If you are using the current version of Cumulus NetQ, the content on this page may not be up to date. The current version of the documentation is available here. If you are redirected to the main page of the user guide, then this page may have been renamed; please search for it there.

Monitor Switch Software

With NetQ, a network administrator can monitor the switch software components for misconfigurations. NetQ helps answer questions such as:

  • What software is installed on my switches?
  • Are all switches licensed correctly?
  • What is the ACL and forwarding resources usage?
  • Do all switches have NetQ Agents running?

The NetQ CLI provides the netq show inventory, netq show cl-<software-item>, and netq show events commands to monitor switches.

The syntax for these commands is:

netq [<hostname>] show agents
netq [<hostname>] show inventory brief [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory license [cumulus] [status ok|status missing] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show inventory os [version <os-version>|name <os-name>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show cl-manifest [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-pkg-info [<text-package-name>] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show recommended-pkg-version [release-id <text-release-id>] [package-name <text-package-name>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-resource acl [ingress | egress] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show cl-resource forwarding [around <text-time>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show events [level info|level error|level warning|level critical|level debug] [type license|type os] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]

The values for the name option are specific to your deployment. For example, if you have devices with only one type of OS, say Cumulus Linux, then that is the only option available for the os-name option value. If you have multiple OSs running, say you also have Ubuntu, then that would also be an option for you.

When entering a time value, you must include a numeric value and the unit of measure:

  • w: week(s)
  • d: day(s)
  • h: hour(s)
  • m: minute(s)
  • s: second(s)
  • now

For the between option, the start (<text-time>) and end time (text-endtime>) values can be entered as most recent first and least recent second, or vice versa. The values do not have to have the same unit of measure.

View OS Information for a Switch

You can view the name and version of the OS on a switch, and when it was last modified. This example shows the OS information for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory os
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Version                              Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------
edge01            Ubuntu          16.04                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:18 2019
exit01            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:13 2019
exit02            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:38 2019
leaf01            CL              3.7.5                                Sun Apr 21 20:07:09 2019
leaf02            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:46 2019
leaf03            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf04            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:32 2019
server01          Ubuntu          16.04                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
server02          Ubuntu          16.04                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
server03          Ubuntu          16.04                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
server04          Ubuntu          16.04                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
spine01           CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:49 2019
spine02           CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:05 2019

You can filter the results of the command to view only devices with a particular operating system or version. This can be especially helpful when you suspect that a particular device has not been upgraded as expected. This example shows all devices with the Cumulus Linux version 3.7.5 installed.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory os version 3.7.5
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Version                              Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------
exit01            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:13 2019
exit02            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:38 2019
leaf01            CL              3.7.5                                Sun Apr 21 20:07:09 2019
leaf02            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:46 2019
leaf03            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf04            CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:32 2019
spine01           CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:49 2019
spine02           CL              3.7.5                                Fri Apr 19 16:01:05 2019

This example shows changes that have been made to the OS on all devices between 16 and 21 days ago. Remember to use measurement units on the time values.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show events type os between 16d and 21d
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            Version                              DB State   Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------------------------
mlx-2410a1-05     Cumulus Linux   3.7.3                                Add        Tue Feb 12 18:30:53 2019
mlx-2700-11       Cumulus Linux   3.7.3                                Add        Tue Feb 12 18:30:45 2019
mlx-2100-05       Cumulus Linux   3.7.3                                Add        Tue Feb 12 18:30:26 2019
mlx-2100-05       Cumulus Linux   3.7.3~1533263174.bce9472             Add        Wed Feb 13 11:10:47 2019
mlx-2700-11       Cumulus Linux   3.7.3~1533263174.bce9472             Add        Wed Feb 13 11:10:38 2019
mlx-2100-05       Cumulus Linux   3.7.3~1533263174.bce9472             Add        Wed Feb 13 11:10:42 2019
mlx-2700-11       Cumulus Linux   3.7.3~1533263174.bce9472             Add        Wed Feb 13 11:10:51 2019

