the results. Validation cards can be added to user-created workbenches.
Validation Request Card
This card is used to create a new on-demand or scheduled validation request or run a scheduled validation on demand.
The small Validation Request card displays:
Indicates a validation request.
Select a scheduled request to run that request on-demand. A default validation is provided for each supported network protocol and service, which runs a network-wide validation check. These validations run every 60 minutes, but you may run them on-demand at any time.
Note: No new requests can be configured from this size card.
Start the validation request. The corresponding On-demand Validation Result cards are opened on your workbench, one per protocol and service.
The medium Validation Request card displays:
Indicates a validation request.
Validation Request.
Select a scheduled request to run that request on-demand. A default validation is provided for each supported network protocol and service, which runs a network-wide validation check. These validations run every 60 minutes, but you may run them on-demand at any time.
Note: No new requests can be configured from this size card.
The protocols included in a selected validation request are listed here.
The large Validation Request card displays:
Indicates a validation request.
Validation Request.
Depending on user intent, this field is used to:
Select a scheduled request to run that request on-demand. A default validation is provided for each supported network protocol and service, which runs a network-wide validation check. These validations run every 60 minutes, but you may run them on-demand at any time.
Leave as is to create a new scheduled validation request.
Select a scheduled request to modify.
For a selected scheduled validation, the protocols included in a validation request are listed here. For new on-demand or scheduled validations, click these to include them in the validation.
For a selected scheduled validation, the schedule and the time of the last run are displayed. For new scheduled validations, select the frequency and starting date and time.
Run Every: Select how often to run the request. Choose from 30 minutes, 1, 3, 6, or 12 hours, or 1 day.
Starting: Select the date and time to start the first request in the series.
Last Run: Timestamp of when the selected validation was started.
Scheduled Validations
Count of scheduled validations that are currently scheduled compared to the maximum of 15 allowed.
Run Now
Start the validation request.
When changes are made to a selected validation request, Update becomes available so that you can save your changes.
Be aware, that if you update a previously saved validation request, the historical data collected will no longer match the data results of future runs of the request. If your intention is to leave this request unchanged and create a new request, click Save As New instead.
Save As New
When changes are made to a previously saved validation request, Save As New becomes available so that you can save the modified request as a new request.
The full screen Validation Request card displays all scheduled
validation requests.
Validation Request.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Default Time
No time period is displayed for this card as each validation request has its own time relationship.
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
Validation Requests
Displays all scheduled validation requests. By default, the requests list is sorted by the date and time that it was originally created (Created At). This tab provides the following additional data about each request:
Name: Text identifier of the validation.
Type: Name of network protocols and/or services included in the validation.
Start Time: Data and time that the validation request was run.
Last Modified: Date and time of the most recent change made to the validation request.
Cadence (Min): How often, in minutes, the validation is scheduled to run. This is empty for new on-demand requests.
Is Active: Indicates whether the request is currently running according to its schedule (true) or it is not running (false).
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
On-Demand Validation Result Card
This card is used to view the results of on-demand validation requests.
The small Validation Result card displays:
Indicates an on-demand validation result.
On-demand Result <Network Protocol or Service Name> Validation.
Date and time the validation was completed.
Status of the validation job, where:
Good: Job ran successfully. One or more warnings may have occurred during the run.
Failed: Job encountered errors which prevented the job from completing, or job ran successfully, but errors occurred during the run.
The medium Validation Result card displays:
Indicates an on-demand validation result.
On-demand Validation Result | <Network Protocol or Service Name>.
Date and time the validation was completed.
, ,
Status of the validation job, where:
Good: Job ran successfully.
Warning: Job encountered issues, but it did complete its run.
Failed: Job encountered errors which prevented the job from completing.
Devices Tested
Chart with the total number of devices included in the validation and the distribution of the results.
Pass: Number of devices tested that had successful results.
Warn: Number of devices tested that had successful results, but also had at least one warning event.
Fail: Number of devices tested that had one or more protocol or service failures.
Hover over chart to view the number of devices and the percentage of all tested devices for each result category.
Sessions Tested
For BGP, chart with total number of BGP sessions included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
For EVPN, chart with total number of BGP sessions included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
For Interfaces, chart with total number of ports included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
In each of these charts:
Pass: Number of sessions or ports tested that had successful results.
