If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

NetQ Command Line Overview

The NetQ CLI provides access to all of the network state and event information collected by the NetQ Agents. It behaves the same way most CLIs behave, with groups of commands used to display related information, the ability to use TAB completion when entering commands, and to get help for given commands and options. The commands are grouped into four categories: check, show, config, and trace.

The NetQ command line interface only runs on switches and server hosts implemented with Intel x86 or ARM-based architectures. If you are unsure what architecture your switch or server employs, check the Cumulus Hardware Compatibility List and verify the value in the Platforms tab > CPU column.

CLI Access

When NetQ is installed or upgraded, the CLI may also be installed and enabled on your NetQ server or appliance and hosts. Refer to the Install NetQ topic for details.

To access the CLI from a switch or server:

  1. Log in to the device. This example uses the default username of cumulus and a hostname of switch.

    <computer>:~<username>$ ssh cumulus@switch
  2. Enter your password to reach the command prompt. The default password is CumulusLinux! For example:

    Enter passphrase for key '/Users/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa': <enter CumulusLinux! here>
    Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-112-generic x86_64)
     * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com
     * Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com
     * Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantage
    Last login: Tue Sep 15 09:28:12 2019 from
  3. Run commands. For example:

    cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents
    cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp

Command Line Basics

This section describes the core structure and behavior of the NetQ CLI. It includes the following:

Command Line Structure

The Cumulus NetQ command line has a flat structure as opposed to a modal structure. This means that all commands can be run from the primary prompt instead of only in a specific mode. For example, some command lines require the administrator to switch between a configuration mode and an operation mode. Configuration commands can only be run in the configuration mode and operational commands can only be run in operation mode. This structure requires the administrator to switch between modes to run commands which can be tedious and time consuming. Cumulus NetQ command line enables the administrator to run all of its commands at the same level.

Command Syntax

NetQ CLI commands all begin with netq. Cumulus NetQ commands fall into one of four syntax categories: validation (check), monitoring (show), configuration, and trace.

netq check <network-protocol-or-service> [options]
netq show <network-protocol-or-service> [options]
netq config <action> <object> [options]
netq trace <destination> from <source> [options]
Symbols Meaning
Parentheses ( ) Grouping of required parameters. Choose one.
Square brackets [ ] Single or group of optional parameters. If more than one object or keyword is available, choose one.
Angle brackets < > Required variable. Value for a keyword or option; enter according to your deployment nomenclature.
Pipe | Separates object and keyword options, also separates value options; enter one object or keyword and zero or one value.

For example, in the netq check command:

  • [<hostname>] is an optional parameter with a variable value named hostname

  • <network-protocol-or-service> represents a number of possible key words, such as agents, bgp, evpn, and so forth

  • <options> represents a number of possible conditions for the given object, such as around, vrf, or json

Thus some valid commands are:

  • netq leaf02 check agents json
  • netq show bgp
  • netq config restart cli
  • netq trace from

Command Output

The command output presents results in color for many commands. Results with errors are shown in red, and warnings are shown in yellow. Results without errors or warnings are shown in either black or green. VTEPs are shown in blue. A node in the pretty output is shown in bold, and a router interface is wrapped in angle brackets (< >). To view the output with only black text, run the netq config del color command. You can view output with colors again by running netq config add color.

All check and show commands are run with a default timeframe of now to one hour ago, unless you specify an approximate time using the around keyword. For example, running netq check bgp shows the status of BGP over the last hour. Running netq show bgp around 3h shows the status of BGP three hours ago.

Command Prompts

NetQ code examples use the following prompts:

  • cumulus@switch:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to a switch to run the example command
  • cumulus@host:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to a host to run the example command
  • cumulus@netq-appliance:~$ Indicates the user cumulus is logged in to either the NetQ Appliance or NetQ Cloud Appliance to run the command

The switches must be running the Cumulus Linux operating system (OS), NetQ Platform software, and the NetQ Agent. The hosts must be running CentOS, RHEL, or Ubuntu OS and the NetQ Agent. Refer to the Install NetQ topic for details.