View License Information for a Switch

You can view the name and current state of the license (whether it valid or not), and when it was last updated for one or more devices. If a license is no longer valid on a switch, it does not operate correctly. This example shows the license information for all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory license
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            State      Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- -------------------------
edge01            Cumulus Linux   N/A        Fri Apr 19 16:01:18 2019
exit01            Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:13 2019
exit02            Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:38 2019
leaf01            Cumulus Linux   ok         Sun Apr 21 20:07:09 2019
leaf02            Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:46 2019
leaf03            Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:41 2019
leaf04            Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:32 2019
server01          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
server02          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
server03          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
server04          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Fri Apr 19 16:01:55 2019
spine01           Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:49 2019
spine02           Cumulus Linux   ok         Fri Apr 19 16:01:05 2019

You can view the historical state of licenses using the around keyword. This example shows the license state for all devices about 7 days ago. Remember to use measurement units on the time values.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory license around 7d
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Name            State      Last Changed
----------------- --------------- ---------- -------------------------
edge01            Cumulus Linux   N/A        Tue Apr 2 14:01:18 2019
exit01            Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:13 2019
exit02            Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:38 2019
leaf01            Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 20:07:09 2019
leaf02            Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:46 2019
leaf03            Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:41 2019
leaf04            Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:32 2019
server01          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
server02          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
server03          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
server04          Cumulus Linux   N/A        Tue Apr 2 14:01:55 2019
spine01           Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:49 2019
spine02           Cumulus Linux   ok         Tue Apr 2 14:01:05 2019

You can filter the results to show license changes during a particular timeframe for a particular device. This example shows that there have been no changes to the license state on spine01 between now and 24 hours ago.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show events type license between now and 24h
No matching events records found

View Summary of Operating System on a Switch

As with the hardware information, you can view a summary of the software information using the brief keyword. Specify a hostname to view the summary for a specific device.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show inventory brief
Matching inventory records:
Hostname          Switch               OS              CPU      ASIC            Ports
----------------- -------------------- --------------- -------- --------------- -----------------------------------
edge01            N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
exit01            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
exit02            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf01            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf02            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf03            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
leaf04            VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
server01          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
server02          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
server03          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
server04          N/A                  Ubuntu          x86_64   N/A             N/A
spine01           VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A
spine02           VX                   CL              x86_64   VX              N/A

View the Cumulus Linux Package on a Switch

When you are troubleshooting an issue with a switch, you might want to know what versions of the Cumulus Linux operating system are supported on that switch and on a switch that is not having the same issue.

This example shows the Cumulus Linux OS versions supported for the leaf01 switch, using the vx ASIC vendor (virtual, so simulated) and x86_64 CPU architecture.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show cl-manifest

Matching manifest records:
Hostname          ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Manifest Version
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
leaf01            vx                   x86_64     
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.10
leaf01            vx                   x86_64     
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.4
leaf01            vx                   x86_64     
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.1
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.6.0
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.0
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.4.1
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.3
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.2.0

This example shows the installed Cumulus Linux OS version for all monitored switches.

cumulus@oob-mgmt-server:~$ netq show cl-manifest

Matching manifest records:
Hostname          ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Manifest Version
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
exit01            vx                   x86_64     
exit01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.10
exit01            vx                   x86_64     
exit01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.4
exit02            vx                   x86_64     
exit02            vx                   x86_64               3.7.10
exit02            vx                   x86_64     
exit02            vx                   x86_64               3.7.4
leaf01            vx                   x86_64     
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.10
leaf01            vx                   x86_64     
leaf01            vx                   x86_64               3.7.4

View All Software Packages Installed on Switches

If you are having an issue with a particular switch, you may want to verify what software is installed and whether it needs updating. Use the netq show cl-pkg-info command to view the current package information.