Warn: Number of sessions or ports tested that had successful results, but also had at least one warning event.
Fail: Number of sessions or ports tested that had one or more failure events.
Hover over chart to view the number of devices, sessions, or ports and the percentage of all tested devices, sessions, or ports for each result category.
This chart does not apply to other Network Protocols and Services, and thus is not displayed for those cards.
Open <Service> Card
Click to open the corresponding medium Network Services card, where available.
The large Validation Result card contains two tabs.
The Summary tab displays:
Indicates an on-demand validation result.
On-demand Validation Result | Summary | <Network Protocol or Service Name>.
Day and time when the validation completed.
, ,
Status of the validation job, where:
Good: Job ran successfully.
Warning: Job encountered issues, but it did complete its run.
Failed: Job encountered errors which prevented the job from completing.
Devices Tested
Chart with the total number of devices included in the validation and the distribution of the results.
Pass: Number of devices tested that had successful results.
Warn: Number of devices tested that had successful results, but also had at least one warning event.
Fail: Number of devices tested that had one or more protocol or service failures.
Hover over chart to view the number of devices and the percentage of all tested devices for each result category.
Sessions Tested
For BGP, chart with total number of BGP sessions included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
For EVPN, chart with total number of BGP sessions included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
For Interfaces, chart with total number of ports included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
For OSPF, chart with total number of OSPF sessions included in the validation and the distribution of the overall results.
In each of these charts:
Pass: Number of sessions or ports tested that had successful results.
Warn: Number of sessions or ports tested that had successful results, but also had at least one warning event.
Fail: Number of sessions or ports tested that had one or more failure events.
Hover over chart to view the number of devices, sessions, or ports and the percentage of all tested devices, sessions, or ports for each result category.
This chart does not apply to other Network Protocols and Services, and thus is not displayed for those cards.
Open <Service> Card
Click to open the corresponding medium Network Services card, when available.
Table/Filter options
When the Most Active filter option is selected, the table displays switches and hosts running the given service or protocol in decreasing order of alarm counts. Devices with the largest number of warnings and failures are listed first. You can click on the device name to open its switch card on your workbench.
When the Most Recent filter option is selected, the table displays switches and hosts running the given service or protocol sorted by timestamp, with the device with the most recent warning or failure listed first. The table provides the following additional information:
Hostname: User-defined name for switch or host.
Message Type: Network protocol or service which triggered the event.
Message: Short description of the event.
Severity: Indication of importance of event; values in decreasing severity include critical, warning, error, info, debug.
Show All Results
Click to open the full screen card with all on-demand validation results sorted by timestamp.
The Configuration tab displays:
Indicates an on-demand validation request configuration.
On-demand Validation Result | Configuration | <Network Protocol or Service Name>.
List of network protocols or services included in the request that produced these results.
Not relevant to on-demand validation results. Value is always N/A.
The full screen Validation Result card provides a tab for all on-demand validation results.
Validation Results | On-demand.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
On-demand Validation Result | <network protocol or service>
Displays all unscheduled validation results. By default, the results list is sorted by Timestamp. This tab provides the following additional data about each result:
Job ID: Internal identifier of the validation job that produced the given results
Timestamp: Date and time the validation completed
Type: Network protocol or service type
Total Node Count: Total number of nodes running the given network protocol or service
Checked Node Count: Number of nodes on which the validation ran
Failed Node Count: Number of checked nodes that had protocol or service failures
Rotten Node Count: Number of nodes that could not be reached during the validation
Unknown Node Count: Applies only to the Interfaces service. Number of nodes with unknown port states.
Failed Adjacent Count: Number of adjacent nodes that had protocol or service failures
Total Session Count: Total number of sessions running for the given network protocol or service
Failed Session Count: Number of sessions that had session failures
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Scheduled Validation Result Card
This card is used to view the results of scheduled validation requests.
The small Scheduled Validation Result card displays:
Indicates a scheduled validation result.
Scheduled Result <Network Protocol or Service Name> Validation.
Summary of validation results:
Number of validation runs completed in the designated time period.
Number of runs with warnings.