Command Completion

As you enter commands, you can get help with the valid keywords or options using the Tab key. For example, using Tab completion with netq check displays the possible objects for the command, and returns you to the command prompt to complete the command.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq check <<press Tab>>
    agents      :  Netq agent
    bgp         :  BGP info
    cl-version  :  Cumulus Linux version
    clag        :  Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG
    evpn        :  EVPN
    interfaces  :  network interface port
    license     :  License information
    mtu         :  Link MTU
    ntp         :  NTP
    ospf        :  OSPF info
    sensors     :  Temperature/Fan/PSU sensors
    vlan        :  VLAN
    vxlan       :  VXLAN data path
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check 

Command Help

As you enter commands, you can get help with command syntax by entering help at various points within a command entry. For example, to find out what options are available for a BGP check, enter help after entering a portion of the netq check command. In this example, you can see that there are no additional required parameters and two optional parameters, vrf and around, that can be used with a BGP check.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp help
   netq check bgp [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [json]

To see an exhaustive list of commands, run:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq help list verbose

Command History

The CLI stores commands issued within a session, which enables you to review and rerun commands that have already been run. At the command prompt, press the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move back and forth through the list of commands previously entered. When you have found a given command, you can run the command by pressing Enter, just as you would if you had entered it manually. Optionally you can modify the command before you run it.

Command Categories

While the CLI has a flat structure, the commands can be conceptually grouped into four functional categories:

Validation Commands

The netq check commands enable the network administrator to validate the current or historical state of the network by looking for errors and misconfigurations in the network. The commands run fabric-wide validations against various configured protocols and services to determine how well the network is operating. Validation checks can be performed for the following:

  • agents: NetQ Agents operation on all switches and hosts
  • bgp: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) operation across the network fabric
  • clag: Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG (link aggregation) operation
  • cl-version: Cumulus Linux version
  • evpn: EVPN (Ethernet Virtual Private Network) operation
  • interfaces: network interface port operation
  • license: License status
  • mlag: Cumulus Multi-chassis LAG (link aggregation) operation
  • mtu: Link MTU (maximum transmission unit) consistency across paths
  • ntp: NTP (Network Time Protocol) operation
  • ospf: OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) operation
  • sensors: Temperature/Fan/PSU sensor operation
  • vlan: VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) operation
  • vxlan: VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN) data path operation

The commands take the form of netq check <network-protocol-or-service> [options], where the options vary according to the protocol or service.

This example shows the output for the netq check bgp command, followed by the same command using the json option. If there had been any failures, they would be have been listed below the summary results or in the failedNodes section, respectively.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp
Total Nodes: 8, Failed Nodes: 0, Total Sessions: 30, Failed Sessions: 0
cumulus@switch:~$ netq check bgp json

Monitoring Commands

The netq show commands enable the network administrator to view details about the current or historical configuration and status of the various protocols or services. The configuration and status can be shown for the following:

  • agents: NetQ Agents status on switches and hosts
  • bgp: BGP status across the network fabric
  • cl-btrfs-info: BTRFS file system data for monitored Cumulus Linux switches
  • cl-manifest: Information about the versions of Cumulus Linux available on monitored switches
  • cl-pkg-info: Information about software packages installed on monitored switches
  • cl-resource: ACL and forwarding information
  • cl-ssd-util: SSD utilization information
  • clag: CLAG status
  • ethtool-stats: Interface statistics
  • events: Display changes over time
  • evpn: EVPN status
  • interface-stats: Interface statistics
  • interface-utils: Interface statistics plus utilization
  • interfaces: network interface port status
  • inventory: hardware component information
  • ip: IPv4 status
  • ipv6: IPv6 status
  • job-status: status of jobs running on the OPTA
  • kubernetes: Kubernetes cluster, daemon, pod, node, service and replication status
  • lldp: LLDP status
  • mac-history: Historical information for a MAC address
  • macs: MAC table or address information
  • mlag: MLAG status
  • notification: Slack or PagerDuty notification configurations
  • ntp: NTP status
  • opta-health: Display health of apps on the OPTA
  • opta-platform: NetQ Appliance version information and uptime
  • ospf: OSPF status
  • recommended-pkg-version: Current host information to be considered
  • resource-util: Display usage of memory, CPU and disk resources
  • sensors: Temperature/Fan/PSU sensor status
  • services: System services status
  • tca: Threshold crossing alerts
  • trace: Control plane trace path across fabric
  • unit-tests: Show list of unit tests for netq check
  • validation: Schedule a validation check
  • vlan: VLAN status
  • vxlan: VXLAN data path status
  • wjh-drop: drop information from Mellanox What Just Happened

The commands take the form of netq [<hostname>] show <network-protocol-or-service> [options], where the options vary according to the protocol or service. The commands can be restricted from showing the information for all devices to showing information for a selected device using the hostname option.

This example shows the standard and restricted output for the netq show agents command.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents
Matching agents records:
Hostname          Status           NTP Sync Version                              Sys Uptime                Agent Uptime              Reinitialize Time          Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
exit01            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:34m:15s               15h:34m:5s                15h:34m:5s                 Mon Sep 23 22:44:49 2019
exit02            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:35m:57s               15h:35m:47s               15h:35m:47s                Mon Sep 23 22:43:09 2019
leaf01            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:35m:10s               15h:35m:1s                15h:35m:1s                 Mon Sep 23 22:43:55 2019
leaf02            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:35m:53s               15h:35m:43s               15h:35m:43s                Mon Sep 23 22:44:17 2019
leaf03            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:35m:0s                15h:34m:51s               15h:34m:51s                Mon Sep 23 22:44:01 2019
leaf04            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:36m:33s               15h:36m:24s               15h:36m:24s                Mon Sep 23 22:43:03 2019
server01          Fresh            no       2.3.0-ub18.04u21~1569246309.30858c3  15h:14m:46s               15h:14m:34s               15h:14m:34s                Mon Sep 23 22:48:56 2019
server02          Fresh            yes      2.3.0-ub18.04u21~1569246309.30858c3  15h:14m:46s               15h:14m:34s               15h:14m:34s                Mon Sep 23 22:49:24 2019
server03          Fresh            yes      2.3.0-ub18.04u21~1569246309.30858c3  15h:14m:46s               15h:14m:34s               15h:14m:34s                Mon Sep 23 22:49:24 2019
server04          Fresh            yes      2.3.0-ub18.04u21~1569246309.30858c3  15h:14m:45s               15h:14m:33s               15h:14m:33s                Mon Sep 23 22:49:24 2019
spine01           Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:34m:6s                15h:33m:57s               15h:33m:57s                Mon Sep 23 22:44:27 2019
spine02           Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:34m:12s               15h:34m:2s                15h:34m:2s                 Mon Sep 23 22:43:30 2019
cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents json
cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show agents
Matching agents records:
Hostname          Status           NTP Sync Version                              Sys Uptime                Agent Uptime              Reinitialize Time          Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            Fresh            yes      2.3.0-cl3u21~1569246310.30858c3      15h:57m:24s               15h:57m:15s               15h:57m:15s                Mon Sep 23 22:43:55 2019

Configuration Commands

The netq config and netq notification commands enable the network administrator to manage NetQ Agent and CLI server configuration, set up container monitoring, and event notification.

NetQ Agent Configuration

The agent commands enable the network administrator to configure individual NetQ Agents. Refer to Cumulus NetQ Components for a description of NetQ Agents, to Manage NetQ Agents, or to Install NetQ Agents for more detailed usage examples.

