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NetQ CLI Reference

This reference provides details about each of the NetQ CLI commands, starting with the xxx release. For an overview of the CLI structure and usage, read NetQ Command Line Overview.

Check Commands

All of the NetQ check commands begin with netq check. They are used to validate various elements in your network fabric. They are described here in alphabetical order.

netq check agents

Collects [retrieves?] the communication status of all nodes (leafs, spines, and hosts) running the NetQ Agent in your network fabric. The output displays the total number of nodes found and how many of those have not been heard from in 90 seconds.


netq check agents [json]


Option Required Description
json No Display the output in JSON file format instead of default on-screen text format.

Command History

Release Description
1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage

Find nodes in network fabric with stale communications cumulus@switch:~$ netq check agents Checked nodes: 11, Rotten nodes: 0 Find nodes in network fabric with stale communications and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check agents json { “failedNodes”:[



  • netq show agents (make these links)
  • netq config agent

netq check bgp

Validates that all configured route peering is established in your network fabric by looking for consistency across BGP sessions; in particular, whether duplicate router IDs exist and if any sessions are in the unestablished state. The output displays the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting session failures. It also displays the total number of [active] BGP sessions at the specified time and the number of session failures for all nodes. For nodes with session failures, additional details are displayed, including the cause of the failure. If you have nodes that implement virtual routing and forwarding (VRF), you can request status based on the relevant routing table. VRF is commonly configured in multi-tenancy deployments to maintain separate domains for each tenant. Syntax netq check bgp [vrf (default|mgmt)] [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments vrf (default|mgmt) For nodes using VRF, indicate whether to use the default routing table or the management routing table. around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find nodes running BGP with session failures (none found) cumulus@ts:~$ netq check bgp Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Total Sessions: 16, Failed Sessions: 0 Find nodes running BGP with session failures (two found) cumulus@ts:~$ netq check bgp Total Nodes: 4, Failed Nodes: 2, Total Sessions: 8 , Failed Sessions: 2 Node Neighbor Peer ID Reason Time

leaf03 swp51 spine01 Interface down 4m ago spine01 swp3 leaf03 Hold Timer Expired 4m ago This example shows that BGP peering on leaf03 connecting to spine01 failed 4 minutes ago and that it was caused by an interface failure on leaf03. This led to BGP hold timer expiration on spine01. Find nodes running BGP with session failures an hour ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check bgp around 1h Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Total Sessions: 16, Failed Sessions: 0 Find nodes running BGP with VRF applied and session failures cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp vrf mgmt No BGP session info found. Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0 Find nodes running BGP with VRF applied and session failures, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check bgp vrf mgmt json { “failedNodes”:[


} Related Commands netq show bgp

netq check clag Verifies CLAG session consistency by identifying all CLAG and MLAG peers with errors or misconfigurations in the NetQ domain. In particular, it looks for: multiple link pairs with the same system MAC address, any interfaces [links?] with only a single attachment, peer connectivity, [failed links?] and whether the backup IP address is pointing to the correct peer. The output displays the total number of nodes checked and how many are reporting errors, warnings, or misconfigurations. For any nodes with errors, it also displays the name of the node and the reason for the error. Syntax netq check clag [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find CLAG peers with errors and/or misconfigurations (none found) cumulus@ts:~$ netq check clag Checked Nodes: 4, Failed Nodes: 0 Find CLAG peers with errors and/or misconfigurations (two found) cumulus@leaf01:~$ netq check clag Checked Nodes: 6, Warning Nodes: 2 Node Reason

leaf01 Link Down: bond01 leaf02 Singly Attached Bonds: bond01 In this example we see two errors. The first row tells us that the bond1 link is down on the leaf01 node. The second row tells us that bond1 has only one attachment to leaf02 node. [The bond1 link should also be attached to ???] Find all nodes running CLAG with session failures 30 seconds ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check bgp around 30s Checked Nodes: 4, Failed Nodes: 0 Find all nodes running CLAG with session failures 30 seconds ago, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check clag around 30s json { “failedNodes”:[


} Related Commands netq show clag

netq check evpn Collects communication status for all nodes (leafs, spines, and hosts) running instances of Ethernet VPN (EVPN) in your network fabric. The output contains the total number of [VTEP?] nodes found and how many are reporting session failures. It also displays the total number of EVPN sessions running at the specified time and the number of session failures for all nodes. The total number of virtual network instances (VNIs) is also indicated. Syntax netq check evpn [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.x Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes running EVPN with session failures cumulus@ts:~$ netq check evpn Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Total Sessions: 8, Failed Sessions: 0, Total VNIs: 2 Find all nodes running EVPN with session failures about 10 minutes ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check evpn around 10m Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Total Sessions: 8, Failed Sessions: 0, Total VNIs: 2 Find all nodes running EVPN with session failures about 10 minutes ago, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check evpn around 10m json { “failedVtepNodes”:[



} Related Commands netq show evpn

netq check interfaces Collects interface communication status for all nodes (leafs, spines, and hosts) or an interface between specific nodes in your network fabric. The output contains the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting interface failures. It also displays the total number of ports found and how many are reporting failures. Optionally, you can display the total number of unverified ports [unknown or not configured?]. This information is followed by a list of all nodes, and their related interfaces, peers, and any message about the interface. The same information is displayed for a single node when specified. Note: When running this command for all nodes, no arguments are required. When running this command for a specific node, the node and peer node information is required. Syntax netq check interfaces [unverified] [ | ] [around ] [json] OR netq check interfaces and [around ] [json] Required Arguments physical-hostname Name of the specific node on which to verify interface communication status; for example, leaf01 or spine02. physical-port Name of the port on the node to check; for example, eth0 or swp3. peer-physical-hostname Name of the peer node to check; for example server02 or mgmt-server. peer-physical-port Name of the peer port on the node to check; for example, eth2 or swp4. Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.x Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes with interface failures cumulus@ts:~$ netq check interfaces Checked Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 8 Checked Ports: 234, Failed Ports: 16, Unverified Ports: 190 Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Message

leaf01 swp1 server01 eth1 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf01 swp2 server02 eth1 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf02 swp1 server01 eth2 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf02 swp2 server02 eth2 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf03 swp1 server03 eth1 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf03 swp2 server04 eth1 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf04 swp1 server03 eth2 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
leaf04 swp2 server04 eth2 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)
server01 eth1 leaf01 swp1 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server01 eth2 leaf02 swp1 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server02 eth1 leaf01 swp2 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server02 eth2 leaf02 swp2 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server03 eth1 leaf03 swp1 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server03 eth2 leaf04 swp1 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server04 eth1 leaf03 swp2 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
server04 eth2 leaf04 swp2 Autoneg mismatch (on, off)
Find interface failures on leaf01 node cumulus@ts:~$ netq check interfaces leaf01 swp1 and server01 eth1 Checked Nodes: 1, Failed Nodes: 1 Checked Ports: 1, Failed Ports: 1, Unverified Ports: 0 Hostname Interface Peer Hostname Peer Interface Message

leaf01 swp1 server01 eth1 Autoneg mismatch (off, on)

Find interface failures on leaf01 node and display the results in JSON format cumulus@switch:~$ netq check interfaces leaf01 swp1 and server01 eth1 json { “unverifiedNodes”:[