Number of runs with errors.
Status of the validation job, where:
Pass: Job ran successfully. One or more warnings may have occurred during the run.
Failed: Job encountered errors which prevented the job from completing, or job ran successfully, but errors occurred during the run.
The medium Scheduled Validation Result card displays:
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes.
Indicates a scheduled validation result.
Scheduled Validation Result | <Network Protocol or Service Name>.
Summary of validation results:
Name of scheduled validation.
Status of the validation job, where:
Pass: Job ran successfully. One or more warnings may have occurred during the run.
Failed: Job encountered errors which prevented the job from completing, or job ran successfully, but errors occurred during the run.
Validation results, where:
Time period: Range of time in which the data on the heat map was collected.
Heat map: A time segmented view of the results. For each time segment, the color represents the percentage of warning, passing, and failed results. Refer to NetQ UI Card Reference for details on how to interpret the results.
Open <Service> Card
Click to open the corresponding medium Network Services card, when available.
The large Scheduled Validation Result card contains two tabs.
The Summary tab displays:
Indicates a scheduled validation result.
Validation Summary (Scheduled Validation Result | <Network Protocol or Service Name>).
Summary of validation results:
Name of scheduled validation.
Status of the validation job, where:
Pass: Job ran successfully. One or more warnings may have occurred during the run.
Failed: Job encountered errors which prevented the job from completing, or job ran successfully, but errors occurred during the run.
Expand/Collapse: Expand the heat map to full width of card, collapse the heat map to the left.
Validation results, where:
Time period: Range of time in which the data on the heat map was collected.
Heat map: A time segmented view of the results. For each time segment, the color represents the percentage of warning, passing, and failed results. Refer to NetQ UI Card Reference for details on how to interpret the results.
Open <Service> Card
Click to open the corresponding medium Network Services card, when available.
Table/Filter options
When the Most Active filter option is selected, the table displays switches and hosts running the given service or protocol in decreasing order of alarm counts-devices with the largest number of warnings and failures are listed first.
When the Most Recent filter option is selected, the table displays switches and hosts running the given service or protocol sorted by timestamp, with the device with the most recent warning or failure listed first. The table provides the following additional information:
Hostname: User-defined name for switch or host.
Message Type: Network protocol or service which triggered the event.
Message: Short description of the event.
Severity: Indication of importance of event; values in decreasing severity include critical, warning, error, info, debug.
Show All Results
Click to open the full screen card with all scheduled validation results sorted by timestamp.
The Configuration tab displays:
Indicates a scheduled validation configuration
Configuration (Scheduled Validation Result | <Network Protocol or Service Name>)
User-defined name for this scheduled validation
List of validations included in the validation request that created this result
User-defined schedule for the validation request that created this result
Open Schedule Card
Opens the large Validation Request card for editing this configuration
The full screen Scheduled Validation Result card provides tabs for all scheduled
validation results for the service.
Scheduled Validation Results | <Network Protocol or Service>.
Closes full screen card and returns to workbench.
Time period
Range of time in which the displayed data was collected; applies to all card sizes; select an alternate time period by clicking .
Displays data refresh status. Click to pause data refresh. Click to resume data refresh. Current refresh rate is visible by hovering over icon.
Number of results found for the selected tab.
Scheduled Validation Result | <network protocol or service>
Displays all unscheduled validation results. By default, the results list is sorted by timestamp. This tab provides the following additional data about each result:
Job ID: Internal identifier of the validation job that produced the given results
Timestamp: Date and time the validation completed
Type: Protocol of Service Name
Total Node Count: Total number of nodes running the given network protocol or service
Checked Node Count: Number of nodes on which the validation ran
Failed Node Count: Number of checked nodes that had protocol or service failures
Rotten Node Count: Number of nodes that could not be reached during the validation
Unknown Node Count: Applies only to the Interfaces service. Number of nodes with unknown port states.
Failed Adjacent Count: Number of adjacent nodes that had protocol or service failures
Total Session Count: Total number of sessions running for the given network protocol or service
Failed Session Count: Number of sessions that had session failures
Table Actions
Select, export, or filter the list. Refer to Table Settings.