The agent configuration commands enable you to add and remove agents from switches and hosts, start and stop agent operations, add and remove Kubernetes container monitoring, add or remove sensors, debug the agent, and add or remove FRR (FRRouting).

Commands apply to one agent at a time, and are run from the switch or host where the NetQ Agent resides.

The agent configuration commands include:

netq config (add|del|show) agent
netq config (start|stop|status|restart) agent

This example shows how to configure the agent to send sensor data.

cumulus@switch~:$ netq config add agent sensors

This example shows how to start monitoring with Kubernetes.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config add agent kubernetes-monitor poll-period 15

This example shows how to view the NetQ Agent configuration.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq config show agent
netq-agent             value      default
---------------------  ---------  ---------
enable-opta-discovery  True       True
vrf                    default    default
agentport              8981       8981
port                   31980      31980

After making configuration changes to your agents, you must restart the agent for the changes to take effect. Use the netq config restart agent command.

CLI Configuration

The CLI commands enable the network administrator to configure and manage the CLI component. These commands enable you to add or remove CLI (essentially enabling/disabling the service), start and restart it, and view the configuration of the service.

Commands apply to one device at a time, and are run from the switch or host where the CLI is run.

The CLI configuration commands include:

netq config add cli server
netq config del cli server
netq config show cli premises [json]
netq config show (cli|all) [json]
netq config (status|restart) cli

This example shows how to restart the CLI instance.

cumulus@switch~:$ netq config restart cli

This example shows how to enable the CLI on a NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance.

cumulus@switch~:$ netq config add cli server

This example shows how to enable the CLI on a NetQ Cloud Appliance with a single premise.

netq config add cli server api.netq.cumulusnetworks.com access-key <user-access-key> secret-key <user-secret-key> port 443

Event Notification Commands

The notification configuration commands enable you to add, remove and show notification application integrations. These commands create the channels, filters, and rules needed to control event messaging. The commands include:

netq (add|del|show) notification channel
netq (add|del|show) notification rule
netq (add|del|show) notification filter
netq (add|del|show) notification proxy

An integration includes at least one channel (PagerDuty, Slack, or syslog), at least one filters (defined by rules you create), and at least one rule.

This example shows how to configure a PagerDuty channel:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq add notification channel pagerduty pd-netq-events integration-key c6d666e210a8425298ef7abde0d1998
Successfully added/updated channel pd-netq-events

Refer to Integrate NetQ with Notification Applications for details about using these commands and additional examples.

Trace Commands

The trace commands enable the network administrator to view the available paths between two nodes on the network currently and at a time in the past. You can perform a layer 2 or layer 3 trace, and view the output in one of three formats (json, pretty, and detail). JSON output provides the output in a JSON file format for ease of importing to other applications or software. Pretty output lines up the paths in a pseudo-graphical manner to help visualize multiple paths. Detail output is useful for traces with higher hop counts where the pretty output wraps lines, making it harder to interpret the results. The detail output displays a table with a row for each path.

The trace command syntax is:

netq trace <mac> [vlan <1-4096>] from (<src-hostname>|<ip-src>) [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [json|detail|pretty] [debug]
netq trace <ip> from (<src-hostname>|<ip-src>) [vrf <vrf>] [around <text-time>] [json|detail|pretty] [debug] 

Example Running a trace based on the destination IP address, in pretty output with a small number of resulting paths:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq trace from pretty
Number of Paths: 6
  Inconsistent PMTU among paths
Number of Paths with Errors: 0
Number of Paths with Warnings: 0
Path MTU: 9000
 leaf04 swp52 -- swp4 spine02 swp2 -- swp52 leaf02 peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 leaf01 lo
                                                   peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 leaf01 lo
 leaf04 swp51 -- swp4 spine01 swp2 -- swp51 leaf02 peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 leaf01 lo
                                                   peerlink.4094 -- peerlink.4094 leaf01 lo
 leaf04 swp52 -- swp4 spine02 swp1 -- swp52 leaf01 lo
 leaf04 swp51 -- swp4 spine01 swp1 -- swp51 leaf01 lo