This example shows all installed software packages for spine01.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine01 show cl-pkg-info 

Matching package_info records:
Hostname          Package Name             Version              CL Version           Package Status       Last Changed
----------------- ------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
spine01           adduser                  3.113+nmu3           Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           apt                  Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           arping                   2.14-1               Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           base-files               8+deb8u11            Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           busybox                  1:1.22.0-9+deb8u4    Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           clag                     1.3.0-cl3u23         Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           cumulus-chassis          0.1-cl3u4            Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           cumulus-platform         3.0-cl3u28           Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           dh-python                1.20141111-2         Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           dialog                   1.2-20140911-1       Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           discover                 2.1.2-7              Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           discover-data            2.2013.01.11         Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           dmidecode                2.12-3               Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           dnsutils                 1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           e2fslibs                 1.42.12-2+b1         Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           e2fsprogs                1.42.12-2+b1         Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           eject                    2.1.5+deb1+cvs200811 Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           ethtool                  1:4.6-1-cl3u7        Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           gcc-4.9-base             4.9.2-10+deb8u2      Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019
spine01           gnupg                    1.4.18-7+deb8u5      Cumulus Linux 3.7.8  installed            Wed Oct 30 18:21:05 2019

Remove the hostname option to view the information for all switches. Use the text-package-name option to narrow the results to a particular package or the around option to narrow the output to a particular time range.

You can determine whether any of your switches are using a software package other than the default package associated with the Cumulus Linux release that is running on the switches. Additionally, you can determine if a software package is missing. Use the netq show recommended-pkg-version command to display a list of recommended packages to install/upgrade on one or all devices.

This example shows that the leaf12 switch which is running Cumulus Linux 3.7.1 needs to update the switchd software.

cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.7.1                vx                   x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u30           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name ptmd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.7.1                vx                   x86_64               ptmd                 3.0-2-cl3u8          Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name lldpd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.7.1                vx                   x86_64               lldpd                0.9.8-0-cl3u11       Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.6.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.6.2                vx                   x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u27           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
from the hardware switch (real)
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.7.1                vx                   x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u30           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name ptmd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.7.1                vx                   x86_64               ptmd                 3.0-2-cl3u8          Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.1 package-name lldpd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.7.1                vx                   x86_64               lldpd                0.9.8-0-cl3u11       Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.6.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
noc-pr            3.6.2                vx                   x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u27           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
from the switch
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.6.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09       3.6.2                bcm                  x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u27           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09       3.7.2                bcm                  x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u31           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
very old one too
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.6.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09       3.6.2                bcm                  x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u27           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.7.2 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09       3.7.2                bcm                  x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u31           Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020
cumulus@noc-pr:~$ netq act-5712-09 show recommended-pkg-version release-id 3.1.0 package-name switchd
Matching manifest records:
Hostname          Release ID           ASIC Vendor          CPU Arch             Package Name         Version              Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
act-5712-09       3.1.0                bcm                  x86_64               switchd              1.0-cl3u4            Wed Feb  5 04:36:30 2020

View ACL Resources

You can monitor the incoming and outgoing access control lists (ACLs) configured on one or all devices, currently or at a time in the past. Use the netq show cl-resource acl command to view this information. Use the egress or ingress options to show only the outgoing or incoming ACLs. Use the around option to show this information for a time in the past.

This example shows the ACL resources by the leaf01 switch.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show cl-resource acl
Matching cl_resource records:
Hostname          In IPv4 filter       In IPv4 Mangle       In IPv6 filter       In IPv6 Mangle       In 8021x filter      In Mirror            In PBR IPv4 filter   In PBR IPv6 filter   Eg IPv4 filter       Eg IPv4 Mangle       Eg IPv6 filter       Eg IPv6 Mangle       ACL Regions          18B Rules Key        32B Rules Key        54B Rules Key        L4 Port range Checke Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
leaf01            36,512(7%)           0,0(0%)              30,768(3%)           0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              29,256(11%)          0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              0,0(0%)              2,24(8%)             Mon Jan 13 03:34:11 2020