        "message":"Autoneg mismatch (off, on)",

} Related Commands netq show interfaces

netq check license Collects license status for all nodes (leafs, spines, and hosts) in your network fabric. The output contains the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting expired licenses. It also displays the total number of licenses checked at the specified time and how many were expired. Syntax netq check license [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the license information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find the number of nodes with expired licenses cumulus@ts:~$ netq check license Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Checked Licenses: 7, Failed Licenses: 0 Find the number of nodes with expired licenses about 7 days ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check license around 7d Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Checked Licenses: 7, Failed Licenses: 0 Find the number of nodes with expired licenses about 7 days ago, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check license around 7d json { “failedNodes”:[


} Related Commands None

netq check lnv Collects status for all nodes (leafs, spines, and hosts) running Lightweight Network Virtualization (LNV) in your network fabric. The output contains the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting LNV failures. It also displays the total number of sessions checked at the specified time and how many were expired. [Mellanox HotTo: Lightweight Network Virtualization (LNV) enables the deployment of a VXLAN without the need for a central controller on a bare metal switch. LNV runs the VXLAN service and registration daemons on Cumulus Linux without any additional external controller or software suite. Establishing a data path between bridge entities on top of a layer 3 fabric is done by coupling a service node with traditional MAC address learning.]

Syntax netq check lnv [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes with LNV failures cumulus@ts:~$ netq check lnv Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Checked Licenses: 7, Failed Licenses: 0 [replace with appropriate output] Find all nodes with LNV failures about 2 days ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check lnv around 2d Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Checked Licenses: 7, Failed Licenses: 0 [replace with appropriate output] Find tall nodes with LNV failures about 2 days ago, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check lnv around 2d json { “failedNodes”:[


}[Replace with accurate output] Related Commands netq show lnv

netq check mtu Verifies consistency of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) across all links in your network fabric. MTU consistency is verified at the level that is appropriate to the specific type of link. For example, bond interfaces have their MTU enforced at the bond level and not at the individual slave level. For CLAG bonds, verification confirms whether or not both ends of the bond have the same MTU value configured for their local instance of the bond. The output contains the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting MTU inconsistencies. It also displays the total number of links checked at the specified time and how many are reporting MTU inconsistencies. Optionally, you can display the number of unverified interfaces. Syntax netq check mtu [unverified] [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments unverified Display the number of unverifiable interfaces in the output. around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all links with MTU inconsistencies cumulus@ts:~$ netq check mtu Checked Nodes: 11, Checked Links: 304, Failed Nodes: 0, Failed Links: 0 No MTU Mismatch found Find all links with MTU inconsistencies about 4 days ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check mtu around 4d Checked Nodes: 10, Checked Links: 300, Failed Nodes: 0, Failed Links: 0 No MTU Mismatch found Find all links with MTU inconsistencies, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check mtu json { “summary”:{ “checkedNodeCount”:11, “failedNodeCount”:0, “totalLinkCount”:304, “failedLinkCount”:0 }, “failedNodes”:[



} Related Commands netq trace netq resolve

netq check ntp Verifies network time synchronization using NTP for all nodes (leafs, spines, and hosts) in your network fabric. [something about the importance of time sync–impact to data, communications, etc. –Nodes that are not in time synchronization with the telemetry server xxx.] The output contains the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting NTP failures, have not been heard from in 90 seconds, and are unknown to the system. It also displays details about any nodes without time synchronization. Syntax netq check ntp [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes that have lost time synchronization cumulus@ts:~$ netq check ntp Total Nodes: 11, Checked Nodes: 11, Rotten Nodes: 0, Unknown Nodes: 0, failed NTP Nodes: 7 Hostname NTP Sync Connect Time

leaf01 no 2018-05-16 1 6:45:18
leaf02 no 2018-05-16 1 6:33:54
leaf03 no 2018-05-16 1 6:53:21
leaf04 no 2018-05-16 1 6:33:31
switch no 2018-05-16 1 6:30:35
spine01 no 2018-05-16 1 6:28:23
spine02 no 2018-05-16 1 6:31:31

Find all nodes that have lost time synchronization about 3 days ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check ntp around 3d Total Nodes: 11, Checked Nodes: 10, Rotten Nodes: 0, Unknown Nodes: 0, failed NTP Nodes: 0 Find all nodes that have lost time synchronization, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check ntp json { “failedNodes”:[ { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“leaf01”, “connectTime”:“1526489118.6” }, { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“leaf02”, “connectTime”:“1526488434.46” }, { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“leaf03”, “connectTime”:“1526489601.67” }, { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“leaf04”, “connectTime”:“1526488411.43” }, { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“switch”, “connectTime”:“1526488235.8” }, { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“spine01”, “connectTime”:“1526488103.44” }, { “ntpSync”:“no”, “hostname”:“spine02”, “connectTime”:“1526488291.38” } ], “summary”:{ “checkedNodeCount”:11, “totalNodeCount”:11, “rottenNodeCount”:0, “failedNodeCount”:7, “unknownNodeCount”:0 } } Related Commands netq show ntp

netq check ospf Validates that all configured route peering is established in your network fabric by looking for consistency across OSPF sessions; in particular, whether duplicate router IDs exist and if any sessions are in the unestablished state. The output displays the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting session failures. It also displays the total number of [active] BGP sessions at the specified time and the number of session failures for all nodes. For nodes with session failures, additional details are displayed, including the cause of the failure. Syntax netq check ospf [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes with OSPF session failures cumulus@ts:~$ netq check ospf [enter output here] Find all nodes with OSPF session failures about 3 days ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check ospf around 3d [enter output here] Find all nodes with OSPF session failures, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check ospf json [enter output here] Related Commands netq show ospf

netq check sensors Collects status of temperature, cooling fan, and power supply sensors for all nodes in your network fabric. The output displays the total number of nodes found and how many are reporting sensor alarms. It also displays the total number of sensors checked and how many of them are reporting alarms. For nodes with sensor alarms, additional details are displayed[, including the sensor type, alert description/name, and a timestamp when the alert occurred]. Syntax netq check sensors [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes with sensor alarms cumulus@ts:~$ netq check sensors Total Nodes: 11, Failed Nodes: 0, Checked Sensors: 119, Failed Sensors: 0 Find all nodes with sensor alarms about 2 hours ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check sensors around 2h [enter output here] Find all nodes with sensor alarms, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check sensors json [enter output here] Related Commands netq show sensors

netq check vlan Verifies consistency of the virtual local area network (VLAN) nodes and interfaces across all links in your network fabric. VLAN consistency is verified [xxx] The output contains the total number of nodes checked and how many are reporting interface/link inconsistencies. It also displays the total number of links checked at the specified time and how many are reporting link inconsistencies. Optionally, you can display the number of unverified interfaces. Syntax netq check vlan [unverified] [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments unverified Display the number of unverifiable interfaces in the output. around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes with VLAN inconsistencies cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vlan Checked Nodes: 11, Checked Links: 304, Failed Nodes: 0, Failed Links: 0 No VLAN or PVID Mismatch found Find all nodes with VLAN inconsistencies and any unverified interfaces cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vlan unverified Checked Nodes: 11, Checked Links: 304, Failed Nodes: 0, Failed Links: 0 No VLAN or PVID Mismatch found Vlan check could not be done on: Hostname Interface Vlans Peer Peer Interface Reason

spine02 swp29 Peer is unknown spine02 swp30 Peer is unknown spine01 swp30 Peer is unknown spine01 swp29 Peer is unknown switch swp1 Peer is unknown