Integrate NetQ API with Your Applications
The NetQ API provides access to key telemetry and system monitoring data gathered about the performance and operation of your network and devices so that you can view that data in your internal or third-party analytic tools. The API gives you access to the health of individual switches, network protocols and services, trace and validation results, and views of networkwide inventory and events.
This guide provides an overview of the NetQ API framework, the basics of using Swagger UI 2.0 or bash plus curl to view and test the APIs. Descriptions of each endpoint and model parameter are contained in individual API .JSON files.
For information regarding new features, improvements, bug fixes, and known issues present in this NetQ release, refer to the release notes.
Inventory and Devices: Address, Inventory, MAC Address tables, Node, Sensors
Events: Events
Each endpoint has its own API. You can make requests for all data and all devices or you can filter the request by a given hostname. Each API returns a predetermined set of data as defined in the API models.
The Swagger interface displays both public and internal APIs. Public APIs do not have internal in their name. Internal APIs are not supported for public use and subject to change without notice.
Get Started
You can access the API gateway and execute requests from the Swagger UI or a terminal interface.
The API is embedded in the NetQ software, making it easy to access from the Swagger UI application.
Select auth from the Select a definition dropdown at the top right of the window. This opens the authorization API.
Open a terminal window.
Continue to Log In instructions.
Log In
While you can view the API endpoints without authorization, you can only execute the API endpoints if you have been authorized.
You must first obtain an access key and then use that key to authorize your access to the API.
Click POST/login.
Click Try it out.
Enter the username and password you used to install NetQ. For this release, the default is username admin and password admin. Do not change the access-key value.
Click Execute.
Scroll down to view the Responses. In the Server response section, in the Response body of the 200 code response, copy the access token in the top line.
Click Authorize.
Paste the access key into the Value field, and click Authorize.
Click Close.
To log in and obtain authorization:
Open a terminal window.
Login to obtain the access token. You will need the following information:
Hostname or IP address, and port (443 for Cloud deployments, 32708 for on-premises deployments) of your API gateway
Your login credentials that were provided as part of the NetQ installation process. For this release, the default is username admin and password admin.
This example uses an IP address of, port of 443, and the default credentials:
The output provides the access token as the first parameter.
{"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9....","customer_id":0,"expires_at":1597200346504,"id":"admin","is_cloud":true,"premises":[{"name":"OPID0","namespace":"NAN","opid":0},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-1","namespace":"ea1","opid":30000},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-2","namespace":"ea1","opid":30001},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-3","namespace":"ea1","opid":30002},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-4","namespace":"ea1","opid":30003},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-5","namespace":"ea1","opid":30004},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-6","namespace":"ea1","opid":30005},{"name":"ea-demo-dc-7","namespace":"ea1","opid":80006},{"name":"Cumulus Data Center","namespace":"NAN","opid":1568962206}],"reset_password":false,"terms_of_use_accepted":true}
Copy the access token to a text file for use in making API data requests.
You are now able to create and execute API requests against the endpoints.
By default, authorization is valid for 24 hours, after which users must sign in again and reauthorize their account.
API Requests
You can use either the Swagger UI or a terminal window with bash and curl commands to create and execute API requests.
API requests are easy to execute in the Swagger UI. Simply select the endpoint of interest and try it out.
Select the endpoint from the definition dropdown at the top right of the application.
This example shows the BGP endpoint selected:
Select the endpoint object.
This example shows the results of selecting the GET bgp object:
A description is provided for each object and the various parameters that can be specified. In the Responses section, you can see the data that is returned when the request is successful.
Click Try it out.
Enter values for the required parameters.
Click Execute.
In a terminal window, use bash plus curl to execute requests. Each request contains an API method (GET, POST, etc.), the address and API endpoint object to query, a variety of headers, and sometimes a body. For example, in the log in step above:
API method = POST
Address and API object = “https://<netq.domain>:443/netq/auth/v1/login”
Headers = -H “accept: application/json” and -H “Content-Type: application/json”
Body = -d “{ "username": "admin", "password": "admin", "access_key": "string"}”
API Responses
A NetQ API response is comprised of a status code, any relevant error codes (if unsuccessful), and the collected data (if successful).
The following HTTP status codes might be presented in the API responses:
Request was successfully processed.
