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Monitor Switch Hardware

With NetQ, a network administrator can monitor the key components of switch an NetQ Appliance hardware, including the motherboard, ASIC, microprocessor, disk, memory, fan and power supply information. You can also monitor temperature and SSD utilization information. With this data, NetQ helps you answer questions such as:

  • What switches do I have in the network?
  • What hardware is installed on my switches?
  • How many transmit and receive packets have been dropped?
  • How healthy are the fans and power supply?

NetQ uses LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) to collect port information. NetQ can also identify peer ports connected to DACs (Direct Attached Cables) and AOCs (Active Optical Cables) without using LLDP, even if the link is not UP.

The NetQ CLI provides a number of netq show commands to monitor switches. The syntax of these commands is:

netq [<hostname>] show inventory brief [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory asic [vendor <asic-vendor>|model <asic-model>|model-id <asic-model-id>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory board [vendor <board-vendor>|model <board-model>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory cpu [arch <cpu-arch>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory disk [name <disk-name>|transport <disk-transport>|vendor <disk-vendor>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory license [cumulus] [status ok|status missing] [around <text-time>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory memory [type <memory-type>|vendor <memory-vendor>] [opta] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory os [version <os-version>|name <os-name>] [opta] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show sensors all [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show sensors psu [<psu-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show sensors temp [<temp-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show sensors fan [<fan-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show interface-stats [errors|all] [<physical-port>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show interface-utilization [<text-port>] [tx|rx] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show resource-util [cpu | memory] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show resource-util disk [<text-diskname>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-ssd-util [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-btrfs-info [around <text-time>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show events [level info|level error|level warning|level critical|level debug] [type interfaces-physical|type sensors|type btrfsinfo] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]

When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:

  • w: week(s)
  • d: day(s)
  • h: hour(s)
  • m: minute(s)
  • s: second(s)
  • now

For the between option, the start (<text-time>) and end time (text-endtime>) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.

The keyword values for the vendor, model, model-id, arch, name, transport, type, version, psu, temp, and fan keywords are specific to your deployment. For example, if you have devices with CPU architectures of only one type, say Intel x86, then that is the only option available for the cpu-arch keyword value. If you have multiple CPU architectures, say you also have ARMv7, then that would also be an option for you.

View a Summary of Your Network Inventory

While the detail can be very helpful, sometimes a simple overview of the hardware inventory is better. This example shows the basic hardware information for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory brief
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Switch               OS              CPU      ASIC            Ports
----------------- -------------------- --------------- -------- --------------- -----------------------------------
edge01            N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
exit01            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
exit02            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf01            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf02            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf03            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf04            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
server01          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
server02          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
server03          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
server04          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
spine01           VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
spine02           VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A

View Information about the ASIC on all Switches

You can view the vendor, model, model identifier, core bandwidth capability, and ports of the ASIC installed on your switch motherboard. This example shows all of these for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory asic
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Vendor               Model                          Model ID                  Core BW        Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
dell-z9100-05     Broadcom             Tomahawk                       BCM56960                  2.0T           32 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2100-05       Mellanox             Spectrum                       MT52132                   N/A            16 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2410a1-05     Mellanox             Spectrum                       MT52132                   N/A            48 x 25G-SFP28 & 8 x 100G-QSFP28
mlx-2700-11       Mellanox             Spectrum                       MT52132                   N/A            32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix1-08        Broadcom             Tomahawk                       BCM56960                  2.0T           32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix7-04        Broadcom             Trident3                       BCM56870                  N/A            32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix7-04        N/A                  N/A                            N/A                       N/A            N/A
st1-l1            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-l2            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-l3            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-s1            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56850                  960G           32 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-s2            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56850                  960G           32 x 40G-QSFP+

You can filter the results of the command to view devices with a particular characteristic. This example shows all devices that use a Broadcom ASIC.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory asic vendor Broadcom
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Vendor               Model                          Model ID                  Core BW        Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
dell-z9100-05     Broadcom             Tomahawk                       BCM56960                  2.0T           32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix1-08        Broadcom             Tomahawk                       BCM56960                  2.0T           32 x 100G-QSFP28
qct-ix7-04        Broadcom             Trident3                       BCM56870                  N/A            32 x 100G-QSFP28
st1-l1            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-l2            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-l3            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-s1            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56850                  960G           32 x 40G-QSFP+
st1-s2            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56850                  960G           32 x 40G-QSFP+