Find all nodes with VLAN inconsistencies about 2 hours ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vlan around 2h Checked Nodes: 11, Checked Links: 304, Failed Nodes: 0, Failed Links: 0 No VLAN or PVID Mismatch found Find all nodes with VLAN inconsistencies and unverified interfaces, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vlan unverified json { “summary”:{ “checkedNodeCount”:11, “failedNodeCount”:0, “totalLinkCount”:304, “failedLinkCount”:0 }, “failedNodes”:[

        "reason":"Peer is unknown",
        "reason":"Peer is unknown",
        "reason":"Peer is unknown",
        "reason":"Peer is unknown",
        "reason":"Peer is unknown",

} Related Commands netq show vlan

netq check vxlan Verifies consistency of the virtual extensible local area network (VXLAN) nodes and interfaces across all links in your network fabric. VxLAN consistency is verified [xxx] The output contains the total number of nodes checked and how many are reporting interface/link inconsistencies. It also displays the total number of links checked at the specified time and how many are reporting link inconsistencies. Syntax netq check vxlan [around ] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage Find all nodes with VXLAN inconsistencies cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vxlan Checked Nodes: 4, Warning Nodes: 0, Failed Nodes: 0 Find all nodes with VxLAN inconsistencies about 2 days ago cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vxlan around 2d Checked Nodes: 4, Warning Nodes: 0, Failed Nodes: 0 Find all nodes with VLAN inconsistencies, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq check vxlan around 2d json { “failedNodes”:[


} Related Commands netq show vxlan

SHOW COMMANDS All of the NetQ show commands begin with netq show. They are used to view the health of various elements in your network fabric. They are described here in alphabetical order. netq show agents Displays basic configuration, health, and connectivity status for all nodes or a specific node running NetQ Agent in your network fabric. The output provides: whether each node has been heard recently (last 90 seconds), if it is in time synchronization [with the ts?], the NetQ Agent software version currently running on the node, how long the node has been up, how long the NetQ Agent has been up, the last time the NetQ Agent was reinitialized, and How long ago the last change was made to the [node or NetQ Agent configuration of status?]. Optionally you may also display the changes (add, delete, xxx) made to all nodes or a specific node. This command gives you an easy way to see if any NetQ Agents or their nodes have lost power, may have difficulty communicating with the telemetry server, and whether agents are running different versions of software. Any of these situations could cause problems in the operation of your network. Syntax netq [] show agents [changes] [json] Required Arguments None Optional Arguments hostname Text used to identify a particular node in your network fabric; for example, leaf01 or swp3. changes Display changes made to one or all nodes along with standard output. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage View status of all nodes with NetQ Agent installed cumulus@ts:~$ netq show agents Matching agents records: Hostname Status NTP Sync Version Sys Uptime Agent Uptime Reinitialize Time Last Changed

border01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:04:54 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:38 2020 border02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:04:57 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:33 2020 fw1 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:04:44 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:48 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:48 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:26 2020 fw2 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:04:42 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:48 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:48 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:22 2020 leaf01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 16:49:04 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:10 2020 leaf02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:14 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:30 2020 leaf03 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:37 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:49 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:24 2020 leaf04 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:35 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:13 2020 oob-mgmt-server Fresh yes 3.1.1-ub18.04u29~1599111022.78b9e43 Mon Sep 21 16:43:58 2020 Mon Sep 21 17:55:00 2020 Mon Sep 21 17:55:00 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:31 2020 server01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:19:57 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:16 2020 server02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:19:57 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:24 2020 server03 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:19:56 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:12 2020 server04 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:19:57 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:17 2020 server05 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:19:57 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:25 2020 server06 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:19:57 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:21 2020 server07 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:06:48 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:28 2020 server08 Fresh yes 3.2.0-ub18.04u30~1601393774.104fb9e Mon Sep 21 17:06:45 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:13:10 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:31 2020 spine01 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:34 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:20 2020 spine02 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:33 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:24:58 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:16 2020 spine03 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:34 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:25:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:25:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:20 2020 spine04 Fresh yes 3.2.0-cl4u30~1601410518.104fb9ed Mon Sep 21 17:03:32 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:25:07 2020 Tue Sep 29 21:25:07 2020 Thu Oct 1 16:07:33 2020

View status of all nodes with NetQ Agents, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq show agents json { “agents”:[ { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584467.1063349247, “reinitializeTime”:1526068569.3166179657, “hostname”:“server02”, “version”:“1.3.0-ub16.04u9~1522971904.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526068557.7966170311, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068569.316617012 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584450.6665298939, “reinitializeTime”:1526068569.3423800468, “hostname”:“server04”, “version”:“1.3.0-ub16.04u9~1522971904.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526068557.8123779297, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068569.3423779011 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584450.0170140266, “reinitializeTime”:1526577085.9067358971, “hostname”:“server01”, “version”:“1.3.0-ub16.04u9~1522971904.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526068558.8021190166, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068570.452119112 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584461.5413489342, “reinitializeTime”:1526068569.4015939236, “hostname”:“server03”, “version”:“1.3.0-ub16.04u9~1522971904.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526068557.7815930843, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068569.4015929699 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584444.7508759499, “reinitializeTime”:1526068529.5848419666, “hostname”:“spine02”, “version”:“1.3.0-cl3u9~1522970647.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526059415.8448050022, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068529.5848050117 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584450.869822979, “reinitializeTime”:1526318846.8988080025, “hostname”:“leaf04”, “version”:“1.3.0-cl3u9~1522970647.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526055851.829241991, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068529.5392420292 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584444.1613891125, “reinitializeTime”:1526068529.5949180126, “hostname”:“leaf02”, “version”:“1.3.0-cl3u9~1522970647.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526053212.2249178886, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068529.5949180126 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584444.1491498947, “reinitializeTime”:1526068529.6256389618, “hostname”:“leaf03”, “version”:“1.3.0-cl3u9~1522970647.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526053793.9156200886, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068529.6256198883 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584443.1579871178, “reinitializeTime”:1526576730.014993906, “hostname”:“spine01”, “version”:“1.3.0-cl3u9~1522970647.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526057852.8196310997, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068529.6696310043 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584450.865801096, “reinitializeTime”:1526392781.1005580425, “hostname”:“leaf01”, “version”:“1.3.0-cl3u9~1522970647.b08ca60”, “sysUptime”:1526053158.7921569347, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526068529.7521569729 }, { “status”:“Fresh”, “lastChanged”:1526584456.1811571121, “reinitializeTime”:1526576736.1758289337, “hostname”:“switch”, “version”:“1.4.0-cl3u10~1525711818.58b9c8f”, “sysUptime”:1526283003.6326210499, “ntpSync”:“yes”, “agentUptime”:1526314445.2926208973 } ], “truncatedResult”:false } Related Commands netq check agents

netq show bgp There are two forms of this command. One displays all nodes or a specific node running BGP in your network fabric. In this form, the output displays the following for each node:: the neighbor nodes to the given node, whether multiple routing tables (VRF) have been applied, the autonomous system number (ASN) assigned to the node, the peer ASN for each neighbor, the PfxRx [what is this?], and how long ago the last change was made to the node. The second form of this command displays all of the changes (add, delete, xxx) made to the nodes running BGP over a period of time in addition to the metrics displayed for the first form. If you have nodes that implement virtual routing and forwarding (VRF), you can request status based on the relevant routing table. VRF is commonly configured in multi-tenancy deployments to maintain separate domains for each tenant. This command gives you an easy way to see [xxx] Syntax netq [] show bgp [|asn ] [vrf <default|mgmt>] [around ] [json] OR netq [] show bgp [|asn ] [vrf <default|mgmt>] changes [between and ] [json]

