If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

Cumulus NetQ API User Guide

The NetQ API provides access to key telemetry and system monitoring data gathered about the performance and operation of your data center network and devices so that you can view that data in your internal or third-party analytic tools. The API gives you access to the health of individual switches, network protocols and services, and views of network-wide inventory and events.

This guide provides an overview of the API framework and some examples of how to use the API to extract the data you need. Descriptions of each endpoint and model parameter are contained in the API .json files.

For information regarding new features, improvements, bug fixes, and known issues present in this release, refer to the release notes.

API Organization

The Cumulus NetQ API provides endpoints for:

  • Network routing protocols: BGP, EVPN, LLDP, CLAG, MSTP, Neighbors, NTP, Routes
  • Virtual networks: VLAN
  • Services: Services
  • Interfaces: Interface, Port
  • Inventory and Devices: Address, Inventory, MAC Address tables, Node, Sensors
  • Events: Events

Each endpoint has its own API. You can make requests for all data and all devices or you can filter the request by a given hostname.

Each API returns a predetermined set of data as defined in the API models.

Get Started

You can access the API gateway and execute requests from a terminal interface against your NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance through port 32708.

Log In and Authentication

Use your login credentials that were provided as part of the installation process. For this release, the default is username admin and password admin.

To log in and obtain authorization:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Enter the following curl command.

    <computer-name>:~ <username>$ curl --insecure -X POST "https://<netq.domain>:32708/netq/auth/v1/login" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"admin","password":"admin"}'
  3. Copy the access token for use in making data requests.

API Requests

We will use curl to execute our requests. Each request contains an API method (GET, POST, etc.), the address and API object to query, a variety of headers, and sometimes a body. In the log in step you used above:

  • API method = POST
  • Address and API object = “https://<netq.domain>:32708/netq/auth/v1/login”
  • Headers = -H “Content-Type: application/json”
  • Body = -d ‘{“username”:“admin”,“password”:“admin”}’

We have used the insecure option to work around any certificate issues with our development configuration. You would likely not use this option.

API Responses

A NetQ API response is comprised of a status code, any relevant error codes (if unsuccessful), and the collected data (if successful).

The following HTTP status codes might be presented in the API responses:

Code Name Description Action
200 Success Request was successfully processed. Review response
400 Bad Request Invalid input was detected in request. Check the syntax of your request and make sure it matches the schema
401 Unauthorized Authentication has failed or credentials were not provided. Provide or verify your credentials, or request access from your administrator
403 Forbidden Request was valid, but user may not have needed permissions. Verify your credentials or request an account from your administrator
404 Not Found Requested resource could not be found. Try the request again after a period of time or verify status of resource
409 Conflict Request cannot be processed due to conflict in current state of the resource. Verify status of resource and remove conflict
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected condition has occurred. Perform general troubleshooting and try the request again
503 Service Unavailable The service being requested is currently unavailable. Verify the status of the NetQ Platform or Appliance, and the associated service

Example Requests and Responses

Some command requests and their responses are shown here, but feel free to run your own requests. To run a request, you will need your authorization token. We have piped our responses through a python tool to make the responses more readable. You may chose to do so as well or not.

To view all of the endpoints and their associated requests and responses, refer to Cumulus NetQ API User Guide.

Get Network-wide Status of the BGP Service

Make your request to the bgp endpoint to obtain status information from all nodes running the BGP service, as follows:

curl --insecure -X GET "<https://<netq.domain>:32708/netq/telemetry/v1/object/bgp" -H "Content-Type: application/json " -H "Authorization: <auth-token> " | python -m json.tool
    "ipv6_pfx_rcvd": 0,
    "peer_router_id": "",
    "objid": "",
    "upd8_tx": 0,
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556037420723,
    "peer_asn": 0,
    "state": "NotEstd",
    "vrf": "DataVrf1082",
    "rx_families": [],
    "ipv4_pfx_rcvd": 0,
    "conn_dropped": 0,
    "db_state": "Update",
    "up_time": 0,
    "last_reset_time": 0,
    "tx_families": [],
    "reason": "N/A",
    "vrfid": 13,
    "asn": 655536,
    "opid": 0,
    "peer_hostname": "",
    "upd8_rx": 0,
    "peer_name": "swp7.4",
    "evpn_pfx_rcvd": 0,
    "conn_estd": 0
    "ipv6_pfx_rcvd": 0,
    "peer_router_id": "",
    "objid": "",
    "upd8_tx": 0,
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556037420674,
    "peer_asn": 0,
    "state": "NotEstd",
    "vrf": "default",
    "rx_families": [],
    "ipv4_pfx_rcvd": 0,
    "conn_dropped": 0,
    "db_state": "Update",
    "up_time": 0,
    "last_reset_time": 0,
    "tx_families": [],
    "reason": "N/A",
    "vrfid": 0,
    "asn": 655536,
    "opid": 0,
    "peer_hostname": "",
    "upd8_rx": 0,
    "peer_name": "swp7",
    "evpn_pfx_rcvd": 0,
    "conn_estd": 0
    "ipv6_pfx_rcvd": 24,
    "peer_router_id": "",
    "objid": "",
    "upd8_tx": 314,
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556037420665,
    "peer_asn": 655435,
    "state": "Established",
    "vrf": "default",
    "rx_families": [
    "ipv4_pfx_rcvd": 26,
    "conn_dropped": 0,
    "db_state": "Update",
    "up_time": 1556036850000,
    "last_reset_time": 0,
    "tx_families": [
    "reason": "N/A",
    "vrfid": 0,
    "asn": 655536,
    "opid": 0,
    "peer_hostname": "spine-1",
    "upd8_rx": 321,
    "peer_name": "swp3",
    "evpn_pfx_rcvd": 354,
    "conn_estd": 1

Get Status of EVPN on a Specific Switch

Make your request to the evpn/hostname endpoint to view the status of all EVPN sessions running on that node. This example uses the server01 node.

curl -X GET "https://<netq.domain>:32708/netq/telemetry/v1/object/evpn/hostname/server01" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <auth-token>" | python -m json.tool
    "import_rt": "[\"197:42\"]",
    "vni": 42,
    "rd": "",
    "hostname": "server01",
    "timestamp": 1556037403853,
    "adv_all_vni": true,
    "export_rt": "[\"197:42\"]",
    "db_state": "Update",
    "in_kernel": true,
    "adv_gw_ip": "Disabled",
    "origin_ip": "",
    "opid": 0,
    "is_l3": false
    "import_rt": "[\"197:37\"]",
    "vni": 37,
    "rd": "",
    "hostname": "server01",
    "timestamp": 1556037403811,
    "adv_all_vni": true,
    "export_rt": "[\"197:37\"]",
    "db_state": "Update",
    "in_kernel": true,
    "adv_gw_ip": "Disabled",
    "origin_ip": "",
    "opid": 0,
    "is_l3": false
    "import_rt": "[\"197:4001\"]",
    "vni": 4001,
    "rd": "",
    "hostname": "server01",
    "timestamp": 1556036360169,
    "adv_all_vni": true,
    "export_rt": "[\"197:4001\"]",
    "db_state": "Refresh",
    "in_kernel": true,
    "adv_gw_ip": "Disabled",
    "origin_ip": "",
    "opid": 0,
    "is_l3": true

Get Status on All Interfaces at a Given Time

Make your request to the interfaces endpoint to view the status of all interfaces. By specifying the eq-timestamp option and entering a date and time in epoch format, you indicate the date for that time (versus in the last hour by default), as follows:

curl -X GET "https://<netq.domain>:32708/netq/telemetry/v1/object/interface?eq_timestamp=<time_stamp_in_unix-format>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <auth-token>" | python -m json.tool
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556046270494,
    "state": "up",
    "vrf": "DataVrf1082",
    "last_changed": 1556037405259,
    "ifname": "swp3.4",
    "opid": 0,
    "details": "MTU: 9202",
    "type": "vlan"
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556046270496,
    "state": "up",
    "vrf": "DataVrf1081",
    "last_changed": 1556037405320,
    "ifname": "swp7.3",
    "opid": 0,
    "details": "MTU: 9202",
    "type": "vlan"
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556046270497,
    "state": "up",
    "vrf": "DataVrf1080",
    "last_changed": 1556037405310,
    "ifname": "swp7.2",
    "opid": 0,
    "details": "MTU: 9202",
    "type": "vlan"
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556046270499,
    "state": "up",
    "vrf": "",
    "last_changed": 1556037405315,
    "ifname": "DataVrf1081",
    "opid": 0,
    "details": "table: 1081, MTU: 65536, Members:  swp7.3,  DataVrf1081,  swp4.3,  swp6.3,  swp5.3,  swp3.3, ",
    "type": "vrf"