You can filter the results of the command view the ASIC information for a particular switch. This example shows the ASIC information for st1-11 switch.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf02 show inventory asic
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Vendor               Model                          Model ID                  Core BW        Ports
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
st1-l1            Broadcom             Trident2                       BCM56854                  720G           48 x 10G-SFP+ & 6 x 40G-QSFP+

View Information about the Motherboard in a Switch

You can view the vendor, model, base MAC address, serial number, part number, revision, and manufacturing date for a switch motherboard on a single device or on all devices. This example shows all of the motherboard data for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory board
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Vendor               Model                          Base MAC           Serial No                 Part No          Rev    Mfg Date
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------
dell-z9100-05     DELL                 Z9100-ON                       4C:76:25:E7:42:C0  CN03GT5N779315C20001      03GT5N           A00    12/04/2015
mlx-2100-05       Penguin              Arctica 1600cs                 7C:FE:90:F5:61:C0  MT1623X10078              MSN2100-CB2FO    N/A    06/09/2016
mlx-2410a1-05     Mellanox             SN2410                         EC:0D:9A:4E:55:C0  MT1734X00067              MSN2410-CB2F_QP3 N/A    08/24/2017
mlx-2700-11       Penguin              Arctica 3200cs                 44:38:39:00:AB:80  MT1604X21036              MSN2700-CS2FO    N/A    01/31/2016
qct-ix1-08        QCT                  QuantaMesh BMS T7032-IX1       54:AB:3A:78:69:51  QTFCO7623002C             1IX1UZZ0ST6      H3B    05/30/2016
qct-ix7-04        QCT                  IX7                            D8:C4:97:62:37:65  QTFCUW821000A             1IX7UZZ0ST5      B3D    05/07/2018
qct-ix7-04        QCT                  T7032-IX7                      D8:C4:97:62:37:65  QTFCUW821000A             1IX7UZZ0ST5      B3D    05/07/2018
st1-l1            CELESTICA            Arctica 4806xp                 00:E0:EC:27:71:37  D2060B2F044919GD000011    R0854-F1004-01   Redsto 09/20/2014
st1-l2            CELESTICA            Arctica 4806xp                 00:E0:EC:27:6B:3A  D2060B2F044919GD000060    R0854-F1004-01   Redsto 09/20/2014
st1-l3            Penguin              Arctica 4806xp                 44:38:39:00:70:49  N/A                       N/A              N/A    N/A
st1-s1            Dell                 S6000-ON                       44:38:39:00:80:00  N/A                       N/A              N/A    N/A
st1-s2            Dell                 S6000-ON                       44:38:39:00:80:81  N/A                       N/A              N/A    N/A

You can filter the results of the command to capture only those devices with a particular motherboard vendor. This example shows only the devices with Celestica motherboards.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory board vendor celestica
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Vendor               Model                          Base MAC           Serial No                 Part No          Rev    Mfg Date
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------
st1-l1            CELESTICA            Arctica 4806xp                 00:E0:EC:27:71:37  D2060B2F044919GD000011    R0854-F1004-01   Redsto 09/20/2014
st1-l2            CELESTICA            Arctica 4806xp                 00:E0:EC:27:6B:3A  D2060B2F044919GD000060    R0854-F1004-01   Redsto 09/20/2014

You can filter the results of the command to view the model for a particular switch. This example shows the motherboard vendor for the st1-s1 switch.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq st1-s1 show inventory board
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Vendor               Model                          Base MAC           Serial No                 Part No          Rev    Mfg Date
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------
st1-s1            Dell                 S6000-ON                       44:38:39:00:80:00  N/A                       N/A              N/A    N/A

View Information about the CPU on a Switch

You can view the architecture, model, operating frequency, and the number of cores for the CPU on a single device or for all devices. This example shows these CPU characteristics for all devices.