Required Arguments changes Display changes made to one or all nodes. Optional Arguments hostname Text used to identify a particular node in your network fabric; for example, leaf01 or swp3. bgp session Only display results for the specified BGP session; for example 5468354. asn Only display results for the specified ASN number; for example 65013. vrf (default|mgmt) For nodes using VRF, indicate whether to use the default routing table or the management routing table. around Indicates how far to go back in time for the network state information. The value is written using text (versus a UTP representation for example). Valid values include: <1-xx>s: number of seconds <1-xx>m: number of minutes <1-xx>h: number of hours <1-xx>d: number of days Use number of days to go back weeks, months, or years. [how much data is stored by default?] Also note there is no space between the number and unit of time. Between and Indicates the timeframe for which you want to view changes. [explain how this works–which variable is the more recent time???] json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage View status of all nodes running BGP cumulus@ts:~$ netq show bgp Matching bgp records: Hostname Neighbor VRF ASN Peer ASN PfxRx Last Changed

leaf01 swp51(spine01) default 65011 65020 5/-/23 2d:15h:2m:29s leaf01 swp52(spine02) default 65011 65020 5/-/23 2d:15h:2m:29s leaf02 swp51(spine01) default 65012 65020 6/-/23 5d:23h:30m:50s leaf02 swp52(spine02) default 65012 65020 6/-/23 5d:23h:30m:50s leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65013 65020 5/-/24 5d:23h:30m:50s leaf03 swp52(spine02) default 65013 65020 5/-/24 5d:23h:30m:50s leaf04 swp51(spine01) default 65014 65020 6/-/24 5d:23h:30m:50s leaf04 swp52(spine02) default 65014 65020 6/-/24 5d:23h:30m:50s spine01 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/12 1d:23h:11m:24s spine01 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/12 1d:23h:11m:24s spine01 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/12 1d:23h:11m:24s spine01 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/11 1d:23h:11m:24s spine02 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/12 5d:23h:30m:50s spine02 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/12 5d:23h:30m:50s spine02 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/12 5d:23h:30m:50s spine02 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/11 5d:23h:30m:50s View the changes made to all nodes running BGP cumulus@ts:~$ netq show agents changes Matching bgp records: Hostname Neighbor VRF ASN Peer ASN PfxRx DbState Last Changed

spine01 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/11 Add 1d:23h:58m:13s spine01 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/12 Add 1d:23h:58m:13s spine01 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/12 Add 1d:23h:58m:13s spine01 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/12 Add 1d:23h:58m:13s leaf01 swp52(spine02) default 65011 65020 5/-/23 Add 2d:15h:49m:18s leaf01 swp51(spine01) default 65011 65020 5/-/23 Add 2d:15h:49m:18s spine02 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/11 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/12 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/12 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/11 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/12 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/11 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/12 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/12 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/10 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/11 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine01 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/12 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf04 swp52(spine02) default 65014 65020 6/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf04 swp52(spine02) default 65014 65020 6/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf04 swp52(spine02) default 65014 65020 6/-/24 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf04 swp51(spine01) default 65014 65020 6/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf04 swp51(spine01) default 65014 65020 6/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf04 swp51(spine01) default 65014 65020 6/-/24 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf03 swp52(spine02) default 65013 65020 5/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf03 swp52(spine02) default 65013 65020 5/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf03 swp52(spine02) default 65013 65020 5/-/24 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65013 65020 5/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65013 65020 5/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65013 65020 5/-/24 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf02 swp52(spine02) default 65012 65020 6/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf02 swp52(spine02) default 65012 65020 6/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf02 swp52(spine02) default 65012 65020 6/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf02 swp51(spine01) default 65012 65020 6/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf02 swp51(spine01) default 65012 65020 6/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf02 swp51(spine01) default 65012 65020 6/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf01 swp52(spine02) default 65011 65020 5/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf01 swp52(spine02) default 65011 65020 5/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf01 swp52(spine02) default 65011 65020 5/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf01 swp51(spine01) default 65011 65020 5/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf01 swp51(spine01) default 65011 65020 5/-/20 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s leaf01 swp51(spine01) default 65011 65020 5/-/23 Add 6d:0h:17m:39s spine02 swp4(leaf04) default 65020 65014 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s spine02 swp3(leaf03) default 65020 65013 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s spine02 swp2(leaf02) default 65020 65012 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s spine02 swp1(leaf01) default 65020 65011 2/-/2 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s leaf04 swp52(spine02) default 65014 65020 6/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s leaf04 swp51(spine01) default 65014 65020 6/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s leaf03 swp52(spine02) default 65013 65020 5/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65013 65020 5/-/4 Add 6d:0h:17m:40s View status of nodes running BGP with particular ASN cumulus@ts:~$ netq show bgp asn 65013 Matching bgp records: Hostname Neighbor VRF ASN Peer ASN PfxRx Last Changed

leaf03 swp51(spine01) default 65013 65020 5/-/24 5d:23h:44m:57s leaf03 swp52(spine02) default 65013 65020 5/-/24 5d:23h:44m:57s View status of a specific node running BGP, and display the results in JSON format cumulus@ts:~$ netq leaf02 show bgp json { “bgp”:[ { “lastChanged”:1526068547.0, “pfxrx”:“6/-/23”, “hostname”:“leaf02”, “peerAsn”:65020, “vrf”:“default”, “neighbor”:“swp51(spine01)”, “asn”:65012 }, { “lastChanged”:1526068547.0, “pfxrx”:“6/-/23”, “hostname”:“leaf02”, “peerAsn”:65020, “vrf”:“default”, “neighbor”:“swp52(spine02)”, “asn”:65012 } ], “truncatedResult”:false } Related Commands netq check bgp

netq show changes Displays changes made to a specific node, identified by its name, IP address and/or VRF, in your network fabric. The output provides: xxx xxx This command gives you an easy way to see [xxx] Syntax netq [] show changes [|| vrf | vrf |vrf ] between and [json] Required Arguments Between and Indicates the timeframe for which you want to view changes. [explain how this works–which variable is the more recent time???] Optional Arguments hostname Text used to identify a particular node in your network fabric; for example, leaf01 or swp3. Display changes made to node with specified IP version 4 address. Do not indicate mask address. Display changes made to node with specified IP version 6 address. Do not indicate mask address. vrf (default|mgmt) For nodes using VRF, indicate whether to use the default routing table or the management routing table. json Display the output in JSON file format instead of the default on-screen text format. Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Sample Usage View status of all nodes with NetQ Agent installed cumulus@ts:~$ netq show agents Matching agents records:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show changes : How this infomation has changed with time clag : Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG docker : Docker Info evpn : EVPN interfaces : network interface port inventory : Inventory information ip : IPv4 related info ipv6 : IPv6 related info kubernetes : Kubernetes Information lldp : LLDP based neighbor info lnv : Lightweight Network Virtualization info macs : Mac table or MAC address info ntp : NTP ospf : OSPF info sensors : Temperature/Fan/PSU sensors services : System services vlan : VLAN vxlan : VXLAN data path CONFIGURATION COMMANDS All of the NetQ configuration commands begin with netq config. They are described here in alphabetical order by component group: Add-on Configuration Commands Agent Configuration Commands Parser Server Telemetry Server

