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NetQ CLI Changes

A number of commands have changed in this release to accommodate the addition of new keywords and options or to simplify their syntax. Additionally, new commands have been added and others have been removed. A summary of those changes is provided here.

New Commands

The following table summarizes the new commands available with this release. They are grouped into the following categories: new netq show commands, What Just Happened feature, clustering deployment, detailed validation commands, and threshold-based events.

Command Summary Version
netq check mlag [label <text-label-name>] [include <mlag-number-range-list> | exclude <mlag-number-range-list>] [around <text-time>] [json | summary] Replacement for the netq check clag command. 2.4.1
netq config add agent cpu-limit [<text-limit-number>] Limits the amount of CPU resources the NetQ Agent consumes on a Cumulus Linux switch. This setting requires Cumulus Linux versions 3.7.12 or later and 4.1.0 or later to be running on the switch. 2.4.1
netq config add agent wjh Enables the NetQ Agent to collect What Just Happened data on a Mellanox switch. 2.4.1
netq [<hostname>] show mlag [around <text-time>] [json] Replacement for the netq show clag command. 2.4.1
netq upgrade bundle <text-bundle-url> Used for upgrading the NetQ Platform or NetQ Appliance. 2.4.1
netq [<hostname>] show cl-manifest [json] Lists the Cumulus Linux versions supported on one or all switches. 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show cl-resource acl [ingress|egress] [around <text-time>] [json] Displays incoming and outgoing access control lists (ACLs) configured on one or all devices, currently or at a time in the past 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show cl-resource forwarding [around <text-time>] [json] Displays forwarding resources used (addresses, next hops, routes) on one or all devices, currently or at a time in the past 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show ethtool-stats [<physical-port>] [rx|tx|min] [around <text-time>] [json] Displays interface statistics for one or all ports, transmit or receive direction or both directions, currently or at a time in the past 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show recommended-pkg-version [release-id <test-release-id>] [package-name <text-package-name>] [json] Displays list of recommended packages to install/upgrade on one or all devices 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show resource-util [cpu|memory] [around <text-time>] [json] Displays the CPU or memory utilization for a given device or all devices, currently or at a time in the past 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show show-resource-util disk [<text-diskname>] [around <text-time>] [json] Displays the disk utilization for a given device or all devices, currently or at a time in the past 2.4.0
netq [<hostname>] show wjh-drop [ingress-port <text-ingress-port>] [details] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [around <text-time>] [json]

netq [<hostname>] show wjh-drop <text-drop-type> [ingress-port <text-ingress-port>] [reason <text-reason>] [src-ip <text-src-ip>] [dst-ip <text-dst-ip>] [proto <text-proto>] [src-port <text-src-port>] [dst-port <text-dst-port>] [src-mac <text-src-mac>] [dst-mac <text-dst-mac>] [egress-port <text-egress-port>] [traffic-class <text-traffic-class>] [rule-id-acl <text-rule-id-acl>] [between <text-time> and <text-endtime>] [around <text-time>] [json]
Displays status of various resource, interface, and sensor-related drops, the reason for the drop, and where they have occurred in the last 24 hours, in a time range, or at a time in the past. Alternately, display status of a particular drop type, filtered by source or destination IP or MAC address, protocol, traffic class, or ACL rule. 2.4.0
netq bootstrap master interface <text-opta-ifname>] tarball <text-tarball-name> Loads master node with the bootstrap CLI and NetQ installer in a server cluster deployment; note update to this command in release 2.4.1 2.4.0
netq bootstrap master upgrade <text-tarball-name> Loads master node with a new NetQ installer in a server cluster deployment 2.4.0
netq bootstrap reset Resets the NetQ installer to default settings on nodes in a server cluster deployment 2.4.0
netq bootstrap worker tarball <text-tarball-name> master-ip <text-master-ip> Loads a worker node with the NetQ installer in a server cluster deployment 2.4.0
netq show job-status <text-opta-ip> [json] Displays the status of running jobs on the standalone or cluster servers 2.4.0
netq config add agent cluster-servers <text-opta-ip-list> [port <text-opta-port>] [vrf <text-vrf-name>] [json] Configures the agent on monitored switches and hosts to send data to the cluster nodes. You can also provide a specific port or VRF to use for the communication. 2.4.0
netq check <protocol-or-service>
[include <proto-or-srvc-number-range-list> |
exclude <proto-or-srvc-number-range-list>]
[around <text-time>] [json | summary]