cumulus@nswitch:~$ netq show inventory cpu
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Arch     Model                          Freq       Cores
----------------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----
dell-z9100-05     x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2538        2.40GHz    4
mlx-2100-05       x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2558        2.40GHz    4
mlx-2410a1-05     x86_64   Intel(R) Celeron(R)  1047UE    1.40GHz    2
mlx-2700-11       x86_64   Intel(R) Celeron(R)  1047UE    1.40GHz    2
qct-ix1-08        x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2558        2.40GHz    4
qct-ix7-04        x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2558        2.40GHz    4
st1-l1            x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2538        2.41GHz    4
st1-l2            x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2538        2.41GHz    4
st1-l3            x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM) C2538        2.40GHz    4
st1-s1            x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM)  S1220       1.60GHz    4
st1-s2            x86_64   Intel(R) Atom(TM)  S1220       1.60GHz    4

You can filter the results of the command to view which switches employ a particular CPU architecture using the arch keyword. This example shows how to determine which architectures are deployed in your network, and then shows all devices with an x86_64 architecture.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory cpu arch
    x86_64  :  CPU Architecture
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory cpu arch x86_64
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Arch     Model                          Freq       Cores
----------------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----
leaf01            x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
leaf02            x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
leaf03            x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
leaf04            x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
oob-mgmt-server   x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
server01          x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
server02          x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
server03          x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
server04          x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
spine01           x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)
spine02           x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)

You can filter the results to view CPU information for a single switch, as shown here for server02.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq server02 show inventory cpu
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Arch     Model                          Freq       Cores
----------------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- -----
server02          x86_64   Intel Core i7 9xx (Nehalem Cla N/A        1
                           ss Core i7)

View Information about the Disk on a Switch

You can view the name or operating system, type, transport, size, vendor, and model of the disk on a single device or all devices. This example shows all of these disk characteristics for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory disk
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Type             Transport          Size       Vendor               Model
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
leaf01            vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A
leaf02            vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A
leaf03            vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A
leaf04            vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A
oob-mgmt-server   vda             disk             N/A                256G       0x1af4               N/A
server01          vda             disk             N/A                301G       0x1af4               N/A
server02          vda             disk             N/A                301G       0x1af4               N/A
server03          vda             disk             N/A                301G       0x1af4               N/A
server04          vda             disk             N/A                301G       0x1af4               N/A
spine01           vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A
spine02           vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A

You can filter the results of the command to view the disk information for a particular device. This example shows disk information for leaf03 switch.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show inventory disk
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Type             Transport          Size       Vendor               Model
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
leaf03            vda             disk             N/A                6G         0x1af4               N/A

View Memory Information for a Switch

You can view the name, type, size, speed, vendor, and serial number for the memory installed in a single device or all devices. This example shows all of these characteristics for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory memory
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Type             Size       Speed      Vendor               Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
dell-z9100-05     DIMM0 BANK 0    DDR3             8192 MB    1600 MHz   Hynix                14391421
mlx-2100-05       DIMM0 BANK 0    DDR3             8192 MB    1600 MHz   InnoDisk Corporation 00000000
mlx-2410a1-05     ChannelA-DIMM0  DDR3             8192 MB    1600 MHz   017A                 87416232
                  BANK 0
mlx-2700-11       ChannelA-DIMM0  DDR3             8192 MB    1600 MHz   017A                 73215444
                  BANK 0
mlx-2700-11       ChannelB-DIMM0  DDR3             8192 MB    1600 MHz   017A                 73215444
                  BANK 2
qct-ix1-08        N/A             N/A              7907.45MB  N/A        N/A                  N/A
qct-ix7-04        DIMM0 BANK 0    DDR3             8192 MB    1600 MHz   Transcend            00211415
st1-l1            DIMM0 BANK 0    DDR3             4096 MB    1333 MHz   N/A                  N/A
st1-l2            DIMM0 BANK 0    DDR3             4096 MB    1333 MHz   N/A                  N/A
st1-l3            DIMM0 BANK 0    DDR3             4096 MB    1600 MHz   N/A                  N/A
st1-s1            A1_DIMM0 A1_BAN DDR3             8192 MB    1333 MHz   A1_Manufacturer0     A1_SerNum0
st1-s2            A1_DIMM0 A1_BAN DDR3             8192 MB    1333 MHz   A1_Manufacturer0     A1_SerNum0

You can filter the results of the command to view devices with a particular memory type or vendor. This example shows all of the devices with memory from QEMU .