Add-on Configuration Commands netq config (add|del) addons Installs or removes all additional software components available with a given release. [in a particular directory?] Syntax netq config add addons netq config del addons Abbreviated Syntax Not applicable Required Arguments None Optional Arguments None Run From Telemetry server, leaf, spine, host? Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced

Usage Guidelines Sample Usage Related Commands

NetQ Agent Configuration Commands netq config (add|del) agent (stats|sensors) Installs or removes [Starts or stops? Enables or disables?] collection of statistics or sensor measurements by NetQ Agent on [all or specific node?]. Syntax netq config add agent stats netq config del agent stats netq config add agent sensors neq config del agent sensors Abbreviated Syntax Not applicable Required Arguments None Optional Arguments None Run From Telemetry server, leaf, spine, host? Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced Usage Guidelines Use this command when you want to xxx. Be careful of xxx. Note yyy. Sample Usage Starting statistical collection on agent node [check to see if it is running?] cumulus@ts:~$ netq config add agent stats Related Commands Netq config add agent docker-monitor Netq config add agent loglevel Netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor

netq config add agent docker-monitor Installs [Starts? Enables?] the Docker monitoring service on [all or specific node?]. Syntax netq config add agent docker-monitor [poll-period ] Abbreviated Syntax Not applicable Required Arguments None Optional Arguments poll-period The amount of time to monitor a docker container for statistics collection. The value must be specified in [seconds, minutes, hours?] Run From Telemetry server, leaf, spine, host? Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced Usage Guidelines Use this command when you want to xxx. Be careful of xxx. Note yyy. Sample Usage Set the monitoring duration of a docker container to one hour cumulus@ts:~$ netq config add agent docker-monitor poll-period 3600 Related Commands netq config add agent addons netq config add agent loglevel netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor

netq config add agent loglevel Specifies the level of detail to display in the [system] log file[s?]. Syntax netq config add agent loglevel [debug|info|warning|error] Abbreviated Syntax Not applicable Required Arguments None Optional Arguments debug Display errors, warnings, and informational events the system receives or generates. info Display only informational events warning Display warnings and informational events error Display xxx Run From Telemetry server, leaf, spine, host? JSON Output Not applicable Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced Usage Guidelines If no level is specified, the xxx level is used by default. Changing the logging level takes place immediately, but prior content is not removed. [add definition of errors, warnings and info–what is the criteria/differentiation between…] Sample Usage Set the display level of the [system?] log file to capture xxx cumulus@ts:~$ netq config add agent loglevel warning Related Commands netq config add agent addons netq config add agent docker-monitor netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor

netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor Installs [Starts? Enables?] the Kubernetes monitoring service on [all or specific node?]. Syntax netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor [poll-period ] Abbreviated Syntax Not applicable Required Arguments None Optional Arguments poll-period The amount of time to monitor a kubernetes container for statistics collection. The value must be specified in [seconds, minutes, hours?] Run From Telemetry server, leaf, spine, host? Command History

Release Description 1.0 Introduced Usage Guidelines Use this command when you want to xxx. Be careful of xxx. Note yyy. Sample Usage Set the monitoring duration of a kubernetes container to one hour cumulus@ts:~$ netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor poll-period 3600 Related Commands netq config add agent addons netq config add agent docker-monitor netq config add agent loglevel

Parser Configuration Commands Server Configuration Commands Telemetry Server Configuration Commands



netq config (add|del) experimental netq config (add|del) agent (stats|sensors) netq config reload parser netq config show server [json] netq config add server | [port <1025-65535>] [vrf ] netq config add server | | | [vrf ] netq config del server netq config (start|stop|status|restart) agent netq config add agent loglevel [debug|info|warning|error] netq config del agent loglevel netq config show agent [kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|stats|sensors|frr-monitor|wjh|wjh-threshold|cpu-limit] [json] netq config add agent docker-monitor [poll-period ] netq config del agent docker-monitor netq config ts add notifier slack webhook [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug | severity info] [tag ] netq config ts add notifier pagerduty api-access-key api-integration-key [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug | severity info] netq config ts add notifier pagerduty api-integration-key api-access-key [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug | severity info] netq config ts add notifier filter before netq config ts add notifier filter after netq config ts add notifier filter rule (BgpSession|ClagSession|LnvSession|Link|Port|Services|OS|Temp|Fan|PSU|License) netq config ts add notifier filter output netq config ts add notifier loglevel [debug|info|warning|error] netq config ts del notifier loglevel netq config ts del notifier slack|pagerduty netq config ts del notifier filter netq config ts (start|stop|status|restart) notifier netq config ts show notifier [json] netq config ts show notifier loglevel [json] netq config ts add server netq config ts show server [||config] [json] netq config ts reset-cluster netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor [poll-period ] netq config del agent kubernetes-monitor

netq config Description Syntax Abbreviated Syntax Required Arguments Optional Arguments JSON Output Command History Usage Guidelines Sample Usage Related Commands

netq cumulus@switch:~$ netq help list

netq - Query data across all nodes in fabric

Usage: netq help [] netq help verbose netq help list

netq resolve [vrf |vlan <1-4096>] [around ] netq trace [vlan <1-4096>] from [vrf ] [around ] [json] netq trace from (|) [vrf ] [around ] [json]

netq [] show docker container [ | ] [portmap] [name | image | service | network ] [around ] [json] netq [] show docker container [ | ] [portmap] [name | image | service | network ] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show docker container [ | ] [] [network ] [around ] [json] netq [] show docker container [ | ] [] [network ] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show docker container [ | | name | image | service | network ] connectivity [around ] [json] netq show docker container adjacent [interfaces ] [around ] [json]

netq [] show docker summary [] [around ] [json] netq [] show docker summary [] changes [between and ] [json]

netq config add agent docker-monitor [poll-period <text-duration-period>]
netq config del agent docker-monitor

netq [] show docker network [name | <ipv4/prefixlen>] [brief] [around ] [json] netq [] show docker network [name | <ipv4/prefixlen>] [brief] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show docker network driver [brief] [around ] [json] netq [] show docker network driver [brief] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show docker service [name | mode ] [around ] [json] netq [] show docker service [name | mode ] connectivity [vrf ] [around ] [json] netq show impact docker service [] [vrf ] [around ] [json]

netq [] show docker swarm cluster [] [node-name ] [around ] [json] netq show docker swarm cluster [] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show docker swarm network [] [around ] [json] netq show docker swarm network [] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show docker swarm node [ | role ] [cluster ] [around ] [json] netq show docker swarm node [ | role ] [cluster ] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show ntp [out-of-sync | in-sync] [around ] [json] netq [] show ntp changes [between and ] [json] netq check ntp [around ] [json]