where <protocol-or-service> is one of the following:
  • bgp [vrf ]
  • cl-version [match-version | min-version ]
  • clag
  • evpn [mac-consistency]
  • interfaces
  • license
  • mtu [unverified]
  • ntp
  • ospf
  • sensors
  • vlan [unverified]
  • vxlan
Validates the specified protocol or service, running all tests or selected tests. 2.4.0
netq add tca [event_id <text-event-id-anchor>] [scope <text-scope-anchor>] [tca_id <text-tca-id-anchor>] [severity info | severity critical] [is_active true | is_active false] [suppress_until <text-suppress-ts>] [ threshold <text-threshold-value> ] [channel <text-channel-name-anchor> | channel drop <text-drop-channel-name>] Configures a threshold-based event notification. Also used to set the severity of the event, disable the event temporarily or indefinitely, and remove a receiving channel. 2.4.0
netq del tca tca_id <text-tca-id-anchor> Removes a threshold-based event rule 2.4.0
netq show tca [tca_id <text-tca-id-anchor>] [json] Displays all or a given threshold-based event rules 2.4.0
netq add validation name <text-new-validation-name> type (ntp | interfaces | license | sensors | evpn | vxlan | agents | mlag | vlan | bgp | mtu | ospf) interval <text-time-min> [alert-on-failure] Create a scheduled validation for a protocol or service to display in the NetQ UI 2.4.0
netq add validation type (ntp | interfaces | license | sensors | evpn | vxlan | agents | mlag | vlan | bgp | mtu | ospf) [alert-on-failure] Create an on-demand validation for a protocol or service to display in the NetQ UI 2.4.0

Modified Commands

The following table summarizes the commands that have been changed with this release.