You can also view this same information in JSON format.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq leaf01 show cl-resource acl json
    "cl_resource": [
            "egIpv4Filter": "29,256(11%)",
            "egIpv4Mangle": "0,0(0%)",
            "inIpv6Filter": "30,768(3%)",
            "egIpv6Mangle": "0,0(0%)",
            "inIpv4Mangle": "0,0(0%)",
            "hostname": "leaf01",
            "inMirror": "0,0(0%)",
            "egIpv6Filter": "0,0(0%)",
            "lastUpdated": 1578886451.885,
            "54bRulesKey": "0,0(0%)",
            "aclRegions": "0,0(0%)",
            "in8021XFilter": "0,0(0%)",
            "inIpv4Filter": "36,512(7%)",
            "inPbrIpv6Filter": "0,0(0%)",
            "18bRulesKey": "0,0(0%)",
            "l4PortRangeCheckers": "2,24(8%)",
            "inIpv6Mangle": "0,0(0%)",
            "32bRulesKey": "0,0(0%)",
            "inPbrIpv4Filter": "0,0(0%)"

View Forwarding Resources

You can monitor the amount of forwarding resources used by one or all devices, currently or at a time in the past. Use the netq show cl-resource forwarding command to view this information. Use the around option to show this information for a time in the past.

This example shows the forwarding resources used by the spine02 switch.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine02 show cl-resource forwarding
Matching cl_resource records:
Hostname          IPv4 host entries    IPv6 host entries    IPv4 route entries   IPv6 route entries   ECMP nexthops        MAC entries          Total Mcast Routes   Last Updated
----------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------
spine02           9,16384(0%)          0,0(0%)              290,131072(0%)       173,20480(0%)        54,16330(0%)         26,32768(0%)         0,8192(0%)           Mon Jan 13 03:34:11 2020

You can also view this same information in JSON format.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq spine02 show cl-resource forwarding  json
    "cl_resource": [
            "macEntries": "26,32768(0%)",
            "ecmpNexthops": "54,16330(0%)",
            "ipv4HostEntries": "9,16384(0%)",
            "hostname": "spine02",
            "lastUpdated": 1578886451.884,
            "ipv4RouteEntries": "290,131072(0%)",
            "ipv6HostEntries": "0,0(0%)",
            "ipv6RouteEntries": "173,20480(0%)",
            "totalMcastRoutes": "0,8192(0%)"

Validate NetQ Agents are Running

You can confirm that NetQ Agents are running on switches and hosts (if installed) using the netq show agents command. Viewing the Status column of the output indicates whether the agent is up and current, labelled Fresh, or down and stale, labelled Rotten. Additional information is provided about the agent status, including whether it is time synchronized, how long it has been up, and the last time its state changed.

This example shows NetQ Agent state on all devices.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show agents
Matching agents records:
Hostname          Status           NTP Sync Version                              Sys Uptime                Agent Uptime              Reinitialize Time          Last Changed
----------------- ---------------- -------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------
edge01            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-ub16.04u15~1555612152.6e34b56  2d:7h:2m:12s              2d:7h:2m:5s               2d:7h:2m:5s                Sun Apr 21 16:00:50 2019
exit01            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:30s              2d:7h:1m:22s              2d:7h:1m:22s               Sun Apr 21 16:00:52 2019
exit02            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:36s              2d:7h:1m:27s              2d:7h:1m:27s               Sun Apr 21 16:01:19 2019
leaf01            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:28s              2h:54m:12s                2h:54m:12s                 Sun Apr 21 20:05:45 2019
leaf02            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:38s              2d:7h:1m:29s              2d:7h:1m:29s               Sun Apr 21 16:01:43 2019
leaf03            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:37s              2d:7h:1m:28s              2d:7h:1m:28s               Sun Apr 21 16:01:23 2019
leaf04            Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:39s              2d:7h:1m:31s              2d:7h:1m:31s               Sun Apr 21 16:01:27 2019
server01          Fresh            yes      2.1.0-ub16.04u15~1555612152.6e34b56  2d:6h:59m:35s             2d:6h:59m:27s             2d:6h:59m:27s              Sun Apr 21 16:00:43 2019
server02          Fresh            yes      2.1.0-ub16.04u15~1555612152.6e34b56  2d:6h:59m:34s             2d:6h:59m:26s             2d:6h:59m:26s              Sun Apr 21 16:00:46 2019
server03          Fresh            yes      2.1.0-ub16.04u15~1555612152.6e34b56  2d:6h:59m:34s             2d:6h:59m:26s             2d:6h:59m:26s              Sun Apr 21 16:00:52 2019
server04          Fresh            yes      2.1.0-ub16.04u15~1555612152.6e34b56  2d:6h:59m:34s             2d:6h:59m:26s             2d:6h:59m:26s              Sun Apr 21 16:00:43 2019
spine01           Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:40s              2d:7h:1m:32s              2d:7h:1m:32s               Sun Apr 21 16:01:33 2019
spine02           Fresh            yes      2.1.0-cl3u15~1555612272.6e34b56      2d:7h:1m:34s              2d:7h:1m:26s              2d:7h:1m:26s               Sun Apr 21 16:01:12 2019