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory memory vendor QEMU
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Type             Size       Speed      Vendor               Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
leaf02            DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
leaf03            DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
leaf04            DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
oob-mgmt-server   DIMM 0          RAM              4096 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
server01          DIMM 0          RAM              512 MB     Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
server02          DIMM 0          RAM              512 MB     Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
server03          DIMM 0          RAM              512 MB     Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
server04          DIMM 0          RAM              512 MB     Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
spine01           DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified
spine02           DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified

You can filter the results to view memory information for a single switch, as shown here for leaf01.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show inventory memory
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Type             Size       Speed      Vendor               Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            DIMM 0          RAM              1024 MB    Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified

View a Summary of Physical Inventory for the NetQ or NetQ Cloud Appliance

Using the opta option lets you view inventory information for the NetQ or NetQ Cloud Appliance(s) rather than all network nodes. This example give you a summary of the inventory on the device.

cumulus@spine-1:mgmt-vrf:~$ netq show inventory brief opta

Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Switch               OS              CPU      ASIC            Ports
----------------- -------------------- --------------- -------- --------------- -----------------------------------
10-20-14-158      VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A

View Memory for the NetQ or NetQ Cloud Appliance

You can be specific about which inventory item you want to view for an appliance. This example shows the memory information for a NetQ Appliance, letting you verify you have sufficient memory.

cumulus@netq-appliance:~$ netq show inventory memory opta
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Type             Size       Speed      Vendor               Serial No
----------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------
netq-app          DIMM 0          RAM              64 GB      Unknown    QEMU                 Not Specified

View Fan Health for All Switches

Fan, power supply unit, and temperature sensors are available to provide additional data about the NetQ Platform operation. To view the health of fans in your switches, use the netq show sensors fan command. If you name the fans in all of your switches consistently, you can view more information at once.

In this example, we look at the state of all fans with the name fan1.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors fan fan1
Hostname          Name            Description                         State      Speed      Max      Min      Message                             Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:17 2019
exit02            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:33 2019
leaf01            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Sun Apr 21 20:07:12 2019
leaf02            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf03            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:44 2019
leaf04            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:36 2019
spine01           fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:52 2019
spine02           fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Fri Apr 19 16:01:08 2019

Use tab completion to determine the names of the fans in your switches:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors fan <<press tab>>
   around : Go back in time to around ...
   fan1 : Fan Name
   fan2 : Fan Name
   fan3 : Fan Name
   fan4 : Fan Name
   fan5 : Fan Name
   fan6 : Fan Name
   json : Provide output in JSON
   psu1fan1 : Fan Name
   psu2fan1 : Fan Name

To view the status for a particular switch, use the optional hostname parameter.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show sensors fan fan1
Hostname          Name            Description                         State      Speed      Max      Min      Message                             Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok         2500       29000    2500                                         Sun Apr 21 20:07:12 2019

View PSU Health for All Switches

Fan, power supply unit, and temperature sensors are available to provide additional data about the NetQ Platform operation. To view the health of PSUs in your switches, use the netq show sensors psu command. If you name the PSUs in all of your switches consistently, you can view more information at once.

In this example, we look at the state of all PSUs with the name psu2.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors psu psu2
Matching sensors records:
Hostname          Name            State      Message                             Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01            psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:17 2019
exit02            psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:33 2019
leaf01            psu2            ok                                             Sun Apr 21 20:07:12 2019
leaf02            psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf03            psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:44 2019
leaf04            psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:36 2019
spine01           psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:52 2019
spine02           psu2            ok                                             Fri Apr 19 16:01:08 2019

Use Tab completion to determine the names of the PSUs in your switches. Use the optional hostname parameter to view the PSU state for a given switch.

View the Temperature in All Switches

Fan, power supply unit, and temperature sensors are available to provide additional data about the NetQ Platform operation. To view the temperature sensor status, current temperature, and configured threshold values, use the netq show sensors temp command. If you name the temperature sensors in all of your switches consistently, you can view more information at once.

In this example, we look at the state of all temperature sensors with the name psu1temp1.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors temp psu2temp1 
Matching sensors records:
Hostname          Name            Description                         State      Temp     Critical Max      Min      Message                             Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
exit01            psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:17 2019

exit02            psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:33 2019
leaf01            psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Sun Apr 21 20:07:12 2019
leaf02            psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf03            psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:44 2019
leaf04            psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:36 2019
spine01           psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:52 2019
spine02           psu2temp1       psu2 temp sensor                    ok         25       85       80       5                                            Fri Apr 19 16:01:08 2019

Use Tab completion to determine the names of the temperature sensors in your switches. Use the optional hostname parameter to view the temperature state, current temperature, and threshold values for a given switch.