netq [] show services [] [vrf ] [active|monitored] [around ] [json] netq [] show services [] [vrf ] [active|monitored] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show services [] [vrf ] status (ok|warning|error|fail) [around ] [json] netq [] show services [] [vrf ] status (ok|warning|error|fail) changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show services [] [vrf ] status (ok|warning|error|fail) changes [json]

netq [] show ip addresses [] [|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf ] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show ip addresses [] [|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf ] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show ipv6 addresses [] [|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf ] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show ipv6 addresses [] [|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show interfaces [] [state ] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show interfaces [] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show interfaces type (bond|bridge|eth|loopback|macvlan|swp|vlan|vrf|vxlan) [state ] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show interfaces type (bond|bridge|eth|loopback|macvlan|swp|vlan|vrf|vxlan) changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show ip neighbors [] [| vrf |vrf ] [] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show ip neighbors [] [| vrf |vrf ] [] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show ipv6 neighbors [] [| vrf |vrf ] [] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show ipv6 neighbors [] [| vrf |vrf ] [] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show ip routes [|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf ] [origin] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show ip routes [|<ipv4/prefixlen>] [vrf ] [origin] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show ipv6 routes [|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf ] [origin] [around ] [count] [json] netq [] show ipv6 routes [|<ipv6/prefixlen>] [vrf ] [origin] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show interfaces physical [] [empty|plugged] [peer] [vendor | model | module] [around ] [json] netq [] show interfaces physical [] [empty|plugged] [vendor | model | module] changes [between and ] [json] netq check interfaces [unverified] [ | ] [around ] [json] netq check interfaces and [around ] [json]

netq check license [around ] [json] netq [] show inventory brief [json] netq [] show inventory asic [vendor | model | model-id ] [json] netq [] show inventory board [vendor |model ] [json] netq [] show inventory cpu [arch ] [json] netq [] show inventory disk [name |transport | vendor ] [json] netq [] show inventory license [cumulus] [around ] [json] netq [] show inventory license [cumulus] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show inventory memory [type |vendor ] [json] netq [] show inventory os [version |name ] [json] netq [] show inventory os [version |name ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq check sensors [around ] [json] netq [] show sensors all [changes|around ] [json] netq [] show sensors psu [] [changes|around ] [json] netq [] show sensors temp [] [changes|around ] [json] netq [] show sensors fan [] [changes|around ] [json]

netq check evpn [around ] [json] netq [] show evpn [vni ] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show evpn [vni ] [around ] [json]

netq check lnv [around ] [json] netq [] show lnv [around ] [json] netq [] show lnv changes [between and ] [json] netq check vxlan [around ] [json] netq [] show vxlan [vni ] [around ] [json] netq [] show vxlan [vni ] changes [between and ] [json] netq check agents [json] netq [] show agents [changes] [json]

netq [] show changes [|| vrf | vrf |vrf ] between and [json]

netq config (add|del) experimental netq config (add|del) addons netq config (add|del) agent (stats|sensors) netq config reload parser

netq config show server [json] netq config add server | [port <1025-65535>] [vrf ] netq config add server | | | [vrf ] netq config del server

netq config (start|stop|status|restart) agent netq config add agent loglevel [debug|info|warning|error] netq config del agent loglevel netq config show agent [kubernetes-monitor|docker-monitor|loglevel|stats|sensors] [json]

netq example check bgp netq example check clag netq example check mtu netq example find-duplicates netq example find-origin netq example ha-setup netq example query netq example regexp netq example resolve macs netq example resolve routes netq example startup netq example stats netq example trace netq config ts add notifier slack webhook [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug | severity info] [tag ] netq config ts add notifier pagerduty api-access-key api-integration-key [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug | severity info] netq config ts add notifier pagerduty api-integration-key api-access-key [severity info | severity warning | severity error | severity debug | severity info] netq config ts add notifier filter before netq config ts add notifier filter after netq config ts add notifier filter rule (BgpSession|ClagSession|LnvSession|Link|Port|Services|OS|Temp|Fan|PSU|License) netq config ts add notifier filter output netq config ts add notifier loglevel [debug|info|warning|error] netq config ts del notifier loglevel netq config ts del notifier slack|pagerduty netq config ts del notifier filter netq config ts (start|stop|status|restart) notifier netq config ts show notifier [json] netq config ts show notifier loglevel [json]

netq config ts add server netq config ts show server [||config] [json] netq config ts reset-cluster

netq ts decommission purge

netq [] show kubernetes cluster [name ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes cluster [name ] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes node [components] [name ] [cluster ] [label ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes node [components] [name ] [cluster ] [label ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor [poll-period <text-duration-period>]
netq config del agent kubernetes-monitor

netq [] show kubernetes daemon-set [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes daemon-set [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] connectivity [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes daemon-set [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show kubernetes deployment [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes deployment [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] connectivity [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes deployment [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show kubernetes pod [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [pod-ip ] [node ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes pod [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [pod-ip ] [node ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show kubernetes replication-controller [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes replication-controller [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show kubernetes replica-set [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes replica-set [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] connectivity [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes replica-set [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show kubernetes service [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [service-cluster-ip ] [service-external-ip ] [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes service [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [service-cluster-ip ] [service-external-ip ] connectivity [around ] [json] netq [] show kubernetes service [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [service-cluster-ip ] [service-external-ip ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq show impact kubernetes service [master ] [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [service-cluster-ip ] [service-external-ip ] [around ] [json] netq show impact kubernetes replica-set [master ] [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [around ] [json] netq show impact kubernetes deployment [master ] [name ] [cluster ] [namespace ] [label ] [around ] [json]

netq check clag [around ] [json] netq [] show clag [around ] [json] netq [] show clag changes [between and ] [json]

netq [] show lldp [] [around ] [json] netq [] show lldp [] changes [between and ] [json] netq [] show macs [] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] [around ] [json] netq [] show macs [] [vlan <1-4096>] [around ] count [json] netq [] show macs [] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] changes [between and ] [json] netq show macs egress-port [] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] [around ] [json] netq show macs egress-port [] [vlan <1-4096>] [origin] changes [between and ] [json]

netq show stp topology [around ] [json]

netq check vlan [unverified] [around ] [json] netq [] show vlan [<1-4096>] [around ] [json] netq [] show vlan [<1-4096>] changes [between and ] [json]

netq check bgp [vrf ] [around ] [json] netq [] show bgp [|asn ] [vrf ] [around ] [json] netq [] show bgp [|asn ] [vrf ] changes [between and ] [json]

netq check mtu [unverified] [around ] [json] netq check ospf [around ] [json] netq [] show ospf [] [area ] [around ] [json] netq [] show ospf [] [area ] changes [between and ] [json]