Review response.
Bad Request
Invalid input was detected in request.
Check the syntax of your request and make sure it matches the schema.
Authentication has failed or credentials were not provided.
Provide or verify your credentials, or request access from your administrator.
Request was valid, but user may not have needed permissions.
Verify your credentials or request an account from your administrator.
Not Found
Requested resource could not be found.
Try the request again after a period of time or verify status of resource.
Request cannot be processed due to conflict in current state of the resource.
Verify status of resource and remove conflict.
Internal Server Error
Unexpected condition has occurred.
Perform general troubleshooting and try the request again.
Service Unavailable
The service being requested is currently unavailable.
Verify the status of the NetQ Platform or Appliance, and the associated service.
Example Requests and Responses
Some command requests and their responses are shown here, but feel free to run your own requests. To run a request, you will need your authorization token. When using the curl commands, the responses have been piped through a python tool to make them more readable. You may chose to do so as well.
Validate networkwide Status of the BGP Service
Make your request to the bgp endpoint to obtain validate the operation of the BGP service all nodes running the service.
Open the check endpoint.
Open the check object.
Click Try it out.
Enter values for time, duration, by, and proto parameters.
In this example, time=1597256560, duration=24, by=scheduled, and proto=bgp.
Click Execute, then scroll down to see the results under Server response.
Run the following curl command, entering values for the various parameters. In this example, time=1597256560, duration=24 (hours), by=scheduled, and proto=bgp.
Make your request to the interfaces endpoint to view the status of all
interfaces. By specifying the eq-timestamp option and entering a date
and time in epoch format, you indicate the data for that time (versus in
the last hour by default), as follows:
The following table covers some basic terms used throughout the NetQ
user documentation.
NetQ software that resides on a host server that provides metrics about the host to the NetQ Telemetry Server for network health analysis.
In UI, event with critical severity.
Device that connects two communication networks or network segments. Occurs at OSI Model Layer 2, Data Link Layer.
Multistage circuit switching network used by the telecommunications industry, first formalized by Charles Clos in 1952.
UI term referring to a switch, host, or chassis or combination of these. Typically used when describing hardware and components versus a software or network topology. See also Node.
Change or occurrence in network or component; may or may not trigger a notification. In the NetQ UI, there are two types of events: Alarms which indicate a critical severity event, and Info which indicate warning, informational, and debugging severity events.
Network topology where a set of network nodes is interconnected through one or more network switches.
Node that has been heard from in the last 90 seconds.
High Availability
Software used to provide a high percentage of uptime (running and available) for network devices.
Device that is connected to a TCP/IP network. May run one or more Virtual Machines.
Software which creates and runs Virtual Machines. Also called a Virtual Machine Monitor.
In UI, event with warning, informational, or debugging severity.
IP Address
An Internet Protocol address is comprised of a series of numbers assigned to a network device to uniquely identify it on a given network. Version 4 addresses are 32 bits and written in dotted decimal notation with 8-bit binary numbers separated by decimal points. Example: Version 6 addresses are 128 bits and written in 16-bit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons. Example: 2018:3468:1B5F::6482:D673.
An access layer switch in a Spine-Leaf or Clos topology. An Exit-Leaf is switch that connects to services outside of the Data Center such as firewalls, load balancers, and Internet routers. See also Spine, CLOS, Top of Rack and Access Switch.
Set of free and open-source software operating systems built around the Linux kernel. Cumulus Linux is one available distribution packages.
UI term referring to a switch, host or chassis in a topology.
Item that informs a user of an event. In UI there are two types of notifications: Alert which is a notification sent by system to inform a user about an event; specifically received through a third-party application, and Message which is a notification sent by a user to share content with another user.
Link, or bonded links, used to connect two switches in an MLAG pair.
Node that has not been heard from in 90 seconds or more.
Device that forwards data packets (directs traffic) from nodes on one communication network to nodes on another network. Occurs at the OSI Model Layer 3, Network Layer.
Used to describe the role of a switch in a Spine-Leaf or CLOS topology. See also Aggregation switch, End of Row switch, and distribution switch.
High-speed device that connects that receives data packets from one device or node and redirects them to other devices or nodes on a network.