View All Sensor Data

To view all fan data, all PSU data, or all temperature data from the sensors, you must view all of the sensor data. The more consistently you name your sensors, the easier it will be to view the full sensor data.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show sensors all
Matching sensors records:
Hostname          Name            Description                         State      Message                             Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
border01          fan3            fan tray 2, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          fan6            fan tray 3, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          fan5            fan tray 3, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          psu2fan1        psu2 fan                            ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          fan2            fan tray 1, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          fan4            fan tray 2, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border01          psu1fan1        psu1 fan                            ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:56 2020
border02          fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          fan2            fan tray 1, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          psu1fan1        psu1 fan                            ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          fan5            fan tray 3, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          fan3            fan tray 2, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          fan6            fan tray 3, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          fan4            fan tray 2, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
border02          psu2fan1        psu2 fan                            ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:54 2020
fw1               psu2fan1        psu2 fan                            ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               fan3            fan tray 2, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               psu1fan1        psu1 fan                            ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               fan1            fan tray 1, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               fan6            fan tray 3, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               fan5            fan tray 3, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               fan4            fan tray 2, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw1               fan2            fan tray 1, fan 2                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:08:45 2020
fw2               fan3            fan tray 2, fan 1                   ok                                             Wed Apr 22 17:07:53 2020

You can view the events that are triggered by the sensors using the netq show events command. You can narrow the focus to only critical events using the severity level option.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type sensors
No matching events records found
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events level critical type sensors
No matching events records found

View Interface Statistics and Utilization

NetQ Agents collect performance statistics every 30 seconds for the physical interfaces on switches and hosts in your network. The NetQ Agent does not collect statistics for non-physical interfaces, such as bonds, bridges, and VXLANs. The NetQ Agent collects the following statistics:

  • Statistics
    • Transmit: tx_bytes, tx_carrier, tx_colls, tx_drop, tx_errs, tx_packets
    • Receive: rx_bytes, rx_drop, rx_errs, rx_frame, rx_multicast, rx_packets
  • Utilization
    • rx_util, tx_util
    • port speed

These can be viewed using the following NetQ CLI commands:

netq [<hostname>] show interface-stats [errors | all] [<physical-port>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show interface-utilization [<text-port>] [tx|rx] [around <text-time>] [json]

Where the various options are:

  • hostname limits the output to a particular switch
  • errors limits the output to only the transmit and receive errors found on the designated interfaces
  • physical-port limits the output to a particular port
  • around enables viewing of the data at a time in the past
  • json outputs results in json format
  • text-port limits output to a particular host and port; hostname is required with this option
  • tx, rx limits output to the transmit or receive values, respectively

In this example, we view the interface statistics for all switches and all of their physical interfaces.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interface-stats
Matching proc_dev_stats records:
Hostname          Interface                 RX Packets           RX Drop              RX Errors            TX Packets           TX Drop              TX Errors            Last Updated
----------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
border01          swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp54                     82660                0                    0                    81630                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp52                     83115                0                    0                    81491                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp4                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp53                     77128                0                    0                    70080                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp3                      183252               0                    0                    168795               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp49                     396524               0                    0                    324746               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp51                     80054                1                    0                    82420                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp2                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border01          swp50                     179866               0                    0                    178564               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:48 2020
border02          swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:57:12 2020
border02          swp54                     75295                0                    0                    69453                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:57:12 2020
border02          swp52                     83255                0                    0                    82895                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:57:12 2020
border02          swp4                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:57:12 2020

In this example, we view the interface statistics for switch port 1.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interface-stats swp1

Matching proc_dev_stats records:
Hostname          Interface                 RX Packets           RX Drop              RX Errors            TX Packets           TX Drop              TX Errors            Last Updated
----------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
border01          swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:18 2020
border02          swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:11 2020
fw1               swp1                      163602               11                   0                    106430               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:22 2020
fw2               swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:07 2020
leaf01            swp1                      104053               1                    0                    160584               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:18 2020
leaf02            swp1                      104271               1                    0                    109072               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:28 2020
leaf03            swp1                      177346               3                    0                    106817               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:25 2020
leaf04            swp1                      183301               9                    0                    107134               0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:26 2020
spine01           swp1                      83887                0                    0                    83131                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:03 2020
spine02           swp1                      99007                0                    0                    85146                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:31 2020
spine03           swp1                      88968                0                    0                    81558                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:13 2020
spine04           swp1                      88795                0                    0                    75526                0                    0                    Wed Apr 22 23:56:27 2020