Options: all : Information about all sub components around : Go back in time to around … between : Specify start and end times for output desired config : Configure NetQ count : Count of matching entries example : Show examples of usage and workflow help : Show usage info ip : IPv4 related info ipv6 : IPv6 related info json : Provide output in JSON list : Show all help commands notifier : Start/Stop/Restart/Query status of netq notifier origin : Owner of route or mac show : Show fabric-wide info about specified object verbose : More help on help : name of example : Name of the remote node you want to query : IP address of DB server : IPv4 address (no mask) : IPv6 address (no mask) : IPv4 or v6 address (no mask) <ipv4/prefixlen> : IPv4 address with mask <ipv6/prefixlen> : IPv6 address with mask <ip/prefixlen> : IPv4 or IPv6 address with mask : MAC address : Docker Swarm Node Role (worker, master) : Time string such as 10m, 30s, 1h : Time string such as 10m, 30s, 1h : Backend VRF : VLAN

resolve : Annotate input with names and interesting info

trace : Control plane trace path across fabric from : Starting node or IP vlan : VLAN vrf : VRF : Source IP address used in trace <1-4096> : VLAN number range : Name of VRF : MAC address : Hostname of source node for trace

adjacent : Adjacent to the node container : Container information docker : Docker Info image : Container image name portmap : Check docker container exposed ports name : Container network : Container network information service : Docker Service : Container Id : Container image name : Container Name : Network name : L4 Port : IP Protocol : Name of the physical interface on the remote node : Name of Docker Swarm service

docker : Docker Info summary : Summary of container info : Docker engine version

docker-monitor              : Monitor docker containers
poll-period                 : Poll period in seconds (default is 15 seconds)
<text-duration-period>      : Number of seconds for poll period between 10-120 seconds, inclusive

brief : Summary information docker : Docker Info driver : Docker network driver name : Network name network : Network information : Docker Network Name : Network Driver Name

docker : Docker Info service : Service Info impact : Impact due to node outage connectivity : Connectivity graph mode : Docker service mode name : Swarm service : Name of the swarm service : Name of swarm service mode cluster : Server Cluster docker : Docker Info network : Network information mode : Docker service mode node : Compute node node-name : Docker Swarm node name role : Cluster node role swarm : Docker Swarm : Cluster name : Docker Swarm cluster node name : Docker Swarm node name : Cluster node role : Name of Docker Swarm service ntp : NTP out-of-sync : NTP out of sync nodes in-sync : NTP in sync nodes active : Service is active error : Service has errors fail : Service has failed ok : Service is OK monitored : Service output is analyzed by NetQ services : System services warning : Service has warnings : Name of service

addresses : IPv4/v6 addresses bond : Name of bond on device bridge : Name of bridge on device eth : ethX interface interfaces : network interface port loopback : Loopback interface macvlan : macvlan interface swp : swpX interface vlan : VLAN vrf : VRF vxlan : VxLAN state : Interface State type : Network interface type (such as bond, bridge) : Name of the interface on the remote node : Name of the physical intf on the remote node : Interface State neighbors : IP neighbor info (ARP/ND)

routes : IPv4/v6 routes empty : Empty Physical Interface module : Interface Module Info physical : Physical Interfaces plugged : Plugged Physical Interface peer : Peer Physical Interface and : Specify Peer Physical Interface model : Interface Module Model vendor : Interface Module Vendor : Interface Module Vendor : Interface Module Model : Physical Interface name : Hostname : Peer Hostname : Peer Physical Interface

arch : CPU Architecture asic : Network Processor board : Switch Board brief : Brief summary cpu : Management Processor cumulus : Cumulus Linux disk : Storage Disk inventory : Inventory information license : License information memory : Hardware RAM model : Model model-id : Model ID name : Name of disk or OS os : Operating System transport : Disk Transport type : Memory type vendor : Vendor version : Version : Network ASIC Vendor : Network ASIC Model : Network ASIC Model ID : Board Vendor : Board Model : CPU Architecture : Disk Name : Disk Transport : Disk Vendor : Search inventory for e.g., dell, trident2, x86, qsfp28, ddr3 : Memory Type info : Memory Vendor : Operating System version : Operating System name

fan : Fan sensor psu : Power supply sensor sensors : Temperature/Fan/PSU sensors temp : Temperature sensor : Fan sensor name : Power supply sensor name : Temperature sensor name

vni : Virtual Network Id (or Vxlan ID) : VNI number to query evpn : EVPN

check : Perform fabric-wide checks lnv : Lightweight Network Virtualization info check : Perform fabric-wide checks vxlan : VXLAN data path

agents : Netq agent

changes : How this infomation has changed with time

add : Add feature del : Delete or remove feature experimental : Experimental features addons : Custom or user-specified features config : Configuration of NetQ reload : Reload configuration parser : Command parser stats : Start pushing interface metrics(experimental) add : Add netq server configuration del : Delete or remove netq server configuration server : Backend DB server show : Display current netq server configuration : Master data node for cluster : IP address of replica server node : IP address of backend NetQ server_addr : Hostname of backend NetQ server <1025-65535> : TCP port of backend NetQ server : VRF info agent : Troubleshooting daemon restart : Restart daemon start : Start daemon stop : Stop daemon status : Display daemon status debug : Debug-level info : Informational (default) warning : Warning conditions error : Error conditions loglevel : Daemon logging information docker-monitor : Monitor docker containers kubernetes-monitor : Monitor kubernetes events

find-duplicates : Find Duplicate IP or MAC find-origin : Find Origin of Route/MAC ha-setup : High Availability Setup query : Query using SQL-like NetQ Query Language regexp : Using Regular Expressions startup : NetQ Quickstart stats : Enable Gathering Interface Statistics trace : Control Path Trace resolve macs : Annotate MAC entries resolve routes : Annotate your routing output check bgp : Check BGP Status Across the Fabric check clag : Check CLAG Status Across the Fabric check mtu : Check MTU Consistency Across the Fabric restart : Restart daemon start : Start daemon stop : Stop daemon status : Display daemon status add : Add netq server/notifier configuration del : Delete netq notifier configuration notifier : Netq notifier integration loglevel : Daemon logging information integration : Integration with other notification systems filter : Filter the output before notifying integration severity : Optional Severity for notification (default is info) tag : Tag included with notification slack : Integration type for Slack pagerduty : Integration type for Pager Duty before : Position the object before the named object webhook : Slack integrations use a webhook URL to post messages output : Send the Notification to the named Integrator debug : Service has debugs info : Service has info warning : Service has warnings error : Service has errors rule : Define a filter object and regex match string after : Position the object after the named object api-access-key : Pager Duty API Access Key api-integration-key : Pager Duty Integration Key BgpSession : When BGP session state changes ClagSession : When CLAG role, peer role, peer state changes LnvSession : When Lnv session state changes Link : Notify when link oper_state changes Port : Notify when port is empty, plugged Services : When active service state changes OS : Notify when OS version changes Temp : Notify when sensor s_state changes Fan : Notify when sensor s_state changes PSU : Notify when sensor s_state changes License : Notify when license state changes : Name of the filter : Filter name used for inserting new filter : Textual name for notifier integration or filter : Textual filter key : Regular Expression used to filter based on key : Webhook URL used to direct Slack notifications : Optional Tag to include with Slack notifications : Value for Pager Duty API Access Key : Value of Pager Duty Integration Key