You can narrow your focus in several ways:

  • View the state of the NetQ Agent on a given device using the hostname keyword.
  • View only the NetQ Agents that are fresh or rotten using the fresh or rotten keyword.
  • View the state of NetQ Agents at an earlier time using the around keyword.

Monitor Software Services

Cumulus Linux and NetQ run a number of services to deliver the various features of these products. You can monitor their status using the netq show services command. The services related to system-level operation are described here. Monitoring of other services, such as those related to routing, are described with those topics. NetQ automatically monitors the following services:

  • bgpd: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) daemon
  • clagd: MLAG (Multi-chassis Link Aggregation) daemon
  • helpledmgrd: Switch LED manager daemon
  • lldpd: LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) daemon
  • mstpd: MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) daemon
  • neighmgrd: Neighbor Manager daemon for BGP and OSPF
  • netq-agent: NetQ Agent service
  • netqd: NetQ application daemon
  • ntp: NTP service
  • ntpd: NTP daemon
  • ptmd: PTM (Prescriptive Topology Manager) daemon
  • pwmd: PWM (Password Manager) daemon
  • rsyslog: Rocket-fast system event logging processing service
  • smond: System monitor daemon
  • ssh: Secure Shell service for switches and servers
  • status: License validation service
  • syslog: System event logging service
  • vrf: VRF (Virtual Route Forwarding) service
  • zebra: GNU Zebra routing daemon

The CLI syntax for viewing the status of services is:

netq [<hostname>] show services [<service-name>] [vrf <vrf>] [active|monitored] [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show services [<service-name>] [vrf <vrf>] status (ok|warning|error|fail) [around <text-time>] [json]
netq [<hostname>] show events [level info | level error | level warning | level critical | level debug] type services [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [json]

View All Services on All Devices

This example shows all of the available services on each device and whether each is enabled, active, and monitored, along with how long the service has been running and the last time it was changed.

It is useful to have colored output for this show command. To configure colored output, run the netq config add color command.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services
Hostname          Service              PID   VRF             Enabled Active Monitored Status           Uptime                    Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- ----- --------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            bgpd                 2872  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            clagd                n/a   default         yes     no     yes       n/a              1d:6h:43m:35s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
leaf01            ledmgrd              1850  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            lldpd                2651  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:27s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:56 2019
leaf01            mstpd                1746  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:35s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:48 2019
leaf01            neighmgrd            1986  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            netq-agent           8654  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:29s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
leaf01            netqd                8848  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:29s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
leaf01            ntp                  8478  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:29s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
leaf01            ptmd                 2743  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            pwmd                 1852  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            smond                1826  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:27s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:56 2019
leaf01            ssh                  2106  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            syslog               8254  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf01            zebra                2856  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:59s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
leaf02            bgpd                 2867  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:55s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:28 2019
leaf02            clagd                n/a   default         yes     no     yes       n/a              1d:6h:43m:31s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:53 2019
leaf02            ledmgrd              1856  default         yes     yes    no        ok               1d:6h:43m:55s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:28 2019
leaf02            lldpd                2646  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:43m:30s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:53 2019

You can also view services information in JSON format:

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services json

If you want to view the service information for a given device, simply use the hostname option when running the command.

View Information about a Given Service on All Devices

You can view the status of a given service at the current time, at a prior point in time, or view the changes that have occurred for the service during a specified timeframe.