In this example, we view the utilization for the leaf03 switch.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf03 show interface-utilization
Matching port_stats records:
Hostname          Interface                 RX Bytes (30sec)     RX Drop (30sec)      RX Errors (30sec)    RX Util (%age)       TX Bytes (30sec)     TX Drop (30sec)      TX Errors (30sec)    TX Util (%age)       Port Speed           Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
leaf03            swp1                      3937                 0                    0                    0                    4933                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp54                     2459                 0                    0                    0                    2459                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp52                     2459                 0                    0                    0                    2459                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp53                     2545                 0                    0                    0                    2545                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp3                      3937                 0                    0                    0                    4962                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp49                     27858                0                    0                    0                    7732                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp51                     1599                 0                    0                    0                    2459                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp2                      3985                 0                    0                    0                    4924                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51
leaf03            swp50                     7575                 0                    0                    0                    28221                0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:35:51

In this example, we view the transmit utilization only.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show interface-utilization tx

Matching port_stats records:
Hostname          Interface                 TX Bytes (30sec)     TX Drop (30sec)      TX Errors (30sec)    TX Util (%age)       Port Speed           Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
border01          swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    Unknown              Fri Apr 24 09:33:20
border01          swp54                     2461                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:33:20
border02          swp1                      0                    0                    0                    0                    Unknown              Fri Apr 24 09:33:05
border02          swp54                     2461                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:33:05
border02          swp52                     2461                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:33:05
border02          swp4                      0                    0                    0                    0                    Unknown              Fri Apr 24 09:33:05
border02          swp53                     2566                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:33:05
leaf02            swp1                      4209                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:33:08
leaf02            swp54                     2459                 0                    0                    0                    1G                   Fri Apr 24 09:33:08

View Switch Resource Utilization

You can quickly determine how many compute resources — CPU, disk and memory — are being consumed by the switches on your network. Run the netq show resource-util command to see the percentage of CPU and memory being consumed as well as the amount and percentage of disk space being consumed.

You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          CPU Utilization      Memory Utilization   Disk Name            Total                Used                 Disk Utilization     Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01            9.2                  48                   /dev/vda4            6170849280           1524920320           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 03:54:10 2020
exit02            9.6                  47.6                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1539346432           27.1                 Wed Feb 12 03:54:22 2020
leaf01            9.8                  50.5                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1523818496           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 03:54:25 2020
leaf02            10.9                 49.4                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1535246336           27                   Wed Feb 12 03:54:11 2020
leaf03            11.4                 49.4                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1536798720           27                   Wed Feb 12 03:54:10 2020
leaf04            11.4                 49.4                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1522495488           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 03:54:03 2020
spine01           8.4                  50.3                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1522249728           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 03:54:19 2020
spine02           9.8                  49                   /dev/vda4            6170849280           1522003968           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 03:54:25 2020

You can focus on a specific switch by including the hostname in your query:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          CPU Utilization      Memory Utilization   Disk Name            Total                Used                 Disk Utilization     Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01            9.8                  49.9                 /dev/vda4            6170849280           1524314112           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:35:05 2020

View CPU Utilization

You can quickly determine what percentage of CPU resources are being consumed by the switches on your network. Run the netq show resource-util cpu command.

You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util cpu

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          CPU Utilization      Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01            8.9                  Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
exit02            8.3                  Wed Feb 12 04:29:22 2020
leaf01            10.9                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:24 2020
leaf02            11.6                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:10 2020
leaf03            9.8                  Wed Feb 12 04:29:33 2020
leaf04            11.7                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
spine01           10.4                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:38 2020
spine02           9.7                  Wed Feb 12 04:29:15 2020

You can focus on a specific switch by including the hostname in your query:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util cpu

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          CPU Utilization      Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01            11.1                 Wed Feb 12 04:16:18 2020

View Disk Utilization

You can quickly determine how much storage, in bytes and in percentage of disk space, is being consumed by the switches on your network. Run the netq show resource-util disk command.