Get a List of All Devices Being Monitored

Make your request to the inventory endpoint to get a listing of all monitored nodes and their configuration information, as follows:

curl -X GET "https://<netq.domain>:32708/netq/telemetry/v1/object/inventory" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <auth-token>" | python -m json.tool
    "hostname": "exit-1",
    "timestamp": 1556037425658,
    "asic_model": "A-Z",
    "agent_version": "2.1.1-cl3u16~1556035513.afedb69",
    "os_version": "A.2.0",
    "license_state": "ok",
    "disk_total_size": "10 GB",
    "os_version_id": "A.2.0",
    "platform_model": "A_VX",
    "memory_size": "2048.00 MB",
    "asic_vendor": "AA Inc",
    "cpu_model": "A-SUBLEQ",
    "asic_model_id": "N/A",
    "platform_vendor": "A Systems",
    "asic_ports": "N/A",
    "cpu_arch": "x86_64",
    "cpu_nos": "2",
    "platform_mfg_date": "N/A",
    "platform_label_revision": "N/A",
    "agent_state": "fresh",
    "cpu_max_freq": "N/A",
    "platform_part_number": "3.7.6",
    "asic_core_bw": "N/A",
    "os_vendor": "CL",
    "platform_base_mac": "00:01:00:00:01:00",
    "platform_serial_number": "00:01:00:00:01:00"
    "hostname": "exit-2",
    "timestamp": 1556037432361,
    "asic_model": "C-Z",
    "agent_version": "2.1.1-cl3u16~1556035513.afedb69",
    "os_version": "C.2.0",
    "license_state": "N/A",
    "disk_total_size": "30 GB",
    "os_version_id": "C.2.0",
    "platform_model": "C_VX",
    "memory_size": "2048.00 MB",
    "asic_vendor": "CC Inc",
    "cpu_model": "C-CRAY",
    "asic_model_id": "N/A",
    "platform_vendor": "C Systems",
    "asic_ports": "N/A",
    "cpu_arch": "x86_64",
    "cpu_nos": "2",
    "platform_mfg_date": "N/A",
    "platform_label_revision": "N/A",
    "agent_state": "fresh",
    "cpu_max_freq": "N/A",
    "platform_part_number": "3.7.6",
    "asic_core_bw": "N/A",
    "os_vendor": "CL",
    "platform_base_mac": "00:01:00:00:02:00",
    "platform_serial_number": "00:01:00:00:02:00"
    "hostname": "firewall-1",
    "timestamp": 1556037438002,
    "asic_model": "N/A",
    "agent_version": "2.1.0-ub16.04u15~1555608012.1d98892",
    "os_version": "16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus)",
    "license_state": "N/A",
    "disk_total_size": "3.20 GB",
    "os_version_id": "(hydra-poc-01 /tmp/purna/Kleen-Gui1/)\"16.04",
    "platform_model": "N/A",
    "memory_size": "4096.00 MB",
    "asic_vendor": "N/A",
    "cpu_model": "QEMU Virtual  version 2.2.0",
    "asic_model_id": "N/A",
    "platform_vendor": "N/A",
    "asic_ports": "N/A",
    "cpu_arch": "x86_64",
    "cpu_nos": "2",
    "platform_mfg_date": "N/A",
    "platform_label_revision": "N/A",
    "agent_state": "fresh",
    "cpu_max_freq": "N/A",
    "platform_part_number": "N/A",
    "asic_core_bw": "N/A",
    "os_vendor": "Ubuntu",
    "platform_base_mac": "N/A",
    "platform_serial_number": "N/A"

View the API

For simplicity, all of the endpoint APIs are combined into a single json-formatted file. There have been no changes to the file in the NetQ 2.3.0 release.