This example shows how to view the status of the NTP service across the network. In this case, VRF is configured so the NTP service runs on both the default and management interface. You can perform the same command with the other services, such as bgpd, lldpd, and clagd.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services ntp
Matching services records:
Hostname          Service              PID   VRF             Enabled Active Monitored Status           Uptime                    Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- ----- --------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
exit01            ntp                  8478  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:41s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:54 2019
exit02            ntp                  8497  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:36s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:59 2019
firewall01        ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:53m:4s              Fri Feb 15 17:28:31 2019
hostd-11          ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:46s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:49 2019
hostd-21          ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:37s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:58 2019
hosts-11          ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:28s             Fri Feb 15 17:29:07 2019
hosts-13          ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:19s             Fri Feb 15 17:29:16 2019
hosts-21          ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:14s             Fri Feb 15 17:29:21 2019
hosts-23          ntp                  n/a   default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:4s              Fri Feb 15 17:29:31 2019
noc-pr            ntp                  2148  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:53m:43s             Fri Feb 15 17:27:52 2019
noc-se            ntp                  2148  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:53m:38s             Fri Feb 15 17:27:57 2019
spine01           ntp                  8414  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:53m:30s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:05 2019
spine02           ntp                  8419  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:53m:27s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:08 2019
spine03           ntp                  8443  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:53m:22s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:13 2019
leaf01             ntp                  8765  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:52s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:43 2019
leaf02             ntp                  8737  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:46s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:49 2019
leaf11            ntp                  9305  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:49m:22s             Fri Feb 15 17:32:13 2019
leaf12            ntp                  9339  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:49m:9s              Fri Feb 15 17:32:26 2019
leaf21            ntp                  9367  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:49m:5s              Fri Feb 15 17:32:30 2019
leaf22            ntp                  9403  mgmt            yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:52m:57s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:38 2019

This example shows the status of the BGP daemon.

cumulus@switch:~$ netq show services bgpd
Matching services records:
Hostname          Service              PID   VRF             Enabled Active Monitored Status           Uptime                    Last Changed
----------------- -------------------- ----- --------------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
exit01            bgpd                 2872  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:54m:37s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:24 2019
exit02            bgpd                 2867  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:54m:33s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:28 2019
firewall01        bgpd                 21766 default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:54m:54s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:07 2019
spine01           bgpd                 2953  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:55m:27s             Fri Feb 15 17:27:34 2019
spine02           bgpd                 2948  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:55m:23s             Fri Feb 15 17:27:38 2019
spine03           bgpd                 2953  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:55m:18s             Fri Feb 15 17:27:43 2019
leaf01            bgpd                 3221  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:54m:48s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:13 2019
leaf02            bgpd                 3177  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:54m:42s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:19 2019
leaf11            bgpd                 3521  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:51m:18s             Fri Feb 15 17:31:43 2019
leaf12            bgpd                 3527  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:51m:6s              Fri Feb 15 17:31:55 2019
leaf21            bgpd                 3512  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:51m:1s              Fri Feb 15 17:32:00 2019
leaf22            bgpd                 3536  default         yes     yes    yes       ok               1d:6h:54m:54s             Fri Feb 15 17:28:07 2019

To view changes over a given time period, use the netq show events command. For more detailed information about events, refer to Monitor Events.

In this example, we want to view changes to the bgpd service in the last 48 hours.

cumulus@switch:/$ netq show events type bgp between now and 48h
Matching events records:
Hostname          Message Type Severity Message                             Timestamp
----------------- ------------ -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-1 swp3. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        3 vrf DataVrf1081 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-2 swp4. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        3 vrf DataVrf1081 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-3 swp5. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        3 vrf DataVrf1081 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-1 swp3. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        2 vrf DataVrf1080 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-3 swp5. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        2 vrf DataVrf1080 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-2 swp4. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        2 vrf DataVrf1080 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established
leaf01            bgp          info     BGP session with peer spine-3 swp5. 1d:6h:55m:37s
                                        4 vrf DataVrf1082 state changed fro
                                        m failed to Established