You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util disk

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          Disk Name            Total                Used                 Disk Utilization     Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1525309440           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
exit02            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1539776512           27.1                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:22 2020
leaf01            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1524203520           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:24 2020
leaf02            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1535631360           27                   Wed Feb 12 04:29:41 2020
leaf03            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1537191936           27.1                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:33 2020
leaf04            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1522864128           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
spine01           /dev/vda4            6170849280           1522688000           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:38 2020
spine02           /dev/vda4            6170849280           1522409472           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:46 2020

You can focus on a specific switch and disk drive by including the hostname and device name in your query:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util disk /dev/vda4

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          Disk Name            Total                Used                 Disk Utilization     Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01            /dev/vda4            6170849280           1524064256           26.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:15:45 2020

View Memory Utilization

You can quickly determine what percentage of memory resources are being consumed by the switches on your network. Run the netq show resource-util memory command.

You can use the around option to view the information for a particular time.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show resource-util memory

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          Memory Utilization   Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
exit01            48.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
exit02            49.7                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:22 2020
leaf01            49.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:24 2020
leaf02            49.5                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:10 2020
leaf03            50.7                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:33 2020
leaf04            49.3                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:29 2020
spine01           47.5                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:07 2020
spine02           49.2                 Wed Feb 12 04:29:15 2020

You can focus on a specific switch by including the hostname in your query:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show resource-util memory

Matching resource_util records:
Hostname          Memory Utilization   Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01            49.8                 Wed Feb 12 04:16:18 2020

View SSD Utilization

For NetQ servers and appliances that have 3ME3 solid state drives (SSDs) installed (primarily in on-premises deployments), you can view the utilization of the drive on-demand. An alarm is generated for drives that drop below 10% health, or have more than a two percent loss of health in 24 hours, indicating the need to rebalance the drive. Tracking SSD utilization over time enables you to see any downward trend or instability of the drive before you receive an alarm.

Use the netq show cl-ssd-util command to view the SSD information.

This example shows the utilization for spine02 which has this type of SSD.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine02 show cl-ssd-util
Hostname        Remaining PE Cycle (%)  Current PE Cycles executed      Total PE Cycles supported       SSD Model               Last Changed
spine02         80                      576                             2880                            M.2 (S42) 3ME3          Thu Oct 31 00:15:06 2019

This output indicates that this drive is in a good state overall with 80% of its PE cycles remaining. View this information for all devices with this type of SSD by removing the hostname option, or add the around option to view this information around a particular time.

View Disk Storage Utilization After BTRFS Allocation

Customers running Cumulus Linux 3.x which uses the BTRFS (b-tree file system) might experience issues with disk space management. This is a known problem of BTRFS because it does not perform periodic garbage collection, or rebalancing. If left unattended, these errors can make it impossible to rebalance the partitions on the disk. To avoid this issue, Cumulus Networks recommends rebalancing the BTRFS partitions in a preemptive manner, but only when absolutely needed to avoid reduction in the lifetime of the disk. By tracking the state of the disk space usage, users can determine when rebalancing should be performed. Refer to When to Rebalance BTRFS Partitions for details about the rules used to recommend a rebalance operation.

To view the disk utilization and whether a rebalance is recommended, use the netq show cl-btrfs-util command as follows:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show cl-btrfs-info
Matching btrfs_info records:
Hostname          Device Allocated     Unallocated Space    Largest Chunk Size   Unused Data Chunks S Rebalance Recommende Last Changed
                                                                                 pace                 d
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
exit01            31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             39.13 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 18:51:35 2019
exit02            31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             38.79 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 19:20:41 2019
leaf01            31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             38.75 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 18:52:34 2019
leaf02            31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             38.79 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 18:51:22 2019
leaf03            31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             35.44 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 18:52:02 2019
leaf04            31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             33.49 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 19:21:15 2019
spine01           31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             36.9 MB              no                   Wed Oct 30 19:21:13 2019
spine02           31.16 %              3.96 GB              588.5 MB             39.12 MB             no                   Wed Oct 30 18:52:44 2019

Look for the Rebalance Recommended column. If the value in that column says Yes, then you are strongly encouraged to rebalance the BTRFS partitions. If it says No, then you can review the other values in the output to determine if you are getting close to needing a rebalance, and come back to view this data at a later time.

Optionally, use the hostname option to view the information for a given device, or use the around option to view the information for a particular time.