Telemetry server
NetQ server which receives metrics and other data from NetQ agents on leaf and spine switches and hosts.
Top of Rack
Switch that connects to the network (versus internally)
Virtual Machine
Emulation of a computer system that provides all of the functions of a particular architecture.
A network architecture designed to deliver capabilities of large cloud service providers within an enterprise IT environment.
Generic, off-the-shelf, switch or router hardware used in Software Defined Networks (SDN).
Common Cumulus Linux and NetQ Acronyms
The following table covers some common acronyms used throughout the NetQ
user documentation.
The Cumulus NetQ documentation uses the following typographical and note conventions.
Typographical Conventions
Throughout the guide, text formatting is used to convey contextual information about the content.
Text Format
Green text
Link to additional content within the topic or to another topic
Text in Monospace font
Filename, directory and path names, and command usage
[Text within square brackets]
Optional command parameters; may be presented in mixed case or all caps text
<Text within angle brackets>
Required command parameter values-variables that are to be replaced with a relevant value; may be presented in mixed case or all caps text
Note Conventions
Several note types are used throughout the document. The formatting of the note indicates its intent and
Offers information to improve your experience with the tool, such as time-saving or shortcut options, or indicates the common or recommended method for performing a particular task or process
Provides additional information or a reminder about a task or process that may impact your next step or selection
Advises that failure to take or avoid specific action can result in possible data loss
Advises that failure to take or avoid specific action can result in possible physical harm to yourself, hardware equipment, or facility
Validate Physical Layer Configuration
Beyond knowing what physical components are deployed, it is valuable to know that they are configured and operating correctly. NetQ enables you to confirm that peer connections are present, discover any misconfigured
ports, peers, or unsupported modules, and monitor for link flaps.
NetQ checks peer connections using LLDP. For DACs and AOCs, NetQ determines the peers using their serial numbers in the port EEPROMs, even if the link is not UP.
Confirm Peer Connections
You can validate peer connections for all devices in your network or for a specific device or port. This example shows the peer hosts and their status for leaf03 switch.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show interfaces physical peer
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface State Message
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------
leaf03 swp1 oob-mgmt-switch swp7 up
leaf03 swp2 down Peer port unknown
leaf03 swp47 leaf04 swp47 up
leaf03 swp48 leaf04 swp48 up
leaf03 swp49 leaf04 swp49 up
leaf03 swp50 leaf04 swp50 up
leaf03 swp51 exit01 swp51 up
leaf03 swp52 down Port cage empty
This example shows the peer data for a specific interface port.
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show interfaces physical swp47
Matching cables records:
Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface State Message
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------
leaf01 swp47 leaf02 swp47 up
Discover Misconfigurations
You can verify that the following configurations are the same on both sides of a peer interface:
Admin state
Operational state
Link speed
Auto-negotiation setting
The netq check interfaces command is used to determine if any of the interfaces have any continuity errors. This command only checks the physical interfaces; it does not check bridges, bonds or other software
constructs. You can check all interfaces at once. It enables you to compare the current status of the interfaces, as well as their status at an earlier point in time. The command syntax is:
netq check interfaces [around <text-time>] [json]
If NetQ cannot determine a peer for a given device, the port is marked as unverified.
If you find a misconfiguration, use the netq show interfaces physical command for clues about the cause.
Find Mismatched Operational States
In this example, we check all of the interfaces for misconfigurations and we find that one interface port has an error. We look for clues about the cause and see that the Operational states do not match on the
connection between leaf 03 and leaf04: leaf03 is up, but leaf04 is down. If the misconfiguration was due to a mismatch in the administrative state, the message would have been Admin state mismatch (up, down) or Admin state mismatch (down, up).
This example uses the and keyword to check the connections between two peers. An error is seen, so we check the physical peer information and discover that the incorrect peer has been specified. After fixing it, we run the check again, and see that there are no longer any interface errors.
This example checks for for configuration mismatches and finds a link speed mismatch on server03. The link speed on swp49 is 40G and the peer port swp50 is unspecified.
This example checks for configuration mismatches and finds auto-negotation setting mismatches between the servers and leafs. Auto-negotiation is off on the leafs, but on on the servers.