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Monitor Linux Hosts

Running NetQ on Linux hosts provides unprecedented network visibility, giving the network operator a complete view of the entire infrastructure’s network connectivity instead of just from the network devices.

The NetQ Agent is supported on the following Linux hosts:

  • CentOS 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1
  • Ubuntu 16.04

You need to install the OS-specific NetQ metapack on every host you want to monitor with NetQ.

The NetQ Agent monitors the following on Linux hosts:

Using NetQ on a Linux host is the same as using it on a Cumulus Linux switch. For example, if you want to check LLDP neighbor information about a given host, run:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq server01 show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname          Interface                 Peer Hostname     Peer Interface            Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
server01          eth0                      oob-mgmt-switch   swp2                      Fri Feb  8 01:50:59 2019
server01          eth1                      leaf01            swp1                      Fri Feb  8 01:50:59 2019
server01          eth2                      leaf02            swp1                      Fri Feb  8 01:50:59 2019

Then, to see LLDP from the switch’s perspective:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show lldp
Matching lldp records:
Hostname          Interface                 Peer Hostname     Peer Interface            Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            eth0                      oob-mgmt-switch   swp6                      Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019
leaf01            swp1                      server01          eth1                      Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019
leaf01            swp2                      server02          eth1                      Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019
leaf01            swp49                     leaf02            swp49                     Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019
leaf01            swp50                     leaf02            swp50                     Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019
leaf01            swp51                     spine01           swp1                      Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019
leaf01            swp52                     spine02           swp1                      Thu Feb  7 18:31:26 2019

To get the routing table for a server:

cumulus@server01:~$ netq server01 show ip route
Matching routes records:
Origin VRF             Prefix                         Hostname          Nexthops                            Last Changed
------ --------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
no     default                    server01 uplink                    Fri Feb  8 01:50:49 2019
no     default                  server01 uplink                    Fri Feb  8 01:50:49 2019
yes    default                    server01          uplink                              Fri Feb  8 01:50:49 2019
yes    default                  server01          uplink                              Fri Feb  8 01:50:49 2019
yes    default                 server01          eth0                                Fri Feb  8 01:50:49 2019
yes    default                server01          eth0                                Fri Feb  8 01:50:49 2019