add : Add netq server/notifier configuration reset-cluster : Reset DB cluster to force into known state server : Backend DB server show : Display current netq server configuration ts : Telemetry server : Master data node for cluster : IP address of replica server node : IP address of backend NetQ server_addr : Hostname of backend NetQ server decommission : Decommission a node purge : Purge all the information from the DB : Name of node whose info needs to be purged cluster : Server Cluster components : Compute Node components deployment : Pod Deployment kubernetes : Kubernetes Information node : Compute Node label : Kubernetes node : Cluster name : Kubernetes node name kubernetes-monitor : Monitor kubernetes events poll-period : Poll period in seconds (default is 15 seconds) : Number of seconds for poll period between 10-120 seconds, inclusive daemon-set : Daemon Set : Kubernetes Daemon Set name : Kubernetes Daemon Set Label deployment : Pod Deployment : Deployment label : Kubernetes Replication Controller name name : Kubernetes pod namespace : Namespace pod : Pod (Container Group) pod-ip : Pod IP address : Kubernetes Node Name : Kubernetes Pod Label : Kubernetes Pod name : Namespace name : Kuberentes Pod IP address replication-controller : Kubernetes Replication Controller replica-set : Kubernetes Replica Set : Kubernetes Replication Controller name : Kubernetes Replica Set name : Kubernetes Replication Controller Label : Kubernetes Replication Set Label service-external-ip : Kubernetes Service External IP service-cluster-ip : Kubernetes Service Cluster IP : Kubernetes Service Label : Kubernetes Service name : Kubernetes Service Cluster IP : Kubernetes Service External IP deployment : Pod Deployment master : Master Node replica-set : Replica Set

: Deployment label : Kubernetes Replication Controller name : Kubernetes Master Node name : Kubernetes Replication Controller name : Kubernetes Replica Set name : Kubernetes Replication Controller Label : Kubernetes Replication Set Label : Kubernetes service Label : Kubernetes service name

clag : Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG

lldp : LLDP based neighbor info

macs : Mac table or MAC address info egress-port : Outgoing interface : Name of outgoing interface <0-4096> : VLAN ID <1-4096> : VLAN ID, between 1-4096

stp : Spanning Tree topology : Active STP topology

vlan : VLAN clag : Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG unverified : Show also the unverifiable interfaces

bgp : BGP info asn : BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN) : BGP session (IP Address or interface name) : Specific ASN of interest

mtu : Link MTU unverified : Show also the unverifiable interfaces

ospf : OSPF info area : OSPF area : Specific value of OSPF area

Notification Commands Overview

The NetQ Command Line Interface (CLI) is used to filter and send notifications to third-party tools based on severity, service, event-type, and device. You can use TAB completion or the help option to assist when needed.

The command syntax for standard events is:

netq add notification channel slack <text-channel-name> webhook <text-webhook-url> [severity info|severity warning|severity error|severity debug] [tag <text-slack-tag>]
netq add notification channel pagerduty <text-channel-name> integration-key <text-integration-key> [severity info|severity warning|severity error|severity debug]
##Rules and Filters
netq add notification rule <text-rule-name> key <text-rule-key> value <text-rule-value>
netq add notification filter <text-filter-name> [severity info|severity warning|severity error|severity debug] [rule <text-rule-name-anchor>] [channel <text-channel-name-anchor>] [before <text-filter-name-anchor>|after <text-filter-name-anchor>]
netq del notification channel <text-channel-name-anchor>
netq del notification filter <text-filter-name-anchor>
netq del notification rule <text-rule-name-anchor>
netq show notification [channel|filter|rule] [json]

The command syntax for events with user-configurable thresholds is:

##Rules and Filters
netq add tca event_id <event-name> scope <regex-filter> [severity <critical|info>] threshold <value>

netq add tca tca_id <tca-rule-name> is_active <true|false>
netq add tca tca_id <tca-rule-name> channel drop <channel-name>
netq del tca tca_id <tca-rule-name>
netq show tca [tca_id <tca-rule-name>]

The command syntax for a server proxy is:

netq add notification proxy <text-proxy-hostname> [port <text-proxy-port>]
netq show notification proxy
netq del notification proxy

The various command options are described in the following sections where they are used.

LCM Commands

The NetQ CLI provides a number of netq lcm commands to perform LCM. The syntax of these commands is:

netq lcm upgrade name <text-job-name> image-id <text-image-id> license <text-cumulus-license> hostnames <text-switch-hostnames> [order <text-upgrade-order>] [run-before-after]
netq lcm add credentials (username <text-switch-username> password <text-switch-password> | ssh-key <text-ssh-key>)
netq lcm add role (superspine | spine | leaf | exit) switches <text-switch-hostnames>
netq lcm del credentials
netq lcm show credentials [json]
netq lcm show switches [version <text-cumulus-linux-version>] [json]
netq lcm show status <text-lcm-job-id> [json]
netq lcm add image <text-image-path>
netq lcm del image <text-image-id>
netq lcm show images [<text-image-id>] [json]
netq lcm show upgrade-jobs [json]

Agent Commands

The agent configuration commands include:

netq config add agent cluster-servers <text-opta-ip-list> [port <text-opta-port>] [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
netq config add agent cpu-limit [<text-limit-number>]
netq config add agent frr-monitor [<text-frr-docker-name>]
netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor [poll-period <text-duration-period>]
netq config add agent loglevel [debug|error|info|warning]
netq config add agent sensors
netq config add agent server <text-opta-ip> [port <text-opta-port>] [vrf <text-vrf-name>]
netq config (start|stop|status|restart) agent
netq config del agent (cluster-servers|cpu-limit|frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|sensors|server|stats|wjh)
netq config show agent [cpu-limit|frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|sensors|stats|wjh] [json]

Inventory Commands

Hardware Commands

The NetQ CLI provides a number of commands to monitor hardware inventory on switches. The syntax of these commands is:

netq [<hostname>] show inventory brief [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory asic [vendor <asic-vendor>|model <asic-model>|model-id <asic-model-id>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory board [vendor <board-vendor>|model <board-model>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory cpu [arch <cpu-arch>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory disk [name <disk-name>|transport <disk-transport>|vendor <disk-vendor>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory license [cumulus] [status ok|status missing] [around <text-time>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory memory [type <memory-type>|vendor <memory-vendor>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory os [version <os-version>|name <os-name>] [opta] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show sensors all [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show sensors psu [<psu-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show sensors temp [<temp-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show sensors fan [<fan-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show interface-stats [errors|all] [<physical-port>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show interface-utilization [<text-port>] [tx|rx] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show resource-util [cpu | memory] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show resource-util disk [<text-diskname>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-ssd-util [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-btrfs-info [around <text-time>] [json]

The keyword values for the vendor, model, model-id, arch, name, transport, type, version, psu, temp, and fan keywords are specific to your deployment. For example, if you have devices with CPU architectures of only one type, say Intel x86, then that is the only option available for the cpu-arch keyword value. If you have multiple CPU architectures, say you also have ARMv7, then that would also be an option for you.

Software Commands

The NetQ CLI provides a number of commands to monitor software inventory on switches. The syntax for these commands is:

netq [<hostname>] show agents
netq [<hostname>] show inventory brief [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory license [cumulus] [status ok|status missing] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory os [version <os-version>|name <os-name>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show cl-manifest [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-pkg-info [<text-package-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show recommended-pkg-version [release-id <text-release-id>] [package-name <text-package-name>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-resource acl [ingress | egress] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-resource forwarding [around <text-time>] [json]

The values for the name option are specific to your deployment. For example, if you have devices with only one type of OS, say Cumulus Linux, then that is the only option available for the os-name option value. If you have multiple OSs running, say you also have Ubuntu, then that would also be an option for you.