Example Running a trace based on the destination IP address, in detail output with a small number of resulting paths:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq trace from detail
Number of Paths: 6
  Inconsistent PMTU among paths
Number of Paths with Errors: 0
Number of Paths with Warnings: 0
Path MTU: 9000
Id  Hop Hostname        InPort          InVlan InTunnel              InRtrIf         InVRF           OutRtrIf        OutVRF          OutTunnel             OutPort         OutVlan
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------
1   1   leaf04                                                                                       swp52           default                               swp52
    2   spine02         swp4                                         swp4            default         swp2            default                               swp2
    3   leaf02          swp52                                        swp52           default         peerlink.4094   default                               peerlink.4094
    4   leaf01          peerlink.4094                                peerlink.4094   default                                                               lo
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------
2   1   leaf04                                                                                       swp52           default                               swp52
    2   spine02         swp4                                         swp4            default         swp2            default                               swp2
    3   leaf02          swp52                                        swp52           default         peerlink.4094   default                               peerlink.4094
    4   leaf01          peerlink.4094                                peerlink.4094   default                                                               lo
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------
3   1   leaf04                                                                                       swp51           default                               swp51
    2   spine01         swp4                                         swp4            default         swp2            default                               swp2
    3   leaf02          swp51                                        swp51           default         peerlink.4094   default                               peerlink.4094
    4   leaf01          peerlink.4094                                peerlink.4094   default                                                               lo
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------
4   1   leaf04                                                                                       swp51           default                               swp51
    2   spine01         swp4                                         swp4            default         swp2            default                               swp2
    3   leaf02          swp51                                        swp51           default         peerlink.4094   default                               peerlink.4094
    4   leaf01          peerlink.4094                                peerlink.4094   default                                                               lo
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------
5   1   leaf04                                                                                       swp52           default                               swp52
    2   spine02         swp4                                         swp4            default         swp1            default                               swp1
    3   leaf01          swp52                                        swp52           default                                                               lo
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------
6   1   leaf04                                                                                       swp51           default                               swp51
    2   spine01         swp4                                         swp4            default         swp1            default                               swp1
    3   leaf01          swp51                                        swp51           default                                                               lo
--- --- --------------- --------------- ------ --------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- -------

Example Running a trace based on the destination MAC address, in pretty output:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq trace A0:00:00:00:00:11 vlan 1001 from Server03 pretty
Number of Paths: 6
Number of Paths with Errors: 0
Number of Paths with Warnings: 0
Path MTU: 9152
 Server03 bond1.1001 -- swp7 <vlan1001> Leaf02 vni: 34 swp5 -- swp4 Spine03 swp7 -- swp5 vni: 34 Leaf04 swp6 -- swp1.1001 Server03 <swp1.1001>
                                                       swp4 -- swp4 Spine02 swp7 -- swp4 vni: 34 Leaf04 swp6 -- swp1.1001 Server03 <swp1.1001>
                                                       swp3 -- swp4 Spine01 swp7 -- swp3 vni: 34 Leaf04 swp6 -- swp1.1001 Server03 <swp1.1001>
          bond1.1001 -- swp7 <vlan1001> Leaf01 vni: 34 swp5 -- swp3 Spine03 swp7 -- swp5 vni: 34 Leaf04 swp6 -- swp1.1001 Server03 <swp1.1001>
                                                       swp4 -- swp3 Spine02 swp7 -- swp4 vni: 34 Leaf04 swp6 -- swp1.1001 Server03 <swp1.1001>
                                                       swp3 -- swp3 Spine01 swp7 -- swp3 vni: 34 Leaf04 swp6 -- swp1.1001 Server03 <swp1.1001>