Updated Command Old Command What Changed Version
netq config del agent (agent-url|cluster-servers|cpu-limit|frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|sensors|server|stats|wjh) netq config del agent (agent-url|frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|sensors|server|stats) Added the cluster-servers, cpu-limit and wjh options. 2.4.1
netq config show agent [cpu-limit|frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|sensors|stats|wjh] netq config show agent [frr-monitor|kubernetes-monitor|loglevel|sensors|stats] Added the cpu-limit and wjh options. 2.4.1
netq install cluster full (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>) bundle <text-bundle-url> [config-key <text-opta-key>] workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02>
netq install standalone full (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>) bundle <text-bundle-url> [config-key <text-opta-key>]
netq install cluster full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02>
netq install standalone full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>]
You can now specify either the OPTA interface name or its IP address; the OPTA configuration key is optional. 2.4.1
netq install opta cluster full (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>) bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>] netq install opta cluster full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02> You can now specify either the OPTA interface name or its IP address; you can choose to specify a proxy host and port. 2.4.1
netq install opta standalone full (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>) bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>] netq install opta standalone full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> You can now specify either the OPTA interface name or its IP address; you can choose to specify a proxy host and port. 2.4.1
netq install standalone full (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>) bundle <text-bundle-url> [config-key <text-opta-key>] netq install standalone full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> You can now specify either the OPTA interface name or its IP address; the configuration key is now optional. 2.4.1
netq bootstrap master (interface <text-opta-ifname>|ip-addr <text-ip-addr>] tarball <text-tarball-name> netq bootstrap master interface <text-opta-ifname> tarball <text-tarball-name> You can now specify either the OPTA interface name or its IP address 2.4.1
netq bootstrap reset [keep-db|purge-db] netq bootstrap reset You can now specify whether to keep or purge the NetQ database during the bootstrap process 2.4.1
netq show unit-tests (agent|bgp|cl-version|clag|
vlan|vxlan) [json]
netq show (agent|bgp|cl-version|clag|
vlan|vxlan) unit-tests [json]
Displays the validation tests that can be run for each protocol and service accordingly. 2.4.1
netq show validation (results | summary) [name <text-validation-name>] type (ntp | interfaces | license | sensors | evpn | vxlan | agents | mlag | vlan | bgp | mtu | ospf) [around <text-time-hr>] [json] netq show validation (results | summary) [name <text-validation-name>] type (ntp | interfaces | license | sensors | evpn | lnv | vxlan | agents | clag | vlan | bgp | mtu | ospf) [around <text-time-hr>] [json] Removed the lnv option and renamed the clag option to mlag. 2.4.0
netq show validation settings [name <text-validation-name>] [type ntp | type interfaces | type license | type sensors | type evpn | type vxlan | type agents | type mlag | type vlan | type bgp | type mtu | type ospf] [json] netq show validation settings [name <text-validation-name>] [type ntp | type interfaces | type license | type sensors | type evpn | type lnv | type vxlan | type agents | type clag | type vlan | type bgp | type mtu | type ospf] [json] Removed the lnv option and renamed the clag option to mlag. 2.4.0
netq check agents [include <agent-number-range-list> | exclude <agent-number-range-list>] [around <text-time>] [json] netq check agents [around <text-time>] [json] New options to filter the list of agents by including or excluding a range of agent IDs. 2.4.0
netq config del agent (server | agent-url | cluster-servers) netq config del agent (server | agent-url) New option to remove the cluster IP addresses from the agent configuration. 2.4.0
netq install cluster full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02>
netq install standalone full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>]
netq install interface <text-opta-ifname> tarball (<text-tarball-name> | download | download <text-opta-version>) config-key <text-opta-key> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>] [file <text-config-file>] [force] Separated single command into two commands to support the new clustering feature for on-premises deployments. Removed download, file, and force options. 2.4.0
netq install opta cluster full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key> workers <text-worker-01> <text-worker-02> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>]
netq install opta standalone full interface <text-opta-ifname> bundle <text-bundle-url> config-key <text-opta-key>
netq install opta interface <text-opta-ifname> tarball (<text-tarball-name> | download | download <text-opta-version>) config-key <text-opta-key> [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>] [file <text-config-file>] [force] Separated single command into two commands to support the new clustering feature for cloud deployments. Removed download, file, and force options. 2.4.0
netq config del agent (server|agent-url|cluster-servers) netq config del agent (server|agent-url) Added the ability to remove the agent from servers in a clustered deployment. 2.4.0

Deprecated Commands

The following table summarizes the commands that are present, but no longer active. A recommended alternative is provided, if appropriate.

Command Status Alternate Command Version
netq hello Removed the Hello World command. N/A 2.4.1
netq query <wildcard-query> [json]
netq query show fields <netq-table>
netq query show tables
The netq query commands only worked only in NetQ 1.x. 2.4.1
netq update opta config-key <text-opta-key> This command was removed. netq install opta activate-job config-key <text-opta-key> 2.4.1
netq upgrade opta tarball (<text-tarball-name> | download | download <text-opta-version>) [proxy-host <text-proxy-host> proxy-port <text-proxy-port>] This command was removed in favor of the netq upgrade bundle command. netq upgrade bundle <text-bundle-url> 2.4.1
netq [check|show] lnv LNV was deprecated in Cumulus Linux 3.7.4 and has been removed from Cumulus Linux 4.0.0. Cumulus NetQ will continue to support and return LNV data as long as you are running a supported version of Cumulus Linux (earlier than 4.0.0) and Cumulus NetQ 2.4.x or earlier. To use these commands with Cumulus NetQ 2.4.x you must enable LNV in the netq.yml configuration file, as it is disabled by default. N/A 2.4.0